blob: d1fe8d84256f34ff6d13f27e32afabcb6520c3dd [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import SwiftShims
// TODO: pick values that give us the best branching pattern
enum _GutsClassification: UInt {
case smallUTF8 = 0
case irregular = 1
case regularASCII = 2
case regularUTF16 = 4
extension _StringGuts {
var classification: _GutsClassification {
if _isSmall { return .smallUTF8 }
if _isContiguous { return isASCII ? .regularASCII : .regularUTF16 }
return .irregular
// HACK: This gets rid of some retains/releases that was slowing down the
// memcmp fast path for comparing ascii strings. rdar://problem/37473470
@inline(never) // @outlined
@usableFromInline // @opaque
func _compareUnicode(
_ lhs: _StringGuts._RawBitPattern, _ rhs: _StringGuts._RawBitPattern
) -> Int {
let left = _StringGuts(rawBits: lhs)
let right = _StringGuts(rawBits: rhs)
switch (left.classification, right.classification) {
// Both small: fast in-register comparison
case (.smallUTF8, .smallUTF8):
return left._smallUTF8String._compare(right._smallUTF8String).rawValue
// Either irregular: branch to opaque code
case (.irregular, _):
return left._asOpaque()._compare(right).rawValue
case (_, .irregular):
return right._asOpaque()._compare(left).flipped.rawValue
// One small, other contiguous in memory
case (.smallUTF8, _):
return left._smallUTF8String._compare(_contiguous: right).rawValue
case (_, .smallUTF8):
return right._smallUTF8String._compare(
_contiguous: left
// Both contiguous
case (.regularASCII, _):
return left._unmanagedASCIIView._compare(_contiguous: right).rawValue
case (.regularUTF16, _):
return left._unmanagedUTF16View._compare(_contiguous: right).rawValue
@inline(never) // @outlined
@usableFromInline // @opaque
func _compareUnicode(
_ lhs: _StringGuts._RawBitPattern, _ leftRange: Range<Int>,
_ rhs: _StringGuts._RawBitPattern, _ rightRange: Range<Int>
) -> Int {
let left = _StringGuts(rawBits: lhs)
let right = _StringGuts(rawBits: rhs)
switch (left.classification, right.classification) {
// Both small: fast in-register comparison
case (.smallUTF8, .smallUTF8):
return left._smallUTF8String[leftRange]._compare(
// Either irregular: branch to opaque code
case (.irregular, _):
return left._asOpaque()[leftRange]._compare(right, rightRange).rawValue
case (_, .irregular):
return right._asOpaque()[rightRange]._compare(
left, leftRange
// One small, other contiguous in memory
case (.smallUTF8, _):
return left._smallUTF8String[leftRange]._compare(
_contiguous: right, rightRange
case (_, .smallUTF8):
return right._smallUTF8String[rightRange]._compare(
_contiguous: left, leftRange
// Both contiguous
case (.regularASCII, _):
return left._unmanagedASCIIView[leftRange]._compare(
_contiguous: right, rightRange
case (.regularUTF16, _):
return left._unmanagedUTF16View[leftRange]._compare(
_contiguous: right, rightRange
// TODO: coalesce many of these into a protocol to simplify the code
extension _SmallUTF8String {
func _compare(_ other: _SmallUTF8String) -> _Ordering {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
if _fastPath(self.isASCII && other.isASCII) {
// TODO: fast in-register comparison
return self.withUnmanagedASCII { selfView in
return other.withUnmanagedASCII { otherView in
return _Ordering(signedNotation: selfView.compareASCII(to: otherView))
// TODO: fast in-register comparison
return self.withUnmanagedUTF16 { selfView in
return other.withUnmanagedUTF16 { otherView in
return selfView._compare(otherView)
#endif // 64-bit
func _compare(_contiguous other: _StringGuts) -> _Ordering {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
if other.isASCII {
// TODO: fast in-register comparison
return self._compare(other._unmanagedASCIIView)
return self._compare(other._unmanagedUTF16View)
#endif // 64-bit
func _compare(
_contiguous other: _StringGuts, _ otherRange: Range<Int>
) -> _Ordering {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
if other.isASCII {
return self._compare(other._unmanagedASCIIView[otherRange])
return self._compare(other._unmanagedUTF16View[otherRange])
#endif // 64-bit
func _compare(_ other: _UnmanagedString<UInt8>) -> _Ordering {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
if _fastPath(self.isASCII) {
return self.withUnmanagedASCII { selfView in
return _Ordering(
signedNotation: selfView.compareASCII(to: other))
return self.withUnmanagedUTF16 { $0._compare(other) }
#endif // 64-bit
func _compare(_ other: _UnmanagedString<UInt16>) -> _Ordering {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
if _fastPath(self.isASCII) {
return self.withUnmanagedASCII { $0._compare(other) }
return self.withUnmanagedUTF16 { $0._compare(other) }
#endif // 64-bit
extension _UnmanagedString where CodeUnit == UInt8 {
func _compare(_contiguous other: _StringGuts) -> _Ordering {
if other.isASCII {
return self._compare(other._unmanagedASCIIView)
return self._compare(other._unmanagedUTF16View)
func _compare(
_contiguous other: _StringGuts, _ otherRange: Range<Int>
) -> _Ordering {
if other.isASCII {
return self._compare(other._unmanagedASCIIView[otherRange])
return self._compare(other._unmanagedUTF16View[otherRange])
func _compare(_ other: _UnmanagedString<UInt8>) -> _Ordering {
fatalError("Should have hit the ascii comp in")
func _compare(_ other: _UnmanagedString<UInt16>) -> _Ordering {
return self._compareStringsPreLoop(other)
extension _UnmanagedString where CodeUnit == UInt16 {
func _compare(_contiguous other: _StringGuts) -> _Ordering {
if other.isASCII {
return self._compare(other._unmanagedASCIIView)
return self._compare(other._unmanagedUTF16View)
func _compare(
_contiguous other: _StringGuts, _ otherRange: Range<Int>
) -> _Ordering {
if other.isASCII {
return self._compare(other._unmanagedASCIIView[otherRange])
return self._compare(other._unmanagedUTF16View[otherRange])
func _compare(_ other: _UnmanagedString<UInt8>) -> _Ordering {
return other._compare(self).flipped
func _compare(_ other: _UnmanagedString<UInt16>) -> _Ordering {
return self._compareStringsPreLoop(other)
extension _UnmanagedOpaqueString {
func _compare(_ other: _StringGuts) -> _Ordering {
return self._compareOpaque(other)
func _compare(_ other: _StringGuts, _ otherRange: Range<Int>) -> _Ordering {
return self._compareOpaque(other, otherRange)
// Pointer casting helpers
private func _unsafeMutableBufferPointerCast<T, U>(
_ ptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<T>,
_ count: Int,
to: U.Type = U.self
) -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<U> {
return UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(
start: UnsafeMutableRawPointer(ptr).assumingMemoryBound(to: U.self),
count: count
private func _unsafeBufferPointerCast<T, U>(
_ ptr: UnsafePointer<T>,
_ count: Int,
to: U.Type = U.self
) -> UnsafeBufferPointer<U> {
return UnsafeBufferPointer(
start: UnsafeRawPointer(ptr).assumingMemoryBound(to: U.self),
count: count
internal let _leadingSurrogateBias: UInt16 = 0xd800
internal let _trailingSurrogateBias: UInt16 = 0xdc00
internal let _surrogateMask: UInt16 = 0xfc00
internal func _isSurrogate(_ cu: UInt16) -> Bool {
return _isLeadingSurrogate(cu) || _isTrailingSurrogate(cu)
internal func _isLeadingSurrogate(_ cu: UInt16) -> Bool {
// NOTE: Specifically match against the trailing surrogate mask, as it matches
// more cases.
return cu & _surrogateMask == _leadingSurrogateBias
internal func _isTrailingSurrogate(_ cu: UInt16) -> Bool {
return cu & _surrogateMask == _trailingSurrogateBias
internal func _decodeSurrogatePair(
leading high: UInt16, trailing low: UInt16
) -> UInt32 {
_sanityCheck(_isLeadingSurrogate(high) && _isTrailingSurrogate(low))
let hi10: UInt32 = UInt32(high) &- UInt32(_leadingSurrogateBias)
_sanityCheck(hi10 < 1<<10, "I said high 10. Not high, like, 20 or something")
let lo10: UInt32 = UInt32(low) &- UInt32(_trailingSurrogateBias)
_sanityCheck(lo10 < 1<<10, "I said low 10. Not low, like, 20 or something")
return ((hi10 &<< 10) | lo10) &+ 0x1_00_00
internal func _hasNormalizationBoundary(before cu: UInt16) -> Bool {
guard !_isSurrogate(cu) else { return false }
return UnicodeScalar(_unchecked: UInt32(cu))._hasNormalizationBoundaryBefore
// Pointer casting helpers
internal func _castOutputBuffer(
_ ptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<_Normalization._SegmentOutputBuffer>,
endingAt endIdx: Int = _Normalization._SegmentOutputBuffer.capacity
) -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt16> {
let bufPtr: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt16> =
ptr, _Normalization._SegmentOutputBuffer.capacity)
return UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt16>(rebasing: bufPtr[..<endIdx])
internal func _castOutputBuffer(
_ ptr: UnsafePointer<_Normalization._SegmentOutputBuffer>,
endingAt endIdx: Int = _Normalization._SegmentOutputBuffer.capacity
) -> UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt16> {
let bufPtr: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt16> =
ptr, _Normalization._SegmentOutputBuffer.capacity)
return UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt16>(rebasing: bufPtr[..<endIdx])
extension _FixedArray16 where T == UInt16 {
mutating func fill(from other: _UnmanagedString<T>) {
_sanityCheck(other.count < _FixedArray16<T>.capacity,
"out of bounds fill")
for i in 0..<other.count {
self[i] = other[i]
@usableFromInline internal
enum _Ordering: Int, Equatable {
case less = -1
case equal = 0
case greater = 1
@usableFromInline internal
var flipped: _Ordering {
switch self {
case .less: return .greater
case .equal: return .equal
case .greater: return .less
@usableFromInline internal
init(signedNotation int: Int) {
self = int < 0 ? .less : int == 0 ? .equal : .greater
extension _UnmanagedString where CodeUnit == UInt8 {
// TODO: These should be SIMD-ized
internal func _findDiffIdx(_ other: _UnmanagedString<UInt16>) -> Int {
let count = Swift.min(self.count, other.count)
for idx in 0..<count {
guard UInt16(self[idx]) == other[idx] else {
return idx
return count
internal func _findDiffIdx(
_ left: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>,
_ right: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt16>
) -> Int {
let count = Swift.min(left.count, right.count)
for idx in 0..<count {
guard UInt16(left[idx]) == right[idx] else {
return idx
return count
internal func _findDiffIdx<CodeUnit>(
_ left: UnsafeBufferPointer<CodeUnit>,
_ right: UnsafeBufferPointer<CodeUnit>
) -> Int where CodeUnit : FixedWidthInteger & UnsignedInteger {
let count = Swift.min(left.count, right.count)
for idx in 0..<count {
guard left[idx] == right[idx] else {
return idx
return count
extension _UnmanagedString where CodeUnit : FixedWidthInteger & UnsignedInteger {
internal func _findDiffIdx<CodeUnit>(
_ other: _UnmanagedString<CodeUnit>
) -> Int {
let count = Swift.min(self.count, other.count)
for idx in 0..<count {
guard self[idx] == other[idx] else {
return idx
return count
extension _UnmanagedOpaqueString {
internal func _findDiffIdx(_ other: _StringGuts, _ otherRange: Range<Int>
) -> Int {
let count = Swift.min(self.count, otherRange.count)
for idx in 0..<count {
guard self[idx] == other[idx + otherRange.lowerBound] else {
return idx
return count
internal func _lexicographicalCompare(_ lhs: Int, _ rhs: Int) -> _Ordering {
// TODO: inspect code quality
return lhs < rhs ? .less : (lhs > rhs ? .greater : .equal)
internal func _lexicographicalCompare(
_ lhs: UInt16, _ rhs: UInt16
) -> _Ordering {
return lhs < rhs ? .less : (lhs > rhs ? .greater : .equal)
internal func _lexicographicalCompare(
_ leftHS: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt16>,
_ rightHS: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt16>
) -> _Ordering {
let count = Swift.min(leftHS.count, rightHS.count)
let idx = _findDiffIdx(leftHS, rightHS)
guard idx < count else {
return _lexicographicalCompare(leftHS.count, rightHS.count)
let leftHSPtr = leftHS.baseAddress._unsafelyUnwrappedUnchecked
let rightHSPtr = rightHS.baseAddress._unsafelyUnwrappedUnchecked
return _lexicographicalCompare(leftHSPtr[idx], rightHSPtr[idx])
internal func _lexicographicalCompare(
_ leftHS: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>,
_ rightHS: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt16>
) -> _Ordering {
let count = Swift.min(leftHS.count, rightHS.count)
let idx = _findDiffIdx(leftHS, rightHS)
guard idx < count else {
return _lexicographicalCompare(leftHS.count, rightHS.count)
let leftHSPtr = leftHS.baseAddress._unsafelyUnwrappedUnchecked
let rightHSPtr = rightHS.baseAddress._unsafelyUnwrappedUnchecked
return _lexicographicalCompare(UInt16(leftHSPtr[idx]), rightHSPtr[idx])
internal func _lexicographicalCompare(
_ leftHS: UnsafePointer<_Normalization._SegmentOutputBuffer>,
leftCount: Int,
_ rightHS: UnsafePointer<_Normalization._SegmentOutputBuffer>,
rightCount: Int
) -> _Ordering {
return _lexicographicalCompare(
_castOutputBuffer(leftHS, endingAt: leftCount),
_castOutputBuffer(rightHS, endingAt: rightCount))
internal func _lexicographicalCompare(
_ leftHS: Array<UInt16>,
_ rightHS: Array<UInt16>
) -> _Ordering {
return leftHS.withUnsafeBufferPointer { leftPtr in
return rightHS.withUnsafeBufferPointer { rightPtr in
return _lexicographicalCompare(leftPtr, rightPtr)
internal func _parseRawScalar(
_ buf: UnsafeMutablePointer<_Normalization._SegmentOutputBuffer>,
startingFrom idx: Int = 0
) -> (UnicodeScalar, scalarEndIndex: Int) {
return Swift._parseRawScalar(buffer: _castOutputBuffer(buf), startingFrom: idx)
internal func _parseRawScalar(
buffer buf: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt16>,
startingFrom idx: Int = 0
) -> (UnicodeScalar, scalarEndIndex: Int) {
let ptr = buf.baseAddress._unsafelyUnwrappedUnchecked
_sanityCheck(idx >= 0 && idx < buf.count, "out of bounds index")
let cu: UInt16 = ptr[idx]
if _slowPath(idx+1 == buf.count) {
return (UnicodeScalar(_unchecked: UInt32(cu)), idx+1)
guard _isLeadingSurrogate(cu) else {
return (UnicodeScalar(_unchecked: UInt32(cu)), idx+1)
let nextCu: UInt16 = ptr[idx+1]
guard _isTrailingSurrogate(nextCu) else {
// Invalid surrogate pair: just return the invalid value
return (UnicodeScalar(_unchecked: UInt32(cu)), idx+1)
// Decode
let value: UInt32 = _decodeSurrogatePair(leading: cu, trailing: nextCu)
_sanityCheck(Int32(exactly: value) != nil, "top bit shouldn't be set")
return (UnicodeScalar(_unchecked: value), idx+2)
extension _UnmanagedOpaqueString {
internal func _parseRawScalar(
startingFrom idx: Int = 0
) -> (UnicodeScalar, scalarEndIndex: Int) {
var buffer = _FixedArray2<UInt16>(allZeros:())
if idx+1 < self.count {
buffer[0] = self[idx]
buffer[1] = self[idx+1]
let bufferPointer = _unsafeBufferPointerCast(
&buffer, 2, to: UInt16.self
return Swift._parseRawScalar(buffer: bufferPointer, startingFrom: 0)
} else {
buffer[0] = self[idx]
let bufferPointer = _unsafeBufferPointerCast(
&buffer, 1, to: UInt16.self
return Swift._parseRawScalar(buffer: bufferPointer, startingFrom: 0)
extension _UnmanagedString where CodeUnit == UInt16 {
internal func _parseRawScalar(
startingFrom idx: Int = 0
) -> (UnicodeScalar, scalarEndIndex: Int) {
_sanityCheck(idx >= 0 && idx < self.count, "out of bounds index")
let cu = self[idx]
if _slowPath(idx+1 == self.count) {
return (UnicodeScalar(_unchecked: UInt32(cu)), idx+1)
guard _isLeadingSurrogate(cu) else {
return (UnicodeScalar(_unchecked: UInt32(cu)), idx+1)
let nextCu = self[idx+1]
guard _isTrailingSurrogate(nextCu) else {
// Invalid surrogate pair: just return the invalid value
return (UnicodeScalar(_unchecked: UInt32(cu)), idx+1)
// Decode
let value: UInt32 = _decodeSurrogatePair(leading: cu, trailing: nextCu)
_sanityCheck(Int32(exactly: value) != nil, "top bit shouldn't be set")
return (UnicodeScalar(_unchecked: value), idx+2)
internal func _reverseParseRawScalar(
endingAt idx: Int // one-past-the-end
) -> (UnicodeScalar, scalarStartIndex: Int) {
_sanityCheck(idx > 0 && idx <= self.count, "out of bounds end index")
// Corner case: leading un-paired surrogate
if _slowPath(idx == 1) {
return (UnicodeScalar(_unchecked: UInt32(self[0])), 0)
let cu = self[idx-1]
guard _isTrailingSurrogate(cu) else {
return (UnicodeScalar(_unchecked: UInt32(cu)), idx-1)
let priorCU = self[idx-2]
guard _isLeadingSurrogate(priorCU) else {
return (UnicodeScalar(_unchecked: UInt32(cu)), idx-1)
// Decode
let value: UInt32 = _decodeSurrogatePair(leading: priorCU, trailing: cu)
_sanityCheck(Int32(exactly: value) != nil, "top bit shouldn't be set")
return (UnicodeScalar(_unchecked: value), idx-2)
internal func _tryNormalize(
into outputBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<_Normalization._SegmentOutputBuffer>
) -> Int? {
return self._tryNormalize(into: _castOutputBuffer(outputBuffer))
internal func _tryNormalize(
into outputBuffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt16>
) -> Int? {
var err = __swift_stdlib_U_ZERO_ERROR
let count = __swift_stdlib_unorm2_normalize(
guard err.isSuccess else {
// The output buffer needs to grow
return nil
return numericCast(count)
internal func _slowNormalize() -> [UInt16] {
_sanityCheck(self.count > 0, "called on empty string")
let canary = self.count * _Normalization._maxNFCExpansionFactor
var count = self.count
while true {
var result = Array<UInt16>(repeating: 0, count: count)
if let length = result.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer({ (bufPtr) -> Int? in
return self._tryNormalize(into: bufPtr)
}) {
result.removeLast(count - length)
return result
// Otherwise, we need to grow
guard count <= canary else {
fatalError("Invariant broken: Max decomposition factor insufficient")
count *= 2
internal func _tryNormalize(
_ input: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt16>,
into outputBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<_Normalization._SegmentOutputBuffer>
) -> Int? {
return _tryNormalize(input, into: _castOutputBuffer(outputBuffer))
internal func _tryNormalize(
_ input: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt16>,
into outputBuffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt16>
) -> Int? {
var err = __swift_stdlib_U_ZERO_ERROR
let count = __swift_stdlib_unorm2_normalize(
guard err.isSuccess else {
// The output buffer needs to grow
return nil
return numericCast(count)
extension _UnmanagedString where CodeUnit == UInt8 {
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
internal func compareASCII(to other: _UnmanagedString<UInt8>) -> Int {
// FIXME Results should be the same across all platforms.
if self.start == other.start {
return (self.count &- other.count).signum()
var cmp = Int(truncatingIfNeeded:
self.rawStart, other.rawStart,
Swift.min(self.count, other.count)))
if cmp == 0 {
cmp = self.count &- other.count
return cmp.signum()
extension _UnmanagedOpaqueString {
@inline(never) // @outlined
func _compareOpaque(_ other: _StringGuts) -> _Ordering {
return self._compareOpaque(other, 0..<other.count)
@inline(never) // @outlined
func _compareOpaque(
_ other: _StringGuts, _ otherRange: Range<Int>
) -> _Ordering {
// Do a fast Latiny comparison loop; bail if that proves insufficient.
// The vast majority of the time, seemingly-non-contiguous Strings are
// really ASCII strings that were bridged improperly. E.g., unknown nul-
// termination of an all-ASCII file loaded by String.init(contentsOfFile:).
let selfCount = self.count
let otherCount = otherRange.count
let count = Swift.min(selfCount, otherCount)
let idx = self._findDiffIdx(other, otherRange)
if idx == count {
return _lexicographicalCompare(selfCount, otherCount)
let selfCU = self[idx]
let otherCU = other[idx + otherRange.lowerBound]
// Fast path: if one is ASCII, we can often compare the code units directly.
let selfIsASCII = selfCU <= 0x7F
let otherIsASCII = otherCU <= 0x7F
let selfIsSingleSegmentScalar =
self.hasNormalizationBoundary(after: idx)
&& _hasNormalizationBoundary(before: selfCU)
let otherIsSingleSegmentScalar =
other.hasNormalizationBoundary(after: idx)
&& _hasNormalizationBoundary(before: otherCU)
if _fastPath(selfIsASCII || otherIsASCII) {
_sanityCheck(idx < selfCount && idx < otherCount,
"Should be caught by check against min-count")
// Check if next CU is <0x300, or if we're in a
// "_isNormalizedSuperASCII" case. 99.9% of the time, we're here because
// the non-contig string is ASCII. We never want to hit the pathological
// path for those.
if selfIsASCII && otherIsASCII {
if selfIsSingleSegmentScalar && otherIsSingleSegmentScalar {
return _lexicographicalCompare(selfCU, otherCU)
return self._compareOpaquePathological(
other, otherRange, startingFrom: Swift.max(0, idx-1))
if selfIsASCII && selfIsSingleSegmentScalar
&& self._parseRawScalar(startingFrom: idx).0._isNormalizedSuperASCII {
return .less
} else if otherIsASCII && otherIsSingleSegmentScalar
&& self._parseRawScalar(startingFrom: idx).0._isNormalizedSuperASCII {
return .greater
return self._compareOpaquePathological(
other, otherRange, startingFrom: Swift.max(0, idx-1)
func _compareOpaquePathological(
_ other: _StringGuts, _ otherRange: Range<Int>,
startingFrom: Int
) -> _Ordering {
// Compare by pulling in a segment at a time, normalizing then comparing
// individual code units
var selfIterator = _NormalizedCodeUnitIterator(self[startingFrom...])
_NormalizedCodeUnitIterator(other, otherRange, startIndex: startingFrom)
extension UnicodeScalar {
internal func _normalize(
into outputBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<_Normalization._SegmentOutputBuffer>
) -> Int {
// Implementation: Perform the normalization on an input buffer and output
// buffer.
func impl(
_ input: UnsafeMutablePointer<_FixedArray2<UInt16>>,
count: Int,
into output: UnsafeMutablePointer<_Normalization._SegmentOutputBuffer>
) -> Int {
let inputBuffer = _unsafeBufferPointerCast(
input, count, to: UInt16.self
let outputBuffer = _unsafeMutableBufferPointerCast(
output, _FixedArray8<UInt16>.capacity, to: UInt16.self
return _tryNormalize(
inputBuffer, into: outputBuffer
var inBuffer = _FixedArray2<UInt16>(allZeros:())
var inLength = 0
for cu in self.utf16 {
inBuffer[inLength] = cu
inLength += 1
return impl(&inBuffer, count: inLength, into: outputBuffer)
internal static let maxValue = 0x0010_FFFF
private struct _UnicodeScalarExceptions {
fileprivate let _multiSegmentExpanders: Set<UInt32>
fileprivate let _normalizedASCIIStarter: Array<UInt32>
init() {
var msExpanders = Set<UInt32>()
var normalizedASCIIStarter = Array<UInt32>()
for rawValue in 0..<UnicodeScalar.maxValue {
guard let scalar = UnicodeScalar(rawValue) else { continue }
// Fast path: skip unassigned code points
guard scalar._isDefined else { continue }
// Fast path: skip unless QC_FCD=no
if _fastPath(!scalar._hasFullCompExclusion) {
var outBuffer = _Normalization._SegmentOutputBuffer(allZeros:())
let length = scalar._normalize(into: &outBuffer)
// See if this normalized to have an ASCII starter
if _slowPath(outBuffer[0] <= 0x7F) {
// See if this normalizes to multiple segments
var i = 0
while i < length {
let (innerScalar, nextI) = _parseRawScalar(&outBuffer, startingFrom: i)
if _slowPath(i != 0 && innerScalar._hasNormalizationBoundaryBefore) {
guard innerScalar._hasNormalizationBoundaryBefore else {
"Unicode invariant violated: non-starter multi-segment expander")
i = nextI
self._multiSegmentExpanders = msExpanders
self._normalizedASCIIStarter = normalizedASCIIStarter
private let _unicodeScalarExceptions: _UnicodeScalarExceptions = {
return _UnicodeScalarExceptions()
extension UnicodeScalar {
// Multi-Segment Expanders - Unicode defines "expanding canonical
// decompositions", where even in NFC a single scalar expands to multiple
// scalars. A small subset (currently 12 scalars circa Unicode 10) of these
// will expand into multiple normalization segments, breaking any kind of
// segment-by- segment logic or processing even under NFC. These are a subset
// of what is identified by the UCD as "composition exclusion" scalars. Since
// we don't have access to a UCD (available only at runtime), we go through
// ICU which lumps those and even more as "Full Composition Exclusions". Of
// the many full composition exclusions, this set (created once at runtime as
// this can change with Unicode version) tracks just those that can expand
// into multiple normalization segments.
internal var _isMultiSegmentExpander: Bool {
return _unicodeScalarExceptions._multiSegmentExpanders.contains(self.value)
// Whether, post-normalization, this scalar definitely compares greater than
// any ASCII scalar. This is true for all super-ASCII scalars that are not
// ASCII Normalized Starters.
// ASCII Normalized Starters - A handful of scalars normalize to have ASCII
// starters, e.g. Greek question mark ";". As of Unicode 10 there are 3 (all
// from Unicode 1.1 originally) and more are unlikely. But, there could be
// more in future versions, so determine at runtime.
internal var _isNormalizedSuperASCII: Bool {
if _slowPath(
) {
return false
return self.value > 0x7F
extension _UnmanagedString where CodeUnit == UInt8 {
internal func _compareStringsPreLoop(
_ other: _UnmanagedString<UInt16>
) -> _Ordering {
let count = Swift.min(self.count, other.count)
// Fast scan until we find a difference
let idx = self._findDiffIdx(other)
guard idx < count else {
return _lexicographicalCompare(self.count, other.count)
let otherCU = other[idx]
// Fast path: if other is super-ASCII post-normalization, we must be less.
// If other is ASCII and a single-scalar segment, we have our answer.
if otherCU > 0x7F {
if _fastPath(
other._parseRawScalar(startingFrom: idx).0._isNormalizedSuperASCII
) {
return .less
} else {
let selfASCIIChar = UInt16(self[idx])
_sanityCheck(selfASCIIChar != otherCU, "should be different")
if idx+1 == other.count {
return _lexicographicalCompare(selfASCIIChar, otherCU)
if _fastPath(other.hasNormalizationBoundary(after: idx)) {
return _lexicographicalCompare(selfASCIIChar, otherCU)
// Otherwise, need to normalize the segment and then compare
let selfASCIIChar = UInt16(self[idx])
return _compareStringsPostSuffix(
selfASCIIChar: selfASCIIChar, otherUTF16: other[idx...]
extension _StringGuts {
internal func hasNormalizationBoundary(after index: Int) -> Bool {
let nextIndex = index + 1
if nextIndex >= self.count {
return true
let nextCU = self[nextIndex]
return _hasNormalizationBoundary(before: nextCU)
extension _UnmanagedOpaqueString {
internal func hasNormalizationBoundary(after index: Int) -> Bool {
let nextIndex = index + 1
if nextIndex >= self.count {
return true
let nextCU = self[nextIndex]
return _hasNormalizationBoundary(before: nextCU)
extension _UnmanagedString where CodeUnit == UInt16 {
internal func hasNormalizationBoundary(after index: Int) -> Bool {
let nextIndex = index + 1
if nextIndex >= self.count {
return true
let nextCU = self[nextIndex]
return _hasNormalizationBoundary(before: nextCU)
extension BidirectionalCollection where Element == UInt16, SubSequence == Self {
internal func hasNormalizationBoundary(after index: Index) -> Bool {
let nextIndex = self.index(after: index)
if nextIndex == self.endIndex {
return true
let nextCU = self[nextIndex]
return _hasNormalizationBoundary(before: nextCU)
private func _compareStringsPostSuffix(
selfASCIIChar: UInt16,
otherUTF16: _UnmanagedString<UInt16>
) -> _Ordering {
let otherCU = otherUTF16[0]
_sanityCheck(otherCU <= 0x7F, "should be ASCII, otherwise no need to call")
let segmentEndIdx = otherUTF16._findNormalizationSegmentEnd(startingFrom: 0)
let segment = otherUTF16[..<segmentEndIdx]
// Fast path: If prenormal, we're done.
if _Normalization._prenormalQuickCheckYes(segment) {
return _lexicographicalCompare(selfASCIIChar, otherCU)
// Normalize segment, and then compare first code unit
var outputBuffer = _Normalization._SegmentOutputBuffer(allZeros:())
if _fastPath(
segment._tryNormalize(into: &outputBuffer) != nil
) {
return _lexicographicalCompare(selfASCIIChar, outputBuffer[0])
return _lexicographicalCompare(selfASCIIChar, segment._slowNormalize()[0])
extension _UnmanagedString where CodeUnit == UInt16 {
// Find the end of the normalization segment
internal func _findNormalizationSegmentEnd(startingFrom idx: Int) -> Int {
let count = self.count
_sanityCheck(idx < count, "out of bounds")
// Normalization boundaries are best queried before known starters. Advance
// past one scalar first.
var (_, segmentEndIdx) = self._parseRawScalar(startingFrom: idx)
while segmentEndIdx < count {
let (scalar, nextIdx) = self._parseRawScalar(startingFrom: segmentEndIdx)
if scalar._hasNormalizationBoundaryBefore {
segmentEndIdx = nextIdx
return segmentEndIdx
internal func _findNormalizationSegmentStart(
endingAt idx: Int // one-past-the-end
) -> Int {
var idx = idx
let count = self.count
_sanityCheck(idx > 0 && idx <= count, "out of bounds")
while idx > 0 {
let (scalar, priorIdx) = _reverseParseRawScalar(endingAt: idx)
idx = priorIdx
if scalar._hasNormalizationBoundaryBefore {
return idx
internal func _findNormalizationSegment(spanning idx: Int) -> (Int, Int) {
var idx = idx
// Corner case: if we're sub-surrogate, back up
if _slowPath(
idx > 0
&& _isTrailingSurrogate(self[idx])
&& _isLeadingSurrogate(self[idx-1])
) {
idx -= 1
let segmentEnd = self._findNormalizationSegmentEnd(startingFrom: idx)
// Find the start
if _slowPath(idx == 0) {
return (0, segmentEnd)
// Check current scalar
if self._parseRawScalar(startingFrom: idx).0._hasNormalizationBoundaryBefore {
return (idx, segmentEnd)
// Reverse parse until we found the segment start
let segmentStart = self._findNormalizationSegmentStart(endingAt: idx)
return (segmentStart, segmentEnd)
// Wether the segment identified by `idx` is prenormal.
// Scalar values below 0x300 are special: normalization segments containing only
// one such scalar are trivially prenormal under NFC. Most Latin-derived scripts
// can be represented entirely by <0x300 scalar values, meaning that many user
// strings satisfy this prenormal check. We call sub-0x300 scalars "Latiny" (not
// official terminology).
// The check is effectively:
// 1) Whether the current scalar <0x300, AND
// 2) Whether the current scalar comprises the entire segment
internal func _isLatinyPrenormal(idx: Int
) -> Bool {
_sanityCheck(idx < self.count, "out of bounds")
let cu = self[idx]
if _slowPath(cu >= 0x300) {
return false
if _slowPath(idx+1 == self.count) {
return true
let nextCU = self[idx+1]
return nextCU < 0x300 || _hasNormalizationBoundary(before: nextCU)
func _compareStringsPreLoop(
_ other: _UnmanagedString<UInt16>
) -> _Ordering {
let count = Swift.min(self.count, other.count)
// Fast scan until we find a diff
let idx = _findDiffIdx(other)
guard idx < count else {
return _lexicographicalCompare(self.count, other.count)
let selfCU = self[idx]
let otherCU = other[idx]
// Fast path: sub-0x300 single-scalar segments can be compared directly
if _fastPath(
_isLatinyPrenormal(idx: idx)
&& other._isLatinyPrenormal(idx: idx)
) {
return _lexicographicalCompare(selfCU, otherCU)
return self._compareStringsSuffix(other: other, randomIndex: idx)
//Is the shorter of the two parameters a prefix of the other parameter?
private func shorterPrefixesOther(
_ other: _UnmanagedString<UInt16>
) -> Bool {
if self.count == other.count {
return false
let minimumLength = Swift.min(self.count, other.count)
for i in 0..<minimumLength {
if self[i] != other[i] {
return false
return true
private func _compareStringsSuffix(
other: _UnmanagedString<UInt16>,
randomIndex: Int
) -> _Ordering {
let count = Swift.min(self.count, other.count)
let selfCU = self[randomIndex]
let otherCU = other[randomIndex]
_sanityCheck(randomIndex >= 0 && randomIndex < count, "out of bounds")
_sanityCheck(selfCU != otherCU, "should be called at a point of difference")
// Find the segment surrounding the random index passed in. This may involve
// some back tracking to the nearest normalization boundary. Once we've
// identified the segment, we can normalize and continue comparision.
// NOTE: We need to back-track for both self and other. Even though prefixes
// are binary equal, the point of difference might be at the start of a new
// segment for one and in the middle of the prior segment for the other. In
// which case, we will want to effectively compare the two consecutive
// segments together.
let (selfSegmentStartIdx, selfSegmentEndIdx) =
self._findNormalizationSegment(spanning: randomIndex)
let (otherSegmentStartIdx, otherSegmentEndIdx) =
other._findNormalizationSegment(spanning: randomIndex)
let comparisonStartIdx = Swift.min(selfSegmentStartIdx, otherSegmentStartIdx)
// Fast path: if both are prenormal, we have our answer
let selfSegment = self[comparisonStartIdx..<selfSegmentEndIdx]
let otherSegment = other[comparisonStartIdx..<otherSegmentEndIdx]
let selfSegmentPrenormal = _Normalization._prenormalQuickCheckYes(selfSegment)
let otherSegmentPrenormal = _Normalization._prenormalQuickCheckYes(
if selfSegmentPrenormal && otherSegmentPrenormal {
return _lexicographicalCompare(selfCU, otherCU)
// Pathological case: multi-segment expanders ruin segment-by-segment
// processing.
// NOTE: Multi-segment expanders are (at least up til Unicode 10) always the
// beginning of a normalization segment (i.e. they are starters). This is very
// unlikely to change in the future, as new non-starter scalars that normalize
// to pre-existing scalars would have to produce a starter. We validate this
// fact on constructing our MultiSegmentExpander set, so we can rely on it
// here.
if _slowPath(
|| otherSegment._parseRawScalar().0._isMultiSegmentExpander
) {
return self[comparisonStartIdx...]._compareStringsPathological(
other: other[comparisonStartIdx...]
// Normalize segments and compare. If they still differ, we have our answer.
var selfOutputBuffer = _Normalization._SegmentOutputBuffer(allZeros:())
var otherOutputBuffer = _Normalization._SegmentOutputBuffer(allZeros:())
let selfSegmentLengthOpt: Int?
let otherSegmentLengthOpt: Int?
if selfSegmentPrenormal {
selfOutputBuffer.fill(from: selfSegment)
selfSegmentLengthOpt = selfSegment.count
} else {
selfSegmentLengthOpt = selfSegment._tryNormalize(into: &selfOutputBuffer)
if otherSegmentPrenormal {
otherOutputBuffer.fill(from: otherSegment)
otherSegmentLengthOpt = otherSegment.count
} else {
otherSegmentLengthOpt = otherSegment._tryNormalize(into: &otherOutputBuffer)
if _slowPath(selfSegmentLengthOpt == nil || otherSegmentLengthOpt == nil) {
// If we couldn't normalize a segment into a generously large stack buffer,
// we have a pathological String.
return self[comparisonStartIdx...]._compareStringsPathological(
other: other[comparisonStartIdx...]
let selfLength = selfSegmentLengthOpt._unsafelyUnwrappedUnchecked
let otherLength = otherSegmentLengthOpt._unsafelyUnwrappedUnchecked
if Swift.shorterPrefixesOther(
&selfOutputBuffer, selfLength,
&otherOutputBuffer, otherLength)
let selfSlice = self[selfSegmentStartIdx...]
let otherSlice = other[otherSegmentStartIdx...]
return selfSlice._compareStringsPathological(other: otherSlice)
let comp = _lexicographicalCompare(
&selfOutputBuffer, leftCount: selfLength,
&otherOutputBuffer, rightCount: otherLength)
if _fastPath(comp != .equal) {
return comp
// If they compare equal after normalization, we may have equal strings that
// differ in form, e.g. NFC vs NFD strings. Or, we may have strings that
// differ in form that also will differ later on. Either way, segment-by-
// segment processing incurs significant overhead. We'd rather do larger
// chunks of work at a time (e.g. ~1KB of text at a time). For now, we eagerly
// process the entire strings, as chunking properly without guarantees of
// normality is tricky (and expensive at times as well).
// NOTE: We could add a chunking path. It is hard to do correctly, because
// Unicode. It's especially hard to test, because Unicode. It's hard to ensure
// lasting correctness, because Unicode. (Also, sometimes it's impossible, but
// that's what _compareStringsPathological is for.) However, it helps for very
// long strings that differ in the middle. We might want this one day... but
// not today.
// TODO: An additional (or even repeated) reapplying of the algorithm,
// including the binary diff scan, could greatly benefit strings that only
// sparsely differ in normality (penalizing strings that densely differ in
// normality). This would add complexity, but with compelling data could be an
// alternative to chunking.
return self[selfSegmentEndIdx...]._compareStringsPathological(
other: other[otherSegmentEndIdx...]
private func _compareStringsPathological(
other: _UnmanagedString<UInt16>
) -> _Ordering {
var selfIterator = _NormalizedCodeUnitIterator(self)
private func shorterPrefixesOther(
_ selfBuffer: UnsafePointer<_Normalization._SegmentOutputBuffer>,
_ selfLength: Int,
_ otherBuffer: UnsafePointer<_Normalization._SegmentOutputBuffer>,
_ otherLength: Int
) -> Bool {
return shorterPrefixesOther(
_castOutputBuffer(selfBuffer, endingAt: selfLength),
_castOutputBuffer(otherBuffer, endingAt: otherLength)
//Is the shorter of the two parameters a prefix of the other parameter?
private func shorterPrefixesOther(
_ selfBuffer: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt16>,
_ otherBuffer: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt16>
) -> Bool {
if selfBuffer.count == otherBuffer.count {
return false
let minimumLength = Swift.min(selfBuffer.count, otherBuffer.count)
for i in 0..<minimumLength {
if selfBuffer[i] != otherBuffer[i] {
return false
return true