blob: a57516769b57484def0c7847d0a4902433c0de1a [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ArrayShared.swift ------------------------------------*- swift -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/// This type is used as a result of the _checkSubscript call to associate the
/// call with the array access call it guards.
public struct _DependenceToken {
public init() {
/// Returns an Array of `_count` uninitialized elements using the
/// given `storage`, and a pointer to uninitialized memory for the
/// first element.
/// This function is referenced by the compiler to allocate array literals.
/// - Precondition: `storage` is `_ContiguousArrayStorage`.
@inlinable // FIXME(inline-always)
func _allocateUninitializedArray<Element>(_ builtinCount: Builtin.Word)
-> (Array<Element>, Builtin.RawPointer) {
let count = Int(builtinCount)
if count > 0 {
// Doing the actual buffer allocation outside of the array.uninitialized
// semantics function enables stack propagation of the buffer.
let bufferObject = Builtin.allocWithTailElems_1(
_ContiguousArrayStorage<Element>.self, builtinCount, Element.self)
let (array, ptr) = Array<Element>._adoptStorage(bufferObject, count: count)
return (array, ptr._rawValue)
// For an empty array no buffer allocation is needed.
let (array, ptr) = Array<Element>._allocateUninitialized(count)
return (array, ptr._rawValue)
// Referenced by the compiler to deallocate array literals on the
// error path.
func _deallocateUninitializedArray<Element>(
_ array: __owned Array<Element>
) {
var array = array
extension Collection {
// Utility method for collections that wish to implement
// CustomStringConvertible and CustomDebugStringConvertible using a bracketed
// list of elements, like an array.
internal func _makeCollectionDescription(
withTypeName type: String? = nil
) -> String {
var result = ""
if let type = type {
result += "\(type)(["
} else {
result += "["
var first = true
for item in self {
if first {
first = false
} else {
result += ", "
debugPrint(item, terminator: "", to: &result)
result += type != nil ? "])" : "]"
return result
extension _ArrayBufferProtocol {
@inlinable // FIXME @useableFromInline
internal mutating func _arrayOutOfPlaceReplace<C: Collection>(
_ bounds: Range<Int>,
with newValues: __owned C,
count insertCount: Int
) where C.Element == Element {
let growth = insertCount - bounds.count
let newCount = self.count + growth
var newBuffer = _forceCreateUniqueMutableBuffer(
newCount: newCount, requiredCapacity: newCount)
&newBuffer, bounds.lowerBound - startIndex, insertCount,
{ rawMemory, count in
var p = rawMemory
var q = newValues.startIndex
for _ in 0..<count {
p.initialize(to: newValues[q])
newValues.formIndex(after: &q)
p += 1
_expectEnd(of: newValues, is: q)
/// A _debugPrecondition check that `i` has exactly reached the end of
/// `s`. This test is never used to ensure memory safety; that is
/// always guaranteed by measuring `s` once and re-using that value.
internal func _expectEnd<C: Collection>(of s: C, is i: C.Index) {
i == s.endIndex,
"invalid Collection: count differed in successive traversals")
internal func _growArrayCapacity(_ capacity: Int) -> Int {
return capacity * 2
//===--- generic helpers --------------------------------------------------===//
extension _ArrayBufferProtocol {
/// Create a unique mutable buffer that has enough capacity to hold 'newCount'
/// elements and at least 'requiredCapacity' elements. Set the count of the new
/// buffer to 'newCount'. The content of the buffer is uninitialized.
/// The formula used to compute the new buffers capacity is:
/// max(requiredCapacity, source.capacity) if newCount <= source.capacity
/// max(requiredCapacity, _growArrayCapacity(source.capacity)) otherwise
@inlinable // @specializable
internal func _forceCreateUniqueMutableBuffer(
newCount: Int, requiredCapacity: Int
) -> _ContiguousArrayBuffer<Element> {
return _forceCreateUniqueMutableBufferImpl(
countForBuffer: newCount, minNewCapacity: newCount,
requiredCapacity: requiredCapacity)
/// Create a unique mutable buffer that has enough capacity to hold
/// 'minNewCapacity' elements and set the count of the new buffer to
/// 'countForNewBuffer'. The content of the buffer uninitialized.
/// The formula used to compute the new buffers capacity is:
/// max(minNewCapacity, source.capacity) if minNewCapacity <= source.capacity
/// max(minNewCapacity, _growArrayCapacity(source.capacity)) otherwise
@inlinable // @specializable
internal func _forceCreateUniqueMutableBuffer(
countForNewBuffer: Int, minNewCapacity: Int
) -> _ContiguousArrayBuffer<Element> {
return _forceCreateUniqueMutableBufferImpl(
countForBuffer: countForNewBuffer, minNewCapacity: minNewCapacity,
requiredCapacity: minNewCapacity)
/// Create a unique mutable buffer that has enough capacity to hold
/// 'minNewCapacity' elements and at least 'requiredCapacity' elements and set
/// the count of the new buffer to 'countForBuffer'. The content of the buffer
/// uninitialized.
/// The formula used to compute the new capacity is:
/// max(requiredCapacity, source.capacity) if minNewCapacity <= source.capacity
/// max(requiredCapacity, _growArrayCapacity(source.capacity)) otherwise
internal func _forceCreateUniqueMutableBufferImpl(
countForBuffer: Int, minNewCapacity: Int,
requiredCapacity: Int
) -> _ContiguousArrayBuffer<Element> {
_internalInvariant(countForBuffer >= 0)
_internalInvariant(requiredCapacity >= countForBuffer)
_internalInvariant(minNewCapacity >= countForBuffer)
let minimumCapacity = Swift.max(requiredCapacity,
minNewCapacity > capacity
? _growArrayCapacity(capacity) : capacity)
return _ContiguousArrayBuffer(
_uninitializedCount: countForBuffer, minimumCapacity: minimumCapacity)
extension _ArrayBufferProtocol {
/// Initialize the elements of dest by copying the first headCount
/// items from source, calling initializeNewElements on the next
/// uninitialized element, and finally by copying the last N items
/// from source into the N remaining uninitialized elements of dest.
/// As an optimization, may move elements out of source rather than
/// copying when it isUniquelyReferenced.
@inlinable // @specializable
internal mutating func _arrayOutOfPlaceUpdate(
_ dest: inout _ContiguousArrayBuffer<Element>,
_ headCount: Int, // Count of initial source elements to copy/move
_ newCount: Int, // Number of new elements to insert
_ initializeNewElements:
((UnsafeMutablePointer<Element>, _ count: Int) -> ()) = { ptr, count in
_internalInvariant(count == 0)
) {
_internalInvariant(headCount >= 0)
_internalInvariant(newCount >= 0)
// Count of trailing source elements to copy/move
let sourceCount = self.count
let tailCount = dest.count - headCount - newCount
_internalInvariant(headCount + tailCount <= sourceCount)
let oldCount = sourceCount - headCount - tailCount
let destStart = dest.firstElementAddress
let newStart = destStart + headCount
let newEnd = newStart + newCount
// Check to see if we have storage we can move from
if let backing = requestUniqueMutableBackingBuffer(
minimumCapacity: sourceCount) {
let sourceStart = firstElementAddress
let oldStart = sourceStart + headCount
// Destroy any items that may be lurking in a _SliceBuffer before
// its real first element
let backingStart = backing.firstElementAddress
let sourceOffset = sourceStart - backingStart
backingStart.deinitialize(count: sourceOffset)
// Move the head items
destStart.moveInitialize(from: sourceStart, count: headCount)
// Destroy unused source items
oldStart.deinitialize(count: oldCount)
initializeNewElements(newStart, newCount)
// Move the tail items
newEnd.moveInitialize(from: oldStart + oldCount, count: tailCount)
// Destroy any items that may be lurking in a _SliceBuffer after
// its real last element
let backingEnd = backingStart + backing.count
let sourceEnd = sourceStart + sourceCount
sourceEnd.deinitialize(count: backingEnd - sourceEnd)
backing.count = 0
else {
let headStart = startIndex
let headEnd = headStart + headCount
let newStart = _copyContents(
subRange: headStart..<headEnd,
initializing: destStart)
initializeNewElements(newStart, newCount)
let tailStart = headEnd + oldCount
let tailEnd = endIndex
_copyContents(subRange: tailStart..<tailEnd, initializing: newEnd)
self = Self(_buffer: dest, shiftedToStartIndex: startIndex)
extension _ArrayBufferProtocol {
internal mutating func _outlinedMakeUniqueBuffer(bufferCount: Int) {
if _fastPath(
requestUniqueMutableBackingBuffer(minimumCapacity: bufferCount) != nil) {
var newBuffer = _forceCreateUniqueMutableBuffer(
newCount: bufferCount, requiredCapacity: bufferCount)
_arrayOutOfPlaceUpdate(&newBuffer, bufferCount, 0)
/// Append items from `newItems` to a buffer.
internal mutating func _arrayAppendSequence<S: Sequence>(
_ newItems: __owned S
) where S.Element == Element {
// this function is only ever called from append(contentsOf:)
// which should always have exhausted its capacity before calling
_internalInvariant(count == capacity)
var newCount = self.count
// there might not be any elements to append remaining,
// so check for nil element first, then increase capacity,
// then inner-loop to fill that capacity with elements
var stream = newItems.makeIterator()
var nextItem =
while nextItem != nil {
// grow capacity, first time around and when filled
var newBuffer = _forceCreateUniqueMutableBuffer(
countForNewBuffer: newCount,
// minNewCapacity handles the exponential growth, just
// need to request 1 more than current count/capacity
minNewCapacity: newCount + 1)
_arrayOutOfPlaceUpdate(&newBuffer, newCount, 0)
let currentCapacity = self.capacity
let base = self.firstElementAddress
// fill while there is another item and spare capacity
while let next = nextItem, newCount < currentCapacity {
(base + newCount).initialize(to: next)
newCount += 1
nextItem =
self.count = newCount