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//===--- MetadataImpl.h - Metadata implementation routines ------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// Declarations used to implement value witnesses for native C/C++ types.
// A box class defines some static members which describe the basic
// value-witness properties of a value:
// - NativeBox derives a box from a C++ type
// - SwiftRetainableBox is a box for Swift object pointers which uses
// swift_{retain,release}.
// - FunctionPointerBox is a box for function pointers.
// - ObjCRetainableBox is a box for Objective-C object pointers,
// using objc_{retain,release}.
// - UnknownObjectRetainableBox is a box for void* using
// swift_unknownObject{Retain,Release}.
// - AggregateBox<T...> is a box which uses swift layout rules to
// combine a number of different boxes.
// ValueWitnesses<T> takes a box class and defines all the necessary
// values and functions necessary to build a value witness table.
// ValueWitnessTableGenerator<T> takes an instance of ValueWitnesses
// and uses it to build a static member 'table', which can be used to
// constant-initialize a value witness table.
// ValueWitnessTable
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/Config.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/Metadata.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/HeapObject.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/ObjCBridge.h"
#include "WeakReference.h"
#include "EnumImpl.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <type_traits>
namespace swift {
namespace metadataimpl {
// concept Box<typename T> {
// using type = T;
// static constexpr size_t size;
// static constexpr size_t alignment;
// static constexpr size_t stride;
// static constexpr bool isPOD;
// static constexpr bool isBitwiseTakable;
// static constexpr unsigned numExtraInhabitants;
// static void destroy(T *);
// static T *initializeWithCopy(T *dest, T *src);
// static T *initializeWithTake(T *dest, T *src);
// static T *assignWithCopy(T *dest, T *src);
// static T *assignWithTake(T *dest, T *src);
// // Only if numExtraInhabitants is non-zero:
// static void storeExtraInhabitantTag(T *dest, unsigned index);
// static unsigned getExtraInhabitantTag(const T *src);
// };
/// A box class implemented in terms of C/C++ primitive operations.
/// The type is assumed to be non-polymorphic and to have no extra
/// inhabitants.
/// The size/alignment/stride template arguments are for when we want
/// to override the language defaults for a type.
template <class T,
size_t Alignment = alignof(T),
size_t Size = sizeof(T),
size_t Stride = sizeof(T)>
struct NativeBox {
using type = T;
static constexpr size_t size = Size;
static constexpr size_t alignment = Alignment;
static constexpr size_t stride = Stride;
static constexpr size_t isPOD = std::is_pod<T>::value;
static constexpr bool isBitwiseTakable = isPOD;
static constexpr unsigned numExtraInhabitants = 0;
static void destroy(T *value) {
static T *initializeWithCopy(T *dest, T *src) {
return new (dest) T(*src);
static T *initializeWithTake(T *dest, T *src) {
T *result = new (dest) T(std::move(*src));
return result;
static T *assignWithCopy(T *dest, T *src) {
*dest = *src;
return dest;
static T *assignWithTake(T *dest, T *src) {
*dest = std::move(*src);
return dest;
static T *next(T *ptr, size_t n = 1) {
return (T*)((char*)ptr + stride * n);
static T *prev(T *ptr, size_t n = 1) {
return (T*)((char*)ptr - stride * n);
/// A CRTP base class for defining boxes of retainable pointers.
template <class Impl, class T> struct RetainableBoxBase {
using type = T;
static constexpr size_t size = sizeof(T);
static constexpr size_t alignment = alignof(T);
static constexpr size_t stride = sizeof(T);
static constexpr bool isPOD = false;
static constexpr bool isBitwiseTakable = true;
static constexpr bool isAtomic = false;
static constexpr bool isAtomic = true;
static void destroy(T *addr) {
static T *initializeWithCopy(T *dest, T *src) {
*dest = Impl::retain(*src);
return dest;
static T *initializeWithTake(T *dest, T *src) {
*dest = *src;
return dest;
static T *assignWithCopy(T *dest, T *src) {
T oldValue = *dest;
*dest = Impl::retain(*src);
return dest;
static T *assignWithTake(T *dest, T *src) {
T oldValue = *dest;
*dest = *src;
return dest;
// Right now, all object pointers are brought down to the least
// common denominator for extra inhabitants, so that we don't have
// to worry about e.g. type substitution on an enum type
// fundamentally changing the layout.
static constexpr unsigned numExtraInhabitants =
static void storeExtraInhabitantTag(T *dest, unsigned tag) {
swift_storeHeapObjectExtraInhabitant((HeapObject**) dest, tag - 1);
static unsigned getExtraInhabitantTag(const T *src) {
return swift_getHeapObjectExtraInhabitantIndex((HeapObject* const *) src) +1;
/// A box implementation class for Swift object pointers.
struct SwiftRetainableBox :
RetainableBoxBase<SwiftRetainableBox, HeapObject*> {
static HeapObject *retain(HeapObject *obj) {
if (isAtomic) {
} else {
return obj;
static void release(HeapObject *obj) {
if (isAtomic) {
} else {
/// A box implementation class for Swift unowned object pointers.
struct SwiftUnownedRetainableBox :
RetainableBoxBase<SwiftUnownedRetainableBox, HeapObject*> {
static HeapObject *retain(HeapObject *obj) {
if (isAtomic) {
} else {
return obj;
static void release(HeapObject *obj) {
if (isAtomic) {
} else {
// The implementation from RetainableBoxBase is valid when interop is
// disabled.
static constexpr unsigned numExtraInhabitants = 1;
static void storeExtraInhabitant(HeapObject **dest, unsigned index) {
assert(index == 1);
*dest = nullptr;
static unsigned getExtraInhabitantTag(const HeapObject * const *src) {
return (*src == nullptr ? 1 : 0);
/// CRTP base class for weak reference boxes.
template<typename Impl, typename T>
struct WeakRetainableBoxBase {
using type = T;
static constexpr size_t size = sizeof(type);
static constexpr size_t alignment = alignof(type);
static constexpr size_t stride = sizeof(type);
static constexpr bool isPOD = false;
static constexpr bool isBitwiseTakable = false;
static constexpr unsigned numExtraInhabitants = 0;
// The implementation must provide implementations of:
// static void destroy(T *);
// static T *initializeWithCopy(T *dest, T *src);
// static T *initializeWithTake(T *dest, T *src);
// static T *assignWithCopy(T *dest, T *src);
// static T *assignWithTake(T *dest, T *src);
/// A box implementation class for Swift weak object pointers.
struct SwiftWeakRetainableBox :
WeakRetainableBoxBase<SwiftWeakRetainableBox, WeakReference> {
static void destroy(WeakReference *ref) {
static WeakReference *initializeWithCopy(WeakReference *dest,
WeakReference *src) {
swift_weakCopyInit(dest, src);
return dest;
static WeakReference *initializeWithTake(WeakReference *dest,
WeakReference *src) {
swift_weakTakeInit(dest, src);
return dest;
static WeakReference *assignWithCopy(WeakReference *dest,
WeakReference *src) {
swift_weakCopyAssign(dest, src);
return dest;
static WeakReference *assignWithTake(WeakReference *dest,
WeakReference *src) {
swift_weakTakeAssign(dest, src);
return dest;
/// A box implementation class for Objective-C object pointers.
struct ObjCRetainableBox : RetainableBoxBase<ObjCRetainableBox, void*> {
static constexpr unsigned numExtraInhabitants =
static void *retain(void *obj) {
return objc_retain((id)obj);
static void release(void *obj) {
/// A box implementation class for unowned Objective-C object pointers.
struct ObjCUnownedRetainableBox
: WeakRetainableBoxBase<ObjCUnownedRetainableBox, UnownedReference> {
static constexpr unsigned numExtraInhabitants = 1;
static void storeExtraInhabitantTag(UnownedReference *dest, unsigned index) {
assert(index == 1);
dest->Value = nullptr;
static unsigned getExtraInhabitantTag(const UnownedReference *src) {
return (src->Value == nullptr ? 1 : 0);
static void destroy(UnownedReference *ref) {
static UnownedReference *initializeWithCopy(UnownedReference *dest,
UnownedReference *src) {
swift_unknownObjectUnownedCopyInit(dest, src);
return dest;
static UnownedReference *initializeWithTake(UnownedReference *dest,
UnownedReference *src) {
swift_unknownObjectUnownedTakeInit(dest, src);
return dest;
static UnownedReference *assignWithCopy(UnownedReference *dest,
UnownedReference *src) {
swift_unknownObjectUnownedCopyAssign(dest, src);
return dest;
static UnownedReference *assignWithTake(UnownedReference *dest,
UnownedReference *src) {
swift_unknownObjectUnownedTakeAssign(dest, src);
return dest;
/// A box implementation class for ObjC weak object pointers.
struct ObjCWeakRetainableBox :
WeakRetainableBoxBase<ObjCWeakRetainableBox, WeakReference> {
static void destroy(WeakReference *ref) {
static WeakReference *initializeWithCopy(WeakReference *dest,
WeakReference *src) {
swift_unknownObjectWeakCopyInit(dest, src);
return dest;
static WeakReference *initializeWithTake(WeakReference *dest,
WeakReference *src) {
swift_unknownObjectWeakTakeInit(dest, src);
return dest;
static WeakReference *assignWithCopy(WeakReference *dest,
WeakReference *src) {
swift_unknownObjectWeakCopyAssign(dest, src);
return dest;
static WeakReference *assignWithTake(WeakReference *dest,
WeakReference *src) {
swift_unknownObjectWeakTakeAssign(dest, src);
return dest;
/// A box implementation class for unknown-retainable object pointers.
struct UnknownObjectRetainableBox
: RetainableBoxBase<UnknownObjectRetainableBox, void *> {
static void *retain(void *obj) {
return obj;
if (isAtomic) {
swift_retain(static_cast<HeapObject *>(obj));
} else {
swift_nonatomic_retain(static_cast<HeapObject *>(obj));
return static_cast<HeapObject *>(obj);
static void release(void *obj) {
if (isAtomic) {
swift_release(static_cast<HeapObject *>(obj));
} else {
swift_nonatomic_release(static_cast<HeapObject *>(obj));
/// A box implementation class for BridgeObject.
struct BridgeObjectBox :
RetainableBoxBase<BridgeObjectBox, void*> {
static void *retain(void *obj) {
return swift_bridgeObjectRetain(obj);
static void release(void *obj) {
/// A box implementation class for unmanaged, pointer-aligned pointers.
/// Metatype values have this layout.
struct PointerPointerBox : NativeBox<void**> {
// TODO: we can do a lot better than this: we don't need to mask off
// the ObjC reserved bits, and we have spare bits.
static constexpr unsigned numExtraInhabitants =
static void storeExtraInhabitantTag(void ***dest, unsigned tag) {
swift_storeHeapObjectExtraInhabitant((HeapObject**) dest, tag - 1);
static unsigned getExtraInhabitantTag(void ** const *src) {
return swift_getHeapObjectExtraInhabitantIndex((HeapObject* const *) src)+1;
/// A box implementation class for raw pointers.
/// Note that this is used for imported `void * _Nonnull`, which may include
/// reinterpret_cast-ed integers, so we only get NULL as an extra inhabitant.
struct RawPointerBox : NativeBox<void*> {
static constexpr unsigned numExtraInhabitants = 1;
static void storeExtraInhabitantTag(void **dest, unsigned tag) {
assert(tag == 1);
*dest = nullptr;
static unsigned getExtraInhabitantTag(void* const *src) {
return *src == nullptr ? 1 : 0;
/// A box implementation class for unmanaged function pointers.
/// @convention(thin) functions have this layout, as do the first elements of
/// Swift thick functions.
struct FunctionPointerBox : NativeBox<void*> {
static constexpr unsigned numExtraInhabitants =
static void storeExtraInhabitantTag(void **dest, unsigned tag) {
swift_storeFunctionPointerExtraInhabitant(dest, tag - 1);
static unsigned getExtraInhabitantTag(void * const *src) {
return swift_getFunctionPointerExtraInhabitantIndex(src) + 1;
constexpr size_t roundUpToAlignment(size_t offset, size_t alignment) {
return ((offset + alignment - 1) & ~(alignment - 1));
// A helper template for building an AggregateBox. The more natural
// way to do this would be to left-recurse, but we have to
// right-recurse because C++ only lets you pattern-match things off
// the beginning of a pack.
template <size_t StartOffset, class... EltBoxes>
struct AggregateBoxHelper;
// Base case: empty list.
template <size_t StartOffset>
struct AggregateBoxHelper<StartOffset> {
static constexpr size_t endOffset = StartOffset;
static constexpr size_t alignment = 1;
static constexpr bool isPOD = true;
static constexpr bool isBitwiseTakable = true;
#define COPY_OP(OP) \
static char *OP(char *dest, char *src) { \
return dest; \
#undef COPY_OP
static void destroy(char *addr) {}
// Recursive case: add an element to the start.
template <size_t StartOffset, class EltBox, class... NextBoxes>
struct AggregateBoxHelper<StartOffset, EltBox, NextBoxes...> {
static constexpr size_t eltOffset =
roundUpToAlignment(StartOffset, EltBox::alignment);
static constexpr size_t startToEltOffset = (eltOffset - StartOffset);
static constexpr size_t nextOffset = eltOffset + EltBox::size;
using NextHelper = AggregateBoxHelper<nextOffset, NextBoxes...>;
static constexpr size_t endOffset = NextHelper::endOffset;
static constexpr size_t alignment =
(NextHelper::alignment > EltBox::alignment
? NextHelper::alignment : EltBox::alignment);
static constexpr bool isPOD = EltBox::isPOD && NextHelper::isPOD;
static constexpr bool isBitwiseTakable =
EltBox::isBitwiseTakable && NextHelper::isBitwiseTakable;
static constexpr size_t eltToNextOffset = (nextOffset - eltOffset);
static constexpr size_t startToNextOffset = (nextOffset - StartOffset);
#define COPY_OP(OP) \
static char *OP(char *dest, char *src) { \
dest += startToEltOffset; \
src += startToEltOffset; \
dest = (char*) EltBox::OP((typename EltBox::type*) dest, \
(typename EltBox::type*) src); \
dest = NextHelper::OP(dest + eltToNextOffset, src + eltToNextOffset); \
return dest - startToNextOffset; \
#undef COPY_OP
static void destroy(char *addr) {
// We have no particular reason to destroy in either order.
addr += startToEltOffset;
EltBox::destroy((typename EltBox::type*) addr);
NextHelper::destroy(addr + eltToNextOffset);
/// A class which produces a tuple-like box (with Swift layout rules)
/// for a list of element boxes.
/// The aggregate box is monomorphic and has no extra inhabitants.
template <class... EltBoxes>
struct AggregateBox {
using type = char;
using Helper = AggregateBoxHelper<0, EltBoxes...>;
static constexpr size_t size = Helper::endOffset;
static constexpr size_t alignment = Helper::alignment;
static constexpr size_t rawStride = roundUpToAlignment(size, alignment);
static constexpr size_t stride = rawStride == 0 ? 1 : rawStride;
static constexpr bool isPOD = Helper::isPOD;
static constexpr bool isBitwiseTakable = Helper::isBitwiseTakable;
/// Don't collect extra inhabitants from the members by default.
static constexpr unsigned numExtraInhabitants = 0;
static void destroy(char *value) {
static char *initializeWithCopy(char *dest, char *src) {
return Helper::initializeWithCopy(dest, src);
static char *initializeWithTake(char *dest, char *src) {
return Helper::initializeWithTake(dest, src);
static char *assignWithCopy(char *dest, char *src) {
return Helper::assignWithCopy(dest, src);
static char *assignWithTake(char *dest, char *src) {
return Helper::assignWithTake(dest, src);
/// A template for using the Swift allocation APIs with a known size
/// and alignment.
template <size_t Size, size_t Alignment>
struct SwiftAllocator {
static void *alloc() {
return swift_slowAlloc(Size, Alignment-1);
static void dealloc(void *addr) {
swift_slowDealloc(addr, Size, Alignment-1);
/// A CRTP class which provides basic implementations for a number of
/// value witnesses relating to buffers.
template <class Impl>
struct BufferValueWitnessesBase {};
/// How should a type be packed into a fixed-size buffer?
enum class FixedPacking {
constexpr FixedPacking getFixedPacking(bool isBitwiseTakable, size_t size,
size_t alignment) {
return (canBeInline(isBitwiseTakable, size, alignment)
? FixedPacking::OffsetZero
: FixedPacking::Allocate);
/// A CRTP base class which provides default implementations of a
/// number of value witnesses.
template <class Impl, bool isBitwiseTakable, size_t Size, size_t Alignment,
FixedPacking Packing =
getFixedPacking(isBitwiseTakable, Size, Alignment)>
struct BufferValueWitnesses;
/// An implementation of ValueBase suitable for classes that can be
/// allocated inline.
template <class Impl, bool isBitwiseTakable, size_t Size, size_t Alignment>
struct BufferValueWitnesses<Impl, isBitwiseTakable, Size, Alignment,
: BufferValueWitnessesBase<Impl> {
static constexpr bool isInline = true;
static OpaqueValue *initializeBufferWithCopyOfBuffer(ValueBuffer *dest,
ValueBuffer *src,
const Metadata *self) {
return Impl::initializeWithCopy(reinterpret_cast<OpaqueValue *>(dest),
reinterpret_cast<OpaqueValue *>(src), self);
/// An implementation of BufferValueWitnesses suitable for types that
/// cannot be allocated inline.
template <class Impl, bool isBitwiseTakable, size_t Size, size_t Alignment>
struct BufferValueWitnesses<Impl, isBitwiseTakable, Size, Alignment,
: BufferValueWitnessesBase<Impl> {
static constexpr bool isInline = false;
static OpaqueValue *initializeBufferWithCopyOfBuffer(ValueBuffer *dest,
ValueBuffer *src,
const Metadata *self) {
auto wtable = self->getValueWitnesses();
auto reference = src->PrivateData[0];
dest->PrivateData[0] = reference;
swift_retain(reinterpret_cast<HeapObject *>(reference));
// Project the address of the value in the buffer.
unsigned alignMask = wtable->getAlignmentMask();
// Compute the byte offset of the object in the box.
unsigned byteOffset = (sizeof(HeapObject) + alignMask) & ~alignMask;
auto *bytePtr = reinterpret_cast<char *>(reference);
return reinterpret_cast<OpaqueValue *>(bytePtr + byteOffset);
/// A class which provides BufferValueWitnesses for types that are not
/// fixed in size.
template <class Impl, bool IsKnownAllocated>
struct NonFixedBufferValueWitnesses : BufferValueWitnessesBase<Impl> {
static OpaqueValue *initializeBufferWithCopyOfBuffer(ValueBuffer *dest,
ValueBuffer *src,
const Metadata *self) {
auto vwtable = self->getValueWitnesses();
if (!IsKnownAllocated && vwtable->isValueInline()) {
return Impl::initializeWithCopy(reinterpret_cast<OpaqueValue*>(dest),
} else {
auto reference = src->PrivateData[0];
dest->PrivateData[0] = reference;
// Project the address of the value in the buffer.
unsigned alignMask = vwtable->getAlignmentMask();
// Compute the byte offset of the object in the box.
unsigned byteOffset = (sizeof(HeapObject) + alignMask) & ~alignMask;
auto *bytePtr = reinterpret_cast<char *>(reference);
return reinterpret_cast<OpaqueValue *>(bytePtr + byteOffset);
/// Provides implementations for
/// getEnumTagSinglePayload/storeEnumTagSinglePayload.
template <class Impl, bool isBitwiseTakable, size_t Size, size_t Alignment,
bool hasExtraInhabitants>
struct FixedSizeBufferValueWitnesses;
/// A fixed size buffer value witness that can rely on the presents of the extra
/// inhabitant functions.
template <class Impl, bool isBitwiseTakable, size_t Size, size_t Alignment>
struct FixedSizeBufferValueWitnesses<Impl, isBitwiseTakable, Size, Alignment,
true /*hasExtraInhabitants*/>
: BufferValueWitnesses<Impl, isBitwiseTakable, Size, Alignment> {
static unsigned getEnumTagSinglePayload(const OpaqueValue *enumAddr,
unsigned numEmptyCases,
const Metadata *self) {
return getEnumTagSinglePayloadImpl(enumAddr, numEmptyCases, self, Size,
static void storeEnumTagSinglePayload(OpaqueValue *enumAddr,
unsigned whichCase,
unsigned numEmptyCases,
const Metadata *self) {
return storeEnumTagSinglePayloadImpl(enumAddr, whichCase, numEmptyCases,
self, Size, Impl::extraInhabitantCount,
/// A fixed size buffer value witness that cannot rely on the presents of the
/// extra inhabitant functions.
template <class Impl, bool isBitwiseTakable, size_t Size, size_t Alignment>
struct FixedSizeBufferValueWitnesses<Impl, isBitwiseTakable, Size, Alignment,
false /*hasExtraInhabitants*/>
: BufferValueWitnesses<Impl, isBitwiseTakable, Size, Alignment> {
static unsigned getEnumTagSinglePayload(const OpaqueValue *enumAddr,
unsigned numEmptyCases,
const Metadata *self) {
return getEnumTagSinglePayloadImpl(enumAddr, numEmptyCases, self, Size, 0,
static void storeEnumTagSinglePayload(OpaqueValue *enumAddr,
unsigned whichCase,
unsigned numEmptyCases,
const Metadata *self) {
return storeEnumTagSinglePayloadImpl(enumAddr, whichCase, numEmptyCases,
self, Size, 0, nullptr);
static constexpr bool hasExtraInhabitants(unsigned numExtraInhabitants) {
return numExtraInhabitants != 0;
/// A class which provides default implementations of various value
/// witnesses based on a box's value operations.
/// The box type has to provide a numExtraInhabitants member, but as
/// long as it's zero, the rest is fine.
template <class Box>
struct ValueWitnesses
: FixedSizeBufferValueWitnesses<
ValueWitnesses<Box>, Box::isBitwiseTakable, Box::size, Box::alignment,
hasExtraInhabitants(Box::numExtraInhabitants)> {
using Base = FixedSizeBufferValueWitnesses<
ValueWitnesses<Box>, Box::isBitwiseTakable, Box::size, Box::alignment,
static constexpr size_t size = Box::size;
static constexpr size_t stride = Box::stride;
static constexpr size_t alignment = Box::alignment;
static constexpr bool isPOD = Box::isPOD;
static constexpr bool isBitwiseTakable = Box::isBitwiseTakable;
static constexpr unsigned extraInhabitantCount = Box::numExtraInhabitants;
static constexpr bool hasExtraInhabitants = (extraInhabitantCount != 0);
static constexpr ValueWitnessFlags flags =
ValueWitnessFlags().withAlignmentMask(alignment - 1)
.withInlineStorage(Base::isInline && isBitwiseTakable)
static void destroy(OpaqueValue *value, const Metadata *self) {
return Box::destroy((typename Box::type*) value);
static OpaqueValue *initializeWithCopy(OpaqueValue *dest, OpaqueValue *src,
const Metadata *self) {
return (OpaqueValue*) Box::initializeWithCopy((typename Box::type*) dest,
(typename Box::type*) src);
static OpaqueValue *initializeWithTake(OpaqueValue *dest, OpaqueValue *src,
const Metadata *self) {
return (OpaqueValue*) Box::initializeWithTake((typename Box::type*) dest,
(typename Box::type*) src);
static OpaqueValue *assignWithCopy(OpaqueValue *dest, OpaqueValue *src,
const Metadata *self) {
return (OpaqueValue*) Box::assignWithCopy((typename Box::type*) dest,
(typename Box::type*) src);
static OpaqueValue *assignWithTake(OpaqueValue *dest, OpaqueValue *src,
const Metadata *self) {
return (OpaqueValue*) Box::assignWithTake((typename Box::type*) dest,
(typename Box::type*) src);
// These should not get instantiated if the type doesn't have extra
// inhabitants.
static void storeExtraInhabitantTag(OpaqueValue *dest, unsigned tag,
unsigned xiCount, const Metadata *self) {
Box::storeExtraInhabitantTag((typename Box::type*) dest, tag);
static unsigned getExtraInhabitantTag(const OpaqueValue *src,
unsigned xiCount,
const Metadata *self) {
return Box::getExtraInhabitantTag((typename Box::type const *) src);
/// A class which provides basic implementations of various function
/// value witnesses based on a type that is not fixed in size.
/// The 'Box' concept here is slightly different from the one for
/// fixed-size types: it does not need to provide size/alignment/isPOD
/// members, and its functions all take an extra 'const Metadata *self'
/// argument.
/// \tparam IsKnownAllocated - whether the type is known to not fit in
/// a fixed-size buffer
template <class Box, bool IsKnownAllocated>
struct NonFixedValueWitnesses :
NonFixedBufferValueWitnesses<NonFixedValueWitnesses<Box, IsKnownAllocated>,
static constexpr unsigned numExtraInhabitants = Box::numExtraInhabitants;
static constexpr bool hasExtraInhabitants = (numExtraInhabitants != 0);
static void destroy(OpaqueValue *value, const Metadata *self) {
return Box::destroy((typename Box::type*) value, self);
static OpaqueValue *initializeWithCopy(OpaqueValue *dest, OpaqueValue *src,
const Metadata *self) {
return (OpaqueValue*) Box::initializeWithCopy((typename Box::type*) dest,
(typename Box::type*) src,
static OpaqueValue *initializeWithTake(OpaqueValue *dest, OpaqueValue *src,
const Metadata *self) {
return (OpaqueValue*) Box::initializeWithTake((typename Box::type*) dest,
(typename Box::type*) src,
static OpaqueValue *assignWithCopy(OpaqueValue *dest, OpaqueValue *src,
const Metadata *self) {
return (OpaqueValue*) Box::assignWithCopy((typename Box::type*) dest,
(typename Box::type*) src,
static OpaqueValue *assignWithTake(OpaqueValue *dest, OpaqueValue *src,
const Metadata *self) {
return (OpaqueValue*) Box::assignWithTake((typename Box::type*) dest,
(typename Box::type*) src,
static unsigned getEnumTagSinglePayload(const OpaqueValue *enumAddr,
unsigned numEmptyCases,
const Metadata *self) {
auto *payloadWitnesses = self->getValueWitnesses();
auto size = payloadWitnesses->getSize();
auto numExtraInhabitants = payloadWitnesses->getNumExtraInhabitants();
return getEnumTagSinglePayloadImpl(enumAddr, numEmptyCases, self, size,
static void storeEnumTagSinglePayload(OpaqueValue *enumAddr,
unsigned whichCase,
unsigned numEmptyCases,
const Metadata *self) {
auto *payloadWitnesses = self->getValueWitnesses();
auto size = payloadWitnesses->getSize();
auto numExtraInhabitants = payloadWitnesses->getNumExtraInhabitants();
storeEnumTagSinglePayloadImpl(enumAddr, whichCase, numEmptyCases, self,
size, numExtraInhabitants,
// These should not get instantiated if the type doesn't have extra
// inhabitants.
static void storeExtraInhabitantTag(OpaqueValue *dest, unsigned tag,
unsigned xiCount, const Metadata *self) {
Box::storeExtraInhabitantTag((typename Box::type*) dest, tag);
static unsigned getExtraInhabitantTag(const OpaqueValue *src,
unsigned xiCount,
const Metadata *self) {
return Box::getExtraInhabitantTag((typename Box::type const *) src);
/// A class which defines a ValueWitnessTable.
template <class Witnesses>
struct ValueWitnessTableGenerator {
static constexpr const ValueWitnessTable table = {
#include "swift/ABI/ValueWitness.def"
/// A convenient way to get the value witness table for a box class.
template <class Box>
using ValueWitnessTableForBox = ValueWitnessTableGenerator<ValueWitnesses<Box>>;
} // end namespace metadataimpl
} // end namespace swift