blob: dec9e86579e529491bcd2460213f737cdf45e799 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-emit-silgen -parse-as-library %s | %FileCheck %s
enum PartialApplyEnumPayload<T, U> {
case Left(T)
case Both(T, U)
case LeftWithLabel(left: T)
case BothWithLabel(left: T, right: U)
case TupleWithLabel(both: (T, U))
// Note: SILGen can emit these thunks correctly, but we disabled
// the feature since calling the constructor directly (without a
// thunk) doesn't work yet.
/* case Variadic(_: Int...)
case VariadicWithLabel(indices: Int...)
case VariadicTuple(_: (Int, Int)...)
case VariadicWithOther(String, _: Int...) */
case Autoclosure(@autoclosure () -> ())
struct S {}
struct C {}
func partialApplyEnumCases(_ x: S, y: C) {
_ = PartialApplyEnumPayload<S, C>.Left
_ = PartialApplyEnumPayload<S, C>.Both
_ = PartialApplyEnumPayload<S, C>.LeftWithLabel
_ = PartialApplyEnumPayload<S, C>.TupleWithLabel
/* _ = PartialApplyEnumPayload<S, C>.Variadic
_ = PartialApplyEnumPayload<S, C>.VariadicWithLabel
_ = PartialApplyEnumPayload<S, C>.VariadicTuple
_ = PartialApplyEnumPayload<S, C>.VariadicWithOther */
_ = PartialApplyEnumPayload<S, C>.Autoclosure
// CHECK-LABEL: sil shared [transparent] [thunk] [ossa] @$s17enum_curry_thunks23PartialApplyEnumPayloadO4LeftyACyxq_GxcAEmr0_lFTc : $@convention(thin) <T, U> (@thin PartialApplyEnumPayload<T, U>.Type) -> @owned @callee_guaranteed (@in_guaranteed T) -> @out PartialApplyEnumPayload<T, U> {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil shared [transparent] [ossa] @$s17enum_curry_thunks23PartialApplyEnumPayloadO4LeftyACyxq_GxcAEmr0_lF : $@convention(method) <T, U> (@in T, @thin PartialApplyEnumPayload<T, U>.Type) -> @out PartialApplyEnumPayload<T, U> {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil shared [transparent] [thunk] [ossa] @$s17enum_curry_thunks23PartialApplyEnumPayloadO4BothyACyxq_Gx_q_tcAEmr0_lFTc : $@convention(thin) <T, U> (@thin PartialApplyEnumPayload<T, U>.Type) -> @owned @callee_guaranteed (@in_guaranteed T, @in_guaranteed U) -> @out PartialApplyEnumPayload<T, U> {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil shared [transparent] [ossa] @$s17enum_curry_thunks23PartialApplyEnumPayloadO4BothyACyxq_Gx_q_tcAEmr0_lF : $@convention(method) <T, U> (@in T, @in U, @thin PartialApplyEnumPayload<T, U>.Type) -> @out PartialApplyEnumPayload<T, U> {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil shared [transparent] [thunk] [ossa] @$s17enum_curry_thunks23PartialApplyEnumPayloadO13LeftWithLabelyACyxq_Gx_tcAEmr0_lFTc : $@convention(thin) <T, U> (@thin PartialApplyEnumPayload<T, U>.Type) -> @owned @callee_guaranteed (@in_guaranteed T) -> @out PartialApplyEnumPayload<T, U> {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil shared [transparent] [ossa] @$s17enum_curry_thunks23PartialApplyEnumPayloadO13LeftWithLabelyACyxq_Gx_tcAEmr0_lF : $@convention(method) <T, U> (@in T, @thin PartialApplyEnumPayload<T, U>.Type) -> @out PartialApplyEnumPayload<T, U> {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil shared [transparent] [thunk] [ossa] @$s17enum_curry_thunks23PartialApplyEnumPayloadO14TupleWithLabelyACyxq_Gx_q_t_tcAEmr0_lFTc : $@convention(thin) <T, U> (@thin PartialApplyEnumPayload<T, U>.Type) -> @owned @callee_guaranteed (@in_guaranteed T, @in_guaranteed U) -> @out PartialApplyEnumPayload<T, U> {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil shared [transparent] [ossa] @$s17enum_curry_thunks23PartialApplyEnumPayloadO14TupleWithLabelyACyxq_Gx_q_t_tcAEmr0_lF : $@convention(method) <T, U> (@in T, @in U, @thin PartialApplyEnumPayload<T, U>.Type) -> @out PartialApplyEnumPayload<T, U> {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil shared [transparent] [thunk] [ossa] @$s17enum_curry_thunks23PartialApplyEnumPayloadO11AutoclosureyACyxq_GyyXAcAEmr0_lFTc : $@convention(thin) <T, U> (@thin PartialApplyEnumPayload<T, U>.Type) -> @owned @callee_guaranteed (@guaranteed @callee_guaranteed () -> ()) -> @out PartialApplyEnumPayload<T, U> {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil shared [transparent] [ossa] @$s17enum_curry_thunks23PartialApplyEnumPayloadO11AutoclosureyACyxq_GyyXAcAEmr0_lF : $@convention(method) <T, U> (@owned @callee_guaranteed () -> (), @thin PartialApplyEnumPayload<T, U>.Type) -> @out PartialApplyEnumPayload<T, U> {