blob: 6cc5317b3725bef2a48d9709bbdb41be0f4f70bb [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import StdlibUnittest
/// State shared by all generators of a MinimalSequence.
internal class _MinimalIteratorSharedState<T> {
internal init(_ data: [T]) { = data
internal let data: [T]
internal var i: Int = 0
internal var underestimatedCount: Int = 0
// MinimalIterator
/// An IteratorProtocol that implements the protocol contract in the most
/// narrow way possible.
/// This generator will return `nil` only once.
public struct MinimalIterator<T> : IteratorProtocol {
public init<S : Sequence>(_ s: S) where S.Element == T {
self._sharedState = _MinimalIteratorSharedState(Array(s))
public init(_ data: [T]) {
self._sharedState = _MinimalIteratorSharedState(data)
internal init(_ _sharedState: _MinimalIteratorSharedState<T>) {
self._sharedState = _sharedState
public func next() -> T? {
if _sharedState.i == {
return nil
defer { _sharedState.i += 1 }
internal let _sharedState: _MinimalIteratorSharedState<T>
// A protocol to identify MinimalIterator.
public protocol _MinimalIterator {}
extension MinimalIterator : _MinimalIterator {}
// MinimalSequence
public enum UnderestimatedCountBehavior {
/// Return the actual number of elements.
case precise
/// Return the actual number of elements divided by 2.
case half
/// Return an overestimated count. Useful to test how algorithms reserve
/// memory.
case overestimate
/// Return the provided value.
case value(Int)
/// A Sequence that implements the protocol contract in the most
/// narrow way possible.
/// This sequence is consumed when its generator is advanced.
public struct MinimalSequence<T> : Sequence, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
public init<S : Sequence>(
elements: S,
underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior = .value(0)
) where S.Element == T {
let data = Array(elements)
self._sharedState = _MinimalIteratorSharedState(data)
switch underestimatedCount {
case .precise:
self._sharedState.underestimatedCount = data.count
case .half:
self._sharedState.underestimatedCount = data.count / 2
case .overestimate:
self._sharedState.underestimatedCount = data.count * 3 + 5
case .value(let count):
self._sharedState.underestimatedCount = count
public let timesMakeIteratorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<T> {
timesMakeIteratorCalled.value += 1
return MinimalIterator(_sharedState)
public var underestimatedCount: Int {
return Swift.max(0, self._sharedState.underestimatedCount - self._sharedState.i)
public var debugDescription: String {
return "MinimalSequence(\([_sharedState.i..<]))"
internal let _sharedState: _MinimalIteratorSharedState<T>
// Index invalidation checking
internal enum _CollectionOperation : Equatable {
case reserveCapacity(capacity: Int)
case append
case appendContentsOf(count: Int)
case replaceRange(subRange: Range<Int>, replacementCount: Int)
case insert(atIndex: Int)
case insertContentsOf(atIndex: Int, count: Int)
case removeAtIndex(index: Int)
case removeLast
case removeRange(subRange: Range<Int>)
case removeAll(keepCapacity: Bool)
internal func _applyTo(
elementsLastMutatedStateIds: [Int],
endIndexLastMutatedStateId: Int,
nextStateId: Int
) -> ([Int], Int) {
var newElementsIds = elementsLastMutatedStateIds
var newEndIndexId = endIndexLastMutatedStateId
switch self {
case .reserveCapacity:
let invalidIndices = newElementsIds.indices
with: repeatElement(nextStateId, count: invalidIndices.count))
newEndIndexId = nextStateId
case .append:
newEndIndexId = nextStateId
case .appendContentsOf(let count):
repeatElement(nextStateId, count: count))
newEndIndexId = nextStateId
case .replaceRange(let subRange, let replacementCount):
with: repeatElement(nextStateId, count: replacementCount))
let invalidIndices = subRange.lowerBound..<newElementsIds.endIndex
with: repeatElement(nextStateId, count: invalidIndices.count))
newEndIndexId = nextStateId
case .insert(let atIndex):
newElementsIds.insert(nextStateId, at: atIndex)
let invalidIndices = atIndex..<newElementsIds.endIndex
with: repeatElement(nextStateId, count: invalidIndices.count))
newEndIndexId = nextStateId
case .insertContentsOf(let atIndex, let count):
contentsOf: repeatElement(nextStateId, count: count),
at: atIndex)
let invalidIndices = atIndex..<newElementsIds.endIndex
with: repeatElement(nextStateId, count: invalidIndices.count))
newEndIndexId = nextStateId
case .removeAtIndex(let index):
newElementsIds.remove(at: index)
let invalidIndices = index..<newElementsIds.endIndex
with: repeatElement(nextStateId, count: invalidIndices.count))
newEndIndexId = nextStateId
case .removeLast:
newEndIndexId = nextStateId
case .removeRange(let subRange):
let invalidIndices = subRange.lowerBound..<newElementsIds.endIndex
with: repeatElement(nextStateId, count: invalidIndices.count))
newEndIndexId = nextStateId
case .removeAll(let keepCapacity):
newElementsIds.removeAll(keepingCapacity: keepCapacity)
newEndIndexId = nextStateId
return (newElementsIds, newEndIndexId)
internal func == (
lhs: _CollectionOperation,
rhs: _CollectionOperation
) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case (.reserveCapacity(let lhsCapacity), .reserveCapacity(let rhsCapacity)):
return lhsCapacity == rhsCapacity
case (.append, .append):
return true
case (.appendContentsOf(let lhsCount), .appendContentsOf(let rhsCount)):
return lhsCount == rhsCount
case (
.replaceRange(let lhsSubRange, let lhsReplacementCount),
.replaceRange(let rhsSubRange, let rhsReplacementCount)):
return lhsSubRange == rhsSubRange &&
lhsReplacementCount == rhsReplacementCount
case (.insert(let lhsAtIndex), .insert(let rhsAtIndex)):
return lhsAtIndex == rhsAtIndex
case (
.insertContentsOf(let lhsAtIndex, let lhsCount),
.insertContentsOf(let rhsAtIndex, let rhsCount)):
return lhsAtIndex == rhsAtIndex && lhsCount == rhsCount
case (.removeAtIndex(let lhsIndex), .removeAtIndex(let rhsIndex)):
return lhsIndex == rhsIndex
case (.removeLast, .removeLast):
return true
case (.removeRange(let lhsSubRange), .removeRange(let rhsSubRange)):
return lhsSubRange == rhsSubRange
case (.removeAll(let lhsKeepCapacity), .removeAll(let rhsKeepCapacity)):
return lhsKeepCapacity == rhsKeepCapacity
return false
public struct _CollectionState : Equatable, Hashable {
internal static var _nextUnusedState: Int = 0
internal static var _namedStates: [String : _CollectionState] = [:]
internal let _id: Int
internal let _elementsLastMutatedStateIds: [Int]
internal let _endIndexLastMutatedStateId: Int
internal init(
id: Int,
elementsLastMutatedStateIds: [Int],
endIndexLastMutatedStateId: Int) {
self._id = id
self._elementsLastMutatedStateIds = elementsLastMutatedStateIds
self._endIndexLastMutatedStateId = endIndexLastMutatedStateId
public init(newRootStateForElementCount count: Int) {
self._id = _CollectionState._nextUnusedState
_CollectionState._nextUnusedState += 1
self._elementsLastMutatedStateIds =
Array(repeatElement(self._id, count: count))
self._endIndexLastMutatedStateId = self._id
internal init(name: String, elementCount: Int) {
if let result = _CollectionState._namedStates[name] {
self = result
} else {
self = _CollectionState(newRootStateForElementCount: elementCount)
_CollectionState._namedStates[name] = self
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public func == (lhs: _CollectionState, rhs: _CollectionState) -> Bool {
return lhs._id == rhs._id
internal struct _CollectionStateTransition {
internal let _previousState: _CollectionState
internal let _operation: _CollectionOperation
internal let _nextState: _CollectionState
internal static var _allTransitions:
[_CollectionState : Box<[_CollectionStateTransition]>] = [:]
internal init(
previousState: _CollectionState,
operation: _CollectionOperation,
nextState: _CollectionState
) {
var transitions =
if transitions == nil {
transitions = Box<[_CollectionStateTransition]>([])
_CollectionStateTransition._allTransitions[previousState] = transitions
if let i = transitions!.value.firstIndex(where: { $0._operation == operation }) {
self = transitions!.value[i]
self._previousState = previousState
self._operation = operation
self._nextState = nextState
internal init(
previousState: _CollectionState,
operation: _CollectionOperation
) {
let nextStateId = _CollectionState._nextUnusedState
_CollectionState._nextUnusedState += 1
let (newElementStates, newEndIndexState) = operation._applyTo(
elementsLastMutatedStateIds: previousState._elementsLastMutatedStateIds,
endIndexLastMutatedStateId: previousState._endIndexLastMutatedStateId,
nextStateId: nextStateId)
let nextState = _CollectionState(
id: nextStateId,
elementsLastMutatedStateIds: newElementStates,
endIndexLastMutatedStateId: newEndIndexState)
self = _CollectionStateTransition(
previousState: previousState,
operation: operation,
nextState: nextState)
// MinimalIndex
/// Asserts that the two indices are allowed to participate in a binary
/// operation.
internal func _expectCompatibleIndices(
_ first: MinimalIndex,
_ second: MinimalIndex,
_ message: @autoclosure () -> String = "",
stackTrace: SourceLocStack = SourceLocStack(),
showFrame: Bool = true,
file: String = #file, line: UInt = #line
) {
if first._collectionState._id == second._collectionState._id {
// Fast path: the indices are derived from the same state.
// The indices are derived from different states. Check that they point
// to a self-consistent view of the collection.
if first._collectionState._id > second._collectionState._id {
return _expectCompatibleIndices(second, first)
func lastMutatedStateId(
of i: MinimalIndex,
in state: _CollectionState
) -> Int {
let offset = i.position
if offset == state._elementsLastMutatedStateIds.endIndex {
return state._id
return state._elementsLastMutatedStateIds[offset]
let newestCollectionState = second._collectionState
let expectedFirstIndexLastMutatedStateId =
lastMutatedStateId(of: first, in: newestCollectionState)
"Indices are not compatible:\n" +
"first: \(first)\n" +
"second: \(second)\n" +
"first element last mutated in state id: \(first._collectionState._id)\n" +
"expected state id: \(expectedFirstIndexLastMutatedStateId)\n" +
"newest collection state: \(newestCollectionState)",
stackTrace: stackTrace.pushIf(showFrame, file: file, line: line))
// To make writing assertions easier, perform a trap.
if expectedFirstIndexLastMutatedStateId != first._collectionState._id {
fatalError("Indices are not compatible")
public struct MinimalIndex : Comparable {
public init(
collectionState: _CollectionState,
position: Int,
startIndex: Int,
endIndex: Int
) {
in: startIndex...endIndex)
self = MinimalIndex(
_collectionState: collectionState,
uncheckedPosition: position)
internal init(
_collectionState: _CollectionState,
uncheckedPosition: Int
) {
self._collectionState = _collectionState
self.position = uncheckedPosition
public let _collectionState: _CollectionState
public let position: Int
public static var trapOnRangeCheckFailure = ResettableValue(true)
public func == (lhs: MinimalIndex, rhs: MinimalIndex) -> Bool {
_expectCompatibleIndices(lhs, rhs)
return lhs.position == rhs.position
public func < (lhs: MinimalIndex, rhs: MinimalIndex) -> Bool {
_expectCompatibleIndices(lhs, rhs)
return lhs.position < rhs.position
// MinimalStrideableIndex
/// Asserts that the two indices are allowed to participate in a binary
/// operation.
internal func _expectCompatibleIndices(
_ first: MinimalStrideableIndex,
_ second: MinimalStrideableIndex,
_ message: @autoclosure () -> String = "",
stackTrace: SourceLocStack = SourceLocStack(),
showFrame: Bool = true,
file: String = #file, line: UInt = #line
) {
if first._collectionState._id == second._collectionState._id {
// Fast path: the indices are derived from the same state.
// The indices are derived from different states. Check that they point
// to a self-consistent view of the collection.
if first._collectionState._id > second._collectionState._id {
return _expectCompatibleIndices(second, first)
func lastMutatedStateId(
of i: MinimalStrideableIndex,
in state: _CollectionState
) -> Int {
let offset = i.position
if offset == state._elementsLastMutatedStateIds.endIndex {
return state._id
return state._elementsLastMutatedStateIds[offset]
let newestCollectionState = second._collectionState
let expectedFirstIndexLastMutatedStateId =
lastMutatedStateId(of: first, in: newestCollectionState)
"Indices are not compatible:\n" +
"first: \(first)\n" +
"second: \(second)\n" +
"first element last mutated in state id: \(first._collectionState._id)\n" +
"expected state id: \(expectedFirstIndexLastMutatedStateId)\n" +
"newest collection state: \(newestCollectionState)",
stackTrace: stackTrace.pushIf(showFrame, file: file, line: line))
// To make writing assertions easier, perform a trap.
if expectedFirstIndexLastMutatedStateId != first._collectionState._id {
fatalError("Indices are not compatible")
public struct MinimalStrideableIndex : Comparable {
public init(
collectionState: _CollectionState,
position: Int,
startIndex: Int,
endIndex: Int
) {
in: startIndex...endIndex)
self = MinimalStrideableIndex(
_collectionState: collectionState,
uncheckedPosition: position)
internal init(
_collectionState: _CollectionState,
uncheckedPosition: Int
) {
self._collectionState = _collectionState
self.position = uncheckedPosition
public let _collectionState: _CollectionState
public let position: Int
public static var trapOnRangeCheckFailure = ResettableValue(true)
public var timesAdvancedCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var timesDistanceCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func == (lhs: MinimalStrideableIndex, rhs: MinimalStrideableIndex) -> Bool {
_expectCompatibleIndices(lhs, rhs)
return lhs.position == rhs.position
public func < (lhs: MinimalStrideableIndex, rhs: MinimalStrideableIndex) -> Bool {
_expectCompatibleIndices(lhs, rhs)
return lhs.position < rhs.position
extension MinimalStrideableIndex : Strideable {
public typealias Stride = Int
public func distance(to other: MinimalStrideableIndex) -> Int {
timesDistanceCalled.value += 1
_expectCompatibleIndices(self, other)
return other.position - position
public func advanced(by n: Int) -> MinimalStrideableIndex {
timesAdvancedCalled.value += 1
return MinimalStrideableIndex(
_collectionState: _collectionState,
uncheckedPosition: position + n)
// Minimal***[Mutable]?Collection
/// A minimal implementation of `Collection` with extra checks.
public struct MinimalCollection<T> : Collection {
/// Creates a collection with given contents, but a unique modification
/// history. No other instance has the same modification history.
public init<S : Sequence>(
elements: S,
underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior = .value(0)
) where S.Element == T {
self._elements = Array(elements)
self._collectionState = _CollectionState(
newRootStateForElementCount: self._elements.count)
switch underestimatedCount {
case .precise:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count
case .half:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count / 2
case .overestimate:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count * 3 + 5
case .value(let count):
self.underestimatedCount = count
public let timesMakeIteratorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<T> {
timesMakeIteratorCalled.value += 1
return MinimalIterator(_elements)
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
internal func _index(forPosition i: Int) -> MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
collectionState: _collectionState,
position: i,
startIndex: _elements.startIndex,
endIndex: _elements.endIndex)
internal func _uncheckedIndex(forPosition i: Int) -> MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
_collectionState: _collectionState,
uncheckedPosition: i)
public let timesStartIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesStartIndexCalled.value += 1
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: _elements.startIndex)
public let timesEndIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesEndIndexCalled.value += 1
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: _elements.endIndex)
public func _failEarlyRangeCheck(
_ index: MinimalIndex,
bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>
) {
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: index.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.upperBound.position),
in: bounds.lowerBound.position..<bounds.upperBound.position)
public func _failEarlyRangeCheck(
_ range: Range<MinimalIndex>,
bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>
) {
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: range.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: range.upperBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.upperBound.position),
in: bounds.lowerBound.position..<bounds.upperBound.position)
public func index(after i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: i.position + 1)
public func distance(from start: MinimalIndex, to end: MinimalIndex)
-> Int {
precondition(start <= end,
"Only BidirectionalCollections can have end come before start")
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check properly.
if start != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(start, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
if end != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(end, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return end.position - start.position
public func index(_ i: Index, offsetBy n: Int) -> Index {
precondition(n >= 0,
"Only BidirectionalCollections can be advanced by a negative amount")
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check properly.
if i != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _index(forPosition: i.position + n)
public subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> T {
get {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _elements[i.position]
public subscript(bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>) -> Slice<MinimalCollection<T>> {
get {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(bounds, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
public var underestimatedCount: Int
internal var _elements: [T]
internal let _collectionState: _CollectionState
/// A minimal implementation of `Collection` with extra checks.
public struct MinimalRangeReplaceableCollection<T> : Collection, RangeReplaceableCollection {
/// Creates a collection with given contents, but a unique modification
/// history. No other instance has the same modification history.
public init<S : Sequence>(
elements: S,
underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior = .value(0)
) where S.Element == T {
self._elements = Array(elements)
self._collectionState = _CollectionState(
newRootStateForElementCount: self._elements.count)
switch underestimatedCount {
case .precise:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count
case .half:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count / 2
case .overestimate:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count * 3 + 5
case .value(let count):
self.underestimatedCount = count
public init() {
self.underestimatedCount = 0
self._elements = []
self._collectionState =
_CollectionState(name: "\(type(of: self))", elementCount: 0)
public init<S : Sequence>(_ elements: S) where S.Element == T {
self.underestimatedCount = 0
self._elements = Array(elements)
self._collectionState =
_CollectionState(newRootStateForElementCount: self._elements.count)
public let timesMakeIteratorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<T> {
timesMakeIteratorCalled.value += 1
return MinimalIterator(_elements)
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
internal func _index(forPosition i: Int) -> MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
collectionState: _collectionState,
position: i,
startIndex: _elements.startIndex,
endIndex: _elements.endIndex)
internal func _uncheckedIndex(forPosition i: Int) -> MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
_collectionState: _collectionState,
uncheckedPosition: i)
public let timesStartIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesStartIndexCalled.value += 1
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: _elements.startIndex)
public let timesEndIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesEndIndexCalled.value += 1
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: _elements.endIndex)
public func _failEarlyRangeCheck(
_ index: MinimalIndex,
bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>
) {
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: index.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.upperBound.position),
in: bounds.lowerBound.position..<bounds.upperBound.position)
public func _failEarlyRangeCheck(
_ range: Range<MinimalIndex>,
bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>
) {
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: range.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: range.upperBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.upperBound.position),
in: bounds.lowerBound.position..<bounds.upperBound.position)
public func index(after i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: i.position + 1)
public func distance(from start: MinimalIndex, to end: MinimalIndex)
-> Int {
precondition(start <= end,
"Only BidirectionalCollections can have end come before start")
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check properly.
if start != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(start, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
if end != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(end, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return end.position - start.position
public func index(_ i: Index, offsetBy n: Int) -> Index {
precondition(n >= 0,
"Only BidirectionalCollections can be advanced by a negative amount")
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check properly.
if i != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _index(forPosition: i.position + n)
public subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> T {
get {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _elements[i.position]
public subscript(bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>) -> Slice<MinimalRangeReplaceableCollection<T>> {
get {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(bounds, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
public mutating func reserveCapacity(_ n: Int) {
_willMutate(.reserveCapacity(capacity: n))
reservedCapacity = Swift.max(reservedCapacity, n)
public mutating func append(_ x: T) {
public mutating func append<S : Sequence>(contentsOf newElements: S)
where S.Element == T {
let oldCount = count
_elements.append(contentsOf: newElements)
let newCount = count
_willMutate(.appendContentsOf(count: newCount - oldCount))
public mutating func replaceSubrange<C>(
_ subRange: Range<MinimalIndex>,
with newElements: C
) where C : Collection, C.Element == T {
let oldCount = count
with: newElements)
let newCount = count
subRange: subRange.lowerBound.position..<subRange.upperBound.position,
subRange.upperBound.position - subRange.lowerBound.position
+ newCount - oldCount))
public mutating func insert(_ newElement: T, at i: MinimalIndex) {
_willMutate(.insert(atIndex: i.position))
_elements.insert(newElement, at: i.position)
public mutating func insert<S : Collection>(
contentsOf newElements: S, at i: MinimalIndex
) where S.Element == T {
let oldCount = count
_elements.insert(contentsOf: newElements, at: i.position)
let newCount = count
if newCount - oldCount != 0 {
atIndex: i.position,
count: newCount - oldCount))
public mutating func remove(at i: MinimalIndex) -> T {
_willMutate(.removeAtIndex(index: i.position))
return _elements.remove(at: i.position)
public mutating func removeLast() -> T {
return _elements.removeLast()
public mutating func removeSubrange(_ subRange: Range<MinimalIndex>) {
if !subRange.isEmpty {
subRange: subRange.lowerBound.position..<subRange.upperBound.position))
public mutating func removeAll(keepingCapacity keepCapacity: Bool = false) {
_willMutate(.removeAll(keepCapacity: keepCapacity))
// Ignore the value of `keepCapacity`.
_elements.removeAll(keepingCapacity: false)
internal mutating func _willMutate(_ operation: _CollectionOperation) {
_collectionState = _CollectionStateTransition(
previousState: _collectionState,
operation: operation)._nextState
public var underestimatedCount: Int
public var reservedCapacity: Int = 0
internal var _elements: [T]
internal var _collectionState: _CollectionState
/// A minimal implementation of `Collection` with extra checks.
public struct MinimalMutableCollection<T> : Collection, MutableCollection {
/// Creates a collection with given contents, but a unique modification
/// history. No other instance has the same modification history.
public init<S : Sequence>(
elements: S,
underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior = .value(0)
) where S.Element == T {
self._elements = Array(elements)
self._collectionState = _CollectionState(
newRootStateForElementCount: self._elements.count)
switch underestimatedCount {
case .precise:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count
case .half:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count / 2
case .overestimate:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count * 3 + 5
case .value(let count):
self.underestimatedCount = count
public let timesMakeIteratorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<T> {
timesMakeIteratorCalled.value += 1
return MinimalIterator(_elements)
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
internal func _index(forPosition i: Int) -> MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
collectionState: _collectionState,
position: i,
startIndex: _elements.startIndex,
endIndex: _elements.endIndex)
internal func _uncheckedIndex(forPosition i: Int) -> MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
_collectionState: _collectionState,
uncheckedPosition: i)
public let timesStartIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesStartIndexCalled.value += 1
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: _elements.startIndex)
public let timesEndIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesEndIndexCalled.value += 1
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: _elements.endIndex)
public func _failEarlyRangeCheck(
_ index: MinimalIndex,
bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>
) {
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: index.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.upperBound.position),
in: bounds.lowerBound.position..<bounds.upperBound.position)
public func _failEarlyRangeCheck(
_ range: Range<MinimalIndex>,
bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>
) {
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: range.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: range.upperBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.upperBound.position),
in: bounds.lowerBound.position..<bounds.upperBound.position)
public func index(after i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: i.position + 1)
public func distance(from start: MinimalIndex, to end: MinimalIndex)
-> Int {
precondition(start <= end,
"Only BidirectionalCollections can have end come before start")
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check properly.
if start != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(start, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
if end != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(end, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return end.position - start.position
public func index(_ i: Index, offsetBy n: Int) -> Index {
precondition(n >= 0,
"Only BidirectionalCollections can be advanced by a negative amount")
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check properly.
if i != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _index(forPosition: i.position + n)
public subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> T {
get {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _elements[i.position]
set {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
_elements[i.position] = newValue
public subscript(bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>) -> Slice<MinimalMutableCollection<T>> {
get {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(bounds, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
set {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(bounds, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
_writeBackMutableSlice(&self, bounds: bounds, slice: newValue)
public var underestimatedCount: Int
internal var _elements: [T]
internal let _collectionState: _CollectionState
/// A minimal implementation of `Collection` with extra checks.
public struct MinimalMutableRangeReplaceableCollection<T> : Collection, MutableCollection, RangeReplaceableCollection {
/// Creates a collection with given contents, but a unique modification
/// history. No other instance has the same modification history.
public init<S : Sequence>(
elements: S,
underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior = .value(0)
) where S.Element == T {
self._elements = Array(elements)
self._collectionState = _CollectionState(
newRootStateForElementCount: self._elements.count)
switch underestimatedCount {
case .precise:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count
case .half:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count / 2
case .overestimate:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count * 3 + 5
case .value(let count):
self.underestimatedCount = count
public init() {
self.underestimatedCount = 0
self._elements = []
self._collectionState =
_CollectionState(name: "\(type(of: self))", elementCount: 0)
public init<S : Sequence>(_ elements: S) where S.Element == T {
self.underestimatedCount = 0
self._elements = Array(elements)
self._collectionState =
_CollectionState(newRootStateForElementCount: self._elements.count)
public let timesMakeIteratorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<T> {
timesMakeIteratorCalled.value += 1
return MinimalIterator(_elements)
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
internal func _index(forPosition i: Int) -> MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
collectionState: _collectionState,
position: i,
startIndex: _elements.startIndex,
endIndex: _elements.endIndex)
internal func _uncheckedIndex(forPosition i: Int) -> MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
_collectionState: _collectionState,
uncheckedPosition: i)
public let timesStartIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesStartIndexCalled.value += 1
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: _elements.startIndex)
public let timesEndIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesEndIndexCalled.value += 1
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: _elements.endIndex)
public func _failEarlyRangeCheck(
_ index: MinimalIndex,
bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>
) {
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: index.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.upperBound.position),
in: bounds.lowerBound.position..<bounds.upperBound.position)
public func _failEarlyRangeCheck(
_ range: Range<MinimalIndex>,
bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>
) {
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: range.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: range.upperBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.upperBound.position),
in: bounds.lowerBound.position..<bounds.upperBound.position)
public func index(after i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: i.position + 1)
public func distance(from start: MinimalIndex, to end: MinimalIndex)
-> Int {
precondition(start <= end,
"Only BidirectionalCollections can have end come before start")
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check properly.
if start != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(start, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
if end != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(end, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return end.position - start.position
public func index(_ i: Index, offsetBy n: Int) -> Index {
precondition(n >= 0,
"Only BidirectionalCollections can be advanced by a negative amount")
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check properly.
if i != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _index(forPosition: i.position + n)
public subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> T {
get {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _elements[i.position]
set {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
_elements[i.position] = newValue
public subscript(bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>) -> Slice<MinimalMutableRangeReplaceableCollection<T>> {
get {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(bounds, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
set {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(bounds, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
_writeBackMutableSlice(&self, bounds: bounds, slice: newValue)
public mutating func reserveCapacity(_ n: Int) {
_willMutate(.reserveCapacity(capacity: n))
reservedCapacity = Swift.max(reservedCapacity, n)
public mutating func append(_ x: T) {
public mutating func append<S : Sequence>(contentsOf newElements: S)
where S.Element == T {
let oldCount = count
_elements.append(contentsOf: newElements)
let newCount = count
_willMutate(.appendContentsOf(count: newCount - oldCount))
public mutating func replaceSubrange<C>(
_ subRange: Range<MinimalIndex>,
with newElements: C
) where C : Collection, C.Element == T {
let oldCount = count
with: newElements)
let newCount = count
subRange: subRange.lowerBound.position..<subRange.upperBound.position,
subRange.upperBound.position - subRange.lowerBound.position
+ newCount - oldCount))
public mutating func insert(_ newElement: T, at i: MinimalIndex) {
_willMutate(.insert(atIndex: i.position))
_elements.insert(newElement, at: i.position)
public mutating func insert<S : Collection>(
contentsOf newElements: S, at i: MinimalIndex
) where S.Element == T {
let oldCount = count
_elements.insert(contentsOf: newElements, at: i.position)
let newCount = count
if newCount - oldCount != 0 {
atIndex: i.position,
count: newCount - oldCount))
public mutating func remove(at i: MinimalIndex) -> T {
_willMutate(.removeAtIndex(index: i.position))
return _elements.remove(at: i.position)
public mutating func removeLast() -> T {
return _elements.removeLast()
public mutating func removeSubrange(_ subRange: Range<MinimalIndex>) {
if !subRange.isEmpty {
subRange: subRange.lowerBound.position..<subRange.upperBound.position))
public mutating func removeAll(keepingCapacity keepCapacity: Bool = false) {
_willMutate(.removeAll(keepCapacity: keepCapacity))
// Ignore the value of `keepCapacity`.
_elements.removeAll(keepingCapacity: false)
internal mutating func _willMutate(_ operation: _CollectionOperation) {
_collectionState = _CollectionStateTransition(
previousState: _collectionState,
operation: operation)._nextState
public var underestimatedCount: Int
public var reservedCapacity: Int = 0
internal var _elements: [T]
internal var _collectionState: _CollectionState
/// A minimal implementation of `Collection` with extra checks.
public struct MinimalBidirectionalCollection<T> : BidirectionalCollection {
/// Creates a collection with given contents, but a unique modification
/// history. No other instance has the same modification history.
public init<S : Sequence>(
elements: S,
underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior = .value(0)
) where S.Element == T {
self._elements = Array(elements)
self._collectionState = _CollectionState(
newRootStateForElementCount: self._elements.count)
switch underestimatedCount {
case .precise:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count
case .half:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count / 2
case .overestimate:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count * 3 + 5
case .value(let count):
self.underestimatedCount = count
public let timesMakeIteratorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<T> {
timesMakeIteratorCalled.value += 1
return MinimalIterator(_elements)
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
internal func _index(forPosition i: Int) -> MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
collectionState: _collectionState,
position: i,
startIndex: _elements.startIndex,
endIndex: _elements.endIndex)
internal func _uncheckedIndex(forPosition i: Int) -> MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
_collectionState: _collectionState,
uncheckedPosition: i)
public let timesStartIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesStartIndexCalled.value += 1
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: _elements.startIndex)
public let timesEndIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesEndIndexCalled.value += 1
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: _elements.endIndex)
public func _failEarlyRangeCheck(
_ index: MinimalIndex,
bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>
) {
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: index.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.upperBound.position),
in: bounds.lowerBound.position..<bounds.upperBound.position)
public func _failEarlyRangeCheck(
_ range: Range<MinimalIndex>,
bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>
) {
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: range.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: range.upperBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.upperBound.position),
in: bounds.lowerBound.position..<bounds.upperBound.position)
public func index(after i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: i.position + 1)
public func index(before i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check and use
// return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: i.position - 1)
return _index(forPosition: i.position - 1)
public func distance(from start: MinimalIndex, to end: MinimalIndex)
-> Int {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check properly.
if start != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(start, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
if end != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(end, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return end.position - start.position
public func index(_ i: Index, offsetBy n: Int) -> Index {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check properly.
if i != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _index(forPosition: i.position + n)
public subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> T {
get {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _elements[i.position]
public subscript(bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>) -> Slice<MinimalBidirectionalCollection<T>> {
get {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(bounds, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
public var underestimatedCount: Int
internal var _elements: [T]
internal let _collectionState: _CollectionState
/// A minimal implementation of `Collection` with extra checks.
public struct MinimalRangeReplaceableBidirectionalCollection<T> : BidirectionalCollection, RangeReplaceableCollection {
/// Creates a collection with given contents, but a unique modification
/// history. No other instance has the same modification history.
public init<S : Sequence>(
elements: S,
underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior = .value(0)
) where S.Element == T {
self._elements = Array(elements)
self._collectionState = _CollectionState(
newRootStateForElementCount: self._elements.count)
switch underestimatedCount {
case .precise:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count
case .half:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count / 2
case .overestimate:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count * 3 + 5
case .value(let count):
self.underestimatedCount = count
public init() {
self.underestimatedCount = 0
self._elements = []
self._collectionState =
_CollectionState(name: "\(type(of: self))", elementCount: 0)
public init<S : Sequence>(_ elements: S) where S.Element == T {
self.underestimatedCount = 0
self._elements = Array(elements)
self._collectionState =
_CollectionState(newRootStateForElementCount: self._elements.count)
public let timesMakeIteratorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<T> {
timesMakeIteratorCalled.value += 1
return MinimalIterator(_elements)
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
internal func _index(forPosition i: Int) -> MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
collectionState: _collectionState,
position: i,
startIndex: _elements.startIndex,
endIndex: _elements.endIndex)
internal func _uncheckedIndex(forPosition i: Int) -> MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
_collectionState: _collectionState,
uncheckedPosition: i)
public let timesStartIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesStartIndexCalled.value += 1
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: _elements.startIndex)
public let timesEndIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesEndIndexCalled.value += 1
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: _elements.endIndex)
public func _failEarlyRangeCheck(
_ index: MinimalIndex,
bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>
) {
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: index.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.upperBound.position),
in: bounds.lowerBound.position..<bounds.upperBound.position)
public func _failEarlyRangeCheck(
_ range: Range<MinimalIndex>,
bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>
) {
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: range.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: range.upperBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.upperBound.position),
in: bounds.lowerBound.position..<bounds.upperBound.position)
public func index(after i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: i.position + 1)
public func index(before i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check and use
// return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: i.position - 1)
return _index(forPosition: i.position - 1)
public func distance(from start: MinimalIndex, to end: MinimalIndex)
-> Int {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check properly.
if start != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(start, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
if end != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(end, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return end.position - start.position
public func index(_ i: Index, offsetBy n: Int) -> Index {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check properly.
if i != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _index(forPosition: i.position + n)
public subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> T {
get {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _elements[i.position]
public subscript(bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>) -> Slice<MinimalRangeReplaceableBidirectionalCollection<T>> {
get {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(bounds, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
public mutating func reserveCapacity(_ n: Int) {
_willMutate(.reserveCapacity(capacity: n))
reservedCapacity = Swift.max(reservedCapacity, n)
public mutating func append(_ x: T) {
public mutating func append<S : Sequence>(contentsOf newElements: S)
where S.Element == T {
let oldCount = count
_elements.append(contentsOf: newElements)
let newCount = count
_willMutate(.appendContentsOf(count: newCount - oldCount))
public mutating func replaceSubrange<C>(
_ subRange: Range<MinimalIndex>,
with newElements: C
) where C : Collection, C.Element == T {
let oldCount = count
with: newElements)
let newCount = count
subRange: subRange.lowerBound.position..<subRange.upperBound.position,
subRange.upperBound.position - subRange.lowerBound.position
+ newCount - oldCount))
public mutating func insert(_ newElement: T, at i: MinimalIndex) {
_willMutate(.insert(atIndex: i.position))
_elements.insert(newElement, at: i.position)
public mutating func insert<S : Collection>(
contentsOf newElements: S, at i: MinimalIndex
) where S.Element == T {
let oldCount = count
_elements.insert(contentsOf: newElements, at: i.position)
let newCount = count
if newCount - oldCount != 0 {
atIndex: i.position,
count: newCount - oldCount))
public mutating func remove(at i: MinimalIndex) -> T {
_willMutate(.removeAtIndex(index: i.position))
return _elements.remove(at: i.position)
public mutating func removeLast() -> T {
return _elements.removeLast()
public mutating func removeSubrange(_ subRange: Range<MinimalIndex>) {
if !subRange.isEmpty {
subRange: subRange.lowerBound.position..<subRange.upperBound.position))
public mutating func removeAll(keepingCapacity keepCapacity: Bool = false) {
_willMutate(.removeAll(keepCapacity: keepCapacity))
// Ignore the value of `keepCapacity`.
_elements.removeAll(keepingCapacity: false)
internal mutating func _willMutate(_ operation: _CollectionOperation) {
_collectionState = _CollectionStateTransition(
previousState: _collectionState,
operation: operation)._nextState
public var underestimatedCount: Int
public var reservedCapacity: Int = 0
internal var _elements: [T]
internal var _collectionState: _CollectionState
/// A minimal implementation of `Collection` with extra checks.
public struct MinimalMutableBidirectionalCollection<T> : BidirectionalCollection, MutableCollection {
/// Creates a collection with given contents, but a unique modification
/// history. No other instance has the same modification history.
public init<S : Sequence>(
elements: S,
underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior = .value(0)
) where S.Element == T {
self._elements = Array(elements)
self._collectionState = _CollectionState(
newRootStateForElementCount: self._elements.count)
switch underestimatedCount {
case .precise:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count
case .half:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count / 2
case .overestimate:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count * 3 + 5
case .value(let count):
self.underestimatedCount = count
public let timesMakeIteratorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<T> {
timesMakeIteratorCalled.value += 1
return MinimalIterator(_elements)
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
internal func _index(forPosition i: Int) -> MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
collectionState: _collectionState,
position: i,
startIndex: _elements.startIndex,
endIndex: _elements.endIndex)
internal func _uncheckedIndex(forPosition i: Int) -> MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
_collectionState: _collectionState,
uncheckedPosition: i)
public let timesStartIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesStartIndexCalled.value += 1
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: _elements.startIndex)
public let timesEndIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesEndIndexCalled.value += 1
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: _elements.endIndex)
public func _failEarlyRangeCheck(
_ index: MinimalIndex,
bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>
) {
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: index.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.upperBound.position),
in: bounds.lowerBound.position..<bounds.upperBound.position)
public func _failEarlyRangeCheck(
_ range: Range<MinimalIndex>,
bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>
) {
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: range.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: range.upperBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.upperBound.position),
in: bounds.lowerBound.position..<bounds.upperBound.position)
public func index(after i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: i.position + 1)
public func index(before i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check and use
// return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: i.position - 1)
return _index(forPosition: i.position - 1)
public func distance(from start: MinimalIndex, to end: MinimalIndex)
-> Int {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check properly.
if start != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(start, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
if end != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(end, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return end.position - start.position
public func index(_ i: Index, offsetBy n: Int) -> Index {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check properly.
if i != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _index(forPosition: i.position + n)
public subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> T {
get {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _elements[i.position]
set {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
_elements[i.position] = newValue
public subscript(bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>) -> Slice<MinimalMutableBidirectionalCollection<T>> {
get {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(bounds, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
set {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(bounds, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
_writeBackMutableSlice(&self, bounds: bounds, slice: newValue)
public var underestimatedCount: Int
internal var _elements: [T]
internal let _collectionState: _CollectionState
/// A minimal implementation of `Collection` with extra checks.
public struct MinimalMutableRangeReplaceableBidirectionalCollection<T> : BidirectionalCollection, MutableCollection, RangeReplaceableCollection {
/// Creates a collection with given contents, but a unique modification
/// history. No other instance has the same modification history.
public init<S : Sequence>(
elements: S,
underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior = .value(0)
) where S.Element == T {
self._elements = Array(elements)
self._collectionState = _CollectionState(
newRootStateForElementCount: self._elements.count)
switch underestimatedCount {
case .precise:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count
case .half:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count / 2
case .overestimate:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count * 3 + 5
case .value(let count):
self.underestimatedCount = count
public init() {
self.underestimatedCount = 0
self._elements = []
self._collectionState =
_CollectionState(name: "\(type(of: self))", elementCount: 0)
public init<S : Sequence>(_ elements: S) where S.Element == T {
self.underestimatedCount = 0
self._elements = Array(elements)
self._collectionState =
_CollectionState(newRootStateForElementCount: self._elements.count)
public let timesMakeIteratorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<T> {
timesMakeIteratorCalled.value += 1
return MinimalIterator(_elements)
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
internal func _index(forPosition i: Int) -> MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
collectionState: _collectionState,
position: i,
startIndex: _elements.startIndex,
endIndex: _elements.endIndex)
internal func _uncheckedIndex(forPosition i: Int) -> MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
_collectionState: _collectionState,
uncheckedPosition: i)
public let timesStartIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesStartIndexCalled.value += 1
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: _elements.startIndex)
public let timesEndIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesEndIndexCalled.value += 1
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: _elements.endIndex)
public func _failEarlyRangeCheck(
_ index: MinimalIndex,
bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>
) {
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: index.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.upperBound.position),
in: bounds.lowerBound.position..<bounds.upperBound.position)
public func _failEarlyRangeCheck(
_ range: Range<MinimalIndex>,
bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>
) {
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: range.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: range.upperBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.upperBound.position),
in: bounds.lowerBound.position..<bounds.upperBound.position)
public func index(after i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: i.position + 1)
public func index(before i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check and use
// return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: i.position - 1)
return _index(forPosition: i.position - 1)
public func distance(from start: MinimalIndex, to end: MinimalIndex)
-> Int {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check properly.
if start != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(start, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
if end != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(end, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return end.position - start.position
public func index(_ i: Index, offsetBy n: Int) -> Index {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check properly.
if i != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _index(forPosition: i.position + n)
public subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> T {
get {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _elements[i.position]
set {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
_elements[i.position] = newValue
public subscript(bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>) -> Slice<MinimalMutableRangeReplaceableBidirectionalCollection<T>> {
get {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(bounds, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
set {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(bounds, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
_writeBackMutableSlice(&self, bounds: bounds, slice: newValue)
public mutating func reserveCapacity(_ n: Int) {
_willMutate(.reserveCapacity(capacity: n))
reservedCapacity = Swift.max(reservedCapacity, n)
public mutating func append(_ x: T) {
public mutating func append<S : Sequence>(contentsOf newElements: S)
where S.Element == T {
let oldCount = count
_elements.append(contentsOf: newElements)
let newCount = count
_willMutate(.appendContentsOf(count: newCount - oldCount))
public mutating func replaceSubrange<C>(
_ subRange: Range<MinimalIndex>,
with newElements: C
) where C : Collection, C.Element == T {
let oldCount = count
with: newElements)
let newCount = count
subRange: subRange.lowerBound.position..<subRange.upperBound.position,
subRange.upperBound.position - subRange.lowerBound.position
+ newCount - oldCount))
public mutating func insert(_ newElement: T, at i: MinimalIndex) {
_willMutate(.insert(atIndex: i.position))
_elements.insert(newElement, at: i.position)
public mutating func insert<S : Collection>(
contentsOf newElements: S, at i: MinimalIndex
) where S.Element == T {
let oldCount = count
_elements.insert(contentsOf: newElements, at: i.position)
let newCount = count
if newCount - oldCount != 0 {
atIndex: i.position,
count: newCount - oldCount))
public mutating func remove(at i: MinimalIndex) -> T {
_willMutate(.removeAtIndex(index: i.position))
return _elements.remove(at: i.position)
public mutating func removeLast() -> T {
return _elements.removeLast()
public mutating func removeSubrange(_ subRange: Range<MinimalIndex>) {
if !subRange.isEmpty {
subRange: subRange.lowerBound.position..<subRange.upperBound.position))
public mutating func removeAll(keepingCapacity keepCapacity: Bool = false) {
_willMutate(.removeAll(keepCapacity: keepCapacity))
// Ignore the value of `keepCapacity`.
_elements.removeAll(keepingCapacity: false)
internal mutating func _willMutate(_ operation: _CollectionOperation) {
_collectionState = _CollectionStateTransition(
previousState: _collectionState,
operation: operation)._nextState
public var underestimatedCount: Int
public var reservedCapacity: Int = 0
internal var _elements: [T]
internal var _collectionState: _CollectionState
/// A minimal implementation of `Collection` with extra checks.
public struct MinimalRandomAccessCollection<T> : RandomAccessCollection {
/// Creates a collection with given contents, but a unique modification
/// history. No other instance has the same modification history.
public init<S : Sequence>(
elements: S,
underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior = .value(0)
) where S.Element == T {
self._elements = Array(elements)
self._collectionState = _CollectionState(
newRootStateForElementCount: self._elements.count)
switch underestimatedCount {
case .precise:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count
case .half:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count / 2
case .overestimate:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count * 3 + 5
case .value(let count):
self.underestimatedCount = count
public let timesMakeIteratorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<T> {
timesMakeIteratorCalled.value += 1
return MinimalIterator(_elements)
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
internal func _index(forPosition i: Int) -> MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
collectionState: _collectionState,
position: i,
startIndex: _elements.startIndex,
endIndex: _elements.endIndex)
internal func _uncheckedIndex(forPosition i: Int) -> MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
_collectionState: _collectionState,
uncheckedPosition: i)
public let timesStartIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesStartIndexCalled.value += 1
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: _elements.startIndex)
public let timesEndIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesEndIndexCalled.value += 1
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: _elements.endIndex)
// FIXME: this shouldn't be necessary, should come by default
public typealias Indices = DefaultIndices<MinimalRandomAccessCollection<T>>
public func _failEarlyRangeCheck(
_ index: MinimalIndex,
bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>
) {
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: index.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.upperBound.position),
in: bounds.lowerBound.position..<bounds.upperBound.position)
public func _failEarlyRangeCheck(
_ range: Range<MinimalIndex>,
bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>
) {
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: range.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: range.upperBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.upperBound.position),
in: bounds.lowerBound.position..<bounds.upperBound.position)
public func index(after i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: i.position + 1)
public func index(before i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check and use
// return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: i.position - 1)
return _index(forPosition: i.position - 1)
public func distance(from start: MinimalIndex, to end: MinimalIndex)
-> Int {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check properly.
if start != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(start, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
if end != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(end, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return end.position - start.position
public func index(_ i: Index, offsetBy n: Int) -> Index {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check properly.
if i != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _index(forPosition: i.position + n)
public subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> T {
get {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _elements[i.position]
public subscript(bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>) -> Slice<MinimalRandomAccessCollection<T>> {
get {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(bounds, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
public var underestimatedCount: Int
internal var _elements: [T]
internal let _collectionState: _CollectionState
/// A minimal implementation of `Collection` with extra checks.
public struct MinimalRandomAccessCollectionWithStrideableIndex<T> : RandomAccessCollection {
/// Creates a collection with given contents, but a unique modification
/// history. No other instance has the same modification history.
public init<S : Sequence>(
elements: S,
underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior = .value(0)
) where S.Element == T {
self._elements = Array(elements)
self._collectionState = _CollectionState(
newRootStateForElementCount: self._elements.count)
switch underestimatedCount {
case .precise:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count
case .half:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count / 2
case .overestimate:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count * 3 + 5
case .value(let count):
self.underestimatedCount = count
public let timesMakeIteratorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<T> {
timesMakeIteratorCalled.value += 1
return MinimalIterator(_elements)
public typealias Index = MinimalStrideableIndex
internal func _index(forPosition i: Int) -> MinimalStrideableIndex {
return MinimalStrideableIndex(
collectionState: _collectionState,
position: i,
startIndex: _elements.startIndex,
endIndex: _elements.endIndex)
internal func _uncheckedIndex(forPosition i: Int) -> MinimalStrideableIndex {
return MinimalStrideableIndex(
_collectionState: _collectionState,
uncheckedPosition: i)
public let timesStartIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var startIndex: MinimalStrideableIndex {
timesStartIndexCalled.value += 1
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: _elements.startIndex)
public let timesEndIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var endIndex: MinimalStrideableIndex {
timesEndIndexCalled.value += 1
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: _elements.endIndex)
public typealias Indices = Range<MinimalStrideableIndex>
public func _failEarlyRangeCheck(
_ index: MinimalStrideableIndex,
bounds: Range<MinimalStrideableIndex>
) {
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: index.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.upperBound.position),
in: bounds.lowerBound.position..<bounds.upperBound.position)
public func _failEarlyRangeCheck(
_ range: Range<MinimalStrideableIndex>,
bounds: Range<MinimalStrideableIndex>
) {
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: range.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: range.upperBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.upperBound.position),
in: bounds.lowerBound.position..<bounds.upperBound.position)
public func index(after i: MinimalStrideableIndex) -> MinimalStrideableIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: i.position + 1)
public func index(before i: MinimalStrideableIndex) -> MinimalStrideableIndex {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check and use
// return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: i.position - 1)
return _index(forPosition: i.position - 1)
public func distance(from start: MinimalStrideableIndex, to end: MinimalStrideableIndex)
-> Int {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check properly.
if start != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(start, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
if end != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(end, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return end.position - start.position
public func index(_ i: Index, offsetBy n: Int) -> Index {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check properly.
if i != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _index(forPosition: i.position + n)
public subscript(i: MinimalStrideableIndex) -> T {
get {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _elements[i.position]
public subscript(bounds: Range<MinimalStrideableIndex>) -> Slice<MinimalRandomAccessCollectionWithStrideableIndex<T>> {
get {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(bounds, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
public var underestimatedCount: Int
internal var _elements: [T]
internal let _collectionState: _CollectionState
/// A minimal implementation of `Collection` with extra checks.
public struct MinimalRangeReplaceableRandomAccessCollection<T> : RandomAccessCollection, RangeReplaceableCollection {
/// Creates a collection with given contents, but a unique modification
/// history. No other instance has the same modification history.
public init<S : Sequence>(
elements: S,
underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior = .value(0)
) where S.Element == T {
self._elements = Array(elements)
self._collectionState = _CollectionState(
newRootStateForElementCount: self._elements.count)
switch underestimatedCount {
case .precise:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count
case .half:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count / 2
case .overestimate:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count * 3 + 5
case .value(let count):
self.underestimatedCount = count
public init() {
self.underestimatedCount = 0
self._elements = []
self._collectionState =
_CollectionState(name: "\(type(of: self))", elementCount: 0)
public init<S : Sequence>(_ elements: S) where S.Element == T {
self.underestimatedCount = 0
self._elements = Array(elements)
self._collectionState =
_CollectionState(newRootStateForElementCount: self._elements.count)
public let timesMakeIteratorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<T> {
timesMakeIteratorCalled.value += 1
return MinimalIterator(_elements)
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
internal func _index(forPosition i: Int) -> MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
collectionState: _collectionState,
position: i,
startIndex: _elements.startIndex,
endIndex: _elements.endIndex)
internal func _uncheckedIndex(forPosition i: Int) -> MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
_collectionState: _collectionState,
uncheckedPosition: i)
public let timesStartIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesStartIndexCalled.value += 1
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: _elements.startIndex)
public let timesEndIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesEndIndexCalled.value += 1
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: _elements.endIndex)
// FIXME: this shouldn't be necessary, should come by default
public typealias Indices = DefaultIndices<MinimalRangeReplaceableRandomAccessCollection<T>>
public func _failEarlyRangeCheck(
_ index: MinimalIndex,
bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>
) {
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: index.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.upperBound.position),
in: bounds.lowerBound.position..<bounds.upperBound.position)
public func _failEarlyRangeCheck(
_ range: Range<MinimalIndex>,
bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>
) {
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: range.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: range.upperBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.upperBound.position),
in: bounds.lowerBound.position..<bounds.upperBound.position)
public func index(after i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: i.position + 1)
public func index(before i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check and use
// return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: i.position - 1)
return _index(forPosition: i.position - 1)
public func distance(from start: MinimalIndex, to end: MinimalIndex)
-> Int {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check properly.
if start != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(start, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
if end != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(end, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return end.position - start.position
public func index(_ i: Index, offsetBy n: Int) -> Index {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check properly.
if i != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _index(forPosition: i.position + n)
public subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> T {
get {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _elements[i.position]
public subscript(bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>) -> Slice<MinimalRangeReplaceableRandomAccessCollection<T>> {
get {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(bounds, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
public mutating func reserveCapacity(_ n: Int) {
_willMutate(.reserveCapacity(capacity: n))
reservedCapacity = Swift.max(reservedCapacity, n)
public mutating func append(_ x: T) {
public mutating func append<S : Sequence>(contentsOf newElements: S)
where S.Element == T {
let oldCount = count
_elements.append(contentsOf: newElements)
let newCount = count
_willMutate(.appendContentsOf(count: newCount - oldCount))
public mutating func replaceSubrange<C>(
_ subRange: Range<MinimalIndex>,
with newElements: C
) where C : Collection, C.Element == T {
let oldCount = count
with: newElements)
let newCount = count
subRange: subRange.lowerBound.position..<subRange.upperBound.position,
subRange.upperBound.position - subRange.lowerBound.position
+ newCount - oldCount))
public mutating func insert(_ newElement: T, at i: MinimalIndex) {
_willMutate(.insert(atIndex: i.position))
_elements.insert(newElement, at: i.position)
public mutating func insert<S : Collection>(
contentsOf newElements: S, at i: MinimalIndex
) where S.Element == T {
let oldCount = count
_elements.insert(contentsOf: newElements, at: i.position)
let newCount = count
if newCount - oldCount != 0 {
atIndex: i.position,
count: newCount - oldCount))
public mutating func remove(at i: MinimalIndex) -> T {
_willMutate(.removeAtIndex(index: i.position))
return _elements.remove(at: i.position)
public mutating func removeLast() -> T {
return _elements.removeLast()
public mutating func removeSubrange(_ subRange: Range<MinimalIndex>) {
if !subRange.isEmpty {
subRange: subRange.lowerBound.position..<subRange.upperBound.position))
public mutating func removeAll(keepingCapacity keepCapacity: Bool = false) {
_willMutate(.removeAll(keepCapacity: keepCapacity))
// Ignore the value of `keepCapacity`.
_elements.removeAll(keepingCapacity: false)
internal mutating func _willMutate(_ operation: _CollectionOperation) {
_collectionState = _CollectionStateTransition(
previousState: _collectionState,
operation: operation)._nextState
public var underestimatedCount: Int
public var reservedCapacity: Int = 0
internal var _elements: [T]
internal var _collectionState: _CollectionState
/// A minimal implementation of `Collection` with extra checks.
public struct MinimalRangeReplaceableRandomAccessCollectionWithStrideableIndex<T> : RandomAccessCollection, RangeReplaceableCollection {
/// Creates a collection with given contents, but a unique modification
/// history. No other instance has the same modification history.
public init<S : Sequence>(
elements: S,
underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior = .value(0)
) where S.Element == T {
self._elements = Array(elements)
self._collectionState = _CollectionState(
newRootStateForElementCount: self._elements.count)
switch underestimatedCount {
case .precise:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count
case .half:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count / 2
case .overestimate:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count * 3 + 5
case .value(let count):
self.underestimatedCount = count
public init() {
self.underestimatedCount = 0
self._elements = []
self._collectionState =
_CollectionState(name: "\(type(of: self))", elementCount: 0)
public init<S : Sequence>(_ elements: S) where S.Element == T {
self.underestimatedCount = 0
self._elements = Array(elements)
self._collectionState =
_CollectionState(newRootStateForElementCount: self._elements.count)
public let timesMakeIteratorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<T> {
timesMakeIteratorCalled.value += 1
return MinimalIterator(_elements)
public typealias Index = MinimalStrideableIndex
internal func _index(forPosition i: Int) -> MinimalStrideableIndex {
return MinimalStrideableIndex(
collectionState: _collectionState,
position: i,
startIndex: _elements.startIndex,
endIndex: _elements.endIndex)
internal func _uncheckedIndex(forPosition i: Int) -> MinimalStrideableIndex {
return MinimalStrideableIndex(
_collectionState: _collectionState,
uncheckedPosition: i)
public let timesStartIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var startIndex: MinimalStrideableIndex {
timesStartIndexCalled.value += 1
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: _elements.startIndex)
public let timesEndIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var endIndex: MinimalStrideableIndex {
timesEndIndexCalled.value += 1
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: _elements.endIndex)
public typealias Indices = Range<MinimalStrideableIndex>
public func _failEarlyRangeCheck(
_ index: MinimalStrideableIndex,
bounds: Range<MinimalStrideableIndex>
) {
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: index.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.upperBound.position),
in: bounds.lowerBound.position..<bounds.upperBound.position)
public func _failEarlyRangeCheck(
_ range: Range<MinimalStrideableIndex>,
bounds: Range<MinimalStrideableIndex>
) {
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: range.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: range.upperBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.upperBound.position),
in: bounds.lowerBound.position..<bounds.upperBound.position)
public func index(after i: MinimalStrideableIndex) -> MinimalStrideableIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: i.position + 1)
public func index(before i: MinimalStrideableIndex) -> MinimalStrideableIndex {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check and use
// return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: i.position - 1)
return _index(forPosition: i.position - 1)
public func distance(from start: MinimalStrideableIndex, to end: MinimalStrideableIndex)
-> Int {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check properly.
if start != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(start, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
if end != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(end, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return end.position - start.position
public func index(_ i: Index, offsetBy n: Int) -> Index {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check properly.
if i != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _index(forPosition: i.position + n)
public subscript(i: MinimalStrideableIndex) -> T {
get {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _elements[i.position]
public subscript(bounds: Range<MinimalStrideableIndex>) -> Slice<MinimalRangeReplaceableRandomAccessCollectionWithStrideableIndex<T>> {
get {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(bounds, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
public mutating func reserveCapacity(_ n: Int) {
_willMutate(.reserveCapacity(capacity: n))
reservedCapacity = Swift.max(reservedCapacity, n)
public mutating func append(_ x: T) {
public mutating func append<S : Sequence>(contentsOf newElements: S)
where S.Element == T {
let oldCount = count
_elements.append(contentsOf: newElements)
let newCount = count
_willMutate(.appendContentsOf(count: newCount - oldCount))
public mutating func replaceSubrange<C>(
_ subRange: Range<MinimalStrideableIndex>,
with newElements: C
) where C : Collection, C.Element == T {
let oldCount = count
with: newElements)
let newCount = count
subRange: subRange.lowerBound.position..<subRange.upperBound.position,
subRange.upperBound.position - subRange.lowerBound.position
+ newCount - oldCount))
public mutating func insert(_ newElement: T, at i: MinimalStrideableIndex) {
_willMutate(.insert(atIndex: i.position))
_elements.insert(newElement, at: i.position)
public mutating func insert<S : Collection>(
contentsOf newElements: S, at i: MinimalStrideableIndex
) where S.Element == T {
let oldCount = count
_elements.insert(contentsOf: newElements, at: i.position)
let newCount = count
if newCount - oldCount != 0 {
atIndex: i.position,
count: newCount - oldCount))
public mutating func remove(at i: MinimalStrideableIndex) -> T {
_willMutate(.removeAtIndex(index: i.position))
return _elements.remove(at: i.position)
public mutating func removeLast() -> T {
return _elements.removeLast()
public mutating func removeSubrange(_ subRange: Range<MinimalStrideableIndex>) {
if !subRange.isEmpty {
subRange: subRange.lowerBound.position..<subRange.upperBound.position))
public mutating func removeAll(keepingCapacity keepCapacity: Bool = false) {
_willMutate(.removeAll(keepCapacity: keepCapacity))
// Ignore the value of `keepCapacity`.
_elements.removeAll(keepingCapacity: false)
internal mutating func _willMutate(_ operation: _CollectionOperation) {
_collectionState = _CollectionStateTransition(
previousState: _collectionState,
operation: operation)._nextState
public var underestimatedCount: Int
public var reservedCapacity: Int = 0
internal var _elements: [T]
internal var _collectionState: _CollectionState
/// A minimal implementation of `Collection` with extra checks.
public struct MinimalMutableRandomAccessCollection<T> : RandomAccessCollection, MutableCollection {
/// Creates a collection with given contents, but a unique modification
/// history. No other instance has the same modification history.
public init<S : Sequence>(
elements: S,
underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior = .value(0)
) where S.Element == T {
self._elements = Array(elements)
self._collectionState = _CollectionState(
newRootStateForElementCount: self._elements.count)
switch underestimatedCount {
case .precise:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count
case .half:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count / 2
case .overestimate:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count * 3 + 5
case .value(let count):
self.underestimatedCount = count
public let timesMakeIteratorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<T> {
timesMakeIteratorCalled.value += 1
return MinimalIterator(_elements)
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
internal func _index(forPosition i: Int) -> MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
collectionState: _collectionState,
position: i,
startIndex: _elements.startIndex,
endIndex: _elements.endIndex)
internal func _uncheckedIndex(forPosition i: Int) -> MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
_collectionState: _collectionState,
uncheckedPosition: i)
public let timesStartIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesStartIndexCalled.value += 1
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: _elements.startIndex)
public let timesEndIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesEndIndexCalled.value += 1
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: _elements.endIndex)
// FIXME: this shouldn't be necessary, should come by default
public typealias Indices = DefaultIndices<MinimalMutableRandomAccessCollection<T>>
public func _failEarlyRangeCheck(
_ index: MinimalIndex,
bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>
) {
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: index.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.upperBound.position),
in: bounds.lowerBound.position..<bounds.upperBound.position)
public func _failEarlyRangeCheck(
_ range: Range<MinimalIndex>,
bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>
) {
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: range.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: range.upperBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.upperBound.position),
in: bounds.lowerBound.position..<bounds.upperBound.position)
public func index(after i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: i.position + 1)
public func index(before i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check and use
// return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: i.position - 1)
return _index(forPosition: i.position - 1)
public func distance(from start: MinimalIndex, to end: MinimalIndex)
-> Int {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check properly.
if start != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(start, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
if end != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(end, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return end.position - start.position
public func index(_ i: Index, offsetBy n: Int) -> Index {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check properly.
if i != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _index(forPosition: i.position + n)
public subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> T {
get {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _elements[i.position]
set {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
_elements[i.position] = newValue
public subscript(bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>) -> Slice<MinimalMutableRandomAccessCollection<T>> {
get {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(bounds, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
set {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(bounds, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
_writeBackMutableSlice(&self, bounds: bounds, slice: newValue)
public var underestimatedCount: Int
internal var _elements: [T]
internal let _collectionState: _CollectionState
/// A minimal implementation of `Collection` with extra checks.
public struct MinimalMutableRangeReplaceableRandomAccessCollection<T> : RandomAccessCollection, MutableCollection, RangeReplaceableCollection {
/// Creates a collection with given contents, but a unique modification
/// history. No other instance has the same modification history.
public init<S : Sequence>(
elements: S,
underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior = .value(0)
) where S.Element == T {
self._elements = Array(elements)
self._collectionState = _CollectionState(
newRootStateForElementCount: self._elements.count)
switch underestimatedCount {
case .precise:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count
case .half:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count / 2
case .overestimate:
self.underestimatedCount = _elements.count * 3 + 5
case .value(let count):
self.underestimatedCount = count
public init() {
self.underestimatedCount = 0
self._elements = []
self._collectionState =
_CollectionState(name: "\(type(of: self))", elementCount: 0)
public init<S : Sequence>(_ elements: S) where S.Element == T {
self.underestimatedCount = 0
self._elements = Array(elements)
self._collectionState =
_CollectionState(newRootStateForElementCount: self._elements.count)
public let timesMakeIteratorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<T> {
timesMakeIteratorCalled.value += 1
return MinimalIterator(_elements)
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
internal func _index(forPosition i: Int) -> MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
collectionState: _collectionState,
position: i,
startIndex: _elements.startIndex,
endIndex: _elements.endIndex)
internal func _uncheckedIndex(forPosition i: Int) -> MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
_collectionState: _collectionState,
uncheckedPosition: i)
public let timesStartIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesStartIndexCalled.value += 1
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: _elements.startIndex)
public let timesEndIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesEndIndexCalled.value += 1
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: _elements.endIndex)
// FIXME: this shouldn't be necessary, should come by default
public typealias Indices = DefaultIndices<MinimalMutableRangeReplaceableRandomAccessCollection<T>>
public func _failEarlyRangeCheck(
_ index: MinimalIndex,
bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>
) {
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: index.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.upperBound.position),
in: bounds.lowerBound.position..<bounds.upperBound.position)
public func _failEarlyRangeCheck(
_ range: Range<MinimalIndex>,
bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>
) {
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: range.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: range.upperBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.lowerBound.position),
_uncheckedIndex(forPosition: bounds.upperBound.position),
in: bounds.lowerBound.position..<bounds.upperBound.position)
public func index(after i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: i.position + 1)
public func index(before i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check and use
// return _uncheckedIndex(forPosition: i.position - 1)
return _index(forPosition: i.position - 1)
public func distance(from start: MinimalIndex, to end: MinimalIndex)
-> Int {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check properly.
if start != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(start, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
if end != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(end, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return end.position - start.position
public func index(_ i: Index, offsetBy n: Int) -> Index {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: perform a range check properly.
if i != endIndex {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _index(forPosition: i.position + n)
public subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> T {
get {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return _elements[i.position]
set {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
_elements[i.position] = newValue
public subscript(bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>) -> Slice<MinimalMutableRangeReplaceableRandomAccessCollection<T>> {
get {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(bounds, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
set {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(bounds, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
_writeBackMutableSlice(&self, bounds: bounds, slice: newValue)
public mutating func reserveCapacity(_ n: Int) {
_willMutate(.reserveCapacity(capacity: n))
reservedCapacity = Swift.max(reservedCapacity, n)
public mutating func append(_ x: T) {
public mutating func append<S : Sequence>(contentsOf newElements: S)
where S.Element == T {
let oldCount = count
_elements.append(contentsOf: newElements)
let newCount = count
_willMutate(.appendContentsOf(count: newCount - oldCount))
public mutating func replaceSubrange<C>(
_ subRange: Range<MinimalIndex>,
with newElements: C
) where C : Collection, C.Element == T {
let oldCount = count
with: newElements)
let newCount = count
subRange: subRange.lowerBound.position..<subRange.upperBound.position,
subRange.upperBound.position - subRange.lowerBound.position
+ newCount - oldCount))
public mutating func insert(_ newElement: T, at i: MinimalIndex) {
_willMutate(.insert(atIndex: i.position))
_elements.insert(newElement, at: i.position)
public mutating func insert<S : Collection>(
contentsOf newElements: S, at i: MinimalIndex
) where S.Element == T {
let oldCount = count
_elements.insert(contentsOf: newElements, at: i.position)
let newCount = count
if newCount - oldCount != 0 {
atIndex: i.position,
count: newCount - oldCount))
public mutating func remove(at i: MinimalIndex) -> T {
_willMutate(.removeAtIndex(index: i.position))
return _elements.remove(at: i.position)
public mutating func removeLast() -> T {
return _elements.removeLast()
public mutating func removeSubrange(_ subRange: Range<MinimalIndex>) {
if !subRange.isEmpty {
subRange: subRange.lowerBound.position..<subRange.upperBound.position))
public mutating func removeAll(keepingCapacity keepCapacity: Bool = false) {
_willMutate(.removeAll(keepCapacity: keepCapacity))
// Ignore the value of `keepCapacity`.
_elements.removeAll(keepingCapacity: false)
internal mutating func _willMutate(_ operation: _CollectionOperation) {
_collectionState = _CollectionStateTransition(
previousState: _collectionState,
operation: operation)._nextState
public var underestimatedCount: Int
public var reservedCapacity: Int = 0
internal var _elements: [T]
internal var _collectionState: _CollectionState
/// A Sequence that uses as many default implementations as
/// `Sequence` can provide.
public struct DefaultedSequence<Element> : Sequence {
public let base: MinimalSequence<Element>
public init(base: MinimalSequence<Element>) {
self.base = base
public init<S : Sequence>(
elements: S,
underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior = .value(0)
) where S.Element == Element {
self.init(base: MinimalSequence(
elements: elements, underestimatedCount: underestimatedCount))
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<Element> {
return base.makeIterator()
public var underestimatedCount: Int {
return base.underestimatedCount
/// A Collection that uses as many default implementations as
/// `Collection` can provide.
public struct DefaultedCollection<Element> : Collection {
public typealias Base = MinimalCollection<Element>
public typealias Iterator = MinimalIterator<Element>
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
public let base: Base
public init(base: Base) {
self.base = base
public init(_ array: [Element]) {
self.base = Base(elements: array)
public init(elements: [Element]) {
self.base = Base(elements: elements)
public init<S : Sequence>(
elements: S,
underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior = .value(0)
) where S.Element == Element {
MinimalCollection(elements: elements, underestimatedCount: underestimatedCount))
public var underestimatedCount: Int {
return base.underestimatedCount
public let timesMakeIteratorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<Element> {
timesMakeIteratorCalled.value += 1
return base.makeIterator()
public let timesSuccessorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func index(after i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
timesSuccessorCalled.value += 1
return base.index(after: i)
public let timesStartIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesStartIndexCalled.value += 1
return base.startIndex
public let timesEndIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesEndIndexCalled.value += 1
return base.endIndex
public subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> Element {
get {
return base[i]
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: use defaults.
// if Self not in ['DefaultedCollection', 'DefaultedBidirectionalCollection', 'DefaultedRandomAccessCollection', 'DefaultedMutableCollection', 'DefaultedRangeReplaceableCollection']:
public subscript(bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>) -> Slice<DefaultedCollection<Base.Element>> {
get {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: range check.
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: uncomment this.
public struct DefaultedForwardRangeReplaceableSlice<Element>
: RangeReplaceableCollection {
public typealias Self_ = DefaultedForwardRangeReplaceableSlice<Element>
public typealias Base = MinimalCollection<Element>
public typealias Iterator = MinimalIterator<Element>
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
public var base: Base
public var startIndex: Index
public var endIndex: Index
public init() {
self.base = Base()
self.startIndex = base.startIndex
self.endIndex = base.endIndex
public init(base: Base) {
self.base = base
self.startIndex = base.startIndex
self.endIndex = base.endIndex
public init(base: Base, bounds: Range<Index>) {
self.base = base
self.startIndex = bounds.lowerBound
self.endIndex = bounds.upperBound
public init(_ array: [Element]) {
self = DefaultedForwardRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: Base(elements: array))
public init(elements: [Element]) {
self = DefaultedForwardRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: Base(elements: elements))
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<Element> {
return MinimalIterator(Array(self))
public subscript(index: Index) -> Element {
Index._failEarlyRangeCheck(index, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return base[index]
public subscript(bounds: Range<Index>) -> Self_ {
rangeStart: bounds.lowerBound,
rangeEnd: bounds.upperBound,
boundsStart: startIndex,
boundsEnd: endIndex)
return DefaultedForwardRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: base, bounds: bounds)
public mutating func replaceSubrange<
C : Collection
_ subRange: Range<Index>,
with newElements: C
) where C.Element == Element {
let startOffset = startIndex.position
let endOffset =
- subRange.count
+ numericCast(newElements.count) as Int
rangeStart: subRange.lowerBound,
rangeEnd: subRange.upperBound,
boundsStart: startIndex,
boundsEnd: endIndex)
base.replaceSubrange(subRange, with: newElements)
startIndex = base.startIndex.advanced(by: startOffset)
endIndex = base.startIndex.advanced(by: endOffset)
/// A Collection that uses as many default implementations as
/// `Collection` can provide.
public struct DefaultedRangeReplaceableCollection<Element> : Collection, RangeReplaceableCollection {
public typealias Base = MinimalRangeReplaceableCollection<Element>
public typealias Iterator = MinimalIterator<Element>
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
public var base: Base
public init(base: Base) {
self.base = base
public init(_ array: [Element]) {
self.base = Base(elements: array)
public init(elements: [Element]) {
self.base = Base(elements: elements)
public init<S : Sequence>(
elements: S,
underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior = .value(0)
) where S.Element == Element {
MinimalRangeReplaceableCollection(elements: elements, underestimatedCount: underestimatedCount))
public var underestimatedCount: Int {
return base.underestimatedCount
public let timesMakeIteratorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<Element> {
timesMakeIteratorCalled.value += 1
return base.makeIterator()
public let timesSuccessorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func index(after i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
timesSuccessorCalled.value += 1
return base.index(after: i)
public let timesStartIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesStartIndexCalled.value += 1
return base.startIndex
public let timesEndIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesEndIndexCalled.value += 1
return base.endIndex
public subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> Element {
get {
return base[i]
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: use defaults.
// if Self not in ['DefaultedCollection', 'DefaultedBidirectionalCollection', 'DefaultedRandomAccessCollection', 'DefaultedMutableCollection', 'DefaultedRangeReplaceableCollection']:
public subscript(bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>) -> Slice<DefaultedRangeReplaceableCollection<Base.Element>> {
get {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: range check.
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
public init() {
base = Base()
public mutating func replaceSubrange<C>(
_ subRange: Range<DefaultedRangeReplaceableCollection<Element>.Index>,
with newElements: C
) where C : Collection, C.Element == Element {
base.replaceSubrange(subRange, with: newElements)
FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: uncomment this.
public struct DefaultedForwardRangeReplaceableSlice<Element>
: RangeReplaceableCollection {
public typealias Self_ = DefaultedForwardRangeReplaceableSlice<Element>
public typealias Base = MinimalRangeReplaceableCollection<Element>
public typealias Iterator = MinimalIterator<Element>
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
public var base: Base
public var startIndex: Index
public var endIndex: Index
public init() {
self.base = Base()
self.startIndex = base.startIndex
self.endIndex = base.endIndex
public init(base: Base) {
self.base = base
self.startIndex = base.startIndex
self.endIndex = base.endIndex
public init(base: Base, bounds: Range<Index>) {
self.base = base
self.startIndex = bounds.lowerBound
self.endIndex = bounds.upperBound
public init(_ array: [Element]) {
self = DefaultedForwardRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: Base(elements: array))
public init(elements: [Element]) {
self = DefaultedForwardRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: Base(elements: elements))
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<Element> {
return MinimalIterator(Array(self))
public subscript(index: Index) -> Element {
Index._failEarlyRangeCheck(index, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return base[index]
public subscript(bounds: Range<Index>) -> Self_ {
rangeStart: bounds.lowerBound,
rangeEnd: bounds.upperBound,
boundsStart: startIndex,
boundsEnd: endIndex)
return DefaultedForwardRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: base, bounds: bounds)
public mutating func replaceSubrange<
C : Collection
_ subRange: Range<Index>,
with newElements: C
) where C.Element == Element {
let startOffset = startIndex.position
let endOffset =
- subRange.count
+ numericCast(newElements.count) as Int
rangeStart: subRange.lowerBound,
rangeEnd: subRange.upperBound,
boundsStart: startIndex,
boundsEnd: endIndex)
base.replaceSubrange(subRange, with: newElements)
startIndex = base.startIndex.advanced(by: startOffset)
endIndex = base.startIndex.advanced(by: endOffset)
/// A Collection that uses as many default implementations as
/// `Collection` can provide.
public struct DefaultedMutableCollection<Element> : Collection, MutableCollection {
public typealias Base = MinimalMutableCollection<Element>
public typealias Iterator = MinimalIterator<Element>
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
public var base: Base
public init(base: Base) {
self.base = base
public init(_ array: [Element]) {
self.base = Base(elements: array)
public init(elements: [Element]) {
self.base = Base(elements: elements)
public init<S : Sequence>(
elements: S,
underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior = .value(0)
) where S.Element == Element {
MinimalMutableCollection(elements: elements, underestimatedCount: underestimatedCount))
public var underestimatedCount: Int {
return base.underestimatedCount
public let timesMakeIteratorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<Element> {
timesMakeIteratorCalled.value += 1
return base.makeIterator()
public let timesSuccessorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func index(after i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
timesSuccessorCalled.value += 1
return base.index(after: i)
public let timesStartIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesStartIndexCalled.value += 1
return base.startIndex
public let timesEndIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesEndIndexCalled.value += 1
return base.endIndex
public subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> Element {
get {
return base[i]
set {
base[i] = newValue
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: use defaults.
// if Self not in ['DefaultedCollection', 'DefaultedBidirectionalCollection', 'DefaultedRandomAccessCollection', 'DefaultedMutableCollection', 'DefaultedRangeReplaceableCollection']:
public subscript(bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>) -> Slice<DefaultedMutableCollection<Base.Element>> {
get {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: range check.
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
set {
_writeBackMutableSlice(&self, bounds: bounds, slice: newValue)
FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: uncomment this.
public struct DefaultedForwardRangeReplaceableSlice<Element>
: RangeReplaceableCollection {
public typealias Self_ = DefaultedForwardRangeReplaceableSlice<Element>
public typealias Base = MinimalMutableCollection<Element>
public typealias Iterator = MinimalIterator<Element>
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
public var base: Base
public var startIndex: Index
public var endIndex: Index
public init() {
self.base = Base()
self.startIndex = base.startIndex
self.endIndex = base.endIndex
public init(base: Base) {
self.base = base
self.startIndex = base.startIndex
self.endIndex = base.endIndex
public init(base: Base, bounds: Range<Index>) {
self.base = base
self.startIndex = bounds.lowerBound
self.endIndex = bounds.upperBound
public init(_ array: [Element]) {
self = DefaultedForwardRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: Base(elements: array))
public init(elements: [Element]) {
self = DefaultedForwardRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: Base(elements: elements))
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<Element> {
return MinimalIterator(Array(self))
public subscript(index: Index) -> Element {
Index._failEarlyRangeCheck(index, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return base[index]
public subscript(bounds: Range<Index>) -> Self_ {
rangeStart: bounds.lowerBound,
rangeEnd: bounds.upperBound,
boundsStart: startIndex,
boundsEnd: endIndex)
return DefaultedForwardRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: base, bounds: bounds)
public mutating func replaceSubrange<
C : Collection
_ subRange: Range<Index>,
with newElements: C
) where C.Element == Element {
let startOffset = startIndex.position
let endOffset =
- subRange.count
+ numericCast(newElements.count) as Int
rangeStart: subRange.lowerBound,
rangeEnd: subRange.upperBound,
boundsStart: startIndex,
boundsEnd: endIndex)
base.replaceSubrange(subRange, with: newElements)
startIndex = base.startIndex.advanced(by: startOffset)
endIndex = base.startIndex.advanced(by: endOffset)
/// A Collection that uses as many default implementations as
/// `Collection` can provide.
public struct DefaultedMutableRangeReplaceableCollection<Element> : Collection, MutableCollection, RangeReplaceableCollection {
public typealias Base = MinimalMutableRangeReplaceableCollection<Element>
public typealias Iterator = MinimalIterator<Element>
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
public var base: Base
public init(base: Base) {
self.base = base
public init(_ array: [Element]) {
self.base = Base(elements: array)
public init(elements: [Element]) {
self.base = Base(elements: elements)
public init<S : Sequence>(
elements: S,
underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior = .value(0)
) where S.Element == Element {
MinimalMutableRangeReplaceableCollection(elements: elements, underestimatedCount: underestimatedCount))
public var underestimatedCount: Int {
return base.underestimatedCount
public let timesMakeIteratorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<Element> {
timesMakeIteratorCalled.value += 1
return base.makeIterator()
public let timesSuccessorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func index(after i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
timesSuccessorCalled.value += 1
return base.index(after: i)
public let timesStartIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesStartIndexCalled.value += 1
return base.startIndex
public let timesEndIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesEndIndexCalled.value += 1
return base.endIndex
public subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> Element {
get {
return base[i]
set {
base[i] = newValue
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: use defaults.
// if Self not in ['DefaultedCollection', 'DefaultedBidirectionalCollection', 'DefaultedRandomAccessCollection', 'DefaultedMutableCollection', 'DefaultedRangeReplaceableCollection']:
public subscript(bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>) -> Slice<DefaultedMutableRangeReplaceableCollection<Base.Element>> {
get {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: range check.
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
set {
_writeBackMutableSlice(&self, bounds: bounds, slice: newValue)
public init() {
base = Base()
public mutating func replaceSubrange<C>(
_ subRange: Range<DefaultedMutableRangeReplaceableCollection<Element>.Index>,
with newElements: C
) where C : Collection, C.Element == Element {
base.replaceSubrange(subRange, with: newElements)
FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: uncomment this.
public struct DefaultedForwardRangeReplaceableSlice<Element>
: RangeReplaceableCollection {
public typealias Self_ = DefaultedForwardRangeReplaceableSlice<Element>
public typealias Base = MinimalMutableRangeReplaceableCollection<Element>
public typealias Iterator = MinimalIterator<Element>
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
public var base: Base
public var startIndex: Index
public var endIndex: Index
public init() {
self.base = Base()
self.startIndex = base.startIndex
self.endIndex = base.endIndex
public init(base: Base) {
self.base = base
self.startIndex = base.startIndex
self.endIndex = base.endIndex
public init(base: Base, bounds: Range<Index>) {
self.base = base
self.startIndex = bounds.lowerBound
self.endIndex = bounds.upperBound
public init(_ array: [Element]) {
self = DefaultedForwardRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: Base(elements: array))
public init(elements: [Element]) {
self = DefaultedForwardRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: Base(elements: elements))
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<Element> {
return MinimalIterator(Array(self))
public subscript(index: Index) -> Element {
Index._failEarlyRangeCheck(index, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return base[index]
public subscript(bounds: Range<Index>) -> Self_ {
rangeStart: bounds.lowerBound,
rangeEnd: bounds.upperBound,
boundsStart: startIndex,
boundsEnd: endIndex)
return DefaultedForwardRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: base, bounds: bounds)
public mutating func replaceSubrange<
C : Collection
_ subRange: Range<Index>,
with newElements: C
) where C.Element == Element {
let startOffset = startIndex.position
let endOffset =
- subRange.count
+ numericCast(newElements.count) as Int
rangeStart: subRange.lowerBound,
rangeEnd: subRange.upperBound,
boundsStart: startIndex,
boundsEnd: endIndex)
base.replaceSubrange(subRange, with: newElements)
startIndex = base.startIndex.advanced(by: startOffset)
endIndex = base.startIndex.advanced(by: endOffset)
/// A Collection that uses as many default implementations as
/// `Collection` can provide.
public struct DefaultedBidirectionalCollection<Element> : BidirectionalCollection {
public typealias Base = MinimalBidirectionalCollection<Element>
public typealias Iterator = MinimalIterator<Element>
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
public let base: Base
public init(base: Base) {
self.base = base
public init(_ array: [Element]) {
self.base = Base(elements: array)
public init(elements: [Element]) {
self.base = Base(elements: elements)
public init<S : Sequence>(
elements: S,
underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior = .value(0)
) where S.Element == Element {
MinimalBidirectionalCollection(elements: elements, underestimatedCount: underestimatedCount))
public var underestimatedCount: Int {
return base.underestimatedCount
public let timesMakeIteratorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<Element> {
timesMakeIteratorCalled.value += 1
return base.makeIterator()
public let timesSuccessorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func index(after i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
timesSuccessorCalled.value += 1
return base.index(after: i)
public let timesPredecessorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func index(before i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
timesPredecessorCalled.value += 1
return base.index(before: i)
public let timesStartIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesStartIndexCalled.value += 1
return base.startIndex
public let timesEndIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesEndIndexCalled.value += 1
return base.endIndex
public subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> Element {
get {
return base[i]
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: use defaults.
// if Self not in ['DefaultedCollection', 'DefaultedBidirectionalCollection', 'DefaultedRandomAccessCollection', 'DefaultedMutableCollection', 'DefaultedRangeReplaceableCollection']:
public subscript(bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>) -> Slice<DefaultedBidirectionalCollection<Base.Element>> {
get {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: range check.
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: uncomment this.
public struct DefaultedBidirectionalRangeReplaceableSlice<Element>
: RangeReplaceableCollection {
public typealias Self_ = DefaultedBidirectionalRangeReplaceableSlice<Element>
public typealias Base = MinimalBidirectionalCollection<Element>
public typealias Iterator = MinimalIterator<Element>
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
public var base: Base
public var startIndex: Index
public var endIndex: Index
public init() {
self.base = Base()
self.startIndex = base.startIndex
self.endIndex = base.endIndex
public init(base: Base) {
self.base = base
self.startIndex = base.startIndex
self.endIndex = base.endIndex
public init(base: Base, bounds: Range<Index>) {
self.base = base
self.startIndex = bounds.lowerBound
self.endIndex = bounds.upperBound
public init(_ array: [Element]) {
self = DefaultedBidirectionalRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: Base(elements: array))
public init(elements: [Element]) {
self = DefaultedBidirectionalRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: Base(elements: elements))
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<Element> {
return MinimalIterator(Array(self))
public subscript(index: Index) -> Element {
Index._failEarlyRangeCheck(index, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return base[index]
public subscript(bounds: Range<Index>) -> Self_ {
rangeStart: bounds.lowerBound,
rangeEnd: bounds.upperBound,
boundsStart: startIndex,
boundsEnd: endIndex)
return DefaultedBidirectionalRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: base, bounds: bounds)
public mutating func replaceSubrange<
C : Collection
_ subRange: Range<Index>,
with newElements: C
) where C.Element == Element {
let startOffset = startIndex.position
let endOffset =
- subRange.count
+ numericCast(newElements.count) as Int
rangeStart: subRange.lowerBound,
rangeEnd: subRange.upperBound,
boundsStart: startIndex,
boundsEnd: endIndex)
base.replaceSubrange(subRange, with: newElements)
startIndex = base.startIndex.advanced(by: startOffset)
endIndex = base.startIndex.advanced(by: endOffset)
/// A Collection that uses as many default implementations as
/// `Collection` can provide.
public struct DefaultedRangeReplaceableBidirectionalCollection<Element> : BidirectionalCollection, RangeReplaceableCollection {
public typealias Base = MinimalRangeReplaceableBidirectionalCollection<Element>
public typealias Iterator = MinimalIterator<Element>
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
public var base: Base
public init(base: Base) {
self.base = base
public init(_ array: [Element]) {
self.base = Base(elements: array)
public init(elements: [Element]) {
self.base = Base(elements: elements)
public init<S : Sequence>(
elements: S,
underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior = .value(0)
) where S.Element == Element {
MinimalRangeReplaceableBidirectionalCollection(elements: elements, underestimatedCount: underestimatedCount))
public var underestimatedCount: Int {
return base.underestimatedCount
public let timesMakeIteratorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<Element> {
timesMakeIteratorCalled.value += 1
return base.makeIterator()
public let timesSuccessorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func index(after i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
timesSuccessorCalled.value += 1
return base.index(after: i)
public let timesPredecessorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func index(before i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
timesPredecessorCalled.value += 1
return base.index(before: i)
public let timesStartIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesStartIndexCalled.value += 1
return base.startIndex
public let timesEndIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesEndIndexCalled.value += 1
return base.endIndex
public subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> Element {
get {
return base[i]
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: use defaults.
// if Self not in ['DefaultedCollection', 'DefaultedBidirectionalCollection', 'DefaultedRandomAccessCollection', 'DefaultedMutableCollection', 'DefaultedRangeReplaceableCollection']:
public subscript(bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>) -> Slice<DefaultedRangeReplaceableBidirectionalCollection<Base.Element>> {
get {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: range check.
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
public init() {
base = Base()
public mutating func replaceSubrange<C>(
_ subRange: Range<DefaultedRangeReplaceableBidirectionalCollection<Element>.Index>,
with newElements: C
) where C : Collection, C.Element == Element {
base.replaceSubrange(subRange, with: newElements)
FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: uncomment this.
public struct DefaultedBidirectionalRangeReplaceableSlice<Element>
: RangeReplaceableCollection {
public typealias Self_ = DefaultedBidirectionalRangeReplaceableSlice<Element>
public typealias Base = MinimalRangeReplaceableBidirectionalCollection<Element>
public typealias Iterator = MinimalIterator<Element>
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
public var base: Base
public var startIndex: Index
public var endIndex: Index
public init() {
self.base = Base()
self.startIndex = base.startIndex
self.endIndex = base.endIndex
public init(base: Base) {
self.base = base
self.startIndex = base.startIndex
self.endIndex = base.endIndex
public init(base: Base, bounds: Range<Index>) {
self.base = base
self.startIndex = bounds.lowerBound
self.endIndex = bounds.upperBound
public init(_ array: [Element]) {
self = DefaultedBidirectionalRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: Base(elements: array))
public init(elements: [Element]) {
self = DefaultedBidirectionalRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: Base(elements: elements))
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<Element> {
return MinimalIterator(Array(self))
public subscript(index: Index) -> Element {
Index._failEarlyRangeCheck(index, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return base[index]
public subscript(bounds: Range<Index>) -> Self_ {
rangeStart: bounds.lowerBound,
rangeEnd: bounds.upperBound,
boundsStart: startIndex,
boundsEnd: endIndex)
return DefaultedBidirectionalRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: base, bounds: bounds)
public mutating func replaceSubrange<
C : Collection
_ subRange: Range<Index>,
with newElements: C
) where C.Element == Element {
let startOffset = startIndex.position
let endOffset =
- subRange.count
+ numericCast(newElements.count) as Int
rangeStart: subRange.lowerBound,
rangeEnd: subRange.upperBound,
boundsStart: startIndex,
boundsEnd: endIndex)
base.replaceSubrange(subRange, with: newElements)
startIndex = base.startIndex.advanced(by: startOffset)
endIndex = base.startIndex.advanced(by: endOffset)
/// A Collection that uses as many default implementations as
/// `Collection` can provide.
public struct DefaultedMutableBidirectionalCollection<Element> : BidirectionalCollection, MutableCollection {
public typealias Base = MinimalMutableBidirectionalCollection<Element>
public typealias Iterator = MinimalIterator<Element>
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
public var base: Base
public init(base: Base) {
self.base = base
public init(_ array: [Element]) {
self.base = Base(elements: array)
public init(elements: [Element]) {
self.base = Base(elements: elements)
public init<S : Sequence>(
elements: S,
underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior = .value(0)
) where S.Element == Element {
MinimalMutableBidirectionalCollection(elements: elements, underestimatedCount: underestimatedCount))
public var underestimatedCount: Int {
return base.underestimatedCount
public let timesMakeIteratorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<Element> {
timesMakeIteratorCalled.value += 1
return base.makeIterator()
public let timesSuccessorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func index(after i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
timesSuccessorCalled.value += 1
return base.index(after: i)
public let timesPredecessorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func index(before i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
timesPredecessorCalled.value += 1
return base.index(before: i)
public let timesStartIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesStartIndexCalled.value += 1
return base.startIndex
public let timesEndIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesEndIndexCalled.value += 1
return base.endIndex
public subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> Element {
get {
return base[i]
set {
base[i] = newValue
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: use defaults.
// if Self not in ['DefaultedCollection', 'DefaultedBidirectionalCollection', 'DefaultedRandomAccessCollection', 'DefaultedMutableCollection', 'DefaultedRangeReplaceableCollection']:
public subscript(bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>) -> Slice<DefaultedMutableBidirectionalCollection<Base.Element>> {
get {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: range check.
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
set {
_writeBackMutableSlice(&self, bounds: bounds, slice: newValue)
FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: uncomment this.
public struct DefaultedBidirectionalRangeReplaceableSlice<Element>
: RangeReplaceableCollection {
public typealias Self_ = DefaultedBidirectionalRangeReplaceableSlice<Element>
public typealias Base = MinimalMutableBidirectionalCollection<Element>
public typealias Iterator = MinimalIterator<Element>
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
public var base: Base
public var startIndex: Index
public var endIndex: Index
public init() {
self.base = Base()
self.startIndex = base.startIndex
self.endIndex = base.endIndex
public init(base: Base) {
self.base = base
self.startIndex = base.startIndex
self.endIndex = base.endIndex
public init(base: Base, bounds: Range<Index>) {
self.base = base
self.startIndex = bounds.lowerBound
self.endIndex = bounds.upperBound
public init(_ array: [Element]) {
self = DefaultedBidirectionalRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: Base(elements: array))
public init(elements: [Element]) {
self = DefaultedBidirectionalRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: Base(elements: elements))
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<Element> {
return MinimalIterator(Array(self))
public subscript(index: Index) -> Element {
Index._failEarlyRangeCheck(index, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return base[index]
public subscript(bounds: Range<Index>) -> Self_ {
rangeStart: bounds.lowerBound,
rangeEnd: bounds.upperBound,
boundsStart: startIndex,
boundsEnd: endIndex)
return DefaultedBidirectionalRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: base, bounds: bounds)
public mutating func replaceSubrange<
C : Collection
_ subRange: Range<Index>,
with newElements: C
) where C.Element == Element {
let startOffset = startIndex.position
let endOffset =
- subRange.count
+ numericCast(newElements.count) as Int
rangeStart: subRange.lowerBound,
rangeEnd: subRange.upperBound,
boundsStart: startIndex,
boundsEnd: endIndex)
base.replaceSubrange(subRange, with: newElements)
startIndex = base.startIndex.advanced(by: startOffset)
endIndex = base.startIndex.advanced(by: endOffset)
/// A Collection that uses as many default implementations as
/// `Collection` can provide.
public struct DefaultedMutableRangeReplaceableBidirectionalCollection<Element> : BidirectionalCollection, MutableCollection, RangeReplaceableCollection {
public typealias Base = MinimalMutableRangeReplaceableBidirectionalCollection<Element>
public typealias Iterator = MinimalIterator<Element>
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
public var base: Base
public init(base: Base) {
self.base = base
public init(_ array: [Element]) {
self.base = Base(elements: array)
public init(elements: [Element]) {
self.base = Base(elements: elements)
public init<S : Sequence>(
elements: S,
underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior = .value(0)
) where S.Element == Element {
MinimalMutableRangeReplaceableBidirectionalCollection(elements: elements, underestimatedCount: underestimatedCount))
public var underestimatedCount: Int {
return base.underestimatedCount
public let timesMakeIteratorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<Element> {
timesMakeIteratorCalled.value += 1
return base.makeIterator()
public let timesSuccessorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func index(after i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
timesSuccessorCalled.value += 1
return base.index(after: i)
public let timesPredecessorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func index(before i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
timesPredecessorCalled.value += 1
return base.index(before: i)
public let timesStartIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesStartIndexCalled.value += 1
return base.startIndex
public let timesEndIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesEndIndexCalled.value += 1
return base.endIndex
public subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> Element {
get {
return base[i]
set {
base[i] = newValue
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: use defaults.
// if Self not in ['DefaultedCollection', 'DefaultedBidirectionalCollection', 'DefaultedRandomAccessCollection', 'DefaultedMutableCollection', 'DefaultedRangeReplaceableCollection']:
public subscript(bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>) -> Slice<DefaultedMutableRangeReplaceableBidirectionalCollection<Base.Element>> {
get {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: range check.
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
set {
_writeBackMutableSlice(&self, bounds: bounds, slice: newValue)
public init() {
base = Base()
public mutating func replaceSubrange<C>(
_ subRange: Range<DefaultedMutableRangeReplaceableBidirectionalCollection<Element>.Index>,
with newElements: C
) where C : Collection, C.Element == Element {
base.replaceSubrange(subRange, with: newElements)
FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: uncomment this.
public struct DefaultedBidirectionalRangeReplaceableSlice<Element>
: RangeReplaceableCollection {
public typealias Self_ = DefaultedBidirectionalRangeReplaceableSlice<Element>
public typealias Base = MinimalMutableRangeReplaceableBidirectionalCollection<Element>
public typealias Iterator = MinimalIterator<Element>
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
public var base: Base
public var startIndex: Index
public var endIndex: Index
public init() {
self.base = Base()
self.startIndex = base.startIndex
self.endIndex = base.endIndex
public init(base: Base) {
self.base = base
self.startIndex = base.startIndex
self.endIndex = base.endIndex
public init(base: Base, bounds: Range<Index>) {
self.base = base
self.startIndex = bounds.lowerBound
self.endIndex = bounds.upperBound
public init(_ array: [Element]) {
self = DefaultedBidirectionalRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: Base(elements: array))
public init(elements: [Element]) {
self = DefaultedBidirectionalRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: Base(elements: elements))
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<Element> {
return MinimalIterator(Array(self))
public subscript(index: Index) -> Element {
Index._failEarlyRangeCheck(index, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return base[index]
public subscript(bounds: Range<Index>) -> Self_ {
rangeStart: bounds.lowerBound,
rangeEnd: bounds.upperBound,
boundsStart: startIndex,
boundsEnd: endIndex)
return DefaultedBidirectionalRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: base, bounds: bounds)
public mutating func replaceSubrange<
C : Collection
_ subRange: Range<Index>,
with newElements: C
) where C.Element == Element {
let startOffset = startIndex.position
let endOffset =
- subRange.count
+ numericCast(newElements.count) as Int
rangeStart: subRange.lowerBound,
rangeEnd: subRange.upperBound,
boundsStart: startIndex,
boundsEnd: endIndex)
base.replaceSubrange(subRange, with: newElements)
startIndex = base.startIndex.advanced(by: startOffset)
endIndex = base.startIndex.advanced(by: endOffset)
/// A Collection that uses as many default implementations as
/// `Collection` can provide.
public struct DefaultedRandomAccessCollection<Element> : RandomAccessCollection {
public typealias Base = MinimalRandomAccessCollection<Element>
public typealias Iterator = MinimalIterator<Element>
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
// FIXME: this shouldn't be necessary, should come by default
public typealias Indices = DefaultIndices<DefaultedRandomAccessCollection<Element>>
public let base: Base
public init(base: Base) {
self.base = base
public init(_ array: [Element]) {
self.base = Base(elements: array)
public init(elements: [Element]) {
self.base = Base(elements: elements)
public init<S : Sequence>(
elements: S,
underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior = .value(0)
) where S.Element == Element {
MinimalRandomAccessCollection(elements: elements, underestimatedCount: underestimatedCount))
public var underestimatedCount: Int {
return base.underestimatedCount
public let timesMakeIteratorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<Element> {
timesMakeIteratorCalled.value += 1
return base.makeIterator()
public let timesSuccessorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func index(after i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
timesSuccessorCalled.value += 1
return base.index(after: i)
public let timesPredecessorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func index(before i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
timesPredecessorCalled.value += 1
return base.index(before: i)
public func distance(from start: MinimalIndex, to end: MinimalIndex)
-> Int {
return base.distance(from: start, to: end)
public func index(_ i: Index, offsetBy n: Int) -> Index {
return base.index(i, offsetBy: n)
public let timesStartIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesStartIndexCalled.value += 1
return base.startIndex
public let timesEndIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesEndIndexCalled.value += 1
return base.endIndex
public subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> Element {
get {
return base[i]
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: use defaults.
// if Self not in ['DefaultedCollection', 'DefaultedBidirectionalCollection', 'DefaultedRandomAccessCollection', 'DefaultedMutableCollection', 'DefaultedRangeReplaceableCollection']:
public subscript(bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>) -> Slice<DefaultedRandomAccessCollection<Base.Element>> {
get {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: range check.
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: uncomment this.
public struct DefaultedRandomAccessRangeReplaceableSlice<Element>
: RangeReplaceableCollection {
public typealias Self_ = DefaultedRandomAccessRangeReplaceableSlice<Element>
public typealias Base = MinimalRandomAccessCollection<Element>
public typealias Iterator = MinimalIterator<Element>
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
public var base: Base
public var startIndex: Index
public var endIndex: Index
public init() {
self.base = Base()
self.startIndex = base.startIndex
self.endIndex = base.endIndex
public init(base: Base) {
self.base = base
self.startIndex = base.startIndex
self.endIndex = base.endIndex
public init(base: Base, bounds: Range<Index>) {
self.base = base
self.startIndex = bounds.lowerBound
self.endIndex = bounds.upperBound
public init(_ array: [Element]) {
self = DefaultedRandomAccessRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: Base(elements: array))
public init(elements: [Element]) {
self = DefaultedRandomAccessRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: Base(elements: elements))
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<Element> {
return MinimalIterator(Array(self))
public subscript(index: Index) -> Element {
Index._failEarlyRangeCheck(index, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return base[index]
public subscript(bounds: Range<Index>) -> Self_ {
rangeStart: bounds.lowerBound,
rangeEnd: bounds.upperBound,
boundsStart: startIndex,
boundsEnd: endIndex)
return DefaultedRandomAccessRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: base, bounds: bounds)
public mutating func replaceSubrange<
C : Collection
_ subRange: Range<Index>,
with newElements: C
) where C.Element == Element {
let startOffset = startIndex.position
let endOffset =
- subRange.count
+ numericCast(newElements.count) as Int
rangeStart: subRange.lowerBound,
rangeEnd: subRange.upperBound,
boundsStart: startIndex,
boundsEnd: endIndex)
base.replaceSubrange(subRange, with: newElements)
startIndex = base.startIndex.advanced(by: startOffset)
endIndex = base.startIndex.advanced(by: endOffset)
/// A Collection that uses as many default implementations as
/// `Collection` can provide.
public struct DefaultedRandomAccessCollectionWithStrideableIndex<Element> : RandomAccessCollection {
public typealias Base = MinimalRandomAccessCollectionWithStrideableIndex<Element>
public typealias Iterator = MinimalIterator<Element>
public typealias Index = MinimalStrideableIndex
public typealias Indices = Range<MinimalStrideableIndex>
public let base: Base
public init(base: Base) {
self.base = base
public init(_ array: [Element]) {
self.base = Base(elements: array)
public init(elements: [Element]) {
self.base = Base(elements: elements)
public init<S : Sequence>(
elements: S,
underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior = .value(0)
) where S.Element == Element {
MinimalRandomAccessCollectionWithStrideableIndex(elements: elements, underestimatedCount: underestimatedCount))
public var underestimatedCount: Int {
return base.underestimatedCount
public let timesMakeIteratorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<Element> {
timesMakeIteratorCalled.value += 1
return base.makeIterator()
public let timesStartIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var startIndex: MinimalStrideableIndex {
timesStartIndexCalled.value += 1
return base.startIndex
public let timesEndIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var endIndex: MinimalStrideableIndex {
timesEndIndexCalled.value += 1
return base.endIndex
public subscript(i: MinimalStrideableIndex) -> Element {
get {
return base[i]
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: use defaults.
// if Self not in ['DefaultedCollection', 'DefaultedBidirectionalCollection', 'DefaultedRandomAccessCollection', 'DefaultedMutableCollection', 'DefaultedRangeReplaceableCollection']:
public subscript(bounds: Range<MinimalStrideableIndex>) -> Slice<DefaultedRandomAccessCollectionWithStrideableIndex<Base.Element>> {
get {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: range check.
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: uncomment this.
public struct DefaultedRandomAccessRangeReplaceableSlice<Element>
: RangeReplaceableCollection {
public typealias Self_ = DefaultedRandomAccessRangeReplaceableSlice<Element>
public typealias Base = MinimalRandomAccessCollectionWithStrideableIndex<Element>
public typealias Iterator = MinimalIterator<Element>
public typealias Index = MinimalStrideableIndex
public var base: Base
public var startIndex: Index
public var endIndex: Index
public init() {
self.base = Base()
self.startIndex = base.startIndex
self.endIndex = base.endIndex
public init(base: Base) {
self.base = base
self.startIndex = base.startIndex
self.endIndex = base.endIndex
public init(base: Base, bounds: Range<Index>) {
self.base = base
self.startIndex = bounds.lowerBound
self.endIndex = bounds.upperBound
public init(_ array: [Element]) {
self = DefaultedRandomAccessRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: Base(elements: array))
public init(elements: [Element]) {
self = DefaultedRandomAccessRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: Base(elements: elements))
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<Element> {
return MinimalIterator(Array(self))
public subscript(index: Index) -> Element {
Index._failEarlyRangeCheck(index, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return base[index]
public subscript(bounds: Range<Index>) -> Self_ {
rangeStart: bounds.lowerBound,
rangeEnd: bounds.upperBound,
boundsStart: startIndex,
boundsEnd: endIndex)
return DefaultedRandomAccessRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: base, bounds: bounds)
public mutating func replaceSubrange<
C : Collection
_ subRange: Range<Index>,
with newElements: C
) where C.Element == Element {
let startOffset = startIndex.position
let endOffset =
- subRange.count
+ numericCast(newElements.count) as Int
rangeStart: subRange.lowerBound,
rangeEnd: subRange.upperBound,
boundsStart: startIndex,
boundsEnd: endIndex)
base.replaceSubrange(subRange, with: newElements)
startIndex = base.startIndex.advanced(by: startOffset)
endIndex = base.startIndex.advanced(by: endOffset)
/// A Collection that uses as many default implementations as
/// `Collection` can provide.
public struct DefaultedRangeReplaceableRandomAccessCollection<Element> : RandomAccessCollection, RangeReplaceableCollection {
public typealias Base = MinimalRangeReplaceableRandomAccessCollection<Element>
public typealias Iterator = MinimalIterator<Element>
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
// FIXME: this shouldn't be necessary, should come by default
public typealias Indices = DefaultIndices<DefaultedRangeReplaceableRandomAccessCollection<Element>>
public var base: Base
public init(base: Base) {
self.base = base
public init(_ array: [Element]) {
self.base = Base(elements: array)
public init(elements: [Element]) {
self.base = Base(elements: elements)
public init<S : Sequence>(
elements: S,
underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior = .value(0)
) where S.Element == Element {
MinimalRangeReplaceableRandomAccessCollection(elements: elements, underestimatedCount: underestimatedCount))
public var underestimatedCount: Int {
return base.underestimatedCount
public let timesMakeIteratorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<Element> {
timesMakeIteratorCalled.value += 1
return base.makeIterator()
public let timesSuccessorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func index(after i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
timesSuccessorCalled.value += 1
return base.index(after: i)
public let timesPredecessorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func index(before i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
timesPredecessorCalled.value += 1
return base.index(before: i)
public func distance(from start: MinimalIndex, to end: MinimalIndex)
-> Int {
return base.distance(from: start, to: end)
public func index(_ i: Index, offsetBy n: Int) -> Index {
return base.index(i, offsetBy: n)
public let timesStartIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesStartIndexCalled.value += 1
return base.startIndex
public let timesEndIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesEndIndexCalled.value += 1
return base.endIndex
public subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> Element {
get {
return base[i]
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: use defaults.
// if Self not in ['DefaultedCollection', 'DefaultedBidirectionalCollection', 'DefaultedRandomAccessCollection', 'DefaultedMutableCollection', 'DefaultedRangeReplaceableCollection']:
public subscript(bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>) -> Slice<DefaultedRangeReplaceableRandomAccessCollection<Base.Element>> {
get {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: range check.
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
public init() {
base = Base()
public mutating func replaceSubrange<C>(
_ subRange: Range<DefaultedRangeReplaceableRandomAccessCollection<Element>.Index>,
with newElements: C
) where C : Collection, C.Element == Element {
base.replaceSubrange(subRange, with: newElements)
FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: uncomment this.
public struct DefaultedRandomAccessRangeReplaceableSlice<Element>
: RangeReplaceableCollection {
public typealias Self_ = DefaultedRandomAccessRangeReplaceableSlice<Element>
public typealias Base = MinimalRangeReplaceableRandomAccessCollection<Element>
public typealias Iterator = MinimalIterator<Element>
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
public var base: Base
public var startIndex: Index
public var endIndex: Index
public init() {
self.base = Base()
self.startIndex = base.startIndex
self.endIndex = base.endIndex
public init(base: Base) {
self.base = base
self.startIndex = base.startIndex
self.endIndex = base.endIndex
public init(base: Base, bounds: Range<Index>) {
self.base = base
self.startIndex = bounds.lowerBound
self.endIndex = bounds.upperBound
public init(_ array: [Element]) {
self = DefaultedRandomAccessRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: Base(elements: array))
public init(elements: [Element]) {
self = DefaultedRandomAccessRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: Base(elements: elements))
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<Element> {
return MinimalIterator(Array(self))
public subscript(index: Index) -> Element {
Index._failEarlyRangeCheck(index, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return base[index]
public subscript(bounds: Range<Index>) -> Self_ {
rangeStart: bounds.lowerBound,
rangeEnd: bounds.upperBound,
boundsStart: startIndex,
boundsEnd: endIndex)
return DefaultedRandomAccessRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: base, bounds: bounds)
public mutating func replaceSubrange<
C : Collection
_ subRange: Range<Index>,
with newElements: C
) where C.Element == Element {
let startOffset = startIndex.position
let endOffset =
- subRange.count
+ numericCast(newElements.count) as Int
rangeStart: subRange.lowerBound,
rangeEnd: subRange.upperBound,
boundsStart: startIndex,
boundsEnd: endIndex)
base.replaceSubrange(subRange, with: newElements)
startIndex = base.startIndex.advanced(by: startOffset)
endIndex = base.startIndex.advanced(by: endOffset)
/// A Collection that uses as many default implementations as
/// `Collection` can provide.
public struct DefaultedMutableRandomAccessCollection<Element> : RandomAccessCollection, MutableCollection {
public typealias Base = MinimalMutableRandomAccessCollection<Element>
public typealias Iterator = MinimalIterator<Element>
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
// FIXME: this shouldn't be necessary, should come by default
public typealias Indices = DefaultIndices<DefaultedMutableRandomAccessCollection<Element>>
public var base: Base
public init(base: Base) {
self.base = base
public init(_ array: [Element]) {
self.base = Base(elements: array)
public init(elements: [Element]) {
self.base = Base(elements: elements)
public init<S : Sequence>(
elements: S,
underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior = .value(0)
) where S.Element == Element {
MinimalMutableRandomAccessCollection(elements: elements, underestimatedCount: underestimatedCount))
public var underestimatedCount: Int {
return base.underestimatedCount
public let timesMakeIteratorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<Element> {
timesMakeIteratorCalled.value += 1
return base.makeIterator()
public let timesSuccessorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func index(after i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
timesSuccessorCalled.value += 1
return base.index(after: i)
public let timesPredecessorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func index(before i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
timesPredecessorCalled.value += 1
return base.index(before: i)
public func distance(from start: MinimalIndex, to end: MinimalIndex)
-> Int {
return base.distance(from: start, to: end)
public func index(_ i: Index, offsetBy n: Int) -> Index {
return base.index(i, offsetBy: n)
public let timesStartIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesStartIndexCalled.value += 1
return base.startIndex
public let timesEndIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesEndIndexCalled.value += 1
return base.endIndex
public subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> Element {
get {
return base[i]
set {
base[i] = newValue
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: use defaults.
// if Self not in ['DefaultedCollection', 'DefaultedBidirectionalCollection', 'DefaultedRandomAccessCollection', 'DefaultedMutableCollection', 'DefaultedRangeReplaceableCollection']:
public subscript(bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>) -> Slice<DefaultedMutableRandomAccessCollection<Base.Element>> {
get {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: range check.
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
set {
_writeBackMutableSlice(&self, bounds: bounds, slice: newValue)
FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: uncomment this.
public struct DefaultedRandomAccessRangeReplaceableSlice<Element>
: RangeReplaceableCollection {
public typealias Self_ = DefaultedRandomAccessRangeReplaceableSlice<Element>
public typealias Base = MinimalMutableRandomAccessCollection<Element>
public typealias Iterator = MinimalIterator<Element>
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
public var base: Base
public var startIndex: Index
public var endIndex: Index
public init() {
self.base = Base()
self.startIndex = base.startIndex
self.endIndex = base.endIndex
public init(base: Base) {
self.base = base
self.startIndex = base.startIndex
self.endIndex = base.endIndex
public init(base: Base, bounds: Range<Index>) {
self.base = base
self.startIndex = bounds.lowerBound
self.endIndex = bounds.upperBound
public init(_ array: [Element]) {
self = DefaultedRandomAccessRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: Base(elements: array))
public init(elements: [Element]) {
self = DefaultedRandomAccessRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: Base(elements: elements))
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<Element> {
return MinimalIterator(Array(self))
public subscript(index: Index) -> Element {
Index._failEarlyRangeCheck(index, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return base[index]
public subscript(bounds: Range<Index>) -> Self_ {
rangeStart: bounds.lowerBound,
rangeEnd: bounds.upperBound,
boundsStart: startIndex,
boundsEnd: endIndex)
return DefaultedRandomAccessRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: base, bounds: bounds)
public mutating func replaceSubrange<
C : Collection
_ subRange: Range<Index>,
with newElements: C
) where C.Element == Element {
let startOffset = startIndex.position
let endOffset =
- subRange.count
+ numericCast(newElements.count) as Int
rangeStart: subRange.lowerBound,
rangeEnd: subRange.upperBound,
boundsStart: startIndex,
boundsEnd: endIndex)
base.replaceSubrange(subRange, with: newElements)
startIndex = base.startIndex.advanced(by: startOffset)
endIndex = base.startIndex.advanced(by: endOffset)
/// A Collection that uses as many default implementations as
/// `Collection` can provide.
public struct DefaultedMutableRangeReplaceableRandomAccessCollection<Element> : RandomAccessCollection, MutableCollection, RangeReplaceableCollection {
public typealias Base = MinimalMutableRangeReplaceableRandomAccessCollection<Element>
public typealias Iterator = MinimalIterator<Element>
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
// FIXME: this shouldn't be necessary, should come by default
public typealias Indices = DefaultIndices<DefaultedMutableRangeReplaceableRandomAccessCollection<Element>>
public var base: Base
public init(base: Base) {
self.base = base
public init(_ array: [Element]) {
self.base = Base(elements: array)
public init(elements: [Element]) {
self.base = Base(elements: elements)
public init<S : Sequence>(
elements: S,
underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior = .value(0)
) where S.Element == Element {
MinimalMutableRangeReplaceableRandomAccessCollection(elements: elements, underestimatedCount: underestimatedCount))
public var underestimatedCount: Int {
return base.underestimatedCount
public let timesMakeIteratorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<Element> {
timesMakeIteratorCalled.value += 1
return base.makeIterator()
public let timesSuccessorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func index(after i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
timesSuccessorCalled.value += 1
return base.index(after: i)
public let timesPredecessorCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public func index(before i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
timesPredecessorCalled.value += 1
return base.index(before: i)
public func distance(from start: MinimalIndex, to end: MinimalIndex)
-> Int {
return base.distance(from: start, to: end)
public func index(_ i: Index, offsetBy n: Int) -> Index {
return base.index(i, offsetBy: n)
public let timesStartIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesStartIndexCalled.value += 1
return base.startIndex
public let timesEndIndexCalled = ResettableValue(0)
public var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
timesEndIndexCalled.value += 1
return base.endIndex
public subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> Element {
get {
return base[i]
set {
base[i] = newValue
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: use defaults.
// if Self not in ['DefaultedCollection', 'DefaultedBidirectionalCollection', 'DefaultedRandomAccessCollection', 'DefaultedMutableCollection', 'DefaultedRangeReplaceableCollection']:
public subscript(bounds: Range<MinimalIndex>) -> Slice<DefaultedMutableRangeReplaceableRandomAccessCollection<Base.Element>> {
get {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: range check.
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
set {
_writeBackMutableSlice(&self, bounds: bounds, slice: newValue)
public init() {
base = Base()
public mutating func replaceSubrange<C>(
_ subRange: Range<DefaultedMutableRangeReplaceableRandomAccessCollection<Element>.Index>,
with newElements: C
) where C : Collection, C.Element == Element {
base.replaceSubrange(subRange, with: newElements)
FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: uncomment this.
public struct DefaultedRandomAccessRangeReplaceableSlice<Element>
: RangeReplaceableCollection {
public typealias Self_ = DefaultedRandomAccessRangeReplaceableSlice<Element>
public typealias Base = MinimalMutableRangeReplaceableRandomAccessCollection<Element>
public typealias Iterator = MinimalIterator<Element>
public typealias Index = MinimalIndex
public var base: Base
public var startIndex: Index
public var endIndex: Index
public init() {
self.base = Base()
self.startIndex = base.startIndex
self.endIndex = base.endIndex
public init(base: Base) {
self.base = base
self.startIndex = base.startIndex
self.endIndex = base.endIndex
public init(base: Base, bounds: Range<Index>) {
self.base = base
self.startIndex = bounds.lowerBound
self.endIndex = bounds.upperBound
public init(_ array: [Element]) {
self = DefaultedRandomAccessRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: Base(elements: array))
public init(elements: [Element]) {
self = DefaultedRandomAccessRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: Base(elements: elements))
public func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<Element> {
return MinimalIterator(Array(self))
public subscript(index: Index) -> Element {
Index._failEarlyRangeCheck(index, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return base[index]
public subscript(bounds: Range<Index>) -> Self_ {
rangeStart: bounds.lowerBound,
rangeEnd: bounds.upperBound,
boundsStart: startIndex,
boundsEnd: endIndex)
return DefaultedRandomAccessRangeReplaceableSlice(
base: base, bounds: bounds)
public mutating func replaceSubrange<
C : Collection
_ subRange: Range<Index>,
with newElements: C
) where C.Element == Element {
let startOffset = startIndex.position
let endOffset =
- subRange.count
+ numericCast(newElements.count) as Int
rangeStart: subRange.lowerBound,
rangeEnd: subRange.upperBound,
boundsStart: startIndex,
boundsEnd: endIndex)
base.replaceSubrange(subRange, with: newElements)
startIndex = base.startIndex.advanced(by: startOffset)
endIndex = base.startIndex.advanced(by: endOffset)