Merge pull request #10830 from gottesmm/ownership_verifier_class_method

diff --git a/apinotes/AVFoundation.apinotes b/apinotes/AVFoundation.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 773e1a5..0000000
--- a/apinotes/AVFoundation.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-Name: AVFoundation
-- Name: AVAssetDownloadURLSession
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'assetDownloadTaskWithURLAsset:destinationURL:options:'
-    SwiftName: makeAssetDownloadTask(asset:destinationURL:options:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'assetDownloadTaskWithURLAsset:assetTitle:assetArtworkData:options:'
-    SwiftName: makeAssetDownloadTask(asset:assetTitle:assetArtworkData:options:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: AVAssetWriterInput
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'appendSampleBuffer:'
-    SwiftName: append(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'appendPixelBuffer:withPresentationTime:'
-    SwiftName: append(_:withPresentationTime:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: AVAssetWriterInputMetadataAdaptor
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'appendTimedMetadataGroup:'
-    SwiftName: append(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: AVMutableComposition
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'insertTimeRange:ofAsset:atTime:error:'
-    SwiftName: insertTimeRange(_:of:at:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'insertEmptyTimeRange:'
-    SwiftName: insertEmptyTimeRange(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'removeTimeRange:'
-    SwiftName: removeTimeRange(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'scaleTimeRange:toDuration:'
-    SwiftName: scaleTimeRange(_:toDuration:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'compositionWithURLAssetInitializationOptions:'
-    SwiftName: 'init(urlAssetInitializationOptions:)'
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: AVCompositionTrackSegment
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'compositionTrackSegmentWithURL:trackID:sourceTimeRange:targetTimeRange:'
-    SwiftName: init(url:trackID:sourceTimeRange:targetTimeRange:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: AVMutableMovie
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'insertTimeRange:ofAsset:atTime:copySampleData:error:'
-    SwiftName: 'insertTimeRange(_:of:at:copySampleData:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'insertEmptyTimeRange:'
-    SwiftName: 'insertEmptyTimeRange(_:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'removeTimeRange:'
-    SwiftName: 'removeTimeRange(_:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: AVPlayer
-  Properties:
-  - Name: 'outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection'
-    SwiftName: isOutputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection
-- Name: AVPlayerItem
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'selectMediaOption:inMediaSelectionGroup:'
-    SwiftName: select(_:in:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'addOutput:'
-    SwiftName: add(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'removeOutput:'
-    SwiftName: remove(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'addMediaDataCollector:'
-    SwiftName: add(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'removeMediaDataCollector:'
-    SwiftName: remove(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: AVSampleCursor
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'stepByDecodeTime:wasPinned:'
-    SwiftName: step(byDecodeTime:wasPinned:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'samplesWithEarlierDecodeTimeStampsMayHaveLaterPresentationTimeStampsThanCursor:'
-    SwiftName: maySamplesWithEarlierDecodeTimeStampsHavePresentationTimeStamps(laterThan:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'samplesWithLaterDecodeTimeStampsMayHaveEarlierPresentationTimeStampsThanCursor:'
-    SwiftName: maySamplesWithLaterDecodeTimeStampsHavePresentationTimeStamps(earlierThan:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: AVVideoComposition
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'videoCompositionWithPropertiesOfAsset:'
-    SwiftName: init(propertiesOf:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'videoCompositionWithAsset:applyingCIFiltersWithHandler:'
-    SwiftName: init(asset:filterApplier:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: AVMutableVideoCompositionLayerInstruction
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'setTransformRampFromStartTransform:toEndTransform:timeRange:'
-    SwiftName: setTransformRamp(fromStart:toEnd:timeRange:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'setOpacityRampFromStartOpacity:toEndOpacity:timeRange:'
-    SwiftName: setOpacityRamp(fromStartOpacity:toEndOpacity:timeRange:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'setCropRectangleRampFromStartCropRectangle:toEndCropRectangle:timeRange:'
-    SwiftName: setCropRectangleRamp(fromStartCropRectangle:toEndCropRectangle:timeRange:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: AVAssetReader
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'canAddOutput:'
-    SwiftName: canAdd(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'addOutput:'
-    SwiftName: add(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: AVAssetResourceLoadingRequest
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'finishLoadingWithError:'
-    SwiftName: finishLoading(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: AVAssetTrack
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'makeSampleCursorWithPresentationTimeStamp:'
-    SwiftName: makeSampleCursor(presentationTimeStamp:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: AVAssetWriter
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initWithURL:fileType:error:'
-    SwiftName: init(outputURL:fileType:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'canApplyOutputSettings:forMediaType:'
-    SwiftName: canApply(outputSettings:forMediaType:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'canAddInput:'
-    SwiftName: canAdd(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'addInput:'
-    SwiftName: add(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'canAddInputGroup:'
-    SwiftName: canAdd(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'addInputGroup:'
-    SwiftName: add(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: AVMutableAudioMixInputParameters
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'setVolumeRampFromStartVolume:toEndVolume:timeRange:'
-    SwiftName: setVolumeRamp(fromStartVolume:toEndVolume:timeRange:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: AVMutableMediaSelection
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'selectMediaOption:inMediaSelectionGroup:'
-    SwiftName: select(_:in:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: AVMovie
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'movieHeaderWithFileType:error:'
-    SwiftName: makeMovieHeader(fileType:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'movieWithURL:options:'
-    SwiftName: init(url:options:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: AVMutableMovieTrack
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'appendSampleBuffer:decodeTime:presentationTime:error:'
-    SwiftName: append(_:decodeTime:presentationTime:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: AVQueuePlayer
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'canInsertItem:afterItem:'
-    SwiftName: canInsert(_:after:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'insertItem:afterItem:'
-    SwiftName: insert(_:after:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'removeItem:'
-    SwiftName: remove(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSValue
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'valueWithCMTime:'
-    SwiftName: init(time:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'valueWithCMTimeRange:'
-    SwiftName: init(timeRange:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'valueWithCMTimeMapping:'
-    SwiftName: init(timeMapping:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  Properties:
-  - Name: CMTimeValue
-    SwiftName: timeValue
-  - Name: CMTimeRangeValue
-    SwiftName: timeRangeValue
-  - Name: CMTimeMappingValue
-    SwiftName: timeMappingValue
-- Name: NSCoder
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'decodeCMTimeForKey:'
-    SwiftName: decodeTime(forKey:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'decodeCMTimeRangeForKey:'
-    SwiftName: decodeTimeRange(forKey:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'decodeCMTimeMappingForKey:'
-    SwiftName: decodeTimeMapping(forKey:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: AVAsynchronousVideoCompositionRequest
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'finishWithError:'
-    SwiftName: finish(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: AVAsynchronousCIImageFilteringRequest
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'finishWithError:'
-    SwiftName: finish(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: AVVideoCompositing
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'startVideoCompositionRequest:'
-    SwiftName: startRequest(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: AVVideoCompositionValidationHandling
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'videoComposition:shouldContinueValidatingAfterFindingEmptyTimeRange:'
-    SwiftName: videoComposition(_:shouldContinueValidatingAfterFindingEmptyTimeRange:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: AVMakeRectWithAspectRatioInsideRect
-  SwiftName: AVMakeRect(aspectRatio:insideRect:)
-- Name: AVMovieWritingAddMovieHeaderToDestination
-  SwiftName: addMovieHeaderToDestination
-- Name: AVMusicSequenceLoadSMF_ChannelsToTracks
-  SwiftName: smfChannelsToTracks
-- Name: AVError
-  NSErrorDomain: AVFoundationErrorDomain
diff --git a/apinotes/AVKit.apinotes b/apinotes/AVKit.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a00e22..0000000
--- a/apinotes/AVKit.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-Name: AVKit
-- Name: AVKitError
-  NSErrorDomain: AVKitErrorDomain
-- Name: AVPlayerViewControllerDelegate
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'playerViewControllerWillStartPictureInPicture:'
-    SwiftName: 'playerViewControllerWillStartPictureInPicture(_:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'playerViewControllerDidStartPictureInPicture:'
-    SwiftName: 'playerViewControllerDidStartPictureInPicture(_:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'playerViewControllerWillStopPictureInPicture:'
-    SwiftName: 'playerViewControllerWillStopPictureInPicture(_:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'playerViewControllerDidStopPictureInPicture:'
-    SwiftName: 'playerViewControllerDidStopPictureInPicture(_:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'playerViewControllerShouldAutomaticallyDismissAtPictureInPictureStart:'
-    SwiftName: 'playerViewControllerShouldAutomaticallyDismissAtPictureInPictureStart(_:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: AVPictureInPictureControllerDelegate
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'pictureInPictureControllerWillStartPictureInPicture:'
-    SwiftName: 'pictureInPictureControllerWillStartPictureInPicture(_:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'pictureInPictureControllerDidStartPictureInPicture:'
-    SwiftName: 'pictureInPictureControllerDidStartPictureInPicture(_:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'pictureInPictureController:failedToStartPictureInPictureWithError:'
-    SwiftName: 'pictureInPictureController(_:, failedToStartPictureInPictureWithError:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'pictureInPictureControllerWillStopPictureInPicture:'
-    SwiftName: 'pictureInPictureControllerWillStopPictureInPicture(_:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'pictureInPictureControllerDidStopPictureInPicture:'
-    SwiftName: 'pictureInPictureControllerDidStopPictureInPicture(_:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'pictureInPictureController:restoreUserInterfaceForPictureInPictureStopWithCompletionHandler:'
-    SwiftName: 'pictureInPictureController(_:, restoreUserInterfaceForPictureInPictureStopWithCompletionHandler:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
diff --git a/apinotes/AppKit.apinotes b/apinotes/AppKit.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 9581d4a1..0000000
--- a/apinotes/AppKit.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1374 +0,0 @@
-Name: AppKit
-- Name: NSButton
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'mouseEntered:'
-    SwiftName: mouseEntered(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'mouseExited:'
-    SwiftName: mouseExited(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSButtonCell
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'mouseEntered:'
-    SwiftName: mouseEntered(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'mouseExited:'
-    SwiftName: mouseExited(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSCell
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initImageCell:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    DesignatedInit: true
-  - Selector: 'initTextCell:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    DesignatedInit: true
-  - Selector: 'continueTracking:at:inView:'
-    SwiftName: continueTracking(last:current:in:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'stopTracking:at:inView:mouseIsUp:'
-    SwiftName: stopTracking(last:current:in:mouseIsUp:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:'
-    SwiftName: trackMouse(with:in:of:untilMouseUp:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSClipView
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'autoscroll:'
-    SwiftName: autoscroll(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSControl
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initWithFrame:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    DesignatedInit: true
-  - Selector: 'updateCellInside:'
-    SwiftName: updateCellInside(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'drawCellInside:'
-    SwiftName: drawCellInside(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'mouseDown:'
-    SwiftName: mouseDown(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSCursor
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initWithImage:hotSpot:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    DesignatedInit: true
-  - Selector: 'mouseEntered:'
-    SwiftName: mouseEntered(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'mouseExited:'
-    SwiftName: mouseExited(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSDocument
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: init
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    DesignatedInit: true
-  - Selector: 'revertDocumentToSaved:'
-    SwiftName: revertToSaved(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'prepareSavePanel:'
-    SwiftName: prepareSavePanel(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'browseDocumentVersions:'
-    SwiftName: browseVersions(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'renameDocument:'
-    SwiftName: rename(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'preparePageLayout:'
-    SwiftName: preparePageLayout(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'handleCloseScriptCommand:'
-    SwiftName: handleClose(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSDocumentController
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: init
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    DesignatedInit: true
-  - Selector: 'beginOpenPanel:forTypes:completionHandler:'
-    SwiftName: beginOpenPanel(_:forTypes:completionHandler:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSDraggingImageComponent
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initWithKey:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    DesignatedInit: true
-- Name: NSDraggingItem
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initWithPasteboardWriter:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    DesignatedInit: true
-- Name: NSFormCell
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initTextCell:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    DesignatedInit: true
-- Name: NSGestureRecognizer
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'mouseDown:'
-    SwiftName: mouseDown(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'rightMouseDown:'
-    SwiftName: rightMouseDown(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'otherMouseDown:'
-    SwiftName: otherMouseDown(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'mouseUp:'
-    SwiftName: mouseUp(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'rightMouseUp:'
-    SwiftName: rightMouseUp(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'otherMouseUp:'
-    SwiftName: otherMouseUp(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'mouseDragged:'
-    SwiftName: mouseDragged(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'rightMouseDragged:'
-    SwiftName: rightMouseDragged(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'otherMouseDragged:'
-    SwiftName: otherMouseDragged(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'keyDown:'
-    SwiftName: keyDown(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'keyUp:'
-    SwiftName: keyUp(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'flagsChanged:'
-    SwiftName: flagsChanged(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'tabletPoint:'
-    SwiftName: tabletPoint(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSGradient
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initWithColors:atLocations:colorSpace:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    DesignatedInit: true
-- Name: NSLayoutManager
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: init
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    DesignatedInit: true
-  - Selector: 'getGlyphsInRange:glyphs:properties:characterIndexes:bidiLevels:'
-    SwiftName: getGlyphs(in:glyphs:properties:characterIndexes:bidiLevels:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'textContainerForGlyphAtIndex:effectiveRange:'
-    SwiftName: textContainer(forGlyphAt:effectiveRange:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'textContainerForGlyphAtIndex:effectiveRange:withoutAdditionalLayout:'
-    SwiftName: textContainer(forGlyphAt:effectiveRange:withoutAdditionalLayout:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'lineFragmentRectForGlyphAtIndex:effectiveRange:'
-    SwiftName: lineFragmentRect(forGlyphAt:effectiveRange:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'lineFragmentRectForGlyphAtIndex:effectiveRange:withoutAdditionalLayout:'
-    SwiftName: lineFragmentRect(forGlyphAt:effectiveRange:withoutAdditionalLayout:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'lineFragmentUsedRectForGlyphAtIndex:effectiveRange:'
-    SwiftName: lineFragmentUsedRect(forGlyphAt:effectiveRange:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'lineFragmentUsedRectForGlyphAtIndex:effectiveRange:withoutAdditionalLayout:'
-    SwiftName: lineFragmentUsedRect(forGlyphAt:effectiveRange:withoutAdditionalLayout:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'locationForGlyphAtIndex:'
-    SwiftName: location(forGlyphAt:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'notShownAttributeForGlyphAtIndex:'
-    SwiftName: notShownAttribute(forGlyphAt:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'drawsOutsideLineFragmentForGlyphAtIndex:'
-    SwiftName: drawsOutsideLineFragment(forGlyphAt:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'attachmentSizeForGlyphAtIndex:'
-    SwiftName: attachmentSize(forGlyphAt:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'truncatedGlyphRangeInLineFragmentForGlyphAtIndex:'
-    SwiftName: truncatedGlyphRange(inLineFragmentForGlyphAt:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'getLineFragmentInsertionPointsForCharacterAtIndex:alternatePositions:inDisplayOrder:positions:characterIndexes:'
-    SwiftName: getLineFragmentInsertionPoints(forCharacterAt:alternatePositions:inDisplayOrder:positions:characterIndexes:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'invalidateGlyphsOnLayoutInvalidationForGlyphRange:'
-    SwiftName: invalidateGlyphs(onLayoutInvalidationForGlyphRange:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'getGlyphsInRange:glyphs:characterIndexes:glyphInscriptions:elasticBits:'
-    SwiftName: getGlyphs(in:glyphs:characterIndexes:glyphInscriptions:elasticBits:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'getGlyphsInRange:glyphs:characterIndexes:glyphInscriptions:elasticBits:bidiLevels:'
-    SwiftName: getGlyphs(in:glyphs:characterIndexes:glyphInscriptions:elasticBits:bidiLevels:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSMatrix
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initWithFrame:mode:cellClass:numberOfRows:numberOfColumns:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    DesignatedInit: true
-  - Selector: 'initWithFrame:mode:prototype:numberOfRows:numberOfColumns:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    DesignatedInit: true
-  - Selector: 'sortUsingFunction:context:'
-    SwiftName: sort(using:context:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'mouseDown:'
-    SwiftName: mouseDown(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'performKeyEquivalent:'
-    SwiftName: performKeyEquivalent(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'acceptsFirstMouse:'
-    SwiftName: acceptsFirstMouse(for:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSMenu
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initWithTitle:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    DesignatedInit: true
-  - Selector: 'popUpMenuPositioningItem:atLocation:inView:'
-    SwiftName: popUp(positioning:at:in:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'insertItem:atIndex:'
-    SwiftName: insertItem(_:at:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'addItem:'
-    SwiftName: addItem(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'removeItem:'
-    SwiftName: removeItem(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'performKeyEquivalent:'
-    SwiftName: performKeyEquivalent(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'helpRequested:'
-    SwiftName: helpRequested(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  Properties:
-  - Name: itemArray
-    SwiftName: items
-- Name: NSMenuView
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initWithFrame:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    DesignatedInit: true
-- Name: NSPathCell
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'mouseEntered:withFrame:inView:'
-    SwiftName: mouseEntered(with:frame:in:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'mouseExited:withFrame:inView:'
-    SwiftName: mouseExited(with:frame:in:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSPopUpButtonCell
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initTextCell:pullsDown:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    DesignatedInit: true
-- Name: NSPrintInfo
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initWithDictionary:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    DesignatedInit: true
-  - Selector: 'setSharedPrintInfo:'
-    SwiftName: setShared(_:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: NSRulerMarker
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initWithRulerView:markerLocation:image:imageOrigin:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    DesignatedInit: true
-  - Selector: 'trackMouse:adding:'
-    SwiftName: trackMouse(with:adding:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSRulerView
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initWithScrollView:orientation:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    DesignatedInit: true
-- Name: NSTableColumn
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initWithIdentifier:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    DesignatedInit: true
-- Name: NSTextBlock
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: init
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    DesignatedInit: true
-- Name: NSTextFinder
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: init
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    DesignatedInit: true
-  - Selector: 'performAction:'
-    SwiftName: performAction(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'validateAction:'
-    SwiftName: validateAction(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSTextInputContext
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initWithClient:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    DesignatedInit: true
-  - Selector: 'handleEvent:'
-    SwiftName: handleEvent(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSTextTableBlock
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initWithTable:startingRow:rowSpan:startingColumn:columnSpan:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    DesignatedInit: true
-- Name: NSTextView
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initWithFrame:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    DesignatedInit: true
-  - Selector: 'initWithFrame:textContainer:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    DesignatedInit: true
-  - Selector: 'setNeedsDisplayInRect:avoidAdditionalLayout:'
-    SwiftName: setNeedsDisplay(_:avoidAdditionalLayout:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'smartInsertBeforeStringForString:replacingRange:'
-    SwiftName: smartInsert(beforeStringFor:replacing:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'smartInsertAfterStringForString:replacingRange:'
-    SwiftName: smartInsert(afterStringFor:replacing:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'handleTextCheckingResults:forRange:types:options:orthography:wordCount:'
-    SwiftName: handleTextCheckingResults(_:forRange:types:options:orthography:wordCount:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'rulerView:handleMouseDown:'
-    SwiftName: rulerView(_:handleMouseDownWith:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSUserDefaultsController
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initWithDefaults:initialValues:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    DesignatedInit: true
-- Name: NSWindow
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    DesignatedInit: true
-  - Selector: disableFlushWindow
-    SwiftName: disableFlushing()
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: enableFlushWindow
-    SwiftName: enableFlushing()
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: flushWindow
-    SwiftName: flush()
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: flushWindowIfNeeded
-    SwiftName: flushIfNeeded()
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: makeKeyWindow
-    SwiftName: makeKey()
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: makeMainWindow
-    SwiftName: makeMain()
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: becomeKeyWindow
-    SwiftName: becomeKey()
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: resignKeyWindow
-    SwiftName: resignKey()
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: becomeMainWindow
-    SwiftName: becomeMain()
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: resignMainWindow
-    SwiftName: resignMain()
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'convertRectToScreen:'
-    SwiftName: convertToScreen(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'convertRectFromScreen:'
-    SwiftName: convertFromScreen(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'convertRectToBacking:'
-    SwiftName: convertToBacking(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'convertRectFromBacking:'
-    SwiftName: convertFromBacking(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'postEvent:atStart:'
-    SwiftName: postEvent(_:atStart:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'sendEvent:'
-    SwiftName: sendEvent(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'selectKeyViewPrecedingView:'
-    SwiftName: selectKeyView(preceding:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'registerForDraggedTypes:'
-    SwiftName: registerForDraggedTypes(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'handleCloseScriptCommand:'
-    SwiftName: handleClose(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'keyDown:'
-    SwiftName: keyDown(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  Properties:
-  - Name: isFlushWindowDisabled
-    SwiftName: isFlushingDisabled
-  - Name: isAutodisplay
-    SwiftName: isAutodisplaying
-  - Name: isKeyWindow
-    SwiftName: isKey
-  - Name: isMainWindow
-    SwiftName: isMain
-  - Name: canBecomeKeyWindow
-    SwiftName: canBecomeKey
-  - Name: canBecomeMainWindow
-    SwiftName: canBecomeMain
-- Name: NSWindowController
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initWithWindow:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    DesignatedInit: true
-  - Selector: 'dismissController:'
-    SwiftName: 'dismissController(_:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSATSTypesetter
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'getGlyphsInRange:glyphs:characterIndexes:glyphInscriptions:elasticBits:'
-    SwiftName: getGlyphs(in:glyphs:characterIndexes:glyphInscriptions:elasticBits:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSAccessibilityElement
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'accessibilityElementWithRole:frame:label:parent:'
-    SwiftName: element(withRole:frame:label:parent:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: NSAppearance
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'setCurrentAppearance:'
-    SwiftName: setCurrent(_:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: NSApplication
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'activateIgnoringOtherApps:'
-    SwiftName: activate(ignoringOtherApps:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'runModalSession:'
-    SwiftName: runModalSession(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'endModalSession:'
-    SwiftName: endModalSession(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'reportException:'
-    SwiftName: reportException(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'sendEvent:'
-    SwiftName: sendEvent(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'postEvent:atStart:'
-    SwiftName: postEvent(_:atStart:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'registerForRemoteNotificationTypes:'
-    SwiftName: registerForRemoteNotifications(matching:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'searchString:inUserInterfaceItemString:searchRange:foundRange:'
-    SwiftName: searchString(_:inUserInterfaceItemString:range:found:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSArrayController
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'addObjects:'
-    SwiftName: add(contentsOf:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'insertObjects:atArrangedObjectIndexes:'
-    SwiftName: insert(contentsOf:atArrangedObjectIndexes:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'removeObjectAtArrangedObjectIndex:'
-    SwiftName: remove(atArrangedObjectIndex:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'removeObjectsAtArrangedObjectIndexes:'
-    SwiftName: remove(atArrangedObjectIndexes:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'removeObjects:'
-    SwiftName: remove(contentsOf:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSBezierPath
-  Properties:
-  - Name: bezierPathByFlatteningPath
-    SwiftName: flattened
-  - Name: bezierPathByReversingPath
-    SwiftName: reversed
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'clipRect:'
-    SwiftName: clip(_:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'appendBezierPathWithRect:'
-    SwiftName: appendRect(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'appendBezierPathWithPoints:count:'
-    SwiftName: appendPoints(_:count:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'appendBezierPathWithOvalInRect:'
-    SwiftName: appendOval(in:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'appendBezierPathWithArcWithCenter:radius:startAngle:endAngle:clockwise:'
-    SwiftName: appendArc(withCenter:radius:startAngle:endAngle:clockwise:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'appendBezierPathWithArcWithCenter:radius:startAngle:endAngle:'
-    SwiftName: appendArc(withCenter:radius:startAngle:endAngle:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'appendBezierPathWithArcFromPoint:toPoint:radius:'
-    SwiftName: appendArc(from:to:radius:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'appendBezierPathWithGlyph:inFont:'
-    SwiftName: appendGlyph(_:in:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'appendBezierPathWithGlyphs:count:inFont:'
-    SwiftName: appendGlyphs(_:count:in:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'appendBezierPathWithPackedGlyphs:'
-    SwiftName: appendPackedGlyphs(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'appendBezierPathWithRoundedRect:xRadius:yRadius:'
-    SwiftName: appendRoundedRect(_:xRadius:yRadius:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSBrowser
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'frameOfInsideOfColumn:'
-    SwiftName: frame(ofInsideOfColumn:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'noteHeightOfRowsWithIndexesChanged:inColumn:'
-    SwiftName: noteHeightOfRowsWithIndexesChanged(_:inColumn:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSColor
-  Properties:
-  - Name: controlShadowColor
-    SwiftName: controlShadowColor
-  - Name: controlDarkShadowColor
-    SwiftName: controlDarkShadowColor
-  - Name: controlColor
-    SwiftName: controlColor
-  - Name: controlHighlightColor
-    SwiftName: controlHighlightColor
-  - Name: controlLightHighlightColor
-    SwiftName: controlLightHighlightColor
-  - Name: controlTextColor
-    SwiftName: controlTextColor
-  - Name: controlBackgroundColor
-    SwiftName: controlBackgroundColor
-  - Name: selectedControlColor
-    SwiftName: selectedControlColor
-  - Name: secondarySelectedControlColor
-    SwiftName: secondarySelectedControlColor
-  - Name: selectedControlTextColor
-    SwiftName: selectedControlTextColor
-  - Name: disabledControlTextColor
-    SwiftName: disabledControlTextColor
-  - Name: textColor
-    SwiftName: textColor
-  - Name: textBackgroundColor
-    SwiftName: textBackgroundColor
-  - Name: selectedTextColor
-    SwiftName: selectedTextColor
-  - Name: selectedTextBackgroundColor
-    SwiftName: selectedTextBackgroundColor
-  - Name: gridColor
-    SwiftName: gridColor
-  - Name: keyboardFocusIndicatorColor
-    SwiftName: keyboardFocusIndicatorColor
-  - Name: windowBackgroundColor
-    SwiftName: windowBackgroundColor
-  - Name: underPageBackgroundColor
-    SwiftName: underPageBackgroundColor
-  - Name: labelColor
-    SwiftName: labelColor
-  - Name: secondaryLabelColor
-    SwiftName: secondaryLabelColor
-  - Name: tertiaryLabelColor
-    SwiftName: tertiaryLabelColor
-  - Name: quaternaryLabelColor
-    SwiftName: quaternaryLabelColor
-  - Name: scrollBarColor
-    SwiftName: scrollBarColor
-  - Name: knobColor
-    SwiftName: knobColor
-  - Name: selectedKnobColor
-    SwiftName: selectedKnobColor
-  - Name: windowFrameColor
-    SwiftName: windowFrameColor
-  - Name: windowFrameTextColor
-    SwiftName: windowFrameTextColor
-  - Name: selectedMenuItemColor
-    SwiftName: selectedMenuItemColor
-  - Name: selectedMenuItemTextColor
-    SwiftName: selectedMenuItemTextColor
-  - Name: highlightColor
-    SwiftName: highlightColor
-  - Name: shadowColor
-    SwiftName: shadowColor
-  - Name: headerColor
-    SwiftName: headerColor
-  - Name: headerTextColor
-    SwiftName: headerTextColor
-  - Name: alternateSelectedControlColor
-    SwiftName: alternateSelectedControlColor
-  - Name: alternateSelectedControlTextColor
-    SwiftName: alternateSelectedControlTextColor
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'colorWithSRGBRed:green:blue:alpha:'
-    SwiftName: init(sRGBRed:green:blue:alpha:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'blendedColorWithFraction:ofColor:'
-    SwiftName: blended(withFraction:of:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSColorList
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'insertColor:key:atIndex:'
-    SwiftName: insertColor(_:key:at:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSColorPanel
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'dragColor:withEvent:fromView:'
-    SwiftName: dragColor(_:with:from:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'attachColorList:'
-    SwiftName: attachColorList(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'detachColorList:'
-    SwiftName: detachColorList(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSColorWell
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'drawWellInside:'
-    SwiftName: drawWell(inside:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSComboBox
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'scrollItemAtIndexToTop:'
-    SwiftName: scrollItemAtIndexToTop(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'addItemWithObjectValue:'
-    SwiftName: addItem(withObjectValue:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'addItemsWithObjectValues:'
-    SwiftName: addItems(withObjectValues:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'insertItemWithObjectValue:atIndex:'
-    SwiftName: insertItem(withObjectValue:at:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'removeItemWithObjectValue:'
-    SwiftName: removeItem(withObjectValue:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'selectItemWithObjectValue:'
-    SwiftName: selectItem(withObjectValue:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'indexOfItemWithObjectValue:'
-    SwiftName: indexOfItem(withObjectValue:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSComboBoxCell
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'scrollItemAtIndexToTop:'
-    SwiftName: scrollItemAtIndexToTop(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'addItemWithObjectValue:'
-    SwiftName: addItem(withObjectValue:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'addItemsWithObjectValues:'
-    SwiftName: addItems(withObjectValues:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'insertItemWithObjectValue:atIndex:'
-    SwiftName: insertItem(withObjectValue:at:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'removeItemWithObjectValue:'
-    SwiftName: removeItem(withObjectValue:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'selectItemWithObjectValue:'
-    SwiftName: selectItem(withObjectValue:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'indexOfItemWithObjectValue:'
-    SwiftName: indexOfItem(withObjectValue:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSFont
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'labelFontOfSize:'
-    SwiftName: labelFont(ofSize:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: labelFontSize
-    SwiftName: labelFontSize()
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'setInContext:'
-    SwiftName: set(in:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSFontCollection
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'renameFontCollectionWithName:visibility:toName:error:'
-    SwiftName: rename(fromName:visibility:toName:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: NSFontManager
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'removeFontDescriptor:fromCollection:'
-    SwiftName: removeFontDescriptor(_:fromCollection:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'availableFontNamesWithTraits:'
-    SwiftName: availableFontNames(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSObject
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'validModesForFontPanel:'
-    SwiftName: validModesForFontPanel(_:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'validModesForFontPanel:'
-    SwiftName: validModesForFontPanel(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'valueClassForBinding:'
-    SwiftName: valueClassForBinding(_:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'valueClassForBinding:'
-    SwiftName: valueClassForBinding(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'infoForBinding:'
-    SwiftName: infoForBinding(_:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'infoForBinding:'
-    SwiftName: infoForBinding(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'optionDescriptionsForBinding:'
-    SwiftName: optionDescriptionsForBinding(_:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'optionDescriptionsForBinding:'
-    SwiftName: optionDescriptionsForBinding(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'validateMenuItem:'
-    SwiftName: validateMenuItem(_:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'validateMenuItem:'
-    SwiftName: validateMenuItem(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'validateToolbarItem:'
-    SwiftName: validateToolbarItem(_:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'validateToolbarItem:'
-    SwiftName: validateToolbarItem(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSFontPanel
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'panelConvertFont:'
-    SwiftName: convert(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSGraphicsContext
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'setCurrentContext:'
-    SwiftName: setCurrent(_:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: NSImage
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initByReferencingURL:'
-    SwiftName: init(byReferencing:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'hitTestRect:withImageDestinationRect:context:hints:flipped:'
-    SwiftName: hitTest(_:withDestinationRect:context:hints:flipped:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSBundle
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'pathForImageResource:'
-    SwiftName: pathForImageResource(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'URLForImageResource:'
-    SwiftName: urlForImageResource(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'loadNibNamed:owner:topLevelObjects:'
-    SwiftName: loadNibNamed(_:owner:topLevelObjects:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSImageRep
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'unregisterImageRepClass:'
-    SwiftName: unregisterClass(_:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: registeredImageRepClasses
-    SwiftName: registeredClasses()
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'imageRepClassForFileType:'
-    SwiftName: class(forFileType:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'imageRepClassForPasteboardType:'
-    SwiftName: class(forPasteboardType:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'imageRepClassForType:'
-    SwiftName: class(forType:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'imageRepClassForData:'
-    SwiftName: class(for:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: NSLayoutAnchor
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'constraintEqualToAnchor:'
-    SwiftName: constraint(equalTo:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'constraintGreaterThanOrEqualToAnchor:'
-    SwiftName: constraint(greaterThanOrEqualTo:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'constraintLessThanOrEqualToAnchor:'
-    SwiftName: constraint(lessThanOrEqualTo:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'constraintEqualToAnchor:constant:'
-    SwiftName: constraint(equalTo:constant:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'constraintGreaterThanOrEqualToAnchor:constant:'
-    SwiftName: constraint(greaterThanOrEqualTo:constant:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'constraintLessThanOrEqualToAnchor:constant:'
-    SwiftName: constraint(lessThanOrEqualTo:constant:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSLayoutDimension
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'constraintEqualToConstant:'
-    SwiftName: constraint(equalToConstant:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'constraintGreaterThanOrEqualToConstant:'
-    SwiftName: constraint(greaterThanOrEqualToConstant:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'constraintLessThanOrEqualToConstant:'
-    SwiftName: constraint(lessThanOrEqualToConstant:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'constraintEqualToAnchor:multiplier:'
-    SwiftName: constraint(equalTo:multiplier:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'constraintGreaterThanOrEqualToAnchor:multiplier:'
-    SwiftName: constraint(greaterThanOrEqualTo:multiplier:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'constraintLessThanOrEqualToAnchor:multiplier:'
-    SwiftName: constraint(lessThanOrEqualTo:multiplier:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'constraintEqualToAnchor:multiplier:constant:'
-    SwiftName: constraint(equalTo:multiplier:constant:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'constraintGreaterThanOrEqualToAnchor:multiplier:constant:'
-    SwiftName: constraint(greaterThanOrEqualTo:multiplier:constant:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'constraintLessThanOrEqualToAnchor:multiplier:constant:'
-    SwiftName: constraint(lessThanOrEqualTo:multiplier:constant:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSMenuItem
-  Properties:
-  - Name: isSeparatorItem
-    SwiftName: isSeparator
-- Name: NSNib
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'instantiateWithOwner:topLevelObjects:'
-    SwiftName: instantiate(withOwner:topLevelObjects:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSObjectController
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'validateUserInterfaceItem:'
-    SwiftName: validateUserInterfaceItem(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'addObject:'
-    SwiftName: 'addObject(_:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'removeObject:'
-    SwiftName: 'removeObject(_:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSOpenGLContext
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initWithFormat:shareContext:'
-    SwiftName: init?(format:shareWith:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSPasteboard
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'canReadItemWithDataConformingToTypes:'
-    SwiftName: canReadItem(withDataConformingToTypes:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'typesFilterableTo:'
-    SwiftName: types(filterableTo:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: NSPopover
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'showRelativeToRect:ofView:preferredEdge:'
-    SwiftName: show(relativeTo:of:preferredEdge:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSPrintOperation
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'setCurrentOperation:'
-    SwiftName: setCurrent(_:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: NSResponder
-  Properties:
-  - Name: nextResponder
-    SwiftName: nextResponder
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'shouldBeTreatedAsInkEvent:'
-    SwiftName: shouldBeTreatedAsInkEvent(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'performKeyEquivalent:'
-    SwiftName: performKeyEquivalent(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'mouseDown:'
-    SwiftName: mouseDown(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'rightMouseDown:'
-    SwiftName: rightMouseDown(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'otherMouseDown:'
-    SwiftName: otherMouseDown(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'mouseUp:'
-    SwiftName: mouseUp(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'rightMouseUp:'
-    SwiftName: rightMouseUp(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'otherMouseUp:'
-    SwiftName: otherMouseUp(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'mouseMoved:'
-    SwiftName: mouseMoved(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'mouseDragged:'
-    SwiftName: mouseDragged(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'scrollWheel:'
-    SwiftName: scrollWheel(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'rightMouseDragged:'
-    SwiftName: rightMouseDragged(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'otherMouseDragged:'
-    SwiftName: otherMouseDragged(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'mouseEntered:'
-    SwiftName: mouseEntered(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'mouseExited:'
-    SwiftName: mouseExited(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'keyDown:'
-    SwiftName: keyDown(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'keyUp:'
-    SwiftName: keyUp(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'flagsChanged:'
-    SwiftName: flagsChanged(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'tabletPoint:'
-    SwiftName: tabletPoint(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'tabletProximity:'
-    SwiftName: tabletProximity(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'cursorUpdate:'
-    SwiftName: cursorUpdate(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSScroller
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'drawArrow:highlight:'
-    SwiftName: drawArrow(_:highlight:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'trackKnob:'
-    SwiftName: trackKnob(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'trackScrollButtons:'
-    SwiftName: trackScrollButtons(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'scrollWheel:'
-    SwiftName: scrollWheel(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSSharingServicePicker
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'showRelativeToRect:ofView:preferredEdge:'
-    SwiftName: show(relativeTo:of:preferredEdge:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSSlider
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'acceptsFirstMouse:'
-    SwiftName: acceptsFirstMouse(for:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSSliderCell
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'knobRectFlipped:'
-    SwiftName: knobRect(flipped:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'barRectFlipped:'
-    SwiftName: barRect(flipped:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSSpeechSynthesizer
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'phonemesFromText:'
-    SwiftName: phonemes(from:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSSpellChecker
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'ignoredWordsInSpellDocumentWithTag:'
-    SwiftName: ignoredWords(inSpellDocumentWithTag:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSStatusBar
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'removeStatusItem:'
-    SwiftName: removeStatusItem(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSString
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'sizeWithAttributes:'
-    SwiftName: size(withAttributes:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSTabView
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'selectTabViewItemAtIndex:'
-    SwiftName: selectTabViewItem(at:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'selectTabViewItemWithIdentifier:'
-    SwiftName: selectTabViewItem(withIdentifier:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'addTabViewItem:'
-    SwiftName: addTabViewItem(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'indexOfTabViewItem:'
-    SwiftName: indexOfTabViewItem(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSTabViewItem
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'sizeOfLabel:'
-    SwiftName: sizeOfLabel(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSToolbar
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'setConfigurationFromDictionary:'
-    SwiftName: setConfiguration(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  Properties:
-  - Name: configurationDictionary
-    SwiftName: configuration
-- Name: NSTreeNode
-  Properties:
-  - Name: childNodes
-    SwiftName: children
-  - Name: mutableChildNodes
-    SwiftName: mutableChildren
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'descendantNodeAtIndexPath:'
-    SwiftName: descendant(at:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSTypesetter
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'beginLineWithGlyphAtIndex:'
-    SwiftName: beginLine(withGlyphAt:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'lineSpacingAfterGlyphAtIndex:withProposedLineFragmentRect:'
-    SwiftName: lineSpacing(afterGlyphAt:withProposedLineFragmentRect:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'paragraphSpacingBeforeGlyphAtIndex:withProposedLineFragmentRect:'
-    SwiftName: paragraphSpacing(beforeGlyphAt:withProposedLineFragmentRect:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'paragraphSpacingAfterGlyphAtIndex:withProposedLineFragmentRect:'
-    SwiftName: paragraphSpacing(afterGlyphAt:withProposedLineFragmentRect:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'shouldBreakLineByWordBeforeCharacterAtIndex:'
-    SwiftName: shouldBreakLine(byWordBeforeCharacterAt:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'shouldBreakLineByHyphenatingBeforeCharacterAtIndex:'
-    SwiftName: shouldBreakLine(byHyphenatingBeforeCharacterAt:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'hyphenationFactorForGlyphAtIndex:'
-    SwiftName: hyphenationFactor(forGlyphAt:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'hyphenCharacterForGlyphAtIndex:'
-    SwiftName: hyphenCharacter(forGlyphAt:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'boundingBoxForControlGlyphAtIndex:forTextContainer:proposedLineFragment:glyphPosition:characterIndex:'
-    SwiftName: boundingBox(forControlGlyphAt:for:proposedLineFragment:glyphPosition:characterIndex:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'getGlyphsInRange:glyphs:characterIndexes:glyphInscriptions:elasticBits:bidiLevels:'
-    SwiftName: getGlyphs(in:glyphs:characterIndexes:glyphInscriptions:elasticBits:bidiLevels:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSView
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'needsToDrawRect:'
-    SwiftName: needsToDraw(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'viewWillMoveToWindow:'
-    SwiftName: viewWillMove(toWindow:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'rotateByAngle:'
-    SwiftName: rotate(byDegrees:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'convertPointToBacking:'
-    SwiftName: convertToBacking(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'convertPointFromBacking:'
-    SwiftName: convertFromBacking(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'convertSizeToBacking:'
-    SwiftName: convertToBacking(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'convertSizeFromBacking:'
-    SwiftName: convertFromBacking(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'convertRectToBacking:'
-    SwiftName: convertToBacking(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'convertRectFromBacking:'
-    SwiftName: convertFromBacking(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'convertPointToLayer:'
-    SwiftName: convertToLayer(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'convertPointFromLayer:'
-    SwiftName: convertFromLayer(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'convertSizeToLayer:'
-    SwiftName: convertToLayer(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'convertSizeFromLayer:'
-    SwiftName: convertFromLayer(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'convertRectToLayer:'
-    SwiftName: convertToLayer(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'convertRectFromLayer:'
-    SwiftName: convertFromLayer(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'setNeedsDisplayInRect:'
-    SwiftName: setNeedsDisplay(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: focusView
-    SwiftName: focusView()
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'displayIfNeededInRect:'
-    SwiftName: displayIfNeeded(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'displayRectIgnoringOpacity:'
-    SwiftName: displayIgnoringOpacity(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'displayIfNeededInRectIgnoringOpacity:'
-    SwiftName: displayIfNeededIgnoringOpacity(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'displayRectIgnoringOpacity:inContext:'
-    SwiftName: displayIgnoringOpacity(_:in:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'scrollRectToVisible:'
-    SwiftName: scrollToVisible(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'viewWithTag:'
-    SwiftName: viewWithTag(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'setKeyboardFocusRingNeedsDisplayInRect:'
-    SwiftName: setKeyboardFocusRingNeedsDisplay(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'rectForPage:'
-    SwiftName: rectForPage(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'locationOfPrintRect:'
-    SwiftName: locationOfPrintRect(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'autoscroll:'
-    SwiftName: autoscroll(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'performKeyEquivalent:'
-    SwiftName: performKeyEquivalent(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'acceptsFirstMouse:'
-    SwiftName: acceptsFirstMouse(for:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'rulerView:handleMouseDown:'
-    SwiftName: rulerView(_:handleMouseDownWith:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  Properties:
-  - Name: nextKeyView
-    SwiftName: nextKeyView
-  - Name: previousKeyView
-    SwiftName: previousKeyView
-  - Name: nextValidKeyView
-    SwiftName: nextValidKeyView
-  - Name: previousValidKeyView
-    SwiftName: previousValidKeyView
-- Name: NSViewController
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'dismissViewController:'
-    SwiftName: 'dismissViewController(_:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'dismissController:'
-    SwiftName: 'dismissController:(_:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'presentViewController:animator:'
-    SwiftName: 'presentViewController(_:animator:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'presentViewControllerAsSheet:'
-    SwiftName: 'presentViewControllerAsSheet(_:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'presentViewControllerAsModalWindow:'
-    SwiftName: 'presentViewControllerAsModalWindow(_:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'presentViewController:asPopoverRelativeToRect:ofView:preferredEdge:behavior:'
-    SwiftName: 'presentViewController(_:asPopoverRelativeTo:of:preferredEdge:behavior:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSWorkspace
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'absolutePathForAppBundleWithIdentifier:'
-    SwiftName: absolutePathForApplication(withBundleIdentifier:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'launchAppWithBundleIdentifier:options:additionalEventParamDescriptor:launchIdentifier:'
-    SwiftName: launchApplication(withBundleIdentifier:options:additionalEventParamDescriptor:launchIdentifier:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSAccessibility
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'accessibilityRangeForPosition:'
-    SwiftName: accessibilityRange(for:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSApplicationDelegate
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed:'
-    SwiftName: applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSColorPickingDefault
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'attachColorList:'
-    SwiftName: attachColorList(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'detachColorList:'
-    SwiftName: detachColorList(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSDraggingDestination
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'prepareForDragOperation:'
-    SwiftName: prepareForDragOperation(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'updateDraggingItemsForDrag:'
-    SwiftName: updateDraggingItemsForDrag(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSPasteboardItemDataProvider
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'pasteboardFinishedWithDataProvider:'
-    SwiftName: pasteboardFinishedWithDataProvider(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSTabViewDelegate
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'tabViewDidChangeNumberOfTabViewItems:'
-    SwiftName: tabViewDidChangeNumberOfTabViewItems(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSTextAttachmentCell
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:'
-    SwiftName: trackMouse(with:in:of:untilMouseUp:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'trackMouse:inRect:ofView:atCharacterIndex:untilMouseUp:'
-    SwiftName: trackMouse(with:in:of:atCharacterIndex:untilMouseUp:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSUserInterfaceValidations
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'validateUserInterfaceItem:'
-    SwiftName: validateUserInterfaceItem(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSWindowDelegate
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'windowDidFailToEnterFullScreen:'
-    SwiftName: windowDidFailToEnterFullScreen(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'windowDidFailToExitFullScreen:'
-    SwiftName: windowDidFailToExitFullScreen(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSAccessibilityMainWindowChangedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilityMainWindowChangedNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilityFocusedWindowChangedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilityFocusedWindowChangedNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilityFocusedUIElementChangedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilityFocusedUIElementChangedNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilityApplicationActivatedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilityApplicationActivatedNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilityApplicationDeactivatedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilityApplicationDeactivatedNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilityApplicationHiddenNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilityApplicationHiddenNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilityApplicationShownNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilityApplicationShownNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilityWindowCreatedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilityWindowCreatedNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilityWindowMovedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilityWindowMovedNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilityWindowResizedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilityWindowResizedNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilityWindowMiniaturizedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilityWindowMiniaturizedNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilityWindowDeminiaturizedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilityWindowDeminiaturizedNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilityDrawerCreatedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilityDrawerCreatedNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilitySheetCreatedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilitySheetCreatedNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilityUIElementDestroyedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilityUIElementDestroyedNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilityValueChangedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilityValueChangedNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilityTitleChangedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilityTitleChangedNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilityResizedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilityResizedNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilityMovedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilityMovedNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilityCreatedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilityCreatedNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilityLayoutChangedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilityLayoutChangedNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilityHelpTagCreatedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilityHelpTagCreatedNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilitySelectedTextChangedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilitySelectedTextChangedNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilityRowCountChangedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilityRowCountChangedNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilitySelectedChildrenChangedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilitySelectedChildrenChangedNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilitySelectedRowsChangedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilitySelectedRowsChangedNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilitySelectedColumnsChangedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilitySelectedColumnsChangedNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilityRowExpandedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilityRowExpandedNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilityRowCollapsedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilityRowCollapsedNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilitySelectedCellsChangedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilitySelectedCellsChangedNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilityUnitsChangedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilityUnitsChangedNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilitySelectedChildrenMovedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilitySelectedChildrenMovedNotification
-- Name: NSAccessibilityAnnouncementRequestedNotification
-  SwiftName: NSAccessibilityAnnouncementRequestedNotification
-- Name: NSFPPreviewButton
-  Availability: nonswift
-- Name: NSFPRevertButton
-  Availability: nonswift
-- Name: NSFPSetButton
-  Availability: nonswift
-- Name: NSFPPreviewField
-  Availability: nonswift
-- Name: NSFPSizeField
-  Availability: nonswift
-- Name: NSFPSizeTitle
-  Availability: nonswift
-- Name: NSFPCurrentField
-  Availability: nonswift
-- Name: NSLayoutFormatDirectionLeadingToTrailing
-  SwiftName: directionLeadingToTrailing
-- Name: NSPasteboardReadingAsData
-  SwiftName: asData
-- Name: NSSpringLoadingDisabled
-  SwiftName: disabled
-- Name: NSCloudKitSharingServiceStandard
-  SwiftName: standard
-- Name: NSViewNotSizable
-  SwiftName: viewNotSizable
-- Name: NSWindowStyleMaskBorderless
-  SwiftName: borderless
-- Name: NSApplicationMain
-  SwiftPrivate: true
diff --git a/apinotes/AudioToolbox.apinotes b/apinotes/AudioToolbox.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index ffd330c..0000000
--- a/apinotes/AudioToolbox.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Name: AudioToolbox
-- Name: kMusicSequenceLoadSMF_PreserveTracks
-  SwiftName: smf_PreserveTracks
diff --git a/apinotes/CMakeLists.txt b/apinotes/CMakeLists.txt
index 7043d3e..d98a40a 100644
--- a/apinotes/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/apinotes/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,59 +1,10 @@
-  AVFoundation
-  AVKit
-  AppKit
-  AudioToolbox
-  CallKit
-  CloudKit
-  Contacts
-  CoreBluetooth
-  CoreData
-  CoreGraphics
-  CoreLocation
-  CoreSpotlight
-  CoreText
-  CryptoTokenKit
-  EventKit
-  ExternalAccessory
-  Foundation
-  GameKit
-  GameplayKit
-  GLKit
-  HealthKit
-  HomeKit
-  Intents
-  LocalAuthentication
-  MapKit
-  MediaPlayer
-  MessageUI
-  Metal
-  MultipeerConnectivity
-  NetworkExtension
-  NotificationCenter
-  ObjectiveC
-  PassKit
-  Photos
-  QuickLook
-  SafariServices
-  SceneKit
-  SpriteKit
-  StoreKit
-  TVMLKit
-  TVServices
-  UIKit
-  UserNotifications
-  VideoSubscriberAccount
-  WatchConnectivity
-  WatchKit
-  WebKit
-  XCTest
-  XPC
diff --git a/apinotes/CallKit.apinotes b/apinotes/CallKit.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 036b244..0000000
--- a/apinotes/CallKit.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-Name: CallKit
-- Name: CXProviderConfiguration
-  Properties:
-  - Name: 'supportedHandleTypes'
-    SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CXErrorCode
-  NSErrorDomain: CXErrorDomain
-- Name: CXErrorCodeIncomingCallError
-  NSErrorDomain: CXErrorDomainIncomingCall
-- Name: CXErrorCodeRequestTransactionError
-  NSErrorDomain: CXErrorDomainRequestTransaction
-- Name: CXErrorCodeCallDirectoryManagerError
-  NSErrorDomain: CXErrorDomainCallDirectoryManager
-- Name: CXCallDirectoryEnabledStatus
-  SwiftName: CXCallDirectoryManager.EnabledStatus
-- Name: CXPlayDTMFCallActionType
-  SwiftName: CXPlayDTMFCallAction.ActionType
-- Name: CXHandleType
-  SwiftName: CXHandle.HandleType
diff --git a/apinotes/CloudKit.apinotes b/apinotes/CloudKit.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f2a372..0000000
--- a/apinotes/CloudKit.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-Name: CloudKit
-- Name: CKDatabase
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'fetchRecordWithID:completionHandler:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: 'fetch(withRecordID:completionHandler:)'
-  - Selector: 'deleteRecordWithID:completionHandler:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: 'delete(withRecordID:completionHandler:)'
-  - Selector: 'fetchRecordZoneWithID:completionHandler:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: 'fetch(withRecordZoneID:completionHandler:)'
-  - Selector: 'deleteRecordZoneWithID:completionHandler:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: 'delete(withRecordZoneID:completionHandler:)'
-  - Selector: 'fetchSubscriptionWithID:completionHandler:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: 'fetch(withSubscriptionID:completionHandler:)'
-  - Selector: 'deleteSubscriptionWithID:completionHandler:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: 'delete(withSubscriptionID:completionHandler:)'
-- Name: CKFetchRecordsOperation
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'fetchCurrentUserRecordOperation'
-    MethodKind: Class
-    SwiftName: 'fetchCurrentUserRecordOperation()'
-- Name: CKFetchRecordZonesOperation
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'fetchAllRecordZonesOperation'
-    MethodKind: Class
-    SwiftName: 'fetchAllRecordZonesOperation()'
-- Name: CKFetchSubscriptionsOperation
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'fetchAllSubscriptionsOperation'
-    MethodKind: Class
-    SwiftName: 'fetchAllSubscriptionsOperation()'
-- Name: CKRecord
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'setParentReferenceFromRecord:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: 'setParent(_:)'
-  - Selector: 'setParentReferenceFromRecordID:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: 'setParent(_:)'
-- Name: CKErrorCode
-  NSErrorDomain: CKErrorDomain
diff --git a/apinotes/Contacts.apinotes b/apinotes/Contacts.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 653b596..0000000
--- a/apinotes/Contacts.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Name: Contacts
-- Name: CNErrorCode
-  NSErrorDomain: CNErrorDomain
diff --git a/apinotes/CoreBluetooth.apinotes b/apinotes/CoreBluetooth.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index d633494..0000000
--- a/apinotes/CoreBluetooth.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Name: CoreBluetooth
-- Name: CBError
-  NSErrorDomain: CBErrorDomain
-- Name: CBATTError
-  NSErrorDomain: CBATTErrorDomain
diff --git a/apinotes/CoreData.apinotes b/apinotes/CoreData.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 7141d3d..0000000
--- a/apinotes/CoreData.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-Name: CoreData
-- Name: NSAtomicStore
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'objectIDForEntity:referenceObject:'
-    SwiftName: objectID(for:withReferenceObject:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSEntityDescription
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'entityForName:inManagedObjectContext:'
-    SwiftName: entity(forEntityName:in:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'insertNewObjectForEntityForName:inManagedObjectContext:'
-    SwiftName: insertNewObject(forEntityName:into:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'relationshipsWithDestinationEntity:'
-    SwiftName: relationships(forDestination:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'isKindOfEntity:'
-    SwiftName: isKindOf(entity:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSEntityMigrationPolicy
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'beginEntityMapping:manager:error:'
-    SwiftName: begin(_:with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'createDestinationInstancesForSourceInstance:entityMapping:manager:error:'
-    SwiftName: createDestinationInstances(forSource:in:manager:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'endInstanceCreationForEntityMapping:manager:error:'
-    SwiftName: endInstanceCreation(forMapping:manager:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'createRelationshipsForDestinationInstance:entityMapping:manager:error:'
-    SwiftName: createRelationships(forDestination:in:manager:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'endRelationshipCreationForEntityMapping:manager:error:'
-    SwiftName: endRelationshipCreation(forMapping:manager:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'performCustomValidationForEntityMapping:manager:error:'
-    SwiftName: performCustomValidation(forMapping:manager:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSIncrementalStore
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'newObjectIDForEntity:referenceObject:'
-    SwiftName: newObjectID(for:referenceObject:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSManagedObjectContext
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'performBlockAndWait:'
-    SwiftName: performAndWait(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'objectRegisteredForID:'
-    SwiftName: registeredObject(for:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'executeFetchRequest:error:'
-    SwiftName: fetch(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'refreshObject:mergeChanges:'
-    SwiftName: refresh(_:mergeChanges:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSManagedObjectModel
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'entitiesForConfiguration:'
-    SwiftName: entities(forConfigurationName:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'setEntities:forConfiguration:'
-    SwiftName: setEntities(_:forConfigurationName:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'isConfiguration:compatibleWithStoreMetadata:'
-    SwiftName: isConfiguration(withName:compatibleWithStoreMetadata:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSConstraintConflict
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initWithConstraint:databaseObject:databaseSnapshot:conflictingObjects:conflictingSnapshots:'
-    SwiftName: 'init(constraint:database:databaseSnapshot:conflicting:conflictingSnapshots:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSMergePolicy
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'resolveConflicts:error:'
-    SwiftName: resolve(mergeConflicts:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'resolveOptimisticLockingVersionConflicts:error:'
-    SwiftName: 'resolve(optimisticLockingConflicts:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'resolveConstraintConflicts:error:'
-    SwiftName: resolve(constraintConflicts:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSMigrationManager
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'migrateStoreFromURL:type:options:withMappingModel:toDestinationURL:destinationType:destinationOptions:error:'
-    SwiftName: migrateStore(from:sourceType:options:with:toDestinationURL:destinationType:destinationOptions:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'associateSourceInstance:withDestinationInstance:forEntityMapping:'
-    SwiftName: associate(sourceInstance:withDestinationInstance:for:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'destinationInstancesForEntityMappingNamed:sourceInstances:'
-    SwiftName: destinationInstances(forEntityMappingName:sourceInstances:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'sourceInstancesForEntityMappingNamed:destinationInstances:'
-    SwiftName: sourceInstances(forEntityMappingName:destinationInstances:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSPersistentStore
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'setMetadata:forPersistentStoreWithURL:error:'
-    SwiftName: setMetadata(_:forPersistentStoreAt:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'initWithPersistentStoreCoordinator:configurationName:URL:options:'
-    SwiftName: init(persistentStoreCoordinator:configurationName:at:options:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSPersistentStoreCoordinator
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'addPersistentStoreWithType:configuration:URL:options:error:'
-    SwiftName: addPersistentStore(ofType:configurationName:at:options:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'removePersistentStore:error:'
-    SwiftName: remove(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'metadataForPersistentStoreOfType:URL:options:error:'
-    SwiftName: metadataForPersistentStore(ofType:at:options:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'setMetadata:forPersistentStoreOfType:URL:options:error:'
-    SwiftName: setMetadata(_:forPersistentStoreOfType:at:options:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'metadataForPersistentStoreOfType:URL:error:'
-    SwiftName: 'metadataForPersistentStore(ofType:at:)'
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'setMetadata:forPersistentStoreOfType:URL:error:'
-    SwiftName: 'setMetadata(_:forPersistentStoreOfType:at:)'
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'elementsDerivedFromExternalRecordURL:'
-    SwiftName: elementsDerived(fromExternalRecordAt:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'importStoreWithIdentifier:fromExternalRecordsDirectory:toURL:options:withType:error:'
-    SwiftName: importStore(withIdentifier:fromExternalRecordsDirectoryAt:to:options:ofType:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'destroyPersistentStoreAtURL:withType:options:error:'
-    SwiftName: 'destroyPersistentStore(at:ofType:options:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'replacePersistentStoreAtURL:destinationOptions:withPersistentStoreFromURL:sourceOptions:storeType:error:'
-    SwiftName: 'replacePersistentStore(at:destinationOptions:withPersistentStoreFrom:sourceOptions:ofType:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'performBlockAndWait:'
-    SwiftName: 'performAndWait(_:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSSaveChangesRequest
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initWithInsertedObjects:updatedObjects:deletedObjects:lockedObjects:'
-    SwiftName: init(inserted:updated:deleted:locked:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'controller:didChangeSection:atIndex:forChangeType:'
-    SwiftName: controller(_:didChange:atSectionIndex:for:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSManagedObjectResultType
-  SwiftName: managedObjectResultType
diff --git a/apinotes/CoreGraphics.apinotes b/apinotes/CoreGraphics.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c5c0f7..0000000
--- a/apinotes/CoreGraphics.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,773 +0,0 @@
-Name: CoreGraphics
-SwiftInferImportAsMember: true
-# Global functions
-# The below are inline functions that are irrelevant due to memberwise inits
-- Name: CGPointMake
-  Availability: nonswift
-- Name: CGSizeMake
-  Availability: nonswift
-- Name: CGVectorMake
-  Availability: nonswift
-- Name: CGRectMake
-  Availability: nonswift
-- Name: CGAffineTransformMake
-  Availability: nonswift
-# The below are fixups that inference didn't quite do what we wanted, and are
-# pulled over from what used to be in the overlays
-- Name: CGRectIsNull
-  SwiftName: "getter:CGRect.isNull(self:)"
-- Name: CGRectIsEmpty
-  SwiftName: "getter:CGRect.isEmpty(self:)"
-- Name: CGRectIsInfinite
-  SwiftName: "getter:CGRect.isInfinite(self:)"
-- Name: CGRectStandardize
-  SwiftName: "getter:CGRect.standardized(self:)"
-- Name: CGRectIntegral
-  SwiftName: "getter:CGRect.integral(self:)"
-- Name: CGRectInset
-  SwiftName: "CGRect.insetBy(self:dx:dy:)"
-- Name: CGRectOffset
-  SwiftName: "CGRect.offsetBy(self:dx:dy:)"
-- Name: CGRectUnion
-  SwiftName: "CGRect.union(self:_:)"
-- Name: CGRectIntersection
-  SwiftName: "CGRect.intersection(self:_:)"
-- Name: CGRectContainsRect
-  SwiftName: "CGRect.contains(self:_:)"
-- Name: CGRectContainsPoint
-  SwiftName: "CGRect.contains(self:_:)"
-- Name: CGRectIntersectsRect
-  SwiftName: "CGRect.intersects(self:_:)"
-# The below are not available in Swift
-# FIXME: empty-argument-label pattern is currently failing SILGen
-- Name: CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceGray
-  SwiftName: CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceGray()
-- Name: CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB
-  SwiftName: CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB()
-- Name: CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceCMYK
-  SwiftName: CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceCMYK()
-# TODO: make these unavailable, but they're needed for pre-iOS 9
-# - Name: CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceGray
-#   Availability: nonswift
-# - Name: CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB
-#   Availability: nonswift
-# - Name: CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceCMYK
-#   Availability: nonswift
-# The below are attempts at providing better names than inference
-# CGAffineTransform
-- Name: CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation
-  SwiftName: CGAffineTransform.init(translationX:y:)
-- Name: CGAffineTransformMakeScale
-  SwiftName: CGAffineTransform.init(scaleX:y:)
-- Name: CGAffineTransformMakeRotation
-  SwiftName: CGAffineTransform.init(rotationAngle:)
-- Name: CGAffineTransformIsIdentity
-  SwiftName: getter:CGAffineTransform.isIdentity(self:)
-- Name: CGAffineTransformTranslate
-  SwiftName: CGAffineTransform.translatedBy(self:x:y:)
-- Name: CGAffineTransformScale
-  SwiftName: CGAffineTransform.scaledBy(self:x:y:)
-- Name: CGAffineTransformRotate
-  SwiftName: CGAffineTransform.rotated(self:by:)
-- Name: CGAffineTransformConcat
-  SwiftName: CGAffineTransform.concatenating(self:_:)
-- Name: CGAffineTransformInvert
-  SwiftName: CGAffineTransform.inverted(self:)
-- Name: CGPointApplyAffineTransform
-  SwiftName: CGPoint.applying(self:_:)
-- Name: CGSizeApplyAffineTransform
-  SwiftName: CGSize.applying(self:_:)
-- Name: CGRectApplyAffineTransform
-  SwiftName: CGRect.applying(self:_:)
-# These are hidden so we can improve them further in the SDK overlay
-- Name: CGAffineTransformEqualToTransform
-  # replaced by Equatable / ==
-  SwiftName: CGAffineTransform.__equalTo(self:_:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-# CGBitmapContext
-- Name: CGBitmapContextCreateWithData
-  SwiftName: CGContext.init(data:width:height:bitsPerComponent:bytesPerRow:space:bitmapInfo:releaseCallback:releaseInfo:)
-- Name: CGBitmapContextCreate
-  SwiftName: CGContext.init(data:width:height:bitsPerComponent:bytesPerRow:space:bitmapInfo:)
-- Name: CGBitmapContextGetData
-  SwiftName:
-- Name: CGBitmapContextGetWidth
-  SwiftName: getter:CGContext.width(self:)
-- Name: CGBitmapContextGetHeight
-  SwiftName: getter:CGContext.height(self:)
-- Name: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent
-  SwiftName: getter:CGContext.bitsPerComponent(self:)
-- Name: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerPixel
-  SwiftName: getter:CGContext.bitsPerPixel(self:)
-- Name: CGBitmapContextGetBytesPerRow
-  SwiftName: getter:CGContext.bytesPerRow(self:)
-- Name: CGBitmapContextGetColorSpace
-  SwiftName: getter:CGContext.colorSpace(self:)
-- Name: CGBitmapContextGetAlphaInfo
-  SwiftName: getter:CGContext.alphaInfo(self:)
-- Name: CGBitmapContextCreateImage
-  SwiftName: CGContext.makeImage(self:)
-# CGColor
-- Name: CGColorCreate
-  SwiftName: CGColor.init(colorSpace:components:)
-- Name: CGColorCreateGenericGray
-  SwiftName: CGColor.init(gray:alpha:)
-- Name: CGColorCreateGenericRGB
-  SwiftName: CGColor.init(red:green:blue:alpha:)
-- Name: CGColorCreateCMYK
-  SwiftName: CGColor.init(cyan:magenta:yellow:black:alpha:)
-- Name: CGColorCreateWithPattern
-  SwiftName: CGColor.init(patternSpace:pattern:components:)
-- Name: CGColorCreateCopy
-  SwiftName: CGColor.copy(self:)
-- Name: CGColorCreateCopyWithAlpha
-  SwiftName: CGColor.copy(self:alpha:)
-- Name: CGColorCreateCopyByMatchingToColorSpace
-  SwiftName: CGColor.converted(to:intent:self:options:)
-# Replaced by actual constant colors in the overlay
-- Name: CGColorGetConstantColor
-  SwiftName: CGColor.__constantColor(for:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-# Replaced by == operator in the overlay
-- Name: CGColorEqualToColor
-  SwiftName: CGColor.__equalTo(self:_:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-# Replaced in the overlay: var components: [CGFloat]?
-- Name: CGColorGetComponents
-  SwiftName: getter:CGColor.__unsafeComponents(self:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-# CGColorSpace
-# These are cases where we want better names than ImportAsMember inference gets
-- Name: CGColorSpaceCreateWithICCProfile
-  SwiftName: CGColorSpace.init(iccProfileData:)
-- Name: CGColorSpaceCreateWithPlatformColorSpace
-  SwiftName: CGColorSpace.init(platformColorSpaceRef:)
-- Name: CGColorSpaceCreateWithName
-  SwiftName: CGColorSpace.init(name:)
-- Name: CGColorSpaceCopyName
-  SwiftName:
-- Name: CGColorSpaceCopyICCProfile
-  SwiftName: getter:CGColorSpace.iccData(self:)
-- Name: CGColorSpaceIsWideGamutRGB
-  SwiftName: getter:CGColorSpace.isWideGamutRGB(self:)
-- Name: CGColorSpaceSupportsOutput
-  SwiftName: getter:CGColorSpace.supportsOutput(self:)
-# These are hidden so we can improve them further in the SDK overlay
-- Name: CGColorSpaceGetColorTableCount
-  # merged count and pointer to single array property
-  SwiftName: getter:CGColorSpace.__colorTableCount(self:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGColorSpaceGetColorTable
-  # merged count and pointer to single array property
-  SwiftName: CGColorSpace.__unsafeGetColorTable(self:_:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-# CGContext
-# These are cases where we want better names than ImportAsMember inference gets
-- Name: CGConttextSaveGState
-  SwiftName: CGContext.saveGraphicsState(self:)
-- Name: CGConttextRestoreGState
-  SwiftName: CGContext.restoreGraphicsState(self:)
-- Name: CGContextConcatCTM
-  SwiftName: CGContext.concatenate(self:_:)
-- Name: CGContextScaleCTM
-  SwiftName: CGContext.scaleBy(self:x:y:)
-- Name: CGContextTranslateCTM
-  SwiftName: CGContext.translateBy(self:x:y:)
-- Name: CGContextRotateCTM
-  SwiftName: CGContext.rotate(self:by:)
-- Name: CGContextSetLineWidth
-  SwiftName: CGContext.setLineWidth(self:_:)
-- Name: CGContextSetMiterLimit
-  SwiftName: CGContext.setMiterLimit(self:_:)
-- Name: CGContextSetFlatness
-  SwiftName: CGContext.setFlatness(self:_:)
-- Name: CGContextSetAlpha
-  SwiftName: CGContext.setAlpha(self:_:)
-- Name: CGContextAddEllipseInRect
-  SwiftName: CGContext.addEllipse(self:in:)
-- Name: CGContextIsPathEmpty
-  SwiftName: getter:CGContext.isPathEmpty(self:)
-- Name: CGContextGetPathCurrentPoint
-  SwiftName: getter:CGContext.currentPointOfPath(self:)
-- Name: CGContextGetPathBoundingBox
-  SwiftName: getter:CGContext.boundingBoxOfPath(self:)
-- Name: CGContextCopyPath
-  SwiftName: getter:CGContext.path(self:)
-- Name: CGContextPathContainsPoint
-  SwiftName: CGContext.pathContains(self:_:mode:)
-- Name: CGContextDrawPath
-  SwiftName: CGContext.drawPath(self:using:)
-- Name: CGContextFillRect
-  SwiftName: CGContext.fill(self:_:)
-- Name: CGContextStrokeRect
-  SwiftName: CGContext.stroke(self:_:)
-- Name: CGContextStrokeRectWithWidth
-  SwiftName: CGContext.stroke(self:_:width:)
-- Name: CGContextClearRect
-  SwiftName: CGContext.clear(self:_:)
-- Name: CGContextFillEllipseInRect
-  SwiftName: CGContext.fillEllipse(self:in:)
-- Name: CGContextStrokeEllipseInRect
-  SwiftName: CGContext.strokeEllipse(self:in:)
-- Name: CGContextGetClipBoundingBox
-  SwiftName: getter:CGContext.boundingBoxOfClipPath(self:)
-- Name: CGContextClipToRect
-  SwiftName: CGContext.clip(self:to:)
-- Name: CGContextClipToMask
-  SwiftName: CGContext.clip(self:to:mask:)
-- Name: CGContextSetFillColor
-  SwiftName: CGContext.setFillColor(self:_:)
-- Name: CGContextSetFillColorWithColor
-  SwiftName: CGContext.setFillColor(self:_:)
-- Name: CGContextSetFillPattern
-  SwiftName: CGContext.setFillPattern(self:_:colorComponents:)
-- Name: CGContextSetStrokePattern
-  SwiftName: CGContext.setStrokePattern(self:_:colorComponents:)
-- Name: CGContextSetPatternPhase
-  SwiftName: CGContext.setPatternPhase(self:_:)
-- Name: CGContextSetGrayFillColor
-  SwiftName: CGContext.setFillColor(self:gray:alpha:)
-- Name: CGContextSetGrayStrokeColor
-  SwiftName: CGContext.setStrokeColor(self:gray:alpha:)
-- Name: CGContextSetRGBFillColor
-  SwiftName: CGContext.setFillColor(self:red:green:blue:alpha:)
-- Name: CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor
-  SwiftName: CGContext.setStrokeColor(self:red:green:blue:alpha:)
-- Name: CGContextSetStrokeColor
-  SwiftName: CGContext.setStrokeColor(self:_:)
-- Name: CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor
-  SwiftName: CGContext.setStrokeColor(self:_:)
-- Name: CGContextSetCMYKFillColor
-  SwiftName: CGContext.setFillColor(self:cyan:magenta:yellow:black:alpha:)
-- Name: CGContextSetCMYKStrokeColor
-  SwiftName: CGContext.setStrokeColor(self:cyan:magenta:yellow:black:alpha:)
-- Name: CGContextSetShadowWithColor
-  SwiftName: CGContext.setShadow(self:offset:blur:color:)
-# - Name: CGContextSetShadow
-#   SwiftName: CGContext.setShadow(self:offset:blur:)
-- Name: CGContextSetCharacterSpacing
-  SwiftName: CGContext.setCharacterSpacing(self:_:)
-- Name: CGContextSetFontSize
-  SwiftName: CGContext.setFontSize(self:_:)
-# - Name: CGContextBeginPage
-#   SwiftName: CGContext.beginPage(self:mediaBox:)
-- Name: CGContextSetShouldAntialias
-  SwiftName: CGContext.setShouldAntialias(self:_:)
-- Name: CGContextSetAllowsAntialiasing
-  SwiftName: CGContext.setAllowsAntialiasing(self:_:)
-- Name: CGContextSetShouldSmoothFonts
-  SwiftName: CGContext.setShouldSmoothFonts(self:_:)
-- Name: CGContextSetAllowsFontSmoothing
-  SwiftName: CGContext.setAllowsFontSmoothing(self:_:)
-- Name: CGContextSetShouldSubpixelPositionFonts
-  SwiftName: CGContext.setShouldSubpixelPositionFonts(self:_:)
-- Name: CGContextSetAllowsFontSubpixelPositioning
-  SwiftName: CGContext.setAllowsFontSubpixelPositioning(self:_:)
-- Name: CGContextSetShouldSubpixelQuantizeFonts
-  SwiftName: CGContext.setShouldSubpixelQuantizeFonts(self:_:)
-- Name: CGContextSetAllowsFontSubpixelQuantization
-  SwiftName: CGContext.setAllowsFontSubpixelQuantization(self:_:)
-- Name: CGContextBeginTransparencyLayer
-  SwiftName: CGContext.beginTransparencyLayer(self:auxiliaryInfo:)
-- Name: CGContextBeginTransparencyLayerWithRect
-  SwiftName: CGContext.beginTransparencyLayer(self:in:auxiliaryInfo:)
-- Name: CGContextConvertPointToDeviceSpace
-  SwiftName: CGContext.convertToDeviceSpace(self:_:)
-- Name: CGContextConvertPointToUserSpace
-  SwiftName: CGContext.convertToUserSpace(self:_:)
-- Name: CGContextConvertSizeToDeviceSpace
-  SwiftName: CGContext.convertToDeviceSpace(self:_:)
-- Name: CGContextConvertSizeToUserSpace
-  SwiftName: CGContext.convertToUserSpace(self:_:)
-- Name: CGContextConvertRectToDeviceSpace
-  SwiftName: CGContext.convertToDeviceSpace(self:_:)
-- Name: CGContextConvertRectToUserSpace
-  SwiftName: CGContext.convertToUserSpace(self:_:)
-# These are hidden so we can improve them further in the SDK overlay
-- Name: CGContextSetLineDash
-  # replaced by setLineDash(phase:lengths:) --  array instead of pointer/count
-  SwiftName: CGContext.__setLineDash(self:phase:lengths:count:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGContextMoveToPoint
-  # replaced by move(to: CGPoint)
-  SwiftName: CGContext.__moveTo(self:x:y:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGContextAddLineToPoint
-  # replaced by addLine(to: CGPoint)
-  SwiftName: CGContext.__addLineTo(self:x:y:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGContextAddCurveToPoint
-  # replaced by addCurve(to:control1:control2:)
-  SwiftName: CGContext.__addCurveTo(self:cp1x:cp1y:cp2x:cp2y:endingAtX:y:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGContextAddQuadCurveToPoint
-  # replaced by addQuadCurve(to:control:)
-  SwiftName: CGContext.__addQuadCurveTo(self:cpx:cpy:endingAtX:y:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGContextAddRects
-  # replaced by addRects(_:) -- array instead of pointer/count
-  SwiftName: CGContext.__addRects(self:_:count:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGContextAddLines
-  # replaced by addLines(between:) -- array instead of pointer/count
-  SwiftName: CGContext.__addLines(self:between:count:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGContextAddArc
-  # replaced by addArc(center:radius:startAngle:endAngle:clockwise:) -- CW is Bool, not Int32
-  SwiftName: CGContext.__addArc(self:centerX:y:radius:startAngle:endAngle:clockwise:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGContextAddArcToPoint
-  # replaced by addArc(tangent1End:tangent2End:radius:)
-  SwiftName: CGContext.__addArc(self:x1:y1:x2:y2:radius:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGContextFillRects
-  # replaced by fill(_ rects: [CGRect]) -- array instead of pointer/count
-  SwiftName: CGContext.__fill(self:_:count:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGContextStrokeLineSegments
-  # replaced by strokeLineSegments(between points: [CGPoint]) -- array instead of pointer/count
-  SwiftName: CGContext.__strokeLineSegments(self:between:count:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGContextClipToRects
-  # replaced by clip(to rects: [CGRect]) -- array instead of pointer/count
-  SwiftName: CGContext.__clip(self:to:count:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGContextDrawImage
-  # replaced by draw(_ image: CGImage, in rect: CGRect, byTiling: Bool = false)
-  SwiftName: CGContext.__draw(self:in:image:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGContextDrawTiledImage
-  # replaced by draw(_ image: CGImage, in rect: CGRect, byTiling: Bool = false)
-  SwiftName: CGContext.__draw(self:in:byTiling:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGContextGetTextPosition
-  # replaced by readwrite property
-  SwiftName: getter:CGContext.__textPosition(self:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGContextSetTextPosition
-  # replaced by readwrite property
-  SwiftName: CGContext.__setTextPosition(self:x:y:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGContextShowGlyphsAtPositions
-  # replaced by showGlyphs(_:at:) -- array instead of pointer/count
-  SwiftName: CGContext.__showGlyphs(self:_:atPositions:count:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGContextFillPath
-  # replaced by combining winding and evenOdd rules to one func with an enum
-  SwiftName: CGContext.__fillPath(self:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGContextEOFillPath
-  # replaced by combining winding and evenOdd rules to one func with an enum
-  # has nothing to do with Enterprise Objects
-  SwiftName: CGContext.__eoFillPath(self:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGContextClip
-  # replaced by combining winding and evenOdd rules to one func with an enum
-  SwiftName: CGContext.__clip(self:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGContextEOClip
-  # replaced by combining winding and evenOdd rules to one func with an enum
-  SwiftName: CGContext.__eoClip(self:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-# CGDataConsumer
-# - Name: CGDataConsumerCreateWithURL
-#   SwiftName: CGDataConsumer.init(url:)
-# - Name: CGDataConsumerCreateWithCFData
-#   SwiftName: CGDataConsumer.init(data:)
-# CGDataProvider
-# - Name: CGDataProviderCreateWithData
-#   SwiftName: CGDataProvider.init(dataInfo:data:size:releaseData:)
-# - Name: CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData
-#   SwiftName: CGDataProvider.init(data:)
-# - Name: CGDataProviderCreateWithURL
-#   SwiftName: CGDataProvider.init(url:)
-- Name: CGDataProviderCopyData
-  SwiftName:
-# CGDirectDisplay
-- Name: CGDisplayModeCopyPixelEncoding
-  SwiftName: getter:CGDisplayMode.pixelEncoding(self:)
-- Name: CGDisplayCreateImageForRect
-  SwiftName: CGDisplayCreateImage(_:rect:)
-# These are hidden so we can improve them further in the SDK overlay
-- Name: CGGetLastMouseDelta
-  # replaced by a version that returns CGVector instead of using out-pointers
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-# CGEvent
-- Name: CGEventCreateFromData
-  SwiftName: CGEvent.init(withDataAllocator:data:)
-- Name: CGEventCreateData
-  SwiftName:
-- Name: CGEventCreateCopy
-  SwiftName: CGEvent.copy(self:)
-- Name: CGEventPostToPid
-  SwiftName: CGEvent.postToPid(_:self:)
-- Name: CGEventCreateSourceFromEvent
-  SwiftName: CGEventSource.init(event:)
-# CGFont
-- Name: CGFontCreateWithDataProvider
-  SwiftName: CGFont.init(_:)
-- Name: CGFontCreateWithFontName
-  SwiftName: CGFont.init(_:)
-- Name: CGFontCopyPostScriptName
-  SwiftName: getter:CGFont.postScriptName(self:)
-- Name: CGFontCopyFullName
-  SwiftName: getter:CGFont.fullName(self:)
-- Name: CGFontCopyVariationAxes
-  SwiftName: getter:CGFont.variationAxes(self:)
-- Name: CGFontCopyVariations
-  SwiftName: getter:CGFont.variations(self:)
-- Name: CGFontCopyGlyphNameForGlyph
-  SwiftName:
-- Name: CGFontCopyTableTags
-  SwiftName: getter:CGFont.tableTags(self:)
-- Name: CGFontCopyTableForTag
-  SwiftName: CGFont.table(self:for:)
-- Name: CGFontCreateCopyWithVariations
-  SwiftName: CGFont.copy(self:withVariations:)
-# CGGeometry
-- Name: CGPointCreateDictionaryRepresentation
-  SwiftName: getter:CGPoint.dictionaryRepresentation(self:)
-- Name: CGSizeCreateDictionaryRepresentation
-  SwiftName: getter:CGSize.dictionaryRepresentation(self:)
-- Name: CGRectCreateDictionaryRepresentation
-  SwiftName: getter:CGRect.dictionaryRepresentation(self:)
-- Name: CGPointEqualToPoint
-  SwiftName: CGPoint.equalTo(self:_:)
-- Name: CGSizeEqualToSize
-  SwiftName: CGSize.equalTo(self:_:)
-- Name: CGRectEqualToRect
-  SwiftName: CGRect.equalTo(self:_:)
-# These are hidden so we can improve them further in the SDK overlay
-- Name: CGRectDivide
-  # hide the pointer version in favor of the tuple-return version
-  SwiftName: CGRect.__divided(self:slice:remainder:atDistance:from:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGPointMakeWithDictionaryRepresentation
-  # hide in favor of an init (can't map to initializer because out-pointer)
-  SwiftName: CGPoint.__setFromDictionaryRepresentation(_:_:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGSizeMakeWithDictionaryRepresentation
-  # hide in favor of an init (can't map to initializer because out-pointer)
-  SwiftName: CGSize.__setFromDictionaryRepresentation(_:_:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGRectMakeWithDictionaryRepresentation
-  # hide in favor of an init (can't map to initializer because out-pointer)
-  SwiftName: CGRect.__setFromDictionaryRepresentation(_:_:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-# CGGradient
-- Name: CGGradientCreateWithColorComponents
-  SwiftName: CGGradient.init(colorSpace:colorComponents:locations:count:)
-- Name: CGGradientCreateWithColorSpace
-  SwiftName: CGGradient.init(colorSpace:colors:locations:)
-# CGImage
-- Name: CGImageCreateCopy
-  SwiftName: CGImage.copy(self:)
-- Name: CGImageCreateCopyWithColorSpace
-  SwiftName: CGImage.copy(self:colorSpace:)
-- Name: CGImageCreateWithImageInRect
-  SwiftName: CGImage.cropping(self:to:)
-- Name: CGImageCreateWithMask
-  SwiftName: CGImage.masking(self:_:)
-- Name: CGImageIsMask
-  SwiftName: getter:CGImage.isMask(self:)
-# These are hidden so we can improve them further in the SDK overlay
-- Name: CGImageCreateWithMaskingColors
-  # replaced by a version that takes an array instead of UnsafePointer
-  SwiftName: CGImage.__copy(self:maskingColorComponents:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-# CGLayer
-- Name: CGLayerCreateWithContext
-  SwiftName: CGLayer.init(_:size:auxiliaryInfo:)
-# These are hidden so we can improve them further in the SDK overlay
-- Name: CGContextDrawLayerInRect
-  # API notes can't rearrange args, want layer first to match draw(image:) etc
-  SwiftName: CGContext.__draw(self:in:layer:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGContextDrawLayerAtPoint
-  # API notes can't rearrange args, want layer first to match draw(image:) etc
-  SwiftName: CGContext.__draw(self:at:layer:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-# CGPDFContext
-- Name: CGPDFContextCreate
-  SwiftName: CGContext.init(consumer:mediaBox:_:)
-- Name: CGPDFContextCreateWithURL
-  SwiftName: CGContext.init(_:mediaBox:_:)
-- Name: CGPDFContextClose
-  SwiftName: CGContext.closePDF(self:)
-- Name: CGPDFContextBeginPage
-  SwiftName: CGContext.beginPDFPage(self:_:)
-- Name: CGPDFContextEndPage
-  SwiftName: CGContext.endPDFPage(self:)
-- Name: CGPDFContextAddDocumentMetadata
-  SwiftName: CGContext.addDocumentMetadata(self:_:)
-- Name: CGPDFContextSetURLForRect
-  SwiftName: CGContext.setURL(self:_:for:)
-- Name: CGPDFContextAddDestinationAtPoint
-  SwiftName: CGContext.addDestination(self:_:at:)
-- Name: CGPDFContextSetDestinationForRect
-  SwiftName: CGContext.setDestination(self:_:for:)
-# CGPDFDocument
-- Name: CGPDFDocumentGetID
-  SwiftName: getter:CGPDFDocument.fileIdentifier(self:)
-- Name: CGPDFDocumentIsEncrypted
-  SwiftName: getter:CGPDFDocument.isEncrypted(self:)
-- Name: CGPDFDocumentIsUnlocked
-  SwiftName: getter:CGPDFDocument.isUnlocked(self:)
-- Name: CGPDFDocumentAllowsPrinting
-  SwiftName: getter:CGPDFDocument.allowsPrinting(self:)
-- Name: CGPDFDocumentAllowsCopying
-  SwiftName: getter:CGPDFDocument.allowsCopying(self:)
-- Name: CGPDFDocumentCreateWithProvider
-  SwiftName: CGPDFDocument.init(_:)
-- Name: CGPDFDocumentCreateWithURL
-  SwiftName: CGPDFDocument.init(_:)
-- Name: CGPDFDocumentUnlockWithPassword
-  SwiftName: CGPDFDocument.unlockWithPassword(self:_:)
-- Name: CGPDFDocumentGetPage
-  SwiftName:
-# CGPDFPage
-# FIXME: cannot be getter, due to extra parameter
-# - Name: CGPDFPageGetBoxRect
-#   SwiftName: getter:CGPDFPage.boxRect(self:)
-# CGPSConverter
-- Name: CGPSConverterIsConverting
-  SwiftName: getter:CGPSConverter.isConverting(self:)
-# CGPath
-- Name: CGPathCreateCopy
-  SwiftName: CGPath.copy(self:)
-- Name: CGPathCreateCopyByTransformingPath
-  SwiftName: CGPath.copy(self:using:)
-- Name: CGPathCreateMutableCopy
-  SwiftName: CGPath.mutableCopy(self:)
-- Name: CGPathCreateMutableCopyByTransformingPath
-  SwiftName: CGPath.mutableCopy(self:using:)
-- Name: CGPathGetPathBoundingBox
-  SwiftName: getter:CGPath.boundingBoxOfPath(self:)
-- Name: CGPathIsEmpty
-  SwiftName: getter:CGPath.isEmpty(self:)
-# These are hidden so we can improve them further in the SDK overlay
-- Name: CGPathCreateCopyByDashingPath
-  # replaced by copy(...) method, move transform to end, pointer/count => array
-  SwiftName: CGPath.init(__byDashing:transform:phase:lengths:count:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGPathCreateCopyByStrokingPath
-  # replaced by copy(...) method, move transform to end
-  SwiftName: CGPath.init(__byStroking:transform:lineWidth:lineCap:lineJoin:miterLimit:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGPathContainsPoint
-  # replaced to move transform to end
-  # TODO: replace eoFill with a FillRule enum for clarity
-  SwiftName: CGPath.__containsPoint(self:transform:point:eoFill:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGPathEqualToPath
-  # replaced in favor of == / Equatable
-  SwiftName: CGPath.__equalTo(self:_:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGPathAddRoundedRect
-  SwiftName: CGMutablePath.__addRoundedRect(self:transform:rect:cornerWidth:cornerHeight:)
-- Name: CGPathMoveToPoint
-  # replaced to use CGPoint, move transform to end
-  SwiftName: CGMutablePath.__moveTo(self:transform:x:y:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGPathAddLineToPoint
-  # replaced to use CGPoint, move transform to end
-  SwiftName: CGMutablePath.__addLineTo(self:transform:x:y:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGPathAddCurveToPoint
-  # replaced to use CGPoint, move transform to end
-  SwiftName: CGMutablePath.__addCurve(self:transform:cp1x:cp1y:cp2x:cp2y:endingAtX:y:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGPathAddQuadCurveToPoint
-  # replaced to use CGPoint, move transform to end
-  SwiftName: CGMutablePath.__addQuadCurve(self:transform:cpx:cpy:endingAtX:y:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGPathAddRect
-  # replaced to move transform to end
-  SwiftName: CGMutablePath.__addRect(self:transform:rect:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGPathAddRects
-  # replaced to move transform to end, use array not pointer/count
-  SwiftName: CGMutablePath.__addRects(self:transform:rects:count:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGPathAddLines
-  # replaced to use CGPoint, move transform to end, use array not pointer/count
-  SwiftName: CGMutablePath.__addLines(self:transform:between:count:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGPathAddEllipseInRect
-  # replaced to use CGPoint, move transform to end
-  SwiftName: CGMutablePath.__addEllipse(self:transform:rect:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGPathAddRelativeArc
-  # replaced to use CGPoint, move transform to end
-  SwiftName: CGMutablePath.__addRelativeArc(self:transform:x:y:radius:startAngle:delta:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGPathAddArc
-  # replaced to use CGPoint, move transform to end
-  SwiftName: CGMutablePath.__addArc(self:transform:x:y:radius:startAngle:endAngle:clockwise:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGPathAddArcToPoint
-  # replaced to use CGPoint, move transform to end
-  SwiftName: CGMutablePath.__addArc(self:transform:x1:y1:x2:y2:radius:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: CGPathAddPath
-  # replaced to move transform to end
-  SwiftName: CGMutablePath.__addPath(self:transform:path:)
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-# Global variables
-# The below are globals that are defined as opaque C constants for no good
-# reason.
-- Name: CGPointZero
-  Availability: nonswift
-- Name: CGSizeZero
-  Availability: nonswift
-- Name: CGVectorZero
-  Availability: nonswift
-- Name: CGRectZero
-  Availability: nonswift
-- Name: CGAffineTransformIdentity
-  Availability: nonswift
-# The below are not available in Swift
-- Name: kCGColorSpaceGenericGray
-  Availability: nonswift
-- Name: kCGColorSpaceGenericRGB
-  Availability: nonswift
-- Name: kCGColorSpaceSRGB
-  SwiftName: CGColorSpace.sRGB
-# These are actual constant colors, not color names, in the overlay
-- Name: kCGColorWhite
-  SwiftName: CGColor.__whiteColorName
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: kCGColorBlack
-  SwiftName: CGColor.__blackColorName
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: kCGColorClear
-  SwiftName: CGColor.__clearColorName
-  SwiftPrivate: true
-# Enums
-# The below are attempts at providing better names than inference
-# CGColorSpace
-- Name: kCGRenderingIntentDefault
-  SwiftName: CGColorRenderingIntent.defaultIntent
-- Name: kCGRenderingIntentAbsoluteColorimetric
-  SwiftName: CGColorRenderingIntent.absoluteColorimetric
-- Name: kCGRenderingIntentRelativeColorimetric
-  SwiftName: CGColorRenderingIntent.relativeColorimetric
-- Name: kCGRenderingIntentPerceptual
-  SwiftName: CGColorRenderingIntent.perceptual
-- Name: kCGRenderingIntentSaturation
-  SwiftName: CGColorRenderingIntent.saturation
-- Name: kCGMomentumScrollPhaseContinue
-  SwiftName: CGMomentumScrollPhase.continuous
-- Name: kCGColorSpaceModelRGB
-  SwiftName: CGColorSpaceModel.rgb
-- Name: kCGColorSpaceModelCMYK
-  SwiftName: CGColorSpaceModel.cmyk
-# CGContext
-- Name: kCGBlendModeXOR
-  SwiftName: CGBlendMode.xor
-# CGEventTypes
-- Name: kCGEventMouseSubtypeDefault
-  SwiftName: CGEventMouseSubtype.defaultType
-- Name: kCGEventTapOptionDefault
-  SwiftName: CGEventTapOptions.defaultTap
-- Name: kCGEventSourceStatePrivate
-  SwiftName: CGEventSourceStateID.privateState
-# CGImage
-- Name: kCGImageAlphaOnly
-  SwiftName: alphaOnly
-# CGWindowLevel
-- Name: kCGBaseWindowLevelKey
-  SwiftName: CGWindowLevelKey.baseWindow
-- Name: kCGMinimumWindowLevelKey
-  SwiftName: CGWindowLevelKey.minimumWindow
-- Name: kCGDesktopWindowLevelKey
-  SwiftName: CGWindowLevelKey.desktopWindow
-- Name: kCGDesktopIconWindowLevelKey
-  SwiftName: CGWindowLevelKey.desktopIconWindow
-- Name: kCGBackstopMenuLevelKey
-  SwiftName: CGWindowLevelKey.backstopMenu
-- Name: kCGNormalWindowLevelKey
-  SwiftName: CGWindowLevelKey.normalWindow
-- Name: kCGFloatingWindowLevelKey
-  SwiftName: CGWindowLevelKey.floatingWindow
-- Name: kCGTornOffMenuWindowLevelKey
-  SwiftName: CGWindowLevelKey.tornOffMenuWindow
-- Name: kCGDockWindowLevelKey
-  SwiftName: CGWindowLevelKey.dockWindow
-- Name: kCGMainMenuWindowLevelKey
-  SwiftName: CGWindowLevelKey.mainMenuWindow
-- Name: kCGStatusWindowLevelKey
-  SwiftName: CGWindowLevelKey.statusWindow
-- Name: kCGModalPanelWindowLevelKey
-  SwiftName: CGWindowLevelKey.modalPanelWindow
-- Name: kCGPopUpMenuWindowLevelKey
-  SwiftName: CGWindowLevelKey.popUpMenuWindow
-- Name: kCGDraggingWindowLevelKey
-  SwiftName: CGWindowLevelKey.draggingWindow
-- Name: kCGScreenSaverWindowLevelKey
-  SwiftName: CGWindowLevelKey.screenSaverWindow
-- Name: kCGMaximumWindowLevelKey
-  SwiftName: CGWindowLevelKey.maximumWindow
-- Name: kCGOverlayWindowLevelKey
-  SwiftName: CGWindowLevelKey.overlayWindow
-- Name: kCGHelpWindowLevelKey
-  SwiftName: CGWindowLevelKey.helpWindow
-- Name: kCGUtilityWindowLevelKey
-  SwiftName: CGWindowLevelKey.utilityWindow
-- Name: kCGCursorWindowLevelKey
-  SwiftName: CGWindowLevelKey.cursorWindow
-- Name: kCGAssistiveTechHighWindowLevelKey
-  SwiftName: CGWindowLevelKey.assistiveTechHighWindow
-# CGConfigureOption
-- Name: kCGConfigureForAppOnly
-  SwiftName: forAppOnly
-# CGScreenUpdateOperation
-- Name: kCGScreenUpdateOperationRefresh
-  SwiftName: refresh
-# CGWindowListOption
-- Name: kCGWindowListOptionAll
-  SwiftName: optionAll
-# Tags
-# The below are not available in Swift
-- Name: CGGlypDeprecatedEnum
-  Availability: nonswift
diff --git a/apinotes/CoreLocation.apinotes b/apinotes/CoreLocation.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 549078f..0000000
--- a/apinotes/CoreLocation.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-Name: CoreLocation
-- Name: CLPlacemark
-  Properties:
-  - Name: ISOcountryCode
-    SwiftName: isoCountryCode
-- Name: CLLocationManagerDelegate
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'locationManager:didUpdateLocations:'
-    SwiftName: 'locationManager(_:didUpdateLocations:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'locationManager:didUpdateHeading:'
-    SwiftName: 'locationManager(_:didUpdateHeading:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'locationManager:didEnterRegion:'
-    SwiftName: 'locationManager(_:didEnterRegion:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'locationManager:didChangeAuthorizationStatus:'
-    SwiftName: 'locationManager(_:didChangeAuthorization:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: CLError
-  NSErrorDomain: kCLErrorDomain
diff --git a/apinotes/CoreSpotlight.apinotes b/apinotes/CoreSpotlight.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f860f3..0000000
--- a/apinotes/CoreSpotlight.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Name: CoreSpotlight
-- Name: CSIndexErrorCode
-  NSErrorDomain: CSIndexErrorDomain
-- Name: CSSearchQueryErrorCode
-  NSErrorDomain: CSSearchQueryErrorDomain
diff --git a/apinotes/CoreText.apinotes b/apinotes/CoreText.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index d31711b..0000000
--- a/apinotes/CoreText.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Name: CoreText
-- Name: kCTUnderlinePatternSolid
-  SwiftName: patternSolid
diff --git a/apinotes/CryptoTokenKit.apinotes b/apinotes/CryptoTokenKit.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index ad8574e..0000000
--- a/apinotes/CryptoTokenKit.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-Name: CryptoTokenKit
-- Name: TKSmartCardSlotManager
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'getSlotWithName:reply:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: getSlot(withName:reply:)
-- Name: TKSmartCard
-  Properties:
-  - Name: valid
-    SwiftName: isValid
-  - Name: sensitive
-    SwiftName: isSensitive
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'transmitRequest:reply:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: transmit(_:reply:)
-  - Selector: 'userInteractionForSecurePINVerificationWithPINFormat:APDU:PINByteOffset:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: userInteractionForSecurePINVerification(_:apdu:pinByteOffset:)
-  - Selector: 'userInteractionForSecurePINChangeWithPINFormat:APDU:currentPINByteOffset:newPINByteOffset:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: userInteractionForSecurePINChange(_:apdu:currentPINByteOffset:newPINByteOffset:)
-  - Selector: 'sendIns:p1:p2:data:le:reply:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftPrivate: true
-  - Selector: 'sendIns:p1:p2:data:le:sw:error:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftPrivate: true
-  - Selector: 'inSessionWithError:executeBlock:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: TKSmartCardATRInterfaceGroup
-  SwiftName: TKSmartCardATR.InterfaceGroup
-- Name: TKTokenSessionDelegate
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'tokenSession:supportsOperation:usingKey:algorithm:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: tokenSession(_:supports:keyObjectID:algorithm:)
-  - Selector: 'tokenSession:signData:usingKey:algorithm:error:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: tokenSession(_:sign:keyObjectID:algorithm:)
-  - Selector: 'tokenSession:decryptData:usingKey:algorithm:error:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: tokenSession(_:decrypt:keyObjectID:algorithm:)
-  - Selector: 'tokenSession:performKeyExchangeWithPublicKey:usingKey:algorithm:parameters:error:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: tokenSession(_:performKeyExchange:keyObjectID:algorithm:parameters:)
-- Name: TKTokenDelegate
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'token:createSessionWithError:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: createSession(_:)
-- Name: TKSmartCardPINEncodingASCII
-  SwiftName: ascii
-- Name: TKSmartCardPINEncodingBCD
-  SwiftName: bcd
-- Name: TKSmartCardProtocolT0
-  SwiftName: t0
-- Name: TKSmartCardProtocolT1
-  SwiftName: t1
-- Name: TKSmartCardProtocolT15
-  SwiftName: t15
-- Name: TKSmartCardSlotState
-  SwiftName: TKSmartCardSlot.State
-- Name: TKSmartCardPINCharset
-  SwiftName: TKSmartCardPINFormat.Charset
-- Name: TKSmartCardPINEncoding
-  SwiftName: TKSmartCardPINFormat.Encoding
-- Name: TKSmartCardPINJustification
-  SwiftName: TKSmartCardPINFormat.Justification
-- Name: TKSmartCardPINCompletion
-  SwiftName: TKSmartCardUserInteractionForPINOperation.Completion
-- Name: TKSmartCardPINConfirmation
-  SwiftName: TKSmartCardUserInteractionForSecurePINChange.Confirmation
-- Name: TKErrorCode
-  NSErrorDomain: TKErrorDomain
diff --git a/apinotes/EventKit.apinotes b/apinotes/EventKit.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fbd552..0000000
--- a/apinotes/EventKit.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Name: EventKit
-- Name: EKErrorCode
-  NSErrorDomain: EKErrorDomain
diff --git a/apinotes/ExternalAccessory.apinotes b/apinotes/ExternalAccessory.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d9a868..0000000
--- a/apinotes/ExternalAccessory.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Name: ExternalAccessory
-- Name: EABluetoothAccessoryPickerErrorCode
-  NSErrorDomain: EABluetoothAccessoryPickerErrorDomain
diff --git a/apinotes/Foundation.apinotes b/apinotes/Foundation.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c475fd..0000000
--- a/apinotes/Foundation.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1767 +0,0 @@
-Name: Foundation
-- Name: NSAffineTransform
-  SwiftBridge: AffineTransform
-- Name: NSArray
-  SwiftBridge: Swift.Array
-  SwiftImportAsNonGeneric: true
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'pathsMatchingExtensions:'
-    SwiftName: pathsMatchingExtensions(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'filteredArrayUsingPredicate:'
-    SwiftName: filtered(using:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSMutableArray
-  SwiftImportAsNonGeneric: true
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'removeObjectIdenticalTo:inRange:'
-    SwiftName: removeObject(identicalTo:in:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'removeObjectIdenticalTo:'
-    SwiftName: removeObject(identicalTo:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSCachedURLResponse
-  SwiftName: CachedURLResponse
-- Name: NSCharacterSet
-  SwiftBridge: CharacterSet
-  Properties:
-  - Name: controlCharacterSet
-    SwiftName: controlCharacters
-  - Name: whitespaceCharacterSet
-    SwiftName: whitespaces
-  - Name: whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet
-    SwiftName: whitespacesAndNewlines
-  - Name: decimalDigitCharacterSet
-    SwiftName: decimalDigits
-  - Name: letterCharacterSet
-    SwiftName: letters
-  - Name: lowercaseLetterCharacterSet
-    SwiftName: lowercaseLetters
-  - Name: uppercaseLetterCharacterSet
-    SwiftName: uppercaseLetters
-  - Name: nonBaseCharacterSet
-    SwiftName: nonBaseCharacters
-  - Name: alphanumericCharacterSet
-    SwiftName: alphanumerics
-  - Name: decomposableCharacterSet
-    SwiftName: decomposables
-  - Name: illegalCharacterSet
-    SwiftName: illegalCharacters
-  - Name: capitalizedLetterCharacterSet
-    SwiftName: capitalizedLetters
-  - Name: symbolCharacterSet
-    SwiftName: symbols
-  - Name: newlineCharacterSet
-    SwiftName: newlines
-  - Name: punctuationCharacterSet
-    SwiftName: punctuationCharacters
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'hasMemberInPlane:'
-    SwiftName: hasMemberInPlane(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSCountedSet
-  SwiftImportAsNonGeneric: true
-- Name: NSData
-  SwiftBridge: Data
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'enumerateByteRangesUsingBlock:'
-    SwiftName: enumerateBytes(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'rangeOfData:options:range:'
-    SwiftName: range(of:options:in:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'initWithBase64EncodedString:options:'
-    SwiftName: init(base64Encoded:options:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'initWithBase64EncodedData:options:'
-    SwiftName: init(base64Encoded:options:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'dataWithContentsOfMappedFile:'
-    SwiftName: dataWithContentsOfMappedFile(_:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: NSDate
-  SwiftBridge: Date
-  Properties:
-  - Name: NSTimeIntervalSince1970
-    SwiftName: timeIntervalBetween1970AndReferenceDate
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'timeIntervalSinceDate:'
-    SwiftName: timeIntervalSince(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'descriptionWithLocale:'
-    SwiftName: description(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSDateComponents
-  SwiftBridge: DateComponents
-- Name: NSDateInterval
-  SwiftBridge: DateInterval
-- Name: NSEnumerator
-  SwiftImportAsNonGeneric: true
-- Name: NSError
-  SwiftBridge: Swift.Error
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'setUserInfoValueProviderForDomain:provider:'
-    SwiftName: setUserInfoValueProvider(forDomain:provider:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: NSDictionary
-  SwiftBridge: Swift.Dictionary
-  SwiftImportAsNonGeneric: true
-- Name: NSMutableDictionary
-  SwiftImportAsNonGeneric: true
-- Name: NSSet
-  SwiftBridge: Swift.Set
-  SwiftImportAsNonGeneric: true
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'filteredSetUsingPredicate:'
-    SwiftName: filtered(using:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSMutableSet
-  SwiftImportAsNonGeneric: true
-- Name: NSString
-  SwiftBridge: Swift.String
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'uppercaseStringWithLocale:'
-    SwiftName: uppercased(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'lowercaseStringWithLocale:'
-    SwiftName: lowercased(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'capitalizedStringWithLocale:'
-    SwiftName: capitalized(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'dataUsingEncoding:allowLossyConversion:'
-    SwiftName: data(using:allowLossyConversion:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'dataUsingEncoding:'
-    SwiftName: data(using:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'canBeConvertedToEncoding:'
-    SwiftName: canBeConverted(to:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'cStringUsingEncoding:'
-    SwiftName: cString(using:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'maximumLengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:'
-    SwiftName: maximumLengthOfBytes(using:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:'
-    SwiftName: lengthOfBytes(using:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'localizedNameOfStringEncoding:'
-    SwiftName: localizedName(of:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'componentsSeparatedByString:'
-    SwiftName: components(separatedBy:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:'
-    SwiftName: components(separatedBy:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'stringByPaddingToLength:withString:startingAtIndex:'
-    SwiftName: padding(toLength:withPad:startingAt:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:'
-    SwiftName: addingPercentEscapes(using:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:'
-    SwiftName: replacingPercentEscapes(using:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  Properties:
-  - Name: uppercaseString
-    SwiftName: uppercased
-  - Name: lowercaseString
-    SwiftName: lowercased
-- Name: NSDistributedNotificationCenter
-  SwiftName: DistributedNotificationCenter
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'notificationCenterForType:'
-    MethodKind: Class
-    SwiftName: 'forType(_:)'
-- Name: NSHTTPCookie
-  SwiftName: HTTPCookie
-- Name: NSHTTPCookieStorage
-  SwiftName: HTTPCookieStorage
-- Name: NSHTTPURLResponse
-  SwiftName: HTTPURLResponse
-- Name: NSKeyedArchiver
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'encodeInt:forKey:'
-    Availability: nonswift
-    AvailabilityMsg: Use 'encodeInt32(_:forKey:)' instead
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'decodeIntForKey:'
-    Availability: nonswift
-    AvailabilityMsg: Use 'decodeInt32(forKey:)' instead
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSKeyedUnarchiver
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'encodeInt:forKey:'
-    Availability: nonswift
-    AvailabilityMsg: Use 'encodeInt32(_:forKey:)' instead
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'decodeIntForKey:'
-    Availability: nonswift
-    AvailabilityMsg: Use 'decodeInt32(forKey:)' instead
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSCoder
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'decodeObjectOfClass:forKey:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Availability: nonswift
-    AvailabilityMsg: use generic 'decodeObjectOfClass(_:forKey:)'
-  - Selector: 'encodeInt:forKey:'
-    SwiftName: encodeCInt(_:forKey:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'decodeIntForKey:'
-    SwiftName: decodeCInt(forKey:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'encodeDataObject:'
-    SwiftName: encode(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'decodeDataObject'
-    SwiftName: decodeData()
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSNotification
-  SwiftBridge: Notification
-- Name: NSPersonNameComponents
-  SwiftBridge: PersonNameComponents
-- Name: NSProcessInfo
-  SwiftName: ProcessInfo
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'isOperatingSystemAtLeastVersion:'
-    SwiftName: isOperatingSystemAtLeast(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSURL
-  SwiftBridge: URL
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: fileReferenceURL
-    SwiftName: fileReferenceURL()
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'initByResolvingBookmarkData:options:relativeToURL:bookmarkDataIsStale:error:'
-    SwiftName: init(resolvingBookmarkData:options:relativeTo:bookmarkDataIsStale:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'URLByResolvingBookmarkData:options:relativeToURL:bookmarkDataIsStale:error:'
-    Availability: nonswift
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'URLByResolvingAliasFileAtURL:options:error:'
-    SwiftName: init(resolvingAliasFileAt:options:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  Properties:
-  - Name: baseURL
-    SwiftName: baseURL
-  - Name: absoluteURL
-    SwiftName: absoluteURL
-  - Name: filePathURL
-    SwiftName: filePathURL
-- Name: NSURLComponents
-  SwiftBridge: URLComponents
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'URLRelativeToURL:'
-    SwiftName: url(relativeTo:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSURLResponse
-  SwiftName: URLResponse
-- Name: NSURLSession
-  SwiftName: URLSession
-- Name: NSURLSessionConfiguration
-  SwiftName: URLSessionConfiguration
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'backgroundSessionConfigurationWithIdentifier:'
-    SwiftName: background(withIdentifier:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: NSURLSessionDataTask
-  SwiftName: URLSessionDataTask
-- Name: NSURLSessionDownloadTask
-  SwiftName: URLSessionDownloadTask
-- Name: NSURLSessionStreamTask
-  SwiftName: URLSessionStreamTask
-- Name: NSURLSessionTask
-  SwiftName: URLSessionTask
-- Name: NSURLSessionTaskMetrics
-  SwiftName: URLSessionTaskMetrics
-- Name: NSURLSessionTaskTransactionMetrics
-  SwiftName: URLSessionTaskTransactionMetrics
-- Name: NSURLSessionUploadTask
-  SwiftName: URLSessionUploadTask
-- Name: NSURLRequest
-  SwiftBridge: URLRequest
-- Name: NSURLQueryItem
-  SwiftBridge: URLQueryItem
-- Name: NSUUID
-  SwiftBridge: UUID
-- Name: NSIndexSet
-  SwiftBridge: IndexSet
-- Name: NSIndexPath
-  SwiftBridge: IndexPath
-- Name: NSExpression
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: expressionForEvaluatedObject
-    SwiftName: expressionForEvaluatedObject()
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: expressionForAnyKey
-    SwiftName: expressionForAnyKey()
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'expressionForBlock:arguments:'
-    SwiftName: init(block:arguments:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: NSMessagePort
-  SwiftName: MessagePort
-- Name: NSPort
-  SwiftName: Port
-- Name: NSPortMessage
-  SwiftName: PortMessage
-- Name: NSSocketPort
-  SwiftName: SocketPort
-- Name: NSDecimalNumber
-  SwiftBridge: Decimal
-  Properties:
-  - Name: notANumber
-    SwiftName: notANumber
-- Name: NSExtensionContext
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'completeRequestReturningItems:completionHandler:'
-    SwiftName: completeRequest(returningItems:completionHandler:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'cancelRequestWithError:'
-    SwiftName: cancelRequest(withError:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSItemProvider
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'hasItemConformingToTypeIdentifier:'
-    SwiftName: hasItemConformingToTypeIdentifier(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSMeasurement
-  SwiftBridge: Measurement
-  SwiftImportAsNonGeneric: true
-- Name: NSMutableData
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'appendBytes:length:'
-    SwiftName: append(_:length:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSNumber
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initWithChar:'
-    SwiftName: init(value:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'initWithUnsignedChar:'
-    SwiftName: init(value:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'initWithShort:'
-    SwiftName: init(value:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'initWithUnsignedShort:'
-    SwiftName: init(value:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'initWithInt:'
-    SwiftName: init(value:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'initWithUnsignedInt:'
-    SwiftName: init(value:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'initWithLong:'
-    Availability: nonswift
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'initWithUnsignedLong:'
-    Availability: nonswift
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'initWithLongLong:'
-    SwiftName: init(value:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'initWithUnsignedLongLong:'
-    SwiftName: init(value:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'initWithFloat:'
-    SwiftName: init(value:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'initWithDouble:'
-    SwiftName: init(value:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'initWithBool:'
-    SwiftName: init(value:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'initWithInteger:'
-    SwiftName: init(value:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'initWithUnsignedInteger:'
-    SwiftName: init(value:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'numberWithChar:'
-    Availability: nonswift
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'numberWithUnsignedChar:'
-    Availability: nonswift
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'numberWithShort:'
-    Availability: nonswift
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'numberWithUnsignedShort:'
-    Availability: nonswift
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'numberWithInt:'
-    Availability: nonswift
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'numberWithUnsignedInt:'
-    Availability: nonswift
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'numberWithLong:'
-    Availability: nonswift
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'numberWithUnsignedLong:'
-    Availability: nonswift
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'numberWithLongLong:'
-    Availability: nonswift
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'numberWithUnsignedLongLong:'
-    Availability: nonswift
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'numberWithFloat:'
-    Availability: nonswift
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'numberWithDouble:'
-    Availability: nonswift
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'numberWithBool:'
-    Availability: nonswift
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'numberWithInteger:'
-    Availability: nonswift
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'numberWithUnsignedInteger:'
-    Availability: nonswift
-    MethodKind: Class
-  Properties:
-  - Name: charValue
-    SwiftName: int8Value
-  - Name: unsignedCharValue
-    SwiftName: uint8Value
-  - Name: shortValue
-    SwiftName: int16Value
-  - Name: unsignedShortValue
-    SwiftName: uint16Value
-  - Name: intValue
-    SwiftName: int32Value
-  - Name: unsignedIntValue
-    SwiftName: uint32Value
-  - Name: longValue
-    Availability: nonswift
-  - Name: unsignedLongValue
-    Availability: nonswift
-    AvailabilityMsg: use 'uintValue'
-  - Name: longLongValue
-    SwiftName: int64Value
-  - Name: unsignedLongLongValue
-    SwiftName: uint64Value
-  - Name: integerValue
-    SwiftName: intValue
-  - Name: unsignedIntegerValue
-    SwiftName: uintValue
-- Name: NSOrderedSet
-  SwiftImportAsNonGeneric: true
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'enumerateObjectsWithOptions:usingBlock:'
-    SwiftName: enumerateObjects(options:using:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'filteredOrderedSetUsingPredicate:'
-    SwiftName: filtered(using:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'indexesOfObjectsAtIndexes:options:passingTest:'
-    SwiftName: indexes(ofObjectsAt:options:passingTest:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'indexesOfObjectsPassingTest:'
-    SwiftName: indexes(ofObjectsPassingTest:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'indexesOfObjectsWithOptions:passingTest:'
-    SwiftName: indexes(options:ofObjectsPassingTest:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'indexOfObjectAtIndexes:options:passingTest:'
-    SwiftName: index(ofObjectAt:options:passingTest:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'indexOfObjectPassingTest:'
-    SwiftName: index(ofObjectPassingTest:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'indexOfObjectWithOptions:passingTest:'
-    SwiftName: index(_:ofObjectPassingTest:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSMutableOrderedSet
-  SwiftImportAsNonGeneric: true
-- Name: NSTask
-  SwiftName: Process
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'launchedTaskWithLaunchPath:arguments:'
-    SwiftName: launchedProcess(launchPath:arguments:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  SwiftName: XMLDTD
-- Name: NSXMLDTDNode
-  SwiftName: XMLDTDNode
-- Name: NSXMLDocument
-  SwiftName: XMLDocument
-- Name: NSXMLElement
-  SwiftName: XMLElement
-- Name: NSXMLNode
-  SwiftName: XMLNode
-- Name: NSXMLParser
-  SwiftName: XMLParser
-- Name: NSBlockOperation
-  SwiftName: BlockOperation
-- Name: NSBundle
-  SwiftName: Bundle
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'URLForAuxiliaryExecutable:'
-    SwiftName: url(forAuxiliaryExecutable:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'pathForAuxiliaryExecutable:'
-    SwiftName: path(forAuxiliaryExecutable:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'URLForResource:withExtension:subdirectory:inBundleWithURL:'
-    SwiftName: url(forResource:withExtension:subdirectory:in:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'URLsForResourcesWithExtension:subdirectory:inBundleWithURL:'
-    SwiftName: urls(forResourcesWithExtension:subdirectory:in:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'URLForResource:withExtension:'
-    SwiftName: url(forResource:withExtension:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'URLForResource:withExtension:subdirectory:'
-    SwiftName: url(forResource:withExtension:subdirectory:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'URLsForResourcesWithExtension:subdirectory:'
-    SwiftName: urls(forResourcesWithExtension:subdirectory:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'URLsForResourcesWithExtension:subdirectory:localization:'
-    SwiftName: urls(forResourcesWithExtension:subdirectory:localization:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'pathForResource:ofType:inDirectory:'
-    SwiftName: path(forResource:ofType:inDirectory:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'pathsForResourcesOfType:inDirectory:'
-    SwiftName: paths(forResourcesOfType:inDirectory:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'pathForResource:ofType:'
-    SwiftName: path(forResource:ofType:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'pathForResource:ofType:inDirectory:'
-    SwiftName: path(forResource:ofType:inDirectory:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'pathForResource:ofType:inDirectory:forLocalization:'
-    SwiftName: path(forResource:ofType:inDirectory:forLocalization:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'pathsForResourcesOfType:inDirectory:'
-    SwiftName: paths(forResourcesOfType:inDirectory:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'pathsForResourcesOfType:inDirectory:forLocalization:'
-    SwiftName: paths(forResourcesOfType:inDirectory:forLocalization:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'objectForInfoDictionaryKey:'
-    SwiftName: object(forInfoDictionaryKey:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSByteCountFormatter
-  SwiftName: ByteCountFormatter
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'stringFromByteCount:'
-    SwiftName: string(fromByteCount:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSHost
-  SwiftName: Host
-- Name: NSLocale
-  SwiftBridge: Locale
-- Name: NSTimeZone
-  SwiftBridge: TimeZone
-- Name: NSCalendar
-  SwiftBridge: Calendar
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'dateWithEra:year:month:day:hour:minute:second:nanosecond:'
-    SwiftName: date(era:year:month:day:hour:minute:second:nanosecond:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'dateWithEra:yearForWeekOfYear:weekOfYear:weekday:hour:minute:second:nanosecond:'
-    SwiftName: date(era:yearForWeekOfYear:weekOfYear:weekday:hour:minute:second:nanosecond:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'enumerateDatesStartingAfterDate:matchingComponents:options:usingBlock:'
-    SwiftName: enumerateDates(startingAfter:matching:options:using:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'isDateInToday:'
-    SwiftName: isDateInToday(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'isDateInYesterday:'
-    SwiftName: isDateInYesterday(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'isDateInTomorrow:'
-    SwiftName: isDateInTomorrow(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'isDateInWeekend:'
-    SwiftName: isDateInWeekend(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSDateComponentsFormatter
-  SwiftName: DateComponentsFormatter
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'stringFromTimeInterval:'
-    SwiftName: string(from:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSDateFormatter
-  SwiftName: DateFormatter
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'localizedStringFromDate:dateStyle:timeStyle:'
-    SwiftName: localizedString(from:dateStyle:timeStyle:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: NSDateIntervalFormatter
-  SwiftName: DateIntervalFormatter
-- Name: NSEnergyFormatter
-  SwiftName: EnergyFormatter
-- Name: NSObject
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'attemptRecoveryFromError:optionIndex:delegate:didRecoverSelector:contextInfo:'
-    SwiftName: attemptRecovery(fromError:optionIndex:delegate:didRecoverSelector:contextInfo:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'attemptRecoveryFromError:optionIndex:delegate:didRecoverSelector:contextInfo:'
-    SwiftName: attemptRecovery(fromError:optionIndex:delegate:didRecoverSelector:contextInfo:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:'
-    SwiftName: setValuesForKeys(_:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:'
-    SwiftName: setValuesForKeys(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSFileCoordinator
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'coordinateAccessWithIntents:queue:byAccessor:'
-    SwiftName: coordinate(with:queue:byAccessor:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'coordinateReadingItemAtURL:options:error:byAccessor:'
-    SwiftName: coordinate(readingItemAt:options:error:byAccessor:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'coordinateWritingItemAtURL:options:error:byAccessor:'
-    SwiftName: coordinate(writingItemAt:options:error:byAccessor:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'coordinateReadingItemAtURL:options:writingItemAtURL:options:error:byAccessor:'
-    SwiftName: coordinate(readingItemAt:options:writingItemAt:options:error:byAccessor:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'coordinateWritingItemAtURL:options:writingItemAtURL:options:error:byAccessor:'
-    SwiftName: coordinate(writingItemAt:options:writingItemAt:options:error:byAccessor:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'prepareForReadingItemsAtURLs:options:writingItemsAtURLs:options:error:byAccessor:'
-    SwiftName: prepare(forReadingItemsAt:options:writingItemsAt:options:error:byAccessor:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSFileHandle
-  SwiftName: FileHandle
-  Properties:
-  - Name: fileHandleWithStandardInput
-    SwiftName: standardInput
-  - Name: fileHandleWithStandardOutput
-    SwiftName: standardOutput
-  - Name: fileHandleWithStandardError
-    SwiftName: standardError
-  - Name: fileHandleWithNullDevice
-    SwiftName: nullDevice
-- Name: NSFileManager
-  SwiftName: FileManager
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'mountedVolumeURLsIncludingResourceValuesForKeys:options:'
-    SwiftName: mountedVolumeURLs(includingResourceValuesForKeys:options:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'URLsForDirectory:inDomains:'
-    SwiftName: urls(for:in:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'URLForDirectory:inDomain:appropriateForURL:create:error:'
-    SwiftName: url(for:in:appropriateFor:create:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier:'
-    SwiftName: url(forUbiquityContainerIdentifier:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'containerURLForSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier:'
-    SwiftName: containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'URLForPublishingUbiquitousItemAtURL:expirationDate:error:'
-    SwiftName: url(forPublishingUbiquitousItemAt:expiration:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'enumeratorAtURL:includingPropertiesForKeys:options:errorHandler:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: NSFileVersion
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'versionOfItemAtURL:forPersistentIdentifier:'
-    SwiftName: version(itemAt:forPersistentIdentifier:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: NSFileWrapper
-  SwiftName: FileWrapper
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'keyForFileWrapper:'
-    SwiftName: keyForChildFileWrapper(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSFormatter
-  SwiftName: Formatter
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'isPartialStringValid:newEditingString:errorDescription:'
-    SwiftName: isPartialStringValid(_:newEditingString:errorDescription:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSInputStream
-  SwiftName: InputStream
-- Name: NSISO8601DateFormatter
-  SwiftName: ISO8601DateFormatter
-- Name: NSJSONSerialization
-  SwiftName: JSONSerialization
-- Name: NSLengthFormatter
-  SwiftName: LengthFormatter
-- Name: NSMassFormatter
-  SwiftName: MassFormatter
-- Name: NSMeasurementFormatter
-  SwiftName: MeasurementFormatter
-- Name: NSConditionLock
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'tryLockWhenCondition:'
-    SwiftName: tryLock(whenCondition:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSNetService
-  SwiftName: NetService
-- Name: NSNetServiceBrowser
-  SwiftName: NetServiceBrowser
-- Name: NSNotificationCenter
-  SwiftName: NotificationCenter
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'postNotificationName:object:'
-    SwiftName: post(name:object:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'postNotificationName:object:userInfo:'
-    SwiftName: post(name:object:userInfo:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSNotificationQueue
-  SwiftName: NotificationQueue
-- Name: NSNumberFormatter
-  SwiftName: NumberFormatter
-- Name: NSOperation
-  SwiftName: Operation
-- Name: NSOperationQueue
-  SwiftName: OperationQueue
-- Name: NSOutputStream
-  SwiftName: OutputStream
-- Name: NSPersonNameComponentsFormatter
-  SwiftName: PersonNameComponentsFormatter
-- Name: NSPipe
-  SwiftName: Pipe
-- Name: NSProgress
-  SwiftName: Progress
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'discreteProgressWithTotalUnitCount:'
-    SwiftName: discreteProgress(totalUnitCount:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: NSPropertyListSerialization
-  SwiftName: PropertyListSerialization
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'dataWithPropertyList:format:options:error:'
-    SwiftName: data(fromPropertyList:format:options:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'propertyListWithData:options:format:error:'
-    SwiftName: propertyList(from:options:format:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'dataFromPropertyList:format:errorDescription:'
-    SwiftName: dataFromPropertyList(_:format:errorDescription:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'propertyListFromData:mutabilityOption:format:errorDescription:'
-    SwiftName: propertyListFromData(_:mutabilityOption:format:errorDescription:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: NSRunLoop
-  SwiftName: RunLoop
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'runMode:beforeDate:'
-    SwiftName: run(mode:before:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSScanner
-  SwiftName: Scanner
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'scanInt:'
-    SwiftName: scanInt32(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'scanInteger:'
-    SwiftName: scanInt(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'scanLongLong:'
-    SwiftName: scanInt64(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'scanHexInt:'
-    SwiftName: scanHexInt32(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'scanHexLongLong:'
-    SwiftName: scanHexInt64(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'scanUpToString:intoString:'
-    SwiftName: scanUpTo(_:into:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSStream
-  SwiftName: Stream
-- Name: NSTextCheckingResult
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'rangeAtIndex:'
-    SwiftName: rangeAt(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'resultByAdjustingRangesWithOffset:'
-    SwiftName: resultByAdjustingRangesWithOffset(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'orthographyCheckingResultWithRange:orthography:'
-    SwiftName: orthographyCheckingResult(range:orthography:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'spellCheckingResultWithRange:'
-    SwiftName: spellCheckingResult(range:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'grammarCheckingResultWithRange:details:'
-    SwiftName: grammarCheckingResult(range:details:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'dateCheckingResultWithRange:date:'
-    SwiftName: dateCheckingResult(range:date:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'dateCheckingResultWithRange:date:timeZone:duration:'
-    SwiftName: dateCheckingResult(range:date:timeZone:duration:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'addressCheckingResultWithRange:components:'
-    SwiftName: addressCheckingResult(range:components:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'linkCheckingResultWithRange:URL:'
-    SwiftName: linkCheckingResult(range:url:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'quoteCheckingResultWithRange:replacementString:'
-    SwiftName: quoteCheckingResult(range:replacementString:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'dashCheckingResultWithRange:replacementString:'
-    SwiftName: dashCheckingResult(range:replacementString:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'replacementCheckingResultWithRange:replacementString:'
-    SwiftName: replacementCheckingResult(range:replacementString:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'correctionCheckingResultWithRange:replacementString:'
-    SwiftName: correctionCheckingResult(range:replacementString:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'correctionCheckingResultWithRange:replacementString:alternativeStrings:'
-    SwiftName: correctionCheckingResult(range:replacementString:alternativeStrings:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'regularExpressionCheckingResultWithRanges:count:regularExpression:'
-    SwiftName: regularExpressionCheckingResult(ranges:count:regularExpression:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'phoneNumberCheckingResultWithRange:phoneNumber:'
-    SwiftName: phoneNumberCheckingResult(range:phoneNumber:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'transitInformationCheckingResultWithRange:components:'
-    SwiftName: transitInformationCheckingResult(range:components:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: NSThread
-  SwiftName: Thread
-- Name: NSTimer
-  SwiftName: Timer
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:invocation:repeats:'
-    SwiftName: scheduledTimer(timeInterval:invocation:repeats:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:target:selector:userInfo:repeats:'
-    SwiftName: scheduledTimer(timeInterval:target:selector:userInfo:repeats:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'initWithFireDate:interval:target:selector:userInfo:repeats:'
-    SwiftName: init(fireAt:interval:target:selector:userInfo:repeats:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSURLAuthenticationChallenge
-  SwiftName: URLAuthenticationChallenge
-- Name: NSURLCache
-  SwiftName: URLCache
-- Name: NSURLCredential
-  SwiftName: URLCredential
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'credentialForTrust:'
-    SwiftName: init(trust:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: NSURLCredentialStorage
-  SwiftName: URLCredentialStorage
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'setCredential:forProtectionSpace:'
-    SwiftName: set(_:for:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'getCredentialsForProtectionSpace:task:completionHandler:'
-    SwiftName: getCredentials(for:task:completionHandler:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'setCredential:forProtectionSpace:task:'
-    SwiftName: set(_:for:task:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSURLProtectionSpace
-  SwiftName: URLProtectionSpace
-- Name: NSURLProtocol
-  SwiftName: URLProtocol
-- Name: NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'setObject:forKey:'
-    SwiftName: set(_:forKey:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'setString:forKey:'
-    SwiftName: set(_:forKey:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'setData:forKey:'
-    SwiftName: set(_:forKey:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'setArray:forKey:'
-    SwiftName: set(_:forKey:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'setDictionary:forKey:'
-    SwiftName: set(_:forKey:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'setLongLong:forKey:'
-    SwiftName: set(_:forKey:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'setDouble:forKey:'
-    SwiftName: set(_:forKey:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'setBool:forKey:'
-    SwiftName: set(_:forKey:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSUndoManager
-  SwiftName: UndoManager
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'registerUndoWithTarget:handler:'
-    SwiftName: __registerUndoWithTarget(_:handler:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSUserDefaults
-  SwiftName: UserDefaults
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'registerDefaults:'
-    SwiftName: register(defaults:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'setObject:forKey:'
-    SwiftName: set(_:forKey:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'setInteger:forKey:'
-    SwiftName: set(_:forKey:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'setFloat:forKey:'
-    SwiftName: set(_:forKey:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'setDouble:forKey:'
-    SwiftName: set(_:forKey:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'setBool:forKey:'
-    SwiftName: set(_:forKey:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'setURL:forKey:'
-    SwiftName: set(_:forKey:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'addSuiteNamed:'
-    SwiftName: addSuite(named:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'removeSuiteNamed:'
-    SwiftName: removeSuite(named:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSValueTransformer
-  SwiftName: ValueTransformer
-- Name: NSDirectoryEnumerator
-  SwiftName: FileManager.DirectoryEnumerator
-  SwiftImportAsNonGeneric: true
-- Name: NSDimension
-  SwiftName: Dimension
-- Name: NSUnit
-  SwiftName: Unit
-- Name: NSUnitAcceleration
-  SwiftName: UnitAcceleration
-- Name: NSUnitAngle
-  SwiftName: UnitAngle
-- Name: NSUnitArea
-  SwiftName: UnitArea
-- Name: NSUnitConcentrationMass
-  SwiftName: UnitConcentrationMass
-- Name: NSUnitConverter
-  SwiftName: UnitConverter
-- Name: NSUnitConverterLinear
-  SwiftName: UnitConverterLinear
-- Name: NSUnitDispersion
-  SwiftName: UnitDispersion
-- Name: NSUnitDuration
-  SwiftName: UnitDuration
-- Name: NSUnitElectricCharge
-  SwiftName: UnitElectricCharge
-- Name: NSUnitElectricCurrent
-  SwiftName: UnitElectricCurrent
-- Name: NSUnitElectricPotentialDifference
-  SwiftName: UnitElectricPotentialDifference
-- Name: NSUnitElectricResistance
-  SwiftName: UnitElectricResistance
-- Name: NSUnitEnergy
-  SwiftName: UnitEnergy
-- Name: NSUnitFrequency
-  SwiftName: UnitFrequency
-- Name: NSUnitFuelEfficiency
-  SwiftName: UnitFuelEfficiency
-- Name: NSUnitIlluminance
-  SwiftName: UnitIlluminance
-- Name: NSUnitLength
-  SwiftName: UnitLength
-- Name: NSUnitMass
-  SwiftName: UnitMass
-- Name: NSUnitPower
-  SwiftName: UnitPower
-- Name: NSUnitPressure
-  SwiftName: UnitPressure
-- Name: NSUnitSpeed
-  SwiftName: UnitSpeed
-- Name: NSUnitVolume
-  SwiftName: UnitVolume
-- Name: NSUnitTemperature
-  SwiftName: UnitTemperature
-- Name: NSNetServiceBrowserDelegate
-  SwiftName: NetServiceBrowserDelegate
-- Name: NSNetServiceDelegate
-  SwiftName: NetServiceDelegate
-- Name: NSPortDelegate
-  SwiftName: PortDelegate
-- Name: NSProgressReporting
-  SwiftName: ProgressReporting
-- Name: NSStreamDelegate
-  SwiftName: StreamDelegate
-- Name: NSURLAuthenticationChallengeSender
-  SwiftName: URLAuthenticationChallengeSender
-- Name: NSXMLParserDelegate
-  SwiftName: XMLParserDelegate
-- Name: NSFilePresenter
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'presentedItemDidGainVersion:'
-    SwiftName: presentedItemDidGain(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'presentedItemDidResolveConflictVersion:'
-    SwiftName: presentedItemDidResolveConflict(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'presentedSubitemAtURL:didGainVersion:'
-    SwiftName: presentedSubitem(at:didGain:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'presentedSubitemAtURL:didResolveConflictVersion:'
-    SwiftName: presentedSubitem(at:didResolve:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSFileManagerDelegate
-  SwiftName: FileManagerDelegate
-- Name: NSDiscardableContent
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: beginContentAccess
-    SwiftName: beginContentAccess()
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: endContentAccess
-    SwiftName: endContentAccess()
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSURLProtocolClient
-  SwiftName: URLProtocolClient
-- Name: NSURLSessionDataDelegate
-  SwiftName: URLSessionDataDelegate
-- Name: NSURLSessionDelegate
-  SwiftName: URLSessionDelegate
-- Name: NSURLSessionDownloadDelegate
-  SwiftName: URLSessionDownloadDelegate
-- Name: NSURLSessionStreamDelegate
-  SwiftName: URLSessionStreamDelegate
-- Name: NSURLSessionTaskDelegate
-  SwiftName: URLSessionTaskDelegate
-- Name: NSActivityOptions
-  SwiftName: ProcessInfo.ActivityOptions
-- Name: NSAlignmentOptions
-  SwiftName: AlignmentOptions
-- Name: NSBackgroundActivityResult
-  SwiftName: NSBackgroundActivityScheduler.Result
-- Name: NSComparisonResult
-  SwiftName: ComparisonResult
-- Name: NSEdgeInsets
-  SwiftName: EdgeInsets
-- Name: NSExpressionType
-  SwiftName: NSExpression.ExpressionType
-- Name: NSInsertionPosition
-  SwiftName: NSPositionalSpecifier.InsertionPosition
-- Name: NSRelativePosition
-  SwiftName: NSRelativeSpecifier.RelativePosition
-- Name: NSTestComparisonOperation
-  SwiftName: NSSpecifierTest.TestComparisonOperation
-- Name: NSXPCConnectionOptions
-  SwiftName: NSXPCConnection.Options
-- Name: NSWhoseSubelementIdentifier
-  SwiftName: NSWhoseSpecifier.SubelementIdentifier
-- Name: NSAppleEventSendOptions
-  SwiftName: NSAppleEventDescriptor.SendOptions
-- Name: NSByteCountFormatterUnits
-  SwiftName: ByteCountFormatter.Units
-- Name: NSByteCountFormatterCountStyle
-  SwiftName: ByteCountFormatter.CountStyle
-- Name: NSCalendarUnit
-  SwiftName: NSCalendar.Unit
-- Name: NSCalendarOptions
-  SwiftName: NSCalendar.Options
-- Name: NSDecodingFailurePolicy
-  SwiftName: NSCoder.DecodingFailurePolicy
-- Name: NSComparisonPredicateOptions
-  SwiftName: NSComparisonPredicate.Options
-- Name: NSComparisonPredicateModifier
-  SwiftName: NSComparisonPredicate.Modifier
-- Name: NSPredicateOperatorType
-  SwiftName: NSComparisonPredicate.Operator
-- Name: NSCompoundPredicateType
-  SwiftName: NSCompoundPredicate.LogicalType
-- Name: NSDateFormatterStyle
-  SwiftName: DateFormatter.Style
-- Name: NSDateFormatterBehavior
-  SwiftName: DateFormatter.Behavior
-- Name: NSDateIntervalFormatterStyle
-  SwiftName: DateIntervalFormatter.Style
-- Name: NSNotificationSuspensionBehavior
-  SwiftName: DistributedNotificationCenter.SuspensionBehavior
-- Name: NSDistributedNotificationOptions
-  SwiftName: DistributedNotificationCenter.Options
-- Name: NSEnergyFormatterUnit
-  SwiftName: EnergyFormatter.Unit
-- Name: NSFileCoordinatorReadingOptions
-  SwiftName: NSFileCoordinator.ReadingOptions
-- Name: NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions
-  SwiftName: NSFileCoordinator.WritingOptions
-- Name: NSVolumeEnumerationOptions
-  SwiftName: FileManager.VolumeEnumerationOptions
-- Name: NSDirectoryEnumerationOptions
-  SwiftName: FileManager.DirectoryEnumerationOptions
-- Name: NSFileManagerItemReplacementOptions
-  SwiftName: FileManager.ItemReplacementOptions
-- Name: NSURLRelationship
-  SwiftName: FileManager.URLRelationship
-- Name: NSFileManagerUnmountOptions
-  SwiftName: FileManager.UnmountOptions
-- Name: NSFileVersionAddingOptions
-  SwiftName: NSFileVersion.AddingOptions
-- Name: NSFileVersionReplacingOptions
-  SwiftName: NSFileVersion.ReplacingOptions
-- Name: NSFileWrapperReadingOptions
-  SwiftName: FileWrapper.ReadingOptions
-- Name: NSFileWrapperWritingOptions
-  SwiftName: FileWrapper.WritingOptions
-- Name: NSFormattingContext
-  SwiftName: Formatter.Context
-- Name: NSFormattingUnitStyle
-  SwiftName: Formatter.UnitStyle
-- Name: NSHTTPCookieAcceptPolicy
-  SwiftName: HTTPCookie.AcceptPolicy
-- Name: NSISO8601DateFormatOptions
-  SwiftName: ISO8601DateFormatter.Options
-- Name: NSItemProviderErrorCode
-  SwiftName: NSItemProvider.ErrorCode
-- Name: NSJSONReadingOptions
-  SwiftName: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions
-- Name: NSJSONWritingOptions
-  SwiftName: JSONSerialization.WritingOptions
-- Name: NSLengthFormatterUnit
-  SwiftName: LengthFormatter.Unit
-- Name: NSLinguisticTaggerOptions
-  SwiftName: NSLinguisticTagger.Options
-- Name: NSMassFormatterUnit
-  SwiftName: MassFormatter.Unit
-- Name: NSMeasurementFormatterUnitOptions
-  SwiftName: MeasurementFormatter.UnitOptions
-- Name: NSNetServicesError
-  SwiftName: NSNetService.ErrorCode
-- Name: NSPostingStyle
-  SwiftName: NotificationQueue.PostingStyle
-- Name: NSNotificationCoalescing
-  SwiftName: NotificationQueue.NotificationCoalescing
-- Name: NSNumberFormatterBehavior
-  SwiftName: NumberFormatter.Behavior
-- Name: NSNumberFormatterStyle
-  SwiftName: NumberFormatter.Style
-- Name: NSNumberFormatterPadPosition
-  SwiftName: NumberFormatter.PadPosition
-- Name: NSNumberFormatterRoundingMode
-  SwiftName: NumberFormatter.RoundingMode
-- Name: NSOperationQueuePriority
-  SwiftName: Operation.QueuePriority
-- Name: NSPersonNameComponentsFormatterStyle
-  SwiftName: PersonNameComponentsFormatter.Style
-- Name: NSPersonNameComponentsFormatterOptions
-  SwiftName: PersonNameComponentsFormatter.Options
-- Name: NSMachPortOptions
-  SwiftName: NSMachPort.Options
-- Name: NSProcessInfoThermalState
-  SwiftName: ProcessInfo.ThermalState
-- Name: NSPropertyListMutabilityOptions
-  SwiftName: PropertyListSerialization.MutabilityOptions
-- Name: NSPropertyListFormat
-  SwiftName: PropertyListSerialization.PropertyListFormat
-- Name: NSQualityOfService
-  SwiftName: QualityOfService
-- Name: NSRegularExpressionOptions
-  SwiftName: NSRegularExpression.Options
-- Name: NSMatchingOptions
-  SwiftName: NSRegularExpression.MatchingOptions
-- Name: NSMatchingFlags
-  SwiftName: NSRegularExpression.MatchingFlags
-- Name: NSStreamStatus
-  SwiftName: Stream.Status
-- Name: NSStreamEvent
-  SwiftName: Stream.Event
-- Name: NSTaskTerminationReason
-  SwiftName: Process.TerminationReason
-- Name: NSTextCheckingType
-  SwiftName: NSTextCheckingResult.CheckingType
-- Name: NSTextCheckingTypes
-  Availability: nonswift
-  AvailabilityMsg: Use 'NSTextCheckingResult.CheckingType'
-- Name: NSTimeZoneNameStyle
-  SwiftName: NSTimeZone.NameStyle
-- Name: NSURLCacheStoragePolicy
-  SwiftName: URLCache.StoragePolicy
-- Name: NSURLCredentialPersistence
-  SwiftName: URLCredential.Persistence
-- Name: NSURLRequestCachePolicy
-  SwiftName: NSURLRequest.CachePolicy
-- Name: NSURLRequestNetworkServiceType
-  SwiftName: NSURLRequest.NetworkServiceType
-- Name: NSURLSessionTaskState
-  SwiftName: URLSessionTask.State
-- Name: NSURLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition
-  SwiftName: URLSession.AuthChallengeDisposition
-- Name: NSURLSessionResponseDisposition
-  SwiftName: URLSession.ResponseDisposition
-- Name: NSURLSessionTaskMetricsResourceFetchType
-  SwiftName: URLSessionTaskMetrics.ResourceFetchType
-- Name: NSUserNotificationActivationType
-  SwiftName: NSUserNotification.ActivationType
-- Name: NSXMLDocumentContentKind
-  SwiftName: XMLDocument.ContentKind
-- Name: NSXMLDTDNodeKind
-  SwiftName: XMLDTDNode.DTDKind
-- Name: NSXMLNodeKind
-  SwiftName: XMLNode.Kind
-- Name: NSXMLNodeOptions
-  SwiftName: XMLNode.Options
-- Name: NSXMLParserError
-  SwiftName: XMLParser.ErrorCode
-- Name: NSXMLParserExternalEntityResolvingPolicy
-  SwiftName: XMLParser.ExternalEntityResolvingPolicy
-- Name: NSDataReadingOptions
-  SwiftName: NSData.ReadingOptions
-- Name: NSDataWritingOptions
-  SwiftName: NSData.WritingOptions
-- Name: NSDataSearchOptions
-  SwiftName: NSData.SearchOptions
-- Name: NSDataBase64EncodingOptions
-  SwiftName: NSData.Base64EncodingOptions
-- Name: NSDataBase64DecodingOptions
-  SwiftName: NSData.Base64DecodingOptions
-- Name: NSRoundingMode
-  SwiftName: NSDecimalNumber.RoundingMode
-- Name: NSCalculationError
-  SwiftName: NSDecimalNumber.CalculationError
-- Name: NSAttributedStringEnumerationOptions
-  SwiftName: NSAttributedString.EnumerationOptions
-- Name: NSDateComponentsFormatterUnitsStyle
-  SwiftName: DateComponentsFormatter.UnitsStyle
-- Name: NSDateComponentsFormatterZeroFormattingBehavior
-  SwiftName: DateComponentsFormatter.ZeroFormattingBehavior
-- Name: NSLocaleLanguageDirection
-  SwiftName: NSLocale.LanguageDirection
-- Name: NSNetServiceOptions
-  SwiftName: NSNetService.Options
-- Name: NSPointerFunctionsOptions
-  SwiftName: NSPointerFunctions.Options
-- Name: NSSearchPathDirectory
-  SwiftName: FileManager.SearchPathDirectory
-- Name: NSSearchPathDomainMask
-  SwiftName: FileManager.SearchPathDomainMask
-- Name: NSStringCompareOptions
-  SwiftName: NSString.CompareOptions
-- Name: NSStringEncodingConversionOptions
-  SwiftName: NSString.EncodingConversionOptions
-- Name: NSStringEnumerationOptions
-  SwiftName: NSString.EnumerationOptions
-- Name: NSURLBookmarkCreationOptions
-  SwiftName: NSURL.BookmarkCreationOptions
-- Name: NSURLBookmarkResolutionOptions
-  SwiftName: NSURL.BookmarkResolutionOptions
-- Name: NSURLHandleStatus
-  SwiftName: NSURLHandle.Status
-- Name: NSComparator
-  SwiftName: Comparator
-- Name: NSDecimal
-  SwiftName: Decimal
-- Name: NSTimeInterval
-  SwiftName: TimeInterval
-- Name: NSAppleEventManagerSuspensionID
-  SwiftName: NSAppleEventManager.SuspensionID
-- Name: NSBackgroundActivityCompletionHandler
-  SwiftName: NSBackgroundActivityScheduler.CompletionHandler
-- Name: NSCalendarIdentifier
-  SwiftName: NSCalendar.Identifier
-- Name: NSFileAttributeKey
-  SwiftName: FileAttributeKey
-- Name: NSFileAttributeType
-  SwiftName: FileAttributeType
-- Name: NSFileProtectionType
-  SwiftName: FileProtectionType
-- Name: NSHTTPCookiePropertyKey
-  SwiftName: HTTPCookiePropertyKey
-- Name: NSItemProviderCompletionHandler
-  SwiftName: NSItemProvider.CompletionHandler
-- Name: NSItemProviderLoadHandler
-  SwiftName: NSItemProvider.LoadHandler
-- Name: NSLocaleKey
-  SwiftName: NSLocale.Key
-- Name: NSNotificationName
-  SwiftName: NSNotification.Name
-- Name: NSOperatingSystemVersion
-  SwiftName: OperatingSystemVersion
-- Name: NSProgressFileOperationKind
-  SwiftName: Progress.FileOperationKind
-- Name: NSProgressUnpublishingHandler
-  SwiftName: Progress.UnpublishingHandler
-- Name: NSProgressPublishingHandler
-  SwiftName: Progress.PublishingHandler
-- Name: NSProgressKey
-  SwiftName: Progress.Key
-- Name: NSProgressKind
-  SwiftName: ProgressKind
-- Name: NSProgressUserInfoKey
-  SwiftName: ProgressUserInfoKey
-- Name: NSPropertyListReadOptions
-  SwiftName: PropertyListSerialization.ReadOptions
-- Name: NSPropertyListWriteOptions
-  SwiftName: PropertyListSerialization.WriteOptions
-- Name: NSSocketNativeHandle
-  SwiftName: SocketNativeHandle
-- Name: NSStreamPropertyKey
-  SwiftName: Stream.PropertyKey
-- Name: NSStreamNetworkServiceTypeValue
-  SwiftName: StreamNetworkServiceTypeValue
-- Name: NSStreamSOCKSProxyConfiguration
-  SwiftName: StreamSOCKSProxyConfiguration
-- Name: NSStreamSOCKSProxyVersion
-  SwiftName: StreamSOCKSProxyVersion
-- Name: NSStreamSocketSecurityLevel
-  SwiftName: StreamSocketSecurityLevel
-- Name: NSStringEncodingDetectionOptionsKey
-  SwiftName: StringEncodingDetectionOptionsKey
-- Name: NSStringTransform
-  SwiftName: StringTransform
-- Name: NSUserScriptTaskCompletionHandler
-  SwiftName: NSUserScriptTask.CompletionHandler
-- Name: NSUserUnixTaskCompletionHandler
-  SwiftName: NSUserUnixTask.CompletionHandler
-- Name: NSUserAppleScriptTaskCompletionHandler
-  SwiftName: NSUserAppleScriptTask.CompletionHandler
-- Name: NSUserAutomatorTaskCompletionHandler
-  SwiftName: NSUserAutomatorTask.CompletionHandler
-- Name: NSDistributedNotificationCenterType
-  SwiftName: DistributedNotificationCenter.CenterType
-- Name: NSURLFileProtectionType
-  SwiftName: URLFileProtection
-- Name: NSURLFileResourceType
-  SwiftName: URLFileResourceType
-- Name: NSURLResourceKey
-  SwiftName: URLResourceKey
-- Name: NSURLThumbnailDictionaryItem
-  SwiftName: URLThumbnailDictionaryItem
-- Name: NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingStatus
-  SwiftName: URLUbiquitousItemDownloadingStatus
-- Name: NSURLBookmarkFileCreationOptions
-  SwiftName: NSURL.BookmarkFileCreationOptions
-- Name: NSRunLoopMode
-  SwiftName: RunLoopMode
-- Name: NSAppleScriptErrorMessage
-  SwiftName: NSAppleScript.errorMessage
-- Name: NSAppleScriptErrorNumber
-  SwiftName: NSAppleScript.errorNumber
-- Name: NSAppleScriptErrorAppName
-  SwiftName: NSAppleScript.errorAppName
-- Name: NSAppleScriptErrorBriefMessage
-  SwiftName: NSAppleScript.errorBriefMessage
-- Name: NSAppleScriptErrorRange
-  SwiftName: NSAppleScript.errorRange
-- Name: NSBundleDidLoadNotification
-  SwiftName: Bundle.didLoadNotification
-- Name: NSFileHandleReadCompletionNotification
-  SwiftName: FileHandle.readCompletionNotification
-- Name: NSItemProviderErrorDomain
-  SwiftName: NSItemProvider.errorDomain
-- Name: NSCurrentLocaleDidChangeNotification
-  SwiftName: NSLocale.currentLocaleDidChangeNotification
-- Name: NSNetServicesErrorDomain
-  SwiftName: NSNetService.errorDomain
-- Name: NSNetServicesErrorCode
-  SwiftName: NSNetService.errorCode
-- Name: NSOperationQueueDefaultMaxConcurrentOperationCount
-  SwiftName: OperationQueue.defaultMaxConcurrentOperationCount
-- Name: NSPortDidBecomeInvalidNotification
-  SwiftName: Port.didBecomeInvalidNotification
-- Name: NSProcessInfoThermalStateDidChangeNotification
-  SwiftName: ProcessInfo.thermalStateDidChangeNotification
-- Name: NSTaskDidTerminateNotification
-  SwiftName: Process.didTerminateNotification
-- Name: NSTextCheckingAllSystemTypes
-  SwiftName: NSTextCheckingResult.CheckingType.allSystemTypes
-- Name: NSTextCheckingAllCustomTypes
-  SwiftName: NSTextCheckingResult.CheckingType.allCustomTypes
-- Name: NSTextCheckingAllTypes
-  SwiftName: NSTextCheckingResult.CheckingType.allTypes
-- Name: NSUbiquitousKeyValueStoreDidChangeExternallyNotification
-  SwiftName: NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore.didChangeExternallyNotification
-- Name: NSURLSessionTaskPriorityDefault
-  SwiftName: URLSessionTask.defaultPriority
-- Name: NSURLSessionTaskPriorityLow
-  SwiftName: URLSessionTask.lowPriority
-- Name: NSURLSessionTaskPriorityHigh
-  SwiftName: URLSessionTask.highPriority
-- Name: NSGlobalDomain
-  SwiftName: UserDefaults.globalDomain
-- Name: NSArgumentDomain
-  SwiftName: UserDefaults.argumentDomain
-- Name: NSRegistrationDomain
-  SwiftName: UserDefaults.registrationDomain
-- Name: NSUserDefaultsSizeLimitExceededNotification
-  SwiftName: UserDefaults.sizeLimitExceededNotification
-- Name: NSUbiquitousUserDefaultsNoCloudAccountNotification
-  SwiftName: UserDefaults.noCloudAccountNotification
-- Name: NSUbiquitousUserDefaultsDidChangeAccountsNotification
-  SwiftName: UserDefaults.didChangeCloudAccountsNotification
-- Name: NSUbiquitousUserDefaultsCompletedInitialSyncNotification
-  SwiftName: UserDefaults.completedInitialCloudSyncNotification
-- Name: NSUserDefaultsDidChangeNotification
-  SwiftName: UserDefaults.didChangeNotification
-- Name: NSXMLParserErrorDomain
-  SwiftName: XMLParser.errorDomain
-- Name: NSConstantValueExpressionType
-  SwiftName: constantValue
-- Name: NSEvaluatedObjectExpressionType
-  SwiftName: evaluatedObject
-- Name: NSVariableExpressionType
-  SwiftName: variable
-- Name: NSKeyPathExpressionType
-  SwiftName: keyPath
-- Name: NSFunctionExpressionType
-  SwiftName: function
-- Name: NSUnionSetExpressionType
-  SwiftName: unionSet
-- Name: NSIntersectSetExpressionType
-  SwiftName: intersectSet
-- Name: NSMinusSetExpressionType
-  SwiftName: minusSet
-- Name: NSSubqueryExpressionType
-  SwiftName: subquery
-- Name: NSAggregateExpressionType
-  SwiftName: aggregate
-- Name: NSAnyKeyExpressionType
-  SwiftName: anyKey
-- Name: NSBlockExpressionType
-  SwiftName: block
-- Name: NSConditionalExpressionType
-  SwiftName: conditional
-- Name: NSCaseInsensitivePredicateOption
-  SwiftName: caseInsensitive
-- Name: NSDiacriticInsensitivePredicateOption
-  SwiftName: diacriticInsensitive
-- Name: NSNormalizedPredicateOption
-  SwiftName: normalized
-- Name: NSDirectPredicateModifier
-  SwiftName: direct
-- Name: NSAllPredicateModifier
-  SwiftName: all
-- Name: NSAnyPredicateModifier
-  SwiftName: any
-- Name: NSLessThanPredicateOperatorType
-  SwiftName: lessThan
-- Name: NSLessThanOrEqualToPredicateOperatorType
-  SwiftName: lessThanOrEqualTo
-- Name: NSGreaterThanPredicateOperatorType
-  SwiftName: greaterThan
-- Name: NSGreaterThanOrEqualToPredicateOperatorType
-  SwiftName: greaterThanOrEqualTo
-- Name: NSEqualToPredicateOperatorType
-  SwiftName: equalTo
-- Name: NSNotEqualToPredicateOperatorType
-  SwiftName: notEqualTo
-- Name: NSMatchesPredicateOperatorType
-  SwiftName: matches
-- Name: NSLikePredicateOperatorType
-  SwiftName: like
-- Name: NSBeginsWithPredicateOperatorType
-  SwiftName: beginsWith
-- Name: NSEndsWithPredicateOperatorType
-  SwiftName: endsWith
-- Name: NSInPredicateOperatorType
-  SwiftName: in
-- Name: NSCustomSelectorPredicateOperatorType
-  SwiftName: customSelector
-- Name: NSContainsPredicateOperatorType
-  SwiftName: contains
-- Name: NSBetweenPredicateOperatorType
-  SwiftName: between
-- Name: NSNotPredicateType
-  SwiftName: not
-- Name: NSAndPredicateType
-  SwiftName: and
-- Name: NSOrPredicateType
-  SwiftName: or
-- Name: NSDateIntervalFormatterNoStyle
-  SwiftName: none
-- Name: NSDateIntervalFormatterShortStyle
-  SwiftName: short
-- Name: NSDateIntervalFormatterMediumStyle
-  SwiftName: medium
-- Name: NSDateIntervalFormatterLongStyle
-  SwiftName: long
-- Name: NSDateIntervalFormatterFullStyle
-  SwiftName: full
-- Name: NSNumberFormatterNoStyle
-  SwiftName: none
-- Name: NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle
-  SwiftName: decimal
-- Name: NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle
-  SwiftName: currency
-- Name: NSNumberFormatterPercentStyle
-  SwiftName: percent
-- Name: NSNumberFormatterScientificStyle
-  SwiftName: scientific
-- Name: NSNumberFormatterSpellOutStyle
-  SwiftName: spellOut
-- Name: NSNumberFormatterOrdinalStyle
-  SwiftName: ordinal
-- Name: NSNumberFormatterCurrencyISOCodeStyle
-  SwiftName: currencyISOCode
-- Name: NSNumberFormatterCurrencyPluralStyle
-  SwiftName: currencyPlural
-- Name: NSNumberFormatterCurrencyAccountingStyle
-  SwiftName: currencyAccounting
-- Name: NSPointerFunctionsStrongMemory
-  SwiftName: strongMemory
-- Name: NSPointerFunctionsObjectPersonality
-  SwiftName: objectPersonality
-- Name: NSXMLDocumentXMLKind
-  SwiftName: xml
-- Name: NSXMLDocumentXHTMLKind
-  SwiftName: xhtml
-- Name: NSXMLDocumentHTMLKind
-  SwiftName: html
-- Name: NSXMLDocumentTextKind
-  SwiftName: text
-- Name: NSXMLAttributeCDATAKind
-  SwiftName: cdataAttribute
-- Name: NSXMLAttributeIDKind
-  SwiftName: idAttribute
-- Name: NSXMLAttributeIDRefKind
-  SwiftName: idRefAttribute
-- Name: NSXMLAttributeIDRefsKind
-  SwiftName: idRefsAttribute
-- Name: NSXMLAttributeEntityKind
-  SwiftName: entityAttribute
-- Name: NSXMLAttributeEntitiesKind
-  SwiftName: entitiesAttribute
-- Name: NSXMLAttributeNMTokenKind
-  SwiftName: nmTokenAttribute
-- Name: NSXMLAttributeNMTokensKind
-  SwiftName: nmTokensAttribute
-- Name: NSXMLAttributeEnumerationKind
-  SwiftName: enumerationAttribute
-- Name: NSXMLAttributeNotationKind
-  SwiftName: notationAttribute
-- Name: NSXMLInvalidKind
-  SwiftName: invalid
-- Name: NSXMLDocumentKind
-  SwiftName: document
-- Name: NSXMLElementKind
-  SwiftName: element
-- Name: NSXMLAttributeKind
-  SwiftName: attribute
-- Name: NSXMLNamespaceKind
-  SwiftName: namespace
-- Name: NSXMLProcessingInstructionKind
-  SwiftName: processingInstruction
-- Name: NSXMLCommentKind
-  SwiftName: comment
-- Name: NSXMLTextKind
-  SwiftName: text
-- Name: NSXMLDTDKind
-  SwiftName: DTDKind
-- Name: NSXMLEntityDeclarationKind
-  SwiftName: entityDeclaration
-- Name: NSXMLAttributeDeclarationKind
-  SwiftName: attributeDeclaration
-- Name: NSXMLElementDeclarationKind
-  SwiftName: elementDeclaration
-- Name: NSXMLNotationDeclarationKind
-  SwiftName: notationDeclaration
-- Name: NSDateFormatterNoStyle
-  SwiftName: none
-- Name: NSDateFormatterShortStyle
-  SwiftName: short
-- Name: NSDateFormatterMediumStyle
-  SwiftName: medium
-- Name: NSDateFormatterLongStyle
-  SwiftName: long
-- Name: NSDateFormatterFullStyle
-  SwiftName: full
-- Name: NSDateFormatterBehaviorDefault
-  SwiftName: default
-- Name: NSRoundPlain
-  SwiftName: plain
-- Name: NSRoundDown
-  SwiftName: down
-- Name: NSRoundUp
-  SwiftName: up
-- Name: NSRoundBankers
-  SwiftName: bankers
-- Name: NSKeyValueUnionSetMutation
-  SwiftName: union
-- Name: NSKeyValueMinusSetMutation
-  SwiftName: minus
-- Name: NSKeyValueIntersectSetMutation
-  SwiftName: intersect
-- Name: NSKeyValueSetSetMutation
-  SwiftName: set
-- Name: NSPostWhenIdle
-  SwiftName: whenIdle
-- Name: NSPostASAP
-  SwiftName: asap
-- Name: NSPostNow
-  SwiftName: now
-- Name: NSNumberFormatterBehaviorDefault
-  SwiftName: default
-- Name: NSNumberFormatterRoundCeiling
-  SwiftName: ceiling
-- Name: NSNumberFormatterRoundFloor
-  SwiftName: floor
-- Name: NSNumberFormatterRoundDown
-  SwiftName: down
-- Name: NSNumberFormatterRoundUp
-  SwiftName: up
-- Name: NSNumberFormatterRoundHalfEven
-  SwiftName: halfEven
-- Name: NSNumberFormatterRoundHalfDown
-  SwiftName: halfDown
-- Name: NSNumberFormatterRoundHalfUp
-  SwiftName: halfUp
-- Name: NSPropertyListOpenStepFormat
-  SwiftName: openStep
-- Name: NSPropertyListXMLFormat_v1_0
-  SwiftName: xml
-- Name: NSPropertyListBinaryFormat_v1_0
-  SwiftName: binary
-- Name: NSPositionAfter
-  SwiftName: after
-- Name: NSPositionBefore
-  SwiftName: before
-- Name: NSPositionBeginning
-  SwiftName: beginning
-- Name: NSPositionEnd
-  SwiftName: end
-- Name: NSPositionReplace
-  SwiftName: replace
-- Name: NSEqualToComparison
-  SwiftName: equal
-- Name: NSLessThanOrEqualToComparison
-  SwiftName: lessThanOrEqual
-- Name: NSLessThanComparison
-  SwiftName: lessThan
-- Name: NSGreaterThanOrEqualToComparison
-  SwiftName: greaterThanOrEqual
-- Name: NSGreaterThanComparison
-  SwiftName: greaterThan
-- Name: NSBeginsWithComparison
-  SwiftName: beginsWith
-- Name: NSEndsWithComparison
-  SwiftName: endsWith
-- Name: NSContainsComparison
-  SwiftName: contains
-- Name: NSURLNetworkServiceTypeDefault
-  SwiftName: default
-- Name: NSURLNetworkServiceTypeVoIP
-  SwiftName: voip
-- Name: NSURLNetworkServiceTypeVideo
-  SwiftName: video
-- Name: NSURLNetworkServiceTypeBackground
-  SwiftName: background
-- Name: NSURLNetworkServiceTypeVoice
-  SwiftName: voice
-- Name: NSXMLEntityGeneralKind
-  SwiftName: general
-- Name: NSXMLEntityParsedKind
-  SwiftName: parsed
-- Name: NSXMLEntityUnparsedKind
-  SwiftName: unparsed
-- Name: NSXMLEntityParameterKind
-  SwiftName: parameter
-- Name: NSXMLEntityPredefined
-  SwiftName: predefined
-- Name: NSXMLElementDeclarationUndefinedKind
-  SwiftName: undefinedDeclaration
-- Name: NSXMLElementDeclarationEmptyKind
-  SwiftName: emptyDeclaration
-- Name: NSXMLElementDeclarationAnyKind
-  SwiftName: anyDeclaration
-- Name: NSXMLElementDeclarationMixedKind
-  SwiftName: mixedDeclaration
-- Name: NSXMLElementDeclarationElementKind
-  SwiftName: elementDeclaration
-- Name: NSXMLParserResolveExternalEntitiesNever
-  SwiftName: never
-- Name: NSXMLParserResolveExternalEntitiesNoNetwork
-  SwiftName: noNetwork
-- Name: NSXMLParserResolveExternalEntitiesSameOriginOnly
-  SwiftName: sameOriginOnly
-- Name: NSXMLParserResolveExternalEntitiesAlways
-  SwiftName: always
-- Name: NSDataReadingMappedIfSafe
-  SwiftName: mappedIfSafe
-- Name: NSDataReadingUncached
-  SwiftName: uncached
-- Name: NSDataReadingMappedAlways
-  SwiftName: alwaysMapped
-- Name: NSDataWritingAtomic
-  SwiftName: atomic
-- Name: NSDataWritingWithoutOverwriting
-  SwiftName: withoutOverwriting
-- Name: NSDataWritingFileProtectionNone
-  SwiftName: noFileProtection
-- Name: NSDataWritingFileProtectionComplete
-  SwiftName: completeFileProtection
-- Name: NSDataWritingFileProtectionCompleteUnlessOpen
-  SwiftName: completeFileProtectionUnlessOpen
-- Name: NSDataWritingFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication
-  SwiftName: completeFileProtectionUntilFirstUserAuthentication
-- Name: NSDataWritingFileProtectionMask
-  SwiftName: fileProtectionMask
-- Name: NSDataBase64Encoding64CharacterLineLength
-  SwiftName: lineLength64Characters
-- Name: NSDataBase64Encoding76CharacterLineLength
-  SwiftName: lineLength76Characters
-- Name: NSDataBase64EncodingEndLineWithCarriageReturn
-  SwiftName: endLineWithCarriageReturn
-- Name: NSDataBase64EncodingEndLineWithLineFeed
-  SwiftName: endLineWithLineFeed
-- Name: NSNotificationNoCoalescing
-  SwiftName: none
-- Name: NSNotificationCoalescingOnName
-  SwiftName: onName
-- Name: NSNotificationCoalescingOnSender
-  SwiftName: onSender
-- Name: NSCaseInsensitiveSearch
-  SwiftName: caseInsensitive
-- Name: NSLiteralSearch
-  SwiftName: literal
-- Name: NSBackwardsSearch
-  SwiftName: backwards
-- Name: NSAnchoredSearch
-  SwiftName: anchored
-- Name: NSNumericSearch
-  SwiftName: numeric
-- Name: NSDiacriticInsensitiveSearch
-  SwiftName: diacriticInsensitive
-- Name: NSWidthInsensitiveSearch
-  SwiftName: widthInsensitive
-- Name: NSForcedOrderingSearch
-  SwiftName: forcedOrdering
-- Name: NSRegularExpressionSearch
-  SwiftName: regularExpression
-- Name: NSStringEnumerationByLines
-  SwiftName: byLines
-- Version: 3
-  Protocols:
-  - Name: NSFastEnumeration
-    Methods:
-    - Selector: 'countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count:'
-      MethodKind: Instance
-      Parameters:
-      - Position: 1
-        Nullability: U
diff --git a/apinotes/GLKit.apinotes b/apinotes/GLKit.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 806dfeb..0000000
--- a/apinotes/GLKit.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Name: GLKit
-- Name: GLKTextureLoaderError
-  NSErrorDomain: GLKTextureLoaderErrorDomain
diff --git a/apinotes/GameKit.apinotes b/apinotes/GameKit.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 04df70b..0000000
--- a/apinotes/GameKit.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-Name:            GameKit
-  - Name: GKLocalPlayer
-    Methods:
-      - Selector:        'localPlayer'
-        MethodKind:      Class
-        SwiftName:       'localPlayer()'
-- Name: GKErrorCode
-  NSErrorDomain: GKErrorDomain
-- Name: GKGameSessionErrorCode
-  NSErrorDomain: GKGameSessionErrorDomain
-- Name: GKSessionError
-  NSErrorDomain: GKSessionErrorDomain
-- Name: GKVoiceChatServiceError
-  NSErrorDomain: GKVoiceChatServiceErrorDomain
diff --git a/apinotes/GameplayKit.apinotes b/apinotes/GameplayKit.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index a59aa76..0000000
--- a/apinotes/GameplayKit.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
-Name: GameplayKit
-- Name: GKComponent
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'updateWithDeltaTime:'
-    SwiftName: update(deltaTime:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: GKComponentSystem
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'addComponentWithEntity:'
-    SwiftName: addComponent(foundIn:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'removeComponentWithEntity:'
-    SwiftName: removeComponent(foundIn:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'updateWithDeltaTime:'
-    SwiftName: update(deltaTime:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: GKCompositeBehavior
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'behaviorWithBehaviors:andWeights:'
-    SwiftName: init(behaviors:weights:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: GKDecisionNode
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'createBranchWithValue:attribute:'
-    SwiftName: createBranch(value:attribute:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'createBranchWithPredicate:attribute:'
-    SwiftName: createBranch(predicate:attribute:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'createBranchWithWeight:attribute:'
-    SwiftName: createBranch(weight:attribute:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: GKEntity
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'updateWithDeltaTime:'
-    SwiftName: update(deltaTime:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: GKGameModel
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'unapplyGameModelUpdate:'
-    SwiftName: unapply(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: GKGoal
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'goalToSeekAgent:'
-    SwiftName: init(toSeek:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'goalToFleeAgent:'
-    SwiftName: init(toFlee:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'goalToInterceptAgent:maxPredictionTime:'
-    SwiftName: init(toIntercept:maxPredictionTime:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: GKGraph
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initWithNodes:'
-    SwiftName: init(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'connectNodeToLowestCostNode:bidirectional:'
-    SwiftName: connectToLowestCostNode(node:bidirectional:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'removeNodes:'
-    SwiftName: remove(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'addNodes:'
-    SwiftName: add(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: GKGridGraph
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'nodeAtGridPosition:'
-    SwiftName: node(atGridPosition:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'connectNodeToAdjacentNodes:'
-    SwiftName: connectToAdjacentNodes(node:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'initWithNodes:'
-    SwiftName: init(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: GKMeshGraph
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'connectNodeUsingObstacles:'
-    SwiftName: connectUsingObstacles(node:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'initWithNodes:'
-    SwiftName: init(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: GKNoise
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initWithNoiseSource:'
-    SwiftName: init(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'initWithNoiseSource:gradientColors:'
-    SwiftName: init(_:gradientColors:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'clampWithLowerBound:upperBound:'
-    SwiftName: clamp(lowerBound:upperBound:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'raiseToPower:'
-    SwiftName: raiseToPower(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'applyTurbulenceWithFrequency:power:roughness:seed:'
-    SwiftName: applyTurbulence(frequency:power:roughness:seed:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'remapValuesToCurveWithControlPoints:'
-    SwiftName: remapValues(toCurveWithControlPoints:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'remapValuesToTerracesWithPeaks:terracesInverted:'
-    SwiftName: remapValues(toTerracesWithPeaks:terracesInverted:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'addWithNoise:'
-    SwiftName: add(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'multiplyWithNoise:'
-    SwiftName: multiply(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'minimumWithNoise:'
-    SwiftName: minimum(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'maximumWithNoise:'
-    SwiftName: maximum(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'raiseToPowerWithNoise:'
-    SwiftName: raiseToPower(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'displaceXWithNoise:yWithNoise:zWithNoise:'
-    SwiftName: displaceWithNoises(x:y:z:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: GKNoiseMap
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initWithNoise:'
-    SwiftName: init(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'initWithNoise:size:origin:sampleCount:seamless:'
-    SwiftName: init(_:size:origin:sampleCount:seamless:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'valueAtPosition:'
-    SwiftName: value(at:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'interpolatedValueAtPosition:'
-    SwiftName: interpolatedValue(at:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'setValue:atPosition:'
-    SwiftName: setValue(_:at:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: GKObstacleGraph
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'connectNodeUsingObstacles:'
-    SwiftName: connectUsingObstacles(node:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'connectNodeUsingObstacles:ignoringObstacles:'
-    SwiftName: connectUsingObstacles(node:ignoring:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'connectNodeUsingObstacles:ignoringBufferRadiusOfObstacles:'
-    SwiftName: connectUsingObstacles(node:ignoringBufferRadiusOf:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'initWithNodes:'
-    SwiftName: init(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: GKOctree
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'addElement:withPoint:'
-    SwiftName: add(_:at:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'addElement:withBox:'
-    SwiftName: add(_:in:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'elementsAtPoint:'
-    SwiftName: elements(at:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'removeElement:'
-    SwiftName: remove(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'removeElement:withNode:'
-    SwiftName: remove(_:using:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: GKQuadtree
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'addElement:withPoint:'
-    SwiftName: add(_:at:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'addElement:withQuad:'
-    SwiftName: add(_:in:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'elementsAtPoint:'
-    SwiftName: elements(at:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'removeElement:'
-    SwiftName: remove(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'removeElement:withNode:'
-    SwiftName: remove(_:using:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: GKRtree
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'addElement:boundingRectMin:boundingRectMax:splitStrategy:'
-    SwiftName: add(_:boundingRectMin:boundingRectMax:splitStrategy:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'removeElement:boundingRectMin:boundingRectMax:'
-    SwiftName: remove(_:boundingRectMin:boundingRectMax:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSArray
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'shuffledArrayWithRandomSource:'
-    SwiftName: shuffled(using:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: GKARC4RandomSource
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'dropValuesWithCount:'
-    SwiftName: dropValues(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: GKRuleSystem
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'addRule:'
-    SwiftName: add(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'addRulesFromArray:'
-    SwiftName: add(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: GKRule
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'evaluatePredicateWithSystem:'
-    SwiftName: evaluatePredicate(in:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'performActionWithSystem:'
-    SwiftName: performAction(in:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'ruleWithBlockPredicate:action:'
-    SwiftName: init(evaluator:action:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: GKState
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'didEnterWithPreviousState:'
-    SwiftName: didEnter(from:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'updateWithDeltaTime:'
-    SwiftName: update(deltaTime:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'willExitWithNextState:'
-    SwiftName: willExit(to:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: GKStateMachine
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'updateWithDeltaTime:'
-    SwiftName: update(deltaTime:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'canEnterState:'
-    SwiftName: canEnter(:_)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'enterState:'
-    SwiftName: enter(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'stateForClass:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftPrivate: true
-- Name: SKTileMapNode
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'tileMapNodesWithTileSet:columns:rows:tileSize:fromNoiseMap:tileTypeNoiseMapThresholds:'
-    SwiftName: tileMapNodes(tileSet:columns:rows:tileSize:from:tileTypeNoiseMapThresholds:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: GKRandom
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'nextIntWithUpperBound:'
-    SwiftName: nextInt(upperBound:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
diff --git a/apinotes/HealthKit.apinotes b/apinotes/HealthKit.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 919b6c8..0000000
--- a/apinotes/HealthKit.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Name:            HealthKit
-- Name: HKErrorCode
-  NSErrorDomain: HKErrorDomain
diff --git a/apinotes/HomeKit.apinotes b/apinotes/HomeKit.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 41280fd..0000000
--- a/apinotes/HomeKit.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-Name: HomeKit
-- Name: HMCameraAudioControl
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'readOn:'
-    SwiftName: 'readOn(_:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'writeOn:completionHandler:'
-    SwiftName: 'writeOn(_:completionHandler:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: HMEventTrigger
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'predicateForEvaluatingTriggerOccurringBeforeSignificantEvent:applyingOffset:'
-    SwiftName: 'predicateForEvaluatingTrigger(occurringBefore:applyingOffset:)'
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'predicateForEvaluatingTriggerOccurringAfterSignificantEvent:applyingOffset:'
-    SwiftName: 'predicateForEvaluatingTrigger(occurringAfter:applyingOffset:)'
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'predicateForEvaluatingTriggerOccurringBeforeDateWithComponents:'
-    SwiftName: 'predicateForEvaluatingTrigger(occurringBefore:)'
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'predicateForEvaluatingTriggerOccurringOnDateWithComponents:'
-    SwiftName: 'predicateForEvaluatingTrigger(occurringOn:)'
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'predicateForEvaluatingTriggerOccurringAfterDateWithComponents:'
-    SwiftName: 'predicateForEvaluatingTrigger(occurringAfter:)'
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'predicateForEvaluatingTriggerWithCharacteristic:relatedBy:toValue:'
-    SwiftName: 'predicateForEvaluatingTrigger(_:relatedBy:toValue:)'
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: HMHome
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'servicesWithTypes:'
-    SwiftName: 'servicesWithTypes(_:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'addRoomWithName:completionHandler:'
-    SwiftName: 'addRoom(name:completionHandler:NSError?):)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'addZoneWithName:completionHandler:'
-    SwiftName: 'addZone(name:completionHandler:NSError?):)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'addServiceGroupWithName:completionHandler:'
-    SwiftName: 'addServiceGroup(name:completionHandler:NSError?):)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'addActionSetWithName:completionHandler:'
-    SwiftName: 'addActionSet(name:completionHandler:NSError?):)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: HMHomeManager
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'addHomeWithName:completionHandler:'
-    SwiftName: 'addHome(name:completionHandler:NSError?):)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: HMTimerTrigger
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initWithName:fireDate:timeZone:recurrence:recurrenceCalendar:'
-    SwiftName: 'init(name:fireDate:timeZone:recurrence:recurrenceCalendar:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'updateFireDate:completionHandler:'
-    SwiftName: 'updateFireDate(_:completionHandler:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'initWithName:fireDate:timeZone:recurrences:'
-    SwiftName: 'init(name:fireDate:timeZone:recurrences:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: HMErrorCode
-  NSErrorDomain: HMErrorDomain
diff --git a/apinotes/Intents.apinotes b/apinotes/Intents.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 355bf25..0000000
--- a/apinotes/Intents.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Name: Intents
-- Name: INIntentErrorCode
-  NSErrorDomain: INIntentErrorDomain
-- Name: INRequestRideIntent
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initWithPickupLocation:dropOffLocation:rideOptionName:partySize:paymentMethod:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftPrivate: true
diff --git a/apinotes/LocalAuthentication.apinotes b/apinotes/LocalAuthentication.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index ff07841..0000000
--- a/apinotes/LocalAuthentication.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Name: LocalAuthentication
-- Name: LAError
-  NSErrorDomain: LAErrorDomain
diff --git a/apinotes/MapKit.apinotes b/apinotes/MapKit.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 301c848..0000000
--- a/apinotes/MapKit.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Name:            MapKit
-- Name: MKErrorCode
-  NSErrorDomain: MKErrorDomain
diff --git a/apinotes/MediaPlayer.apinotes b/apinotes/MediaPlayer.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 3db1dfc..0000000
--- a/apinotes/MediaPlayer.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-Name: MediaPlayer
-- Name: MPMediaItemArtwork
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'imageWithSize:'
-    SwiftName: 'image(at:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: MPMusicPlayerController
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'setQueueWithQuery:'
-    SwiftName: 'setQueue(with:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'setQueueWithItemCollection:'
-    SwiftName: 'setQueue(with:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: MPMediaLibrary
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'getPlaylistWithUUID:creationMetadata:completionHandler:'
-    SwiftName: 'getPlaylist(with:creationMetadata:completionHandler:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: MPErrorCode
-  NSErrorDomain: MPErrorDomain
diff --git a/apinotes/MessageUI.apinotes b/apinotes/MessageUI.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 2615f5f..0000000
--- a/apinotes/MessageUI.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Name:            MessageUI
-- Name: MFMailComposeErrorCode
-  NSErrorDomain: MFMailComposeErrorDomain
diff --git a/apinotes/Metal.apinotes b/apinotes/Metal.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e73b74..0000000
--- a/apinotes/Metal.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,528 +0,0 @@
-Name: Metal
-- Name: MTLCommandBufferError
-  NSErrorDomain: MTLCommandBufferErrorDomain
-- Name: MTLLibraryError
-  NSErrorDomain: MTLLibraryErrorDomain
-- Name: MTLRenderPipelineError
-  NSErrorDomain: MTLRenderPipelineErrorDomain
-- Name: MTLResourceStorageModeShared
-  SwiftName: storageModeShared
-- Name: MTLStorageModeShared
-  SwiftName: shared
-- Name: MTLTextureUsageUnknown
-  SwiftName: unknown
-- Name: MTLDataTypeUInt
-  SwiftName: uint
-- Name: MTLDataTypeUInt2
-  SwiftName: uint2
-- Name: MTLDataTypeUInt3
-  SwiftName: uint3
-- Name: MTLDataTypeUInt4
-  SwiftName: uint4
-- Name: MTLDataTypeUShort
-  SwiftName: ushort
-- Name: MTLDataTypeUShort2
-  SwiftName: ushort2
-- Name: MTLDataTypeUShort3
-  SwiftName: ushort3
-- Name: MTLDataTypeUShort4
-  SwiftName: ushort4
-- Name: MTLDataTypeUChar
-  SwiftName: uchar
-- Name: MTLDataTypeUChar2
-  SwiftName: uchar2
-- Name: MTLDataTypeUChar3
-  SwiftName: uchar3
-- Name: MTLDataTypeUChar4
-  SwiftName: uchar4
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatRGBA8Unorm_sRGB
-  SwiftName: rgba8Unorm_srgb
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm_sRGB
-  SwiftName: bgra8Unorm_srgb
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatRGB10A2Unorm
-  SwiftName: rgb10a2Unorm
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatRGB10A2Uint
-  SwiftName: rgb10a2Uint
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatRG11B10Float
-  SwiftName: rg11b10Float
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatRGB9E5Float
-  SwiftName: rgb9e5Float
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatBC1_RGBA
-  SwiftName: bc1_rgba
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatBC1_RGBA_sRGB
-  SwiftName: bc1_rgba_srgb
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatBC2_RGBA
-  SwiftName: bc2_rgba
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatBC2_RGBA_sRGB
-  SwiftName: bc2_rgba_srgb
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatBC3_RGBA
-  SwiftName: bc3_rgba
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatBC3_RGBA_sRGB
-  SwiftName: bc3_rgba_srgb
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatBC4_RUnorm
-  SwiftName: bc4_rUnorm
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatBC4_RSnorm
-  SwiftName: bc4_rSnorm
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatBC5_RGUnorm
-  SwiftName: bc5_rgUnorm
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatBC5_RGSnorm
-  SwiftName: bc5_rgSnorm
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatBC6H_RGBFloat
-  SwiftName: bc6H_rgbFloat
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatBC6H_RGBUfloat
-  SwiftName: bc6H_rgbuFloat
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatBC7_RGBAUnorm
-  SwiftName: bc7_rgbaUnorm
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatBC7_RGBAUnorm_sRGB
-  SwiftName: bc7_rgbaUnorm_srgb
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatGBGR422
-  SwiftName: gbgr422
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatBGRG422
-  SwiftName: bgrg422
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatDepth24Unorm_Stencil8
-  SwiftName: depth24Unorm_stencil8
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatDepth32Float_Stencil8
-  SwiftName: depth32Float_stencil8
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatX32_Stencil8
-  SwiftName: x32_stencil8
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatX24_Stencil8
-  SwiftName: x24_stencil8
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatR8Unorm_sRGB
-  SwiftName: r8Unorm_srgb
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatRG8Unorm_sRGB
-  SwiftName: rg8Unorm_srgb
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatB5G6R5Unorm
-  SwiftName: b5g6r5Unorm
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatA1BGR5Unorm
-  SwiftName: a1bgr5Unorm
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatBGR10_XR
-  SwiftName: bgr10_xr
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatBGR10_XR_sRGB
-  SwiftName: bgr10_xr_srgb
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatPVRTC_RGB_2BPP
-  SwiftName: pvrtc_rgb_2bpp
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatPVRTC_RGB_2BPP_sRGB
-  SwiftName: pvrtc_rgb_2bpp_srgb
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatPVRTC_RGB_4BPP
-  SwiftName: pvrtc_rgb_4bpp
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatPVRTC_RGB_4BPP_sRGB
-  SwiftName: pvrtc_rgb_4bpp_srgb
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatPVRTC_RGBA_2BPP
-  SwiftName: pvrtc_rgba_2bpp
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatPVRTC_RGBA_2BPP_sRGB
-  SwiftName: pvrtc_rgba_2bpp_srgb
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatPVRTC_RGBA_4BPP
-  SwiftName: pvrtc_rgba_4bpp
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatPVRTC_RGBA_4BPP_sRGB
-  SwiftName: pvrtc_rgba_4bpp_srgb
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatEAC_R11Unorm
-  SwiftName: eac_r11Unorm
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatEAC_R11Snorm
-  SwiftName: eac_r11Snorm
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatEAC_RG11Unorm
-  SwiftName: eac_rg11Unorm
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatEAC_RG11Snorm
-  SwiftName: eac_rg11Snorm
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatEAC_RGBA8
-  SwiftName: eac_rgba8
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatEAC_RGBA8_sRGB
-  SwiftName: eac_rgba8_srgb
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatETC2_RGB8
-  SwiftName: etc2_rgb8
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatETC2_RGB8_sRGB
-  SwiftName: etc2_rgb8_srgb
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatETC2_RGB8A1
-  SwiftName: etc2_rgb8a1
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatETC2_RGB8A1_sRGB
-  SwiftName: etc2_rgb8a1_srgb
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatASTC_4x4_sRGB
-  SwiftName: astc_4x4_srgb
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatASTC_5x4_sRGB
-  SwiftName: astc_5x4_srgb
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatASTC_5x5_sRGB
-  SwiftName: astc_5x5_srgb
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatASTC_6x5_sRGB
-  SwiftName: astc_6x5_srgb
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatASTC_6x6_sRGB
-  SwiftName: astc_6x6_srgb
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatASTC_8x5_sRGB
-  SwiftName: astc_8x5_srgb
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatASTC_8x6_sRGB
-  SwiftName: astc_8x6_srgb
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatASTC_8x8_sRGB
-  SwiftName: astc_8x8_srgb
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatASTC_10x5_sRGB
-  SwiftName: astc_10x5_srgb
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatASTC_10x6_sRGB
-  SwiftName: astc_10x6_srgb
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatASTC_10x8_sRGB
-  SwiftName: astc_10x8_srgb
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatASTC_10x10_sRGB
-  SwiftName: astc_10x10_srgb
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatASTC_12x10_sRGB
-  SwiftName: astc_12x10_srgb
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatASTC_12x12_sRGB
-  SwiftName: astc_12x12_srgb
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatASTC_4x4_LDR
-  SwiftName: astc_4x4_ldr
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatASTC_5x4_LDR
-  SwiftName: astc_5x4_ldr
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatASTC_5x5_LDR
-  SwiftName: astc_5x5_ldr
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatASTC_6x5_LDR
-  SwiftName: astc_6x5_ldr
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatASTC_6x6_LDR
-  SwiftName: astc_6x6_ldr
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatASTC_8x5_LDR
-  SwiftName: astc_8x5_ldr
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatASTC_8x6_LDR
-  SwiftName: astc_8x6_ldr
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatASTC_8x8_LDR
-  SwiftName: astc_8x8_ldr
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatASTC_10x5_LDR
-  SwiftName: astc_10x5_ldr
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatASTC_10x6_LDR
-  SwiftName: astc_10x6_ldr
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatASTC_10x8_LDR
-  SwiftName: astc_10x8_ldr
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatASTC_10x10_LDR
-  SwiftName: astc_10x10_ldr
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatASTC_12x10_LDR
-  SwiftName: astc_12x10_ldr
-- Name: MTLPixelFormatASTC_12x12_LDR
-  SwiftName: astc_12x12_ldr
-- Name: MTLTessellationControlPointIndexTypeUInt16
-  SwiftName: uint16
-- Name: MTLTessellationControlPointIndexTypeUInt32
-  SwiftName: uint32
-- Name: MTLAttributeFormatUChar2
-  SwiftName: uchar2
-- Name: MTLAttributeFormatUChar3
-  SwiftName: uchar3
-- Name: MTLAttributeFormatUChar4
-  SwiftName: uchar4
-- Name: MTLAttributeFormatUChar2Normalized
-  SwiftName: uchar2Normalized
-- Name: MTLAttributeFormatUChar3Normalized
-  SwiftName: uchar3Normalized
-- Name: MTLAttributeFormatUChar4Normalized
-  SwiftName: uchar4Normalized
-- Name: MTLAttributeFormatUShort2
-  SwiftName: ushort2
-- Name: MTLAttributeFormatUShort3
-  SwiftName: ushort3
-- Name: MTLAttributeFormatUShort4
-  SwiftName: ushort4
-- Name: MTLAttributeFormatUShort2Normalized
-  SwiftName: ushort2Normalized
-- Name: MTLAttributeFormatUShort3Normalized
-  SwiftName: ushort3Normalized
-- Name: MTLAttributeFormatUShort4Normalized
-  SwiftName: ushort4Normalized
-- Name: MTLAttributeFormatUInt
-  SwiftName: uint
-- Name: MTLAttributeFormatUInt2
-  SwiftName: uint2
-- Name: MTLAttributeFormatUInt3
-  SwiftName: uint3
-- Name: MTLAttributeFormatUInt4
-  SwiftName: uint4
-- Name: MTLIndexTypeUInt16
-  SwiftName: uint16
-- Name: MTLIndexTypeUInt32
-  SwiftName: uint32
-- Name: MTLVertexFormatUChar2
-  SwiftName: uchar2
-- Name: MTLVertexFormatUChar3
-  SwiftName: uchar3
-- Name: MTLVertexFormatUChar4
-  SwiftName: uchar4
-- Name: MTLVertexFormatUChar2Normalized
-  SwiftName: uchar2Normalized
-- Name: MTLVertexFormatUChar3Normalized
-  SwiftName: uchar3Normalized
-- Name: MTLVertexFormatUChar4Normalized
-  SwiftName: uchar4Normalized
-- Name: MTLVertexFormatUShort2
-  SwiftName: ushort2
-- Name: MTLVertexFormatUShort3
-  SwiftName: ushort3
-- Name: MTLVertexFormatUShort4
-  SwiftName: ushort4
-- Name: MTLVertexFormatUShort2Normalized
-  SwiftName: ushort2Normalized
-- Name: MTLVertexFormatUShort3Normalized
-  SwiftName: ushort3Normalized
-- Name: MTLVertexFormatUShort4Normalized
-  SwiftName: ushort4Normalized
-- Name: MTLVertexFormatUInt
-  SwiftName: uint
-- Name: MTLVertexFormatUInt2
-  SwiftName: uint2
-- Name: MTLVertexFormatUInt3
-  SwiftName: uint3
-- Name: MTLVertexFormatUInt4
-  SwiftName: uint4
-- Name: MTLVertexFormatUInt1010102Normalized
-  SwiftName: uint1010102Normalized
-- Name: MTLStructType
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'memberByName:'
-    SwiftName: memberByName(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: MTLTextureDescriptor
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'texture2DDescriptorWithPixelFormat:width:height:mipmapped:'
-    SwiftName: texture2DDescriptor(pixelFormat:width:height:mipmapped:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'textureCubeDescriptorWithPixelFormat:size:mipmapped:'
-    SwiftName: textureCubeDescriptor(pixelFormat:size:mipmapped:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: MTLBlitCommandEncoder
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'synchronizeResource:'
-    SwiftName: synchronize(resource:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'synchronizeTexture:slice:level:'
-    SwiftName: synchronize(texture:slice:level:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'fillBuffer:range:value:'
-    SwiftName: fill(buffer:range:value:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'updateFence:'
-    SwiftName: updateFence(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'waitForFence:'
-    SwiftName: waitForFence(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: MTLBuffer
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'newTextureWithDescriptor:offset:bytesPerRow:'
-    SwiftName: makeTexture(descriptor:offset:bytesPerRow:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: MTLCommandBuffer
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'blitCommandEncoder'
-    SwiftName: makeBlitCommandEncoder()
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'renderCommandEncoderWithDescriptor:'
-    SwiftName: makeRenderCommandEncoder(descriptor:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'computeCommandEncoder'
-    SwiftName: makeComputeCommandEncoder()
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'parallelRenderCommandEncoderWithDescriptor:'
-    SwiftName: makeParallelRenderCommandEncoder(descriptor:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: MTLCommandQueue
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'commandBuffer'
-    SwiftName: makeCommandBuffer()
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'commandBufferWithUnretainedReferences'
-    SwiftName: makeCommandBufferWithUnretainedReferences()
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: MTLComputeCommandEncoder
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'setStageInRegion:'
-    SwiftName: setStageInRegion(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'dispatchThreadgroupsWithIndirectBuffer:indirectBufferOffset:threadsPerThreadgroup:'
-    SwiftName: dispatchThreadgroups(indirectBuffer:indirectBufferOffset:threadsPerThreadgroup:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'updateFence:'
-    SwiftName: updateFence(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'waitForFence:'
-    SwiftName: waitForFence(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: MTLDevice
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'newDefaultLibraryWithBundle:error:'
-    SwiftName: makeDefaultLibrary(bundle:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newDefaultLibrary'
-    SwiftName: makeDefaultLibrary
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newLibraryWithFile:error:'
-    SwiftName: makeLibrary(filepath:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newLibraryWithData:error:'
-    SwiftName: makeLibrary(data:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newLibraryWithSource:options:error:'
-    SwiftName: makeLibrary(source:options:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newLibraryWithSource:options:completionHandler:'
-    SwiftName: makeLibrary(source:options:completionHandler:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newRenderPipelineStateWithDescriptor:completionHandler:'
-    SwiftName: makeRenderPipelineState(descriptor:completionHandler:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newRenderPipelineStateWithDescriptor:options:completionHandler:'
-    SwiftName: makeRenderPipelineState(descriptor:options:completionHandler:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newRenderPipelineStateWithDescriptor:error:'
-    SwiftName: makeRenderPipelineState(descriptor:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newRenderPipelineStateWithDescriptor:options:reflection:error:'
-    SwiftName: makeRenderPipelineState(descriptor:options:reflection:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newComputePipelineStateWithFunction:completionHandler:'
-    SwiftName: makeComputePipelineState(function:completionHandler:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newComputePipelineStateWithFunction:options:completionHandler:'
-    SwiftName: makeComputePipelineState(function:options:completionHandler:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newComputePipelineStateWithFunction:error:'
-    SwiftName: makeComputePipelineState(function:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newComputePipelineStateWithFunction:options:reflection:error:'
-    SwiftName: makeComputePipelineState(function:options:reflection:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newComputePipelineStateWithDescriptor:options:completionHandler:'
-    SwiftName: makeComputePipelineState(descriptor:options:completionHandler:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newComputePipelineStateWithDescriptor:options:reflection:error:'
-    SwiftName: makeComputePipelineState(descriptor:options:reflection:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newCommandQueue'
-    SwiftName: makeCommandQueue()
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newCommandQueueWithMaxCommandBufferCount:'
-    SwiftName: makeCommandQueue(maxCommandBufferCount:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newBufferWithLength:options:'
-    SwiftName: makeBuffer(length:options:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newBufferWithBytes:length:options:'
-    SwiftName: makeBuffer(bytes:length:options:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newBufferWithBytesNoCopy:length:options:deallocator:'
-    SwiftName: makeBuffer(bytesNoCopy:length:options:deallocator:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newDepthStencilStateWithDescriptor:'
-    SwiftName: makeDepthStencilState(descriptor:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newTextureWithDescriptor:'
-    SwiftName: makeTexture(descriptor:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newTextureWithDescriptor:iosurface:plane:'
-    SwiftName: makeTexture(descriptor:iosurface:plane:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newHeapWithDescriptor:'
-    SwiftName: makeHeap(descriptor:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'heapBufferSizeAndAlignWithLength:options:'
-    SwiftName: heapBufferSizeAndAlign(length:options:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'heapTextureSizeAndAlignWithDescriptor:'
-    SwiftName: heapTextureSizeAndAlign(descriptor:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newFence'
-    SwiftName: makeFence()
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newSamplerStateWithDescriptor:'
-    SwiftName: makeSamplerState(descriptor:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: MTLDrawable
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'presentAtTime:'
-    SwiftName: present(at:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: MTLHeap
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'maxAvailableSizeWithAlignment:'
-    SwiftName: maxAvailableSize(alignment:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newBufferWithLength:options:'
-    SwiftName: makeBuffer(length:options:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newTextureWithDescriptor:'
-    SwiftName: makeTexture(descriptor:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: MTLLibrary
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'newFunctionWithName:'
-    SwiftName: makeFunction(name:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newFunctionWithName:constantValues:completionHandler:'
-    SwiftName: makeFunction(name:constantValues:completionHandler:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newFunctionWithName:constantValues:error:'
-    SwiftName: makeFunction(name:constantValues:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: MTLParallelRenderCommandEncoder
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'renderCommandEncoder'
-    SwiftName: makeRenderCommandEncoder()
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: MTLRenderCommandEncoder
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'setBlendColorRed:green:blue:alpha:'
-    SwiftName: setBlendColor(red:green:blue:alpha:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'setStencilFrontReferenceValue:backReferenceValue:'
-    SwiftName: setStencilReferenceValues(front:back:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'drawPatches:patchStart:patchCount:patchIndexBuffer:patchIndexBufferOffset:instanceCount:baseInstance:'
-    SwiftName: drawPatches(numberOfPatchControlPoints:patchStart:patchCount:patchIndexBuffer:patchIndexBufferOffset:instanceCount:baseInstance:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'drawPatches:patchIndexBuffer:patchIndexBufferOffset:indirectBuffer:indirectBufferOffset:'
-    SwiftName: drawPatches(numberOfPatchControlPoints:patchIndexBuffer:patchIndexBufferOffset:indirectBuffer:indirectBufferOffset:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'drawIndexedPatches:patchStart:patchCount:patchIndexBuffer:patchIndexBufferOffset:controlPointIndexBuffer:controlPointIndexBufferOffset:instanceCount:baseInstance:'
-    SwiftName: drawIndexedPatches(numberOfPatchControlPoints:patchStart:patchCount:patchIndexBuffer:patchIndexBufferOffset:controlPointIndexBuffer:controlPointIndexBufferOffset:instanceCount:baseInstance:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'drawIndexedPatches:patchIndexBuffer:patchIndexBufferOffset:controlPointIndexBuffer:controlPointIndexBufferOffset:indirectBuffer:indirectBufferOffset:'
-    SwiftName: drawIndexedPatches(numberOfPatchControlPoints:patchIndexBuffer:patchIndexBufferOffset:controlPointIndexBuffer:controlPointIndexBufferOffset:indirectBuffer:indirectBufferOffset:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'drawPrimitives:vertexStart:vertexCount:instanceCount:baseInstance:'
-    SwiftName: drawPrimitives(type:vertexStart:vertexCount:instanceCount:baseInstance:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'drawPrimitives:vertexStart:vertexCount:instanceCount:'
-    SwiftName: drawPrimitives(type:vertexStart:vertexCount:instanceCount:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'drawPrimitives:vertexStart:vertexCount:'
-    SwiftName: drawPrimitives(type:vertexStart:vertexCount:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'drawPrimitives:indirectBuffer:indirectBufferOffset:'
-    SwiftName: drawPrimitives(type:indirectBuffer:indirectBufferOffset:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'drawIndexedPrimitives:indexCount:indexType:indexBuffer:indexBufferOffset:instanceCount:baseVertex:baseInstance:'
-    SwiftName: drawIndexedPrimitives(type:indexCount:indexType:indexBuffer:indexBufferOffset:instanceCount:baseVertex:baseInstance:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'drawIndexedPrimitives:indexCount:indexType:indexBuffer:indexBufferOffset:instanceCount:'
-    SwiftName: drawIndexedPrimitives(type:indexCount:indexType:indexBuffer:indexBufferOffset:instanceCount:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'drawIndexedPrimitives:indexCount:indexType:indexBuffer:indexBufferOffset:'
-    SwiftName: drawIndexedPrimitives(type:indexCount:indexType:indexBuffer:indexBufferOffset:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'drawIndexedPrimitives:indexType:indexBuffer:indexBufferOffset:indirectBuffer:indirectBufferOffset:'
-    SwiftName: drawIndexedPrimitives(type:indexType:indexBuffer:indexBufferOffset:indirectBuffer:indirectBufferOffset:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'updateFence:afterStages:'
-    SwiftName: updateFence(after:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'waitForFence:beforeStages:'
-    SwiftName: waitForFence(before:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: MTLTexture
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'newTextureViewWithPixelFormat:'
-    SwiftName: makeTextureView(pixelFormat:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'newTextureViewWithPixelFormat:textureType:levels:slices:'
-    SwiftName: makeTextureView(pixelFormat:textureType:levels:slices:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'replaceRegion:mipmapLevel:withBytes:bytesPerRow:'
-    SwiftName: replace(region:mipmapLevel:withBytes:bytesPerRow:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'replaceRegion:mipmapLevel:slice:withBytes:bytesPerRow:bytesPerImage:'
-    SwiftName: replace(region:mipmapLevel:slice:withBytes:bytesPerRow:bytesPerImage:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
diff --git a/apinotes/MultipeerConnectivity.apinotes b/apinotes/MultipeerConnectivity.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 1028154..0000000
--- a/apinotes/MultipeerConnectivity.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Name: MultipeerConnectivity
-- Name: MCErrorCode
-  NSErrorDomain: MCErrorDomain
diff --git a/apinotes/NetworkExtension.apinotes b/apinotes/NetworkExtension.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c60d64..0000000
--- a/apinotes/NetworkExtension.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Name: NetworkExtension
-- Name: NEAppProxyFlowError
-  NSErrorDomain: NEAppProxyErrorDomain
-- Name: NEFilterError
-  NSErrorDomain: NEFilterErrorDomain
-- Name: NETunnelProviderError
-  NSErrorDomain: NETunnelProviderErrorDomain
-- Name: NEVPNError
-  NSErrorDomain: NEVPNErrorDomain
diff --git a/apinotes/PassKit.apinotes b/apinotes/PassKit.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index a09df31..0000000
--- a/apinotes/PassKit.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-Name: PassKit
-- Name: PKPaymentAuthorizationControllerDelegate
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'paymentAuthorizationController:didSelectShippingMethod:completion:'
-    SwiftName: paymentAuthorizationController(_:didSelectShippingMethod:completion:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'paymentAuthorizationController:didSelectPaymentMethod:completion:'
-    SwiftName: paymentAuthorizationController(_:didSelectPaymentMethod:completion:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: PKPassKitErrorCode
-  NSErrorDomain: PKPassKitErrorDomain
diff --git a/apinotes/Photos.apinotes b/apinotes/Photos.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d287f8..0000000
--- a/apinotes/Photos.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Name: Photos
-# The below are methods for which overlays provide better implementations
-- Name: PHChange
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'changeDetailsForObject:'
-    SwiftPrivate: true
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'changeDetailsForFetchResult:'
-    SwiftPrivate: true
-    MethodKind: Instance
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apinotes/QuickLook.apinotes b/apinotes/QuickLook.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index df2895f..0000000
--- a/apinotes/QuickLook.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-Name: QuickLook
-- Name: QLPreviewController
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'canPreviewItem:'
-    SwiftName: canPreview(_:)
-    MethodKind: Class
diff --git a/apinotes/SafariServices.apinotes b/apinotes/SafariServices.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 11b4d76..0000000
--- a/apinotes/SafariServices.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Name: SafariServices
-- Name: SFErrorCode
-  NSErrorDomain: SFErrorDomain
-- Name: SSReadingListErrorCode
-  NSErrorDomain: SSReadingListErrorDomain
diff --git a/apinotes/SceneKit.apinotes b/apinotes/SceneKit.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 075010a..0000000
--- a/apinotes/SceneKit.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-Name: SceneKit
-# The below are methods for which overlays provide better implementations
-- Name: SCNBoundingVolume
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'getBoundingBoxMin:max:'
-    SwiftPrivate: true
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'setBoundingBoxMin:max:'
-    SwiftPrivate: true
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'getBoundingSphereCenter:radius:'
-    SwiftPrivate: true
-    MethodKind: Instance
-# New wrapper types will be made for these typedefs, and we want to nest them
-- Name: SCNGeometrySourceSemantic
-  SwiftName: SCNGeometrySource.Semantic
-- Name: SCNLightType
-  SwiftName: SCNLight.LightType
-- Name: SCNLightingModel
-  SwiftName: SCNMaterial.LightingModel
-- Name: SCNParticleProperty
-  SwiftName: SCNParticleSystem.ParticleProperty
-- Name: SCNPhysicsShapeOption
-  SwiftName: SCNPhysicsShape.Option
-- Name: SCNPhysicsShapeType
-  SwiftName: SCNPhysicsShape.ShapeType
-- Name: SCNPhysicsTestOption
-  SwiftName: SCNPhysicsWorld.TestOption
-- Name: SCNPhysicsTestSearchMode
-  SwiftName: SCNPhysicsWorld.TestSearchMode
-- Name: SCNSceneAttribute
-  SwiftName: SCNScene.Attribute
-- Name: SCNSceneSourceAnimationImportPolicy
-  SwiftName: SCNSceneSource.AnimationImportPolicy
-- Name: SCNSceneSourceLoadingOption
-  SwiftName: SCNSceneSource.LoadingOption
-- Name: SCNViewOption
-  SwiftName: SCNView.Option
-# Name overrides for globals that we will be nesting onto our new wrapper types
-- Name: SCNHitTestFirstFoundOnlyKey
-  SwiftName: SCNHitTestOption.firstFoundOnly
-- Name: SCNHitTestSortResultsKey
-  SwiftName: SCNHitTestOption.sortResults
-- Name: SCNHitTestClipToZRangeKey
-  SwiftName: SCNHitTestOption.clipToZRange
-- Name: SCNHitTestBackFaceCullingKey
-  SwiftName: SCNHitTestOption.backFaceCulling
-- Name: SCNHitTestBoundingBoxOnlyKey
-  SwiftName: SCNHitTestOption.boundingBoxOnly
-- Name: SCNHitTestIgnoreChildNodesKey
-  SwiftName: SCNHitTestOption.ignoreChildNodes
-- Name: SCNHitTestRootNodeKey
-  SwiftName: SCNHitTestOption.rootNode
-- Name: SCNHitTestIgnoreHiddenNodesKey
-  SwiftName: SCNHitTestOption.ignoreHiddenNodes
-# FIXME: All of these are on nested types, which is not supported by swift_name
-# yet. Once it is, make these fully qualified
-- Name: SCNPhysicsShapeTypeKey
-  SwiftName: type
-- Name: SCNPhysicsShapeKeepAsCompoundKey
-  SwiftName: keepAsCompound
-- Name: SCNPhysicsShapeScaleKey
-  SwiftName: scale
-- Name: SCNPhysicsTestCollisionBitMaskKey
-  SwiftName: collisionBitMask
-- Name: SCNPhysicsTestSearchModeKey
-  SwiftName: searchMode
-- Name: SCNPhysicsTestBackfaceCullingKey
-  SwiftName: backfaceCulling
-- Name: SCNSceneStartTimeAttributeKey
-  SwiftName: startTime
-- Name: SCNSceneEndTimeAttributeKey
-  SwiftName: endTime
-- Name: SCNSceneFrameRateAttributeKey
-  SwiftName: frameRate
-- Name: SCNSceneUpAxisAttributeKey
-  SwiftName: upAxis
-- Name: SCNSceneSourceCreateNormalsIfAbsentKey
-  SwiftName: createNormalsIfAbsent
-- Name: SCNSceneSourceCheckConsistencyKey
-  SwiftName: checkConsistency
-- Name: SCNSceneSourceFlattenSceneKey
-  SwiftName: flattenScene
-- Name: SCNSceneSourceUseSafeModeKey
-  SwiftName: useSafeMode
-- Name: SCNSceneSourceAssetDirectoryURLsKey
-  SwiftName: assetDirectoryURLs
-- Name: SCNSceneSourceOverrideAssetURLsKey
-  SwiftName: overrideAssetURLs
-- Name: SCNSceneSourceStrictConformanceKey
-  SwiftName: strictConformance
-- Name: SCNSceneSourceConvertUnitsToMetersKey
-  SwiftName: convertUnitsToMeters
-- Name: SCNSceneSourceConvertToYUpKey
-  SwiftName: convertToYUp
-- Name: SCNSceneSourceAnimationImportPolicyKey
-  SwiftName: animationImportPolicy
-- Name: SCNPreferredRenderingAPIKey
-  SwiftName: preferredRenderingAPI
-- Name: SCNPreferredDeviceKey
-  SwiftName: preferredDevice
-- Name: SCNPreferLowPowerDeviceKey
-  SwiftName: preferLowPowerDevice
-# API Renaming
-- Name: SCNActionable
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'runAction:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: runAction(_:)
-  - Selector: 'runAction:completionHandler:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: runAction(_:completionHandler:)
-  - Selector: 'runAction:forKey:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: runAction(_:forKey:)
-  - Selector: 'runAction:forKey:completionHandler:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: runAction(_:forKey:completionHandler:)
-- Name: SCNAnimatable
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'addAnimation:forKey:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: addAnimation(_:forKey:)
-  - Selector: 'isAnimationForKeyPaused:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: isAnimationPaused(forKey:)
-  - Selector: 'setSpeed:forAnimationKey:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: setAnimationSpeed(_:forKey:)
-- Name: SCNSceneRenderer
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'hitTest:options:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: hitTest(_:options:)
-  - Selector: 'isNodeInsideFrustum:withPointOfView:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: isNode(_:insideFrustumOf:)
-  - Selector: 'nodesInsideFrustumWithPointOfView:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: nodesInsideFrustum(of:)
-  - Selector: 'prepareObjects:withCompletionHandler:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: prepare(_:completionHandler:)
-- Name: SCNBufferStream
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'writeBytes:length:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: writeBytes(_:count:)
-- Name: SCNShadable
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'handleBindingOfSymbol:usingBlock:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: handleBinding(ofSymbol:handler:)
-  - Selector: 'handleUnbindingOfSymbol:usingBlock:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: handleUnbinding(ofSymbol:handler:)
-- Name: SCNAction
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'rotateToX:y:z:duration:shortestUnitArc:'
-    MethodKind: Class
-    SwiftName: rotateTo(x:y:z:duration:usesShortestUnitArc:)
-  - Selector: 'rotateByAngle:aroundAxis:duration:'
-    MethodKind: Class
-    SwiftName: rotate(by:around:duration:)
-  - Selector: 'fadeInWithDuration:'
-    MethodKind: Class
-    SwiftName: fadeIn(duration:)
-  - Selector: 'fadeOutWithDuration:'
-    MethodKind: Class
-    SwiftName: fadeOut(duration:)
-  - Selector: 'waitForDuration:'
-    MethodKind: Class
-    SwiftName: wait(duration:)
-  - Selector: 'waitForDuration:withRange:'
-    MethodKind: Class
-    SwiftName: wait(duration:withRange:)
-  - Selector: 'customActionWithDuration:actionBlock:'
-    MethodKind: Class
-    SwiftName: customAction(duration:action:)
-  - Selector: 'playAudioSource:waitForCompletion:'
-    MethodKind: Class
-    SwiftName: playAudio(_:waitForCompletion:)
-- Name: SCNLookAtConstraint
-  Properties:
-  - Name: gimbalLockEnabled
-    SwiftName: isGimbalLockEnabled
-- Name: SCNIKConstraint
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'inverseKinematicsConstraintWithChainRootNode:'
-    MethodKind: Class
-    SwiftName: inverseKinematicsConstraint(chainRootNode:)
-- Name: SCNGeometry
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'materialWithName:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: material(named:)
-  - Selector: 'geometrySourcesForSemantic:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: getGeometrySources(for:) # FIXME: is this the best name?
-- Name: SCNGeometrySource
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'geometrySourceWithData:semantic:vectorCount:floatComponents:componentsPerVector:bytesPerComponent:dataOffset:dataStride:'
-    MethodKind: Class
-    SwiftName: 'init(data:semantic:vectorCount:usesFloatComponents:componentsPerVector:bytesPerComponent:dataOffset:dataStride:)'
-  Properties:
-  - Name: floatComponents
-    SwiftName: usesFloatComponents
-- Name: SCNMaterial
-  Properties:
-  - Name: lightingModelName
-    SwiftName: lightingModel
-- Name: SCNMorpher
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'weightForTargetAtIndex:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: weight(forTargetAt:)
-- Name: SCNNode
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'hitTestWithSegmentFromPoint:toPoint:options:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: hitTestWithSegment(from:to:options:)
-- Name: SCNParticleSystem
-  Properties:
-  - Name: affectedByGravity
-    SwiftName: isAffectedByGravity
-  - Name: affectedByPhysicsFields
-    SwiftName: isAffectedByPhysicsFields
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'handleEvent:forProperties:withBlock:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: handle(_:forProperties:handler:)
-  - Selector: 'addModifierForProperties:atStage:withBlock:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: addModifier(forProperties:at:modifier:)
-  - Selector: 'removeModifiersOfStage:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: removeModifiers(at:)
-- Name: SCNScene
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'addParticleSystem:withTransform:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: addParticleSystem(_:transform:)
-- Name: SCNPhysicsBody
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'applyForce:impulse:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: applyForce(_:asImpulse:)
-  - Selector: 'applyForce:atPosition:impulse:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: applyForce(_:at:asImpulse:)
-  - Selector: 'applyTorque:impulse:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: applyTorque(_:asImpulse:)
-- Name: SCNPhysicsField
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'noiseFieldWithSmoothness:animationSpeed:'
-    MethodKind: Class
-    SwiftName: noiseField(smoothness:animationSpeed:)
-  - Selector: 'turbulenceFieldWithSmoothness:animationSpeed:'
-    MethodKind: Class
-    SwiftName: turbulenceField(smoothness:animationSpeed:)
-- Name: SCNPhysicsWorld
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'addBehavior:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: addBehavior(_:)
-  - Selector: 'removeBehavior:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: removeBehavior(_:)
-  - Selector: 'rayTestWithSegmentFromPoint:toPoint:options:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: rayTestWithSegment(from:to:options:)
-  - Selector: 'contactTestBetweenBody:andBody:options:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: contactTestBetween(_:_:options:)
-  - Selector: 'contactTestWithBody:options:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: contactTest(with:options:)
-  - Selector: 'convexSweepTestWithShape:fromTransform:toTransform:options:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: convexSweepTest(with:from:to:options:)
-- Name: SCNSceneSource
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'identifiersOfEntriesWithClass:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: identifiersOfEntries(withClass:)
-- Name: SCNProgram
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'handleBindingOfBufferNamed:frequency:usingBlock:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: handleBinding(ofBufferNamed:frequency:handler:)
diff --git a/apinotes/SpriteKit.apinotes b/apinotes/SpriteKit.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 2297f81..0000000
--- a/apinotes/SpriteKit.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-Name: SpriteKit
-- Name: SKMutableTexture
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initWithSize:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - S
-    NullabilityOfRet: N
-  - Selector: 'initWithSize:pixelFormat:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - S
-    - S
-    NullabilityOfRet: N
-  - Selector: 'modifyPixelDataWithBlock:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - N
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'mutableTextureWithSize:'
-    MethodKind: Class
-    Nullability:
-    - S
-    NullabilityOfRet: N
-- Name: SKReachConstraints
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'initWithLowerAngleLimit:upperAngleLimit:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - S
-    - S
-    NullabilityOfRet: N
diff --git a/apinotes/StoreKit.apinotes b/apinotes/StoreKit.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f236aa..0000000
--- a/apinotes/StoreKit.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Name: StoreKit
-- Name: SKPaymentQueue
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'resumeDownloads:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: 'resume(_:)'
-- Name: SKErrorCode
-  NSErrorDomain: SKErrorDomain
diff --git a/apinotes/TVMLKit.apinotes b/apinotes/TVMLKit.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a3ddc9..0000000
--- a/apinotes/TVMLKit.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-Name: TVMLKit
-- Name: TVElementFactory
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'registerViewElementClass:forElementName:'
-    SwiftName: 'registerViewElementClass(_:elementName:)'
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: TVInterfaceFactory
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'imageForResource:'
-    SwiftName: 'resourceImage(name:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'viewForElement:existingView:'
-    SwiftName: 'makeView(element:existingView:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'viewControllerForElement:existingViewController:'
-    SwiftName: 'makeViewController(element:existingViewController:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'URLForResource:'
-    SwiftName: 'resourceURL(name:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: TVStyleFactory
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'registerStyle:withType:inherited:'
-    SwiftName: 'registerStyleName(_:type:inherited:)'
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: TVTextElement
-  Properties:
-  - Name: attributedText
-    SwiftName: attributedString
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'attributedStringWithFont:'
-    SwiftName: 'makeAttributedString(font:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'attributedStringWithFont:foregroundColor:textAlignment:'
-    SwiftName: 'makeAttributedString(font:foregroundColor:textAlignment:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: TVViewElement
-  Properties:
-  - Name: elementIdentifier
-    SwiftName: identifier
-  - Name: elementName
-    SwiftName: name
-  - Name: childViewElements
-    SwiftName: children
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'dispatchEventOfType:canBubble:cancellable:extraInfo:completion:'
-    SwiftName: 'dispatchEvent(type:canBubble:cancellable:extraInfo:completion:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'dispatchEventWithName:canBubble:cancellable:extraInfo:completion:'
-    SwiftName: 'dispatchEvent(name:canBubble:cancellable:extraInfo:completion:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: TVViewElementStyle
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'valueForStyleProperty:'
-    SwiftName: 'value(propertyName:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: TVApplicationControllerDelegate
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'appController:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:'
-    SwiftName: 'appController(_:didFinishLaunching:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'appController:didFailWithError:'
-    SwiftName: 'appController(_:didFail:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'appController:didStopWithOptions:'
-    SwiftName: 'appController(_:didStop:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: TVInterfaceCreating
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'imageForResource:'
-    SwiftName: 'resourceImage(name:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'viewForElement:existingView:'
-    SwiftName: 'makeView(element:existingView:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'viewControllerForElement:existingViewController:'
-    SwiftName: 'makeViewController(element:existingViewController:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'URLForResource:'
-    SwiftName: 'resourceURL(name:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: TVElementUpdateTypeSelf
-  SwiftName: node
diff --git a/apinotes/TVServices.apinotes b/apinotes/TVServices.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 692aca2..0000000
--- a/apinotes/TVServices.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Name: TVServices
-- Name: TVTopShelfImageSizeForShape
-  SwiftName: 'TVTopShelfImageSize(shape:style:)'
diff --git a/apinotes/UIKit.apinotes b/apinotes/UIKit.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 7908b37..0000000
--- a/apinotes/UIKit.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,443 +0,0 @@
-Name: UIKit
-- Name: UIBezierPath
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'reversing'
-    SwiftName: 'reversed'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: UIPrintInfo
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: printInfo
-    MethodKind: Class
-    SwiftName: 'printInfo()'
-- Name: UIPrintInteractionController
-  Properties:
-  - Name: 'sharedPrintController'
-    SwiftName: shared
-- Name: NSLayoutAnchor
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'constraintEqualToAnchor:'
-    SwiftName: constraint(equalTo:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'constraintGreaterThanOrEqualToAnchor:'
-    SwiftName: constraint(greaterThanOrEqualTo:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'constraintLessThanOrEqualToAnchor:'
-    SwiftName: constraint(lessThanOrEqualTo:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'constraintEqualToAnchor:constant:'
-    SwiftName: constraint(equalTo:constant:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'constraintGreaterThanOrEqualToAnchor:constant:'
-    SwiftName: constraint(greaterThanOrEqualTo:constant:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'constraintLessThanOrEqualToAnchor:constant:'
-    SwiftName: constraint(lessThanOrEqualTo:constant:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSLayoutDimension
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'constraintEqualToConstant:'
-    SwiftName: constraint(equalToConstant:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'constraintGreaterThanOrEqualToConstant:'
-    SwiftName: constraint(greaterThanOrEqualToConstant:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'constraintLessThanOrEqualToConstant:'
-    SwiftName: constraint(lessThanOrEqualToConstant:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'constraintEqualToAnchor:multiplier:'
-    SwiftName: constraint(equalTo:multiplier:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'constraintGreaterThanOrEqualToAnchor:multiplier:'
-    SwiftName: constraint(greaterThanOrEqualTo:multiplier:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'constraintLessThanOrEqualToAnchor:multiplier:'
-    SwiftName: constraint(lessThanOrEqualTo:multiplier:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'constraintEqualToAnchor:multiplier:constant:'
-    SwiftName: constraint(equalTo:multiplier:constant:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'constraintGreaterThanOrEqualToAnchor:multiplier:constant:'
-    SwiftName: constraint(greaterThanOrEqualTo:multiplier:constant:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'constraintLessThanOrEqualToAnchor:multiplier:constant:'
-    SwiftName: constraint(lessThanOrEqualTo:multiplier:constant:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSLayoutManager
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'getGlyphsInRange:glyphs:properties:characterIndexes:bidiLevels:'
-    SwiftName: getGlyphs(in:glyphs:properties:characterIndexes:bidiLevels:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'textContainerForGlyphAtIndex:effectiveRange:'
-    SwiftName: textContainer(forGlyphAt:effectiveRange:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'textContainerForGlyphAtIndex:effectiveRange:withoutAdditionalLayout:'
-    SwiftName: textContainer(forGlyphAt:effectiveRange:withoutAdditionalLayout:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'lineFragmentRectForGlyphAtIndex:effectiveRange:'
-    SwiftName: lineFragmentRect(forGlyphAt:effectiveRange:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'lineFragmentRectForGlyphAtIndex:effectiveRange:withoutAdditionalLayout:'
-    SwiftName: lineFragmentRect(forGlyphAt:effectiveRange:withoutAdditionalLayout:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'lineFragmentUsedRectForGlyphAtIndex:effectiveRange:'
-    SwiftName: lineFragmentUsedRect(forGlyphAt:effectiveRange:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'lineFragmentUsedRectForGlyphAtIndex:effectiveRange:withoutAdditionalLayout:'
-    SwiftName: lineFragmentUsedRect(forGlyphAt:effectiveRange:withoutAdditionalLayout:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'locationForGlyphAtIndex:'
-    SwiftName: location(forGlyphAt:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'notShownAttributeForGlyphAtIndex:'
-    SwiftName: notShownAttribute(forGlyphAt:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'drawsOutsideLineFragmentForGlyphAtIndex:'
-    SwiftName: drawsOutsideLineFragment(forGlyphAt:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'attachmentSizeForGlyphAtIndex:'
-    SwiftName: attachmentSize(forGlyphAt:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'truncatedGlyphRangeInLineFragmentForGlyphAtIndex:'
-    SwiftName: truncatedGlyphRange(inLineFragmentForGlyphAt:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'getLineFragmentInsertionPointsForCharacterAtIndex:alternatePositions:inDisplayOrder:positions:characterIndexes:'
-    SwiftName: getLineFragmentInsertionPoints(forCharacterAt:alternatePositions:inDisplayOrder:positions:characterIndexes:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: UIApplication
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'openURL:'
-    SwiftName: openURL(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'canOpenURL:'
-    SwiftName: canOpenURL(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'sendEvent:'
-    SwiftName: sendEvent(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'registerForRemoteNotificationTypes:'
-    SwiftName: registerForRemoteNotifications(matching:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'cancelLocalNotification:'
-    SwiftName: cancelLocalNotification(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'registerUserNotificationSettings:'
-    SwiftName: registerUserNotificationSettings(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSIndexPath
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'indexPathForItem:inSection:'
-    SwiftName: init(item:section:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'indexPathForRow:inSection:'
-    SwiftName: init(row:section:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: UICollisionBehavior
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'setTranslatesReferenceBoundsIntoBoundaryWithInsets:'
-    SwiftName: setTranslatesReferenceBoundsIntoBoundary(with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: UIControl
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'beginTrackingWithTouch:withEvent:'
-    SwiftName: beginTracking(_:with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'continueTrackingWithTouch:withEvent:'
-    SwiftName: continueTracking(_:with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'endTrackingWithTouch:withEvent:'
-    SwiftName: endTracking(_:with:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: UIFieldBehavior
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'radialGravityFieldWithPosition:'
-    SwiftName: radialGravityField(position:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'linearGravityFieldWithVector:'
-    SwiftName: linearGravityField(direction:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'velocityFieldWithVector:'
-    SwiftName: velocityField(direction:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'noiseFieldWithSmoothness:animationSpeed:'
-    SwiftName: noiseField(smoothness:animationSpeed:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'turbulenceFieldWithSmoothness:animationSpeed:'
-    SwiftName: turbulenceField(smoothness:animationSpeed:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: UIImageAsset
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'unregisterImageWithTraitCollection:'
-    SwiftName: unregister(imageWith:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: UILocalizedIndexedCollation
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'sectionForSectionIndexTitleAtIndex:'
-    SwiftName: section(forSectionIndexTitle:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: UINavigationBar
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'pushNavigationItem:animated:'
-    SwiftName: pushItem(_:animated:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'popNavigationItemAnimated:'
-    SwiftName: popItem(animated:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: UINavigationController
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'popToViewController:animated:'
-    SwiftName: popToViewController(_:animated:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: UIPageControl
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'sizeForNumberOfPages:'
-    SwiftName: size(forNumberOfPages:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: UIPasteboard
-  Properties:
-  - Name: pasteboardTypes
-    SwiftName: types
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'containsPasteboardTypes:'
-    SwiftName: contains(pasteboardTypes:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'pasteboardTypesForItemSet:'
-    SwiftName: types(forItemSet:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'containsPasteboardTypes:inItemSet:'
-    SwiftName: contains(pasteboardTypes:inItemSet:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: UIPopoverController
-  Properties:
-  - Name: popoverContentSize
-    SwiftName: contentSize
-  - Name: isPopoverVisible
-    SwiftName: isVisible
-  - Name: popoverArrowDirection
-    SwiftName: arrowDirection
-  - Name: popoverLayoutMargins
-    SwiftName: layoutMargins
-  - Name: popoverBackgroundViewClass
-    SwiftName: backgroundViewClass
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'setPopoverContentSize:animated:'
-    SwiftName: setContentSize(_:animated:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'presentPopoverFromRect:inView:permittedArrowDirections:animated:'
-    SwiftName: present(from:in:permittedArrowDirections:animated:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'presentPopoverFromBarButtonItem:permittedArrowDirections:animated:'
-    SwiftName: present(from:permittedArrowDirections:animated:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'dismissPopoverAnimated:'
-    SwiftName: dismiss(animated:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: UIScrollView
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'touchesShouldBegin:withEvent:inContentView:'
-    SwiftName: touchesShouldBegin(_:with:in:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'touchesShouldCancelInContentView:'
-    SwiftName: touchesShouldCancel(in:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: UIStoryboardSegue
-  Properties:
-  - Name: sourceViewController
-    SwiftName: source
-  - Name: destinationViewController
-    SwiftName: destination
-- Name: UIStoryboardUnwindSegueSource
-  Properties:
-  - Name: sourceViewController
-    SwiftName: source
-- Name: UIUserNotificationSettings
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'settingsForTypes:categories:'
-    SwiftName: init(types:categories:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: UIView
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'willMoveToWindow:'
-    SwiftName: willMove(toWindow:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'viewWithTag:'
-    SwiftName: viewWithTag(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'setNeedsDisplayInRect:'
-    SwiftName: setNeedsDisplay(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: UIViewController
-  Properties:
-  - Name: presentedViewController
-    SwiftName: presentedViewController
-  - Name: presentingViewController
-    SwiftName: presentingViewController
-- Name: UIVibrancyEffect
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'effectForBlurEffect:'
-    SwiftName: init(blurEffect:)
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: UIWindow
-  Properties:
-  - Name: isKeyWindow
-    SwiftName: isKey
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: becomeKeyWindow
-    SwiftName: becomeKey()
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: resignKeyWindow
-    SwiftName: resignKey()
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: makeKeyWindow
-    SwiftName: makeKey()
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'sendEvent:'
-    SwiftName: sendEvent(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: UIAppearance
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'appearanceWhenContainedInInstancesOfClasses:'
-    SwiftName: 'appearance(whenContainedInInstancesOf:)'
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'appearanceForTraitCollection:'
-    SwiftName: 'appearance(for:)'
-    MethodKind: Class
-  - Selector: 'appearanceForTraitCollection:whenContainedInInstancesOfClasses:'
-    SwiftName: 'appearance(for:whenContainedInInstancesOf:)'
-    MethodKind: Class
-- Name: UIBarPositioningDelegate
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'positionForBar:'
-    SwiftName: position(for:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: UIDocumentInteractionControllerDelegate
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'documentInteractionControllerViewControllerForPreview:'
-    SwiftName: documentInteractionControllerViewControllerForPreview(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'documentInteractionControllerRectForPreview:'
-    SwiftName: documentInteractionControllerRectForPreview(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'documentInteractionControllerViewForPreview:'
-    SwiftName: documentInteractionControllerViewForPreview(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'documentInteractionControllerWillPresentOpenInMenu:'
-    SwiftName: documentInteractionControllerWillPresentOpenInMenu(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'documentInteractionControllerDidDismissOpenInMenu:'
-    SwiftName: documentInteractionControllerDidDismissOpenInMenu(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: UINavigationControllerDelegate
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'navigationControllerPreferredInterfaceOrientationForPresentation:'
-    SwiftName: navigationControllerPreferredInterfaceOrientationForPresentation(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'navigationController:interactionControllerForAnimationController:'
-    SwiftName: navigationController(_:interactionControllerFor:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: UIPageViewControllerDelegate
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'pageViewControllerPreferredInterfaceOrientationForPresentation:'
-    SwiftName: pageViewControllerPreferredInterfaceOrientationForPresentation(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: UIPopoverPresentationControllerDelegate
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'prepareForPopoverPresentation:'
-    SwiftName: prepareForPopoverPresentation(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: UIScrollViewDelegate
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'scrollViewShouldScrollToTop:'
-    SwiftName: scrollViewShouldScrollToTop(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'scrollViewDidScrollToTop:'
-    SwiftName: scrollViewDidScrollToTop(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: UISearchControllerDelegate
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'willPresentSearchController:'
-    SwiftName: willPresentSearchController(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'didPresentSearchController:'
-    SwiftName: didPresentSearchController(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'willDismissSearchController:'
-    SwiftName: willDismissSearchController(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'didDismissSearchController:'
-    SwiftName: didDismissSearchController(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'presentSearchController:'
-    SwiftName: presentSearchController(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: UISplitViewControllerDelegate
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'splitViewController:showDetailViewController:sender:'
-    SwiftName: splitViewController(_:showDetail:sender:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'splitViewController:collapseSecondaryViewController:ontoPrimaryViewController:'
-    SwiftName: splitViewController(_:collapseSecondary:onto:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'splitViewController:separateSecondaryViewControllerFromPrimaryViewController:'
-    SwiftName: splitViewController(_:separateSecondaryFrom:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'splitViewControllerPreferredInterfaceOrientationForPresentation:'
-    SwiftName: splitViewControllerPreferredInterfaceOrientationForPresentation(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'splitViewController:willShowViewController:invalidatingBarButtonItem:'
-    SwiftName: splitViewController(_:willShow:invalidating:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: UITabBarControllerDelegate
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'tabBarControllerPreferredInterfaceOrientationForPresentation:'
-    SwiftName: tabBarControllerPreferredInterfaceOrientationForPresentation(_:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'tabBarController:interactionControllerForAnimationController:'
-    SwiftName: tabBarController(_:interactionControllerFor:)
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'transitionDuration:'
-    SwiftName: 'transitionDuration(using:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'animateTransition:'
-    SwiftName: 'animateTransition(using:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'interruptibleAnimatorForTransition:'
-    SwiftName: 'interruptibleAnimator(using:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'animationControllerForPresentedController:presentingController:sourceController:'
-    SwiftName: 'animationController(forPresented:presenting:source:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'animationControllerForDismissedController:'
-    SwiftName: 'animationController(forDismissed:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'interactionControllerForPresentation:'
-    SwiftName: 'interactionControllerForPresentation(using:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'interactionControllerForDismissal:'
-    SwiftName: 'interactionControllerForDismissal(using:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'presentationControllerForPresentedViewController:presentingViewController:sourceViewController:'
-    SwiftName: 'presentationController(forPresented:presenting:source:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: NSLayoutFormatDirectionLeadingToTrailing
-  SwiftName: directionLeadingToTrailing
-- Name: UIViewAnimationOptionCurveEaseInOut
-  SwiftName: curveEaseInOut
-- Name: UIViewKeyframeAnimationOptionCalculationModeLinear
-  SwiftName: calculationModeLinear
-- Name: UIControlStateNormal
-  SwiftName: normal
-- Name: UIDocumentStateNormal
-  SwiftName: normal
-- Name: UIPrinterJobTypeUnknown
-  SwiftName: unknown
-- Name: UIUserInterfaceIdiomTV
-  SwiftName: tv
diff --git a/apinotes/UserNotifications.apinotes b/apinotes/UserNotifications.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index e8d951e..0000000
--- a/apinotes/UserNotifications.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Name: UserNotifications
-- Name: UNErrorCode
-  NSErrorDomain: UNErrorDomain
diff --git a/apinotes/VideoSubscriberAccount.apinotes b/apinotes/VideoSubscriberAccount.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e13fdc..0000000
--- a/apinotes/VideoSubscriberAccount.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Name: VideoSubscriberAccount
-- Name: VSErrorCode
-  NSErrorDomain: VSErrorDomain
diff --git a/apinotes/WatchConnectivity.apinotes b/apinotes/WatchConnectivity.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index ea1d8ed..0000000
--- a/apinotes/WatchConnectivity.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Name: WatchConnectivity
-- Name: WCErrorCode
-  NSErrorDomain: WCErrorDomain
diff --git a/apinotes/WatchKit.apinotes b/apinotes/WatchKit.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index b05af4b..0000000
--- a/apinotes/WatchKit.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-Name: WatchKit
-- Name: WKInterfaceController
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'pushControllerWithName:context:'
-    SwiftName: 'pushController(withName:context:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'presentControllerWithName:context:'
-    SwiftName: 'presentController(withName:context:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-  - Selector: 'presentControllerWithNames:contexts:'
-    SwiftName: 'presentController(withNames:contexts:)'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-- Name: WatchKitUnknownError
-  SwiftName: unknown
-- Name: WatchKitApplicationDelegateWatchKitRequestReplyNotCalledError
-  SwiftName: applicationDelegateWatchKitRequestReplyNotCalled
-- Name: WatchKitInvalidArgumentError
-  SwiftName: invalidArgument
-- Name: WatchKitMediaPlayerError
-  SwiftName: mediaPlayerFailed
-- Name: WatchKitDownloadError
-  SwiftName: downloadFailed
-- Name: WatchKitRecordingFailedError
-  SwiftName: recordingFailed
-- Name: WatchKitErrorCode
-  NSErrorDomain: WatchKitErrorDomain
diff --git a/apinotes/WebKit.apinotes b/apinotes/WebKit.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index d711df4..0000000
--- a/apinotes/WebKit.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-Name: WebKit
-- Name: WebFrame
-  Properties:
-  - Name: dataSource
-    Nullability: O
-- Name: WebView
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'alignCenter:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'alignJustified:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'alignLeft:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'alignRight:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'changeAttributes:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'changeColor:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'changeDocumentBackgroundColor:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'changeFont:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'checkSpelling:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'copy:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'copyFont:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'cut:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'delete:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'goBack:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'goForward:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'makeTextLarger:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'makeTextSmaller:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'makeTextStandardSize:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'moveToBeginningOfSentence:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'moveToBeginningOfSentenceAndModifySelection:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'moveToEndOfSentence:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'moveToEndOfSentenceAndModifySelection:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'overWrite:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'paste:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'pasteAsPlainText:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'pasteAsRichText:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'pasteFont:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'performFindPanelAction:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'reload:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'reloadFromOrigin:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'selectSentence:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'showGuessPanel:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'startSpeaking:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'stopLoading:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'stopSpeaking:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'takeStringURLFrom:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'toggleContinuousSpellChecking:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-  - Selector: 'toggleSmartInsertDelete:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
-- Name: WKErrorCode
-  NSErrorDomain: WKErrorDomain
diff --git a/apinotes/XCTest.apinotes b/apinotes/XCTest.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 1332195..0000000
--- a/apinotes/XCTest.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-Name: XCTest
-- Name: XCTestSuiteRun
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'addTestRun:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: 'addTestRun(_:)'
-- Name: XCUIElementQuery
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'matchingPredicate:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: 'matching(_:)'
-  - Selector: 'matchingType:identifier:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: 'matching(_:identifier:)'
-  - Selector: 'matchingIdentifier:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: 'matching(identifier:)'
-- Name: XCTestCase
-  SwiftObjCMembers: true
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: 'waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:handler:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: 'waitForExpectations(timeout:handler:)'
-  - Selector: 'expectationWithDescription:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    SwiftName: 'expectation(description:)'
diff --git a/apinotes/XPC.apinotes b/apinotes/XPC.apinotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b14f5c..0000000
--- a/apinotes/XPC.apinotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Name: XPC
-# xpc_object
-- Name: xpc_retain
-  Availability: nonswift
-- Name: xpc_release
-  Availability: nonswift
diff --git a/include/swift/Basic/ArrayRefView.h b/include/swift/Basic/ArrayRefView.h
index 1b76e8e..01c1c9e 100644
--- a/include/swift/Basic/ArrayRefView.h
+++ b/include/swift/Basic/ArrayRefView.h
@@ -24,14 +24,15 @@
 /// An adapter for iterating over a range of values as a range of
 /// values of a different type.
-template <class Orig, class Projected, Projected (&Project)(const Orig &)>
+template <class Orig, class Projected, Projected (&Project)(const Orig &),
+          bool AllowOrigAccess = false>
 class ArrayRefView {
   llvm::ArrayRef<Orig> Array;
   ArrayRefView(llvm::ArrayRef<Orig> array) : Array(array) {}
   class iterator {
-    friend class ArrayRefView<Orig,Projected,Project>;
+    friend class ArrayRefView<Orig,Projected,Project,AllowOrigAccess>;
     const Orig *Ptr;
     iterator(const Orig *ptr) : Ptr(ptr) {}
@@ -98,6 +99,14 @@
   ArrayRefView slice(unsigned start, unsigned length) const {
     return ArrayRefView(Array.slice(start, length));
+  /// Peek through to the underlying array.  This operation is not
+  /// supported by default; it must be enabled at specialization time.
+  llvm::ArrayRef<Orig> getOriginalArray() const {
+    static_assert(AllowOrigAccess,
+                  "original array access not enabled for this view");
+    return Array;
+  }
 } // end namespace swift
diff --git a/include/swift/Basic/ExternalUnion.h b/include/swift/Basic/ExternalUnion.h
index 2849118..74381d3 100644
--- a/include/swift/Basic/ExternalUnion.h
+++ b/include/swift/Basic/ExternalUnion.h
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 #include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
-#include <type_traits>
+#include "swift/Basic/type_traits.h"
 #include <utility>
 #include <assert.h>
@@ -77,6 +77,11 @@
   char Storage[static_max<sizeof(Members)...>::value];
+  enum : bool {
+    union_is_trivially_copyable =
+      SpecialMembers<Members...>::is_trivially_copyable
+  };
   /// Construct a union member in-place.
   template <class T, class... Args>
   T &emplaceWithoutIndex(Args &&... args) {
@@ -96,6 +101,25 @@
     return *(::new ((void*) &Storage) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
+  /// Construct a union member in-place using list-initialization ({}).
+  template <class T, class... Args>
+  T &emplaceAggregateWithoutIndex(Args &&... args) {
+    constexpr int typeIndex = indexOf<T, Members...>::value;
+    static_assert(typeIndex != -1, "type not in union");
+    return *(::new ((void*) &Storage) T{std::forward<Args>(args)...});
+  }
+  /// Construct a union member in-place using list-initialization ({}).
+  template <class T, class... Args>
+  T &emplaceAggregate(int index, Args &&... args) {
+    constexpr int typeIndex = indexOf<T, Members...>::value;
+    static_assert(typeIndex != -1, "type not in union");
+    assert(index == typeIndex && "current kind is wrong for value");
+    return *(::new ((void*) &Storage) T{std::forward<Args>(args)...});
+  }
   /// Return a reference to a union member.
   template <class T>
   T &getWithoutIndex() {
@@ -201,6 +225,10 @@
   BasicExternalUnion<Members...> Union;
+  enum : bool {
+    union_is_trivially_copyable = decltype(Union)::union_is_trivially_copyable
+  };
   /// Construct a union member in-place.
   template <class T, class... Args>
   T &emplace(Kind kind, Args &&... args) {
@@ -212,6 +240,18 @@
+  /// Construct a union member in-place using list-initialization ({}).
+  template <class T, class... Args>
+  T &emplaceAggregate(Kind kind, Args &&... args) {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    return Union.template emplaceAggregate<T>(GetIndexForKind(kind),
+                                     std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+    return Union.template emplaceAggregateWithoutIndex<T>(
+                                     std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+  }
   /// Return a reference to a union member, asserting that the current
   /// kind is right.
   template <class T>
@@ -265,6 +305,10 @@
 /// A helper class for defining special members.
 template <>
 struct SpecialMembers<> {
+  enum : bool {
+    is_trivially_copyable = true
+  };
   static void copyConstruct(void *self, int index, const void *other) {
     llvm_unreachable("bad index");
@@ -293,6 +337,12 @@
 template <class T, class... Others>
 struct SpecialMembers<T, Others...> {
+  enum : bool {
+    is_trivially_copyable =
+      IsTriviallyCopyable<T>::value &&
+      SpecialMembers<Others...>::is_trivially_copyable
+  };
   static void copyConstruct(void *self, int index, const void *other) {
     if (index == 0) {
diff --git a/test/IRGen/Inputs/usr/include/Foundation.apinotes b/test/IRGen/Inputs/usr/include/Foundation.apinotes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..714ff1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/IRGen/Inputs/usr/include/Foundation.apinotes
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+Name: Foundation
+- Name: NSArray
+  SwiftBridge: Swift.Array
+  SwiftImportAsNonGeneric: true
+- Name: NSMutableArray
+  SwiftImportAsNonGeneric: true
+- Name: NSByteCountFormatter
+  SwiftName: ByteCountFormatter
+- Name: NSDictionary
+  SwiftBridge: Swift.Dictionary
+  SwiftImportAsNonGeneric: true
+- Name: NSMutableDictionary
+  SwiftImportAsNonGeneric: true
+- Name: NSError
+  SwiftBridge: Swift.Error
+- Name: NSNotification
+  SwiftBridge: Notification
+- Name: NSNumber
+  Methods:
+  - Selector: 'initWithChar:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithUnsignedChar:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithShort:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithUnsignedShort:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithInt:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithUnsignedInt:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithLong:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithUnsignedLong:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithLongLong:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithUnsignedLongLong:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithFloat:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithDouble:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithBool:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithInteger:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithUnsignedInteger:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'numberWithChar:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithUnsignedChar:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithShort:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithUnsignedShort:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithInt:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithUnsignedInt:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithLong:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithUnsignedLong:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithLongLong:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithUnsignedLongLong:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithFloat:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithDouble:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithBool:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithInteger:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithUnsignedInteger:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  Properties:
+  - Name: charValue
+    SwiftName: int8Value
+  - Name: unsignedCharValue
+    SwiftName: uint8Value
+  - Name: shortValue
+    SwiftName: int16Value
+  - Name: unsignedShortValue
+    SwiftName: uint16Value
+  - Name: intValue
+    SwiftName: int32Value
+  - Name: unsignedIntValue
+    SwiftName: uint32Value
+  - Name: longValue
+    Availability: nonswift
+  - Name: unsignedLongValue
+    Availability: nonswift
+    AvailabilityMsg: use 'uintValue'
+  - Name: longLongValue
+    SwiftName: int64Value
+  - Name: unsignedLongLongValue
+    SwiftName: uint64Value
+  - Name: integerValue
+    SwiftName: intValue
+  - Name: unsignedIntegerValue
+    SwiftName: uintValue
+- Name: NSSet
+  SwiftBridge: Swift.Set
+  SwiftImportAsNonGeneric: true
+  Methods:
+  - Selector: 'filteredSetUsingPredicate:'
+    SwiftName: filtered(using:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+- Name: NSMutableSet
+  SwiftImportAsNonGeneric: true
+- Name: NSString
+  SwiftBridge: Swift.String
+- Name: NSURL
+  SwiftBridge: URL
+- Name: NSByteCountFormatterCountStyle
+  SwiftName: ByteCountFormatter.CountStyle
+- Name: NSNotificationName
+  SwiftName: NSNotification.Name
diff --git a/apinotes/ObjectiveC.apinotes b/test/IRGen/Inputs/usr/include/ObjectiveC.apinotes
similarity index 87%
rename from apinotes/ObjectiveC.apinotes
rename to test/IRGen/Inputs/usr/include/ObjectiveC.apinotes
index 28ad0c6..d2c3fc8 100644
--- a/apinotes/ObjectiveC.apinotes
+++ b/test/IRGen/Inputs/usr/include/ObjectiveC.apinotes
@@ -1,24 +1,6 @@
 Name: ObjectiveC
-- Name: NSArray
-  SwiftBridge: 'Swift.Array'
-- Name: NSDictionary
-  SwiftBridge: 'Swift.Dictionary'
-- Name: NSSet
-  SwiftBridge: 'Swift.Set'
-- Name: NSString
-  SwiftBridge: 'Swift.String'
-- Name: List
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: init
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    NullabilityOfRet: N
-  - Selector: 'isEqual:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
 - Name: NSObject
   SwiftName: NSObject
diff --git a/test/Inputs/clang-importer-sdk/usr/include/AppKit.apinotes b/test/Inputs/clang-importer-sdk/usr/include/AppKit.apinotes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..289cffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Inputs/clang-importer-sdk/usr/include/AppKit.apinotes
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Name: AppKit
+- Name: NSBezierPath
+  Properties:
+  - Name: bezierPathByFlatteningPath
+    SwiftName: flattened
+  - Name: bezierPathByReversingPath
+    SwiftName: reversed
+- Name: NSDocument
+  Methods:
+  - Selector: init
+    MethodKind: Instance
+    DesignatedInit: true
+- Name: NSView
+  Properties:
+  - Name: nextKeyView
+    SwiftName: nextKeyView
+  - Name: previousKeyView
+    SwiftName: previousKeyView
+  - Name: nextValidKeyView
+    SwiftName: nextValidKeyView
+  - Name: previousValidKeyView
+    SwiftName: previousValidKeyView
diff --git a/test/Inputs/clang-importer-sdk/usr/include/CoreGraphics.apinotes b/test/Inputs/clang-importer-sdk/usr/include/CoreGraphics.apinotes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b30a90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Inputs/clang-importer-sdk/usr/include/CoreGraphics.apinotes
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Name: CoreGraphics
+- Name: CGColorCreateGenericGray
+  SwiftName: CGColor.init(gray:alpha:)
diff --git a/test/Inputs/clang-importer-sdk/usr/include/Foundation.apinotes b/test/Inputs/clang-importer-sdk/usr/include/Foundation.apinotes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58448ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Inputs/clang-importer-sdk/usr/include/Foundation.apinotes
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+Name: Foundation
+- Name: NSArray
+  SwiftBridge: Swift.Array
+  SwiftImportAsNonGeneric: true
+- Name: NSMutableArray
+  SwiftImportAsNonGeneric: true
+- Name: NSByteCountFormatter
+  SwiftName: ByteCountFormatter
+- Name: NSCalendar
+  SwiftBridge: Calendar
+- Name: NSDictionary
+  SwiftBridge: Swift.Dictionary
+  SwiftImportAsNonGeneric: true
+- Name: NSMutableDictionary
+  SwiftImportAsNonGeneric: true
+- Name: NSError
+  SwiftBridge: Swift.Error
+- Name: NSNotification
+  SwiftBridge: Notification
+- Name: NSNotificationQueue
+  SwiftName: NotificationQueue
+- Name: NSNumber
+  Methods:
+  - Selector: 'initWithChar:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithUnsignedChar:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithShort:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithUnsignedShort:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithInt:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithUnsignedInt:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithLong:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithUnsignedLong:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithLongLong:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithUnsignedLongLong:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithFloat:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithDouble:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithBool:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithInteger:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithUnsignedInteger:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'numberWithChar:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithUnsignedChar:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithShort:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithUnsignedShort:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithInt:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithUnsignedInt:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithLong:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithUnsignedLong:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithLongLong:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithUnsignedLongLong:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithFloat:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithDouble:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithBool:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithInteger:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithUnsignedInteger:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  Properties:
+  - Name: charValue
+    SwiftName: int8Value
+  - Name: unsignedCharValue
+    SwiftName: uint8Value
+  - Name: shortValue
+    SwiftName: int16Value
+  - Name: unsignedShortValue
+    SwiftName: uint16Value
+  - Name: intValue
+    SwiftName: int32Value
+  - Name: unsignedIntValue
+    SwiftName: uint32Value
+  - Name: longValue
+    Availability: nonswift
+  - Name: unsignedLongValue
+    Availability: nonswift
+    AvailabilityMsg: use 'uintValue'
+  - Name: longLongValue
+    SwiftName: int64Value
+  - Name: unsignedLongLongValue
+    SwiftName: uint64Value
+  - Name: integerValue
+    SwiftName: intValue
+  - Name: unsignedIntegerValue
+    SwiftName: uintValue
+- Name: NSNumberFormatter
+  SwiftName: NumberFormatter
+- Name: NSProcessInfo
+  SwiftName: ProcessInfo
+- Name: NSSet
+  SwiftBridge: Swift.Set
+  SwiftImportAsNonGeneric: true
+  Methods:
+  - Selector: 'filteredSetUsingPredicate:'
+    SwiftName: filtered(using:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+- Name: NSMutableSet
+  SwiftImportAsNonGeneric: true
+- Name: NSOperation
+  SwiftName: Operation
+- Name: NSString
+  SwiftBridge: Swift.String
+  Properties:
+  - Name: uppercaseString
+    SwiftName: uppercased
+  - Name: lowercaseString
+    SwiftName: lowercased
+- Name: NSURL
+  SwiftBridge: URL
+- Name: NSXMLNode
+  SwiftName: XMLNode
+- Name: NSNumberFormatterBehaviorDefault
+  SwiftName: default
+- Name: NSPostWhenIdle
+  SwiftName: whenIdle
+- Name: NSPostASAP
+  SwiftName: asap
+- Name: NSPostNow
+  SwiftName: now
+- Name: NSXMLDocumentXMLKind
+  SwiftName: xml
+- Name: NSXMLDocumentXHTMLKind
+  SwiftName: xhtml
+- Name: NSXMLDocumentHTMLKind
+  SwiftName: html
+- Name: NSXMLDocumentTextKind
+  SwiftName: text
+- Name: NSXMLAttributeCDATAKind
+  SwiftName: cdataAttribute
+- Name: NSXMLAttributeIDKind
+  SwiftName: idAttribute
+- Name: NSXMLAttributeIDRefKind
+  SwiftName: idRefAttribute
+- Name: NSXMLAttributeIDRefsKind
+  SwiftName: idRefsAttribute
+- Name: NSXMLAttributeEntityKind
+  SwiftName: entityAttribute
+- Name: NSXMLAttributeEntitiesKind
+  SwiftName: entitiesAttribute
+- Name: NSXMLAttributeNMTokenKind
+  SwiftName: nmTokenAttribute
+- Name: NSXMLAttributeNMTokensKind
+  SwiftName: nmTokensAttribute
+- Name: NSXMLAttributeEnumerationKind
+  SwiftName: enumerationAttribute
+- Name: NSXMLAttributeNotationKind
+  SwiftName: notationAttribute
+- Name: NSXMLInvalidKind
+  SwiftName: invalid
+- Name: NSXMLDocumentKind
+  SwiftName: document
+- Name: NSXMLElementKind
+  SwiftName: element
+- Name: NSXMLAttributeKind
+  SwiftName: attribute
+- Name: NSXMLNamespaceKind
+  SwiftName: namespace
+- Name: NSXMLProcessingInstructionKind
+  SwiftName: processingInstruction
+- Name: NSXMLCommentKind
+  SwiftName: comment
+- Name: NSXMLTextKind
+  SwiftName: text
+- Name: NSXMLDTDKind
+  SwiftName: DTDKind
+- Name: NSXMLEntityDeclarationKind
+  SwiftName: entityDeclaration
+- Name: NSXMLAttributeDeclarationKind
+  SwiftName: attributeDeclaration
+- Name: NSXMLElementDeclarationKind
+  SwiftName: elementDeclaration
+- Name: NSXMLNotationDeclarationKind
+  SwiftName: notationDeclaration
+- Name: NSProgressReporting
+  SwiftName: ProgressReporting
+- Name: NSByteCountFormatterCountStyle
+  SwiftName: ByteCountFormatter.CountStyle
+- Name: NSCalendarUnit
+  SwiftName: NSCalendar.Unit
+- Name: NSNumberFormatterBehavior
+  SwiftName: NumberFormatter.Behavior
+- Name: NSPostingStyle
+  SwiftName: NotificationQueue.PostingStyle
+- Name: NSXMLNodeKind
+  SwiftName: XMLNode.Kind
+- Name: NSNotificationName
+  SwiftName: NSNotification.Name
+- Name: NSTimeInterval
+  SwiftName: TimeInterval
diff --git a/apinotes/NotificationCenter.apinotes b/test/Inputs/clang-importer-sdk/usr/include/NotificationCenter.apinotes
similarity index 99%
rename from apinotes/NotificationCenter.apinotes
rename to test/Inputs/clang-importer-sdk/usr/include/NotificationCenter.apinotes
index beaeeea..8e49ce9 100644
--- a/apinotes/NotificationCenter.apinotes
+++ b/test/Inputs/clang-importer-sdk/usr/include/NotificationCenter.apinotes
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
       - Selector:        'widgetController'
         MethodKind:      Class
-        SwiftName:       'widgetController()'
+        SwiftName:       'widgetController()'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apinotes/ObjectiveC.apinotes b/test/Inputs/clang-importer-sdk/usr/include/objc/ObjectiveC.apinotes
similarity index 87%
copy from apinotes/ObjectiveC.apinotes
copy to test/Inputs/clang-importer-sdk/usr/include/objc/ObjectiveC.apinotes
index 28ad0c6..d2c3fc8 100644
--- a/apinotes/ObjectiveC.apinotes
+++ b/test/Inputs/clang-importer-sdk/usr/include/objc/ObjectiveC.apinotes
@@ -1,24 +1,6 @@
 Name: ObjectiveC
-- Name: NSArray
-  SwiftBridge: 'Swift.Array'
-- Name: NSDictionary
-  SwiftBridge: 'Swift.Dictionary'
-- Name: NSSet
-  SwiftBridge: 'Swift.Set'
-- Name: NSString
-  SwiftBridge: 'Swift.String'
-- Name: List
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: init
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    NullabilityOfRet: N
-  - Selector: 'isEqual:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
 - Name: NSObject
   SwiftName: NSObject
diff --git a/test/SILGen/Inputs/usr/include/Foundation.apinotes b/test/SILGen/Inputs/usr/include/Foundation.apinotes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbbe038
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/SILGen/Inputs/usr/include/Foundation.apinotes
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+Name: Foundation
+- Name: NSArray
+  SwiftBridge: Swift.Array
+  SwiftImportAsNonGeneric: true
+- Name: NSMutableArray
+  SwiftImportAsNonGeneric: true
+- Name: NSDictionary
+  SwiftBridge: Swift.Dictionary
+  SwiftImportAsNonGeneric: true
+- Name: NSMutableDictionary
+  SwiftImportAsNonGeneric: true
+- Name: NSError
+  SwiftBridge: Swift.Error
+- Name: NSNumber
+  Methods:
+  - Selector: 'initWithChar:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithUnsignedChar:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithShort:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithUnsignedShort:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithInt:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithUnsignedInt:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithLong:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithUnsignedLong:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithLongLong:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithUnsignedLongLong:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithFloat:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithDouble:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithBool:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithInteger:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'initWithUnsignedInteger:'
+    SwiftName: init(value:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+  - Selector: 'numberWithChar:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithUnsignedChar:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithShort:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithUnsignedShort:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithInt:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithUnsignedInt:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithLong:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithUnsignedLong:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithLongLong:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithUnsignedLongLong:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithFloat:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithDouble:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithBool:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithInteger:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  - Selector: 'numberWithUnsignedInteger:'
+    Availability: nonswift
+    MethodKind: Class
+  Properties:
+  - Name: charValue
+    SwiftName: int8Value
+  - Name: unsignedCharValue
+    SwiftName: uint8Value
+  - Name: shortValue
+    SwiftName: int16Value
+  - Name: unsignedShortValue
+    SwiftName: uint16Value
+  - Name: intValue
+    SwiftName: int32Value
+  - Name: unsignedIntValue
+    SwiftName: uint32Value
+  - Name: longValue
+    Availability: nonswift
+  - Name: unsignedLongValue
+    Availability: nonswift
+    AvailabilityMsg: use 'uintValue'
+  - Name: longLongValue
+    SwiftName: int64Value
+  - Name: unsignedLongLongValue
+    SwiftName: uint64Value
+  - Name: integerValue
+    SwiftName: intValue
+  - Name: unsignedIntegerValue
+    SwiftName: uintValue
+- Name: NSSet
+  SwiftBridge: Swift.Set
+  SwiftImportAsNonGeneric: true
+  Methods:
+  - Selector: 'filteredSetUsingPredicate:'
+    SwiftName: filtered(using:)
+    MethodKind: Instance
+- Name: NSMutableSet
+  SwiftImportAsNonGeneric: true
+- Name: NSString
+  SwiftBridge: Swift.String
+- Name: NSURL
+  SwiftBridge: URL
diff --git a/apinotes/ObjectiveC.apinotes b/test/SILGen/Inputs/usr/include/ObjectiveC.apinotes
similarity index 87%
copy from apinotes/ObjectiveC.apinotes
copy to test/SILGen/Inputs/usr/include/ObjectiveC.apinotes
index 28ad0c6..d2c3fc8 100644
--- a/apinotes/ObjectiveC.apinotes
+++ b/test/SILGen/Inputs/usr/include/ObjectiveC.apinotes
@@ -1,24 +1,6 @@
 Name: ObjectiveC
-- Name: NSArray
-  SwiftBridge: 'Swift.Array'
-- Name: NSDictionary
-  SwiftBridge: 'Swift.Dictionary'
-- Name: NSSet
-  SwiftBridge: 'Swift.Set'
-- Name: NSString
-  SwiftBridge: 'Swift.String'
-- Name: List
-  Methods:
-  - Selector: init
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    NullabilityOfRet: N
-  - Selector: 'isEqual:'
-    MethodKind: Instance
-    Nullability:
-    - O
-    NullabilityOfRet: S
 - Name: NSObject
   SwiftName: NSObject