blob: 3eceb4b01e2a0ef48b5b58a7ec9e327c8d7cb738 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import SwiftShims
@inlinable @inline(__always) // top-level fastest-paths
internal func _stringCompare(
_ lhs: _StringGuts, _ rhs: _StringGuts, expecting: _StringComparisonResult
) -> Bool {
if lhs.rawBits == rhs.rawBits { return expecting == .equal }
return _stringCompareWithSmolCheck(lhs, rhs, expecting: expecting)
internal func _stringCompareWithSmolCheck(
_ lhs: _StringGuts, _ rhs: _StringGuts, expecting: _StringComparisonResult
) -> Bool {
// ASCII small-string fast-path:
if lhs.isSmallASCII && rhs.isSmallASCII {
let lhsRaw = lhs.asSmall._storage
let rhsRaw = rhs.asSmall._storage
if lhsRaw.0 != rhsRaw.0 {
return _lexicographicalCompare(
lhsRaw.0.bigEndian, rhsRaw.0.bigEndian, expecting: expecting)
return _lexicographicalCompare(
lhsRaw.1.bigEndian, rhsRaw.1.bigEndian, expecting: expecting)
return _stringCompareInternal(lhs, rhs, expecting: expecting)
@inline(never) // Keep `_stringCompareWithSmolCheck` fast-path fast
internal func _stringCompareInternal(
_ lhs: _StringGuts, _ rhs: _StringGuts, expecting: _StringComparisonResult
) -> Bool {
guard _fastPath(lhs.isFastUTF8 && rhs.isFastUTF8) else {
return _stringCompareSlow(lhs, rhs, expecting: expecting)
let isNFC = lhs.isNFC && rhs.isNFC
return lhs.withFastUTF8 { lhsUTF8 in
return rhs.withFastUTF8 { rhsUTF8 in
return _stringCompareFastUTF8(
lhsUTF8, rhsUTF8, expecting: expecting, bothNFC: isNFC)
@inlinable @inline(__always) // top-level fastest-paths
internal func _stringCompare(
_ lhs: _StringGuts, _ lhsRange: Range<Int>,
_ rhs: _StringGuts, _ rhsRange: Range<Int>,
expecting: _StringComparisonResult
) -> Bool {
if lhs.rawBits == rhs.rawBits && lhsRange == rhsRange {
return expecting == .equal
return _stringCompareInternal(
lhs, lhsRange, rhs, rhsRange, expecting: expecting)
internal func _stringCompareInternal(
_ lhs: _StringGuts, _ lhsRange: Range<Int>,
_ rhs: _StringGuts, _ rhsRange: Range<Int>,
expecting: _StringComparisonResult
) -> Bool {
guard _fastPath(lhs.isFastUTF8 && rhs.isFastUTF8) else {
return _stringCompareSlow(
lhs, lhsRange, rhs, rhsRange, expecting: expecting)
let isNFC = lhs.isNFC && rhs.isNFC
return lhs.withFastUTF8(range: lhsRange) { lhsUTF8 in
return rhs.withFastUTF8(range: rhsRange) { rhsUTF8 in
return _stringCompareFastUTF8(
lhsUTF8, rhsUTF8, expecting: expecting, bothNFC: isNFC)
private func _stringCompareFastUTF8(
_ utf8Left: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>,
_ utf8Right: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>,
expecting: _StringComparisonResult,
bothNFC: Bool
) -> Bool {
if _fastPath(bothNFC) {
let cmp = _binaryCompare(utf8Left, utf8Right)
return _lexicographicalCompare(cmp, 0, expecting: expecting)
return _stringCompareFastUTF8Abnormal(
utf8Left, utf8Right, expecting: expecting)
private func _stringCompareFastUTF8Abnormal(
_ utf8Left: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>,
_ utf8Right: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>,
expecting: _StringComparisonResult
) -> Bool {
// Do a binary-equality prefix scan, to skip over long common prefixes.
guard let diffIdx = _findDiffIdx(utf8Left, utf8Right) else {
// We finished one of our inputs.
// TODO: This gives us a consistent and good ordering, but technically it
// could differ from our stated ordering if combination with a prior scalar
// did not produce a greater-value scalar. Consider checking normality.
return _lexicographicalCompare(
utf8Left.count, utf8Right.count, expecting: expecting)
let scalarDiffIdx = _scalarAlign(utf8Left, diffIdx)
_internalInvariant(scalarDiffIdx == _scalarAlign(utf8Right, diffIdx))
let (leftScalar, leftLen) = _decodeScalar(utf8Left, startingAt: scalarDiffIdx)
let (rightScalar, rightLen) = _decodeScalar(
utf8Right, startingAt: scalarDiffIdx)
// Very frequent fast-path: point of binary divergence is a NFC single-scalar
// segment. Check that we diverged at the start of a segment, and the next
// scalar is both NFC and its own segment.
if _fastPath(
leftScalar._isNFCStarter && rightScalar._isNFCStarter &&
utf8Left.hasNormalizationBoundary(before: scalarDiffIdx &+ leftLen) &&
utf8Right.hasNormalizationBoundary(before: scalarDiffIdx &+ rightLen)
) {
guard expecting == .less else {
// We diverged
_internalInvariant(expecting == .equal)
return false
return _lexicographicalCompare(
leftScalar.value, rightScalar.value, expecting: .less)
// Back up to the nearest normalization boundary before doing a slow
// normalizing compare.
let boundaryIdx = Swift.min(
_findBoundary(utf8Left, before: diffIdx),
_findBoundary(utf8Right, before: diffIdx))
_internalInvariant(boundaryIdx <= diffIdx)
return _stringCompareSlow(
UnsafeBufferPointer(rebasing: utf8Left[boundaryIdx...]),
UnsafeBufferPointer(rebasing: utf8Right[boundaryIdx...]),
expecting: expecting)
private func _stringCompareSlow(
_ lhs: _StringGuts, _ rhs: _StringGuts, expecting: _StringComparisonResult
) -> Bool {
return _stringCompareSlow(
lhs, 0..<lhs.count, rhs, 0..<rhs.count, expecting: expecting)
private func _stringCompareSlow(
_ lhs: _StringGuts, _ lhsRange: Range<Int>,
_ rhs: _StringGuts, _ rhsRange: Range<Int>,
expecting: _StringComparisonResult
) -> Bool {
// TODO: Just call the normalizer directly with range
return _StringGutsSlice(lhs, lhsRange).compare(
with: _StringGutsSlice(rhs, rhsRange),
expecting: expecting)
private func _stringCompareSlow(
_ leftUTF8: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>,
_ rightUTF8: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>,
expecting: _StringComparisonResult
) -> Bool {
// TODO: Just call the normalizer directly
let left = _StringGutsSlice(_StringGuts(leftUTF8, isASCII: false))
let right = _StringGutsSlice(_StringGuts(rightUTF8, isASCII: false))
return right, expecting: expecting)
// Return the point of binary divergence. If they have no binary difference
// (even if one is longer), returns nil.
private func _findDiffIdx(
_ left: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>, _ right: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>
) -> Int? {
let count = Swift.min(left.count, right.count)
var idx = 0
while idx < count {
guard left[_unchecked: idx] == right[_unchecked: idx] else {
return idx
idx &+= 1
return nil
private func _lexicographicalCompare<I: FixedWidthInteger>(
_ lhs: I, _ rhs: I, expecting: _StringComparisonResult
) -> Bool {
return expecting == .equal ? lhs == rhs : lhs < rhs
private func _findBoundary(
_ utf8: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>, before: Int
) -> Int {
var idx = before
_internalInvariant(idx >= 0)
// End of string is a normalization boundary
guard idx < utf8.count else {
_internalInvariant(before == utf8.count)
return utf8.count
// Back up to scalar boundary
while UTF8.isContinuation(utf8[_unchecked: idx]) {
idx &-= 1
while true {
if idx == 0 { return 0 }
let scalar = _decodeScalar(utf8, startingAt: idx).0
if scalar._hasNormalizationBoundaryBefore { return idx }
idx &-= _utf8ScalarLength(utf8, endingAt: idx)
internal enum _StringComparisonResult {
case equal
case less
@inlinable @inline(__always)
internal init(signedNotation int: Int) {
_internalInvariant(int <= 0)
self = int == 0 ? .equal : .less
@inlinable @inline(__always)
static func ==(
_ lhs: _StringComparisonResult, _ rhs: _StringComparisonResult
) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case (.equal, .equal): return true
case (.less, .less): return true
default: return false
// Perform a binary comparison of bytes in memory. Return value is negative if
// less, 0 if equal, positive if greater.
internal func _binaryCompare<UInt8>(
_ lhs: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>, _ rhs: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>
) -> Int {
var cmp = Int(truncatingIfNeeded:
Swift.min(lhs.count, rhs.count)))
if cmp == 0 {
cmp = lhs.count &- rhs.count
return cmp
// Double dispatch functions
extension _StringGutsSlice {
internal func compare(
with other: _StringGutsSlice, expecting: _StringComparisonResult
) -> Bool {
if _fastPath(self.isFastUTF8 && other.isFastUTF8) {
Builtin.onFastPath() // aggressively inline / optimize
let isEqual = self.withFastUTF8 { utf8Self in
return other.withFastUTF8 { utf8Other in
return 0 == _binaryCompare(utf8Self, utf8Other)
if isEqual { return expecting == .equal }
return _slowCompare(with: other, expecting: expecting)
@inline(never) // opaque slow-path
internal func _slowCompare(
with other: _StringGutsSlice,
expecting: _StringComparisonResult
) -> Bool {
var left_output = _FixedArray16<UInt8>(allZeros: ())
var left_icuInput = _FixedArray16<UInt16>(allZeros: ())
var left_icuOutput = _FixedArray16<UInt16>(allZeros: ())
var right_output = _FixedArray16<UInt8>(allZeros: ())
var right_icuInput = _FixedArray16<UInt16>(allZeros: ())
var right_icuOutput = _FixedArray16<UInt16>(allZeros: ())
if _fastPath(self.isFastUTF8 && other.isFastUTF8) {
return self.withFastUTF8 { leftUTF8 in
other.withFastUTF8 { rightUTF8 in
let leftStartIndex = String.Index(_encodedOffset: 0)
let rightStartIndex = String.Index(_encodedOffset: 0)
let leftEndIndex = String.Index(_encodedOffset: leftUTF8.count)
let rightEndIndex = String.Index(_encodedOffset: rightUTF8.count)
return _normalizedCompareImpl(
left_outputBuffer: _castOutputBuffer(&left_output),
left_icuInputBuffer: _castOutputBuffer(&left_icuInput),
left_icuOutputBuffer: _castOutputBuffer(&left_icuOutput),
right_outputBuffer: _castOutputBuffer(&right_output),
right_icuInputBuffer: _castOutputBuffer(&right_icuInput),
right_icuOutputBuffer: _castOutputBuffer(&right_icuOutput),
left_range: leftStartIndex..<leftEndIndex,
right_range: rightStartIndex..<rightEndIndex,
expecting: expecting,
normalizeLeft: { readIndex, outputBuffer, icuInputBuffer, icuOutputBuffer in
readIndex: readIndex,
sourceBuffer: leftUTF8,
outputBuffer: &outputBuffer,
icuInputBuffer: &icuInputBuffer,
icuOutputBuffer: &icuOutputBuffer)
normalizeRight: { readIndex, outputBuffer, icuInputBuffer, icuOutputBuffer in
readIndex: readIndex,
sourceBuffer: rightUTF8,
outputBuffer: &outputBuffer,
icuInputBuffer: &icuInputBuffer,
icuOutputBuffer: &icuOutputBuffer)
} else {
return _normalizedCompareImpl(
left_outputBuffer: _castOutputBuffer(&left_output),
left_icuInputBuffer: _castOutputBuffer(&left_icuInput),
left_icuOutputBuffer: _castOutputBuffer(&left_icuOutput),
right_outputBuffer: _castOutputBuffer(&right_output),
right_icuInputBuffer: _castOutputBuffer(&right_icuInput),
right_icuOutputBuffer: _castOutputBuffer(&right_icuOutput),
left_range: range,
right_range: other.range,
expecting: expecting,
normalizeLeft: { readIndex, outputBuffer, icuInputBuffer, icuOutputBuffer in
readIndex: readIndex,
endIndex: range.upperBound,
guts: _guts,
outputBuffer: &outputBuffer,
icuInputBuffer: &icuInputBuffer,
icuOutputBuffer: &icuOutputBuffer)
normalizeRight: { readIndex, outputBuffer, icuInputBuffer, icuOutputBuffer in
readIndex: readIndex,
endIndex: other.range.upperBound,
guts: other._guts,
outputBuffer: &outputBuffer,
icuInputBuffer: &icuInputBuffer,
icuOutputBuffer: &icuOutputBuffer)
@inline(__always) //Avoid unecessary overhead from the closures.
internal func _normalizedCompareImpl(
left_outputBuffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt8>,
left_icuInputBuffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt16>,
left_icuOutputBuffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt16>,
right_outputBuffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt8>,
right_icuInputBuffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt16>,
right_icuOutputBuffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt16>,
left_range: Range<String.Index>,
right_range: Range<String.Index>,
expecting: _StringComparisonResult,
normalizeLeft: (
_ readIndex: String.Index,
_ outputBuffer: inout UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt8>,
_ icuInputBuffer: inout UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt16>,
_ icuOutputBuffer: inout UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt16>) -> NormalizationResult,
normalizeRight: (
_ readIndex: String.Index,
_ outputBuffer: inout UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt8>,
_ icuInputBuffer: inout UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt16>,
_ icuOutputBuffer: inout UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt16>) -> NormalizationResult
) -> Bool {
var left_outputBuffer = left_outputBuffer
var left_icuInputBuffer = left_icuInputBuffer
var left_icuOutputBuffer = left_icuOutputBuffer
var right_outputBuffer = right_outputBuffer
var right_icuInputBuffer = right_icuInputBuffer
var right_icuOutputBuffer = right_icuOutputBuffer
var leftNextReadPosition = left_range.lowerBound
var rightNextReadPosition = right_range.lowerBound
var leftOutputBufferIndex = 0
var rightOutputBufferIndex = 0
var leftOutputBufferCount = 0
var rightOutputBufferCount = 0
let leftEndIndex = left_range.upperBound
let rightEndIndex = right_range.upperBound
var hasLeftBufferOwnership = false
var hasRightBufferOwnership = false
if left_range.isEmpty && right_range.isEmpty {
return expecting == .equal
if left_range.isEmpty {
return expecting == .less
if right_range.isEmpty {
return false
defer {
if hasLeftBufferOwnership {
if hasRightBufferOwnership {
repeat {
if leftOutputBufferIndex == leftOutputBufferCount {
let result = normalizeLeft(
_internalInvariant(result.nextReadPosition != leftNextReadPosition)
leftOutputBufferCount = result.amountFilled
leftOutputBufferIndex = 0
leftNextReadPosition = result.nextReadPosition
if result.allocatedBuffers {
hasLeftBufferOwnership = true
if rightOutputBufferIndex == rightOutputBufferCount {
let result = normalizeRight(
_internalInvariant(result.nextReadPosition != rightNextReadPosition)
rightOutputBufferCount = result.amountFilled
rightOutputBufferIndex = 0
rightNextReadPosition = result.nextReadPosition
if result.allocatedBuffers {
hasRightBufferOwnership = true
while leftOutputBufferIndex < leftOutputBufferCount && rightOutputBufferIndex < rightOutputBufferCount {
let leftCU = left_outputBuffer[leftOutputBufferIndex]
let rightCU = right_outputBuffer[rightOutputBufferIndex]
if leftCU == rightCU {
leftOutputBufferIndex += 1
rightOutputBufferIndex += 1
} else if leftCU < rightCU {
return expecting == .less
} else {
return false
} while (leftNextReadPosition < leftEndIndex
|| leftOutputBufferIndex < leftOutputBufferCount)
&& (rightNextReadPosition < rightEndIndex
|| rightOutputBufferIndex < rightOutputBufferCount)
//At least one of them ran out of code units, whichever it was is the "smaller" string
if leftNextReadPosition < leftEndIndex
|| leftOutputBufferIndex < leftOutputBufferCount {
return false
} else if rightNextReadPosition < rightEndIndex
|| rightOutputBufferIndex < rightOutputBufferCount {
return expecting == .less
} else {
//They both ran out
return expecting == .equal