blob: 4bb590ae183de64749b20e0ae921b7ac4b118808 [file] [log] [blame]
// The "flags" line in this test deliberately has no flags and no space after
// the colon, just to make sure that works (even though it'll never be printed
// that way).
// swift-module-flags:
// swift-interface-format-version: 1.0
// Make sure parse-only works...
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -parse %s
// ...and then make sure parse-and-typecheck-and-serialize works.
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -build-module-from-parseable-interface -o %t/SmokeTest.swiftmodule %s
// RUN: %target-swift-ide-test -print-module -module-to-print SmokeTest -I %t -source-filename x -print-interface > %t/SmokeTest.txt
// RUN: %FileCheck %s < %t/SmokeTest.txt
// RUN: %FileCheck -check-prefix NEGATIVE %s < %t/SmokeTest.txt
// CHECK-LABEL: public class TestClass
public class TestClass {
// CHECK: public init(){{$}}
public init()
// CHECK: public func method(){{$}}
public func method()
// CHECK: public subscript(_: Int) -> Void{{$}}
public subscript(_: Int) -> Void { get set }
// CHECK: public var prop: Int{{$}}
public var prop: Int { get set }
// CHECK: public static var propWithNoAccessors: Int{{$}}
public static var propWithNoAccessors: Int
// NEGATIVE-NOT: deinit
} // CHECK: {{^}$}}
// CHECK-LABEL: public class TestEmptyClass {
public class TestEmptyClass {
} // CHECK-NEXT: {{^}$}}
// CHECK-LABEL: public struct TestEmptyStruct {
public struct TestEmptyStruct {
} // CHECK-NEXT: {{^}$}}
// CHECK-LABEL: public enum TestEnum
public enum TestEnum {
// CHECK: case a
case a
// CHECK: public init(){{$}}
public init()
// CHECK: public func method(){{$}}
public func method()
// CHECK: public subscript(_: Int) -> Void{{$}}
public subscript(_: Int) -> Void { get set }
// CHECK: public var prop: Int{{$}}
public var prop: Int { get set }
// CHECK: public static var propWithNoAccessors: Int{{$}}
public static var propWithNoAccessors: Int
} // CHECK: {{^}$}}
// CHECK-LABEL: public struct TestStruct
public struct TestStruct {
// CHECK: public init(){{$}}
public init()
// CHECK: public func method(){{$}}
public func method()
// CHECK: public subscript(_: Int) -> Void{{$}}
public subscript(_: Int) -> Void { get set }
// CHECK: public var prop: Int{{$}}
public var prop: Int { get set }
// CHECK: public static var propWithNoAccessors: Int{{$}}
public static var propWithNoAccessors: Int
} // CHECK: {{^}$}}
// CHECK: public let globalWithNoAccessors: Int{{$}}
public let globalWithNoAccessors: Int
// CHECK: public var readOnlyVar: Int { get }{{$}}
public var readOnlyVar: Int { get }
// CHECK: public var readWriteVar: Int{{$}}
public var readWriteVar: Int { get set }
// CHECK: public func verySimpleFunction(){{$}}
public func verySimpleFunction()