blob: e284ef45d4dd25e55463057abd6c48ab10729ba3 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- DictTest.swift ---------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import TestsUtils
public func run_Dictionary(scale: Int) {
let Input = [
// Text from
"hash", "table",
"in", "computing", "a", "hash", "table", "also", "hash", "map", "is",
"a", "data", "structure", "used", "to", "implement", "an", "associative",
"array", "a", "structure", "that", "can", "map", "keys", "to", "values",
"a", "hash", "table", "uses", "a", "hash", "function", "to", "compute",
"an", "index", "into", "an", "array", "of", "buckets", "or", "slots",
"from", "which", "the", "correct", "value", "can", "be", "found",
"ideally", "the", "hash", "function", "will", "assign", "each", "key",
"to", "a", "unique", "bucket", "but", "this", "situation", "is",
"rarely", "achievable", "in", "practice", "usually", "some", "keys",
"will", "hash", "to", "the", "same", "bucket", "instead", "most", "hash",
"table", "designs", "assume", "that", "hash", "collisions", "different",
"keys", "that", "are", "assigned", "by", "the", "hash", "function", "to",
"the", "same", "bucket", "will", "occur", "and", "must", "be",
"accommodated", "in", "some", "way", "in", "a", "well", "dimensioned",
"hash", "table", "the", "average", "cost", "number", "of",
"instructions", "for", "each", "lookup", "is", "independent", "of",
"the", "number", "of", "elements", "stored", "in", "the", "table",
"many", "hash", "table", "designs", "also", "allow", "arbitrary",
"insertions", "and", "deletions", "of", "key", "value", "pairs", "at",
"amortized", "constant", "average", "cost", "per", "operation", "in",
"many", "situations", "hash", "tables", "turn", "out", "to", "be",
"more", "efficient", "than", "search", "trees", "or", "any", "other",
"table", "lookup", "structure", "for", "this", "reason", "they", "are",
"widely", "used", "in", "many", "kinds", "of", "computer", "software",
"particularly", "for", "associative", "arrays", "database", "indexing",
"caches", "and", "sets",
"the", "idea", "of", "hashing", "is", "to", "distribute", "the",
"entries", "key", "value", "pairs", "across", "an", "array", "of",
"buckets", "given", "a", "key", "the", "algorithm", "computes", "an",
"index", "that", "suggests", "where", "the", "entry", "can", "be",
"found", "index", "f", "key", "array", "size", "often", "this", "is",
"done", "in", "two", "steps", "hash", "hashfunc", "key", "index", "hash",
"array", "size", "in", "this", "method", "the", "hash", "is",
"independent", "of", "the", "array", "size", "and", "it", "is", "then",
"reduced", "to", "an", "index", "a", "number", "between", "and", "array",
"size", "using", "the", "modulus", "operator", "in", "the", "case",
"that", "the", "array", "size", "is", "a", "power", "of", "two", "the",
"remainder", "operation", "is", "reduced", "to", "masking", "which",
"improves", "speed", "but", "can", "increase", "problems", "with", "a",
"poor", "hash", "function",
"choosing", "a", "good", "hash", "function",
"a", "good", "hash", "function", "and", "implementation", "algorithm",
"are", "essential", "for", "good", "hash", "table", "performance", "but",
"may", "be", "difficult", "to", "achieve", "a", "basic", "requirement",
"is", "that", "the", "function", "should", "provide", "a", "uniform",
"distribution", "of", "hash", "values", "a", "non", "uniform",
"distribution", "increases", "the", "number", "of", "collisions", "and",
"the", "cost", "of", "resolving", "them", "uniformity", "is",
"sometimes", "difficult", "to", "ensure", "by", "design", "but", "may",
"be", "evaluated", "empirically", "using", "statistical", "tests", "e",
"g", "a", "pearson", "s", "chi", "squared", "test", "for", "discrete",
"uniform", "distributions", "the", "distribution", "needs", "to", "be",
"uniform", "only", "for", "table", "sizes", "that", "occur", "in", "the",
"application", "in", "particular", "if", "one", "uses", "dynamic",
"resizing", "with", "exact", "doubling", "and", "halving", "of", "the",
"table", "size", "s", "then", "the", "hash", "function", "needs", "to",
"be", "uniform", "only", "when", "s", "is", "a", "power", "of", "two",
"on", "the", "other", "hand", "some", "hashing", "algorithms", "provide",
"uniform", "hashes", "only", "when", "s", "is", "a", "prime", "number",
"for", "open", "addressing", "schemes", "the", "hash", "function",
"should", "also", "avoid", "clustering", "the", "mapping", "of", "two",
"or", "more", "keys", "to", "consecutive", "slots", "such", "clustering",
"may", "cause", "the", "lookup", "cost", "to", "skyrocket", "even", "if",
"the", "load", "factor", "is", "low", "and", "collisions", "are",
"infrequent", "the", "popular", "multiplicative", "hash", "3", "is",
"claimed", "to", "have", "particularly", "poor", "clustering",
"behavior", "cryptographic", "hash", "functions", "are", "believed",
"to", "provide", "good", "hash", "functions", "for", "any", "table",
"size", "s", "either", "by", "modulo", "reduction", "or", "by", "bit",
"masking", "they", "may", "also", "be", "appropriate", "if", "there",
"is", "a", "risk", "of", "malicious", "users", "trying", "to",
"sabotage", "a", "network", "service", "by", "submitting", "requests",
"designed", "to", "generate", "a", "large", "number", "of", "collisions",
"in", "the", "server", "s", "hash", "tables", "however", "the", "risk",
"of", "sabotage", "can", "also", "be", "avoided", "by", "cheaper",
"methods", "such", "as", "applying", "a", "secret", "salt", "to", "the",
"data", "or", "using", "a", "universal", "hash", "function",
"perfect", "hash", "function",
"if", "all", "keys", "are", "known", "ahead", "of", "time", "a",
"perfect", "hash", "function", "can", "be", "used", "to", "create", "a",
"perfect", "hash", "table", "that", "has", "no", "collisions", "if",
"minimal", "perfect", "hashing", "is", "used", "every", "location", "in",
"the", "hash", "table", "can", "be", "used", "as", "well", "perfect",
"hashing", "allows", "for", "constant", "time", "lookups", "in", "the",
"worst", "case", "this", "is", "in", "contrast", "to", "most",
"chaining", "and", "open", "addressing", "methods", "where", "the",
"time", "for", "lookup", "is", "low", "on", "average", "but", "may",
"be", "very", "large", "proportional", "to", "the", "number", "of",
"entries", "for", "some", "sets", "of", "keys"
var Dict: Dictionary<String, Bool> = [:]
let N = 5*scale
// Check performance of filling the dictionary:
for _ in 1...N {
Dict = [:]
for word in Input {
Dict[word] = true
CheckResults(Dict.count == 270,
"IncorrectResults in DictTest: \(Dict.count) != 270.")
// Check performance of searching in the dictionary:
// Fill the dictionary with words from the first half of the text
Dict = [:]
for i in 0 ..< Input.count/2 {
let word = Input[i]
Dict[word] = true
// Count number of words from the first half in the entire text
var count = 0
for _ in 1...N {
for word in Input {
if Dict[word] != nil {
count += 1
CheckResults(count == N*541,
"IncorrectResults in DictTest: \(count) != \(N*541).")
class Box<T : Hashable> : Hashable {
var value: T
init(_ v: T) {
value = v
var hashValue: Int {
return value.hashValue
static func ==<T>(lhs: Box<T>, rhs: Box<T>) -> Bool {
return lhs.value == rhs.value
public func run_DictionaryOfObjects(scale: Int) {
let Input = [
// Text from
"hash", "table",
"in", "computing", "a", "hash", "table", "also", "hash", "map", "is",
"a", "data", "structure", "used", "to", "implement", "an", "associative",
"array", "a", "structure", "that", "can", "map", "keys", "to", "values",
"a", "hash", "table", "uses", "a", "hash", "function", "to", "compute",
"an", "index", "into", "an", "array", "of", "buckets", "or", "slots",
"from", "which", "the", "correct", "value", "can", "be", "found",
"ideally", "the", "hash", "function", "will", "assign", "each", "key",
"to", "a", "unique", "bucket", "but", "this", "situation", "is",
"rarely", "achievable", "in", "practice", "usually", "some", "keys",
"will", "hash", "to", "the", "same", "bucket", "instead", "most", "hash",
"table", "designs", "assume", "that", "hash", "collisions", "different",
"keys", "that", "are", "assigned", "by", "the", "hash", "function", "to",
"the", "same", "bucket", "will", "occur", "and", "must", "be",
"accommodated", "in", "some", "way", "in", "a", "well", "dimensioned",
"hash", "table", "the", "average", "cost", "number", "of",
"instructions", "for", "each", "lookup", "is", "independent", "of",
"the", "number", "of", "elements", "stored", "in", "the", "table",
"many", "hash", "table", "designs", "also", "allow", "arbitrary",
"insertions", "and", "deletions", "of", "key", "value", "pairs", "at",
"amortized", "constant", "average", "cost", "per", "operation", "in",
"many", "situations", "hash", "tables", "turn", "out", "to", "be",
"more", "efficient", "than", "search", "trees", "or", "any", "other",
"table", "lookup", "structure", "for", "this", "reason", "they", "are",
"widely", "used", "in", "many", "kinds", "of", "computer", "software",
"particularly", "for", "associative", "arrays", "database", "indexing",
"caches", "and", "sets",
"the", "idea", "of", "hashing", "is", "to", "distribute", "the",
"entries", "key", "value", "pairs", "across", "an", "array", "of",
"buckets", "given", "a", "key", "the", "algorithm", "computes", "an",
"index", "that", "suggests", "where", "the", "entry", "can", "be",
"found", "index", "f", "key", "array", "size", "often", "this", "is",
"done", "in", "two", "steps", "hash", "hashfunc", "key", "index", "hash",
"array", "size", "in", "this", "method", "the", "hash", "is",
"independent", "of", "the", "array", "size", "and", "it", "is", "then",
"reduced", "to", "an", "index", "a", "number", "between", "and", "array",
"size", "using", "the", "modulus", "operator", "in", "the", "case",
"that", "the", "array", "size", "is", "a", "power", "of", "two", "the",
"remainder", "operation", "is", "reduced", "to", "masking", "which",
"improves", "speed", "but", "can", "increase", "problems", "with", "a",
"poor", "hash", "function",
"choosing", "a", "good", "hash", "function",
"a", "good", "hash", "function", "and", "implementation", "algorithm",
"are", "essential", "for", "good", "hash", "table", "performance", "but",
"may", "be", "difficult", "to", "achieve", "a", "basic", "requirement",
"is", "that", "the", "function", "should", "provide", "a", "uniform",
"distribution", "of", "hash", "values", "a", "non", "uniform",
"distribution", "increases", "the", "number", "of", "collisions", "and",
"the", "cost", "of", "resolving", "them", "uniformity", "is",
"sometimes", "difficult", "to", "ensure", "by", "design", "but", "may",
"be", "evaluated", "empirically", "using", "statistical", "tests", "e",
"g", "a", "pearson", "s", "chi", "squared", "test", "for", "discrete",
"uniform", "distributions", "the", "distribution", "needs", "to", "be",
"uniform", "only", "for", "table", "sizes", "that", "occur", "in", "the",
"application", "in", "particular", "if", "one", "uses", "dynamic",
"resizing", "with", "exact", "doubling", "and", "halving", "of", "the",
"table", "size", "s", "then", "the", "hash", "function", "needs", "to",
"be", "uniform", "only", "when", "s", "is", "a", "power", "of", "two",
"on", "the", "other", "hand", "some", "hashing", "algorithms", "provide",
"uniform", "hashes", "only", "when", "s", "is", "a", "prime", "number",
"for", "open", "addressing", "schemes", "the", "hash", "function",
"should", "also", "avoid", "clustering", "the", "mapping", "of", "two",
"or", "more", "keys", "to", "consecutive", "slots", "such", "clustering",
"may", "cause", "the", "lookup", "cost", "to", "skyrocket", "even", "if",
"the", "load", "factor", "is", "low", "and", "collisions", "are",
"infrequent", "the", "popular", "multiplicative", "hash", "3", "is",
"claimed", "to", "have", "particularly", "poor", "clustering",
"behavior", "cryptographic", "hash", "functions", "are", "believed",
"to", "provide", "good", "hash", "functions", "for", "any", "table",
"size", "s", "either", "by", "modulo", "reduction", "or", "by", "bit",
"masking", "they", "may", "also", "be", "appropriate", "if", "there",
"is", "a", "risk", "of", "malicious", "users", "trying", "to",
"sabotage", "a", "network", "service", "by", "submitting", "requests",
"designed", "to", "generate", "a", "large", "number", "of", "collisions",
"in", "the", "server", "s", "hash", "tables", "however", "the", "risk",
"of", "sabotage", "can", "also", "be", "avoided", "by", "cheaper",
"methods", "such", "as", "applying", "a", "secret", "salt", "to", "the",
"data", "or", "using", "a", "universal", "hash", "function",
"perfect", "hash", "function",
"if", "all", "keys", "are", "known", "ahead", "of", "time", "a",
"perfect", "hash", "function", "can", "be", "used", "to", "create", "a",
"perfect", "hash", "table", "that", "has", "no", "collisions", "if",
"minimal", "perfect", "hashing", "is", "used", "every", "location", "in",
"the", "hash", "table", "can", "be", "used", "as", "well", "perfect",
"hashing", "allows", "for", "constant", "time", "lookups", "in", "the",
"worst", "case", "this", "is", "in", "contrast", "to", "most",
"chaining", "and", "open", "addressing", "methods", "where", "the",
"time", "for", "lookup", "is", "low", "on", "average", "but", "may",
"be", "very", "large", "proportional", "to", "the", "number", "of",
"entries", "for", "some", "sets", "of", "keys"
var Dict: Dictionary<Box<String>, Box<Bool>> = [:]
let N = 5*scale
// Check performance of filling the dictionary:
for _ in 1...N {
Dict = [:]
for word in Input {
Dict[Box(word)] = Box(true)
CheckResults(Dict.count == 270,
"IncorrectResults in DictTest: \(Dict.count) != 270.")
// Check performance of searching in the dictionary:
// Fill the dictionary with words from the first half of the text
Dict = [:]
for i in 0 ..< Input.count/2 {
let word = Input[i]
Dict[Box(word)] = Box(true)
// Count number of words from the first half in the entire text
var count = 0
for _ in 1...N {
for word in Input {
if Dict[Box(word)] != nil {
count += 1
CheckResults(count == N*541,
"IncorrectResults in DictTestAllObjects: \(count) != \(N*541).")