blob: d25770900856a6136e53662e885c6cfd2fc009b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-build-swift -module-name a %s -o %t.out
// RUN: %target-run %t.out
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// This file contains reflection tests that depend on hash values.
// Don't add other tests here.
import StdlibUnittest
var Reflection = TestSuite("Reflection")
Reflection.test("Dictionary/Empty") {
let dict = [Int : Int]()
var output = ""
dump(dict, to: &output)
var expected = "- 0 key/value pairs\n"
expectEqual(expected, output)
Reflection.test("Dictionary") {
let dict = ["One": 1, "Two": 2, "Three": 3, "Four": 4, "Five": 5]
var output = ""
dump(dict, to: &output)
// The order of elements in output depends on the hash values of dict's items,
// which isn't deterministic. However, iterating over dict will get us the
// same elements in the same order.
var expected = ""
expected += "▿ 5 key/value pairs\n"
for (key, value) in dict {
expected += " ▿ (2 elements)\n"
expected += " - key: \"\(key)\"\n"
expected += " - value: \(value)\n"
expectEqual(expected, output)
Reflection.test("Set") {
let s = Set(1...5)
var output = ""
dump(s, to: &output)
// The order of elements in output depends on the hash values of dict's items,
// which isn't deterministic. However, iterating over dict will get us the
// same elements in the same order.
var expected = ""
expected += "▿ 5 members\n"
for i in s {
expected += " - \(i)\n"
expectEqual(expected, output)