blob: b0e0af8f981bcec826b1609506a4230c243571f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
// Tests for various simple enum constructs
public enum unionSearchFlags {
case none
case backwards
case anchored
init() { self = .none }
func test1() -> unionSearchFlags {
let _ : unionSearchFlags
var b = unionSearchFlags.none
b = unionSearchFlags.anchored
_ = b
return unionSearchFlags.backwards
func test1a() -> unionSearchFlags {
var _ : unionSearchFlags
var b : unionSearchFlags = .none
b = .anchored
_ = b
// ForwardIndex use of MaybeInt.
_ = MaybeInt.none
return .backwards
func test1b(_ b : Bool) {
_ = 123
_ = .description == 1 // expected-error {{ambiguous reference to member '=='}}
enum MaybeInt {
case none
case some(Int)
init(_ i: Int) { self = MaybeInt.some(i) }
func test2(_ a: Int, _ b: Int, _ c: MaybeInt) {
_ = MaybeInt.some(4)
_ = MaybeInt.some
_ = MaybeInt.some(b)
test2(1, 2, .none)
enum ZeroOneTwoThree {
case Zero
case One(Int)
case Two(Int, Int)
case Three(Int,Int,Int)
case Unknown(MaybeInt, MaybeInt, MaybeInt)
init (_ i: Int) { self = .One(i) }
init (_ i: Int, _ j: Int, _ k: Int) { self = .Three(i, j, k) }
init (_ i: MaybeInt, _ j: MaybeInt, _ k: MaybeInt) { self = .Unknown(i, j, k) }
func test3(_ a: ZeroOneTwoThree) {
_ = ZeroOneTwoThree.Three(1,2,3)
_ = ZeroOneTwoThree.Unknown(
MaybeInt.none, MaybeInt.some(4), MaybeInt.some(32))
_ = ZeroOneTwoThree(MaybeInt.none, MaybeInt(4), MaybeInt(32))
var _ : Int =
ZeroOneTwoThree.Zero // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'ZeroOneTwoThree' to specified type 'Int'}}
// expected-warning @+1 {{unused}}
test3 ZeroOneTwoThree.Zero // expected-error {{expression resolves to an unused function}} expected-error{{consecutive statements}} {{8-8=;}}
test3 (ZeroOneTwoThree.Zero)
test3 // expected-error {{expression resolves to an unused function}}
// expected-warning @+1 {{unused}}
var _ : ZeroOneTwoThree = .One(4)
var _ : (Int,Int) -> ZeroOneTwoThree = .Two // expected-error{{type '(Int, Int) -> ZeroOneTwoThree' has no member 'Two'}}
var _ : Int = .Two // expected-error{{type 'Int' has no member 'Two'}}
func test3a(_ a: ZeroOneTwoThree) {
var e : ZeroOneTwoThree = (.Three(1, 2, 3))
var f = ZeroOneTwoThree.Unknown(.none, .some(4), .some(32))
var g = .none // expected-error {{reference to member 'none' cannot be resolved without a contextual type}}
// Overload resolution can resolve this to the right constructor.
var h = ZeroOneTwoThree(1)
test3a; // expected-error {{unused function}}
.Zero // expected-error {{reference to member 'Zero' cannot be resolved without a contextual type}}
test3a // expected-error {{unused function}}
(.Zero) // expected-error {{reference to member 'Zero' cannot be resolved without a contextual type}}
struct CGPoint { var x : Int, y : Int }
typealias OtherPoint = (x : Int, y : Int)
func test4() {
var a : CGPoint
// Note: we reject the following because it conflicts with the current
// "init" hack.
var b = CGPoint.CGPoint(1, 2) // expected-error {{type 'CGPoint' has no member 'CGPoint'}}
var c = CGPoint(x: 2, y : 1) // Using injected name.
var e = CGPoint.x // expected-error {{member 'x' cannot be used on type 'CGPoint'}}
var f = OtherPoint.x // expected-error {{type 'OtherPoint' (aka '(x: Int, y: Int)') has no member 'x'}}
struct CGSize { var width : Int, height : Int }
extension CGSize {
func area() -> Int {
return width*self.height
func area_wrapper() -> Int {
return area()
struct CGRect {
var origin : CGPoint,
size : CGSize
func area() -> Int {
return self.size.area()
func area(_ r: CGRect) -> Int {
return r.size.area()
extension CGRect {
func search(_ x: Int) -> CGSize {}
func bad_search(_: Int) -> CGSize {}
func test5(_ myorigin: CGPoint) {
let x1 = CGRect(origin: myorigin, size: CGSize(width: 42, height: 123))
let x2 = x1
_ = 4+5
// Dot syntax.
_ = x2.origin.x
_ = x1.size.area()
_ = (r : x1.size).r.area()
_ = x1.size.area()
_ = (r : x1.size).r.area()
_ = x1.area
_ =
_ =
// TODO: something like this (name binding on the LHS):
// var (CGSize(width, height)) = CGSize(1,2)
// TODO: something like this, how do we get it in scope in the {} block?
//if (var some(x) = somemaybeint) { ... }
struct StructTest1 {
var a : Int, c, b : Int
typealias ElementType = Int
enum UnionTest1 {
case x
case y(Int)
func foo() {}
init() { self = .x }
extension UnionTest1 {
func food() {}
func bar() {}
// Type method.
static func baz() {}
struct EmptyStruct {
func foo() {}
func f() {
let a : UnionTest1
UnionTest1.baz() // dot syntax access to a static method.
// Test that we can get the "address of a member".
var _ : () -> () = UnionTest1.baz
var _ : (UnionTest1) -> () -> () =
func union_error(_ a: ZeroOneTwoThree) {
var _ : ZeroOneTwoThree = .Zero(1) // expected-error {{member 'Zero' takes no arguments}}
var _ : ZeroOneTwoThree = .Zero() // expected-error {{member 'Zero' is not a function}} {{34-36=}}
var _ : ZeroOneTwoThree = .One // expected-error {{member 'One' expects argument of type 'Int'}}
var _ : ZeroOneTwoThree = .foo // expected-error {{type 'ZeroOneTwoThree' has no member 'foo'}}
var _ : ZeroOneTwoThree = .foo() // expected-error {{type 'ZeroOneTwoThree' has no member 'foo'}}
func local_struct() {
struct s { func y() {} }
// A silly units example showing "user defined literals".
struct distance { var v : Int }
func - (lhs: distance, rhs: distance) -> distance {}
extension Int {
func km() -> enumtest.distance {}
func cm() -> enumtest.distance {}
func units(_ x: Int) -> distance {
return - -
var %% : distance -> distance // expected-error {{expected pattern}}
func badTupleElement() {
typealias X = (x : Int, y : Int)
var y = X.y // expected-error{{type 'X' (aka '(x: Int, y: Int)') has no member 'y'}}
var z = X.z // expected-error{{type 'X' (aka '(x: Int, y: Int)') has no member 'z'}}
enum Direction {
case North(distance: Int)
case NorthEast(distanceNorth: Int, distanceEast: Int)
func testDirection() {
var dir: Direction = .North(distance: 5)
dir = .NorthEast(distanceNorth: 5, distanceEast: 7)
var i: Int
switch dir {
case .North(let x):
i = x
case .NorthEast(let x):
i = x.distanceEast
_ = i
enum NestedSingleElementTuple {
case Case(x: (y: Int)) // expected-error{{cannot create a single-element tuple with an element label}} {{17-20=}}
enum SimpleEnum {
case X, Y
func testSimpleEnum() {
let _ : SimpleEnum = .X
let _ : SimpleEnum = (.X)
let _ : SimpleEnum=.X // expected-error {{'=' must have consistent whitespace on both sides}}
enum SR510: String {
case Thing = "thing"
case Bob = {"test"} // expected-error {{raw value for enum case must be a literal}}
// <rdar://problem/21269142> Diagnostic should say why enum has no .rawValue member
enum E21269142 { // expected-note {{did you mean to specify a raw type on the enum declaration?}}
case Foo
print(E21269142.Foo.rawValue) // expected-error {{value of type 'E21269142' has no member 'rawValue'}}
// Check that typo correction does something sensible with synthesized members.
enum SyntheticMember { // expected-note {{did you mean the implicitly-synthesized property 'hashValue'?}}
case Foo
print(SyntheticMember.Foo.hasValue) // expected-error {{value of type 'SyntheticMember' has no member 'hasValue'}}
// Non-materializable argument type
enum Lens<T> {
case foo(inout T) // expected-error {{'inout' may only be used on parameters}}
case bar(inout T, Int) // expected-error {{'inout' may only be used on parameters}}