blob: 802657ec0b195e1017a6d701b304e63e59af6bc6 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk) -I %S/Inputs/custom-modules -Xcc -w -typecheck -verify %s
// XFAIL: linux
import SwiftName
func test() {
// Function name remapping
drawString("hello", x: 3, y: 5)
drawString("hello", 3, 5) // expected-error{{missing argument labels 'x:y:' in call}}
// Enum name remapping.
var color: ColorKind = CT_red
var color2: ColorType = CT_Red // expected-error{{'ColorType' has been renamed to 'ColorKind'}}{{15-24=ColorKind}}
// Enumerator remapping.
var excuse: HomeworkExcuse = .dogAteIt
excuse = .overslept // FIXME: should provide Fix-It expected-error{{type 'HomeworkExcuse' has no member 'overslept'}} {{none}}
excuse = .tired
excuse = .tooHard // FIXME: should provide Fix-It expected-error{{type 'HomeworkExcuse' has no member 'tooHard'}} {{none}}
excuse = .challenging
// Typedef-of-anonymous-type-name renaming
var p = Point()
var p2 = PointType() // FIXME: should provide Fix-It expected-error{{use of unresolved identifier 'PointType'}} {{none}}
// Field name remapping
p.x = 7
// Typedef renaming
var mi: MyInt = 5
var mi2: my_int_t = 7 // expected-error{{'my_int_t' has been renamed to 'MyInt'}}{{12-20=MyInt}}
nicelyRenamedFunction("go apinotes!")
// This particular instance method mapping previously caused a crash because
// of the trailing closure.
acceptsClosure(Foo(), test) // expected-error {{'acceptsClosure' has been replaced by instance method 'Foo.accepts(closure:)'}} {{3-17=(Foo()).accepts}} {{18-25=}} {{25-25=closure: }}
acceptsClosure(Foo()) {} // expected-error {{'acceptsClosure' has been replaced by instance method 'Foo.accepts(closure:)'}} {{3-17=(Foo()).accepts}} {{18-23=}}
Foo().accepts(closure: test)
Foo().accepts() {}
Foo().accepts {}
acceptsClosureStatic(test) // expected-error {{'acceptsClosureStatic' has been replaced by 'Foo.accepts(closure:)'}} {{3-23=Foo.accepts}}
acceptsClosureStatic() {} // expected-error {{'acceptsClosureStatic' has been replaced by 'Foo.accepts(closure:)'}} {{3-23=Foo.accepts}}
acceptsClosureStatic {} // expected-error {{'acceptsClosureStatic' has been replaced by 'Foo.accepts(closure:)'}} {{3-23=Foo.accepts}}
Foo.accepts(closure: test)
Foo.accepts() {}
Foo.accepts {}