blob: 9cc0640fdeeb1b1769254dde1626a78e3e9b7ecf [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swift --stdlib-unittest-in-process | tee %t.txt
// RUN: %FileCheck %s < %t.txt
// note: remove the --stdlib-unittest-in-process once all the FileCheck tests
// have been converted to StdlibUnittest
// REQUIRES: executable_test
import StdlibUnittest
import StdlibCollectionUnittest
var CollectionTests = TestSuite("CollectionTests")
/// An *iterator* that adapts a *collection* `C` and any *sequence* of
/// its `Index` type to present the collection's elements in a
/// permuted order.
public struct PermutationGenerator<
C: Collection, Indices: Sequence
C.Index == Indices.Iterator.Element
> : IteratorProtocol, Sequence {
var seq : C
var indices : Indices.Iterator
/// The type of element returned by `next()`.
public typealias Element = C.Iterator.Element
/// Advance to the next element and return it, or `nil` if no next
/// element exists.
/// - Precondition: No preceding call to `` has returned `nil`.
public mutating func next() -> Element? {
let result =
return result != nil ? seq[result!] : .none
/// Construct an *iterator* over a permutation of `elements` given
/// by `indices`.
/// - Precondition: `elements[i]` is valid for every `i` in `indices`.
public init(elements: C, indices: Indices) {
self.seq = elements
self.indices = indices.makeIterator()
var foobar = MinimalCollection(elements: "foobar".characters)
// CHECK: foobar
for a in foobar {
print(a, terminator: "")
// FIXME: separate r from the expression below pending
// <rdar://problem/15772601> Type checking failure
// CHECK: raboof
let i = foobar.indices
let r = i.lazy.reversed()
for a in PermutationGenerator(elements: foobar, indices: r) {
print(a, terminator: "")
func isPalindrome0<
S : BidirectionalCollection
S.Iterator.Element : Equatable,
S.Indices.Iterator.Element == S.Index
>(_ seq: S) -> Bool {
typealias Index = S.Index
let a = seq.indices
let i = seq.indices
let ir = i.lazy.reversed()
var b = ir.makeIterator()
for i in a {
if seq[i] != seq[!] {
return false
return true
// CHECK: false
print(isPalindrome0(MinimalBidirectionalCollection(elements: "GoHangaSalamiImaLasagneHoG".characters)))
// CHECK: true
print(isPalindrome0(MinimalBidirectionalCollection(elements: "GoHangaSalamiimalaSagnaHoG".characters)))
func isPalindrome1<
S : BidirectionalCollection
S.Iterator.Element : Equatable,
S.Indices.Iterator.Element == S.Index
>(_ seq: S) -> Bool {
let a = PermutationGenerator(elements: seq, indices: seq.indices)
var b = seq.lazy.reversed().makeIterator()
for nextChar in a {
if nextChar !=! {
return false
return true
func isPalindrome1_5<
S: BidirectionalCollection
S.Iterator.Element == S.Iterator.Element,
S.Iterator.Element: Equatable
>(_ seq: S) -> Bool {
var b = seq.lazy.reversed().makeIterator()
for nextChar in seq {
if nextChar !=! {
return false
return true
// CHECK: false
print(isPalindrome1(MinimalBidirectionalCollection(elements: "MADAMINEDENIMWILLIAM".characters)))
// CHECK: true
print(isPalindrome1(MinimalBidirectionalCollection(elements: "MadamInEdEnImadaM".characters)))
// CHECK: false
print(isPalindrome1_5(MinimalBidirectionalCollection(elements: "FleetoMeRemoteelF".characters)))
// CHECK: true
print(isPalindrome1_5(MinimalBidirectionalCollection(elements: "FleetoMeReMoteelF".characters)))
// Finally, one that actually uses indexing to do half as much work.
// BidirectionalCollection traversal finally pays off!
func isPalindrome2<
S: BidirectionalCollection
S.Iterator.Element: Equatable
>(_ seq: S) -> Bool {
var b = seq.startIndex, e = seq.endIndex
while (b != e) {
e = seq.index(before: e)
if (b == e) {
if seq[b] != seq[e] {
return false
b = seq.index(after: b)
return true
// Test even length
// CHECK: false
print(isPalindrome2(MinimalBidirectionalCollection(elements: "ZerimarRamireZ".characters)))
// CHECK: true
print(isPalindrome2(MinimalBidirectionalCollection(elements: "ZerimaRRamireZ".characters)))
// Test odd length
// CHECK: false
print(isPalindrome2(MinimalBidirectionalCollection(elements: "ZerimarORamireZ".characters)))
// CHECK: true
print(isPalindrome2(MinimalBidirectionalCollection(elements: "Zerimar-O-ramireZ".characters)))
func isPalindrome4<
S: BidirectionalCollection
S.Iterator.Element : Equatable,
S.Indices.Iterator.Element == S.Index
>(_ seq: S) -> Bool {
typealias Index = S.Index
let a = PermutationGenerator(elements: seq, indices: seq.indices)
// FIXME: separate ri from the expression below pending
// <rdar://problem/15772601> Type checking failure
let i = seq.indices
let ri = i.lazy.reversed()
var b = PermutationGenerator(elements: seq, indices: ri)
for nextChar in a {
if nextChar !=! {
return false
return true
// Can't put these literals into string interpolations pending
// <rdar://problem/16401145> hella-slow compilation
let array = [1, 2, 3, 4]
let dict = [0:0, 1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:4]
func testCount() {
// CHECK: testing count
print("testing count")
// CHECK-NEXT: random access: 4
print("random access: \(array.count)")
// CHECK-NEXT: bidirectional: 5
print("bidirectional: \(dict.count)")
struct SequenceOnly<T : Sequence> : Sequence {
var base: T
func makeIterator() -> T.Iterator { return base.makeIterator() }
func testUnderestimatedCount() {
// CHECK: testing underestimatedCount
print("testing underestimatedCount")
// CHECK-NEXT: random access: 4
print("random access: \(array.underestimatedCount)")
// CHECK-NEXT: bidirectional: 5
print("bidirectional: \(dict.underestimatedCount)")
// CHECK-NEXT: Sequence only: 0
let s = SequenceOnly(base: array)
print("Sequence only: \(s.underestimatedCount)")
CollectionTests.test("isEmptyFirstLast") {
expectEqual(10, (10..<100).first)
expectEqual(10, (10...100).first)
expectEqual(99, (10..<100).last)
expectEqual(100, (10...100).last)
/// A `Collection` that vends just the default implementations for
/// `CollectionType` methods.
struct CollectionOnly<T: Collection> : Collection {
var base: T
var startIndex: T.Index {
return base.startIndex
var endIndex: T.Index {
return base.endIndex
func makeIterator() -> T.Iterator {
return base.makeIterator()
subscript(position: T.Index) -> T.Iterator.Element {
return base[position]
func index(after i: T.Index) -> T.Index { return base.index(after: i) }
// CHECK: all done.
print("all done.")
CollectionTests.test("first/performance") {
// accessing `first` should not perform duplicate work on lazy collections
var log: [Int] = []
let col_ = (0..<10).lazy.filter({ log.append($0); return (2..<8).contains($0) })
let col = CollectionOnly(base: col_)
expectEqual(2, col.first)
expectEqual([0, 1, 2], log)