blob: 1429f5c99ae802e69887936e3539427737ebcd08 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements helpers for hashing collections.
import SwiftShims
/// The inverse of the default hash table load factor. Factored out so that it
/// can be used in multiple places in the implementation and stay consistent.
/// Should not be used outside `Dictionary` implementation.
@usableFromInline @_transparent
internal var _hashContainerDefaultMaxLoadFactorInverse: Double {
return 1.0 / 0.75
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
/// Call `[lhs isEqual: rhs]`.
/// This function is part of the runtime because `Bool` type is bridged to
/// `ObjCBool`, which is in Foundation overlay.
internal func _stdlib_NSObject_isEqual(_ lhs: AnyObject, _ rhs: AnyObject) -> Bool
/// A temporary view of an array of AnyObject as an array of Unmanaged<AnyObject>
/// for fast iteration and transformation of the elements.
/// Accesses the underlying raw memory as Unmanaged<AnyObject> using untyped
/// memory accesses. The memory remains bound to managed AnyObjects.
internal struct _UnmanagedAnyObjectArray {
/// Underlying pointer.
internal var value: UnsafeMutableRawPointer
internal init(_ up: UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject>) {
self.value = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(up)
internal init?(_ up: UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject>?) {
guard let unwrapped = up else { return nil }
internal subscript(i: Int) -> AnyObject {
get {
let unmanaged = value.load(
fromByteOffset: i * MemoryLayout<AnyObject>.stride,
as: Unmanaged<AnyObject>.self)
return unmanaged.takeUnretainedValue()
nonmutating set(newValue) {
let unmanaged = Unmanaged.passUnretained(newValue)
value.storeBytes(of: unmanaged,
toByteOffset: i * MemoryLayout<AnyObject>.stride,
as: Unmanaged<AnyObject>.self)
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
/// An NSEnumerator implementation returning zero elements. This is useful when
/// a concrete element type is not recoverable from the empty singleton.
// NOTE: older runtimes called this class _SwiftEmptyNSEnumerator. The two
// must coexist without conflicting ObjC class names, so it was
// renamed. The old name must not be used in the new runtime.
final internal class __SwiftEmptyNSEnumerator
: __SwiftNativeNSEnumerator, _NSEnumerator {
internal override required init() {}
internal func nextObject() -> AnyObject? {
return nil
internal func countByEnumerating(
with state: UnsafeMutablePointer<_SwiftNSFastEnumerationState>,
objects: UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject>,
count: Int
) -> Int {
// Even though we never do anything in here, we need to update the
// state so that callers know we actually ran.
var theState = state.pointee
if theState.state == 0 {
theState.state = 1 // Arbitrary non-zero value.
theState.itemsPtr = AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer(objects)
theState.mutationsPtr = _fastEnumerationStorageMutationsPtr
state.pointee = theState
return 0
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
/// This is a minimal class holding a single tail-allocated flat buffer,
/// representing hash table storage for AnyObject elements. This is used to
/// store bridged elements in deferred bridging scenarios.
/// Using a dedicated class for this rather than a _BridgingBuffer makes it easy
/// to recognize these in heap dumps etc.
// NOTE: older runtimes called this class _BridgingHashBuffer.
// The two must coexist without a conflicting ObjC class name, so it
// was renamed. The old name must not be used in the new runtime.
internal final class __BridgingHashBuffer
: ManagedBuffer<__BridgingHashBuffer.Header, AnyObject> {
struct Header {
internal var owner: AnyObject
internal var hashTable: _HashTable
init(owner: AnyObject, hashTable: _HashTable) {
self.owner = owner
self.hashTable = hashTable
internal static func allocate(
owner: AnyObject,
hashTable: _HashTable
) -> __BridgingHashBuffer {
let buffer = self.create(minimumCapacity: hashTable.bucketCount) { _ in
Header(owner: owner, hashTable: hashTable)
return unsafeDowncast(buffer, to: __BridgingHashBuffer.self)
deinit {
for bucket in header.hashTable {
(firstElementAddress + bucket.offset).deinitialize(count: 1)
internal subscript(bucket: _HashTable.Bucket) -> AnyObject {
@inline(__always) get {
defer { _fixLifetime(self) }
return firstElementAddress[bucket.offset]
internal func initialize(at bucket: _HashTable.Bucket, to object: AnyObject) {
(firstElementAddress + bucket.offset).initialize(to: object)