blob: bc4992a3fafb67c87de7a99eca8294e30ab21669 [file] [log] [blame]
// RangeReplaceablePlusDefault benchmark
// Source:
import TestsUtils
public var RangeReplaceableCollectionPlusDefault = BenchmarkInfo(
name: "RangeReplaceableCollectionPlusDefault",
runFunction: run_RangeReplaceableCollectionPlusDefault,
tags: [.validation],
legacyFactor: 4
public func run_RangeReplaceableCollectionPlusDefault(_ N: Int) {
let stringsRef = [1, 2, 3]
let strings = ["1", "2", "3"]
let toInt = { (s: String) -> Int? in Int(s) }
var a = [Int]()
var b = [Int]()
for _ in 1...250*N {
let a2: Array = mapSome(strings, toInt)
let b2 = mapSome(strings, toInt)
a = a2
b = b2
if !compareRef(a, b, stringsRef) {
CheckResults(compareRef(a, b, stringsRef))
func compareRef(_ a: [Int], _ b: [Int], _ ref: [Int]) -> Bool {
return ref == a && ref == b
// This algorithm returns a generic placeholder
// that can be any kind of range-replaceable collection:
func mapSome
<S: Sequence, C: RangeReplaceableCollection>
(_ source: S, _ transform: (S.Element)->C.Element?) -> C {
var result = C()
for x in source {
if let y = transform(x) {
return result
// If you write a second version that returns an array,
// you can call the more general version for implementation:
func mapSome<S: Sequence,U>(_ source: S, _ transform: (S.Element)->U?)->[U] {
// just calls the more generalized version
// (works because here, the return type
// is now of a specific type, an Array)
return mapSome(source, transform)