blob: 30f14a8ccc3b9f8ecf457372d73a95d00b7ad95d [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend %s -emit-silgen | %FileCheck %s
// rdar://14443287
sil_stage raw
import Builtin
import Swift
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @_TF9optional3fooFT1fGSqFT_T___T_ : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed Optional<@callee_guaranteed (@in_guaranteed ()) -> @out ()>) -> ()
sil @_TF9optional3fooFT1fGSqFT_T___T_ : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed Optional<@callee_guaranteed (@in_guaranteed ()) -> (@out ())>) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $Optional<@callee_guaranteed (@in_guaranteed ()) -> (@out ())>):
%1 = alloc_box $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Optional<@callee_guaranteed (@in_guaranteed ()) -> (@out ())>>
%1a = project_box %1 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Optional<@callee_guaranteed (@in_guaranteed ()) -> (@out ())>>, 0
store %0 to [init] %1a : $*Optional<@callee_guaranteed (@in_guaranteed ()) -> (@out ())>
%3 = alloc_stack $Optional<()>
%4 = alloc_stack $()
%5 = alloc_stack $Optional<@callee_guaranteed (@in_guaranteed ()) -> (@out ())>
copy_addr %1a to [initialization] %5 : $*Optional<@callee_guaranteed (@in_guaranteed ()) -> (@out ())>
// function_ref Swift._doesOptionalHaveValue <A>(v : @inout Swift.Optional<A>) -> Builtin.Int1
%7 = function_ref @_TFs22_doesOptionalHaveValueU__FT1vRGSqQ___Bi1_ : $@convention(thin) _0_0> (@inout Optional_0_0>) -> Builtin.Int1
// CHECK: apply %{{[0-9]+}}<() -> ()>(%{{[0-9]+}}) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (@inout Optional<τ_0_0>) -> Builtin.Int1
%8 = apply %7<() -> ()>(%5) : $@convention(thin) _0_0> (@inout Optional_0_0>) -> Builtin.Int1
br bb1
destroy_addr %5 : $*Optional<@callee_guaranteed (@in_guaranteed ()) -> (@out ())>
dealloc_stack %5 : $*Optional<@callee_guaranteed (@in_guaranteed ()) -> (@out ())>
dealloc_stack %4 : $*()
br bb3
%27 = function_ref @_TFs26_injectNothingIntoOptionalU__FT_GSqQ__ : $@convention(thin) _0_0> () -> @out Optional_0_0>
// CHECK: apply %{{[0-9]+}}<()>(%{{[0-9]+}}) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> () -> @out Optional<τ_0_0>
%28 = apply %27<()>(%3) : $@convention(thin) _0_0> () -> @out Optional_0_0>
br bb4
%30 = load [trivial] %3 : $*Optional<()>
dealloc_stack %3 : $*Optional<()>
destroy_value %1 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Optional<@callee_guaranteed (@in_guaranteed ()) -> (@out ())>>
%33 = tuple ()
return %33 : $()
sil [transparent] @_TFs22_doesOptionalHaveValueU__FT1vRGSqQ___Bi1_ : $@convention(thin) _0_0> (@inout Optional_0_0>) -> Builtin.Int1
sil [transparent] @_TFs26_injectNothingIntoOptionalU__FT_GSqQ__ : $@convention(thin) _0_0> () -> @out Optional_0_0>