blob: 77e0eef2ed868c8dcb8614fc637603a95eb65ade [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
@_exported import GameplayKit // Clang module
import CoreGraphics
import simd
@available(iOS, introduced: 9.0)
@available(macOS, introduced: 10.11)
@available(tvOS, introduced: 9.0)
extension GKPath {
/// Creates a path from an array of points
/// - Parameter points: an array of simd.float2 points to make a path from
/// - Parameter radius: radius of the path to create
/// - Parameter cyclical: if the path is of a cycle that loops back on itself
public convenience init(points: [simd.float2], radius: Float, cyclical: Bool) {
var variablePoints = points
self.init(__points: &variablePoints, count: points.count, radius: radius, cyclical: cyclical)
@available(iOS, introduced: 10.0)
@available(macOS, introduced: 10.12)
@available(tvOS, introduced: 10.0)
extension GKPath {
/// Creates a path from an array of points
/// - Parameter points: an array of simd.float3 points to make a path from
/// - Parameter radius: the radius of the path to create
/// - Parameter cyclical: if the path is of a cycle that loops back on itself
public convenience init(points: [simd.float3], radius: Float, cyclical: Bool) {
var variablePoints = points
self.init(__float3Points: &variablePoints, count: points.count, radius: radius, cyclical: cyclical)
@available(iOS, introduced: 9.0)
@available(macOS, introduced: 10.11)
@available(tvOS, introduced: 9.0)
extension GKPolygonObstacle {
/// Creates a polygon obstacle with an array of points.
/// - Parameter points: array of points in counter-clockwise order that are the vertices of a convex polygon
public convenience init(points: [simd.float2]) {
var variablePoints = points
self.init(__points: &variablePoints, count: points.count)
@available(iOS, introduced: 9.0)
@available(macOS, introduced: 10.11)
@available(tvOS, introduced: 9.0)
extension GKEntity {
/// Gets the component of the indicated class. Returns nil if entity does not have this component
/// - Parameter ofType: the type of the component you want to get
public func component<ComponentType : GKComponent>(ofType componentClass: ComponentType.Type) -> ComponentType? {
return self.__component(for: componentClass) as? ComponentType
/// Removes the component of the indicates class from this entity
/// - Parameter ofType: the type of component you want to remove
public func removeComponent<ComponentType : GKComponent>(ofType componentClass: ComponentType.Type) {
self.__removeComponent(for: componentClass)
internal protocol _SwiftGKStateMachineLike {
func state(forClass: AnyClass) -> AnyObject?
@available(iOS, introduced: 9.0)
@available(macOS, introduced: 10.11)
@available(tvOS, introduced: 9.0)
extension GKStateMachine {
/// Gets the state of the indicated class. Returns nil if the state machine does not have this state.
/// - Parameter forClass: the type of the state you want to get
public func state<StateType : GKState>(
forClass stateClass: StateType.Type) -> StateType? {
// FIXME: GameplayKit marked state(forClass:) unavailable, which means we
// can't use it from SwiftPrivate. Bounce through perform(_:with:) instead.
return self.perform(#selector(_SwiftGKStateMachineLike.state(forClass:)), with: stateClass)?.takeUnretainedValue() as! StateType?