blob: 2f4c67b94301603e28ee17fd31c72ec68b037cba [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import SwiftShims
/// CR and LF are common special cases in grapheme breaking logic
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
internal var _CR: UInt8 { return 0x0d }
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
internal var _LF: UInt8 { return 0x0a }
extension _StringVariant {
internal func _stride(at i: String.Index) -> Int {
if let stride = i.characterStride { return stride }
return characterStride(atOffset: i.encodedOffset)
internal func characterStride(atOffset offset: Int) -> Int {
let slice = self.checkedSlice(from: offset)
return slice.measureFirstExtendedGraphemeCluster()
internal func characterIndex(atOffset offset: Int) -> String.Index {
let stride = self.characterStride(atOffset: offset)
return String.Index(encodedOffset: offset, characterStride: stride)
internal func characterIndex(after i: String.Index) -> String.Index {
let offset = i.encodedOffset
_precondition(offset >= 0, "String index is out of bounds")
_precondition(offset < count, "Can't advance past endIndex")
// Find the current grapheme distance
let slice = self[offset..<count]
let stride1 = _stride(at: i)
// Calculate and cache the next grapheme distance
let stride2 = slice.dropFirst(stride1).measureFirstExtendedGraphemeCluster()
return String.Index(
encodedOffset: offset &+ stride1,
characterStride: stride2)
internal func characterIndex(before i: String.Index) -> String.Index {
let offset = i.encodedOffset
_precondition(offset > 0, "Can't move before startIndex")
_precondition(offset <= count, "String index is out of bounds")
let slice = self[0..<offset]
let stride = slice.measureLastExtendedGraphemeCluster()
_sanityCheck(stride > 0 && stride <= UInt16.max)
return String.Index(
encodedOffset: offset &- stride,
characterStride: stride)
internal func characterIndex(
_ i: String.Index,
offsetBy n: Int
) -> String.Index {
var i = i
if n >= 0 {
for _ in 0 ..< n {
i = characterIndex(after: i)
} else {
for _ in n ..< 0 {
i = characterIndex(before: i)
return i
internal func characterIndex(
_ i: String.Index,
offsetBy n: Int,
limitedBy limit: String.Index
) -> String.Index? {
var i = i
if n >= 0 {
for _ in 0 ..< n {
// Note condition is >=, not ==: we do not want to jump
// over limit if it's in the middle of a grapheme cluster.
if i >= limit { return nil }
i = characterIndex(after: i)
} else {
for _ in n ..< 0 {
if i <= limit { return nil } // See note above.
i = characterIndex(before: i)
return i
public func characterDistance(
from start: String.Index,
to end: String.Index
) -> Int {
var i = start
var count = 0
if start < end {
// Note that the loop condition isn't just an equality check: we do not
// want to jump over `end` if it's in the middle of a grapheme cluster.
while i < end {
count += 1
i = characterIndex(after: i)
} else {
while i > end { // See note above.
count -= 1
i = characterIndex(before: i)
return count
internal func character(at i: String.Index) -> Character {
let stride = _stride(at: i)
let offset = i.encodedOffset
if _slowPath(stride > 1) {
return Character(_unverified: self.checkedSlice(offset..<offset + stride))
let u = self.codeUnit(atCheckedOffset: offset)
if _slowPath(!UTF16._isScalar(u)) {
return Character(Unicode.Scalar._replacementCharacter)
return Character(_singleCodeUnit: u)
extension _StringVariant {
// NOTE: Because this function is inlineable, it should contain only the fast
// paths of grapheme breaking that we have high confidence won't change.
/// Returns the length of the first extended grapheme cluster in UTF-16
/// code units.
func measureFirstExtendedGraphemeCluster() -> Int {
// No more graphemes at end of string.
if count == 0 { return 0 }
// If there is a single code unit left, the grapheme length must be 1.
if count == 1 { return 1 }
if isASCII {
_onFastPath() // Please agressively inline
// The only multi-scalar ASCII grapheme cluster is CR/LF.
if _slowPath(self[0] == _CR && self[1] == _LF) {
return 2
return 1
if _fastPath(
UTF16._quickCheckGraphemeBreakBetween(self[0], self[1])) {
return 1
return self._measureFirstExtendedGraphemeClusterSlow()
// NOTE: Because this function is inlineable, it should contain only the fast
// paths of grapheme breaking that we have high confidence won't change.
/// Returns the length of the last extended grapheme cluster in UTF-16
/// code units.
func measureLastExtendedGraphemeCluster() -> Int {
let count = self.count
// No more graphemes at end of string.
if count == 0 { return 0 }
// If there is a single code unit left, the grapheme length must be 1.
if count == 1 { return 1 }
if isASCII {
_onFastPath() // Please agressively inline
// The only multi-scalar ASCII grapheme cluster is CR/LF.
if _slowPath(self[count-1] == _LF && self[count-2] == _CR) {
return 2
return 1
if _fastPath(
UTF16._quickCheckGraphemeBreakBetween(self[count - 2], self[count - 1])) {
return 1
return self._measureLastExtendedGraphemeClusterSlow()
extension _UnmanagedString {
internal func _measureFirstExtendedGraphemeClusterSlow() -> Int {
// ASCII case handled entirely on fast path.
// FIXME: Have separate implementations for ASCII & UTF-16 views.
_sanityCheck(CodeUnit.self == UInt16.self)
return UTF16._measureFirstExtendedGraphemeCluster(
in: UnsafeBufferPointer(
start: rawStart.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt16.self),
count: count))
internal func _measureLastExtendedGraphemeClusterSlow() -> Int {
// ASCII case handled entirely on fast path.
// FIXME: Have separate implementations for ASCII & UTF-16 views.
_sanityCheck(CodeUnit.self == UInt16.self)
return UTF16._measureLastExtendedGraphemeCluster(
in: UnsafeBufferPointer(
start: rawStart.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt16.self),
count: count))
extension _UnmanagedOpaqueString {
internal func _measureFirstExtendedGraphemeClusterSlow() -> Int {
_sanityCheck(count >= 2, "should have at least two code units")
// Pull out some code units into a fixed array and try to perform grapheme
// breaking on that.
typealias ShortBuffer = _FixedArray16<UInt16>
var shortBuffer = ShortBuffer(count: Swift.min(ShortBuffer.capacity, count))
shortBuffer.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { buffer in
self.prefix(buffer.count)._copy(into: buffer)
let shortLength = shortBuffer.withUnsafeBufferPointer { buffer in
UTF16._measureFirstExtendedGraphemeCluster(in: buffer)
if _fastPath(shortLength < shortBuffer.capacity) {
return shortLength
// Nuclear option: copy out the rest of the string into a contiguous buffer.
let longStart = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt16>.allocate(capacity: count)
defer { longStart.deallocate() }
self._copy(into: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: longStart, count: count))
return UTF16._measureFirstExtendedGraphemeCluster(
in: UnsafeBufferPointer(start: longStart, count: count))
internal func _measureLastExtendedGraphemeClusterSlow() -> Int {
_sanityCheck(count >= 2, "should have at least two code units")
// Pull out some code units into a fixed array and try to perform grapheme
// breaking on that.
typealias ShortBuffer = _FixedArray16<UInt16>
var shortBuffer = ShortBuffer(count: Swift.min(ShortBuffer.capacity, count))
shortBuffer.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { buffer in
self.suffix(buffer.count)._copy(into: buffer)
let shortLength = shortBuffer.withUnsafeBufferPointer { buffer in
UTF16._measureLastExtendedGraphemeCluster(in: buffer)
if _fastPath(shortLength < shortBuffer.capacity) {
return shortLength
// Nuclear option: copy out the rest of the string into a contiguous buffer.
let longStart = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt16>.allocate(capacity: count)
defer { longStart.deallocate() }
self._copy(into: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: longStart, count: count))
return UTF16._measureLastExtendedGraphemeCluster(
in: UnsafeBufferPointer(start: longStart, count: count))
extension Unicode.UTF16 {
/// Fast check for a (stable) grapheme break between two UInt16 code units
@inlinable // Safe to inline
internal static func _quickCheckGraphemeBreakBetween(
_ lhs: UInt16, _ rhs: UInt16
) -> Bool {
// With the exception of CR-LF, there is always a grapheme break between two
// sub-0x300 code units
if lhs < 0x300 && rhs < 0x300 {
return lhs != UInt16(_CR) && rhs != UInt16(_LF)
return _internalExtraCheckGraphemeBreakBetween(lhs, rhs)
@inline(never) // @inline(resilient_only)
internal static func _internalExtraCheckGraphemeBreakBetween(
_ lhs: UInt16, _ rhs: UInt16
) -> Bool {
lhs != _CR || rhs != _LF,
"CR-LF special case handled by _quickCheckGraphemeBreakBetween")
// Whether the given scalar, when it appears paired with another scalar
// satisfying this property, has a grapheme break between it and the other
// scalar.
func hasBreakWhenPaired(_ x: UInt16) -> Bool {
// TODO: This doesn't generate optimal code, tune/re-write at a lower
// level.
// NOTE: Order of case ranges affects codegen, and thus performance. All
// things being equal, keep existing order below.
switch x {
// Unified CJK Han ideographs, common and some supplemental, amongst
// others:
// 0x3400-0xA4CF
case 0x3400...0xa4cf: return true
// Repeat sub-300 check, this is beneficial for common cases of Latin
// characters embedded within non-Latin script (e.g. newlines, spaces,
// proper nouns and/or jargon, punctuation).
// NOTE: CR-LF special case has already been checked.
case 0x0000...0x02ff: return true
// Non-combining kana:
// 0x3041-0x3096
// 0x30A1-0x30FA
case 0x3041...0x3096: return true
case 0x30a1...0x30fa: return true
// Non-combining modern (and some archaic) Cyrillic:
// 0x0400-0x0482 (first half of Cyrillic block)
case 0x0400...0x0482: return true
// Modern Arabic, excluding extenders and prependers:
// 0x061D-0x064A
case 0x061d...0x064a: return true
// Precomposed Hangul syllables:
// 0xAC00–0xD7AF
case 0xac00...0xd7af: return true
// Common general use punctuation, excluding extenders:
// 0x2010-0x2029
case 0x2010...0x2029: return true
// CJK punctuation characters, excluding extenders:
// 0x3000-0x3029
case 0x3000...0x3029: return true
default: return false
return hasBreakWhenPaired(lhs) && hasBreakWhenPaired(rhs)
// NOT @usableFromInline
internal static func _measureFirstExtendedGraphemeCluster(
in buffer: UnsafeBufferPointer<CodeUnit>
) -> Int {
// ICU can only handle 32-bit offsets; don't feed it more than that.
let count: Int32
if _fastPath(buffer.count <= Int(Int32.max)) {
count = Int32(truncatingIfNeeded: buffer.count)
} else {
count = Int32.max
let iterator = _ThreadLocalStorage.getUBreakIterator(
start: buffer.baseAddress!,
count: count)
let offset = __swift_stdlib_ubrk_following(iterator, 0)
// ubrk_following returns -1 (UBRK_DONE) when it hits the end of the buffer.
if _fastPath(offset != -1) {
// The offset into our buffer is the distance.
_sanityCheck(offset > 0, "zero-sized grapheme?")
return Int(offset)
return Int(count)
// NOT @usableFromInline
internal static func _measureLastExtendedGraphemeCluster(
in buffer: UnsafeBufferPointer<CodeUnit>
) -> Int {
// ICU can only handle 32-bit offsets; don't feed it more than that.
let count: Int32
let start: UnsafePointer<CodeUnit>
if _fastPath(buffer.count <= Int(Int32.max)) {
count = Int32(truncatingIfNeeded: buffer.count)
start = buffer.baseAddress!
} else {
count = Int32.max
start = buffer.baseAddress! + buffer.count - Int(Int32.max)
let iterator = _ThreadLocalStorage.getUBreakIterator(
start: start,
count: count)
let offset = __swift_stdlib_ubrk_preceding(iterator, count)
// ubrk_following returns -1 (UBRK_DONE) when it hits the end of the buffer.
if _fastPath(offset != -1) {
// The offset into our buffer is the distance.
_sanityCheck(offset < count, "zero-sized grapheme?")
return Int(count - offset)
return Int(count)