blob: 97398e0e37f5b20a6bd1872f71e206692d0cac2a [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Random.swift -----------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import SwiftShims
/// A type that provides uniformly distributed random data.
/// When you call methods that use random data, such as creating new random
/// values or shuffling a collection, you can pass a `RandomNumberGenerator`
/// type to be used as the source for randomness. When you don't pass a
/// generator, the default `Random` type is used.
/// When providing new APIs that use randomness, provide a version that accepts
/// a generator conforming to the `RandomNumberGenerator` protocol as well as a
/// version that uses the default generator. For example, this `Weekday`
/// enumeration provides static methods that return a random day of the week:
/// enum Weekday: CaseIterable {
/// case sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday
/// static func random<G: RandomNumberGenerator>(using generator: inout G) -> Weekday {
/// return Weekday.allCases.randomElement(using: &generator)!
/// }
/// static func random() -> Weekday {
/// return Weekday.random(using: &Random.default)
/// }
/// }
/// Conforming to the RandomNumberGenerator Protocol
/// ================================================
/// A custom `RandomNumberGenerator` type can have different characteristics
/// than the default `Random` type. For example, a seedable generator can be
/// used to generate the same sequence of random values for testing purposes.
/// To make a custom type conform to the `RandomNumberGenerator` protocol,
/// implement the required `next()` method. Each call to `next()` must produce
/// a uniform and independent random value.
/// Types that conform to `RandomNumberGenerator` should specifically document
/// the thread safety and quality of the generator.
public protocol RandomNumberGenerator {
/// Returns a value from a uniform, independent distribution of binary data.
/// - Returns: An unsigned 64-bit random value.
mutating func next() -> UInt64
// FIXME: De-underscore after swift-evolution amendment
mutating func _fill(bytes buffer: UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer)
extension RandomNumberGenerator {
public mutating func _fill(bytes buffer: UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer) {
// FIXME: Optimize
var chunk: UInt64 = 0
var chunkBytes = 0
for i in 0..<buffer.count {
if chunkBytes == 0 {
chunk = next()
chunkBytes = UInt64.bitWidth / 8
buffer[i] = UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: chunk)
chunk >>= UInt8.bitWidth
chunkBytes -= 1
extension RandomNumberGenerator {
/// Returns a value from a uniform, independent distribution of binary data.
/// - Returns: A random value of `T`. Bits are randomly distributed so that
/// every value of `T` is equally likely to be returned.
public mutating func next<T: FixedWidthInteger & UnsignedInteger>() -> T {
return T._random(using: &self)
/// Returns a random value that is less than the given upper bound.
/// - Parameter upperBound: The upper bound for the randomly generated value.
/// Must be non-zero.
/// - Returns: A random value of `T` in the range `0..<upperBound`. Every
/// value in the range `0..<upperBound` is equally likely to be returned.
public mutating func next<T: FixedWidthInteger & UnsignedInteger>(
upperBound: T
) -> T {
_precondition(upperBound != 0, "upperBound cannot be zero.")
let tmp = (T.max % upperBound) + 1
let range = tmp == upperBound ? 0 : tmp
var random: T = 0
repeat {
random = next()
} while random < range
return random % upperBound
/// The default source of random data.
/// When you generate random values, shuffle a collection, or perform another
/// operation that depends on random data, this type's `default` property is
/// the generator used by default. For example, the two method calls in this
/// example are equivalent:
/// let x = Int.random(in: 1...100)
/// let y = Int.random(in: 1...100, using: &Random.default)
/// `Random.default` is automatically seeded, is safe to use in multiple
/// threads, and uses a cryptographically secure algorithm whenever possible.
/// Platform Implementation of `Random`
/// ===================================
/// While the `Random.default` generator is automatically seeded and
/// thread-safe on every platform, the cryptographic quality of the stream of
/// random data produced by the generator may vary. For more detail, see the
/// documentation for the APIs used by each platform.
/// - Apple platforms use `arc4random_buf(3)`.
/// - Linux platforms use `getrandom(2)` when available; otherwise, they read
/// from `/dev/urandom`.
public struct Random : RandomNumberGenerator {
/// The default instance of the `Random` random number generator.
public static var `default`: Random {
get { return Random() }
set { /* Discard */ }
internal init() {}
/// Returns a value from a uniform, independent distribution of binary data.
/// - Returns: An unsigned 64-bit random value.
public mutating func next() -> UInt64 {
var random: UInt64 = 0
_stdlib_random(&random, MemoryLayout<UInt64>.size)
return random
public mutating func _fill(bytes buffer: UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer) {
if !buffer.isEmpty {
_stdlib_random(buffer.baseAddress!, buffer.count)