blob: 6e516f469bf3d24ff2b57b4e4b86edc7b6bffdfb [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
internal func _getNormalizedType<T>(_: T, type: Any.Type) -> Any.Type
internal func _getChildCount<T>(_: T, type: Any.Type) -> Int
internal typealias NameFreeFunc = @convention(c) (UnsafePointer<CChar>?) -> Void
internal func _getChild<T>(
of: T,
type: Any.Type,
index: Int,
outName: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<CChar>?>,
outFreeFunc: UnsafeMutablePointer<NameFreeFunc?>
) -> Any
// Returns 'c' (class), 'e' (enum), 's' (struct), 't' (tuple), or '\0' (none)
internal func _getDisplayStyle<T>(_: T) -> CChar
internal func getChild<T>(of value: T, type: Any.Type, index: Int) -> (label: String?, value: Any) {
var nameC: UnsafePointer<CChar>? = nil
var freeFunc: NameFreeFunc? = nil
let value = _getChild(of: value, type: type, index: index, outName: &nameC, outFreeFunc: &freeFunc)
let name = nameC.flatMap({ String(validatingUTF8: $0) })
return (name, value)
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
internal func _getQuickLookObject<T>(_: T) -> AnyObject?
internal func _isImpl(_ object: AnyObject, kindOf: AnyObject) -> Bool
internal func _is(_ object: AnyObject, kindOf `class`: String) -> Bool {
return _isImpl(object, kindOf: `class` as AnyObject)
internal func _getClassPlaygroundQuickLook(
_ object: AnyObject
) -> _PlaygroundQuickLook? {
if _is(object, kindOf: "NSNumber") {
let number: _NSNumber = unsafeBitCast(object, to: _NSNumber.self)
switch UInt8(number.objCType[0]) {
case UInt8(ascii: "d"):
return .double(number.doubleValue)
case UInt8(ascii: "f"):
return .float(number.floatValue)
case UInt8(ascii: "Q"):
return .uInt(number.unsignedLongLongValue)
return .int(number.longLongValue)
if _is(object, kindOf: "NSAttributedString") {
return .attributedString(object)
if _is(object, kindOf: "NSImage") ||
_is(object, kindOf: "UIImage") ||
_is(object, kindOf: "NSImageView") ||
_is(object, kindOf: "UIImageView") ||
_is(object, kindOf: "CIImage") ||
_is(object, kindOf: "NSBitmapImageRep") {
return .image(object)
if _is(object, kindOf: "NSColor") ||
_is(object, kindOf: "UIColor") {
return .color(object)
if _is(object, kindOf: "NSBezierPath") ||
_is(object, kindOf: "UIBezierPath") {
return .bezierPath(object)
if _is(object, kindOf: "NSString") {
return .text(_forceBridgeFromObjectiveC(object, String.self))
return .none
extension Mirror {
internal init(internalReflecting subject: Any,
subjectType: Any.Type? = nil,
customAncestor: Mirror? = nil)
let subjectType = subjectType ?? _getNormalizedType(subject, type: type(of: subject))
let childCount = _getChildCount(subject, type: subjectType)
let children = (0 ..< childCount){
getChild(of: subject, type: subjectType, index: $0)
self.children = Children(children)
self._makeSuperclassMirror = {
guard let subjectClass = subjectType as? AnyClass,
let superclass = _getSuperclass(subjectClass) else {
return nil
// Handle custom ancestors. If we've hit the custom ancestor's subject type,
// or descendants are suppressed, return it. Otherwise continue reflecting.
if let customAncestor = customAncestor {
if superclass == customAncestor.subjectType {
return customAncestor
if customAncestor._defaultDescendantRepresentation == .suppressed {
return customAncestor
return Mirror(internalReflecting: subject,
subjectType: superclass,
customAncestor: customAncestor)
let rawDisplayStyle = _getDisplayStyle(subject)
switch UnicodeScalar(Int(rawDisplayStyle)) {
case "c": self.displayStyle = .class
case "e": self.displayStyle = .enum
case "s": self.displayStyle = .struct
case "t": self.displayStyle = .tuple
case "\0": self.displayStyle = nil
default: preconditionFailure("Unknown raw display style '\(rawDisplayStyle)'")
self.subjectType = subjectType
self._defaultDescendantRepresentation = .generated
internal static func quickLookObject(_ subject: Any) -> _PlaygroundQuickLook? {
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
let object = _getQuickLookObject(subject)
return object.flatMap(_getClassPlaygroundQuickLook)
return nil