blob: 6543b11344d788f9e0ddd6174fb6b65310ba36aa [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
struct OuterNonGeneric {
struct MidNonGeneric {
struct InnerNonGeneric {}
struct InnerGeneric<A> {}
struct MidGeneric<B> {
struct InnerNonGeneric {}
struct InnerGeneric<C> {}
func flock(_ b: B) {}
struct OuterGeneric<D> {
struct MidNonGeneric {
struct InnerNonGeneric {}
struct InnerGeneric<E> {}
func roost(_ d: D) {}
struct MidGeneric<F> {
struct InnerNonGeneric {}
struct InnerGeneric<G> {}
func nest(_ d: D, f: F) {}
func nonGenericMethod(_ d: D) {
func genericFunction<E>(_ d: D, e: E) {}
genericFunction(d, e: ())
class OuterNonGenericClass {
enum InnerNonGeneric {
case Baz
case Zab
class InnerNonGenericBase {
init() {}
class InnerNonGenericClass1 : InnerNonGenericBase {
override init() {
class InnerNonGenericClass2 : OuterNonGenericClass {
override init() {
class InnerGenericClass<U> : OuterNonGenericClass {
override init() {
class OuterGenericClass<T> {
enum InnerNonGeneric {
case Baz
case Zab
class InnerNonGenericBase {
init() {}
class InnerNonGenericClass1 : InnerNonGenericBase {
override init() {
class InnerNonGenericClass2 : OuterGenericClass {
override init() {
class InnerNonGenericClass3 : OuterGenericClass<Int> {
override init() {
class InnerNonGenericClass4 : OuterGenericClass<T> {
override init() {
class InnerGenericClass<U> : OuterGenericClass<U> {
override init() {
class Middle {
class Inner1<T> {}
class Inner2<T> : Middle where T: Inner1<Int> {}
// <rdar://problem/12895793>
struct AnyStream<T : Sequence> {
struct StreamRange<S : IteratorProtocol> {
var index : Int
var elements : S
// Conform to the IteratorProtocol protocol.
typealias Element = (Int, S.Element)
func next() -> Element? {
let result = (index,
if result.1 == nil { return .none }
index += 1
return (result.0, result.1!)
var input : T
// Conform to the enumerable protocol.
typealias Elements = StreamRange<T.Iterator>
func getElements() -> Elements {
return Elements(index: 0, elements: input.makeIterator())
func enumerate<T>(_ arg: T) -> AnyStream<T> {
return AnyStream<T>(input: arg)
// Check unqualified lookup of inherited types.
class Foo<T> {
typealias Nested = T
class Bar : Foo<Int> {
func f(_ x: Int) -> Nested {
return x
struct Inner {
func g(_ x: Int) -> Nested {
return x
func withLocal() {
struct Local {
func h(_ x: Int) -> Nested {
return x
extension Bar {
func g(_ x: Int) -> Nested {
return x
// <rdar://problem/14376418>
struct Inner2 {
func f(_ x: Int) -> Nested {
return x
class X6<T> {
let d: D<T>
init(_ value: T) {
d = D(value)
class D<T2> {
init(_ value: T2) {}
// ---------------------------------------------
// Unbound name references within a generic type
// ---------------------------------------------
struct GS<T> {
func f() -> GS {
let gs = GS()
return gs
struct Nested {
func ff() -> GS {
let gs = GS()
return gs
struct NestedGeneric<U> { // expected-note{{generic type 'NestedGeneric' declared here}}
func fff() -> (GS, NestedGeneric) {
let gs = GS()
let ns = NestedGeneric()
return (gs, ns)
// FIXME: We're losing some sugar here by performing the substitution.
func ng() -> NestedGeneric { } // expected-error{{reference to generic type 'GS<T>.NestedGeneric' requires arguments in <...>}}
extension GS {
func g() -> GS {
let gs = GS()
return gs
func h() {
_ = GS() as GS<Int> // expected-error{{'GS<T>' is not convertible to 'GS<Int>'; did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?}}
struct HasNested<T> {
init<U>(_ t: T, _ u: U) {}
func f<U>(_ t: T, u: U) -> (T, U) {}
struct InnerGeneric<U> {
init() {}
func g<V>(_ t: T, u: U, v: V) -> (T, U, V) {}
struct Inner {
init (_ x: T) {}
func identity(_ x: T) -> T { return x }
func useNested(_ ii: Int, hni: HasNested<Int>,
xisi : HasNested<Int>.InnerGeneric<String>,
xfs: HasNested<Float>.InnerGeneric<String>) {
var i = ii, xis = xisi
typealias InnerI = HasNested<Int>.Inner
var innerI = InnerI(5)
typealias InnerF = HasNested<Float>.Inner
var innerF : InnerF = innerI // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'InnerI' (aka 'HasNested<Int>.Inner') to specified type 'InnerF' (aka 'HasNested<Float>.Inner')}}
_ = innerI.identity(i)
i = innerI.identity(i)
// Generic function in a generic class
typealias HNI = HasNested<Int>
var id = hni.f(1, u: 3.14159)
id = (2, 3.14159)
hni.f(1.5, 3.14159) // expected-error{{missing argument label 'u:' in call}}
hni.f(1.5, u: 3.14159) // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'Double' to expected argument type 'Int'}}
// Generic constructor of a generic struct
HNI(1, 2.71828) // expected-warning{{unused}}
HNI(1.5, 2.71828) // expected-error{{'Double' is not convertible to 'Int'}}
// Generic function in a nested generic struct
var ids = xis.g(1, u: "Hello", v: 3.14159)
ids = (2, "world", 2.71828)
xis = xfs // expected-error{{cannot assign value of type 'HasNested<Float>.InnerGeneric<String>' to type 'HasNested<Int>.InnerGeneric<String>'}}
// Extensions of nested generic types
extension OuterNonGeneric.MidGeneric {
func takesB(b: B) {}
extension OuterGeneric.MidNonGeneric {
func takesD(d: D) {}
extension OuterGeneric.MidGeneric {
func takesD(d: D) {}
func takesB(f: F) {}
protocol HasAssocType {
associatedtype FirstAssocType
associatedtype SecondAssocType
func takesAssocType(first: FirstAssocType, second: SecondAssocType)
extension OuterGeneric.MidGeneric : HasAssocType {
func takesAssocType(first: D, second: F) {}
typealias OuterGenericMidNonGeneric<T> = OuterGeneric<T>.MidNonGeneric
extension OuterGenericMidNonGeneric {
class BaseClass {
struct T {}
func m1() -> T {}
func m2() -> BaseClass.T {}
func m3() -> DerivedClass.T {}
func f1() -> DerivedClass.T {
return BaseClass.T()
func f2() -> BaseClass.T {
return DerivedClass.T()
func f3() -> DerivedClass.T {
return DerivedClass.T()
class DerivedClass : BaseClass {
override func m1() -> DerivedClass.T {
return f2()
override func m2() -> BaseClass.T {
return f3()
override func m3() -> T {
return f2()
// Resolve members in inner types.
// This first extension isn't necessary; we could have put 'originalValue' in
// the original declaration.
extension OuterNonGenericClass.InnerNonGenericBase {
static let originalValue = 0
// Each of these two cases used to crash.
extension OuterNonGenericClass.InnerNonGenericBase {
static let propUsingMember = originalValue
extension OuterNonGenericClass.InnerNonGenericClass1 {
static let anotherPropUsingMember = originalValue
// rdar://problem/30353095: Extensions of nested types with generic
// requirements placed on type parameters
struct OuterWithConstraint<T : HasAssocType> {
struct InnerWithConstraint<U : HasAssocType> { }
extension OuterWithConstraint.InnerWithConstraint {
func foo<V>(v: V) where T.FirstAssocType == U.SecondAssocType {}
// Name lookup within a 'where' clause should find generic parameters
// of the outer type.
extension OuterGeneric.MidGeneric where D == Int, F == String {
func doStuff() -> (D, F) {
return (100, "hello")
protocol ExpressibleByCatLiteral {}
protocol ExpressibleByDogLiteral {}
struct Kitten : ExpressibleByCatLiteral {}
struct Puppy : ExpressibleByDogLiteral {}
struct Claws<A: ExpressibleByCatLiteral> { // expected-note {{'A' declared as parameter to type 'Claws'}}
struct Fangs<B: ExpressibleByDogLiteral> { }
struct NotADog {}
func pets<T>(fur: T) -> Claws<Kitten>.Fangs<T> {
return Claws<Kitten>.Fangs<T>()
func something<T>() -> T { // expected-note {{in call to function 'something()'}}
while true {}
func test() {
let _: Claws<Kitten>.Fangs<Puppy> = pets(fur: Puppy())
// <>
let _: Claws.Fangs<Puppy> = pets(fur: Puppy())
let _: Claws.Fangs<Puppy> = Claws<Kitten>.Fangs()
let _: Claws.Fangs<Puppy> = Claws.Fangs()
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot convert value of type 'Claws<_>.Fangs<_>' to specified type 'Claws.Fangs<Puppy>'}}
let _: Claws.Fangs<NotADog> = something()
// expected-error@-1 {{generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred}} // FIXME: bad diagnostic
_ = Claws.Fangs<NotADog>()
// expected-error@-1 {{generic parameter 'A' could not be inferred}}
// expected-note@-2 {{explicitly specify the generic arguments to fix this issue}}
extension OuterGeneric.MidNonGeneric {
func doStuff() -> OuterGeneric {
return OuterGeneric()
func doMoreStuff() -> OuterGeneric.MidNonGeneric {
return OuterGeneric.MidNonGeneric()
func doMoreStuffWrong() -> Self {
// expected-error@-1 {{'Self' is only available in a protocol or as the result of a method in a class; did you mean 'OuterGeneric.MidNonGeneric'?}}