blob: 567ce6b785a5feb64c62a271f4a4a204de2d1487 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ExistentialPerformance.swift -------------------------*- swift -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
% # Ignore the following warning. This _is_ the correct file to edit.
// WARNING: This file is manually generated from .gyb template and should not
// be directly modified. Instead, change ExistentialPerformance.swift.gyb
// and run scripts/generate_harness/ to regenerate this file.
import TestsUtils
// The purpose of these benchmarks is to evaluate different scenarios when
// moving the implementation of existentials (protocol values) to heap based
// copy-on-write buffers.
// The performance boost of `Ref4` vs `Ref3` is expected because copying the
// existential only involves copying one reference of the heap based
// copy-on-write buffer (outline case) that holds the struct vs copying the
// individual fields of the struct in the inline case of `Ref3`.
let t: [BenchmarkCategory] = [.skip]
let ta: [BenchmarkCategory] = [.api, .Array, .skip]
Setup = """
let existential = existentialType.init()
let existential2 = existentialType.init()
var existential = existentialType.init()
let existentialArray = grabArray()
var existentialArray = grabArray()
Setup = [Setup[0], Setup[1], '\n'.join(Setup[1:3]), Setup[3], Setup[4], Setup[5]]
Workloads = [
('method.1x', Setup[1], '20_000', """
if !existential.doIt() {
fatalError("expected true")
('method.2x', Setup[1], '20_000', """
if !existential.doIt() || !existential.reallyDoIt() {
fatalError("expected true")
('Pass.method.1x', Setup[2], '20_000', """
if !passExistentialTwiceOneMethodCall(existential, existential2) {
fatalError("expected true")
('Pass.method.2x', Setup[2], '20_000', """
if !passExistentialTwiceTwoMethodCalls(existential, existential2) {
fatalError("expected true")
('Mutating', Setup[3], '10_000', """
if !existential.mutateIt() {
fatalError("expected true")
('MutatingAndNonMutating', Setup[3], '10_000', """
let _ = existential.doIt()
if !existential.mutateIt() {
fatalError("expected true")
('Array.init', Setup[0], '100', """
blackHole(Array(repeating: existentialType.init(), count: 128))
('Array.method.1x', Setup[4], '100', """
for elt in existentialArray {
if !elt.doIt() {
fatalError("expected true")
('Array.method.2x', Setup[4], '100', """
for elt in existentialArray {
if !elt.doIt() || !elt.reallyDoIt() {
fatalError("expected true")
('Array.Mutating', Setup[5], '100', """
for i in 0 ..< existentialArray.count {
if !existentialArray[i].mutateIt() {
fatalError("expected true")
('Array.Shift', Setup[5], '25', """
for i in 0 ..< existentialArray.count-1 {
existentialArray.swapAt(i, i+1)
('Array.ConditionalShift', Setup[5], '25', """
for i in 0 ..< existentialArray.count-1 {
let curr = existentialArray[i]
if curr.doIt() {
existentialArray[i] = existentialArray[i+1]
existentialArray[i+1] = curr
Vars = [(0, 0), (1, 3), (2, 7), (3, 13)]
Refs = ['Ref' + str(i) for i in range(1, 5)]
Vals = ['Val' + str(i) for i in range(0, 5)]
Names = [(group + '.' + variant, group, variant)
for (group, _, _, _) in Workloads for variant in Refs + Vals]
def create_array(group):
return 'Array' in group and 'Array.init' not in group
import re
method_variant_re = re.compile(r'\.([a-z])')
control_flow_separator_re = re.compile(r'-')
group_separator_re = re.compile(r'\.')
def run_function_name(benchmark_name):
return 'run_' + group_separator_re.sub( # remove dots
'', method_variant_re.sub( # replace .methodName with _methodName
r'_\1', control_flow_separator_re.sub( # remove dashes
'', benchmark_name)))
public let ExistentialPerformance: [BenchmarkInfo] = [
% for (Name, Group, Variant) in Names:
BenchmarkInfo(name: "Existential.${Name}",
runFunction: ${run_function_name(Group)
}, tags: ${ 'ta' if 'Array' in Name else 't'
}, setUpFunction: ${ ('ca' if create_array(Group) else 'et') + Variant }),
% end
// To exclude the setup overhead of existential array initialization,
// these are setup functions that **create array** for each variant type.
var array: [Existential]!
func ca<T: Existential>(_: T.Type) {
array = Array(repeating: T(), count: 128)
% for Variant in Vals + Refs:
func ca${Variant}() { ca(${Variant}.self) }
% end
func grabArray() -> [Existential] { // transfer array ownership to caller
// FIXME: This is causing Illegal Instruction: 4 crash
// defer { array = nil }
// return array
// This doesn't work either:
// let a = array!
// array = nil
// return a
return array!
// `setUpFunctions` that determine which existential type will be tested
var existentialType: Existential.Type!
% for Variant in Vals + Refs:
func et${Variant}() { existentialType = ${Variant}.self }
% end
protocol Existential {
func doIt() -> Bool
func reallyDoIt() -> Bool
mutating func mutateIt() -> Bool
func next(_ x: inout Int, upto mod: Int) {
x = (x + 1) % (mod + 1)
% for (V, i) in [(v, int(filter(str.isdigit, v))) for v in Vals]:
struct ${V} : Existential {${
''.join(['\n var f{0}: Int = {1}'.format(vi, v)
for (vi, v) in Vars[0:i]]) +
'\n' if i > 0 else ''}
func doIt() -> Bool {
return ${'f0 == 0' if i > 0 else 'true'}
func reallyDoIt() -> Bool {
return ${
'true' if i == 1 else # so that Val1 doesn't do more work than Val2
' && '.join(['f{0} == {1}'.format(vi, v) for (vi, v) in Vars[0:i]]) or
mutating func mutateIt() -> Bool {${
''.join(['\n next(&f{0}, upto: {1})'.format(vi, (v if v > 0 else 1))
for (vi, v) in Vars[0:i]])}
return true
% end
class Klazz { // body same as Val2
var f0: Int = 0
var f1: Int = 3
func doIt() -> Bool {
return f0 == 0
func reallyDoIt() -> Bool {
return f0 == 0 && f1 == 3
func mutateIt() -> Bool{
next(&f0, upto: 1)
next(&f1, upto: 3)
return true
% for (V, i) in [(v, int(filter(str.isdigit, v))) for v in Refs]:
struct ${V} : Existential {
${'\n '.join([('var f{0}: Klazz = Klazz()'.format(vi) if vi < 3 else
'var f3: Int = 0') for (vi, _) in Vars[0:i]])}
func doIt() -> Bool {
return f0.doIt()
func reallyDoIt() -> Bool {
return f0.reallyDoIt()
mutating func mutateIt() -> Bool{
return f0.mutateIt()
% end
func passExistentialTwiceOneMethodCall(_ e0: Existential, _ e1: Existential)
-> Bool {
return e0.doIt() && e1.doIt()
func passExistentialTwiceTwoMethodCalls(_ e0: Existential, _ e1: Existential)
-> Bool {
return e0.doIt() && e1.doIt() && e0.reallyDoIt() && e1.reallyDoIt()
% for (group, setup, multiple, workload) in Workloads:
func {0}(_ N: Int) {{
for _ in 0 ..< N * {2} {{{3} }}
}}""".format(run_function_name(group), setup, multiple, workload)}
% end
// ${'Local Variables'}:
// eval: (read-only-mode 1)
// End: