blob: b98d11fa5e4d765bbbba8750464c4f495b5f755d [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- StringCharacterView.swift - String's Collection of Characters ----===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// String is-not-a Sequence or Collection, but it exposes a
// collection of characters.
extension String {
/// A `String`'s collection of `Character`s ([extended grapheme
/// clusters](
/// elements.
public struct CharacterView {
internal var _core: _StringCore
/// Create a view of the `Character`s in `text`.
public init(_ text: String) {
self._core = text._core
public // @testable
init(_ _core: _StringCore) {
self._core = _core
/// A collection of `Characters` representing the `String`'s
/// [extended grapheme
/// clusters](
public var characters: CharacterView {
get {
return CharacterView(self)
set {
self = String(newValue)
/// Efficiently mutate `self` by applying `body` to its `characters`.
/// - Warning: Do not rely on anything about `self` (the `String`
/// that is the target of this method) during the execution of
/// `body`: it may not appear to have its correct value. Instead,
/// use only the `String.CharacterView` argument to `body`.
public mutating func withMutableCharacters<R>(body: (inout CharacterView) -> R) -> R {
// Naively mutating self.characters forces multiple references to
// exist at the point of mutation. Instead, temporarily move the
// core of this string into a CharacterView.
var tmp = CharacterView("")
swap(&_core, &tmp._core)
let r = body(&tmp)
swap(&_core, &tmp._core)
return r
/// Construct the `String` corresponding to the given sequence of
/// Unicode scalars.
public init(_ characters: CharacterView) {
/// `String.CharacterView` is a collection of `Character`.
extension String.CharacterView : Collection {
internal typealias UnicodeScalarView = String.UnicodeScalarView
internal var unicodeScalars: UnicodeScalarView {
return UnicodeScalarView(_core)
/// A character position.
public struct Index : BidirectionalIndex, Comparable, CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable {
public // SPI(Foundation)
init(_base: String.UnicodeScalarView.Index) {
self._base = _base
self._countUTF16 =
Index._measureExtendedGraphemeClusterForward(from: _base)
internal init(_base: UnicodeScalarView.Index, _countUTF16: Int) {
self._base = _base
self._countUTF16 = _countUTF16
/// Returns the next consecutive value after `self`.
/// - Precondition: The next value is representable.
public func successor() -> Index {
_precondition(_base != _base._viewEndIndex, "cannot increment endIndex")
return Index(_base: _endBase)
/// Returns the previous consecutive value before `self`.
/// - Precondition: The previous value is representable.
public func predecessor() -> Index {
_precondition(_base != _base._viewStartIndex,
"cannot decrement startIndex")
let predecessorLengthUTF16 =
Index._measureExtendedGraphemeClusterBackward(from: _base)
return Index(
_base: UnicodeScalarView.Index(
_utf16Index - predecessorLengthUTF16, _base._core))
internal let _base: UnicodeScalarView.Index
/// The count of this extended grapheme cluster in UTF-16 code units.
internal let _countUTF16: Int
/// The integer offset of this index in UTF-16 code units.
public // SPI(Foundation)
var _utf16Index: Int {
return _base._position
/// The one past end index for this extended grapheme cluster in Unicode
/// scalars.
internal var _endBase: UnicodeScalarView.Index {
return UnicodeScalarView.Index(
_utf16Index + _countUTF16, _base._core)
/// Returns the length of the first extended grapheme cluster in UTF-16
/// code units.
internal static func _measureExtendedGraphemeClusterForward(
from start: UnicodeScalarView.Index
) -> Int {
var start = start
let end = start._viewEndIndex
if start == end {
return 0
let startIndexUTF16 = start._position
let unicodeScalars = UnicodeScalarView(start._core)
let graphemeClusterBreakProperty =
let segmenter = _UnicodeExtendedGraphemeClusterSegmenter()
var gcb0 = graphemeClusterBreakProperty.getPropertyRawValue(
while start != end {
// FIXME(performance): consider removing this "fast path". A branch
// that is hard to predict could be worse for performance than a few
// loads from cache to fetch the property 'gcb1'.
if segmenter.isBoundaryAfter(gcb0) {
let gcb1 = graphemeClusterBreakProperty.getPropertyRawValue(
if segmenter.isBoundary(gcb0, gcb1) {
gcb0 = gcb1
return start._position - startIndexUTF16
/// Returns the length of the previous extended grapheme cluster in UTF-16
/// code units.
internal static func _measureExtendedGraphemeClusterBackward(
from end: UnicodeScalarView.Index
) -> Int {
let start = end._viewStartIndex
if start == end {
return 0
let endIndexUTF16 = end._position
let unicodeScalars = UnicodeScalarView(start._core)
let graphemeClusterBreakProperty =
let segmenter = _UnicodeExtendedGraphemeClusterSegmenter()
var graphemeClusterStart = end
var gcb0 = graphemeClusterBreakProperty.getPropertyRawValue(
var graphemeClusterStartUTF16 = graphemeClusterStart._position
while graphemeClusterStart != start {
let gcb1 = graphemeClusterBreakProperty.getPropertyRawValue(
if segmenter.isBoundary(gcb1, gcb0) {
gcb0 = gcb1
graphemeClusterStartUTF16 = graphemeClusterStart._position
return endIndexUTF16 - graphemeClusterStartUTF16
public var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook {
return .int(Int64(_utf16Index))
/// The position of the first `Character` if `self` is
/// non-empty; identical to `endIndex` otherwise.
public var startIndex: Index {
return Index(_base: unicodeScalars.startIndex)
/// The "past the end" position.
/// `endIndex` is not a valid argument to `subscript`, and is always
/// reachable from `startIndex` by zero or more applications of
/// `successor()`.
public var endIndex: Index {
return Index(_base: unicodeScalars.endIndex)
/// Access the `Character` at `position`.
/// - Precondition: `position` is a valid position in `self` and
/// `position != endIndex`.
public subscript(i: Index) -> Character {
return Character(String(unicodeScalars[i._base..<i._endBase]))
extension String.CharacterView : RangeReplaceableCollection {
/// Create an empty instance.
public init() {
/// Replace the characters within `bounds` with `newElements`.
/// Invalidates all indices with respect to `self`.
/// - Complexity: O(`bounds.count`) if `bounds.endIndex
/// == self.endIndex` and `newElements.isEmpty`, O(N) otherwise.
public mutating func replaceSubrange<
C: Collection where C.Iterator.Element == Character
bounds: Range<Index>, with newElements: C
) {
let rawSubRange = bounds.startIndex._base._position
..< bounds.endIndex._base._position
let lazyUTF16 = newElements.lazy.flatMap { $0.utf16 }
_core.replaceSubrange(rawSubRange, with: lazyUTF16)
/// Reserve enough space to store `n` ASCII characters.
/// - Complexity: O(`n`).
public mutating func reserveCapacity(n: Int) {
/// Append `c` to `self`.
/// - Complexity: Amortized O(1).
public mutating func append(c: Character) {
switch c._representation {
case .small(let _63bits):
let bytes = Character._smallValue(_63bits)
_core.append(contentsOf: Character._SmallUTF16(bytes))
case .large(_):
/// Append the elements of `newElements` to `self`.
public mutating func append<
S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == Character
>(contentsOf newElements: S) {
reserveCapacity(_core.count + newElements.underestimatedCount)
for c in newElements {
/// Create an instance containing `characters`.
public init<
S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == Character
>(_ characters: S) {
self = String.CharacterView()
self.append(contentsOf: characters)
// Algorithms
extension String.CharacterView {
/// Access the characters in `bounds`.
/// - Complexity: O(1) unless bridging from Objective-C requires an
/// O(N) conversion.
public subscript(bounds: Range<Index>) -> String.CharacterView {
let unicodeScalarRange =
return String.CharacterView(
extension String.CharacterView {
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "replaceSubrange")
public mutating func replaceRange<
C : Collection where C.Iterator.Element == Character
subRange: Range<Index>, with newElements: C
) {
fatalError("unavailable function can't be called")
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "append(contentsOf:)")
public mutating func appendContentsOf<
S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == Character
>(newElements: S) {
fatalError("unavailable function can't be called")