blob: 4b9942fc88b77f036f1ec158e687a25b37621029 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SyntaxDeserialization.h - Swift Syntax Deserialization --*- C++-*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file provides the deserialization from JSON to RawSyntax nodes and their
// constituent parts.
#include "swift/Basic/StringExtras.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/RawSyntax.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/SyntaxNodes.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
#include "llvm/Support/YAMLTraits.h"
#include <forward_list>
namespace llvm {
namespace yaml {
/// Deserialization traits for SourcePresence.
template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits<swift::SourcePresence> {
static void enumeration(IO &in, swift::SourcePresence &value) {
in.enumCase(value, "Present", swift::SourcePresence::Present);
in.enumCase(value, "Missing", swift::SourcePresence::Missing);
/// Deserialization traits for swift::tok.
template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits<swift::tok> {
static void enumeration(IO &in, swift::tok &value) {
#define TOKEN(name) in.enumCase(value, #name, swift::tok::name);
#include "swift/Syntax/TokenKinds.def"
/// Deserialization traits for Trivia.
/// An array of the underlying TriviaPieces will be deserialized as Trivia.
template <typename Context> swift::TriviaPiece yamlize(IO &io, Context &Ctx) {
auto ret = MappingTraits<swift::TriviaPiece>::mapping(io);
return ret;
template <typename Context>
void yamlize(IO &io, std::vector<swift::TriviaPiece> &Seq, bool, Context &Ctx) {
unsigned incnt = io.beginSequence();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < incnt; ++i) {
void *SaveInfo;
if (io.preflightElement(i, SaveInfo)) {
Seq.push_back(yamlize(io, Ctx));
template <> struct SequenceTraits<std::vector<swift::TriviaPiece>> {
static size_t size(IO &in, std::vector<swift::TriviaPiece> &seq) {
return seq.size();
/// Deserialization traits for RawSyntax list.
template <> struct SequenceTraits<std::vector<swift::RC<swift::RawSyntax>>> {
static size_t size(IO &in, std::vector<swift::RC<swift::RawSyntax>> &seq) {
return seq.size();
static swift::RC<swift::RawSyntax> &
element(IO &in, std::vector<swift::RC<swift::RawSyntax>> &seq, size_t index) {
if (seq.size() <= index) {
seq.resize(index + 1);
return const_cast<swift::RC<swift::RawSyntax> &>(seq[index]);
/// An adapter struct that provides a nested structure for token content.
struct TokenDescription {
bool hasValue = false;
swift::tok Kind;
StringRef Text;
/// Desrialization traits for TokenDescription.
/// TokenDescriptions always serialized with a token kind, which is
/// the stringified version of their name in the tok:: enum.
/// ```
/// {
/// "kind": <token name, e.g. "kw_struct">,
/// }
/// ```
/// For tokens that have some kind of text attached, like literals or
/// identifiers, the serialized form will also have a "text" key containing
/// that text as the value.
template <> struct MappingTraits<TokenDescription> {
static void mapping(IO &in, TokenDescription &value) {
in.mapRequired("kind", value.Kind);
value.hasValue = true;
if (!swift::isTokenTextDetermined(value.Kind)) {
in.mapRequired("text", value.Text);
} else {
value.Text = swift::getTokenText(value.Kind);
/// Deserialization traits for RC<RawSyntax>.
/// First it will check whether the node is null.
/// Then this will be different depending if the raw syntax node is a Token or
/// not. Token nodes will always have this structure:
/// ```
/// {
/// "tokenKind": { "kind": <token kind>, "text": <token text> },
/// "leadingTrivia": [ <trivia pieces...> ],
/// "trailingTrivia": [ <trivia pieces...> ],
/// "presence": <"Present" or "Missing">
/// }
/// ```
/// All other raw syntax nodes will have this structure:
/// ```
/// {
/// "kind": <syntax kind>,
/// "layout": [ <raw syntax nodes...> ],
/// "presence": <"Present" or "Missing">
/// }
/// ```
template <> struct MappingTraits<swift::RC<swift::RawSyntax>> {
static void mapping(IO &in, swift::RC<swift::RawSyntax> &value) {
TokenDescription description;
auto input = static_cast<Input *>(&in);
/// Check whether this is null
if (input->getCurrentNode()->getType() != Node::NodeKind::NK_Mapping) {
in.mapOptional("tokenKind", description);
if (description.hasValue) {
swift::tok tokenKind = description.Kind;
StringRef text = description.Text;
std::vector<swift::TriviaPiece> leadingTrivia;
in.mapRequired("leadingTrivia", leadingTrivia);
std::vector<swift::TriviaPiece> trailingTrivia;
in.mapRequired("trailingTrivia", trailingTrivia);
swift::SourcePresence presence;
in.mapRequired("presence", presence);
value = swift::RawSyntax::make(tokenKind, text, leadingTrivia,
trailingTrivia, presence, nullptr);
} else {
swift::SyntaxKind kind;
in.mapRequired("kind", kind);
std::vector<swift::RC<swift::RawSyntax>> layout;
in.mapRequired("layout", layout);
swift::SourcePresence presence;
in.mapRequired("presence", presence);
value = swift::RawSyntax::make(kind, layout, presence, nullptr);
} // end namespace yaml
} // end namespace llvm
namespace swift {
namespace json {
class SyntaxDeserializer {
llvm::yaml::Input Input;
SyntaxDeserializer(llvm::StringRef InputContent) : Input(InputContent) {}
SyntaxDeserializer(llvm::MemoryBufferRef buffer) : Input(buffer) {}
llvm::Optional<swift::SourceFileSyntax> getSourceFileSyntax() {
swift::RC<swift::RawSyntax> raw;
Input >> raw;
return swift::make<swift::SourceFileSyntax>(raw);
} // namespace json
} // namespace swift