blob: 21b7cb9ebf4c4314ca739246fb35a59f01d9d769 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import SwiftShims
/// Effectively an untyped NSString that doesn't require foundation.
internal typealias _CocoaString = AnyObject
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
// Swift's String bridges NSString via this protocol and these
// variables, allowing the core stdlib to remain decoupled from
// Foundation.
@usableFromInline // @testable
internal func _stdlib_binary_CFStringCreateCopy(
_ source: _CocoaString
) -> _CocoaString {
let result = _swift_stdlib_CFStringCreateCopy(nil, source) as AnyObject
return result
@usableFromInline // @testable
internal func _stdlib_binary_CFStringGetLength(
_ source: _CocoaString
) -> Int {
return _swift_stdlib_CFStringGetLength(source)
@usableFromInline // @testable
internal func _stdlib_binary_CFStringGetCharactersPtr(
_ source: _CocoaString
) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<UTF16.CodeUnit>? {
return UnsafeMutablePointer(
mutating: _swift_stdlib_CFStringGetCharactersPtr(source))
/// Copies a slice of a _CocoaString into contiguous storage of sufficient
/// capacity.
internal func _cocoaStringCopyCharacters(
from source: _CocoaString,
range: Range<Int>,
into destination: UnsafeMutablePointer<UTF16.CodeUnit>
) {
_swift_shims_CFRange(location: range.lowerBound, length: range.count),
internal func _cocoaStringSubscript(
_ target: _CocoaString, _ position: Int
) -> UTF16.CodeUnit {
let cfSelf: _swift_shims_CFStringRef = target
return _swift_stdlib_CFStringGetCharacterAtIndex(cfSelf, position)
internal func _cocoaStringCompare(
_ string: _CocoaString, _ other: _CocoaString
) -> Int {
let cfSelf: _swift_shims_CFStringRef = string
let cfOther: _swift_shims_CFStringRef = other
return _swift_stdlib_CFStringCompare(cfSelf, cfOther)
internal func _cocoaHashString(
_ string: _CocoaString
) -> UInt {
return _swift_stdlib_CFStringHashNSString(string)
internal func _cocoaHashASCIIBytes(
_ bytes: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, length: Int
) -> UInt {
return _swift_stdlib_CFStringHashCString(bytes, length)
// These "trampolines" are effectively objc_msgSend_super.
// They bypass our implementations to use NSString's.
internal func _cocoaCStringUsingEncodingTrampoline(
_ string: _CocoaString, _ encoding: UInt
) -> UnsafePointer<UInt8>? {
return _swift_stdlib_NSStringCStringUsingEncodingTrampoline(string, encoding)
internal func _cocoaGetCStringTrampoline(
_ string: _CocoaString,
_ buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>,
_ maxLength: Int,
_ encoding: UInt
) -> Int8 {
return Int8(_swift_stdlib_NSStringGetCStringTrampoline(
string, buffer, maxLength, encoding))
// Conversion from NSString to Swift's native representation.
private var kCFStringEncodingASCII : _swift_shims_CFStringEncoding {
@inline(__always) get { return 0x0600 }
private var kCFStringEncodingUTF8 : _swift_shims_CFStringEncoding {
@inline(__always) get { return 0x8000100 }
private func _unsafeAddressOfCocoaStringClass(_ str: _CocoaString) -> UInt {
return _swift_stdlib_unsafeAddressOfClass(str)
internal enum _KnownCocoaString {
case storage
case shared
case cocoa
#if !(arch(i386) || arch(arm))
case tagged
init(_ str: _CocoaString) {
#if !(arch(i386) || arch(arm))
if _isObjCTaggedPointer(str) {
self = .tagged
switch _unsafeAddressOfCocoaStringClass(str) {
case unsafeBitCast(__StringStorage.self, to: UInt.self):
self = .storage
case unsafeBitCast(__SharedStringStorage.self, to: UInt.self):
self = .shared
self = .cocoa
#if !(arch(i386) || arch(arm))
// Resiliently write a tagged _CocoaString's contents into a buffer.
@_effects(releasenone) // @opaque
internal func _bridgeTagged(
_ cocoa: _CocoaString,
intoUTF8 bufPtr: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt8>
) -> Int? {
let ptr = bufPtr.baseAddress._unsafelyUnwrappedUnchecked
let length = _stdlib_binary_CFStringGetLength(cocoa)
_internalInvariant(length <= _SmallString.capacity)
var count = 0
let numCharWritten = _swift_stdlib_CFStringGetBytes(
cocoa, _swift_shims_CFRange(location: 0, length: length),
kCFStringEncodingUTF8, 0, 0, ptr, bufPtr.count, &count)
return length == numCharWritten ? count : nil
@_effects(releasenone) // @opaque
internal func _cocoaUTF8Pointer(_ str: _CocoaString) -> UnsafePointer<UInt8>? {
// TODO(String bridging): Is there a better interface here? This requires nul
// termination and may assume ASCII.
guard let ptr = _swift_stdlib_CFStringGetCStringPtr(
str, kCFStringEncodingUTF8
) else { return nil }
return ptr._asUInt8
private enum CocoaStringPointer {
case ascii(UnsafePointer<UInt8>)
case utf8(UnsafePointer<UInt8>)
case utf16(UnsafePointer<UInt16>)
case none
private func _getCocoaStringPointer(
_ cfImmutableValue: _CocoaString
) -> CocoaStringPointer {
if let utf8Ptr = _cocoaUTF8Pointer(cfImmutableValue) {
// NOTE: CFStringGetCStringPointer means ASCII
return .ascii(utf8Ptr)
if let utf16Ptr = _swift_stdlib_CFStringGetCharactersPtr(cfImmutableValue) {
return .utf16(utf16Ptr)
return .none
@_effects(releasenone) // @opaque
internal func _bridgeCocoaString(_ cocoaString: _CocoaString) -> _StringGuts {
switch _KnownCocoaString(cocoaString) {
case .storage:
return _unsafeUncheckedDowncast(
cocoaString, to: __StringStorage.self).asString._guts
case .shared:
return _unsafeUncheckedDowncast(
cocoaString, to: __SharedStringStorage.self).asString._guts
#if !(arch(i386) || arch(arm))
case .tagged:
return _StringGuts(_SmallString(taggedCocoa: cocoaString))
case .cocoa:
// "Copy" it into a value to be sure nobody will modify behind
// our backs. In practice, when value is already immutable, this
// just does a retain.
// TODO: Only in certain circumstances should we emit this call:
// 1) If it's immutable, just retain it.
// 2) If it's mutable with no associated information, then a copy must
// happen; might as well eagerly bridge it in.
// 3) If it's mutable with associated information, must make the call
let immutableCopy
= _stdlib_binary_CFStringCreateCopy(cocoaString) as AnyObject
#if !(arch(i386) || arch(arm))
if _isObjCTaggedPointer(immutableCopy) {
return _StringGuts(_SmallString(taggedCocoa: immutableCopy))
let (fastUTF8, isASCII): (Bool, Bool)
switch _getCocoaStringPointer(immutableCopy) {
case .ascii(_): (fastUTF8, isASCII) = (true, true)
case .utf8(_): (fastUTF8, isASCII) = (true, false)
default: (fastUTF8, isASCII) = (false, false)
let length = _stdlib_binary_CFStringGetLength(immutableCopy)
return _StringGuts(
cocoa: immutableCopy,
providesFastUTF8: fastUTF8,
length: length)
extension String {
public // SPI(Foundation)
init(_cocoaString: AnyObject) {
self._guts = _bridgeCocoaString(_cocoaString)
extension String {
public // SPI(Foundation)
func _bridgeToObjectiveCImpl() -> AnyObject {
if _guts.isSmall {
return _guts.asSmall.withUTF8 { bufPtr in
// TODO(String bridging): worth isASCII check for different encoding?
return _swift_stdlib_CFStringCreateWithBytes(
nil, bufPtr.baseAddress._unsafelyUnwrappedUnchecked,
kCFStringEncodingUTF8, 0)
as AnyObject
if _guts._object.isImmortal {
// TODO: We'd rather emit a valid ObjC object statically than create a
// shared string class instance.
let gutsCountAndFlags = _guts._object._countAndFlags
return __SharedStringStorage(
immortal: _guts._object.fastUTF8.baseAddress!,
countAndFlags: _StringObject.CountAndFlags(
sharedCount: _guts.count, isASCII: gutsCountAndFlags.isASCII))
"Unknown non-bridgeable object case")
return _guts._object.objCBridgeableObject
// At runtime, this class is derived from `__SwiftNativeNSStringBase`,
// which is derived from `NSString`.
// The @_swift_native_objc_runtime_base attribute
// This allows us to subclass an Objective-C class and use the fast Swift
// memory allocator.
@objc @_swift_native_objc_runtime_base(__SwiftNativeNSStringBase)
class __SwiftNativeNSString {
@objc internal init() {}
deinit {}
// Called by the SwiftObject implementation to get the description of a value
// as an NSString.
public func _getDescription<T>(_ x: T) -> AnyObject {
return String(reflecting: x)._bridgeToObjectiveCImpl()
#else // !_runtime(_ObjC)
internal class __SwiftNativeNSString {
internal init() {}
deinit {}
// Special-case Index <-> Offset converters for bridging and use in accelerating
// the UTF16View in general.
extension StringProtocol {
@_specialize(where Self == String)
@_specialize(where Self == Substring)
public // SPI(Foundation)
func _toUTF16Offset(_ idx: Index) -> Int {
return self.utf16.distance(from: self.utf16.startIndex, to: idx)
@_specialize(where Self == String)
@_specialize(where Self == Substring)
public // SPI(Foundation)
func _toUTF16Index(_ offset: Int) -> Index {
return self.utf16.index(self.utf16.startIndex, offsetBy: offset)
@_specialize(where Self == String)
@_specialize(where Self == Substring)
public // SPI(Foundation)
func _toUTF16Offsets(_ indices: Range<Index>) -> Range<Int> {
let lowerbound = _toUTF16Offset(indices.lowerBound)
let length = self.utf16.distance(
from: indices.lowerBound, to: indices.upperBound)
return Range(
uncheckedBounds: (lower: lowerbound, upper: lowerbound + length))
@_specialize(where Self == String)
@_specialize(where Self == Substring)
public // SPI(Foundation)
func _toUTF16Indices(_ range: Range<Int>) -> Range<Index> {
let lowerbound = _toUTF16Index(range.lowerBound)
let upperbound = _toUTF16Index(range.lowerBound + range.count)
return Range(uncheckedBounds: (lower: lowerbound, upper: upperbound))
extension String {
public // @testable / @benchmarkable
func _copyUTF16CodeUnits(
into buffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt16>,
range: Range<Int>
) {
_internalInvariant(buffer.count >= range.count)
let indexRange = self._toUTF16Indices(range)
self._nativeCopyUTF16CodeUnits(into: buffer, range: indexRange)