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//===--- UnsafePointer.swift ----------------------------------*- swift -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/// A pointer for accessing data of a
/// specific type.
/// You use instances of the `UnsafePointer` type to access data of a
/// specific type in memory. The type of data that a pointer can access is the
/// pointer's `Pointee` type. `UnsafePointer` provides no automated
/// memory management or alignment guarantees. You are responsible for
/// handling the life cycle of any memory you work with through unsafe
/// pointers to avoid leaks or undefined behavior.
/// Memory that you manually manage can be either *untyped* or *bound* to a
/// specific type. You use the `UnsafePointer` type to access and
/// manage memory that has been bound to a specific type.
/// Understanding a Pointer's Memory State
/// ======================================
/// The memory referenced by an `UnsafePointer` instance can be in
/// one of several states. Many pointer operations must only be applied to
/// pointers with memory in a specific state---you must keep track of the
/// state of the memory you are working with and understand the changes to
/// that state that different operations perform. Memory can be untyped and
/// uninitialized, bound to a type and uninitialized, or bound to a type and
/// initialized to a value. Finally, memory that was allocated previously may
/// have been deallocated, leaving existing pointers referencing unallocated
/// memory.
/// Uninitialized Memory
/// --------------------
/// Memory that has just been allocated through a typed pointer or has been
/// deinitialized is in an *uninitialized* state. Uninitialized memory must be
/// initialized before it can be accessed for reading.
/// Initialized Memory
/// ------------------
/// *Initialized* memory has a value that can be read using a pointer's
/// `pointee` property or through subscript notation. In the following
/// example, `ptr` is a pointer to memory initialized with a value of `23`:
/// let ptr: UnsafePointer<Int> = ...
/// // ptr.pointee == 23
/// // ptr[0] == 23
/// Accessing a Pointer's Memory as a Different Type
/// ================================================
/// When you access memory through an `UnsafePointer` instance, the
/// `Pointee` type must be consistent with the bound type of the memory. If
/// you do need to access memory that is bound to one type as a different
/// type, Swift's pointer types provide type-safe ways to temporarily or
/// permanently change the bound type of the memory, or to load typed
/// instances directly from raw memory.
/// An `UnsafePointer<UInt8>` instance allocated with eight bytes of
/// memory, `uint8Pointer`, will be used for the examples below.
/// let uint8Pointer: UnsafePointer<UInt8> = fetchEightBytes()
/// When you only need to temporarily access a pointer's memory as a different
/// type, use the `withMemoryRebound(to:capacity:)` method. For example, you
/// can use this method to call an API that expects a pointer to a different
/// type that is layout compatible with your pointer's `Pointee`. The following
/// code temporarily rebinds the memory that `uint8Pointer` references from
/// `UInt8` to `Int8` to call the imported C `strlen` function.
/// // Imported from C
/// func strlen(_ __s: UnsafePointer<Int8>!) -> UInt
/// let length = uint8Pointer.withMemoryRebound(to: Int8.self, capacity: 8) {
/// return strlen($0)
/// }
/// // length == 7
/// When you need to permanently rebind memory to a different type, first
/// obtain a raw pointer to the memory and then call the
/// `bindMemory(to:capacity:)` method on the raw pointer. The following
/// example binds the memory referenced by `uint8Pointer` to one instance of
/// the `UInt64` type:
/// let uint64Pointer = UnsafeRawPointer(uint8Pointer)
/// .bindMemory(to: UInt64.self, capacity: 1)
/// After rebinding the memory referenced by `uint8Pointer` to `UInt64`,
/// accessing that pointer's referenced memory as a `UInt8` instance is
/// undefined.
/// var fullInteger = uint64Pointer.pointee // OK
/// var firstByte = uint8Pointer.pointee // undefined
/// Alternatively, you can access the same memory as a different type without
/// rebinding through untyped memory access, so long as the bound type and the
/// destination type are trivial types. Convert your pointer to an
/// `UnsafeRawPointer` instance and then use the raw pointer's
/// `load(fromByteOffset:as:)` method to read values.
/// let rawPointer = UnsafeRawPointer(uint64Pointer)
/// fullInteger = rawPointer.load(as: UInt64.self) // OK
/// firstByte = rawPointer.load(as: UInt8.self) // OK
/// Performing Typed Pointer Arithmetic
/// ===================================
/// Pointer arithmetic with a typed pointer is counted in strides of the
/// pointer's `Pointee` type. When you add to or subtract from an `UnsafePointer`
/// instance, the result is a new pointer of the same type, offset by that
/// number of instances of the `Pointee` type.
/// // 'intPointer' points to memory initialized with [10, 20, 30, 40]
/// let intPointer: UnsafePointer<Int> = ...
/// // Load the first value in memory
/// let x = intPointer.pointee
/// // x == 10
/// // Load the third value in memory
/// let offsetPointer = intPointer + 2
/// let y = offsetPointer.pointee
/// // y == 30
/// You can also use subscript notation to access the value in memory at a
/// specific offset.
/// let z = intPointer[2]
/// // z == 30
/// Implicit Casting and Bridging
/// =============================
/// When calling a function or method with an `UnsafePointer` parameter, you can pass
/// an instance of that specific pointer type, pass an instance of a
/// compatible pointer type, or use Swift's implicit bridging to pass a
/// compatible pointer.
/// For example, the `printInt(atAddress:)` function in the following code
/// sample expects an `UnsafePointer<Int>` instance as its first parameter:
/// func printInt(atAddress p: UnsafePointer<Int>) {
/// print(p.pointee)
/// }
/// As is typical in Swift, you can call the `printInt(atAddress:)` function
/// with an `UnsafePointer` instance. This example passes `intPointer`, a pointer to
/// an `Int` value, to `print(address:)`.
/// printInt(atAddress: intPointer)
/// // Prints "42"
/// Because a mutable typed pointer can be implicitly cast to an immutable
/// pointer with the same `Pointee` type when passed as a parameter, you can
/// also call `printInt(atAddress:)` with an `UnsafeMutablePointer` instance.
/// let mutableIntPointer = UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: intPointer)
/// printInt(atAddress: mutableIntPointer)
/// // Prints "42"
/// Alternatively, you can use Swift's *implicit bridging* to pass a pointer to
/// an instance or to the elements of an array. The following example passes a
/// pointer to the `value` variable by using inout syntax:
/// var value: Int = 23
/// printInt(atAddress: &value)
/// // Prints "23"
/// An immutable pointer to the elements of an array is implicitly created when
/// you pass the array as an argument. This example uses implicit bridging to
/// pass a pointer to the elements of `numbers` when calling
/// `printInt(atAddress:)`.
/// let numbers = [5, 10, 15, 20]
/// printInt(atAddress: numbers)
/// // Prints "5"
/// You can also use inout syntax to pass a mutable pointer to the elements of
/// an array. Because `printInt(atAddress:)` requires an immutable pointer,
/// although this is syntactically valid, it isn't necessary.
/// var mutableNumbers = numbers
/// printInt(atAddress: &mutableNumbers)
/// No matter which way you call `printInt(atAddress:)`, Swift's type safety
/// guarantees that you can only pass a pointer to the type required by the
/// function---in this case, a pointer to an `Int`.
/// - Important: The pointer created through implicit bridging of an instance
/// or of an array's elements is only valid during the execution of the
/// called function. Escaping the pointer to use after the execution of the
/// function is undefined behavior. In particular, do not use implicit
/// bridging when calling an `UnsafePointer` initializer.
/// var number = 5
/// let numberPointer = UnsafePointer<Int>(&number)
/// // Accessing 'numberPointer' is undefined behavior.
@_fixed_layout // unsafe-performance
public struct UnsafePointer<Pointee>: _Pointer {
/// A type that represents the distance between two pointers.
public typealias Distance = Int
/// The underlying raw (untyped) pointer.
public let _rawValue: Builtin.RawPointer
/// Creates an `UnsafePointer` from a builtin raw pointer.
public init(_ _rawValue : Builtin.RawPointer) {
self._rawValue = _rawValue
/// Deallocates the memory block previously allocated at this pointer.
/// This pointer must be a pointer to the start of a previously allocated memory
/// block. The memory must not be initialized or `Pointee` must be a trivial type.
public func deallocate() {
// Passing zero alignment to the runtime forces "aligned
// deallocation". Since allocation via `UnsafeMutable[Raw][Buffer]Pointer`
// always uses the "aligned allocation" path, this ensures that the
// runtime's allocation and deallocation paths are compatible.
Builtin.deallocRaw(_rawValue, (-1)._builtinWordValue, (0)._builtinWordValue)
/// Accesses the instance referenced by this pointer.
/// When reading from the `pointee` property, the instance referenced by
/// this pointer must already be initialized.
@inlinable // unsafe-performance
public var pointee: Pointee {
@_transparent unsafeAddress {
return self
/// Executes the given closure while temporarily binding the specified number
/// of instances to the given type.
/// Use this method when you have a pointer to memory bound to one type and
/// you need to access that memory as instances of another type. Accessing
/// memory as a type `T` requires that the memory be bound to that type. A
/// memory location may only be bound to one type at a time, so accessing
/// the same memory as an unrelated type without first rebinding the memory
/// is undefined.
/// The region of memory starting at this pointer and covering `count`
/// instances of the pointer's `Pointee` type must be initialized.
/// The following example temporarily rebinds the memory of a `UInt64`
/// pointer to `Int64`, then accesses a property on the signed integer.
/// let uint64Pointer: UnsafePointer<UInt64> = fetchValue()
/// let isNegative = uint64Pointer.withMemoryRebound(to: Int64.self) { ptr in
/// return ptr.pointee < 0
/// }
/// Because this pointer's memory is no longer bound to its `Pointee` type
/// while the `body` closure executes, do not access memory using the
/// original pointer from within `body`. Instead, use the `body` closure's
/// pointer argument to access the values in memory as instances of type
/// `T`.
/// After executing `body`, this method rebinds memory back to the original
/// `Pointee` type.
/// - Note: Only use this method to rebind the pointer's memory to a type
/// with the same size and stride as the currently bound `Pointee` type.
/// To bind a region of memory to a type that is a different size, convert
/// the pointer to a raw pointer and use the `bindMemory(to:capacity:)`
/// method.
/// - Parameters:
/// - type: The type to temporarily bind the memory referenced by this
/// pointer. The type `T` must be the same size and be layout compatible
/// with the pointer's `Pointee` type.
/// - count: The number of instances of `Pointee` to bind to `type`.
/// - body: A closure that takes a typed pointer to the
/// same memory as this pointer, only bound to type `T`. The closure's
/// pointer argument is valid only for the duration of the closure's
/// execution. If `body` has a return value, that value is also used as
/// the return value for the `withMemoryRebound(to:capacity:_:)` method.
/// - Returns: The return value, if any, of the `body` closure parameter.
public func withMemoryRebound<T, Result>(to type: T.Type, capacity count: Int,
_ body: (UnsafePointer<T>) throws -> Result
) rethrows -> Result {
Builtin.bindMemory(_rawValue, count._builtinWordValue, T.self)
defer {
Builtin.bindMemory(_rawValue, count._builtinWordValue, Pointee.self)
return try body(UnsafePointer<T>(_rawValue))
/// Accesses the pointee at the specified offset from this pointer.
/// For a pointer `p`, the memory at `p + i` must be initialized.
/// - Parameter i: The offset from this pointer at which to access an
/// instance, measured in strides of the pointer's `Pointee` type.
public subscript(i: Int) -> Pointee {
unsafeAddress {
return self + i
@inlinable // unsafe-performance
internal static var _max : UnsafePointer {
return UnsafePointer(
bitPattern: 0 as Int &- MemoryLayout<Pointee>.stride
/// A pointer for accessing and manipulating data of a
/// specific type.
/// You use instances of the `UnsafeMutablePointer` type to access data of a
/// specific type in memory. The type of data that a pointer can access is the
/// pointer's `Pointee` type. `UnsafeMutablePointer` provides no automated
/// memory management or alignment guarantees. You are responsible for
/// handling the life cycle of any memory you work with through unsafe
/// pointers to avoid leaks or undefined behavior.
/// Memory that you manually manage can be either *untyped* or *bound* to a
/// specific type. You use the `UnsafeMutablePointer` type to access and
/// manage memory that has been bound to a specific type.
/// Understanding a Pointer's Memory State
/// ======================================
/// The memory referenced by an `UnsafeMutablePointer` instance can be in
/// one of several states. Many pointer operations must only be applied to
/// pointers with memory in a specific state---you must keep track of the
/// state of the memory you are working with and understand the changes to
/// that state that different operations perform. Memory can be untyped and
/// uninitialized, bound to a type and uninitialized, or bound to a type and
/// initialized to a value. Finally, memory that was allocated previously may
/// have been deallocated, leaving existing pointers referencing unallocated
/// memory.
/// Uninitialized Memory
/// --------------------
/// Memory that has just been allocated through a typed pointer or has been
/// deinitialized is in an *uninitialized* state. Uninitialized memory must be
/// initialized before it can be accessed for reading.
/// You can use methods like `initialize(to:count:)`, `initialize(from:count:)`,
/// and `moveInitialize(from:count:)` to initialize the memory referenced by a
/// pointer with a value or series of values.
/// Initialized Memory
/// ------------------
/// *Initialized* memory has a value that can be read using a pointer's
/// `pointee` property or through subscript notation. In the following
/// example, `ptr` is a pointer to memory initialized with a value of `23`:
/// let ptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int> = ...
/// // ptr.pointee == 23
/// // ptr[0] == 23
/// Accessing a Pointer's Memory as a Different Type
/// ================================================
/// When you access memory through an `UnsafeMutablePointer` instance, the
/// `Pointee` type must be consistent with the bound type of the memory. If
/// you do need to access memory that is bound to one type as a different
/// type, Swift's pointer types provide type-safe ways to temporarily or
/// permanently change the bound type of the memory, or to load typed
/// instances directly from raw memory.
/// An `UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>` instance allocated with eight bytes of
/// memory, `uint8Pointer`, will be used for the examples below.
/// var bytes: [UInt8] = [39, 77, 111, 111, 102, 33, 39, 0]
/// let uint8Pointer = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.allocate(capacity: 8)
/// uint8Pointer.initialize(from: &bytes, count: 8)
/// When you only need to temporarily access a pointer's memory as a different
/// type, use the `withMemoryRebound(to:capacity:)` method. For example, you
/// can use this method to call an API that expects a pointer to a different
/// type that is layout compatible with your pointer's `Pointee`. The following
/// code temporarily rebinds the memory that `uint8Pointer` references from
/// `UInt8` to `Int8` to call the imported C `strlen` function.
/// // Imported from C
/// func strlen(_ __s: UnsafePointer<Int8>!) -> UInt
/// let length = uint8Pointer.withMemoryRebound(to: Int8.self, capacity: 8) {
/// return strlen($0)
/// }
/// // length == 7
/// When you need to permanently rebind memory to a different type, first
/// obtain a raw pointer to the memory and then call the
/// `bindMemory(to:capacity:)` method on the raw pointer. The following
/// example binds the memory referenced by `uint8Pointer` to one instance of
/// the `UInt64` type:
/// let uint64Pointer = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(uint8Pointer)
/// .bindMemory(to: UInt64.self, capacity: 1)
/// After rebinding the memory referenced by `uint8Pointer` to `UInt64`,
/// accessing that pointer's referenced memory as a `UInt8` instance is
/// undefined.
/// var fullInteger = uint64Pointer.pointee // OK
/// var firstByte = uint8Pointer.pointee // undefined
/// Alternatively, you can access the same memory as a different type without
/// rebinding through untyped memory access, so long as the bound type and the
/// destination type are trivial types. Convert your pointer to an
/// `UnsafeMutableRawPointer` instance and then use the raw pointer's
/// `load(fromByteOffset:as:)` and `storeBytes(of:toByteOffset:as:)` methods
/// to read and write values.
/// let rawPointer = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(uint64Pointer)
/// fullInteger = rawPointer.load(as: UInt64.self) // OK
/// firstByte = rawPointer.load(as: UInt8.self) // OK
/// Performing Typed Pointer Arithmetic
/// ===================================
/// Pointer arithmetic with a typed pointer is counted in strides of the
/// pointer's `Pointee` type. When you add to or subtract from an `UnsafeMutablePointer`
/// instance, the result is a new pointer of the same type, offset by that
/// number of instances of the `Pointee` type.
/// // 'intPointer' points to memory initialized with [10, 20, 30, 40]
/// let intPointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int> = ...
/// // Load the first value in memory
/// let x = intPointer.pointee
/// // x == 10
/// // Load the third value in memory
/// let offsetPointer = intPointer + 2
/// let y = offsetPointer.pointee
/// // y == 30
/// You can also use subscript notation to access the value in memory at a
/// specific offset.
/// let z = intPointer[2]
/// // z == 30
/// Implicit Casting and Bridging
/// =============================
/// When calling a function or method with an `UnsafeMutablePointer` parameter, you can pass
/// an instance of that specific pointer type or use Swift's implicit bridging
/// to pass a compatible pointer.
/// For example, the `printInt(atAddress:)` function in the following code
/// sample expects an `UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>` instance as its first parameter:
/// func printInt(atAddress p: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) {
/// print(p.pointee)
/// }
/// As is typical in Swift, you can call the `printInt(atAddress:)` function
/// with an `UnsafeMutablePointer` instance. This example passes `intPointer`, a mutable
/// pointer to an `Int` value, to `print(address:)`.
/// printInt(atAddress: intPointer)
/// // Prints "42"
/// Alternatively, you can use Swift's *implicit bridging* to pass a pointer to
/// an instance or to the elements of an array. The following example passes a
/// pointer to the `value` variable by using inout syntax:
/// var value: Int = 23
/// printInt(atAddress: &value)
/// // Prints "23"
/// A mutable pointer to the elements of an array is implicitly created when
/// you pass the array using inout syntax. This example uses implicit bridging
/// to pass a pointer to the elements of `numbers` when calling
/// `printInt(atAddress:)`.
/// var numbers = [5, 10, 15, 20]
/// printInt(atAddress: &numbers)
/// // Prints "5"
/// No matter which way you call `printInt(atAddress:)`, Swift's type safety
/// guarantees that you can only pass a pointer to the type required by the
/// function---in this case, a pointer to an `Int`.
/// - Important: The pointer created through implicit bridging of an instance
/// or of an array's elements is only valid during the execution of the
/// called function. Escaping the pointer to use after the execution of the
/// function is undefined behavior. In particular, do not use implicit
/// bridging when calling an `UnsafeMutablePointer` initializer.
/// var number = 5
/// let numberPointer = UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>(&number)
/// // Accessing 'numberPointer' is undefined behavior.
@_fixed_layout // unsafe-performance
public struct UnsafeMutablePointer<Pointee>: _Pointer {
/// A type that represents the distance between two pointers.
public typealias Distance = Int
/// The underlying raw (untyped) pointer.
public let _rawValue: Builtin.RawPointer
/// Creates an `UnsafeMutablePointer` from a builtin raw pointer.
public init(_ _rawValue : Builtin.RawPointer) {
self._rawValue = _rawValue
/// Creates a mutable typed pointer referencing the same memory as the given
/// immutable pointer.
/// - Parameter other: The immutable pointer to convert.
public init(mutating other: UnsafePointer<Pointee>) {
self._rawValue = other._rawValue
/// Creates a mutable typed pointer referencing the same memory as the given
/// immutable pointer.
/// - Parameter other: The immutable pointer to convert. If `other` is `nil`,
/// the result is `nil`.
public init?(mutating other: UnsafePointer<Pointee>?) {
guard let unwrapped = other else { return nil }
self.init(mutating: unwrapped)
/// Creates an immutable typed pointer referencing the same memory as the
/// given mutable pointer.
/// - Parameter other: The pointer to convert.
public init(_ other: UnsafeMutablePointer<Pointee>) {
self._rawValue = other._rawValue
/// Creates an immutable typed pointer referencing the same memory as the
/// given mutable pointer.
/// - Parameter other: The pointer to convert. If `other` is `nil`, the
/// result is `nil`.
public init?(_ other: UnsafeMutablePointer<Pointee>?) {
guard let unwrapped = other else { return nil }
/// Allocates uninitialized memory for the specified number of instances of
/// type `Pointee`.
/// The resulting pointer references a region of memory that is bound to
/// `Pointee` and is `count * MemoryLayout<Pointee>.stride` bytes in size.
/// The following example allocates enough new memory to store four `Int`
/// instances and then initializes that memory with the elements of a range.
/// let intPointer = UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>.allocate(capacity: 4)
/// for i in 0..<4 {
/// (intPointer + i).initialize(to: i)
/// }
/// print(intPointer.pointee)
/// // Prints "0"
/// When you allocate memory, always remember to deallocate once you're
/// finished.
/// intPointer.deallocate()
/// - Parameter count: The amount of memory to allocate, counted in instances
/// of `Pointee`.
public static func allocate(capacity count: Int)
-> UnsafeMutablePointer<Pointee> {
let size = MemoryLayout<Pointee>.stride * count
// For any alignment <= _minAllocationAlignment, force alignment = 0.
// This forces the runtime's "aligned" allocation path so that
// deallocation does not require the original alignment.
// The runtime guarantees:
// align == 0 || align > _minAllocationAlignment:
// Runtime uses "aligned allocation".
// 0 < align <= _minAllocationAlignment:
// Runtime may use either malloc or "aligned allocation".
var align = Builtin.alignof(Pointee.self)
if Int(align) <= _minAllocationAlignment() {
align = (0)._builtinWordValue
let rawPtr = Builtin.allocRaw(size._builtinWordValue, align)
Builtin.bindMemory(rawPtr, count._builtinWordValue, Pointee.self)
return UnsafeMutablePointer(rawPtr)
/// Deallocates the memory block previously allocated at this pointer.
/// This pointer must be a pointer to the start of a previously allocated memory
/// block. The memory must not be initialized or `Pointee` must be a trivial type.
public func deallocate() {
// Passing zero alignment to the runtime forces "aligned
// deallocation". Since allocation via `UnsafeMutable[Raw][Buffer]Pointer`
// always uses the "aligned allocation" path, this ensures that the
// runtime's allocation and deallocation paths are compatible.
Builtin.deallocRaw(_rawValue, (-1)._builtinWordValue, (0)._builtinWordValue)
/// Accesses the instance referenced by this pointer.
/// When reading from the `pointee` property, the instance referenced by this
/// pointer must already be initialized. When `pointee` is used as the left
/// side of an assignment, the instance must be initialized or this
/// pointer's `Pointee` type must be a trivial type.
/// Do not assign an instance of a nontrivial type through `pointee` to
/// uninitialized memory. Instead, use an initializing method, such as
/// `initialize(to:count:)`.
@inlinable // unsafe-performance
public var pointee: Pointee {
@_transparent unsafeAddress {
return UnsafePointer(self)
@_transparent nonmutating unsafeMutableAddress {
return self
/// Initializes this pointer's memory with the specified number of
/// consecutive copies of the given value.
/// The destination memory must be uninitialized or the pointer's `Pointee`
/// must be a trivial type. After a call to `initialize(repeating:count:)`, the
/// memory referenced by this pointer is initialized.
/// - Parameters:
/// - repeatedValue: The instance to initialize this pointer's memory with.
/// - count: The number of consecutive copies of `newValue` to initialize.
/// `count` must not be negative.
public func initialize(repeating repeatedValue: Pointee, count: Int) {
// FIXME: add tests (since the `count` has been added)
_debugPrecondition(count >= 0,
"UnsafeMutablePointer.initialize(repeating:count:): negative count")
// Must not use `initializeFrom` with a `Collection` as that will introduce
// a cycle.
for offset in 0..<count {
Builtin.initialize(repeatedValue, (self + offset)._rawValue)
/// Initializes this pointer's memory with a single instance of the given value.
/// The destination memory must be uninitialized or the pointer's `Pointee`
/// must be a trivial type. After a call to `initialize(to:)`, the
/// memory referenced by this pointer is initialized. Calling this method is
/// roughly equivalent to calling `initialize(repeating:count:)` with a
/// `count` of 1.
/// - Parameters:
/// - value: The instance to initialize this pointer's pointee to.
public func initialize(to value: Pointee) {
Builtin.initialize(value, self._rawValue)
/// Retrieves and returns the referenced instance, returning the pointer's
/// memory to an uninitialized state.
/// Calling the `move()` method on a pointer `p` that references memory of
/// type `T` is equivalent to the following code, aside from any cost and
/// incidental side effects of copying and destroying the value:
/// let value: T = {
/// defer { p.deinitialize(count: 1) }
/// return p.pointee
/// }()
/// The memory referenced by this pointer must be initialized. After calling
/// `move()`, the memory is uninitialized.
/// - Returns: The instance referenced by this pointer.
public func move() -> Pointee {
return Builtin.take(_rawValue)
/// Replaces this pointer's memory with the specified number of
/// consecutive copies of the given value.
/// The region of memory starting at this pointer and covering `count`
/// instances of the pointer's `Pointee` type must be initialized or
/// `Pointee` must be a trivial type. After calling
/// `assign(repeating:count:)`, the region is initialized.
/// - Parameters:
/// - repeatedValue: The instance to assign this pointer's memory to.
/// - count: The number of consecutive copies of `newValue` to assign.
/// `count` must not be negative.
public func assign(repeating repeatedValue: Pointee, count: Int) {
_debugPrecondition(count >= 0, "UnsafeMutablePointer.assign(repeating:count:) with negative count")
for i in 0..<count {
self[i] = repeatedValue
/// Replaces this pointer's initialized memory with the specified number of
/// instances from the given pointer's memory.
/// The region of memory starting at this pointer and covering `count`
/// instances of the pointer's `Pointee` type must be initialized or
/// `Pointee` must be a trivial type. After calling
/// `assign(from:count:)`, the region is initialized.
/// - Note: Returns without performing work if `self` and `source` are equal.
/// - Parameters:
/// - source: A pointer to at least `count` initialized instances of type
/// `Pointee`. The memory regions referenced by `source` and this
/// pointer may overlap.
/// - count: The number of instances to copy from the memory referenced by
/// `source` to this pointer's memory. `count` must not be negative.
public func assign(from source: UnsafePointer<Pointee>, count: Int) {
count >= 0, "UnsafeMutablePointer.assign with negative count")
if UnsafePointer(self) < source || UnsafePointer(self) >= source + count {
// assign forward from a disjoint or following overlapping range.
Pointee.self, self._rawValue, source._rawValue, count._builtinWordValue)
// This builtin is equivalent to:
// for i in 0..<count {
// self[i] = source[i]
// }
else if UnsafePointer(self) != source {
// assign backward from a non-following overlapping range.
Pointee.self, self._rawValue, source._rawValue, count._builtinWordValue)
// This builtin is equivalent to:
// var i = count-1
// while i >= 0 {
// self[i] = source[i]
// i -= 1
// }
/// Moves instances from initialized source memory into the uninitialized
/// memory referenced by this pointer, leaving the source memory
/// uninitialized and the memory referenced by this pointer initialized.
/// The region of memory starting at this pointer and covering `count`
/// instances of the pointer's `Pointee` type must be uninitialized or
/// `Pointee` must be a trivial type. After calling
/// `moveInitialize(from:count:)`, the region is initialized and the memory
/// region `source..<(source + count)` is uninitialized.
/// - Parameters:
/// - source: A pointer to the values to copy. The memory region
/// `source..<(source + count)` must be initialized. The memory regions
/// referenced by `source` and this pointer may overlap.
/// - count: The number of instances to move from `source` to this
/// pointer's memory. `count` must not be negative.
public func moveInitialize(from source: UnsafeMutablePointer, count: Int) {
count >= 0, "UnsafeMutablePointer.moveInitialize with negative count")
if self < source || self >= source + count {
// initialize forward from a disjoint or following overlapping range.
Pointee.self, self._rawValue, source._rawValue, count._builtinWordValue)
// This builtin is equivalent to:
// for i in 0..<count {
// (self + i).initialize(to: (source + i).move())
// }
else {
// initialize backward from a non-following overlapping range.
Pointee.self, self._rawValue, source._rawValue, count._builtinWordValue)
// This builtin is equivalent to:
// var src = source + count
// var dst = self + count
// while dst != self {
// (--dst).initialize(to: (--src).move())
// }
/// Initializes the memory referenced by this pointer with the values
/// starting at the given pointer.
/// The region of memory starting at this pointer and covering `count`
/// instances of the pointer's `Pointee` type must be uninitialized or
/// `Pointee` must be a trivial type. After calling
/// `initialize(from:count:)`, the region is initialized.
/// - Parameters:
/// - source: A pointer to the values to copy. The memory region
/// `source..<(source + count)` must be initialized. The memory regions
/// referenced by `source` and this pointer must not overlap.
/// - count: The number of instances to move from `source` to this
/// pointer's memory. `count` must not be negative.
public func initialize(from source: UnsafePointer<Pointee>, count: Int) {
count >= 0, "UnsafeMutablePointer.initialize with negative count")
UnsafePointer(self) + count <= source ||
source + count <= UnsafePointer(self),
"UnsafeMutablePointer.initialize overlapping range")
Pointee.self, self._rawValue, source._rawValue, count._builtinWordValue)
// This builtin is equivalent to:
// for i in 0..<count {
// (self + i).initialize(to: source[i])
// }
/// Replaces the memory referenced by this pointer with the values
/// starting at the given pointer, leaving the source memory uninitialized.
/// The region of memory starting at this pointer and covering `count`
/// instances of the pointer's `Pointee` type must be initialized or
/// `Pointee` must be a trivial type. After calling
/// `moveAssign(from:count:)`, the region is initialized and the memory
/// region `source..<(source + count)` is uninitialized.
/// - Parameters:
/// - source: A pointer to the values to copy. The memory region
/// `source..<(source + count)` must be initialized. The memory regions
/// referenced by `source` and this pointer must not overlap.
/// - count: The number of instances to move from `source` to this
/// pointer's memory. `count` must not be negative.
public func moveAssign(from source: UnsafeMutablePointer, count: Int) {
count >= 0, "UnsafeMutablePointer.moveAssign(from:) with negative count")
self + count <= source || source + count <= self,
"moveAssign overlapping range")
Pointee.self, self._rawValue, source._rawValue, count._builtinWordValue)
// These builtins are equivalent to:
// for i in 0..<count {
// self[i] = (source + i).move()
// }
/// Deinitializes the specified number of values starting at this pointer.
/// The region of memory starting at this pointer and covering `count`
/// instances of the pointer's `Pointee` type must be initialized. After
/// calling `deinitialize(count:)`, the memory is uninitialized, but still
/// bound to the `Pointee` type.
/// - Parameter count: The number of instances to deinitialize. `count` must
/// not be negative.
/// - Returns: A raw pointer to the same address as this pointer. The memory
/// referenced by the returned raw pointer is still bound to `Pointee`.
public func deinitialize(count: Int) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
_debugPrecondition(count >= 0, "UnsafeMutablePointer.deinitialize with negative count")
// FIXME: optimization should be implemented, where if the `count` value
// is 1, the `Builtin.destroy(Pointee.self, _rawValue)` gets called.
Builtin.destroyArray(Pointee.self, _rawValue, count._builtinWordValue)
return UnsafeMutableRawPointer(self)
/// Executes the given closure while temporarily binding the specified number
/// of instances to the given type.
/// Use this method when you have a pointer to memory bound to one type and
/// you need to access that memory as instances of another type. Accessing
/// memory as a type `T` requires that the memory be bound to that type. A
/// memory location may only be bound to one type at a time, so accessing
/// the same memory as an unrelated type without first rebinding the memory
/// is undefined.
/// The region of memory starting at this pointer and covering `count`
/// instances of the pointer's `Pointee` type must be initialized.
/// The following example temporarily rebinds the memory of a `UInt64`
/// pointer to `Int64`, then accesses a property on the signed integer.
/// let uint64Pointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt64> = fetchValue()
/// let isNegative = uint64Pointer.withMemoryRebound(to: Int64.self) { ptr in
/// return ptr.pointee < 0
/// }
/// Because this pointer's memory is no longer bound to its `Pointee` type
/// while the `body` closure executes, do not access memory using the
/// original pointer from within `body`. Instead, use the `body` closure's
/// pointer argument to access the values in memory as instances of type
/// `T`.
/// After executing `body`, this method rebinds memory back to the original
/// `Pointee` type.
/// - Note: Only use this method to rebind the pointer's memory to a type
/// with the same size and stride as the currently bound `Pointee` type.
/// To bind a region of memory to a type that is a different size, convert
/// the pointer to a raw pointer and use the `bindMemory(to:capacity:)`
/// method.
/// - Parameters:
/// - type: The type to temporarily bind the memory referenced by this
/// pointer. The type `T` must be the same size and be layout compatible
/// with the pointer's `Pointee` type.
/// - count: The number of instances of `Pointee` to bind to `type`.
/// - body: A closure that takes a mutable typed pointer to the
/// same memory as this pointer, only bound to type `T`. The closure's
/// pointer argument is valid only for the duration of the closure's
/// execution. If `body` has a return value, that value is also used as
/// the return value for the `withMemoryRebound(to:capacity:_:)` method.
/// - Returns: The return value, if any, of the `body` closure parameter.
public func withMemoryRebound<T, Result>(to type: T.Type, capacity count: Int,
_ body: (UnsafeMutablePointer<T>) throws -> Result
) rethrows -> Result {
Builtin.bindMemory(_rawValue, count._builtinWordValue, T.self)
defer {
Builtin.bindMemory(_rawValue, count._builtinWordValue, Pointee.self)
return try body(UnsafeMutablePointer<T>(_rawValue))
/// Accesses the pointee at the specified offset from this pointer.
/// For a pointer `p`, the memory at `p + i` must be initialized when reading
/// the value by using the subscript. When the subscript is used as the left
/// side of an assignment, the memory at `p + i` must be initialized or
/// the pointer's `Pointee` type must be a trivial type.
/// Do not assign an instance of a nontrivial type through the subscript to
/// uninitialized memory. Instead, use an initializing method, such as
/// `initialize(to:count:)`.
/// - Parameter i: The offset from this pointer at which to access an
/// instance, measured in strides of the pointer's `Pointee` type.
public subscript(i: Int) -> Pointee {
unsafeAddress {
return UnsafePointer(self + i)
nonmutating unsafeMutableAddress {
return self + i
@inlinable // unsafe-performance
internal static var _max : UnsafeMutablePointer {
return UnsafeMutablePointer(
bitPattern: 0 as Int &- MemoryLayout<Pointee>.stride