blob: 2abb646d67a2bceb8e60a73fbf98c0376d9bdd06 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %target-build-swift -parse-stdlib %s -module-name main -o %t/a.out
// RUN: %target-codesign %t/a.out
// RUN: %target-run %t/a.out
// REQUIRES: executable_test
import Swift
import StdlibUnittest
let DemangleToMetadataTests = TestSuite("DemangleToMetadata")
DemangleToMetadataTests.test("malformed mangled names") {
DemangleToMetadataTests.test("tuple types") {
expectEqual(type(of: ()), _typeByMangledName("yt")!)
expectEqual(type(of: ((), ())), _typeByMangledName("yt_ytt")!)
expectEqual(type(of: ((), b: ())), _typeByMangledName("yt_yt1bt")!)
expectEqual(type(of: (a: (), ())), _typeByMangledName("yt1a_ytt")!)
expectEqual(type(of: (a: (), b: ())), _typeByMangledName("yt1a_yt1bt")!)
// Initial creation of metadata via demangling a type name.
func f0() { }
var f0_thin: @convention(thin) () -> Void = f0
var f0_c: @convention(c) () -> Void = f0
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
var f0_block: @convention(block) () -> Void = f0
func f0_throws() throws { }
func f1(x: ()) { }
func f2(x: (), y: ()) { }
func f1_variadic(x: ()...) { }
func f1_inout(x: inout ()) { }
func f1_shared(x: __shared AnyObject) { }
func f1_owned(x: __owned AnyObject) { }
func f2_variadic_inout(x: ()..., y: inout ()) { }
func f1_escaping(_: @escaping (Int) -> Float) { }
func f1_autoclosure(_: @autoclosure () -> Float) { }
func f1_escaping_autoclosure(_: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Float) { }
DemangleToMetadataTests.test("function types") {
// Conventions
expectEqual(type(of: f0), _typeByMangledName("yyc")!)
expectEqual(type(of: f0_thin), _typeByMangledName("yyXf")!)
expectEqual(type(of: f0_c), _typeByMangledName("yyXC")!)
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
expectEqual(type(of: f0_block), _typeByMangledName("yyXB")!)
// Throwing functions
expectEqual(type(of: f0_throws), _typeByMangledName("yyKc")!)
// More parameters.
expectEqual(type(of: f1), _typeByMangledName("yyyt_tc")!)
expectEqual(type(of: f2), _typeByMangledName("yyyt_yttc")!)
// Variadic parameters.
expectEqual(type(of: f1_variadic), _typeByMangledName("yyytd_tc")!)
// Inout parameters.
expectEqual(type(of: f1_inout), _typeByMangledName("yyytzc")!)
// Ownership parameters.
expectEqual(type(of: f1_shared), _typeByMangledName("yyyXlhc")!)
expectEqual(type(of: f1_owned), _typeByMangledName("yyyXlnc")!)
// Mix-and-match.
expectEqual(type(of: f2_variadic_inout), _typeByMangledName("yyytd_ytztc")!)
// A function type that hasn't been built before.
expectEqual("(Int, Float, Double, String, Character, UInt, Bool) -> ()",
String(describing: _typeByMangledName("yySi_SfSdSSs9CharacterVSuSbtc")!))
// Escaping
expectEqual(type(of: f1_escaping), _typeByMangledName("ySfSicc")!)
// Autoclosure
expectEqual(type(of: f1_autoclosure), _typeByMangledName("ySfyXKc")!)
expectEqual(type(of: f1_escaping_autoclosure), _typeByMangledName("ySfyXAc")!)
DemangleToMetadataTests.test("metatype types") {
expectEqual(type(of: type(of: ())), _typeByMangledName("ytm")!)
expectEqual(type(of: type(of: f0)), _typeByMangledName("yycm")!)
func f2_any_anyobject(_: Any, _: AnyObject) { }
class C { }
protocol P1 { }
protocol P2 { }
protocol P3 { }
func f1_composition(_: P1 & P2) { }
func f1_composition_anyobject(_: AnyObject & P1) { }
func f1_composition_superclass(_: C & P1 & P2) { }
DemangleToMetadataTests.test("existential types") {
// Any, AnyObject
expectEqual(type(of: f2_any_anyobject), _typeByMangledName("yyyp_yXltc")!)
// References to protocols.
expectEqual(type(of: f1_composition), _typeByMangledName("yy4main2P1_4main2P2pc")!)
// Reference to protocol with AnyObject.
expectEqual(type(of: f1_composition_anyobject), _typeByMangledName("yy4main2P1_Xlc")!)
// References to superclass.
expectEqual(type(of: f1_composition_superclass), _typeByMangledName("yy4main2P1_4main2P2AA1CCXcc")!)
// Demangle an existential type that hasn't been seen before.
expectEqual("P1 & P2 & P3", String(describing: _typeByMangledName("4main2P1_4main2P24main2P3p")!))
DemangleToMetadataTests.test("existential metatype types") {
// Any
expectEqual(type(of: Any.self), _typeByMangledName("ypm")!)
// AnyObject
expectEqual(type(of: AnyObject.self), _typeByMangledName("yXlm")!)
// References to metatype of protocols.
expectEqual(type(of: (P1 & P2).self), _typeByMangledName("4main2P1_4main2P2pm")!)
// References to metatype involving protocols and superclass.
expectEqual(type(of: (C & P1 & P2).self), _typeByMangledName("4main2P1_4main2P2AA1CCXcm")!)
struct S {
struct Nested { }
enum E { case e }
DemangleToMetadataTests.test("nominal types") {
// Simple Struct
expectEqual(type(of: S()), _typeByMangledName("4main1SV")!)
// Simple Enum
expectEqual(type(of: E.e), _typeByMangledName("4main1EO")!)
// Simple Class
expectEqual(type(of: C()), _typeByMangledName("4main1CC")!)
// Swift standard library types
expectEqual(type(of: Int()), _typeByMangledName("Si")!)
expectEqual(type(of: Int16()), _typeByMangledName("s5Int16V")!)
// Nested struct
expectEqual(type(of: S.Nested()), _typeByMangledName("4main1SV6NestedV")!)
// Class referenced by "ModuleName.ClassName" syntax.
expectEqual(type(of: C()), _typeByMangledName("main.C")!)
protocol P4 {
associatedtype Assoc1
associatedtype Assoc2
extension S: P4 {
typealias Assoc1 = Int
typealias Assoc2 = String
DemangleToMetadataTests.test("substitutions") {
// Type parameter substitutions.
expectEqual(type(of: (1, 3.14159, "Hello")),
substitutions: [[Int.self, Double.self], [String.self]])!)
// Associated type substitutions
expectEqual(type(of: (S(), 1, "Hello")),
_typeByMangledName("x_6Assoc14main2P4PQz6Assoc24main2P4PQzt", substitutions: [[S.self]])!)
enum EG<T, U> { case a }
class CG3<T, U, V> { }
DemangleToMetadataTests.test("simple generic specializations") {
expectEqual([Int].self, _typeByMangledName("SaySiG")!)
expectEqual(EG<Int, String>.self, _typeByMangledName("4main2EGOySiSSG")!)
expectEqual(CG3<Int, Double, String>.self, _typeByMangledName("4main3CG3CySiSdSSG")!)
extension EG {
struct NestedSG<V> { }
extension C {
enum Nested<T, U> {
case a
struct Innermore {
struct Innermost<V> { }
class CG2<T, U> {
class Inner<V> {
struct Innermost<W1, W2, W3, W4> { }
DemangleToMetadataTests.test("nested generic specializations") {
expectEqual(EG<Int, String>.NestedSG<Double>.self,
expectEqual(C.Nested<Int, String>.Innermore.Innermost<Double>.self,
expectEqual(CG2<Int, String>.Inner<Double>.self,
CG2<Int, String>.Inner<Double>.Innermost<Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64>.self,
DemangleToMetadataTests.test("demangle built-in types") {
expectEqual(Builtin.Int8.self, _typeByMangledName("Bi8_")!)
expectEqual(Builtin.Int16.self, _typeByMangledName("Bi16_")!)
expectEqual(Builtin.Int32.self, _typeByMangledName("Bi32_")!)
expectEqual(Builtin.Int64.self, _typeByMangledName("Bi64_")!)
expectEqual(Builtin.Int128.self, _typeByMangledName("Bi128_")!)
expectEqual(Builtin.Int256.self, _typeByMangledName("Bi256_")!)
expectEqual(Builtin.Int512.self, _typeByMangledName("Bi512_")!)
expectEqual(Builtin.NativeObject.self, _typeByMangledName("Bo")!)
expectEqual(Builtin.BridgeObject.self, _typeByMangledName("Bb")!)
expectEqual(Builtin.UnsafeValueBuffer.self, _typeByMangledName("BB")!)
class CG4<T: P1, U: P2> {
struct InnerGeneric<V: P3> { }
struct ConformsToP1: P1 { }
struct ConformsToP2: P2 { }
struct ConformsToP3: P3 { }
DemangleToMetadataTests.test("protocol conformance requirements") {
expectEqual(CG4<ConformsToP1, ConformsToP2>.self,
expectEqual(CG4<ConformsToP1, ConformsToP2>.InnerGeneric<ConformsToP3>.self,
// Failure cases: failed conformance requirements.
struct SG5<T: P4> where T.Assoc1: P1, T.Assoc2: P2 { }
struct ConformsToP4a : P4 {
typealias Assoc1 = ConformsToP1
typealias Assoc2 = ConformsToP2
struct ConformsToP4b : P4 {
typealias Assoc1 = ConformsToP1
typealias Assoc2 = ConformsToP1
struct ConformsToP4c : P4 {
typealias Assoc1 = ConformsToP2
typealias Assoc2 = ConformsToP2
DemangleToMetadataTests.test("associated type conformance requirements") {
// Failure cases: failed conformance requirements.
struct SG6<T: P4> where T.Assoc1 == T.Assoc2 { }
struct SG7<T: P4> where T.Assoc1 == Int { }
struct SG8<T: P4> where T.Assoc1 == [T.Assoc2] { }
struct ConformsToP4d : P4 {
typealias Assoc1 = [ConformsToP2]
typealias Assoc2 = ConformsToP2
DemangleToMetadataTests.test("same-type requirements") {
// Concrete type.
// Other associated type.
// Structural type.
// Failure cases: types don't match.
struct SG9<T: AnyObject> { }
DemangleToMetadataTests.test("AnyObject requirements") {
// Failure cases: failed AnyObject constraint.
struct SG10<T: C> { }
class C2 : C { }
class C3 { }
DemangleToMetadataTests.test("superclass requirements") {
// Failure cases: not a subclass.
// Extensions of external types, and constrained extensions
struct SG11<T> {}
extension Dictionary {
struct Inner<V: P1> {}
extension SG11 where T: P1 {
struct InnerTConformsToP1<U: P2> { }
extension SG11.InnerTConformsToP1 where U: P3 {
struct InnermostUConformsToP3<V: P4> { }
struct ConformsToP2AndP3: P2, P3 { }
DemangleToMetadataTests.test("Nested types in extensions") {
Dictionary<String, Int>.Inner<ConformsToP1>.self,
// Failure case: Dictionary's outer `Key: Hashable` constraint not sastified
// Failure case: Dictionary's inner `V: P1` constraint not satisfied
// Failure case: SG11's outer `T: P1` constraint not satisfied
// Failure case: SG11's inner `U: P2` constraint not satisfied
// TODO: Failure case: InnermostUConformsToP3's 'U: P3' constraint not satisfied
// Nested types in same-type-constrained extensions
struct SG12<T: P1, U: P2> {}
struct ConformsToP1AndP2 : P1, P2 { }
extension SG12 where U == T {
struct InnerTEqualsU<V: P3> { }
extension SG12 where T == ConformsToP1 {
struct InnerTEqualsConformsToP1<V: P3> { }
extension SG12 where U == ConformsToP2 {
struct InnerUEqualsConformsToP2<V: P3> { }
DemangleToMetadataTests.test("Nested types in same-type-constrained extensions") {
SG12<ConformsToP1AndP2, ConformsToP1AndP2>.InnerTEqualsU<ConformsToP3>.self,
SG12<ConformsToP1, ConformsToP2>.InnerTEqualsConformsToP1<ConformsToP3>.self,
SG12<ConformsToP1, ConformsToP2>.InnerUEqualsConformsToP2<ConformsToP3>.self,
// TODO: Cases where mangled name doesn't match constraints
// T != U in InnerTEqualsU
// V !: P3 in InnerTEqualsU
// T != ConformsToP1 in InnerTEqualsConformsToP1
// V !: P3 in InnerTEqualsConformsToP1