blob: 33ba6dacc4931a048f7ba204413b3c52ac2fc89b [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-ide-test(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk) -I %t -I %S/Inputs/custom-modules -print-module -source-filename %s -module-to-print=ImportAsMember.A -always-argument-labels > %t.printed.A.txt
// RUN: %target-swift-ide-test(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk) -I %t -I %S/Inputs/custom-modules -print-module -source-filename %s -module-to-print=ImportAsMember.B -always-argument-labels > %t.printed.B.txt
// RUN: %FileCheck %s -check-prefix=PRINT -strict-whitespace < %t.printed.A.txt
// RUN: %FileCheck %s -check-prefix=PRINTB -strict-whitespace < %t.printed.B.txt
// RUN: %target-swift-ide-test(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk) -I %t -I %S/Inputs/custom-modules -print-module -source-filename %s -module-to-print=ImportAsMember.APINotes -swift-version 3 -always-argument-labels | %FileCheck %s -check-prefix=PRINT-APINOTES-3 -strict-whitespace
// RUN: %target-swift-ide-test(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk) -I %t -I %S/Inputs/custom-modules -print-module -source-filename %s -module-to-print=ImportAsMember.APINotes -swift-version 4 -always-argument-labels | %FileCheck %s -check-prefix=PRINT-APINOTES-4 -strict-whitespace
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -I %S/Inputs/custom-modules
// PRINT: struct Struct1 {
// PRINT-NEXT: var x: Double
// PRINT-NEXT: var y: Double
// PRINT-NEXT: var z: Double
// PRINT-NEXT: init()
// PRINT-NEXT: init(x x: Double, y y: Double, z z: Double)
// Make sure the other extension isn't here.
// PRINT-NOT: static var static1: Double
// PRINT: extension Struct1 {
// PRINT-NEXT: static var globalVar: Double
// PRINT-NEXT: init(value value: Double)
// PRINT-NEXT: init(specialLabel specialLabel: ())
// PRINT-NEXT: func inverted() -> Struct1
// PRINT-NEXT: mutating func invert()
// PRINT-NEXT: func translate(radians radians: Double) -> Struct1
// PRINT-NEXT: func scale(_ radians: Double) -> Struct1
// PRINT-NEXT: var radius: Double { get nonmutating set }
// PRINT-NEXT: var altitude: Double{{$}}
// PRINT-NEXT: var magnitude: Double { get }
// PRINT-NEXT: static func staticMethod() -> Int32
// PRINT-NEXT: static var property: Int32
// PRINT-NEXT: static var getOnlyProperty: Int32 { get }
// PRINT-NEXT: func selfComesLast(x x: Double)
// PRINT-NEXT: func selfComesThird(a a: Int32, b b: Float, x x: Double)
// PRINT-NOT: static var static1: Double
// Make sure the other extension isn't here.
// PRINTB-NOT: static var globalVar: Double
// PRINTB: extension Struct1 {
// PRINTB: static var static1: Double
// PRINTB-NEXT: static var static2: Float
// PRINTB-NEXT: init(float value: Float)
// PRINTB-NEXT: static var zero: Struct1 { get }
// PRINTB: var currentStruct1: Struct1
// PRINTB-NOT: static var globalVar: Double
// PRINT-APINOTES-3: @available(swift, obsoleted: 3, renamed: "Struct1.oldApiNoteVar")
// PRINT-APINOTES-3-NEXT: var IAMStruct1APINoteVar: Double
// PRINT-APINOTES-3: extension Struct1 {
// PRINT-APINOTES-3-NEXT: var oldApiNoteVar: Double
// PRINT-APINOTES-3-NEXT: @available(swift, introduced: 4, renamed: "Struct1.oldApiNoteVar")
// PRINT-APINOTES-3-NEXT: var newApiNoteVar: Double
// PRINT-APINOTES-3-NEXT: @available(swift, introduced: 4, renamed: "IAMStruct1APINoteVarInSwift4")
// PRINT-APINOTES-3-NEXT: var apiNoteVarInSwift4: Double
// PRINT-APINOTES-3-NEXT: static func oldApiNoteMethod()
// PRINT-APINOTES-3-NEXT: @available(swift, introduced: 4, renamed: "Struct1.oldApiNoteMethod()")
// PRINT-APINOTES-3-NEXT: static func newApiNoteMethod()
// PRINT-APINOTES-3-NEXT: init(oldLabel _: Int32)
// PRINT-APINOTES-3-NEXT: @available(swift, introduced: 4, renamed: "Struct1.init(oldLabel:)")
// PRINT-APINOTES-3-NEXT: init(newLabel _: Int32)
// PRINT-APINOTES-3-NEXT: typealias OldApiNoteType = Double
// PRINT-APINOTES-3-NEXT: @available(swift, introduced: 4, renamed: "Struct1.OldApiNoteType")
// PRINT-APINOTES-3-NEXT: typealias NewApiNoteType = Struct1.OldApiNoteType
// PRINT-APINOTES-3-NOT: @available
// PRINT-APINOTES-3: var IAMStruct1APINoteVarInSwift4: Double
// PRINT-APINOTES-3: @available(swift, obsoleted: 3, renamed: "Struct1.oldApiNoteMethod()")
// PRINT-APINOTES-3-NEXT: func IAMStruct1APINoteFunction()
// PRINT-APINOTES-3: @available(swift, obsoleted: 3, renamed: "Struct1.init(oldLabel:)")
// PRINT-APINOTES-3-NEXT: func IAMStruct1APINoteCreateFunction(_ _: Int32) -> Struct1
// PRINT-APINOTES-3: @available(swift, obsoleted: 3, renamed: "Struct1.OldApiNoteType")
// PRINT-APINOTES-3-NEXT: typealias IAMStruct1APINoteType = Struct1.OldApiNoteType
// PRINT-APINOTES-4: @available(swift, obsoleted: 3, renamed: "Struct1.newApiNoteVar")
// PRINT-APINOTES-4-NEXT: var IAMStruct1APINoteVar: Double
// PRINT-APINOTES-4: extension Struct1 {
// PRINT-APINOTES-4-NEXT: var newApiNoteVar: Double
// PRINT-APINOTES-4-NEXT: @available(swift, obsoleted: 4, renamed: "Struct1.newApiNoteVar")
// PRINT-APINOTES-4-NEXT: var oldApiNoteVar: Double
// PRINT-APINOTES-4-NEXT: var apiNoteVarInSwift4: Double
// PRINT-APINOTES-4-NEXT: static func newApiNoteMethod()
// PRINT-APINOTES-4-NEXT: @available(swift, obsoleted: 4, renamed: "Struct1.newApiNoteMethod()")
// PRINT-APINOTES-4-NEXT: static func oldApiNoteMethod()
// PRINT-APINOTES-4-NEXT: init(newLabel _: Int32)
// PRINT-APINOTES-4-NEXT: @available(swift, obsoleted: 4, renamed: "Struct1.init(newLabel:)")
// PRINT-APINOTES-4-NEXT: init(oldLabel _: Int32)
// PRINT-APINOTES-4-NEXT: typealias NewApiNoteType = Double
// PRINT-APINOTES-4-NEXT: @available(swift, obsoleted: 4, renamed: "Struct1.NewApiNoteType")
// PRINT-APINOTES-4-NEXT: typealias OldApiNoteType = Struct1.NewApiNoteType
// PRINT-APINOTES-4: @available(swift, obsoleted: 4, renamed: "Struct1.apiNoteVarInSwift4")
// PRINT-APINOTES-4-NEXT: var IAMStruct1APINoteVarInSwift4: Double
// PRINT-APINOTES-4: @available(swift, obsoleted: 3, renamed: "Struct1.newApiNoteMethod()")
// PRINT-APINOTES-4-NEXT: func IAMStruct1APINoteFunction()
// PRINT-APINOTES-4: @available(swift, obsoleted: 3, renamed: "Struct1.init(newLabel:)")
// PRINT-APINOTES-4-NEXT: func IAMStruct1APINoteCreateFunction(_ _: Int32) -> Struct1
// PRINT-APINOTES-4: @available(swift, obsoleted: 3, renamed: "Struct1.NewApiNoteType")
// PRINT-APINOTES-4-NEXT: typealias IAMStruct1APINoteType = Struct1.NewApiNoteType
import ImportAsMember.A
import ImportAsMember.B
import ImportAsMember.APINotes
let iamStructFail = IAMStruct1CreateSimple()
// expected-error@-1{{missing argument for parameter #1 in call}}
var iamStruct = Struct1(x: 1.0, y: 1.0, z: 1.0)
let gVarFail = IAMStruct1GlobalVar
// expected-error@-1{{IAMStruct1GlobalVar' has been renamed to 'Struct1.globalVar'}}
let gVar = Struct1.globalVar
let iamStructInitFail = IAMStruct1CreateSimple(42)
// expected-error@-1{{'IAMStruct1CreateSimple' has been replaced by 'Struct1.init(value:)'}}
let iamStructInitFail2 = Struct1(value: 42)
let gVar2 = Struct1.static2
// Instance properties
iamStruct.radius += 1.5
_ = iamStruct.magnitude
// Static properties
iamStruct =
// Global properties
currentStruct1.x += 1.5