blob: f7137bd04236ac1f1d7be4c84115a7f0b733d1e7 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- - Native Swift Object root class ------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This implements the Objective-C root class that provides basic `id`-
// compatibility and `NSObject` protocol conformance for pure Swift classes.
#include "swift/Runtime/Config.h"
#include <objc/NSObject.h>
#include <objc/runtime.h>
#include <objc/message.h>
#include <objc/objc.h>
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Lazy.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/Casting.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/Heap.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/HeapObject.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/Metadata.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/ObjCBridge.h"
#include "swift/Strings.h"
#include "../SwiftShims/RuntimeShims.h"
#include "../SwiftShims/AssertionReporting.h"
#include "CompatibilityOverride.h"
#include "Private.h"
#include "SwiftObject.h"
#include "WeakReference.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/Debug.h"
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unordered_map>
# import <CoreFoundation/CFBase.h> // for CFTypeID
# import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
# include <malloc/malloc.h>
# include <dispatch/dispatch.h>
using namespace swift;
OBJC_EXPORT __attribute__((__weak_import__))
const uintptr_t objc_debug_isa_class_mask;
static uintptr_t computeISAMask() {
// The versions of the Objective-C runtime which use non-pointer
// ISAs also export this symbol.
if (auto runtimeSymbol = &objc_debug_isa_class_mask)
return *runtimeSymbol;
return ~uintptr_t(0);
uintptr_t swift::swift_isaMask = computeISAMask();
const ClassMetadata *swift::_swift_getClass(const void *object) {
if (!isObjCTaggedPointer(object))
return _swift_getClassOfAllocated(object);
return reinterpret_cast<const ClassMetadata*>(
return _swift_getClassOfAllocated(object);
/// \brief Replacement for ObjC object_isClass(), which is unavailable on
/// deployment targets macOS 10.9 and iOS 7.
static bool objcObjectIsClass(id object) {
// same as object_isClass(object)
return class_isMetaClass(object_getClass(object));
/// Same as _swift_getClassOfAllocated() but returns type Class.
static Class _swift_getObjCClassOfAllocated(const void *object) {
return class_const_cast(_swift_getClassOfAllocated(object));
/// \brief Fetch the ObjC class object associated with the formal dynamic
/// type of the given (possibly Objective-C) object. The formal
/// dynamic type ignores dynamic subclasses such as those introduced
/// by KVO.
/// The object pointer may be a tagged pointer, but cannot be null.
const ClassMetadata *swift::swift_getObjCClassFromObject(HeapObject *object) {
auto classAsMetadata = _swift_getClass(object);
// Walk up the superclass chain skipping over artifical Swift classes.
// If we find a non-Swift class use the result of [object class] instead.
while (classAsMetadata && classAsMetadata->isTypeMetadata()) {
if (!classAsMetadata->isArtificialSubclass())
return classAsMetadata;
classAsMetadata = classAsMetadata->Superclass;
id objcObject = reinterpret_cast<id>(object);
Class objcClass = [objcObject class];
if (objcObjectIsClass(objcObject)) {
// Original object is a class. We want a
// metaclass but +class doesn't give that to us.
objcClass = object_getClass(objcClass);
classAsMetadata = reinterpret_cast<const ClassMetadata *>(objcClass);
return classAsMetadata;
/// \brief Fetch the type metadata associated with the formal dynamic
/// type of the given (possibly Objective-C) object. The formal
/// dynamic type ignores dynamic subclasses such as those introduced
/// by KVO.
/// The object pointer may be a tagged pointer, but cannot be null.
const Metadata *swift::swift_getObjectType(HeapObject *object) {
auto classAsMetadata = _swift_getClass(object);
// Walk up the superclass chain skipping over artifical Swift classes.
// If we find a non-Swift class use the result of [object class] instead.
while (classAsMetadata && classAsMetadata->isTypeMetadata()) {
if (!classAsMetadata->isArtificialSubclass())
return classAsMetadata;
classAsMetadata = classAsMetadata->Superclass;
id objcObject = reinterpret_cast<id>(object);
Class objcClass = [objcObject class];
if (objcObjectIsClass(objcObject)) {
// Original object is a class. We want a
// metaclass but +class doesn't give that to us.
objcClass = object_getClass(objcClass);
classAsMetadata = reinterpret_cast<const ClassMetadata *>(objcClass);
return swift_getObjCClassMetadata(classAsMetadata);
assert(classAsMetadata &&
classAsMetadata->isTypeMetadata() &&
return classAsMetadata;
static SwiftObject *_allocHelper(Class cls) {
// When we have layout information, do precise alignment rounding
// For now, assume someone is using hardware vector types
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
const size_t mask = 32 - 1;
const size_t mask = 16 - 1;
return reinterpret_cast<SwiftObject *>(swift::swift_allocObject(
reinterpret_cast<HeapMetadata const *>(cls),
class_getInstanceSize(cls), mask));
NSString *swift_stdlib_getDescription(OpaqueValue *value,
const Metadata *type);
NSString *swift::getDescription(OpaqueValue *value, const Metadata *type) {
auto result = swift_stdlib_getDescription(value, type);
return [result autorelease];
static NSString *_getObjectDescription(SwiftObject *obj) {
return getDescription((OpaqueValue*)&obj,
static NSString *_getClassDescription(Class cls) {
return NSStringFromClass(cls);
@implementation SwiftObject
+ (void)initialize {}
+ (instancetype)allocWithZone:(struct _NSZone *)zone {
assert(zone == nullptr);
return _allocHelper(self);
+ (instancetype)alloc {
// we do not support "placement new" or zones,
// so there is no need to call allocWithZone
return _allocHelper(self);
+ (Class)class {
return self;
- (Class)class {
return _swift_getObjCClassOfAllocated(self);
+ (Class)superclass {
return (Class)((const ClassMetadata*) self)->Superclass;
- (Class)superclass {
return (Class)_swift_getClassOfAllocated(self)->Superclass;
+ (BOOL)isMemberOfClass:(Class)cls {
return cls == _swift_getObjCClassOfAllocated(self);
- (BOOL)isMemberOfClass:(Class)cls {
return cls == _swift_getObjCClassOfAllocated(self);
- (instancetype)self {
return self;
- (BOOL)isProxy {
return NO;
- (struct _NSZone *)zone {
auto zone = malloc_zone_from_ptr(self);
return (struct _NSZone *)(zone ? zone : malloc_default_zone());
- (void)doesNotRecognizeSelector: (SEL) sel {
Class cls = _swift_getObjCClassOfAllocated(self);
fatalError(/* flags = */ 0,
"Unrecognized selector %c[%s %s]\n",
class_isMetaClass(cls) ? '+' : '-',
class_getName(cls), sel_getName(sel));
- (id)retain {
auto SELF = reinterpret_cast<HeapObject *>(self);
return self;
- (void)release {
auto SELF = reinterpret_cast<HeapObject *>(self);
- (id)autorelease {
return _objc_rootAutorelease(self);
- (NSUInteger)retainCount {
return swift::swift_retainCount(reinterpret_cast<HeapObject *>(self));
- (BOOL)_isDeallocating {
return swift_isDeallocating(reinterpret_cast<HeapObject *>(self));
- (BOOL)_tryRetain {
return swift_tryRetain(reinterpret_cast<HeapObject*>(self)) != nullptr;
- (BOOL)allowsWeakReference {
return !swift_isDeallocating(reinterpret_cast<HeapObject *>(self));
- (BOOL)retainWeakReference {
return swift_tryRetain(reinterpret_cast<HeapObject*>(self)) != nullptr;
// Retaining the class object itself is a no-op.
+ (id)retain {
return self;
+ (void)release {
/* empty */
+ (id)autorelease {
return self;
+ (NSUInteger)retainCount {
return ULONG_MAX;
+ (BOOL)_isDeallocating {
return NO;
+ (BOOL)_tryRetain {
return YES;
+ (BOOL)allowsWeakReference {
return YES;
+ (BOOL)retainWeakReference {
return YES;
- (void)dealloc {
swift_rootObjCDealloc(reinterpret_cast<HeapObject *>(self));
- (BOOL)isKindOfClass:(Class)someClass {
for (auto cls = _swift_getClassOfAllocated(self); cls != nullptr;
cls = cls->Superclass)
if (cls == (const ClassMetadata*) someClass)
return YES;
return NO;
+ (BOOL)isSubclassOfClass:(Class)someClass {
for (auto cls = (const ClassMetadata*) self; cls != nullptr;
cls = cls->Superclass)
if (cls == (const ClassMetadata*) someClass)
return YES;
return NO;
+ (BOOL)respondsToSelector:(SEL)sel {
if (!sel) return NO;
return class_respondsToSelector(_swift_getObjCClassOfAllocated(self), sel);
- (BOOL)respondsToSelector:(SEL)sel {
if (!sel) return NO;
return class_respondsToSelector(_swift_getObjCClassOfAllocated(self), sel);
+ (BOOL)instancesRespondToSelector:(SEL)sel {
if (!sel) return NO;
return class_respondsToSelector(self, sel);
+ (IMP)methodForSelector:(SEL)sel {
return class_getMethodImplementation(object_getClass((id)self), sel);
- (IMP)methodForSelector:(SEL)sel {
return class_getMethodImplementation(object_getClass(self), sel);
+ (IMP)instanceMethodForSelector:(SEL)sel {
return class_getMethodImplementation(self, sel);
- (BOOL)conformsToProtocol:(Protocol*)proto {
if (!proto) return NO;
auto selfClass = _swift_getObjCClassOfAllocated(self);
// Walk the superclass chain.
while (selfClass) {
if (class_conformsToProtocol(selfClass, proto))
return YES;
selfClass = class_getSuperclass(selfClass);
return NO;
+ (BOOL)conformsToProtocol:(Protocol*)proto {
if (!proto) return NO;
// Walk the superclass chain.
Class selfClass = self;
while (selfClass) {
if (class_conformsToProtocol(selfClass, proto))
return YES;
selfClass = class_getSuperclass(selfClass);
return NO;
- (NSUInteger)hash {
return (NSUInteger)self;
- (BOOL)isEqual:(id)object {
return self == object;
- (id)performSelector:(SEL)aSelector {
return ((id(*)(id, SEL))objc_msgSend)(self, aSelector);
- (id)performSelector:(SEL)aSelector withObject:(id)object {
return ((id(*)(id, SEL, id))objc_msgSend)(self, aSelector, object);
- (id)performSelector:(SEL)aSelector withObject:(id)object1
withObject:(id)object2 {
return ((id(*)(id, SEL, id, id))objc_msgSend)(self, aSelector, object1,
- (NSString *)description {
return _getObjectDescription(self);
- (NSString *)debugDescription {
return _getObjectDescription(self);
+ (NSString *)description {
return _getClassDescription(self);
+ (NSString *)debugDescription {
return _getClassDescription(self);
- (NSString *)_copyDescription {
// The NSObject version of this pushes an autoreleasepool in case -description
// autoreleases, but we're OK with leaking things if we're at the top level
// of the main thread with no autorelease pool.
return [[self description] retain];
- (CFTypeID)_cfTypeID {
// Adopt the same CFTypeID as NSObject.
static CFTypeID result;
static dispatch_once_t predicate;
dispatch_once_f(&predicate, &result, [](void *resultAddr) {
id obj = [[NSObject alloc] init];
*(CFTypeID*)resultAddr = [obj _cfTypeID];
[obj release];
return result;
// Foundation collections expect these to be implemented.
- (BOOL)isNSArray__ { return NO; }
- (BOOL)isNSCFConstantString__ { return NO; }
- (BOOL)isNSData__ { return NO; }
- (BOOL)isNSDate__ { return NO; }
- (BOOL)isNSDictionary__ { return NO; }
- (BOOL)isNSObject__ { return NO; }
- (BOOL)isNSOrderedSet__ { return NO; }
- (BOOL)isNSNumber__ { return NO; }
- (BOOL)isNSSet__ { return NO; }
- (BOOL)isNSString__ { return NO; }
- (BOOL)isNSTimeZone__ { return NO; }
- (BOOL)isNSValue__ { return NO; }
/// Decide dynamically whether the given class uses native Swift
/// reference-counting.
bool swift::usesNativeSwiftReferenceCounting(const ClassMetadata *theClass) {
if (!theClass->isTypeMetadata()) return false;
return (theClass->getFlags() & ClassFlags::UsesSwiftRefcounting);
return true;
/// Decide dynamically whether the given type metadata uses native Swift
/// reference-counting. The metadata is known to correspond to a class
/// type, but note that does not imply being known to be a ClassMetadata
/// due to the existence of ObjCClassWrapper.
_objcClassUsesNativeSwiftReferenceCounting(const Metadata *theClass) {
// If this is ObjC wrapper metadata, the class is definitely not using
// Swift ref-counting.
if (isa<ObjCClassWrapperMetadata>(theClass)) return false;
// Otherwise, it's class metadata.
return usesNativeSwiftReferenceCounting(cast<ClassMetadata>(theClass));
return true;
// The non-pointer bits, excluding the ObjC tag bits.
static auto const unTaggedNonNativeBridgeObjectBits
= heap_object_abi::SwiftSpareBitsMask
& ~heap_object_abi::ObjCReservedBitsMask;
#if defined(__x86_64__)
static uintptr_t const objectPointerIsObjCBit = 0x4000000000000000ULL;
#elif defined(__arm64__)
static uintptr_t const objectPointerIsObjCBit = 0x4000000000000000ULL;
static uintptr_t const objectPointerIsObjCBit = 0x00000002U;
void *swift::swift_unknownObjectRetain_n(void *object, int n) {
if (isObjCTaggedPointerOrNull(object)) return object;
if (objectUsesNativeSwiftReferenceCounting(object)) {
return swift_retain_n(static_cast<HeapObject *>(object), n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
return object;
void swift::swift_unknownObjectRelease_n(void *object, int n) {
if (isObjCTaggedPointerOrNull(object)) return;
if (objectUsesNativeSwiftReferenceCounting(object))
return swift_release_n(static_cast<HeapObject *>(object), n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
void *swift::swift_unknownObjectRetain(void *object) {
if (isObjCTaggedPointerOrNull(object)) return object;
if (objectUsesNativeSwiftReferenceCounting(object)) {
return swift_retain(static_cast<HeapObject *>(object));
return objc_retain(static_cast<id>(object));
void swift::swift_unknownObjectRelease(void *object) {
if (isObjCTaggedPointerOrNull(object)) return;
if (objectUsesNativeSwiftReferenceCounting(object))
return swift_release(static_cast<HeapObject *>(object));
return objc_release(static_cast<id>(object));
void *swift::swift_nonatomic_unknownObjectRetain_n(void *object, int n) {
if (isObjCTaggedPointerOrNull(object)) return object;
if (objectUsesNativeSwiftReferenceCounting(object)) {
return swift_nonatomic_retain_n(static_cast<HeapObject *>(object), n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
return object;
void swift::swift_nonatomic_unknownObjectRelease_n(void *object, int n) {
if (isObjCTaggedPointerOrNull(object)) return;
if (objectUsesNativeSwiftReferenceCounting(object))
return swift_nonatomic_release_n(static_cast<HeapObject *>(object), n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
void *swift::swift_nonatomic_unknownObjectRetain(void *object) {
if (isObjCTaggedPointerOrNull(object)) return object;
if (objectUsesNativeSwiftReferenceCounting(object)) {
return swift_nonatomic_retain(static_cast<HeapObject *>(object));
return objc_retain(static_cast<id>(object));
void swift::swift_nonatomic_unknownObjectRelease(void *object) {
if (isObjCTaggedPointerOrNull(object)) return;
if (objectUsesNativeSwiftReferenceCounting(object))
return swift_release(static_cast<HeapObject *>(object));
return objc_release(static_cast<id>(object));
/// Return true iff the given BridgeObject is not known to use native
/// reference-counting.
/// Precondition: object does not encode a tagged pointer
static bool isNonNative_unTagged_bridgeObject(void *object) {
static_assert((heap_object_abi::SwiftSpareBitsMask & objectPointerIsObjCBit) ==
"isObjC bit not within spare bits");
return (uintptr_t(object) & objectPointerIsObjCBit) != 0;
// Mask out the spare bits in a bridgeObject, returning the object it
// encodes.
/// Precondition: object does not encode a tagged pointer
static void* toPlainObject_unTagged_bridgeObject(void *object) {
return (void*)(uintptr_t(object) & ~unTaggedNonNativeBridgeObjectBits);
void *swift::swift_bridgeObjectRetain(void *object) {
if (isObjCTaggedPointer(object))
return object;
auto const objectRef = toPlainObject_unTagged_bridgeObject(object);
if (!isNonNative_unTagged_bridgeObject(object)) {
swift_retain(static_cast<HeapObject *>(objectRef));
return object;
return object;
swift_retain(static_cast<HeapObject *>(objectRef));
return object;
void *swift::swift_nonatomic_bridgeObjectRetain(void *object) {
if (isObjCTaggedPointer(object))
return object;
auto const objectRef = toPlainObject_unTagged_bridgeObject(object);
if (!isNonNative_unTagged_bridgeObject(object)) {
swift_nonatomic_retain(static_cast<HeapObject *>(objectRef));
return object;
return object;
swift_nonatomic_retain(static_cast<HeapObject *>(objectRef));
return object;
void swift::swift_bridgeObjectRelease(void *object) {
if (isObjCTaggedPointer(object))
auto const objectRef = toPlainObject_unTagged_bridgeObject(object);
if (!isNonNative_unTagged_bridgeObject(object))
return swift_release(static_cast<HeapObject *>(objectRef));
return objc_release(static_cast<id>(objectRef));
swift_release(static_cast<HeapObject *>(objectRef));
void swift::swift_nonatomic_bridgeObjectRelease(void *object) {
if (isObjCTaggedPointer(object))
auto const objectRef = toPlainObject_unTagged_bridgeObject(object);
if (!isNonNative_unTagged_bridgeObject(object))
return swift_nonatomic_release(static_cast<HeapObject *>(objectRef));
return objc_release(static_cast<id>(objectRef));
swift_nonatomic_release(static_cast<HeapObject *>(objectRef));
void *swift::swift_bridgeObjectRetain_n(void *object, int n) {
if (isObjCTaggedPointer(object))
return object;
auto const objectRef = toPlainObject_unTagged_bridgeObject(object);
void *objc_ret = nullptr;
if (!isNonNative_unTagged_bridgeObject(object)) {
swift_retain_n(static_cast<HeapObject *>(objectRef), n);
return object;
for (int i = 0;i < n; ++i)
objc_ret = objc_retain(static_cast<id>(objectRef));
return object;
swift_retain_n(static_cast<HeapObject *>(objectRef), n);
return object;
void swift::swift_bridgeObjectRelease_n(void *object, int n) {
if (isObjCTaggedPointer(object))
auto const objectRef = toPlainObject_unTagged_bridgeObject(object);
if (!isNonNative_unTagged_bridgeObject(object))
return swift_release_n(static_cast<HeapObject *>(objectRef), n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
swift_release_n(static_cast<HeapObject *>(objectRef), n);
void *swift::swift_nonatomic_bridgeObjectRetain_n(void *object, int n) {
if (isObjCTaggedPointer(object))
return object;
auto const objectRef = toPlainObject_unTagged_bridgeObject(object);
void *objc_ret = nullptr;
if (!isNonNative_unTagged_bridgeObject(object)) {
swift_nonatomic_retain_n(static_cast<HeapObject *>(objectRef), n);
return object;
for (int i = 0;i < n; ++i)
objc_ret = objc_retain(static_cast<id>(objectRef));
return object;
swift_nonatomic_retain_n(static_cast<HeapObject *>(objectRef), n);
return object;
void swift::swift_nonatomic_bridgeObjectRelease_n(void *object, int n) {
if (isObjCTaggedPointer(object))
auto const objectRef = toPlainObject_unTagged_bridgeObject(object);
if (!isNonNative_unTagged_bridgeObject(object))
return swift_nonatomic_release_n(static_cast<HeapObject *>(objectRef), n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
swift_nonatomic_release_n(static_cast<HeapObject *>(objectRef), n);
/************************ UNKNOWN UNOWNED REFERENCES *************************/
// Swift's native unowned references are implemented purely with
// reference-counting: as long as an unowned reference is held to an object,
// it can be destroyed but never deallocated, being that it remains fully safe
// to pass around a pointer and perform further reference-counting operations.
// For imported class types (meaning ObjC, for now, but in principle any
// type which supports ObjC-style weak references but not directly Swift-style
// unowned references), we have to implement this on top of the weak-reference
// support, at least for now. But we'd like to be able to statically take
// advantage of Swift's representational advantages when we know that all the
// objects involved are Swift-native. That means that whatever scheme we use
// for unowned references needs to interoperate with code just doing naive
// loads and stores, at least when the ObjC case isn't triggered.
// We have to be sensitive about making unreasonable assumptions about the
// implementation of ObjC weak references, and we definitely cannot modify
// memory owned by the ObjC runtime. In the long run, direct support from
// the ObjC runtime can allow an efficient implementation that doesn't violate
// those requirements, both by allowing us to directly check whether a weak
// reference was cleared by deallocation vs. just initialized to nil and by
// guaranteeing a bit pattern that distinguishes Swift references. In the
// meantime, out-of-band allocation is inefficient but not ridiculously so.
// Note that unowned references need not provide guaranteed behavior in
// the presence of read/write or write/write races on the reference itself.
// Furthermore, and unlike weak references, they also do not need to be
// safe against races with the deallocation of the object. It is the user's
// responsibility to ensure that the reference remains valid at the time
// that the unowned reference is read.
namespace {
/// An Objective-C unowned reference. Given an unknown unowned reference
/// in memory, it is an ObjC unowned reference if the IsObjCFlag bit
/// is set; if so, the pointer stored in the reference actually points
/// to out-of-line storage containing an ObjC weak reference.
/// It is an invariant that this out-of-line storage is only ever
/// allocated and constructed for non-null object references, so if the
/// weak load yields null, it can only be because the object was deallocated.
struct ObjCUnownedReference : UnownedReference {
// Pretending that there's a subclass relationship here means that
// accesses to objects formally constructed as UnownedReferences will
// technically be aliasing violations. However, the language runtime
// will generally not see any such objects.
enum : uintptr_t { IsObjCMask = 0x1, IsObjCFlag = 0x1 };
/// The out-of-line storage of an ObjC unowned reference.
struct Storage {
/// A weak reference registered with the ObjC runtime.
mutable id WeakRef;
Storage(id ref) {
assert(ref && "creating storage for null reference?");
objc_initWeak(&WeakRef, ref);
Storage(const Storage &other) {
objc_copyWeak(&WeakRef, &other.WeakRef);
Storage &operator=(const Storage &other) = delete;
Storage &operator=(id ref) {
objc_storeWeak(&WeakRef, ref);
return *this;
~Storage() {
// Don't use the C++ allocator.
void *operator new(size_t size) { return malloc(size); }
void operator delete(void *ptr) { free(ptr); }
Storage *storage() {
return reinterpret_cast<Storage*>(
reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(Value) & ~IsObjCMask);
static void initialize(UnownedReference *dest, id value) {
initializeWithStorage(dest, new Storage(value));
static void initializeWithCopy(UnownedReference *dest, Storage *src) {
initializeWithStorage(dest, new Storage(*src));
static void initializeWithStorage(UnownedReference *dest,
Storage *storage) {
dest->Value = (HeapObject*) (uintptr_t(storage) | IsObjCFlag);
static bool classof(const UnownedReference *ref) {
return (uintptr_t(ref->Value) & IsObjCMask) == IsObjCFlag;
static bool isObjCForUnownedReference(void *value) {
return (isObjCTaggedPointer(value) ||
UnownedReference *swift::swift_unknownObjectUnownedInit(UnownedReference *dest,
void *value) {
if (!value) {
dest->Value = nullptr;
} else if (isObjCForUnownedReference(value)) {
ObjCUnownedReference::initialize(dest, (id) value);
} else {
swift_unownedInit(dest, (HeapObject*) value);
return dest;
UnownedReference *
swift::swift_unknownObjectUnownedAssign(UnownedReference *dest, void *value) {
if (!value) {
dest->Value = nullptr;
} else if (isObjCForUnownedReference(value)) {
if (auto objcDest = dyn_cast<ObjCUnownedReference>(dest)) {
objc_storeWeak(&objcDest->storage()->WeakRef, (id) value);
} else {
ObjCUnownedReference::initialize(dest, (id) value);
} else {
if (auto objcDest = dyn_cast<ObjCUnownedReference>(dest)) {
delete objcDest->storage();
swift_unownedInit(dest, (HeapObject*) value);
} else {
swift_unownedAssign(dest, (HeapObject*) value);
return dest;
void *swift::swift_unknownObjectUnownedLoadStrong(UnownedReference *ref) {
if (!ref->Value) {
return nullptr;
} else if (auto objcRef = dyn_cast<ObjCUnownedReference>(ref)) {
auto result = (void*) objc_loadWeakRetained(&objcRef->storage()->WeakRef);
if (result == nullptr) {
return result;
} else {
return swift_unownedLoadStrong(ref);
void *swift::swift_unknownObjectUnownedTakeStrong(UnownedReference *ref) {
if (!ref->Value) {
return nullptr;
} else if (auto objcRef = dyn_cast<ObjCUnownedReference>(ref)) {
auto storage = objcRef->storage();
auto result = (void*) objc_loadWeakRetained(&objcRef->storage()->WeakRef);
if (result == nullptr) {
delete storage;
return result;
} else {
return swift_unownedTakeStrong(ref);
void swift::swift_unknownObjectUnownedDestroy(UnownedReference *ref) {
if (!ref->Value) {
// Nothing to do.
} else if (auto objcRef = dyn_cast<ObjCUnownedReference>(ref)) {
delete objcRef->storage();
} else {
UnownedReference *
swift::swift_unknownObjectUnownedCopyInit(UnownedReference *dest,
UnownedReference *src) {
assert(dest != src);
if (!src->Value) {
dest->Value = nullptr;
} else if (auto objcSrc = dyn_cast<ObjCUnownedReference>(src)) {
ObjCUnownedReference::initializeWithCopy(dest, objcSrc->storage());
} else {
swift_unownedCopyInit(dest, src);
return dest;
UnownedReference *
swift::swift_unknownObjectUnownedTakeInit(UnownedReference *dest,
UnownedReference *src) {
assert(dest != src);
dest->Value = src->Value;
return dest;
UnownedReference *
swift::swift_unknownObjectUnownedCopyAssign(UnownedReference *dest,
UnownedReference *src) {
if (dest == src) return dest;
if (auto objcSrc = dyn_cast<ObjCUnownedReference>(src)) {
if (auto objcDest = dyn_cast<ObjCUnownedReference>(dest)) {
// ObjC unfortunately doesn't expose a copy-assign operation.
return dest;
ObjCUnownedReference::initializeWithCopy(dest, objcSrc->storage());
} else {
if (auto objcDest = dyn_cast<ObjCUnownedReference>(dest)) {
delete objcDest->storage();
swift_unownedCopyInit(dest, src);
} else {
swift_unownedCopyAssign(dest, src);
return dest;
UnownedReference *
swift::swift_unknownObjectUnownedTakeAssign(UnownedReference *dest,
UnownedReference *src) {
assert(dest != src);
// There's not really anything more efficient to do here than this.
dest->Value = src->Value;
return dest;
bool swift::swift_unknownObjectUnownedIsEqual(UnownedReference *ref,
void *value) {
if (!ref->Value) {
return value == nullptr;
} else if (auto objcRef = dyn_cast<ObjCUnownedReference>(ref)) {
id refValue = objc_loadWeakRetained(&objcRef->storage()->WeakRef);
bool isEqual = (void*)refValue == value;
// This ObjC case has no deliberate unowned check here,
// unlike the Swift case.
[refValue release];
return isEqual;
} else {
return swift_unownedIsEqual(ref, (HeapObject *)value);
/************************** UNKNOWN WEAK REFERENCES **************************/
WeakReference *swift::swift_unknownObjectWeakInit(WeakReference *ref,
void *value) {
return ref;
WeakReference *swift::swift_unknownObjectWeakAssign(WeakReference *ref,
void *value) {
return ref;
void *swift::swift_unknownObjectWeakLoadStrong(WeakReference *ref) {
return ref->unknownLoadStrong();
void *swift::swift_unknownObjectWeakTakeStrong(WeakReference *ref) {
return ref->unknownTakeStrong();
void swift::swift_unknownObjectWeakDestroy(WeakReference *ref) {
WeakReference *swift::swift_unknownObjectWeakCopyInit(WeakReference *dest,
WeakReference *src) {
return dest;
WeakReference *swift::swift_unknownObjectWeakTakeInit(WeakReference *dest,
WeakReference *src) {
return dest;
WeakReference *swift::swift_unknownObjectWeakCopyAssign(WeakReference *dest,
WeakReference *src) {
return dest;
WeakReference *swift::swift_unknownObjectWeakTakeAssign(WeakReference *dest,
WeakReference *src) {
return dest;
/******************************* DYNAMIC CASTS *******************************/
static const void *
swift_dynamicCastObjCClassImpl(const void *object,
const ClassMetadata *targetType) {
// FIXME: We need to decide if this is really how we want to treat 'nil'.
if (object == nullptr)
return nullptr;
if ([id_const_cast(object) isKindOfClass:class_const_cast(targetType)]) {
return object;
return nullptr;
static const void *
swift_dynamicCastObjCClassUnconditionalImpl(const void *object,
const ClassMetadata *targetType) {
// FIXME: We need to decide if this is really how we want to treat 'nil'.
if (object == nullptr)
return nullptr;
if ([id_const_cast(object) isKindOfClass:class_const_cast(targetType)]) {
return object;
Class sourceType = object_getClass(id_const_cast(object));
swift_dynamicCastFailure(reinterpret_cast<const Metadata *>(sourceType),
static const void *
swift_dynamicCastForeignClassImpl(const void *object,
const ForeignClassMetadata *targetType) {
// FIXME: Actually compare CFTypeIDs, once they are available in the metadata.
return object;
static const void *
const void *object,
const ForeignClassMetadata *targetType) {
// FIXME: Actual compare CFTypeIDs, once they are available in the metadata.
return object;
bool swift::objectConformsToObjCProtocol(const void *theObject,
ProtocolDescriptorRef protocol) {
return [id_const_cast(theObject)
conformsToProtocol: protocol.getObjCProtocol()];
bool swift::classConformsToObjCProtocol(const void *theClass,
ProtocolDescriptorRef protocol) {
return [class_const_cast(theClass)
conformsToProtocol: protocol.getObjCProtocol()];
const Metadata *swift_dynamicCastTypeToObjCProtocolUnconditional(
const Metadata *type,
size_t numProtocols,
Protocol * const *protocols) {
Class classObject;
switch (type->getKind()) {
case MetadataKind::Class:
case MetadataKind::ObjCClassWrapper:
// Native class metadata is also the class object.
// ObjC class wrappers get unwrapped.
classObject = type->getObjCClassObject();
// Other kinds of type can never conform to ObjC protocols.
swift_dynamicCastFailure(type, nameForMetadata(type).c_str(),
protocols[0], protocol_getName(protocols[0]));
case MetadataKind::HeapLocalVariable:
case MetadataKind::HeapGenericLocalVariable:
case MetadataKind::ErrorObject:
assert(false && "not type metadata");
for (size_t i = 0; i < numProtocols; ++i) {
if (![classObject conformsToProtocol:protocols[i]]) {
swift_dynamicCastFailure(type, nameForMetadata(type).c_str(),
protocols[i], protocol_getName(protocols[i]));
return type;
const Metadata *swift_dynamicCastTypeToObjCProtocolConditional(
const Metadata *type,
size_t numProtocols,
Protocol * const *protocols) {
Class classObject;
switch (type->getKind()) {
case MetadataKind::Class:
case MetadataKind::ObjCClassWrapper:
// Native class metadata is also the class object.
// ObjC class wrappers get unwrapped.
classObject = type->getObjCClassObject();
// Other kinds of type can never conform to ObjC protocols.
return nullptr;
case MetadataKind::HeapLocalVariable:
case MetadataKind::HeapGenericLocalVariable:
case MetadataKind::ErrorObject:
assert(false && "not type metadata");
for (size_t i = 0; i < numProtocols; ++i) {
if (![classObject conformsToProtocol:protocols[i]]) {
return nullptr;
return type;
id swift_dynamicCastObjCProtocolUnconditional(id object,
size_t numProtocols,
Protocol * const *protocols) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < numProtocols; ++i) {
if (![object conformsToProtocol:protocols[i]]) {
Class sourceType = object_getClass(object);
swift_dynamicCastFailure(sourceType, class_getName(sourceType),
protocols[i], protocol_getName(protocols[i]));
return object;
id swift_dynamicCastObjCProtocolConditional(id object,
size_t numProtocols,
Protocol * const *protocols) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < numProtocols; ++i) {
if (![object conformsToProtocol:protocols[i]]) {
return nil;
return object;
void swift::swift_instantiateObjCClass(const ClassMetadata *_c) {
static const objc_image_info ImageInfo = {0, 0};
// Ensure the superclass is realized.
Class c = class_const_cast(_c);
[class_getSuperclass(c) class];
// Register the class.
Class registered = objc_readClassPair(c, &ImageInfo);
assert(registered == c
&& "objc_readClassPair failed to instantiate the class in-place");
Class swift::swift_getInitializedObjCClass(Class c) {
// Used when we have class metadata and we want to ensure a class has been
// initialized by the Objective-C runtime. We need to do this because the
// class "c" might be valid metadata, but it hasn't been initialized yet.
return [c class];
static const ClassMetadata *
swift_dynamicCastObjCClassMetatypeImpl(const ClassMetadata *source,
const ClassMetadata *dest) {
if ([class_const_cast(source) isSubclassOfClass:class_const_cast(dest)])
return source;
return nil;
static const ClassMetadata *
swift_dynamicCastObjCClassMetatypeUnconditionalImpl(const ClassMetadata *source,
const ClassMetadata *dest) {
if ([class_const_cast(source) isSubclassOfClass:class_const_cast(dest)])
return source;
swift_dynamicCastFailure(source, dest);
static const ClassMetadata *
swift_dynamicCastForeignClassMetatypeImpl(const ClassMetadata *sourceType,
const ClassMetadata *targetType) {
// FIXME: Actually compare CFTypeIDs, once they are available in
// the metadata.
return sourceType;
static const ClassMetadata *
const ClassMetadata *sourceType,
const ClassMetadata *targetType)
// FIXME: Actually compare CFTypeIDs, once they arae available in
// the metadata.
return sourceType;
// Given a non-nil object reference, return true iff the object uses
// native swift reference counting.
static bool usesNativeSwiftReferenceCounting_nonNull(
const void* object
) {
assert(object != nullptr);
return !isObjCTaggedPointer(object) &&
bool swift::swift_isUniquelyReferenced_nonNull_native(const HeapObject *object){
assert(object != nullptr);
return object->refCounts.isUniquelyReferenced();
bool swift::swift_isUniquelyReferenced_native(const HeapObject* object) {
return object != nullptr
&& swift::swift_isUniquelyReferenced_nonNull_native(object);
bool swift::swift_isUniquelyReferencedNonObjC_nonNull(const void* object) {
assert(object != nullptr);
usesNativeSwiftReferenceCounting_nonNull(object) &&
swift_isUniquelyReferenced_nonNull_native((const HeapObject*)object);
// Given an object reference, return true iff it is non-nil and refers
// to a native swift object with strong reference count of 1.
bool swift::swift_isUniquelyReferencedNonObjC(
const void* object
) {
return object != nullptr
&& swift_isUniquelyReferencedNonObjC_nonNull(object);
/// Return true if the given bits of a Builtin.BridgeObject refer to a
/// native swift object whose strong reference count is 1.
bool swift::swift_isUniquelyReferencedNonObjC_nonNull_bridgeObject(
uintptr_t bits
) {
auto bridgeObject = (void*)bits;
if (isObjCTaggedPointer(bridgeObject))
return false;
const auto object = toPlainObject_unTagged_bridgeObject(bridgeObject);
// Note: we could just return false if all spare bits are set,
// but in that case the cost of a deeper check for a unique native
// object is going to be a negligible cost for a possible big win.
return !isNonNative_unTagged_bridgeObject(bridgeObject)
? swift_isUniquelyReferenced_nonNull_native(
(const HeapObject *)object)
: swift_isUniquelyReferencedNonObjC_nonNull(object);
return swift_isUniquelyReferenced_nonNull_native((const HeapObject *)object);
// Given a non-@objc object reference, return true iff the
// object is non-nil and has a strong reference count greather than 1
bool swift::swift_isEscapingClosureAtFileLocation(const HeapObject *object,
const unsigned char *filename,
int32_t filenameLength,
int32_t line, int32_t column,
unsigned verifcationType) {
assert((verifcationType == 0 || verifcationType == 1) &&
"Unknown verifcation type");
bool isEscaping =
object != nullptr && !object->refCounts.isUniquelyReferenced();
// Print a message if the closure escaped.
if (isEscaping) {
auto *message = (verifcationType == 0)
? "closure argument was escaped in "
"withoutActuallyEscaping block"
: "closure argument passed as @noescape "
"to Objective-C has escaped";
auto messageLength = strlen(message);
char *log;
&log, "%.*s: file %.*s, line %" PRIu32 ", column %" PRIu32 " \n",
messageLength, message, filenameLength, filename, line, column);
if (_swift_shouldReportFatalErrorsToDebugger()) {
RuntimeErrorDetails details = {
.version = RuntimeErrorDetails::currentVersion,
.errorType = "escaping-closure-violation",
.currentStackDescription = "Closure has escaped",
.framesToSkip = 1,
_swift_reportToDebugger(RuntimeErrorFlagFatal, log, &details);
swift_reportError(RuntimeErrorFlagFatal, log);
return isEscaping;
struct ClassExtents {
size_t negative;
size_t positive;
_getSwiftClassInstanceExtents(const Metadata *c) {
assert(c && c->isClassObject());
auto metaData = c->getClassObject();
return ClassExtents{
metaData->getInstanceSize() - metaData->getInstanceAddressPoint()
_getObjCClassInstanceExtents(const ClassMetadata* c) {
// Pure ObjC classes never have negative extents.
if (c->isPureObjC())
return ClassExtents{0, class_getInstanceSize(class_const_cast(c))};
return _getSwiftClassInstanceExtents(c);
void swift_objc_swift3ImplicitObjCEntrypoint(id self, SEL selector,
const char *filename,
size_t filenameLength,
size_t line, size_t column,
std::atomic<bool> *didLog) {
// Only log once. We should have been given a unique zero-initialized
// atomic flag for each entry point.
if (didLog->exchange(true))
// Figure out how much reporting we want by querying the environment
// variable SWIFT_DEBUG_IMPLICIT_OBJC_ENTRYPOINT. We have four meaningful
// levels:
// 0: Don't report anything
// 1: Complain about uses of implicit @objc entrypoints.
// 2: Complain about uses of implicit @objc entrypoints, with backtraces
// if possible.
// 3: Complain about uses of implicit @objc entrypoints, then abort().
// The actual reportLevel is stored as the above values +1, so that
// 0 indicates we have not yet checked. It's fine to race through here.
// The default, if SWIFT_DEBUG_IMPLICIT_OBJC_ENTRYPOINT is not set, is 2.
static int storedReportLevel = 0;
if (storedReportLevel == 0) {
auto reportLevelStr = getenv("SWIFT_DEBUG_IMPLICIT_OBJC_ENTRYPOINT");
if (reportLevelStr &&
reportLevelStr[0] >= '0' && reportLevelStr[0] <= '3' &&
reportLevelStr[1] == 0)
storedReportLevel = (reportLevelStr[0] - '0') + 1;
storedReportLevel = 3;
int reportLevel = storedReportLevel - 1;
if (reportLevel < 1) return;
// Report the error.
uint32_t flags = 0;
if (reportLevel >= 2)
flags |= 1 << 0; // Backtrace
bool isInstanceMethod = !class_isMetaClass(object_getClass(self));
void (*reporter)(uint32_t, const char *, ...) =
reportLevel > 2 ? swift::fatalError : swift::warning;
if (filenameLength > INT_MAX)
filenameLength = INT_MAX;
char *message, *nullTerminatedFilename;
"implicit Objective-C entrypoint %c[%s %s] is deprecated and will "
"be removed in Swift 4",
isInstanceMethod ? '-' : '+',
class_getName([self class]),
asprintf(&nullTerminatedFilename, "%*s", (int)filenameLength, filename);
RuntimeErrorDetails::FixIt fixit = {
.filename = nullTerminatedFilename,
.startLine = line,
.endLine = line,
.startColumn = column,
.endColumn = column,
.replacementText = "@objc "
RuntimeErrorDetails::Note note = {
.description = "add '@objc' to expose this Swift declaration to Objective-C",
.numFixIts = 1,
.fixIts = &fixit
RuntimeErrorDetails details = {
.version = RuntimeErrorDetails::currentVersion,
.errorType = "implicit-objc-entrypoint",
.framesToSkip = 1,
.numNotes = 1,
.notes = &note
uintptr_t runtime_error_flags = RuntimeErrorFlagNone;
if (reporter == swift::fatalError)
runtime_error_flags = RuntimeErrorFlagFatal;
_swift_reportToDebugger(runtime_error_flags, message, &details);
"*** %s:%zu:%zu: %s; add explicit '@objc' to the declaration to "
"emit the Objective-C entrypoint in Swift 4 and suppress this "
nullTerminatedFilename, line, column, message);
const ClassMetadata *swift::getRootSuperclass() {
static Lazy<const ClassMetadata *> SwiftObjectClass;
return SwiftObjectClass.get([](void *ptr) {
*((const ClassMetadata **) ptr) =
(const ClassMetadata *)[SwiftObject class];
return nullptr;
#include "CompatibilityOverride.def"
#include "CompatibilityOverride.def"