blob: e6df12d46204772261c6b6357696d4976dd71817 [file] [log] [blame]
Func _SmallString.computeIsASCII() has been removed
Func _SmallString.withMutableCapacity(_:) has been removed
Struct _StringObject.Discriminator has been removed
Var _SmallString.discriminator has been removed
Var _StringObject.CountAndFlags._storage has declared type change from UInt to UInt64
Var _StringObject.CountAndFlags.countMask has declared type change from UInt to UInt64
Var _StringObject.CountAndFlags.countMask is now static
Var _StringObject.CountAndFlags.flagsMask has declared type change from UInt to UInt64
Var _StringObject.CountAndFlags.flagsMask is now static
Var _StringObject.Nibbles.discriminatorShift has been removed
Var _StringObject.discriminator has been removed
Var _StringObject.objectRawBits has been renamed to Var _StringObject.discriminatedObjectRawBits
Var _StringObject.undiscriminatedObjectRawBits has been removed
Constructor _StringObject.CountAndFlags.init(count:) has been removed
Constructor _StringObject.CountAndFlags.init(count:isASCII:) has been removed
Func _StringObject.Nibbles.largeSharedMortal() has been removed
Var _StringGuts.hasNativeStorage has been removed
Var _StringGuts.isNFC has been removed
Var _StringGuts.isNFCFastUTF8 has been removed
Var _StringObject.hasNativeStorage has been removed
Var _StringObject.isNFC has been removed
Var _StringObject.largeFastIsNative has been removed
Var _StringObject.largeFastIsShared has been removed
Var _StringObject.largeIsCocoa has been removed
Var _StringObject.objCBridgeableObject has been removed
Var _StringObject._countAndFlags is no longer a stored property
Var _StringObject._countAndFlagsBits is added to a non-resilient type