blob: 74d4e7abfcd07d67d600078382ec8c428416caa7 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import SwiftShims
// StringGuts is a parameterization over String's representations. It provides
// functionality and guidance for efficiently working with Strings.
public // SPI(corelibs-foundation)
struct _StringGuts {
internal var _object: _StringObject
@inlinable @inline(__always)
internal init(_ object: _StringObject) {
self._object = object
// Empty string
@inlinable @inline(__always)
init() {
self.init(_StringObject(empty: ()))
// Raw
extension _StringGuts {
internal var rawBits: _StringObject.RawBitPattern {
@inline(__always) get { return _object.rawBits }
// Creation
extension _StringGuts {
@inlinable @inline(__always)
internal init(_ smol: _SmallString) {
@inlinable @inline(__always)
internal init(_ bufPtr: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>, isASCII: Bool) {
self.init(_StringObject(immortal: bufPtr, isASCII: isASCII))
@inlinable @inline(__always)
internal init(_ storage: _StringStorage) {
internal init(_ storage: _SharedStringStorage) {
// TODO(cleanup): We should probably pass whole perf flags struct around
self.init(_StringObject(storage, isASCII: false))
internal init(
cocoa: AnyObject, providesFastUTF8: Bool, isASCII: Bool, length: Int
) {
cocoa: cocoa,
providesFastUTF8: providesFastUTF8,
length: length))
// Queries
extension _StringGuts {
// The number of code units
internal var count: Int { @inline(__always) get { return _object.count } }
internal var isEmpty: Bool { @inline(__always) get { return count == 0 } }
internal var isSmall: Bool {
@inline(__always) get { return _object.isSmall }
internal var asSmall: _SmallString {
@inline(__always) get { return _SmallString(_object) }
internal var isASCII: Bool {
@inline(__always) get { return _object.isASCII }
internal var isFastASCII: Bool {
@inline(__always) get { return isFastUTF8 && _object.isASCII }
internal var isNFC: Bool {
@inline(__always) get { return _object.isNFC }
internal var isNFCFastUTF8: Bool {
// TODO(String micro-performance): Consider a dedicated bit for this
@inline(__always) get { return _object.isNFC && isFastUTF8 }
internal var hasNativeStorage: Bool { return _object.hasNativeStorage }
internal var hasSharedStorage: Bool { return _object.hasSharedStorage }
internal var hasBreadcrumbs: Bool {
return hasNativeStorage || hasSharedStorage
extension _StringGuts {
// Whether we can provide fast access to contiguous UTF-8 code units
internal var isFastUTF8: Bool { return _fastPath(_object.providesFastUTF8) }
// A String which does not provide fast access to contiguous UTF-8 code units
internal var isForeign: Bool {
@inline(__always) get { return _slowPath(_object.isForeign) }
@inlinable @inline(__always)
internal func withFastUTF8<R>(
_ f: (UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>) throws -> R
) rethrows -> R {
if self.isSmall { return try _SmallString(_object).withUTF8(f) }
defer { _fixLifetime(self) }
return try f(_object.fastUTF8)
@inlinable @inline(__always)
internal func withFastUTF8<R>(
range: Range<Int>?,
_ f: (UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>) throws -> R
) rethrows -> R {
return try self.withFastUTF8 { wholeUTF8 in
let slicedUTF8: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>
if let r = range {
slicedUTF8 = UnsafeBufferPointer(rebasing: wholeUTF8[r])
} else {
slicedUTF8 = wholeUTF8
return try f(slicedUTF8)
@inlinable @inline(__always)
internal func withFastCChar<R>(
_ f: (UnsafeBufferPointer<CChar>) throws -> R
) rethrows -> R {
return try self.withFastUTF8 { utf8 in
let ptr = utf8.baseAddress._unsafelyUnwrappedUnchecked._asCChar
return try f(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: ptr, count: utf8.count))
// Internal invariants
extension _StringGuts {
@inlinable @inline(__always) internal func _invariantCheck() {}
@usableFromInline @inline(never) @_effects(releasenone)
internal func _invariantCheck() {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
_sanityCheck(MemoryLayout<String>.size == 12, """
the runtime is depending on this, update and \
this if you change it
_sanityCheck(MemoryLayout<String>.size == 16, """
the runtime is depending on this, update and \
this if you change it
internal func _dump() { _object._dump() }
// C String interop
extension _StringGuts {
@inlinable @inline(__always) // fast-path: already C-string compatible
internal func withCString<Result>(
_ body: (UnsafePointer<Int8>) throws -> Result
) rethrows -> Result {
if _slowPath(!_object.isFastZeroTerminated) {
return try _slowWithCString(body)
return try self.withFastCChar {
return try body($0.baseAddress._unsafelyUnwrappedUnchecked)
@inline(never) // slow-path
internal func _slowWithCString<Result>(
_ body: (UnsafePointer<Int8>) throws -> Result
) rethrows -> Result {
return try String(self).utf8CString.withUnsafeBufferPointer {
let ptr = $0.baseAddress._unsafelyUnwrappedUnchecked
return try body(ptr)
extension _StringGuts {
// Copy UTF-8 contents. Returns number written or nil if not enough space.
// Contents of the buffer are unspecified if nil is returned.
internal func copyUTF8(into mbp: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt8>) -> Int? {
let ptr = mbp.baseAddress._unsafelyUnwrappedUnchecked
if _fastPath(self.isFastUTF8) {
return self.withFastUTF8 { utf8 in
guard utf8.count <= mbp.count else { return nil }
let utf8Start = utf8.baseAddress._unsafelyUnwrappedUnchecked
ptr.initialize(from: utf8Start, count: utf8.count)
return utf8.count
return _foreignCopyUTF8(into: mbp)
@usableFromInline @inline(never) // slow-path
internal func _foreignCopyUTF8(
into mbp: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt8>
) -> Int? {
var ptr = mbp.baseAddress._unsafelyUnwrappedUnchecked
var numWritten = 0
for cu in String(self).utf8 {
guard numWritten < mbp.count else { return nil }
ptr.initialize(to: cu)
ptr += 1
numWritten += 1
return numWritten
internal var utf8Count: Int {
@inline(__always) get {
if _fastPath(self.isFastUTF8) { return count }
return String(self).utf8.count
// Index
extension _StringGuts {
internal typealias Index = String.Index
internal var startIndex: String.Index {
@inline(__always) get { return Index(encodedOffset: 0) }
internal var endIndex: String.Index {
@inline(__always) get { return Index(encodedOffset: self.count) }
// Old SPI(corelibs-foundation)
extension _StringGuts {
@available(*, deprecated)
public // SPI(corelibs-foundation)
var _isContiguousASCII: Bool {
return !isSmall && isFastUTF8 && isASCII
@available(*, deprecated)
public // SPI(corelibs-foundation)
var _isContiguousUTF16: Bool {
return false
// FIXME: Remove. Still used by swift-corelibs-foundation
@available(*, deprecated)
public var startASCII: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8> {
return UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: _object.fastUTF8.baseAddress!)
// FIXME: Remove. Still used by swift-corelibs-foundation
@available(*, deprecated)
public var startUTF16: UnsafeMutablePointer<UTF16.CodeUnit> {
fatalError("Not contiguous UTF-16")
@available(*, deprecated)
public // SPI(corelibs-foundation)
func _persistCString(_ p: UnsafePointer<CChar>?) -> [CChar]? {
guard let s = p else { return nil }
let count = Int(_swift_stdlib_strlen(s))
var result = [CChar](repeating: 0, count: count + 1)
for i in 0..<count {
result[i] = s[i]
return result