blob: a9c56dcd0f603697ecda8174cfac7f3bcc0d3df1 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ParseIfConfig.cpp - Swift Language Parser for #if directives -----===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// Conditional Compilation Block Parsing and AST Building
#include "swift/AST/ASTVisitor.h"
#include "swift/Parse/Parser.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Defer.h"
#include "swift/Basic/LangOptions.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Version.h"
#include "swift/Parse/Lexer.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include "llvm/Support/SaveAndRestore.h"
using namespace swift;
namespace {
/// Get PlatformConditionKind from platform condition name.
Optional<PlatformConditionKind> getPlatformConditionKind(StringRef Name) {
return llvm::StringSwitch<llvm::Optional<PlatformConditionKind>>(Name)
.Case("os", PlatformConditionKind::OS)
.Case("arch", PlatformConditionKind::Arch)
.Case("_endian", PlatformConditionKind::Endianness)
.Case("_runtime", PlatformConditionKind::Runtime)
/// Extract source text of the expression.
static StringRef extractExprSource(SourceManager &SM, Expr *E) {
CharSourceRange Range =
Lexer::getCharSourceRangeFromSourceRange(SM, E->getSourceRange());
return SM.extractText(Range);
/// The condition validator.
class ValidateIfConfigCondition :
public ExprVisitor<ValidateIfConfigCondition, Expr*> {
ASTContext &Ctx;
DiagnosticEngine &D;
bool HasError;
/// Get the identifier string of the UnresolvedDeclRefExpr.
llvm::Optional<StringRef> getDeclRefStr(Expr *E, DeclRefKind Kind) {
auto UDRE = dyn_cast<UnresolvedDeclRefExpr>(E);
if (!UDRE ||
!UDRE->hasName() ||
UDRE->getRefKind() != Kind)
return None;
if (UDRE->getName().isCompoundName()) {
if (!Ctx.isSwiftVersion3())
return None;
// Swift3 used to accept compound names; warn and return the basename.
.fixItRemove({ UDRE->getNameLoc().getLParenLoc(),
UDRE->getNameLoc().getRParenLoc() });
return UDRE->getName().getBaseIdentifier().str();
Expr *diagnoseUnsupportedExpr(Expr *E) {
return nullptr;
// Support '||' and '&&' operator. The procedence of '&&' is higher than '||'.
// Invalid operator and the next operand are diagnosed and removed from AST.
Expr *foldSequence(Expr *LHS, ArrayRef<Expr*> &S, bool isRecurse = false) {
assert(!S.empty() && ((S.size() & 1) == 0));
auto getNextOperator = [&]() -> llvm::Optional<StringRef> {
assert((S.size() & 1) == 0);
while (!S.empty()) {
auto Name = getDeclRefStr(S[0], DeclRefKind::BinaryOperator);
if (Name.hasValue() && (*Name == "||" || *Name == "&&"))
return Name;
auto DiagID = isa<UnresolvedDeclRefExpr>(S[0])
? diag::unsupported_conditional_compilation_binary_expression
: diag::unsupported_conditional_compilation_expression_type;
D.diagnose(S[0]->getLoc(), DiagID);
HasError |= true;
// Consume invalid operator and the immediate RHS.
S = S.slice(2);
return None;
// Extract out the first operator name.
auto OpName = getNextOperator();
if (!OpName.hasValue())
// If failed, it's not a sequence anymore.
return LHS;
Expr *Op = S[0];
// We will definitely be consuming at least one operator.
// Pull out the prospective RHS and slice off the first two elements.
Expr *RHS = validate(S[1]);
S = S.slice(2);
while (true) {
// Pull out the next binary operator.
auto NextOpName = getNextOperator();
bool IsEnd = !NextOpName.hasValue();
if (!IsEnd && *OpName == "||" && *NextOpName == "&&") {
RHS = foldSequence(RHS, S, /*isRecurse*/true);
// Apply the operator with left-associativity by folding the first two
// operands.
TupleExpr *Arg = TupleExpr::create(Ctx, SourceLoc(), { LHS, RHS },
{ }, { }, SourceLoc(),
LHS = new (Ctx) BinaryExpr(Op, Arg, /*implicit*/false);
// If we don't have the next operator, we're done.
if (IsEnd)
if (isRecurse && *OpName == "&&" && *NextOpName == "||")
OpName = NextOpName;
Op = S[0];
RHS = validate(S[1]);
S = S.slice(2);
return LHS;
// In Swift3 mode, leave sequence as a sequence because it has strange
// evaluation rule. See 'EvaluateIfConfigCondition::visitSequenceExpr'.
Expr *validateSequence(ArrayRef<Expr *> &S) {
SmallVector<Expr *, 3> Filtered;
SmallVector<unsigned, 2> AndIdxs;
S = S.slice(1);
while (!S.empty()) {
auto OpName = getDeclRefStr(S[0], DeclRefKind::BinaryOperator);
if (!OpName.hasValue() || (*OpName != "||" && *OpName != "&&")) {
// Warning and ignore in Swift3 mode.
.highlight({ S[0]->getLoc(), S[1]->getEndLoc() });
} else {
// Remember the start and end of '&&' sequence.
bool InAnd = (AndIdxs.size() & 1) == 1;
if ((*OpName == "&&" && !InAnd) || (*OpName == "||" && InAnd))
AndIdxs.push_back(Filtered.size() - 1);
S = S.slice(2);
assert((Filtered.size() & 1) == 1);
// If the last OpName is '&&', close it with a parenthesis, except if the
// operators are '&&' only.
if ((1 == (AndIdxs.size() & 1)) && AndIdxs.back() > 0)
AndIdxs.push_back(Filtered.size() - 1);
// Emit fix-its to make this sequence compatilble with Swift >=4 even in
// Swift3 mode.
if (AndIdxs.size() >= 2) {
assert((AndIdxs.size() & 1) == 0);
auto diag = D.diagnose(
for (unsigned i = 0, e = AndIdxs.size(); i < e; i += 2) {
diag.fixItInsert(Filtered[AndIdxs[i]]->getStartLoc(), "(");
diag.fixItInsertAfter(Filtered[AndIdxs[i + 1]]->getEndLoc(), ")");
if (Filtered.size() == 1)
return Filtered[0];
return SequenceExpr::create(Ctx, Filtered);
ValidateIfConfigCondition(ASTContext &Ctx, DiagnosticEngine &D)
: Ctx(Ctx), D(D), HasError(false) {}
// Explicit configuration flag.
Expr *visitUnresolvedDeclRefExpr(UnresolvedDeclRefExpr *E) {
if (!getDeclRefStr(E, DeclRefKind::Ordinary).hasValue())
return diagnoseUnsupportedExpr(E);
return E;
// 'true' or 'false' constant.
Expr *visitBooleanLiteralExpr(BooleanLiteralExpr *E) {
return E;
// '0' and '1' are warned, but we accept it.
Expr *visitIntegerLiteralExpr(IntegerLiteralExpr *E) {
if (E->isNegative() ||
(E->getDigitsText() != "0" && E->getDigitsText() != "1")) {
return diagnoseUnsupportedExpr(E);
// "#if 0" isn't valid, but it is common, so recognize it and handle it
// with a fixit.
StringRef replacement = E->getDigitsText() == "0" ? "false" :"true";
D.diagnose(E->getLoc(), diag::unsupported_conditional_compilation_integer,
E->getDigitsText(), replacement)
.fixItReplace(E->getLoc(), replacement);
return E;
// Platform conditions.
Expr *visitCallExpr(CallExpr *E) {
auto KindName = getDeclRefStr(E->getFn(), DeclRefKind::Ordinary);
if (!KindName.hasValue()) {
D.diagnose(E->getLoc(), diag::unsupported_platform_condition_expression);
return nullptr;
auto *ArgP = dyn_cast<ParenExpr>(E->getArg());
if (!ArgP) {
D.diagnose(E->getLoc(), diag::platform_condition_expected_one_argument);
return nullptr;
Expr *Arg = ArgP->getSubExpr();
// '_compiler_version' '(' string-literal ')'
if (*KindName == "_compiler_version") {
auto SLE = dyn_cast<StringLiteralExpr>(Arg);
if (!SLE) {
"string literal");
return nullptr;
auto ValStr = SLE->getValue();
if (ValStr.empty()) {
D.diagnose(SLE->getLoc(), diag::empty_version_string);
return nullptr;
auto Val = version::Version::parseCompilerVersionString(
SLE->getValue(), SLE->getLoc(), &D);
if (!Val.hasValue())
return nullptr;
return E;
// 'swift' '(' '>=' float-literal ( '.' integer-literal )* ')'
if (*KindName == "swift") {
auto PUE = dyn_cast<PrefixUnaryExpr>(Arg);
llvm::Optional<StringRef> PrefixName = PUE ?
getDeclRefStr(PUE->getFn(), DeclRefKind::PrefixOperator) : None;
if (!PrefixName || *PrefixName != ">=") {
"a unary comparison, such as '>=2.2'");
return nullptr;
auto versionString = extractExprSource(Ctx.SourceMgr, PUE->getArg());
auto Val = version::Version::parseVersionString(
versionString, PUE->getArg()->getStartLoc(), &D);
if (!Val.hasValue())
return nullptr;
return E;
// ( 'os' | 'arch' | '_endian' | '_runtime' ) '(' identifier ')''
auto Kind = getPlatformConditionKind(*KindName);
if (!Kind.hasValue()) {
D.diagnose(E->getLoc(), diag::unsupported_platform_condition_expression);
return nullptr;
auto ArgStr = getDeclRefStr(Arg, DeclRefKind::Ordinary);
if (!ArgStr.hasValue()) {
D.diagnose(E->getLoc(), diag::unsupported_platform_condition_argument,
return nullptr;
// FIXME: Perform the replacement macOS -> OSX elsewhere.
if (Kind == PlatformConditionKind::OS && *ArgStr == "macOS") {
*ArgStr = "OSX";
new (Ctx) UnresolvedDeclRefExpr(Ctx.getIdentifier(*ArgStr),
std::vector<StringRef> suggestions;
if (!LangOptions::checkPlatformConditionSupported(*Kind, *ArgStr,
suggestions)) {
if (Kind == PlatformConditionKind::Runtime) {
// Error for _runtime()
return nullptr;
// Just a warning for other unsupported arguments.
StringRef DiagName;
switch (*Kind) {
case PlatformConditionKind::OS:
DiagName = "operating system"; break;
case PlatformConditionKind::Arch:
DiagName = "architecture"; break;
case PlatformConditionKind::Endianness:
DiagName = "endianness"; break;
case PlatformConditionKind::Runtime:
llvm_unreachable("handled above");
auto Loc = Arg->getLoc();
D.diagnose(Loc, diag::unknown_platform_condition_argument,
DiagName, *KindName);
for (auto suggestion : suggestions)
D.diagnose(Loc, diag::note_typo_candidate, suggestion)
.fixItReplace(Arg->getSourceRange(), suggestion);
return E;
// Grouped condition. e.g. '(FLAG)'
Expr *visitParenExpr(ParenExpr *E) {
return E;
// Prefix '!'. Other prefix operators are rejected.
Expr *visitPrefixUnaryExpr(PrefixUnaryExpr *E) {
auto OpName = getDeclRefStr(E->getFn(), DeclRefKind::PrefixOperator);
if (!OpName.hasValue() || *OpName != "!") {
return nullptr;
return E;
// Fold sequence expression for non-Swift3 mode.
Expr *visitSequenceExpr(SequenceExpr *E) {
ArrayRef<Expr*> Elts = E->getElements();
Expr *foldedExpr;
if (Ctx.isSwiftVersion3()) {
foldedExpr = validateSequence(Elts);
} else {
auto LHS = validate(Elts[0]);
Elts = Elts.slice(1);
foldedExpr = foldSequence(LHS, Elts);
return foldedExpr;
// Other expression types are unsupported.
Expr *visitExpr(Expr *E) {
return diagnoseUnsupportedExpr(E);
Expr *validate(Expr *E) {
if (auto E2 = visit(E))
return E2;
HasError |= true;
return E;
bool hasError() const {
return HasError;
/// Validate and modify the condition expression.
/// Returns \c true if the condition contains any error.
static bool validateIfConfigCondition(Expr *&condition,
ASTContext &Context,
DiagnosticEngine &D) {
ValidateIfConfigCondition Validator(Context, D);
condition = Validator.validate(condition);
return Validator.hasError();
/// The condition evaluator.
/// The condition must be validated with validateIfConfigCondition().
class EvaluateIfConfigCondition :
public ExprVisitor<EvaluateIfConfigCondition, bool> {
ASTContext &Ctx;
/// Get the identifier string from an \c Expr assuming it's an
/// \c UnresolvedDeclRefExpr.
StringRef getDeclRefStr(Expr *E) {
return cast<UnresolvedDeclRefExpr>(E)->getName().getBaseIdentifier().str();
EvaluateIfConfigCondition(ASTContext &Ctx) : Ctx(Ctx) {}
bool visitBooleanLiteralExpr(BooleanLiteralExpr *E) {
return E->getValue();
bool visitIntegerLiteralExpr(IntegerLiteralExpr *E) {
return E->getDigitsText() != "0";
bool visitUnresolvedDeclRefExpr(UnresolvedDeclRefExpr *E) {
auto Name = getDeclRefStr(E);
return Ctx.LangOpts.isCustomConditionalCompilationFlagSet(Name);
bool visitCallExpr(CallExpr *E) {
auto KindName = getDeclRefStr(E->getFn());
auto *Arg = cast<ParenExpr>(E->getArg())->getSubExpr();
if (KindName == "_compiler_version") {
auto Str = cast<StringLiteralExpr>(Arg)->getValue();
auto Val = version::Version::parseCompilerVersionString(
Str, SourceLoc(), nullptr).getValue();
auto thisVersion = version::Version::getCurrentCompilerVersion();
return thisVersion >= Val;
} else if (KindName == "swift") {
auto PUE = cast<PrefixUnaryExpr>(Arg);
auto Str = extractExprSource(Ctx.SourceMgr, PUE->getArg());
auto Val = version::Version::parseVersionString(
Str, SourceLoc(), nullptr).getValue();
auto thisVersion = Ctx.LangOpts.EffectiveLanguageVersion;
return thisVersion >= Val;
auto Val = getDeclRefStr(Arg);
auto Kind = getPlatformConditionKind(KindName).getValue();
auto Target = Ctx.LangOpts.getPlatformConditionValue(Kind);
return Target == Val;
bool visitPrefixUnaryExpr(PrefixUnaryExpr *E) {
return !visit(E->getArg());
bool visitParenExpr(ParenExpr *E) {
return visit(E->getSubExpr());
bool visitBinaryExpr(BinaryExpr *E) {
assert(!Ctx.isSwiftVersion3() && "BinaryExpr in Swift3 mode");
auto OpName = getDeclRefStr(E->getFn());
auto Args = E->getArg()->getElements();
if (OpName == "||") return visit(Args[0]) || visit(Args[1]);
if (OpName == "&&") return visit(Args[0]) && visit(Args[1]);
llvm_unreachable("unsupported binary operator");
bool visitSequenceExpr(SequenceExpr *E) {
assert(Ctx.isSwiftVersion3() && "SequenceExpr in non-Swift3 mode");
ArrayRef<Expr *> Elems = E->getElements();
auto Result = visit(Elems[0]);
Elems = Elems.slice(1);
while (!Elems.empty()) {
auto OpName = getDeclRefStr(Elems[0]);
if (OpName == "||") {
Result = Result || visit(Elems[1]);
if (Result)
// Note that this is the Swift3 behavior.
// e.g. 'false || true && false' evaluates to 'true'.
return true;
} else if (OpName == "&&") {
Result = Result && visit(Elems[1]);
if (!Result)
// Ditto.
// e.g. 'false && true || true' evaluates to 'false'.
return false;
} else {
llvm_unreachable("must be removed in validation phase");
Elems = Elems.slice(2);
return Result;
bool visitExpr(Expr *E) { llvm_unreachable("Unvalidated condition?"); }
/// Evaluate the condition.
/// \c true if success, \c false if failed.
static bool evaluateIfConfigCondition(Expr *Condition, ASTContext &Context) {
return EvaluateIfConfigCondition(Context).visit(Condition);
/// Version condition checker.
class IsVersionIfConfigCondition :
public ExprVisitor<IsVersionIfConfigCondition, bool> {
/// Get the identifier string from an \c Expr assuming it's an
/// \c UnresolvedDeclRefExpr.
StringRef getDeclRefStr(Expr *E) {
return cast<UnresolvedDeclRefExpr>(E)->getName().getBaseIdentifier().str();
IsVersionIfConfigCondition() {}
bool visitBinaryExpr(BinaryExpr *E) {
auto OpName = getDeclRefStr(E->getFn());
auto Args = E->getArg()->getElements();
if (OpName == "||") return visit(Args[0]) && visit(Args[1]);
if (OpName == "&&") return visit(Args[0]) || visit(Args[1]);
llvm_unreachable("unsupported binary operator");
bool visitCallExpr(CallExpr *E) {
auto KindName = getDeclRefStr(E->getFn());
return KindName == "_compiler_version" || KindName == "swift";
bool visitPrefixUnaryExpr(PrefixUnaryExpr *E) { return visit(E->getArg()); }
bool visitParenExpr(ParenExpr *E) { return visit(E->getSubExpr()); }
bool visitExpr(Expr *E) { return false; }
/// Returns \c true if the condition is a version check.
static bool isVersionIfConfigCondition(Expr *Condition) {
return IsVersionIfConfigCondition().visit(Condition);
} // end anonymous namespace
/// Parse and populate a #if ... #endif directive.
/// Delegate callback function to parse elements in the blocks.
ParserResult<IfConfigDecl> Parser::parseIfConfig(
llvm::function_ref<void(SmallVectorImpl<ASTNode> &, bool)> parseElements) {
SmallVector<IfConfigClause, 4> Clauses;
Parser::StructureMarkerRAII ParsingDecl(
*this, Tok.getLoc(), Parser::StructureMarkerKind::IfConfig);
bool foundActive = false;
bool isVersionCondition = false;
while (1) {
bool isElse =;
SourceLoc ClauseLoc = consumeToken();
Expr *Condition = nullptr;
bool isActive = false;
// Parse and evaluate the directive.
if (isElse) {
isActive = !foundActive;
} else {
llvm::SaveAndRestore<bool> S(InPoundIfEnvironment, true);
ParserResult<Expr> Result = parseExprSequence(diag::expected_expr,
if (Result.isNull())
return makeParserError();
Condition = Result.get();
if (validateIfConfigCondition(Condition, Context, Diags)) {
// Error in the condition;
isActive = false;
isVersionCondition = false;
} else if (!foundActive) {
// Evaluate the condition only if we haven't found any active one.
isActive = evaluateIfConfigCondition(Condition, Context);
isVersionCondition = isVersionIfConfigCondition(Condition);
foundActive |= isActive;
if (!Tok.isAtStartOfLine() && Tok.isNot(tok::eof)) {
// Parse elements
SmallVector<ASTNode, 16> Elements;
if (isActive || !isVersionCondition) {
parseElements(Elements, isActive);
} else {
DiagnosticTransaction DT(Diags);
Clauses.emplace_back(ClauseLoc, Condition,
Context.AllocateCopy(Elements), isActive);
if (Tok.isNot(tok::pound_elseif, tok::pound_else))
if (isElse)
diagnose(Tok, diag::expected_close_after_else_directive);
SourceLoc EndLoc;
bool HadMissingEnd = parseEndIfDirective(EndLoc);
auto *ICD = new (Context) IfConfigDecl(CurDeclContext,
EndLoc, HadMissingEnd);
return makeParserResult(ICD);