blob: a8497f4f7f45e586e2e95f270b198637f9c9d225 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SILGenDecl.cpp - Implements Lowering of ASTs -> SIL for Decls ----===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "SILGen.h"
#include "Initialization.h"
#include "RValue.h"
#include "Scope.h"
#include "SILGenDynamicCast.h"
#include "swift/SIL/FormalLinkage.h"
#include "swift/SIL/PrettyStackTrace.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILArgument.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILDebuggerClient.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILType.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILWitnessVisitor.h"
#include "swift/SIL/TypeLowering.h"
#include "swift/AST/AST.h"
#include "swift/AST/GenericEnvironment.h"
#include "swift/AST/Mangle.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTMangler.h"
#include "swift/AST/Module.h"
#include "swift/AST/NameLookup.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Fallthrough.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include <iterator>
using namespace swift;
using namespace Mangle;
using namespace Lowering;
void Initialization::_anchor() {}
void SILDebuggerClient::anchor() {}
namespace {
/// A "null" initialization that indicates that any value being initialized
/// into this initialization should be discarded. This represents AnyPatterns
/// (that is, 'var (_)') that bind to values without storing them.
class BlackHoleInitialization : public Initialization {
BlackHoleInitialization() {}
SILValue getAddressOrNull() const override { return SILValue(); }
bool canSplitIntoTupleElements() const override {
return true;
splitIntoTupleElements(SILGenFunction &gen, SILLocation loc,
CanType type,
SmallVectorImpl<InitializationPtr> &buf) override {
// "Destructure" an ignored binding into multiple ignored bindings.
for (auto fieldType : cast<TupleType>(type)->getElementTypes()) {
(void) fieldType;
buf.push_back(InitializationPtr(new BlackHoleInitialization()));
return buf;
void copyOrInitValueInto(SILGenFunction &gen, SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue value, bool isInit) override {
/// This just ignores the provided value.
void finishUninitialized(SILGenFunction &gen) override {
// do nothing
} // end anonymous namespace
void TupleInitialization::copyOrInitValueInto(SILGenFunction &SGF,
SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue valueMV,
bool isInit) {
// A scalar value is being copied into the tuple, break it into elements
// and assign/init each element in turn.
SILValue value = valueMV.forward(SGF);
auto sourceType = cast<TupleType>(valueMV.getSwiftType());
auto sourceSILType = value->getType();
for (unsigned i = 0, e = sourceType->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i) {
SILType fieldTy = sourceSILType.getTupleElementType(i);
auto &fieldTL = SGF.getTypeLowering(fieldTy);
SILValue member;
if (value->getType().isAddress()) {
member = SGF.B.createTupleElementAddr(loc, value, i, fieldTy);
if (!fieldTL.isAddressOnly())
member =
fieldTL.emitLoad(SGF.B, loc, member, LoadOwnershipQualifier::Take);
} else {
member = SGF.B.createTupleExtract(loc, value, i, fieldTy);
auto elt = SGF.emitManagedRValueWithCleanup(member, fieldTL);
SubInitializations[i]->copyOrInitValueInto(SGF, loc, elt, isInit);
void TupleInitialization::finishUninitialized(SILGenFunction &gen) {
for (auto &subInit : SubInitializations) {
namespace {
class CleanupClosureConstant : public Cleanup {
SILValue closure;
CleanupClosureConstant(SILValue closure) : closure(closure) {}
void emit(SILGenFunction &gen, CleanupLocation l) override {
gen.B.emitDestroyValueOperation(l, closure);
} // end anonymous namespace
ArrayRef<Substitution> SILGenFunction::getForwardingSubstitutions() {
return F.getForwardingSubstitutions();
void SILGenFunction::visitFuncDecl(FuncDecl *fd) {
// Generate the local function body.
splitIntoTupleElements(SILGenFunction &gen, SILLocation loc, CanType type,
SmallVectorImpl<InitializationPtr> &buf) {
assert(SplitCleanups.empty() && "getting sub-initializations twice?");
return splitSingleBufferIntoTupleElements(gen, loc, type, getAddress(), buf,
splitSingleBufferIntoTupleElements(SILGenFunction &gen, SILLocation loc,
CanType type, SILValue baseAddr,
SmallVectorImpl<InitializationPtr> &buf,
TinyPtrVector<CleanupHandle::AsPointer> &splitCleanups) {
// Destructure the buffer into per-element buffers.
for (auto i : indices(cast<TupleType>(type)->getElementTypes())) {
// Project the element.
SILValue eltAddr = gen.B.createTupleElementAddr(loc, baseAddr, i);
// Create an initialization to initialize the element.
auto &eltTL = gen.getTypeLowering(eltAddr->getType());
auto eltInit = gen.useBufferAsTemporary(eltAddr, eltTL);
// Remember the element cleanup.
auto eltCleanup = eltInit->getInitializedCleanup();
if (eltCleanup.isValid())
return buf;
void SingleBufferInitialization::
copyOrInitValueIntoSingleBuffer(SILGenFunction &gen, SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue value, bool isInit,
SILValue destAddr) {
if (!isInit) {
assert(value.getValue() != destAddr && "copying in place?!");
value.copyInto(gen, destAddr, loc);
// If we didn't evaluate into the initialization buffer, do so now.
if (value.getValue() != destAddr) {
value.forwardInto(gen, loc, destAddr);
} else {
// If we did evaluate into the initialization buffer, disable the
// cleanup.
void SingleBufferInitialization::finishInitialization(SILGenFunction &gen) {
// Forward all of the split element cleanups, assuming we made any.
for (CleanupHandle eltCleanup : SplitCleanups)
void KnownAddressInitialization::anchor() const {
void TemporaryInitialization::finishInitialization(SILGenFunction &gen) {
if (Cleanup.isValid())
gen.Cleanups.setCleanupState(Cleanup, CleanupState::Active);
namespace {
class EndBorrowCleanup : public Cleanup {
SILValue original;
SILValue borrowed;
EndBorrowCleanup(SILValue original, SILValue borrowed)
: original(original), borrowed(borrowed) {}
void emit(SILGenFunction &gen, CleanupLocation l) override {
gen.B.createEndBorrow(l, borrowed, original);
} // end anonymous namespace
namespace {
class ReleaseValueCleanup : public Cleanup {
SILValue v;
ReleaseValueCleanup(SILValue v) : v(v) {}
void emit(SILGenFunction &gen, CleanupLocation l) override {
if (v->getType().isAddress())
gen.B.createDestroyAddr(l, v);
gen.B.emitDestroyValueOperation(l, v);
} // end anonymous namespace
namespace {
/// Cleanup to destroy an initialized variable.
class DeallocStackCleanup : public Cleanup {
SILValue Addr;
DeallocStackCleanup(SILValue addr) : Addr(addr) {}
void emit(SILGenFunction &gen, CleanupLocation l) override {
gen.B.createDeallocStack(l, Addr);
} // end anonymous namespace
namespace {
/// Cleanup to destroy an initialized 'var' variable.
class DestroyLocalVariable : public Cleanup {
VarDecl *Var;
DestroyLocalVariable(VarDecl *var) : Var(var) {}
void emit(SILGenFunction &gen, CleanupLocation l) override {
gen.destroyLocalVariable(l, Var);
} // end anonymous namespace
namespace {
/// Cleanup to destroy an uninitialized local variable.
class DeallocateUninitializedLocalVariable : public Cleanup {
VarDecl *Var;
DeallocateUninitializedLocalVariable(VarDecl *var) : Var(var) {}
void emit(SILGenFunction &gen, CleanupLocation l) override {
gen.deallocateUninitializedLocalVariable(l, Var);
} // end anonymous namespace
namespace {
/// An initialization of a local 'var'.
class LocalVariableInitialization : public SingleBufferInitialization {
/// The local variable decl being initialized.
VarDecl *decl;
SILGenFunction &SGF;
/// The cleanup we pushed to deallocate the local variable before it
/// gets initialized.
CleanupHandle DeallocCleanup;
/// The cleanup we pushed to destroy and deallocate the local variable.
CleanupHandle ReleaseCleanup;
bool DidFinish = false;
/// Sets up an initialization for the allocated box. This pushes a
/// CleanupUninitializedBox cleanup that will be replaced when
/// initialization is completed.
LocalVariableInitialization(VarDecl *decl, bool NeedsMarkUninit,
unsigned ArgNo, SILGenFunction &SGF)
: decl(decl), SGF(SGF) {
assert(decl->getDeclContext()->isLocalContext() &&
"can't emit a local var for a non-local var decl");
assert(decl->hasStorage() && "can't emit storage for a computed variable");
assert(!SGF.VarLocs.count(decl) && "Already have an entry for this decl?");
auto boxType = SGF.SGM.Types
/*mutable*/ true);
// The variable may have its lifetime extended by a closure, heap-allocate
// it using a box.
AllocBoxInst *allocBox =
SGF.B.createAllocBox(decl, boxType, {decl->isLet(), ArgNo});
SILValue addr = SGF.B.createProjectBox(decl, allocBox, 0);
// Mark the memory as uninitialized, so DI will track it for us.
if (NeedsMarkUninit)
addr = SGF.B.createMarkUninitializedVar(decl, addr);
/// Remember that this is the memory location that we're emitting the
/// decl to.
SGF.VarLocs[decl] = SILGenFunction::VarLoc::get(addr, allocBox);
// Push a cleanup to destroy the local variable. This has to be
// inactive until the variable is initialized.
ReleaseCleanup = SGF.Cleanups.getTopCleanup();
// Push a cleanup to deallocate the local variable.
DeallocCleanup = SGF.Cleanups.getTopCleanup();
~LocalVariableInitialization() override {
assert(DidFinish && "did not call VarInit::finishInitialization!");
SILValue getAddressOrNull() const override {
assert(SGF.VarLocs.count(decl) && "did not emit var?!");
return SGF.VarLocs[decl].value;
void finishUninitialized(SILGenFunction &gen) override {
void finishInitialization(SILGenFunction &SGF) override {
assert(!DidFinish &&
"called LocalVariableInitialization::finishInitialization twice!");
SGF.Cleanups.setCleanupState(DeallocCleanup, CleanupState::Dead);
SGF.Cleanups.setCleanupState(ReleaseCleanup, CleanupState::Active);
DidFinish = true;
} // end anonymous namespace
namespace {
/// Initialize a writeback buffer that receives the value of a 'let'
/// declaration.
class LetValueInitialization : public Initialization {
/// The VarDecl for the let decl.
VarDecl *vd;
/// The address of the buffer used for the binding, if this is an address-only
/// let.
SILValue address;
/// The cleanup we pushed to destroy the local variable.
CleanupHandle DestroyCleanup;
/// Cleanups we introduced when splitting.
TinyPtrVector<CleanupHandle::AsPointer> SplitCleanups;
bool DidFinish = false;
LetValueInitialization(VarDecl *vd, SILGenFunction &gen) : vd(vd)
auto &lowering = gen.getTypeLowering(vd->getType());
// Decide whether we need a temporary stack buffer to evaluate this 'let'.
// There are three cases we need to handle here: parameters, initialized (or
// bound) decls, and uninitialized ones.
bool needsTemporaryBuffer;
bool isUninitialized = false;
&& "should not bind function params on this path");
if (vd->getParentPatternBinding() && !vd->getParentInitializer()) {
// This value is uninitialized (and unbound) if it has a pattern binding
// decl, with no initializer value.
assert(!vd->hasNonPatternBindingInit() && "Bound values aren't uninit!");
// If this is a let-value without an initializer, then we need a temporary
// buffer. DI will make sure it is only assigned to once.
needsTemporaryBuffer = true;
isUninitialized = true;
} else {
// If this is a let with an initializer or bound value, we only need a
// buffer if the type is address only.
needsTemporaryBuffer = lowering.isAddressOnly();
if (needsTemporaryBuffer) {
address = gen.emitTemporaryAllocation(vd, lowering.getLoweredType());
if (isUninitialized)
address = gen.B.createMarkUninitializedVar(vd, address);
DestroyCleanup = gen.enterDormantTemporaryCleanup(address, lowering);
gen.VarLocs[vd] = SILGenFunction::VarLoc::get(address);
} else if (!lowering.isTrivial()) {
// Push a cleanup to destroy the let declaration. This has to be
// inactive until the variable is initialized: if control flow exits the
// before the value is bound, we don't want to destroy the value.
CleanupState::Dormant, vd);
DestroyCleanup = gen.Cleanups.getTopCleanup();
} else {
DestroyCleanup = CleanupHandle::invalid();
~LetValueInitialization() override {
assert(DidFinish && "did not call LetValueInit::finishInitialization!");
bool hasAddress() const { return (bool)address; }
// SingleBufferInitializations always have an address.
SILValue getAddressForInPlaceInitialization() const override {
// Emit into the buffer that 'let's produce for address-only values if
// we have it.
if (hasAddress()) return address;
return SILValue();
/// Return true if we can get the addresses of elements with the
/// 'getSubInitializationsForTuple' method.
/// Let-value initializations cannot be broken into constituent pieces if a
/// scalar value needs to be bound. If there is an address in play, then we
/// can initialize the address elements of the tuple though.
bool canSplitIntoTupleElements() const override {
return hasAddress();
splitIntoTupleElements(SILGenFunction &gen, SILLocation loc, CanType type,
SmallVectorImpl<InitializationPtr> &buf) override {
return SingleBufferInitialization
::splitSingleBufferIntoTupleElements(gen, loc, type, getAddress(), buf,
SILValue getAddressOrNull() const override {
return address;
void bindValue(SILValue value, SILGenFunction &gen) {
assert(!gen.VarLocs.count(vd) && "Already emitted this vardecl?");
// If we're binding an address to this let value, then we can use it as an
// address later. This happens when binding an address only parameter to
// an argument, for example.
if (value->getType().isAddress())
address = value;
gen.VarLocs[vd] = SILGenFunction::VarLoc::get(value);
// Emit a debug_value[_addr] instruction to record the start of this value's
// lifetime.
SILLocation PrologueLoc(vd);
if (address)
gen.B.createDebugValueAddr(PrologueLoc, value);
gen.B.createDebugValue(PrologueLoc, value);
void copyOrInitValueInto(SILGenFunction &gen, SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue value, bool isInit) override {
// If this let value has an address, we can handle it just like a single
// buffer value.
if (hasAddress())
return SingleBufferInitialization::
copyOrInitValueIntoSingleBuffer(gen, loc, value, isInit, getAddress());
// Otherwise, we bind the value.
if (isInit) {
// Disable the rvalue expression cleanup, since the let value
// initialization has a cleanup that lives for the entire scope of the
// let declaration.
bindValue(value.forward(gen), gen);
} else {
// Disable the expression cleanup of the copy, since the let value
// initialization has a cleanup that lives for the entire scope of the
// let declaration.
bindValue(value.copyUnmanaged(gen, loc).forward(gen), gen);
void finishUninitialized(SILGenFunction &gen) override {
void finishInitialization(SILGenFunction &gen) override {
assert(!DidFinish &&
"called LetValueInit::finishInitialization twice!");
assert(gen.VarLocs.count(vd) && "Didn't bind a value to this let!");
// Deactivate any cleanups we made when splitting the tuple.
for (auto cleanup : SplitCleanups)
// Activate the destroy cleanup.
if (DestroyCleanup != CleanupHandle::invalid())
gen.Cleanups.setCleanupState(DestroyCleanup, CleanupState::Active);
DidFinish = true;
} // end anonymous namespace
namespace {
/// Initialize a variable of reference-storage type.
class ReferenceStorageInitialization : public Initialization {
InitializationPtr VarInit;
ReferenceStorageInitialization(InitializationPtr &&subInit)
: VarInit(std::move(subInit)) {}
SILValue getAddressOrNull() const override { return SILValue(); }
void copyOrInitValueInto(SILGenFunction &gen, SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue value, bool isInit) override {
// If this is not an initialization, copy the value before we translateIt,
// translation expects a +1 value.
if (isInit)
value.forwardInto(gen, loc, VarInit->getAddress());
value.copyInto(gen, VarInit->getAddress(), loc);
void finishUninitialized(SILGenFunction &gen) override {
void finishInitialization(SILGenFunction &gen) override {
} // end anonymous namespace
namespace {
/// Abstract base class for refutable pattern initializations.
class RefutablePatternInitialization : public Initialization {
/// This is the label to jump to if the pattern fails to match.
JumpDest failureDest;
RefutablePatternInitialization(JumpDest failureDest)
: failureDest(failureDest) {
assert(failureDest.isValid() &&
"Refutable patterns can only exist in failable conditions");
JumpDest getFailureDest() const { return failureDest; }
SILValue getAddressOrNull() const override { return SILValue(); }
void copyOrInitValueInto(SILGenFunction &gen, SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue value, bool isInit) override = 0;
void bindVariable(SILLocation loc, VarDecl *var, ManagedValue value,
CanType formalValueType, SILGenFunction &SGF) {
// Initialize the variable value.
InitializationPtr init = SGF.emitInitializationForVarDecl(var);
RValue(SGF, loc, formalValueType, value).forwardInto(SGF, loc, init.get());
} // end anonymous namespace
namespace {
class ExprPatternInitialization : public RefutablePatternInitialization {
ExprPattern *P;
ExprPatternInitialization(ExprPattern *P, JumpDest patternFailDest)
: RefutablePatternInitialization(patternFailDest), P(P) {}
void copyOrInitValueInto(SILGenFunction &gen, SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue value, bool isInit) override;
} // end anonymous namespace
void ExprPatternInitialization::
copyOrInitValueInto(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue value, bool isInit) {
assert(isInit && "Only initialization is supported for refutable patterns");
FullExpr scope(SGF.Cleanups, CleanupLocation(P));
bindVariable(P, P->getMatchVar(), value,
P->getType()->getCanonicalType(), SGF);
// Emit the match test.
SILValue testBool;
FullExpr scope(SGF.Cleanups, CleanupLocation(P->getMatchExpr()));
testBool = SGF.emitRValueAsSingleValue(P->getMatchExpr()).
SILBasicBlock *contBB = SGF.B.splitBlockForFallthrough();
auto falseBB = SGF.Cleanups.emitBlockForCleanups(getFailureDest(), loc);
SGF.B.createCondBranch(loc, testBool, contBB, falseBB);
namespace {
class EnumElementPatternInitialization : public RefutablePatternInitialization {
EnumElementDecl *ElementDecl;
InitializationPtr subInitialization;
EnumElementPatternInitialization(EnumElementDecl *ElementDecl,
InitializationPtr &&subInitialization,
JumpDest patternFailDest)
: RefutablePatternInitialization(patternFailDest), ElementDecl(ElementDecl),
subInitialization(std::move(subInitialization)) {}
void copyOrInitValueInto(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue value, bool isInit) override {
assert(isInit && "Only initialization is supported for refutable patterns");
emitEnumMatch(value, ElementDecl, subInitialization.get(), getFailureDest(),
loc, SGF);
static void emitEnumMatch(ManagedValue value, EnumElementDecl *ElementDecl,
Initialization *subInit, JumpDest FailureDest,
SILLocation loc, SILGenFunction &SGF);
void finishInitialization(SILGenFunction &SGF) override {
if (subInitialization.get())
} // end anonymous namespace
static bool shouldDisableCleanupOnFailurePath(ManagedValue value,
EnumElementDecl *elementDecl,
SILGenFunction &SGF) {
// If the enum is trivial, then there is no cleanup to disable.
if (value.isPlusZeroRValueOrTrivial()) return false;
// Check all of the members of the enum. If any have a non-trivial payload,
// then we can't disable the cleanup.
for (auto elt : elementDecl->getParentEnum()->getAllElements()) {
// Ignore the element that will be handled.
if (elt == elementDecl) continue;
// Elements without payloads are trivial.
if (!elt->hasArgumentType()) continue;
auto eltTy = value.getType().getEnumElementType(elt, SGF.SGM.M);
if (!eltTy.isTrivial(SGF.SGM.M))
return false;
return true;
void EnumElementPatternInitialization::
emitEnumMatch(ManagedValue value, EnumElementDecl *ElementDecl,
Initialization *subInit, JumpDest failureDest,
SILLocation loc, SILGenFunction &SGF) {
SILBasicBlock *contBB = SGF.B.splitBlockForFallthrough();
auto destination = std::make_pair(ElementDecl, contBB);
// Get a destination that runs all of the cleanups needed when existing on the
// failure path. If the enum we're testing is non-trivial, there will be a
// cleanup in this stack that will release its value.
// However, if the tested case is the only non-trivial case in the enum, then
// the destruction on the failure path will be a no-op, so we can disable the
// cleanup on that path. This is an important micro-optimization for
// Optional, since the .None case doesn't need to be cleaned up.
bool ShouldDisableCleanupOnFailure =
shouldDisableCleanupOnFailurePath(value, ElementDecl, SGF);
if (ShouldDisableCleanupOnFailure)
SGF.Cleanups.setCleanupState(value.getCleanup(), CleanupState::Dormant);
auto defaultBB = SGF.Cleanups.emitBlockForCleanups(failureDest, loc);
// Restore it if we disabled it.
if (ShouldDisableCleanupOnFailure)
SGF.Cleanups.setCleanupState(value.getCleanup(), CleanupState::Active);
if (value.getType().isAddress())
SGF.B.createSwitchEnumAddr(loc, value.getValue(), defaultBB, destination);
SGF.B.createSwitchEnum(loc, value.getValue(), defaultBB, destination);
// If the enum case has no bound value, we're done.
if (!ElementDecl->hasArgumentType()) {
assert(subInit == nullptr &&
"Cannot have a subinit when there is no value to match against");
// Otherwise, the bound value for the enum case is available.
SILType eltTy = value.getType().getEnumElementType(ElementDecl, SGF.SGM.M);
auto &eltTL = SGF.getTypeLowering(eltTy);
// If the case value is provided to us as a BB argument as long as the enum
// is not address-only.
SILValue eltValue;
if (!value.getType().isAddress())
eltValue = contBB->createPHIArgument(eltTy, ValueOwnershipKind::Owned);
if (subInit == nullptr) {
// If there is no subinitialization, then we are done matching. Don't
// bother projecting out the address-only element value only to ignore it.
if (value.getType().isAddress()) {
// If the enum is address-only, take from the enum we have and load it if
// the element value is loadable.
assert((eltTL.isTrivial() || value.hasCleanup())
&& "must be able to consume value");
eltValue = SGF.B.createUncheckedTakeEnumDataAddr(loc, value.forward(SGF),
ElementDecl, eltTy);
// Load a loadable data value.
if (eltTL.isLoadable())
eltValue =
eltTL.emitLoad(SGF.B, loc, eltValue, LoadOwnershipQualifier::Take);
} else {
// Otherwise, we're consuming this as a +1 value.
// Now we have a +1 value.
auto eltMV = SGF.emitManagedRValueWithCleanup(eltValue, eltTL);
// If the payload is indirect, project it out of the box.
if (ElementDecl->isIndirect() || ElementDecl->getParentEnum()->isIndirect()) {
SILValue boxedValue = SGF.B.createProjectBox(loc, eltMV.getValue(), 0);
auto &boxedTL = SGF.getTypeLowering(boxedValue->getType());
// SEMANTIC ARC TODO: Revisit this when the verifier is enabled.
if (boxedTL.isLoadable())
boxedValue = boxedTL.emitLoad(SGF.B, loc, boxedValue,
// We must treat the boxed value as +0 since it may be shared. Copy it if
// nontrivial.
// TODO: Should be able to hand it off at +0 in some cases.
eltMV = ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(boxedValue);
eltMV = eltMV.copyUnmanaged(SGF, loc);
// Reabstract to the substituted type, if needed.
CanType substEltTy =
ElementDecl, nullptr,
AbstractionPattern origEltTy =
(ElementDecl == SGF.getASTContext().getOptionalSomeDecl()
? AbstractionPattern(substEltTy)
: SGF.SGM.M.Types.getAbstractionPattern(ElementDecl));
eltMV = SGF.emitOrigToSubstValue(loc, eltMV, origEltTy, substEltTy);
// Pass the +1 value down into the sub initialization.
subInit->copyOrInitValueInto(SGF, loc, eltMV, /*is an init*/true);
namespace {
class IsPatternInitialization : public RefutablePatternInitialization {
IsPattern *pattern;
InitializationPtr subInitialization;
IsPatternInitialization(IsPattern *pattern,
InitializationPtr &&subInitialization,
JumpDest patternFailDest)
: RefutablePatternInitialization(patternFailDest), pattern(pattern),
subInitialization(std::move(subInitialization)) {}
void copyOrInitValueInto(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue value, bool isInit) override;
void finishInitialization(SILGenFunction &SGF) override {
if (subInitialization.get())
} // end anonymous namespace
void IsPatternInitialization::
copyOrInitValueInto(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue value, bool isInit) {
assert(isInit && "Only initialization is supported for refutable patterns");
// Try to perform the cast to the destination type, producing an optional that
// indicates whether we succeeded.
auto destType = OptionalType::get(pattern->getCastTypeLoc().getType());
value = emitConditionalCheckedCast(SGF, loc, value, pattern->getType(),
destType, pattern->getCastKind(),
.getAsSingleValue(SGF, loc);
// Now that we have our result as an optional, we can use an enum projection
// to do all the work.
emitEnumMatch(value, SGF.getASTContext().getOptionalSomeDecl(),
subInitialization.get(), getFailureDest(), loc, SGF);
namespace {
class BoolPatternInitialization : public RefutablePatternInitialization {
BoolPattern *pattern;
BoolPatternInitialization(BoolPattern *pattern,
JumpDest patternFailDest)
: RefutablePatternInitialization(patternFailDest), pattern(pattern) {}
void copyOrInitValueInto(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue value, bool isInit) override;
} // end anonymous namespace
void BoolPatternInitialization::
copyOrInitValueInto(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue value, bool isInit) {
assert(isInit && "Only initialization is supported for refutable patterns");
// Extract the i1 from the Bool struct.
StructDecl *BoolStruct = cast<StructDecl>(SGF.getASTContext().getBoolDecl());
auto Members = BoolStruct->lookupDirect(SGF.getASTContext().Id_value_);
assert(Members.size() == 1 &&
"Bool should have only one property with name '_value'");
auto Member = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(Members[0]);
assert(Member &&"Bool should have a property with name '_value' of type Int1");
auto *i1Val = SGF.B.createStructExtract(loc, value.forward(SGF), Member);
// Branch on the boolean based on whether we're testing for true or false.
SILBasicBlock *trueBB = SGF.B.splitBlockForFallthrough();
auto contBB = trueBB;
auto falseBB = SGF.Cleanups.emitBlockForCleanups(getFailureDest(), loc);
if (!pattern->getValue())
std::swap(trueBB, falseBB);
SGF.B.createCondBranch(loc, i1Val, trueBB, falseBB);
namespace {
/// InitializationForPattern - A visitor for traversing a pattern, generating
/// SIL code to allocate the declared variables, and generating an
/// Initialization representing the needed initializations.
/// It is important that any Initialization created for a pattern that might
/// not have an immediate initializer implement finishUninitialized. Note
/// that this only applies to irrefutable patterns.
struct InitializationForPattern
: public PatternVisitor<InitializationForPattern, InitializationPtr>
SILGenFunction &SGF;
/// This is the place that should be jumped to if the pattern fails to match.
/// This is invalid for irrefutable pattern initializations.
JumpDest patternFailDest;
InitializationForPattern(SILGenFunction &SGF, JumpDest patternFailDest)
: SGF(SGF), patternFailDest(patternFailDest) {}
// Paren, Typed, and Var patterns are noops, just look through them.
InitializationPtr visitParenPattern(ParenPattern *P) {
return visit(P->getSubPattern());
InitializationPtr visitTypedPattern(TypedPattern *P) {
return visit(P->getSubPattern());
InitializationPtr visitVarPattern(VarPattern *P) {
return visit(P->getSubPattern());
// AnyPatterns (i.e, _) don't require any storage. Any value bound here will
// just be dropped.
InitializationPtr visitAnyPattern(AnyPattern *P) {
return InitializationPtr(new BlackHoleInitialization());
// Bind to a named pattern by creating a memory location and initializing it
// with the initial value.
InitializationPtr visitNamedPattern(NamedPattern *P) {
if (!P->getDecl()->hasName()) {
// Unnamed parameters don't require any storage. Any value bound here will
// just be dropped.
return InitializationPtr(new BlackHoleInitialization());
return SGF.emitInitializationForVarDecl(P->getDecl());
// Bind a tuple pattern by aggregating the component variables into a
// TupleInitialization.
InitializationPtr visitTuplePattern(TuplePattern *P) {
TupleInitialization *init = new TupleInitialization();
for (auto &elt : P->getElements())
return InitializationPtr(init);
InitializationPtr visitEnumElementPattern(EnumElementPattern *P) {
InitializationPtr subInit;
if (auto *subP = P->getSubPattern())
subInit = visit(subP);
auto *res = new EnumElementPatternInitialization(P->getElementDecl(),
return InitializationPtr(res);
InitializationPtr visitOptionalSomePattern(OptionalSomePattern *P) {
InitializationPtr subInit = visit(P->getSubPattern());
auto *res = new EnumElementPatternInitialization(P->getElementDecl(),
return InitializationPtr(res);
InitializationPtr visitIsPattern(IsPattern *P) {
InitializationPtr subInit;
if (auto *subP = P->getSubPattern())
subInit = visit(subP);
return InitializationPtr(new IsPatternInitialization(P, std::move(subInit),
InitializationPtr visitBoolPattern(BoolPattern *P) {
return InitializationPtr(new BoolPatternInitialization(P, patternFailDest));
InitializationPtr visitExprPattern(ExprPattern *P) {
return InitializationPtr(new ExprPatternInitialization(P, patternFailDest));
} // end anonymous namespace
InitializationPtr SILGenFunction::emitInitializationForVarDecl(VarDecl *vd) {
// If this is a computed variable, we don't need to do anything here.
// We'll generate the getter and setter when we see their FuncDecls.
if (!vd->hasStorage())
return InitializationPtr(new BlackHoleInitialization());
if (vd->isDebuggerVar()) {
DebuggerClient *DebugClient = SGM.SwiftModule->getDebugClient();
assert(DebugClient && "Debugger variables with no debugger client");
SILDebuggerClient *SILDebugClient = DebugClient->getAsSILDebuggerClient();
assert(SILDebugClient && "Debugger client doesn't support SIL");
SILValue SV = SILDebugClient->emitLValueForVariable(vd, B);
VarLocs[vd] = SILGenFunction::VarLoc::get(SV);
return InitializationPtr(new KnownAddressInitialization(SV));
CanType varType = vd->getType()->getCanonicalType();
assert(!isa<InOutType>(varType) && "local variables should never be inout");
// If this is a 'let' initialization for a non-global, set up a
// let binding, which stores the initialization value into VarLocs directly.
if (vd->isLet() && vd->getDeclContext()->isLocalContext() &&
return InitializationPtr(new LetValueInitialization(vd, *this));
// If the variable has no initial value, emit a mark_uninitialized instruction
// so that DI tracks and enforces validity of it.
bool isUninitialized =
vd->getParentPatternBinding() && !vd->getParentInitializer();
// If this is a global variable, initialize it without allocations or
// cleanups.
InitializationPtr Result;
if (!vd->getDeclContext()->isLocalContext()) {
auto *silG = SGM.getSILGlobalVariable(vd, NotForDefinition);
B.createAllocGlobal(vd, silG);
SILValue addr = B.createGlobalAddr(vd, silG);
if (isUninitialized)
addr = B.createMarkUninitializedVar(vd, addr);
VarLocs[vd] = SILGenFunction::VarLoc::get(addr);
Result = InitializationPtr(new KnownAddressInitialization(addr));
} else {
Result = emitLocalVariableWithCleanup(vd, isUninitialized);
// If we're initializing a weak or unowned variable, this requires a change in
// type.
if (isa<ReferenceStorageType>(varType))
Result = InitializationPtr(new
return Result;
void SILGenFunction::emitPatternBinding(PatternBindingDecl *PBD,
unsigned pbdEntry) {
auto &entry = PBD->getPatternList()[pbdEntry];
auto initialization = emitPatternBindingInitialization(entry.getPattern(),
// If an initial value expression was specified by the decl, emit it into
// the initialization. Otherwise, mark it uninitialized for DI to resolve.
if (auto *Init = entry.getInit()) {
FullExpr Scope(Cleanups, CleanupLocation(Init));
emitExprInto(Init, initialization.get());
} else {
void SILGenFunction::visitPatternBindingDecl(PatternBindingDecl *PBD) {
// Allocate the variables and build up an Initialization over their
// allocated storage.
for (unsigned i : indices(PBD->getPatternList())) {
emitPatternBinding(PBD, i);
void SILGenFunction::visitVarDecl(VarDecl *D) {
// We handle emitting the variable storage when we see the pattern binding.
// Here we just emit the behavior witness table, if any.
if (D->hasBehavior())
/// Emit a check that returns 1 if the running OS version is in
/// the specified version range and 0 otherwise. The returned SILValue
/// (which has type Builtin.Int1) represents the result of this check.
SILValue SILGenFunction::emitOSVersionRangeCheck(SILLocation loc,
const VersionRange &range) {
// Emit constants for the checked version range.
clang::VersionTuple Vers = range.getLowerEndpoint();
unsigned major = Vers.getMajor();
unsigned minor =
(Vers.getMinor().hasValue() ? Vers.getMinor().getValue() : 0);
unsigned subminor =
(Vers.getSubminor().hasValue() ? Vers.getSubminor().getValue() : 0);
SILType wordType = SILType::getBuiltinWordType(getASTContext());
SILValue majorValue = B.createIntegerLiteral(loc, wordType, major);
SILValue minorValue = B.createIntegerLiteral(loc, wordType, minor);
SILValue subminorValue = B.createIntegerLiteral(loc, wordType, subminor);
// Emit call to _stdlib_isOSVersionAtLeast(major, minor, patch)
FuncDecl *versionQueryDecl =
auto silDeclRef = SILDeclRef(versionQueryDecl);
SILValue availabilityGTEFn = emitGlobalFunctionRef(
loc, silDeclRef, getConstantInfo(silDeclRef));
SILValue args[] = {majorValue, minorValue, subminorValue};
return B.createApply(loc, availabilityGTEFn, args, false);
/// Emit the boolean test and/or pattern bindings indicated by the specified
/// stmt condition. If the condition fails, control flow is transferred to the
/// specified JumpDest. The insertion point is left in the block where the
/// condition has matched and any bound variables are in scope.
void SILGenFunction::emitStmtCondition(StmtCondition Cond,
JumpDest FailDest, SILLocation loc) {
assert(B.hasValidInsertionPoint() &&
"emitting condition at unreachable point");
for (const auto &elt : Cond) {
SILLocation booleanTestLoc = loc;
SILValue booleanTestValue;
switch (elt.getKind()) {
case StmtConditionElement::CK_PatternBinding: {
InitializationPtr initialization =
InitializationForPattern(*this, FailDest).visit(elt.getPattern());
// Emit the initial value into the initialization.
FullExpr Scope(Cleanups, CleanupLocation(elt.getInitializer()));
emitExprInto(elt.getInitializer(), initialization.get());
// Pattern bindings handle their own tests, we don't need a boolean test.
case StmtConditionElement::CK_Boolean: { // Handle boolean conditions.
auto *expr = elt.getBoolean();
// Evaluate the condition as an i1 value (guaranteed by Sema).
FullExpr Scope(Cleanups, CleanupLocation(expr));
booleanTestValue = emitRValue(expr).forwardAsSingleValue(*this, expr);
booleanTestLoc = expr;
case StmtConditionElement::CK_Availability:
// Check the running OS version to determine whether it is in the range
// specified by elt.
VersionRange OSVersion = elt.getAvailability()->getAvailableRange();
if (OSVersion.isAll()) {
// If there's no check for the current platform, this condition is
// trivially true.
SILType i1 = SILType::getBuiltinIntegerType(1, getASTContext());
booleanTestValue = B.createIntegerLiteral(loc, i1, true);
} else {
booleanTestValue = emitOSVersionRangeCheck(loc, OSVersion);
// Now that we have a boolean test as a Builtin.i1, emit the branch.
castTo<BuiltinIntegerType>()->isFixedWidth(1) &&
"Sema forces conditions to have Builtin.i1 type");
// Just branch on the condition. On failure, we unwind any active cleanups,
// on success we fall through to a new block.
SILBasicBlock *ContBB = createBasicBlock();
auto FailBB = Cleanups.emitBlockForCleanups(FailDest, loc);
B.createCondBranch(booleanTestLoc, booleanTestValue, ContBB, FailBB);
// Finally, emit the continue block and keep emitting the rest of the
// condition.
SILGenFunction::emitPatternBindingInitialization(Pattern *P,
JumpDest failureDest) {
return InitializationForPattern(*this, failureDest).visit(P);
/// Enter a cleanup to deallocate the given location.
CleanupHandle SILGenFunction::enterDeallocStackCleanup(SILValue temp) {
assert(temp->getType().isAddress() && "dealloc must have an address type");
return Cleanups.getTopCleanup();
CleanupHandle SILGenFunction::enterDestroyCleanup(SILValue valueOrAddr) {
return Cleanups.getTopCleanup();
CleanupHandle SILGenFunction::enterEndBorrowCleanup(SILValue original,
SILValue borrowed) {
Cleanups.pushCleanup<EndBorrowCleanup>(original, borrowed);
return Cleanups.getTopCleanup();
namespace {
/// A cleanup that deinitializes an opaque existential container
/// before a value has been stored into it, or after its value was taken.
class DeinitExistentialCleanup: public Cleanup {
SILValue existentialAddr;
CanType concreteFormalType;
ExistentialRepresentation repr;
DeinitExistentialCleanup(SILValue existentialAddr,
CanType concreteFormalType,
ExistentialRepresentation repr)
: existentialAddr(existentialAddr),
repr(repr) {}
void emit(SILGenFunction &gen, CleanupLocation l) override {
switch (repr) {
case ExistentialRepresentation::None:
case ExistentialRepresentation::Class:
case ExistentialRepresentation::Metatype:
llvm_unreachable("cannot cleanup existential");
case ExistentialRepresentation::Opaque:
gen.B.createDeinitExistentialAddr(l, existentialAddr);
case ExistentialRepresentation::Boxed:
gen.B.createDeallocExistentialBox(l, concreteFormalType,
} // end anonymous namespace
/// Enter a cleanup to emit a DeinitExistentialAddr or DeinitExistentialBox
/// of the specified value.
CleanupHandle SILGenFunction::enterDeinitExistentialCleanup(
SILValue valueOrAddr,
CanType concreteFormalType,
ExistentialRepresentation repr) {
return Cleanups.getTopCleanup();
void SILGenModule::emitExternalWitnessTable(ProtocolConformance *c) {
auto root = c->getRootNormalConformance();
// Emit the witness table right now if we used it.
if (usedConformances.count(root)) {
// Otherwise, remember it for later.
delayedConformances.insert({root, {lastEmittedConformance}});
lastEmittedConformance = root;
void SILGenModule::emitExternalDefinition(Decl *d) {
switch (d->getKind()) {
case DeclKind::Func: {
case DeclKind::Constructor: {
auto C = cast<ConstructorDecl>(d);
// For factories, we don't need to emit a special thunk; the normal
// foreign-to-native thunk is sufficient.
if (C->isFactoryInit())
case DeclKind::Enum:
case DeclKind::Struct:
case DeclKind::Class: {
// Emit witness tables.
for (auto c : cast<NominalTypeDecl>(d)->getLocalConformances(
nullptr, /*sorted=*/true)) {
auto *proto = c->getProtocol();
if (Lowering::TypeConverter::protocolRequiresWitnessTable(proto) &&
isa<NormalProtocolConformance>(c) &&
case DeclKind::Protocol:
// Nothing to do in SILGen for other external types.
case DeclKind::Var:
// Imported static vars are handled solely in IRGen.
case DeclKind::IfConfig:
case DeclKind::Extension:
case DeclKind::PatternBinding:
case DeclKind::EnumCase:
case DeclKind::EnumElement:
case DeclKind::TopLevelCode:
case DeclKind::TypeAlias:
case DeclKind::AssociatedType:
case DeclKind::GenericTypeParam:
case DeclKind::Param:
case DeclKind::Import:
case DeclKind::Subscript:
case DeclKind::Destructor:
case DeclKind::InfixOperator:
case DeclKind::PrefixOperator:
case DeclKind::PostfixOperator:
case DeclKind::PrecedenceGroup:
case DeclKind::Module:
llvm_unreachable("Not a valid external definition for SILGen");
/// Create a LocalVariableInitialization for the uninitialized var.
SILGenFunction::emitLocalVariableWithCleanup(VarDecl *vd, bool NeedsMarkUninit,
unsigned ArgNo) {
return InitializationPtr(
new LocalVariableInitialization(vd, NeedsMarkUninit, ArgNo, *this));
/// Create an Initialization for an uninitialized temporary.
SILGenFunction::emitTemporary(SILLocation loc, const TypeLowering &tempTL) {
SILValue addr = emitTemporaryAllocation(loc, tempTL.getLoweredType());
return useBufferAsTemporary(addr, tempTL);
/// Create an Initialization for an uninitialized buffer.
SILGenFunction::useBufferAsTemporary(SILValue addr,
const TypeLowering &tempTL) {
CleanupHandle cleanup = enterDormantTemporaryCleanup(addr, tempTL);
return std::unique_ptr<TemporaryInitialization>(
new TemporaryInitialization(addr, cleanup));
SILGenFunction::enterDormantTemporaryCleanup(SILValue addr,
const TypeLowering &tempTL) {
if (tempTL.isTrivial())
return CleanupHandle::invalid();
Cleanups.pushCleanupInState<ReleaseValueCleanup>(CleanupState::Dormant, addr);
return Cleanups.getCleanupsDepth();
void SILGenFunction::destroyLocalVariable(SILLocation silLoc, VarDecl *vd) {
assert(vd->getDeclContext()->isLocalContext() &&
"can't emit a local var for a non-local var decl");
assert(vd->hasStorage() && "can't emit storage for a computed variable");
assert(VarLocs.count(vd) && "var decl wasn't emitted?!");
auto loc = VarLocs[vd];
// For a heap variable, the box is responsible for the value. We just need
// to give up our retain count on it.
if ( {
// For 'let' bindings, we emit a release_value or destroy_addr, depending on
// whether we have an address or not.
SILValue Val = loc.value;
if (!Val->getType().isAddress())
B.emitDestroyValueOperation(silLoc, Val);
B.createDestroyAddr(silLoc, Val);
void SILGenFunction::deallocateUninitializedLocalVariable(SILLocation silLoc,
VarDecl *vd) {
assert(vd->getDeclContext()->isLocalContext() &&
"can't emit a local var for a non-local var decl");
assert(vd->hasStorage() && "can't emit storage for a computed variable");
assert(VarLocs.count(vd) && "var decl wasn't emitted?!");
auto loc = VarLocs[vd];
// Ignore let values captured without a memory location.
if (!loc.value->getType().isAddress()) return;
assert( && "captured var should have been given a box");
namespace {
// Is this a free function witness satisfying a static method requirement?
static IsFreeFunctionWitness_t isFreeFunctionWitness(ValueDecl *requirement,
ValueDecl *witness) {
if (!witness->getDeclContext()->isTypeContext()) {
&& "free function satisfying instance method requirement?!");
return IsFreeFunctionWitness;
return IsNotFreeFunctionWitness;
/// A CRTP class for emitting witness thunks for the requirements of a
/// protocol.
/// There are two subclasses:
/// - SILGenConformance: emits witness thunks for a conformance of a
/// a concrete type to a protocol
/// - SILGenDefaultWitnessTable: emits default witness thunks for
/// default implementations of protocol requirements
template<typename T> class SILGenWitnessTable : public SILWitnessVisitor<T> {
T &asDerived() { return *static_cast<T*>(this); }
void addMethod(FuncDecl *fd, Witness witness) {
return addMethod(fd, witness.getDecl(), witness);
void addConstructor(ConstructorDecl *cd, Witness witness) {
SILDeclRef requirementRef(cd, SILDeclRef::Kind::Allocator,
SILDeclRef witnessRef(witness.getDecl(), SILDeclRef::Kind::Allocator,
asDerived().addMethod(requirementRef, witnessRef, IsNotFreeFunctionWitness,
/// Subclasses must override SILWitnessVisitor::visitAbstractStorageDecl()
/// to call addAbstractStorageDecl(), since we need the substitutions to
/// be passed down into addMethod().
/// FIXME: Seems that conformance->getWitness() should do this for us?
void addAbstractStorageDecl(AbstractStorageDecl *d, Witness witness) {
auto *witnessSD = cast<AbstractStorageDecl>(witness.getDecl());
addMethod(d->getGetter(), witnessSD->getGetter(), witness);
if (d->isSettable(d->getDeclContext()))
addMethod(d->getSetter(), witnessSD->getSetter(), witness);
if (auto materializeForSet = d->getMaterializeForSetFunc())
addMethod(materializeForSet, witnessSD->getMaterializeForSetFunc(),
void addMethod(FuncDecl *fd, ValueDecl *witnessDecl, Witness witness) {
// TODO: multiple resilience expansions?
// TODO: multiple uncurry levels?
SILDeclRef requirementRef(fd, SILDeclRef::Kind::Func,
// Free function witnesses have an implicit uncurry layer imposed on them by
// the inserted metatype argument.
auto isFree = isFreeFunctionWitness(fd, witnessDecl);
unsigned witnessUncurryLevel = isFree ? requirementRef.uncurryLevel - 1
: requirementRef.uncurryLevel;
SILDeclRef witnessRef(witnessDecl, SILDeclRef::Kind::Func,
asDerived().addMethod(requirementRef, witnessRef, isFree, witness);
/// Emit a witness table for a protocol conformance.
class SILGenConformance : public SILGenWitnessTable<SILGenConformance> {
using super = SILGenWitnessTable<SILGenConformance>;
SILGenModule &SGM;
NormalProtocolConformance *Conformance;
std::vector<SILWitnessTable::Entry> Entries;
SILLinkage Linkage;
SILGenConformance(SILGenModule &SGM, NormalProtocolConformance *C)
// We only need to emit witness tables for base NormalProtocolConformances.
: SGM(SGM), Conformance(C->getRootNormalConformance()),
// Not all protocols use witness tables.
if (!Lowering::TypeConverter::protocolRequiresWitnessTable(
Conformance = nullptr;
SILWitnessTable *emit() {
// Nothing to do if this wasn't a normal conformance.
if (!Conformance)
return nullptr;
auto *proto = Conformance->getProtocol();
// Serialize the witness table in two cases:
// 1) We're serializing everything
// 2) The type has a fixed layout in all resilience domains, and the
// conformance is externally visible
IsFragile_t isFragile = IsNotFragile;
if (SGM.makeModuleFragile)
isFragile = IsFragile;
if (auto nominal = Conformance->getInterfaceType()->getAnyNominal())
if (nominal->hasFixedLayout() &&
proto->getEffectiveAccess() >= Accessibility::Public &&
nominal->getEffectiveAccess() >= Accessibility::Public)
isFragile = IsFragile;
// Check if we already have a declaration or definition for this witness
// table.
if (auto *wt = SGM.M.lookUpWitnessTable(Conformance, false)) {
// If we have a definition already, just return it.
// FIXME: I am not sure if this is possible, if it is not change this to an
// assert.
if (wt->isDefinition())
return wt;
// If we have a declaration, convert the witness table to a definition.
if (wt->isDeclaration()) {
wt->convertToDefinition(Entries, isFragile);
// Since we had a declaration before, its linkage should be external,
// ensure that we have a compatible linkage for sanity. *NOTE* we are ok
// with both being shared since we do not have a shared_external
// linkage.
assert(stripExternalFromLinkage(wt->getLinkage()) == Linkage &&
"Witness table declaration has inconsistent linkage with"
" silgen definition.");
// And then override the linkage with the new linkage.
return wt;
// Otherwise if we have no witness table yet, create it.
return SILWitnessTable::create(SGM.M, Linkage, isFragile,
Conformance, Entries);
void addOutOfLineBaseProtocol(ProtocolDecl *baseProtocol) {
auto foundBaseConformance
= Conformance->getInheritedConformances().find(baseProtocol);
assert(foundBaseConformance != Conformance->getInheritedConformances().end()
&& "no inherited conformance for base protocol");
auto conformance = foundBaseConformance->second;
// Emit the witness table for the base conformance if it is shared.
if (getLinkageForProtocolConformance(
== SILLinkage::Shared)
void addMethod(FuncDecl *fd) {
Witness witness = Conformance->getWitness(fd, nullptr);
super::addMethod(fd, witness);
void addConstructor(ConstructorDecl *cd) {
Witness witness = Conformance->getWitness(cd, nullptr);
super::addConstructor(cd, witness);
void addMethod(SILDeclRef requirementRef,
SILDeclRef witnessRef,
IsFreeFunctionWitness_t isFree,
Witness witness) {
// Emit the witness thunk and add it to the table.
// If this is a non-present optional requirement, emit a MissingOptional.
if (!witnessRef) {
auto *fd = requirementRef.getDecl();
assert(fd->getAttrs().hasAttribute<OptionalAttr>() &&
"Non-optional protocol requirement lacks a witness?");
Entries.push_back(SILWitnessTable::MissingOptionalWitness{ fd });
SILFunction *witnessFn =
SGM.emitProtocolWitness(Conformance, Linkage, requirementRef, witnessRef,
isFree, witness);
SILWitnessTable::MethodWitness{requirementRef, witnessFn});
void addAssociatedType(AssociatedTypeDecl *td,
ArrayRef<ProtocolDecl *> protos) {
// Find the substitution info for the witness type.
const auto &witness = Conformance->getTypeWitness(td, /*resolver=*/nullptr);
// Emit the record for the type itself.
// Emit records for the protocol requirements on the type.
assert(protos.size() == witness.getConformances().size()
&& "number of conformances in assoc type substitution do not match "
"number of requirements on assoc type");
// The conformances should be all abstract or all concrete.
|| (witness.getConformances()[0].isConcrete()
? std::all_of(witness.getConformances().begin(),
[&](const ProtocolConformanceRef C) -> bool {
return C.isConcrete();
: std::all_of(witness.getConformances().begin(),
[&](const ProtocolConformanceRef C) -> bool {
return C.isAbstract();
for (auto *protocol : protos) {
// Only reference the witness if the protocol requires it.
if (!Lowering::TypeConverter::protocolRequiresWitnessTable(protocol))
ProtocolConformanceRef conformance(protocol);
// If the associated type requirement is satisfied by an associated type,
// these will all be null.
if (witness.getConformances()[0].isConcrete()) {
auto foundConformance = std::find_if(witness.getConformances().begin(),
[&](ProtocolConformanceRef c) {
return c.getRequirement() == protocol;
assert(foundConformance != witness.getConformances().end());
conformance = *foundConformance;
td, protocol, conformance
void visitAbstractStorageDecl(AbstractStorageDecl *d) {
Witness witness = Conformance->getWitness(d, nullptr);
addAbstractStorageDecl(d, witness);
} // end anonymous namespace
static SILWitnessTable *
getWitnessTableToInsertAfter(SILGenModule &SGM,
NormalProtocolConformance *insertAfter) {
while (insertAfter) {
// If the table was emitted, emit after it.
auto found = SGM.emittedWitnessTables.find(insertAfter);
if (found != SGM.emittedWitnessTables.end())
return found->second;
// Otherwise, try inserting after the table we would transitively be
// inserted after.
auto foundDelayed = SGM.delayedConformances.find(insertAfter);
if (foundDelayed != SGM.delayedConformances.end())
insertAfter = foundDelayed->second.insertAfter;
return nullptr;
SILWitnessTable *
SILGenModule::getWitnessTable(ProtocolConformance *conformance) {
auto normal = conformance->getRootNormalConformance();
// If we've already emitted this witness table, return it.
auto found = emittedWitnessTables.find(normal);
if (found != emittedWitnessTables.end())
return found->second;
SILWitnessTable *table = SILGenConformance(*this, normal).emit();
emittedWitnessTables.insert({normal, table});
// If we delayed emission of this witness table, move it to its rightful
// place within the module.
auto foundDelayed = delayedConformances.find(normal);
if (foundDelayed != delayedConformances.end()) {
auto insertAfter = getWitnessTableToInsertAfter(*this,
if (!insertAfter) {
} else {
M.witnessTables.insertAfter(insertAfter->getIterator(), table);
} else {
// We would have marked a delayed conformance as "last emitted" when it
// was delayed.
lastEmittedConformance = normal;
return table;
static bool maybeOpenCodeProtocolWitness(SILGenFunction &gen,
ProtocolConformance *conformance,
SILLinkage linkage,
Type selfInterfaceType,
Type selfType,
GenericEnvironment *genericEnv,
SILDeclRef requirement,
SILDeclRef witness,
ArrayRef<Substitution> witnessSubs) {
if (auto witnessFn = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(witness.getDecl())) {
if (witnessFn->getAccessorKind() == AccessorKind::IsMaterializeForSet) {
auto reqFn = cast<FuncDecl>(requirement.getDecl());
assert(reqFn->getAccessorKind() == AccessorKind::IsMaterializeForSet);
return gen.maybeEmitMaterializeForSetThunk(conformance, linkage,
selfInterfaceType, selfType,
genericEnv, reqFn, witnessFn,
return false;
SILFunction *
SILGenModule::emitProtocolWitness(ProtocolConformance *conformance,
SILLinkage linkage,
SILDeclRef requirement,
SILDeclRef witnessRef,
IsFreeFunctionWitness_t isFree,
Witness witness) {
auto requirementInfo = Types.getConstantInfo(requirement);
unsigned witnessUncurryLevel = witnessRef.uncurryLevel;
// If the witness is a free function, consider the self argument
// uncurry level.
if (isFree)
// The SIL witness thunk has the type of the AST-level witness with
// witness substitutions applied, at the abstraction level of the
// original protocol requirement.
assert(requirement.uncurryLevel == witnessUncurryLevel &&
"uncurry level of requirement and witness do not match");
GenericEnvironment *genericEnv = nullptr;
// Work out the lowered function type of the SIL witness thunk.
auto reqtOrigTy
= cast<GenericFunctionType>(requirementInfo.LoweredInterfaceType);
CanAnyFunctionType reqtSubstTy;
ArrayRef<Substitution> witnessSubs;
if (witness.requiresSubstitution()) {
genericEnv = witness.getSyntheticEnvironment();
witnessSubs = witness.getSubstitutions();
const SubstitutionMap &reqtSubs
= witness.getRequirementToSyntheticMap();
auto input = reqtOrigTy->getInput().subst(reqtSubs)->getCanonicalType();
auto result = reqtOrigTy->getResult().subst(reqtSubs)->getCanonicalType();
if (genericEnv) {
auto *genericSig = genericEnv->getGenericSignature();
reqtSubstTy = cast<GenericFunctionType>(
GenericFunctionType::get(genericSig, input, result,
} else {
reqtSubstTy = CanFunctionType::get(input, result,
} else {
genericEnv = witnessRef.getDecl()->getInnermostDeclContext()
auto selfTy = cast<GenericTypeParamType>(
Type concreteTy = conformance->getInterfaceType();
SubstitutionMap reqtSubs;
reqtSubs.addSubstitution(selfTy, concreteTy);
// FIXME: conformance substitutions should be in terms of interface types
auto concreteSubs = concreteTy->gatherAllSubstitutions(M.getSwiftModule(),
nullptr, nullptr);
auto specialized = conformance;
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
if (conformance->getGenericSignature())
specialized = ctx.getSpecializedConformance(concreteTy, conformance,
reqtSubs.addConformance(selfTy, ProtocolConformanceRef(specialized));
auto input = reqtOrigTy->getInput().subst(reqtSubs)->getCanonicalType();
auto result = reqtOrigTy->getResult().subst(reqtSubs)->getCanonicalType();
reqtSubstTy = CanFunctionType::get(input, result, reqtOrigTy->getExtInfo());
// Lower the witness thunk type with the requirement's abstraction level.
auto witnessSILFnType = getNativeSILFunctionType(M,
// Mangle the name of the witness thunk.
std::string nameBuffer;
Mangler mangler;
// Concrete witness thunks get a special mangling.
if (conformance) {
// Default witness thunks are mangled as if they were the protocol
// requirement.
} else {
if (auto ctor = dyn_cast<ConstructorDecl>(requirement.getDecl())) {
mangler.mangleConstructorEntity(ctor, /*isAllocating=*/true,
} else {
&& "need to handle mangling of non-Func SILDeclRefs here");
auto requiredDecl = cast<FuncDecl>(requirement.getDecl());
mangler.mangleEntity(requiredDecl, requirement.uncurryLevel);
std::string Old = mangler.finalize();
NewMangling::ASTMangler NewMangler;
std::string New = NewMangler.mangleWitnessThunk(conformance,
nameBuffer = NewMangling::selectMangling(Old, New);
// If the thunked-to function is set to be always inlined, do the
// same with the witness, on the theory that the user wants all
// calls removed if possible, e.g. when we're able to devirtualize
// the witness method call. Otherwise, use the default inlining
// setting on the theory that forcing inlining off should only
// effect the user's function, not otherwise invisible thunks.
Inline_t InlineStrategy = InlineDefault;
if (witnessRef.isAlwaysInline())
InlineStrategy = AlwaysInline;
IsFragile_t isFragile = IsNotFragile;
if (makeModuleFragile)
isFragile = IsFragile;
if (witnessRef.isFragile())
isFragile = IsFragile;
auto *f = M.createFunction(
linkage, nameBuffer, witnessSILFnType,
genericEnv, SILLocation(witnessRef.getDecl()),
IsNotBare, IsTransparent, isFragile, IsThunk,
SILFunction::NotRelevant, InlineStrategy);
f->setDebugScope(new (M)
SILDebugScope(RegularLocation(witnessRef.getDecl()), f));
PrettyStackTraceSILFunction trace("generating protocol witness thunk", f);
// Create the witness.
Type selfInterfaceType;
Type selfType;
// If the witness is a free function, there is no Self type.
if (!isFree) {
if (conformance) {
selfInterfaceType = conformance->getInterfaceType();
} else {
auto *proto = cast<ProtocolDecl>(requirement.getDecl()->getDeclContext());
selfInterfaceType = proto->getSelfInterfaceType();
selfType = GenericEnvironment::mapTypeIntoContext(
M.getSwiftModule(), genericEnv, selfInterfaceType);
SILGenFunction gen(*this, *f);
// Open-code certain protocol witness "thunks".
if (maybeOpenCodeProtocolWitness(gen, conformance, linkage,
selfInterfaceType, selfType, genericEnv,
requirement, witnessRef, witnessSubs)) {
return f;
requirement, witnessRef,
witnessSubs, isFree);
return f;
namespace {
/// Emit a default witness table for a resilient protocol definition.
class SILGenDefaultWitnessTable
: public SILGenWitnessTable<SILGenDefaultWitnessTable> {
using super = SILGenWitnessTable<SILGenDefaultWitnessTable>;
SILGenModule &SGM;
ProtocolDecl *Proto;
SILLinkage Linkage;
SmallVector<SILDefaultWitnessTable::Entry, 8> DefaultWitnesses;
SILGenDefaultWitnessTable(SILGenModule &SGM, ProtocolDecl *proto,
SILLinkage linkage)
: SGM(SGM), Proto(proto), Linkage(linkage) { }
void addMissingDefault() {
void addOutOfLineBaseProtocol(ProtocolDecl *baseProto) {
void addMethod(FuncDecl *fd) {
auto witness = Proto->getDefaultWitness(fd);
if (!witness) {
super::addMethod(fd, witness);
void addConstructor(ConstructorDecl *cd) {
auto witness = Proto->getDefaultWitness(cd);
if (!witness) {
super::addConstructor(cd, witness);
void addMethod(SILDeclRef requirementRef,
SILDeclRef witnessRef,
IsFreeFunctionWitness_t isFree,
Witness witness) {
SILFunction *witnessFn = SGM.emitProtocolWitness(nullptr, Linkage,
requirementRef, witnessRef,
isFree, witness);
auto entry = SILDefaultWitnessTable::Entry(requirementRef, witnessFn);
void addAssociatedType(AssociatedTypeDecl *ty,
ArrayRef<ProtocolDecl *> protos) {
// Add a dummy entry for the metatype itself, and then for each conformance.
for (auto *protocol : protos) {
// Only reference the witness if the protocol requires it.
if (!Lowering::TypeConverter::protocolRequiresWitnessTable(protocol))
void visitAbstractStorageDecl(AbstractStorageDecl *d) {
auto witness = Proto->getDefaultWitness(d);
if (!witness) {
if (d->isSettable(d->getDeclContext()))
if (d->getMaterializeForSetFunc())
addAbstractStorageDecl(d, witness);
} // end anonymous namespace
void SILGenModule::emitDefaultWitnessTable(ProtocolDecl *protocol) {
SILLinkage linkage =
getSILLinkage(getDeclLinkage(protocol), ForDefinition);
SILGenDefaultWitnessTable builder(*this, protocol, linkage);
SILDefaultWitnessTable *defaultWitnesses =
M.createDefaultWitnessTableDeclaration(protocol, linkage);
SILFunction *SILGenModule::
getOrCreateReabstractionThunk(GenericEnvironment *genericEnv,
CanSILFunctionType thunkType,
CanSILFunctionType fromType,
CanSILFunctionType toType,
IsFragile_t Fragile) {
// Mangle the reabstraction thunk.
std::string name;
Mangler mangler;
// This is actually the SIL helper function. For now, IR-gen
// makes the actual thunk.
if (auto generics = thunkType->getGenericSignature()) {
mangler.append(thunkType->isPseudogeneric() ? 'g' : 'G');
// Substitute context parameters out of the "from" and "to" types.
auto fromInterfaceType
= GenericEnvironment::mapTypeOutOfContext(genericEnv, fromType)
auto toInterfaceType
= GenericEnvironment::mapTypeOutOfContext(genericEnv, toType)
mangler.mangleType(fromInterfaceType, /*uncurry*/ 0);
mangler.mangleType(toInterfaceType, /*uncurry*/ 0);
std::string Old = mangler.finalize();
NewMangling::ASTMangler NewMangler;
std::string New = NewMangler.mangleReabstractionThunkHelper(thunkType,
fromInterfaceType, toInterfaceType, M.getSwiftModule());
name = NewMangling::selectMangling(Old, New);
auto loc = RegularLocation::getAutoGeneratedLocation();
return M.getOrCreateSharedFunction(loc, name, thunkType, IsBare,
IsTransparent, Fragile,