blob: 9d029f129bcd833d2b1d9614d484158b934bb624 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
@usableFromInline // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
typealias _SmallUTF16StringBuffer = _FixedArray16<UInt16>
// NOTE: Small string is not available on 32-bit platforms (not enough bits!),
// but we don't want to #if-def all use sites (at least for now). So, provide a
// minimal unavailable interface.
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
// Helper method for declaring something as not supported in 32-bit. Use inside
// a function body inside a #if block so that callers don't have to be
// conditional.
@_transparent @inlinable
func unsupportedOn32bit() -> Never { _conditionallyUnreachable() }
// Trivial type declaration for type checking. Never present at runtime.
@_fixed_layout public struct _SmallUTF8String {}
internal struct _SmallUTF8String {
typealias _RawBitPattern = (low: UInt, high: UInt)
// TODO: pretty ASCII art.
// TODO: endianess awareness day
// The low byte of the first word stores the first code unit. There is up to
// 15 such code units encodable, with the second-highest byte of the second
// word being the final code unit. The high byte of the final word stores the
// count.
var _storage: _RawBitPattern = (0,0)
init() {
self._storage = (0,0)
#endif // 64-bit
// Small string creation interface
extension _SmallUTF8String {
static internal var capacity: Int { return 15 }
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
internal init?(_cocoaString cocoa: _CocoaString) {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
return nil // Never form small strings on 32-bit
let len = self._withAllUnsafeMutableBytes { bufPtr -> Int? in
guard let len = _bridgeASCIICocoaString(cocoa, intoUTF8: bufPtr),
len <= _SmallUTF8String.capacity
else {
return nil
return len
guard let count = len else { return nil }
_sanityCheck(self.count == 0, "overwrote count early?")
self.count = count
#endif // _runtime(_ObjC)
internal init?<C: RandomAccessCollection>(_ codeUnits: C) where C.Element == UInt16 {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
return nil // Never form small strings on 32-bit
guard codeUnits.count <= _SmallUTF8String.capacity else { return nil }
// TODO(TODO: JIRA): Just implement this directly
var bufferIdx = 0
for encodedScalar in Unicode._ParsingIterator(
codeUnits: codeUnits.makeIterator(),
parser: Unicode.UTF16.ForwardParser()
) {
guard let transcoded = Unicode.UTF8.transcode(
encodedScalar, from: Unicode.UTF16.self
) else {
// FIXME: can this fail with unpaired surrogates?
_sanityCheckFailure("UTF-16 should be transcodable to UTF-8")
return nil
_sanityCheck(transcoded.count <= 4, "how?")
guard bufferIdx + transcoded.count <= _SmallUTF8String.capacity else {
return nil
for i in transcoded.indices {
self._uncheckedSetCodeUnit(at: bufferIdx, to: transcoded[i])
bufferIdx += 1
_sanityCheck(self.count == 0, "overwrote count early?")
self.count = bufferIdx
// FIXME: support transcoding
if !self.isASCII { return nil }
public // @testable
init?(_ codeUnits: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>) {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
return nil // Never form small strings on 32-bit
let count = codeUnits.count
guard count <= _SmallUTF8String.capacity else { return nil }
let addr = codeUnits.baseAddress._unsafelyUnwrappedUnchecked
var high: UInt
let lowCount: Int
if count > 8 {
lowCount = 8
high = _bytesToUInt(addr + 8, count &- 8)
} else {
lowCount = count
high = 0
high |= (UInt(count) &<< (8*15))
let low = _bytesToUInt(addr, lowCount)
_storage = (low, high)
// FIXME: support transcoding
if !self.isASCII { return nil }
public // @testable
init?(_ scalar: Unicode.Scalar) {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
return nil // Never form small strings on 32-bit
// FIXME: support transcoding
guard scalar.value <= 0x7F else { return nil }
self.count = 1
self[0] = UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: scalar.value)
func _bytesToUInt(_ input: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ c: Int) -> UInt {
var r: UInt = 0
var shift: Int = 0
for idx in 0..<c {
r = r | (UInt(input[idx]) &<< shift)
shift = shift &+ 8
return r
// Small string read interface
extension _SmallUTF8String {
func withUTF8CodeUnits<Result>(
_ body: (UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>) throws -> Result
) rethrows -> Result {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
return try _withAllUnsafeBytes { bufPtr in
let ptr = bufPtr.baseAddress._unsafelyUnwrappedUnchecked
.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self)
return try body(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: ptr, count: self.count))
public // @testable
func withTranscodedUTF16CodeUnits<Result>(
_ body: (UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt16>) throws -> Result
) rethrows -> Result {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
var (transcoded, transcodedCount) = self.transcoded
return try Swift.withUnsafeBytes(of: & {
bufPtr -> Result in
let ptr = bufPtr.baseAddress._unsafelyUnwrappedUnchecked
.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt16.self)
return try body(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: ptr, count: transcodedCount))
func withUnmanagedUTF16<Result>(
_ body: (_UnmanagedString<UInt16>) throws -> Result
) rethrows -> Result {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
return try withTranscodedUTF16CodeUnits {
return try body(_UnmanagedString($0))
func withUnmanagedASCII<Result>(
_ body: (_UnmanagedString<UInt8>) throws -> Result
) rethrows -> Result {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
return try withUTF8CodeUnits {
return try body(_UnmanagedString($0))
extension _SmallUTF8String {
public // @testable
// FIXME: internal(set)
var count: Int {
@inline(__always) get {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
return Int(bitPattern: UInt(self._uncheckedCodeUnit(at: 15)))
@inline(__always) set {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
_sanityCheck(newValue <= _SmallUTF8String.capacity, "out of bounds")
at: 15, to: UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: UInt(bitPattern: newValue)))
public // @testable
var capacity: Int { @inline(__always) get { return 15 } }
public // @testable
var unusedCapacity: Int { @inline(__always) get { return capacity - count } }
public // @testable
var isASCII: Bool {
@inline(__always) get {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
// TODO (TODO: JIRA): Consider using our last bit for this
_sanityCheck(_uncheckedCodeUnit(at: 15) & 0xF0 == 0)
let topBitMask: UInt = 0x8080_8080_8080_8080
return (_storage.low | _storage.high) & topBitMask == 0
func _invariantCheck() {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
_sanityCheck(count <= _SmallUTF8String.capacity)
_sanityCheck(self.isASCII, "UTF-8 currently unsupported")
func _dump() {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
smallUTF8: count: \(self.count), codeUnits: \( { String($0, radix: 16) }.dropLast()
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
internal func _copy<TargetCodeUnit>(
into target: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<TargetCodeUnit>
) where TargetCodeUnit : FixedWidthInteger & UnsignedInteger {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
_sanityCheck(target.count >= self.count)
guard count > 0 else { return }
if _fastPath(TargetCodeUnit.bitWidth == 8) {
_sanityCheck(TargetCodeUnit.self == UInt8.self)
let target = _castBufPtr(target, to: UInt8.self)
// TODO: Inspect generated code. Consider checking count for alignment so
// we can just copy our UInts directly when possible.
var ptr = target.baseAddress._unsafelyUnwrappedUnchecked
for cu in self {
ptr[0] = cu
ptr += 1
_sanityCheck(TargetCodeUnit.self == UInt16.self)
self.transcode(_uncheckedInto: _castBufPtr(target, to: UInt16.self))
extension _SmallUTF8String: RandomAccessCollection {
public // @testable
typealias Index = Int
public // @testable
typealias Element = UInt8
public // @testable
typealias SubSequence = _SmallUTF8String
public // @testable
var startIndex: Int { @inline(__always) get { return 0 } }
public // @testable
var endIndex: Int { @inline(__always) get { return count } }
public // @testable
subscript(_ idx: Int) -> UInt8 {
@inline(__always) get {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
_sanityCheck(idx >= 0 && idx <= count)
return _uncheckedCodeUnit(at: idx)
@inline(__always) set {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
_sanityCheck(idx >= 0 && idx <= count)
_uncheckedSetCodeUnit(at: idx, to: newValue)
public // @testable
subscript(_ bounds: Range<Index>) -> SubSequence {
@inline(__always) get {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
_sanityCheck(bounds.lowerBound >= 0 && bounds.upperBound <= count)
return self._uncheckedClamp(
lowerBound: bounds.lowerBound, upperBound: bounds.upperBound)
extension _SmallUTF8String {
public // @testable
func _repeated(_ n: Int) -> _SmallUTF8String? {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
_sanityCheck(n > 1)
let finalCount = self.count * n
guard finalCount <= 15 else { return nil }
var ret = self
for _ in 0..<(n &- 1) {
ret = ret._appending(self)._unsafelyUnwrappedUnchecked
return ret
public // @testable
func _appending<C: RandomAccessCollection>(_ other: C) -> _SmallUTF8String?
where C.Element == UInt8 {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
guard other.count <= self.unusedCapacity else { return nil }
// TODO: as _copyContents
var result = self
result._withMutableExcessCapacityBytes { rawBufPtr in
var i = 0
for cu in other {
rawBufPtr[i] = cu
i += 1
result.count = self.count &+ other.count
return result
func _appending<C: RandomAccessCollection>(_ other: C) -> _SmallUTF8String?
where C.Element == UInt16 {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
guard other.count <= self.unusedCapacity else { return nil }
// TODO: as _copyContents
var result = self
let success = result._withMutableExcessCapacityBytes { rawBufPtr -> Bool in
var i = 0
for cu in other {
guard cu <= 0x7F else {
// TODO: transcode and communicate count back
return false
rawBufPtr[i] = UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: cu)
i += 1
return true
guard success else { return nil }
result.count = self.count &+ other.count
return result
// NOTE: This exists to facilitate _fromCodeUnits, which is awful for this use
// case. Please don't call this from anywhere else.
init?<S: Sequence, Encoding: Unicode.Encoding>(
_fromCodeUnits codeUnits: S,
utf16Length: Int,
isASCII: Bool,
_: Encoding.Type = Encoding.self
) where S.Element == Encoding.CodeUnit {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
return nil // Never form small strings on 32-bit
guard utf16Length <= 15 else { return nil }
// TODO: transcode
guard isASCII else { return nil }
var bufferIdx = 0
for encodedScalar in Unicode._ParsingIterator(
codeUnits: codeUnits.makeIterator(),
parser: Encoding.ForwardParser()
) {
guard let transcoded = Unicode.UTF8.transcode(
encodedScalar, from: Encoding.self
) else {
fatalError("Somehow un-transcodable?")
_sanityCheck(transcoded.count <= 4, "how?")
guard bufferIdx + transcoded.count <= 15 else { return nil }
for i in transcoded.indices {
self._uncheckedSetCodeUnit(at: bufferIdx, to: transcoded[i])
bufferIdx += 1
_sanityCheck(self.count == 0, "overwrote count early?")
self.count = bufferIdx
// FIXME: support transcoding
if !self.isASCII { return nil }
extension _SmallUTF8String {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
@_fixed_layout @usableFromInline struct UnicodeScalarIterator {
@inlinable @inline(__always)
func next() -> Unicode.Scalar? { unsupportedOn32bit() }
@inlinable @inline(__always)
func makeUnicodeScalarIterator() -> UnicodeScalarIterator {
// FIXME (TODO: JIRA): Just make a real decoding iterator
@usableFromInline // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
struct UnicodeScalarIterator {
@usableFromInline // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
var buffer: _SmallUTF16StringBuffer
@usableFromInline // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
var count: Int
@usableFromInline // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
var _offset: Int
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
init(_ base: _SmallUTF8String) {
(self.buffer, self.count) = base.transcoded
self._offset = 0
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
mutating func next() -> Unicode.Scalar? {
if _slowPath(_offset == count) { return nil }
let u0 = buffer[_offset]
if _fastPath(UTF16._isScalar(u0)) {
_offset += 1
return Unicode.Scalar(u0)
if UTF16.isLeadSurrogate(u0) && _offset + 1 < count {
let u1 = buffer[_offset + 1]
if UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(u1) {
_offset += 2
return UTF16._decodeSurrogates(u0, u1)
_offset += 1
return Unicode.Scalar._replacementCharacter
func makeUnicodeScalarIterator() -> UnicodeScalarIterator {
return UnicodeScalarIterator(self)
#endif // 64-bit
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
extension _SmallUTF8String {
init(_rawBits: _RawBitPattern) {
self._storage.low = _rawBits.low
self._storage.high = _rawBits.high
init(low: UInt, high: UInt, count: Int) {
self._storage.low = low
self._storage.high = high
self.count = count
internal var _rawBits: _RawBitPattern {
@inline(__always) get { return _storage }
internal var lowUnpackedBits: UInt {
@inline(__always) get { return _storage.low }
internal var highUnpackedBits: UInt {
@inline(__always) get { return _storage.high & 0x00FF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF }
internal var unpackedBits: (low: UInt, high: UInt, count: Int) {
get { return (lowUnpackedBits, highUnpackedBits, count) }
extension _SmallUTF8String {
// Operate with a pointer to the entire struct, including unused capacity
// and inline count. You should almost never call this directly.
mutating func _withAllUnsafeMutableBytes<Result>(
_ body: (UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer) throws -> Result
) rethrows -> Result {
var copy = self
defer { self = copy }
return try Swift.withUnsafeMutableBytes(of: &copy._storage) { try body($0) }
func _withAllUnsafeBytes<Result>(
_ body: (UnsafeRawBufferPointer) throws -> Result
) rethrows -> Result {
var copy = self
return try Swift.withUnsafeBytes(of: &copy._storage) { try body($0) }
mutating func _withMutableExcessCapacityBytes<Result>(
_ body: (UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer) throws -> Result
) rethrows -> Result {
let unusedCapacity = self.unusedCapacity
let count = self.count
return try self._withAllUnsafeMutableBytes { allBufPtr in
let ptr = allBufPtr.baseAddress._unsafelyUnwrappedUnchecked + count
return try body(
UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer(start: ptr, count: unusedCapacity))
extension _SmallUTF8String {
func _uncheckedCodeUnit(at i: Int) -> UInt8 {
_sanityCheck(i >= 0 && i <= 15)
if i < 8 {
return _storage.low._uncheckedGetByte(at: i)
} else {
return _storage.high._uncheckedGetByte(at: i &- 8)
mutating func _uncheckedSetCodeUnit(at i: Int, to: UInt8) {
// TODO(TODO: JIRA): in-register operation instead
self._withAllUnsafeMutableBytes { $0[i] = to }
extension _SmallUTF8String {
internal func _uncheckedClamp(upperBound: Int) -> _SmallUTF8String {
_sanityCheck(upperBound <= self.count)
guard upperBound >= 8 else {
var low = self.lowUnpackedBits
let shift = upperBound &* 8
let mask: UInt = (1 &<< shift) &- 1
low &= mask
return _SmallUTF8String(low: low, high: 0, count: upperBound)
let shift = (upperBound &- 8) &* 8
_sanityCheck(shift % 8 == 0)
var high = self.highUnpackedBits
high &= (1 &<< shift) &- 1
return _SmallUTF8String(
low: self.lowUnpackedBits, high: high, count: upperBound)
internal func _uncheckedClamp(lowerBound: Int) -> _SmallUTF8String {
_sanityCheck(lowerBound < self.count)
let low: UInt
let high: UInt
if lowerBound < 8 {
let shift: UInt = UInt(bitPattern: lowerBound) &* 8
let newLowHigh: UInt = self.highUnpackedBits & ((1 &<< shift) &- 1)
low = (self.lowUnpackedBits &>> shift) | (newLowHigh &<< (64 &- shift))
high = self.highUnpackedBits &>> shift
} else {
high = 0
low = self.highUnpackedBits &>> ((lowerBound &- 8) &* 8)
return _SmallUTF8String(
low: low, high: high, count: self.count &- lowerBound)
internal func _uncheckedClamp(
lowerBound: Int, upperBound: Int
) -> _SmallUTF8String {
// TODO: More efficient to skip the intermediary shifts and just mask up
// front.
_sanityCheck(upperBound >= lowerBound)
if lowerBound == upperBound { return _SmallUTF8String() }
let dropTop = self._uncheckedClamp(upperBound: upperBound)
return dropTop._uncheckedClamp(lowerBound: lowerBound)
extension _SmallUTF8String {//}: _StringVariant {
internal typealias TranscodedBuffer = _SmallUTF16StringBuffer
func transcode(
_uncheckedInto buffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt16>
) -> Int {
if _fastPath(isASCII) {
_sanityCheck(buffer.count >= self.count)
var bufferIdx = 0
for cu in self {
buffer[bufferIdx] = UInt16(cu)
bufferIdx += 1
return bufferIdx
let length = _transcodeNonASCII(_uncheckedInto: buffer)
_sanityCheck(length <= buffer.count) // TODO: assert ahead-of-time
return length
func transcode(into buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<TranscodedBuffer>) -> Int {
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(buffer).assumingMemoryBound(
to: UInt16.self)
return transcode(
_uncheckedInto: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: ptr, count: count))
var transcoded: (TranscodedBuffer, count: Int) {
@inline(__always) get {
// TODO: in-register zero-extension for ascii
var buffer = TranscodedBuffer(allZeros:())
let count = transcode(into: &buffer)
return (buffer, count: count)
@inline(never) // @outlined
func _transcodeNonASCII(
_uncheckedInto buffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt16>
) -> Int {
// TODO(TODO: JIRA): Just implement this directly
var bufferIdx = 0
for encodedScalar in Unicode._ParsingIterator(
codeUnits: self.makeIterator(),
parser: Unicode.UTF8.ForwardParser()
) {
guard let transcoded = Unicode.UTF16.transcode(
encodedScalar, from: Unicode.UTF8.self
) else {
fatalError("Somehow un-transcodable?")
switch transcoded.count {
case 1:
buffer[bufferIdx] = transcoded.first!
bufferIdx += 1
case 2:
buffer[bufferIdx] = transcoded.first!
buffer[bufferIdx+1] = transcoded.dropFirst().first!
bufferIdx += 2
case _: fatalError("Somehow, not transcoded or more than 2?")
_sanityCheck(bufferIdx <= buffer.count) // TODO: assert earlier
return bufferIdx
func _castBufPtr<A, B>(
_ bufPtr: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<A>, to: B.Type = B.self
) -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<B> {
let numBytes = bufPtr.count &* MemoryLayout<A>.stride
_sanityCheck(numBytes % MemoryLayout<B>.stride == 0)
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(
).assumingMemoryBound(to: B.self)
let count = numBytes / MemoryLayout<B>.stride
return UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: ptr, count: count)
#endif // 64-bit
extension UInt {
// Fetches the `i`th byte, from least-significant to most-significant
// TODO: endianess awareness day
func _uncheckedGetByte(at i: Int) -> UInt8 {
_sanityCheck(i >= 0 && i < MemoryLayout<UInt>.stride)
let shift = UInt(bitPattern: i) &* 8
return UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: (self &>> shift))