blob: 37c7791762e76d0345635979c3bf93f3ae529e39 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Integers.swift.gyb -----------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// RUN: rm -rf %t && mkdir -p %t && %S/../../utils/gyb -DWORD_BITS=%target-ptrsize %s -o %t/out.swift
// RUN: %S/../../utils/line-directive %t/out.swift -- %target-build-swift -parse-stdlib %t/out.swift -o %t/a.out
// RUN: %S/../../utils/line-directive %t/out.swift -- %target-run %t/a.out
// REQUIRES: executable_test
import Swift
# Utility code for later in this template
from math import log
from string import maketrans
# Number of bits in the Builtin.Word type
word_bits = int(WORD_BITS) # int(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P) * 8
# Number of bits in integer literals.
builtinIntLiteralBits = 2048
IntLiteral = 'Int%s' % builtinIntLiteralBits
# 32-bit iOS simulator doesn't have Int128 support, so we stop at
# double-word. When we've implemented the arithmetic algorithms
# for bignum, we can go further.
fixedBitWidths = [2**x for x in range(3, 8) if 2**x <= 2*word_bits]
minFixedBits = fixedBitWidths[0]
maxFixedBits = fixedBitWidths[-1]
def capitalize(s):
return s[:1].upper() + s[1:]
class struct(object):
def __init__(self, **kw):
self.__dict__ = kw
def __repr__(self):
return 'struct(%r)' % self.__dict__
binaryArithmetic = [
struct(operator='+', name='add', llvmName='add', kind='+'),
struct(operator='-', name='subtract', llvmName='sub', kind='+'),
struct(operator='*', name='multiply', llvmName='mul', kind='*'),
struct(operator='/', name='divideBy', llvmName='div', kind='/'),
operator='%', name='remainderWhenDividedBy', llvmName='rem', kind='/')
binaryBitwise = [
struct(operator='&', name='and'),
struct(operator='|', name='or'),
struct(operator='^', name='xor')]
maskingShifts = [
operator='&>>', nonMaskingOperator='>>',
name='maskingShiftRight', llvmName=lambda s:['lshr','ashr'][s]),
operator='&<<', nonMaskingOperator='<<',
name='maskingShiftLeft', llvmName=lambda _: 'shl'),
//===--- Bits for the Stdlib ----------------------------------------------===//
extension Bool {
public init(_ value: Builtin.Int1) {
self.init(_builtinBooleanLiteral: value)
// Renamed from _value to __value, because the deserializer crashes
// if stdlib is compiled with -sil-serialize-all (rdar://problem/23620491).
// TODO: rename it back to _value when the deserializer is fixed.
public var __value: Builtin.Int1 {
return Builtin.trunc_Int${word_bits}_Int1((self ? 1 : 0)._value)
// This should go in the stdlib separately, probably.
extension IntegerLiteralConvertible
where Self : _BuiltinIntegerLiteralConvertible {
/// Create an instance initialized to `value`.
public init(integerLiteral value: Self) {
self = value
infix operator &<< { associativity none precedence 160 }
infix operator &<<= { associativity right precedence 90 assignment }
infix operator &>> { associativity none precedence 160 }
infix operator &>>= { associativity right precedence 90 assignment }
public func _assertCond(
@autoclosure condition: () -> Bool,
@autoclosure _ message: () -> String,
file: StaticString = __FILE__, line: UInt = __LINE__) {
let ok = condition()
if _isDebugAssertConfiguration() {
precondition(ok, message, file: file, line: line)
//===--- Prototype Implementation -----------------------------------------===//
/// Prints the message if the body is uncommented; used for
/// diagnostics.
public func _log(@autoclosure message: ()->String) {
// print(message())
//===--- ArithmeticType ---------------------------------------------------===//
public protocol ArithmeticType {
/// Initialize to zero
% for x in binaryArithmetic:
// defaulted below
func ${x.operator}(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
// defaulted below
func ${x.operator}=(inout lhs: Self, rhs: Self)
// implementation hook
mutating func ${}InPlace(rhs: Self)
% end
/// defaulted below
prefix func -(lhs: Self) -> Self
% for x in binaryArithmetic:
public func ${x.operator} <T: ArithmeticType>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> T {
var lhs = lhs
return lhs
public func ${x.operator}= <T: ArithmeticType>(inout lhs: T, rhs: T) {
% end
public prefix func -<T: ArithmeticType>(x: T) -> T {
return T() - x
//===--- IntegerType ------------------------------------------------------===//
public typealias Word = Int${word_bits}
public typealias UWord = UInt${word_bits}
public protocol IntegerType
: Comparable, ArithmeticType,
IntegerLiteralConvertible, CustomStringConvertible {
// Dispatching through these puts less stress on the user reading
// the interface and error messages (and on the type checker) than
// does having many operator overloads.
func isEqualTo(rhs: Self) -> Bool
func isLessThan(rhs: Self) -> Bool
/// The number of bits required to represent our value. If `self`
/// is negative, returns the index of the least significant bit of
/// our representation such that all more-significant bits are 1.
/// Has the value -1 if `self` is 0.
var mostSignificantBit: Word { get }
func uword(n: Word) -> UWord
var countRepresentedWords: Word { get }
/// Replace as many bits as possible of the `n`th UWord of our
/// representation with newBits, returning `true` iff all of the
/// bits were replaced.
mutating func replaceUWord(n: Word, with newBits: UWord) -> Bool
init<T : IntegerType>(_ source: T)
init<T : IntegerType>(extendingOrTruncating source: T)
mutating func addInPlace<RHS: IntegerType>(rhs: RHS) -> ArithmeticOverflow
/// The most significant word in a signed representation of `self`.
/// (x.word(x.signWordIndex) < 0) == (self < 0)
/// and, for all `i` > `x.signWordIndex`,
/// x.word(i) == x.word(x.signWordIndex) >> (Word.bitWidth - 1)
var signWordIndex: Word { get }
mutating func signedOverflowIntoWord(
wordIndex: Word, overflow: Bool, originalSign: Word) -> ArithmeticOverflow
static var isSigned: Bool { get }
extension IntegerType {
public func word(n: Word) -> Word {
return Word(uword(n)._storage)
/// The number of words required to represent our value. If `self`
/// is negative, returns the index of the least significant words of
/// our representation such that all more-significant words are -1.
/// Has the value -1 if `self` is 0.
public // transparent
var _mostSignificantWord: Word {
return mostSignificantBit &>> ${int(log(word_bits,2))}
//===--- Homogeneous comparison -------------------------------------------===//
public func == <T : IntegerType>(lhs:T, rhs: T) -> Bool {
return lhs.isEqualTo(rhs)
public func < <T : IntegerType>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool {
return lhs.isLessThan(rhs)
//===--- Heterogeneous comparison -----------------------------------------===//
public func == <T : IntegerType, U : IntegerType>(lhs:T, rhs: U) -> Bool {
return (lhs > 0) == (rhs > 0)
&& T(extendingOrTruncating: rhs) == lhs
&& U(extendingOrTruncating: lhs) == rhs
public func != <T : IntegerType, U : IntegerType>(lhs:T, rhs: U) -> Bool {
return !(lhs == rhs)
public func < <T : IntegerType, U : IntegerType>(lhs: T, rhs: U) -> Bool {
let lhsSign = lhs < 0 ? -1 : lhs > 0 ? 1 : 0
let rhsSign = rhs < 0 ? -1 : rhs > 0 ? 1 : 0
if lhsSign != rhsSign { return lhsSign < rhsSign }
// if we get here, lhs and rhs have the same sign. If they're
// negative, then T and U are both signed types, and one of them can
// represent values of the other type. Otherwise, lhs and rhs are
// positive, and one of T, U may be signed and the other unsigned.
// In this case, we can conceptually subtract 1 from the bitWidth of
// any signed type, and either the resulting bitWidths are the same
// or one can represent every value of the other.
let rT = T(extendingOrTruncating: rhs)
// Can we round-trip rhs through T?
if U(extendingOrTruncating: rT) == rhs {
return lhs < rT
return U(extendingOrTruncating: lhs) < rhs
public func <= <T : IntegerType, U : IntegerType>(lhs: T, rhs: U) -> Bool {
return !(rhs < lhs)
public func >= <T : IntegerType, U : IntegerType>(lhs: T, rhs: U) -> Bool {
return !(lhs < rhs)
public func > <T : IntegerType, U : IntegerType>(lhs: T, rhs: U) -> Bool {
return rhs < lhs
//===--- Ambiguity breakers -----------------------------------------------===//
// These two versions of the operators are not ordered with respect to
// one another:
// <T : Comparable>(T,T) -> Bool
// <T : IntegerType, U : IntegerType>(T,U) -> Bool
// so we define:
// <T : IntegerType>(T,T) -> Bool
public func != <T : IntegerType>(lhs:T, rhs: T) -> Bool {
return !(lhs == rhs)
public func <= <T : IntegerType>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool {
return !(rhs < lhs)
public func >= <T : IntegerType>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool {
return !(lhs < rhs)
public func > <T : IntegerType>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool {
return rhs < lhs
//===--- FixedWidthIntegerType --------------------------------------------===//
public enum ArithmeticOverflow {
public init(_ overflow: Bool) { self = overflow ? .Overflow : .None }
case None, Overflow
public protocol FixedWidthIntegerType : IntegerType {
static var bitWidth : Word { get }
% for x in binaryArithmetic:
comment = '''
/// Return a pair consisting of `self` ${x.operator} `rhs`,
/// truncated to fit if necessary, and a flag indicating whether an
/// arithmetic overflow occurred.''' + ('''
/// Requires: `rhs != 0`''' if x.kind == '/' else '')
func ${}WithOverflow(
rhs: Self
) -> (partialValue: Self, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow)
% end
static var max: Self { get }
static var min: Self { get }
% for x in binaryBitwise + maskingShifts:
func ${}(rhs: Self) -> Self
% end
func countLeadingZeros() -> Word
init(_truncatingBits bits: UWord)
var _lowUWord: UWord { get }
% for x in binaryBitwise:
public func ${x.operator} <T: FixedWidthIntegerType>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> T {
return lhs.${}(rhs)
public func ${x.operator}= <T: FixedWidthIntegerType>(inout lhs: T, rhs: T) {
lhs = lhs.${}(rhs)
% end
% for x in maskingShifts:
public func ${x.operator} <T: FixedWidthIntegerType>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> T {
return lhs.${}(rhs)
public func ${x.operator}= <T: FixedWidthIntegerType>(inout lhs: T, rhs: T) {
lhs = lhs ${x.operator} rhs
public func ${x.operator} <
T: FixedWidthIntegerType, U: IntegerType
>(lhs: T, rhs: U) -> T {
return lhs.${}(T(extendingOrTruncating: rhs))
public func ${x.operator}= <
T: FixedWidthIntegerType, U: IntegerType
>(inout lhs: T, rhs: U) {
lhs = lhs ${x.operator} rhs
public func ${x.nonMaskingOperator} <
T: FixedWidthIntegerType, U: IntegerType
>(lhs: T, rhs: U) -> T {
let shift = rhs < -T.bitWidth ? -T.bitWidth
: rhs > T.bitWidth ? T.bitWidth
: Word(rhs)
return lhs ${x.nonMaskingOperator} shift
// "Smart shift", supporting overshifts and negative shifts
public func ${x.nonMaskingOperator} <
T: FixedWidthIntegerType
>(lhs: T, rhs: Word) -> T {
let overshiftR = T.isSigned ? lhs &>> (T.bitWidth - 1) : 0
let overshiftL: T = 0
if _fastPath(rhs >= 0) {
if _fastPath(rhs < T.bitWidth) {
return lhs.${}(T(extendingOrTruncating: rhs))
return overshift${'LR'['R' in]}
if _slowPath(rhs <= -T.bitWidth) {
return overshift${'RL'['R' in]}
return lhs ${x.operator.translate(maketrans('<>', '><'))} -rhs
public func ${x.nonMaskingOperator}= <
T: FixedWidthIntegerType
>(inout lhs: T, rhs: T) {
lhs = lhs ${x.nonMaskingOperator} rhs
public func ${x.nonMaskingOperator}= <
T: FixedWidthIntegerType, U: IntegerType
>(inout lhs: T, rhs: U) {
lhs = lhs ${x.nonMaskingOperator} rhs
% end
public prefix func ~ <T: FixedWidthIntegerType>(x: T) -> T {
return 0 &- x &- 1
extension FixedWidthIntegerType {
public init<Other: IntegerType>(clamping source: Other) {
if _slowPath(source < Self.min) {
self = Self.min
else if _slowPath(source > Self.max) {
self = Self.max
else { self = Self(extendingOrTruncating: source) }
% for x in binaryArithmetic:
public mutating func ${}InPlace(rhs: Self) {
let (result, overflow) = self.${}WithOverflow(rhs)
_assertCond(overflow == .None, "overflow in ${}")
self = result
/// Return `self ${x.operator} rhs`. If an arithmetic overflow
/// occurs, the behavior is undefined.
/// Note: use this function to avoid the cost of overflow checking
/// when you are sure that the operation won't overflow.
public func unsafe${capitalize(}(rhs: Self) -> Self {
let (result, overflow) = self.${}WithOverflow(rhs)
if (overflow != .None) {
if (_isDebugAssertConfiguration()) {
_preconditionFailure("overflow in unsafe${capitalize(}")
else {
return result
% end
public init() {
self = 0
public init<T : IntegerType>(extendingOrTruncating source: T) {
if Self.bitWidth <= ${word_bits} {
self = Self.init(_truncatingBits: source.uword(0))
else {
var result: Self = source < 0 ? ~0 : 0
// start with the most significant word
var n = source._mostSignificantWord
while n >= 0 {
// masking is OK here because this we have already ensured
// that Self.bitWidth > ${word_bits}. Not masking results in
// infinite recursion.
result &<<= ${word_bits}
result |= Self(_truncatingBits: source.uword(n))
n -= 1
self = result
public func uword(n: Word) -> UWord {
_precondition(n >= 0, "Negative word index")
if _fastPath(n < countRepresentedWords) {
let shift = UWord(n._storage) &* ${word_bits}
let bitWidth = UWord(Self.bitWidth._storage)
_sanityCheck(shift < bitWidth)
return (self &>> Self(_truncatingBits: shift))._lowUWord
return self < 0 ? ~0 : 0
public var countRepresentedWords: Word {
return (Self.bitWidth + ${word_bits} - 1) / ${word_bits}
// @_transparent
public mutating func replaceUWord(n: Word, with newBits: UWord) -> Bool {
let flippedBits = uword(n) ^ newBits
self ^= Self(_truncatingBits: flippedBits) << (${word_bits} * n)
if uword(n) != newBits {
_log("###### overflow replacing word \(n) with \(newBits.hex)")
return uword(n) == newBits
public // transparent
static var _highBitIndex: Self {
return Self.init(_truncatingBits: UWord(Self.bitWidth._storage) &- 1)
extension UWord {
public typealias AdditiveOperator
= (UWord) -> (UWord, carryIn: Bool)
-> (result: UWord, carryFlag: Bool, overflowFlag: Bool)
% for name in 'add', 'subtract':
// @_transparent
public // transparent
func _${name}ing(
rhs: UWord, carryIn: Bool
) -> (result: UWord, carryFlag: Bool, overflowFlag: Bool) {
_log("**** \(self.hex)._${name}ing(\(rhs.hex), carryIn: \(carryIn))")
let signedRHS = Word(bitPattern: rhs)
let (uResult0, carry0) = self.${name}WithOverflow(rhs)
let (sResult0, overflow0)
= Word(bitPattern: self).${name}WithOverflow(signedRHS)
let (uResult1, carry1) = uResult0.${name}WithOverflow(carryIn ? 1 : 0)
let (_, overflow1) = sResult0.${name}WithOverflow(carryIn ? 1 : 0)
let result = (
result: uResult1,
carryFlag: carry0 != .None || carry1 != .None,
overflowFlag: overflow0 != .None || overflow1 != .None
_log("**** -> sum: \(result.result.hex), "
+ "carry: \(result.carryFlag), overflow: \(result.overflowFlag)")
return result
% end
% for x in binaryArithmetic:
% if x.kind != '/':
public func &${x.operator} <T: FixedWidthIntegerType>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> T {
return lhs.${}WithOverflow(rhs).partialValue
% end
% end
//===--- UnsignedIntegerType ----------------------------------------------===//
public protocol UnsignedIntegerType : IntegerType {
extension UnsignedIntegerType {
public static var isSigned: Bool { return false }
public var description: String {
if self == 0 {
return "0"
let ascii0 = 48
var buf: [UnicodeScalar] = []
var x = self
repeat {
let r = x % 10
x /= 10
ascii0 + Swift.Int(Word(extendingOrTruncating: r)._storage)))
while x != 0
return String(buf.reverse() { Character($0) })
extension UnsignedIntegerType where Self : FixedWidthIntegerType {
public init<T : IntegerType>(_ source: T) {
source >= 0, "negative value \(source) not representable by \(Self.self)")
let requiredBits = source.mostSignificantBit + 1
requiredBits <= Self.bitWidth,
"\(Self.self) cannot store all \(requiredBits) bits "
+ "needed for unsigned representation of \(source)")
self.init(extendingOrTruncating: source)
public static var max: Self {
return ~0
public static var min: Self {
return 0
public var mostSignificantBit: Word {
return Self.bitWidth - 1 - self.countLeadingZeros()
public var signWordIndex: Word {
// If our high bit is set, then our signed representation contains
// one additional word.
let ifHighBitSetThen0Else1 = Word((~self &>> (Self.bitWidth - 1))._lowUWord)
return (Self.bitWidth - ifHighBitSetThen0Else1) / ${word_bits}
public mutating func signedOverflowIntoWord(
wordIndex: Word, overflow: Bool, originalSign: Word
) -> ArithmeticOverflow {
// We were performing a signed operation on unsigned storage. If
// the result was negative, we've overflowed.
return word(countRepresentedWords - 1) < 0 ? .Overflow : .None
//===--- SignedIntegerType ------------------------------------------------===//
public protocol SignedIntegerType : IntegerType {
typealias AbsoluteValue : IntegerType
var absoluteValue: AbsoluteValue { get }
extension SignedIntegerType {
public var description: String {
let base = String(absoluteValue)
return self < 0 ? "-" + base : base
public static var isSigned: Bool { return true }
extension SignedIntegerType where Self : FixedWidthIntegerType {
public init<T : IntegerType>(_ source: T) {
let requiredBits = source.mostSignificantBit + (source >= 0 ? 2 : 1)
requiredBits <= Self.bitWidth,
"\(Self.self) cannot store all \(requiredBits) bits "
+ "needed for signed representation of \(source)")
self.init(extendingOrTruncating: source)
public static var max: Self {
return ~min
public static var min: Self {
return -1 &<< Self._highBitIndex
public var mostSignificantBit: Word {
let x = self < 0 ? ~self : self
return Self.bitWidth - 1 - x.countLeadingZeros()
public var signWordIndex: Word {
return (Self.bitWidth - 1) / ${word_bits}
public mutating func signedOverflowIntoWord(
wordIndex: Word, overflow: Bool, originalSign: Word
) -> ArithmeticOverflow {
return overflow ? .Overflow : .None
//===--- Concrete FixedWidthIntegers --------------------------------------===//
% for bits in fixedBitWidths:
% for signed in True, False:
% Self = ('Int%d' if signed else 'UInt%d') % bits
% Unsigned = 'Signed' if signed else 'Unsigned'
% u = 's' if signed else 'u'
% z = 's' if signed else 'z'
public struct ${Self}
: FixedWidthIntegerType, ${Unsigned}IntegerType,
_BuiltinIntegerLiteralConvertible {
public init(_builtinIntegerLiteral x: _MaxBuiltinIntegerType) {
_storage = Builtin.truncOrBitCast_${IntLiteral}_Int${bits}(x)
Builtin.${'s' if signed else 'z'}extOrBitCast_Int${bits}_${IntLiteral}(
_storage), x))
public init(bitPattern x: ${'U' if signed else ''}Int${bits}) {
_storage = x._storage
public func isEqualTo(rhs: ${Self}) -> Bool {
return Bool(Builtin.cmp_eq_Int${bits}(_storage, rhs._storage))
public func isLessThan(rhs: ${Self}) -> Bool {
return Bool(Builtin.cmp_${u}lt_Int${bits}(_storage, rhs._storage))
% for x in binaryArithmetic:
/// Return a pair consisting of `self` ${x.operator} `rhs`,
/// truncated to fit if necessary, and a flag indicating whether an
/// arithmetic overflow occurred.
public func ${}WithOverflow(
rhs: ${Self}
) -> (partialValue: ${Self}, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {
% if x.kind == '/':
// No LLVM primitives for checking overflow of division
// operations, so we check manually.
if _slowPath(
rhs == 0
${'|| self == %s.min && rhs == -1' % Self if signed else ''}
) {
return (partialValue: self, overflow: .Overflow)
let (newStorage, overflow) = (
Builtin.${u}${x.llvmName}_Int${bits}(self._storage, rhs._storage),
% else:
let (newStorage, overflow)
= Builtin.${u}${x.llvmName}_with_overflow_Int${bits}(
self._storage, rhs._storage, false.__value)
% end
return (
partialValue: ${Self}(newStorage),
overflow: ArithmeticOverflow(Bool(overflow)))
% end
public init(_ _storage: Builtin.Int${bits}) {
self._storage = _storage
% for x in binaryBitwise:
public func ${}(rhs: ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
return ${Self}(
Builtin.${}_Int${bits}(self._storage, rhs._storage))
% end
% for x in maskingShifts:
public func ${}(rhs: ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
let rhs_ = rhs & ${Self}._highBitIndex
return ${Self}(
Builtin.${x.llvmName(signed)}_Int${bits}(self._storage, rhs_._storage))
% end
public static var bitWidth : Word { return ${bits} }
public func countLeadingZeros() -> Word {
return Word(
Builtin.int_ctlz_Int${bits}(self._storage, false.__value)
public // transparent
var _lowUWord: UWord {
% truncOrExt = z + 'ext' if bits <= word_bits else 'trunc'
return UWord(
public // transparent
init(_truncatingBits bits: UWord) {
% truncOrExt = 'zext' if bits > word_bits else 'trunc'
% if signed:
public var absoluteValue: U${Self} {
let base = U${Self}(_storage)
return self < 0 ? ~base + 1 : base
% end
public var _storage: Builtin.Int${bits}
% end
% end
//===--- Multiprecision ---------------------------------------------------===//
//===--- Addition and Subtraction -----------------------------------------===//
// * Treat both operands as infinite-precision numbers, proceeding a
// word-at-a-time.
// * Signed/Unsigned mixes treat the unsigned number as signed,
// thereby adding 1 significant bit (which could result in using an
// extra word), and doing a signed operation.
// * Operations proceed one word at a time. Signed operations are
// composed of unsigned operations for all but the highest word.
// * Overflows in fixed-width integers are detected by two methods:
// - Checking the overflow flag when the most significant word of the
// result is computed.
// - Attempting to store bits that can't be represented.
// * In [un]signed operations, the maximum number of bits required to
// store a result is one more than the maximum number of bits
// required to store the [un]signed representation of both operands.
// When that number is one more than the number of bits
// representable by the [un]signed result type, we can use the
// carry/overflow flag to detect overflow.
extension IntegerType {
public mutating func unsignedAddInPlace<RHS: IntegerType>(
rhs: RHS, uwordOperator: UWord.AdditiveOperator
) -> ArithmeticOverflow {
_log("* \(Self.self)(\(self.hex)).unsignedAddInPlace"
+ "(\(RHS.self)(\(rhs.hex)))")
let (carry, knownOverflow) = self.unsignedAddInPlace(
countWords: max(self.countRepresentedWords, rhs.countRepresentedWords),
uwordOperator: uwordOperator
return knownOverflow ?? ArithmeticOverflow(carry)
public mutating func unsignedAddInPlace<RHS: IntegerType>(
rhs: RHS, countWords: Word, uwordOperator: UWord.AdditiveOperator
) -> (carry: Bool, knownOverflow: ArithmeticOverflow?) {
_log("** \(Self.self)(\(self.hex)).unsignedAddInPlace"
+ "(\(RHS.self)(\(rhs.hex)), countWords: \(countWords))")
_log("*** rhs.countRepresentedWords: \(rhs.countRepresentedWords)")
var i: Word = 0
var carry: Bool = false
while i < countWords {
let sum: UWord
(sum, carry, _) = uwordOperator(uword(i))(rhs.uword(i), carryIn: carry)
if !self.replaceUWord(i, with: sum) {
return (false, .Overflow)
i += 1
// optimization: if we've processed all represented words on the
// rhs and there's no carry out, the lhs can not be further
// affected and no overflow can occur. This probably doesn't
// matter for fixed-width integers but may be significant with
// larger BigNums. On the other hand, we may not want to
// optimize for that :-)
if carry == (rhs < 0) && i >= rhs.countRepresentedWords {
_log("*** early exit; carry can't affect lhs")
return (carry, .None as ArithmeticOverflow)
return (carry, nil)
public mutating func signedAddInPlace<RHS: IntegerType>(
rhs: RHS, uwordOperator: UWord.AdditiveOperator
) -> ArithmeticOverflow {
_log("* \(Self.self)(\(self.hex)).signedAddInPlace"
+ "(\(RHS.self)(\(rhs.hex)))")
// Do a multiword unsigned operation on all the words below the sign
// word. We may overflow here or discover that there is no
// overflow.
let lowWordCount = self.signWordIndex
let (lowCarry, lowOverflowKnown)
= self.unsignedAddInPlace(
rhs, countWords: lowWordCount, uwordOperator: uwordOperator)
if let finalOverflow = lowOverflowKnown { return finalOverflow }
// Save off the sign word so that we don't lose it if the highest
// stored bit of the lhs flips. When this addition proceeds past
// the highest stored word, we still need to be able to retrieve
// the old sign word.
var oldSign = self.word(lowWordCount)
var wordIndex: Word = lowWordCount
var overflow: Bool, carry: Bool = lowCarry
repeat {
let bits: UWord
(bits, carry, overflow) = uwordOperator(oldSign._lowUWord)(
rhs.uword(wordIndex), carryIn: carry)
if !self.replaceUWord(wordIndex, with: bits) {
return .Overflow
oldSign &>>= ${word_bits - 1} // further sign words are 0 or -1
wordIndex += 1
while wordIndex <= rhs.signWordIndex
return signedOverflowIntoWord(
wordIndex, overflow: overflow, originalSign: oldSign)
extension IntegerType {
% for name in 'add', 'subtract':
public mutating func ${name}InPlace<RHS: IntegerType>(
rhs: RHS
) -> ArithmeticOverflow {
return Self.isSigned || RHS.isSigned
? signedAddInPlace(rhs, uwordOperator: UWord._${name}ing)
: unsignedAddInPlace(rhs, uwordOperator: UWord._${name}ing)
% end
% for x in binaryArithmetic:
public func ${x.operator}= <T: IntegerType>(inout lhs: T, rhs: T) {
% end
public func +=<T: IntegerType, U: IntegerType>(inout lhs: T, rhs: U) {
let overflow = lhs.addInPlace(rhs)
_assertCond(overflow == .None, "overflow in multiprecision add.")
public func -=<T: IntegerType, U: IntegerType>(inout lhs: T, rhs: U) {
let overflow = lhs.subtractInPlace(rhs)
_assertCond(overflow == .None, "overflow in multiprecision subtract.")
//===--- Tests ------------------------------------------------------------===//
extension IntegerType {
/// a hex representation of every bit in the number
func hexBits(bitWidth: Word) -> String {
let hexDigits: [UnicodeScalar] = [
"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7",
"8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"]
var result = "".unicodeScalars
var x = self
var nibbles: Word = 0
repeat {
if nibbles % 4 == 0 && nibbles != 0 {
result.insert("_", atIndex: result.startIndex)
let lowUWord = x.uword(0)
hexDigits[Swift.Int(lowUWord._storage) & 0xF],
atIndex: result.startIndex
x.replaceUWord(0, with: lowUWord & ~0xF)
x /= 16
nibbles += 1
while (nibbles << 2 < bitWidth || (x != 0 && x + 1 != 0))
return (self < 0 ? "[-]" : "[+]") + String(result)
var hex: String { return hexBits(0) }
typealias DWord = Int${word_bits*2}
typealias UDWord = UInt${word_bits*2}
import StdlibUnittest
// Also import modules which are used by StdlibUnittest internally. This
// workaround is needed to link all required libraries in case we compile
// StdlibUnittest with -sil-serialize-all.
import SwiftPrivate
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
import ObjectiveC
var tests = TestSuite("Integers")
tests.test("Literals") {
// Testing against the official Int types so as not to depend on
// unimplemented stuff.
let a: UInt8 = 0b1_0_11_0_111
expectEqual(unsafeBitCast(a, Swift.UInt8.self), 0b1_0_11_0_111)
let b: Int16 = 183
expectEqual(unsafeBitCast(b, Swift.Int16.self), 0b1_0_11_0_111)
let c: Int16 = -183
expectEqual(unsafeBitCast(c, Swift.Int16.self), -183)
let d: Int8 = 127
expectEqual(unsafeBitCast(d, Swift.Int8.self), 127)
let e: UInt8 = 255
expectEqual(unsafeBitCast(e, Swift.UInt8.self), 255)
tests.test("Signed Literal Trap") {
let _: Int8 = 128
tests.test("Unsigned Literal Trap") {
let _: UInt8 = 256
tests.test("Equality") {
expectEqual(183 as UInt8, 183)
expectNotEqual(183 as UInt8, 184)
expectEqual(49 as Int8, 49)
expectNotEqual(-49 as Int8, 49)
func indexOrder<T: RandomAccessIndexType>(x: T, y: T)
-> ExpectedComparisonResult {
return x < y ? .LT : x > y ? .GT : .EQ
tests.test("Ordering") {
checkComparable([127, 183, 184, 255] as [UInt8], oracle: indexOrder)
checkComparable([-128, -1, 83, 84, 127] as [Int8], oracle: indexOrder)
checkComparable([127, 183, 184, 255, 65535] as [UInt16], oracle: indexOrder)
checkComparable([-32768, -32767, 83, 84, 32767] as [Int16], oracle: indexOrder)
tests.test("Simple-Arithmetic") {
expectEqual(1 as Int8 + 2, 3)
expectEqual(1 as Int8 - 2, -1)
expectEqual(-5 as Int8 + 11, 6)
expectEqual(3 as Int8 * 4, 12)
expectEqual(4 as Int8 * -7, -28)
expectEqual(-4 as Int8 * -7, 28)
expectEqual(5 as Int8 / 2, 2)
expectEqual(6 as Int8 / 2, 3)
expectEqual(7 as Int8 / 2, 3)
expectEqual(5 as Int8 % 3, 2)
expectEqual(6 as Int8 % 3, 0)
expectEqual(7 as Int8 % 3, 1)
tests.test("Simple-Bitwise") {
expectEqual(0b100_1001 as Int8 >> 1, 0b10_0100)
expectEqual(-0b100_1001 as Int8 >> 1, -0b10_0101)
expectEqual(0b1011_0111 as UInt8 >> 1, 0b0101_1011)
expectEqual(0b100_1001 as Int8 >> 1, 0b10_0100)
expectEqual(-0b100_1001 as Int8 >> 1, -0b10_0101)
expectEqual(0b1011_0111 as UInt8 >> 1, 0b0101_1011)
expectEqual(0b1011_0111 as UInt8 & 0b0110_1110, 0b0010_0110)
expectEqual(0b1011_0111 as UInt8 | 0b0110_1110, 0xFF)
expectEqual(0b1011_0111 as UInt8 ^ 0b0110_1110, 0b1101_1001)
tests.test("MinMax") {
expectEqual(255, UInt8.max)
expectEqual(0, UInt8.min)
expectEqual(127, Int8.max)
expectEqual(-128, Int8.min)
tests.test("CountLeadingZeros") {
expectEqual(0, UInt8.max.countLeadingZeros())
expectEqual(8, UInt8.min.countLeadingZeros())
expectEqual(1, Int8.max.countLeadingZeros())
expectEqual(0, Int8.min.countLeadingZeros())
tests.test("mostSignificantBit") {
expectEqual(7, UInt8.max.mostSignificantBit)
expectEqual(-1, UInt8.min.mostSignificantBit)
expectEqual(6, Int8.max.mostSignificantBit)
expectEqual(-1, (0 as Int8).mostSignificantBit)
expectEqual(6, Int8.min.mostSignificantBit)
tests.test("Conversion8to16") {
expectEqual(255, UInt16(UInt8.max))
expectEqual(255, Int16(UInt8.max))
expectEqual(0, UInt16(UInt8.min))
expectEqual(0, Int16(UInt8.min))
expectEqual(127, Int16(Int8.max))
let negativeValue = Int8.min
_ = UInt16(negativeValue)
tests.test("Conversion16to8") {
expectEqual(255, UInt8(255 as UInt16))
expectEqual(255, UInt8(255 as Int16))
expectEqual(0, UInt8(0 as UInt16))
expectEqual(0, UInt8(0 as Int16))
expectEqual(127, Int8(127 as UInt16))
expectEqual(127, Int8(127 as Int16))
expectEqual(-128, Int8(-128 as Int16))
let tooLarge: UInt16 = 128
_ = Int8(tooLarge)
tests.test("Conversion16to8a") {
let tooLarge: Int16 = 128
_ = Int8(tooLarge)
tests.test("Conversion16to8b") {
let tooLarge: Int16 = 256
_ = UInt8(tooLarge)
tests.test("Conversion16to8c") {
let tooLarge: UInt16 = 256
_ = UInt8(tooLarge)
tests.test("ConversionWordToDWord") {
expectEqual(1 << ${word_bits} - 1, UDWord(UWord.max))
expectEqual(1 << ${word_bits} - 1, DWord(UWord.max))
expectEqual(0, UDWord(UWord.min))
expectEqual(0, DWord(UWord.min))
expectEqual(1 << ${word_bits-1} - 1, DWord(Word.max))
let negativeValue = Word.min
_ = UDWord(negativeValue)
tests.test("ConversionDWordToWord") {
expectEqual(~0, UWord(1 << ${word_bits} - 1 as UDWord))
expectEqual(~0, UWord(1 << ${word_bits} - 1 as DWord))
expectEqual(0, UWord(0 as UDWord))
expectEqual(0, UWord(0 as DWord))
expectEqual(Word.max, Word(1 << ${word_bits-1} - 1 as UDWord))
expectEqual(Word.max, Word(1 << ${word_bits-1} - 1 as DWord))
expectEqual(Word.min, Word(-1 << ${word_bits-1} as DWord))
let tooLarge: UDWord = 1 << ${word_bits-1}
_ = Word(tooLarge)
tests.test("ConversionDWordToWordA") {
let tooLarge: DWord = 1 << ${word_bits}
_ = Word(tooLarge)
tests.test("ConversionDWordToWordB") {
let tooLarge: DWord = 1 << ${word_bits}
_ = UWord(tooLarge)
tests.test("ConversionDWordToWordC") {
let tooLarge: UDWord = 1 << ${word_bits}
_ = UWord(tooLarge)
tests.test("extendingOrTruncating") {
expectEqual(-2, Int8(extendingOrTruncating: UInt8.max - 1))
expectEqual(3, Int8(extendingOrTruncating: 3 as UInt8))
expectEqual(UInt8.max - 1, UInt8(extendingOrTruncating: -2 as Int8))
expectEqual(3, UInt8(extendingOrTruncating: 3 as Int8))
expectEqual(-2, DWord(extendingOrTruncating: UDWord.max - 1))
expectEqual(3, DWord(extendingOrTruncating: 3 as UDWord))
expectEqual(UDWord.max - 1, UDWord(extendingOrTruncating: -2 as DWord))
expectEqual(3, UDWord(extendingOrTruncating: 3 as DWord))
expectEqual(-2, Int32(extendingOrTruncating: -2 as Int8))
expectEqual(3, Int32(extendingOrTruncating: 3 as Int8))
expectEqual(127, Int32(extendingOrTruncating: 127 as UInt8))
expectEqual(129, Int32(extendingOrTruncating: 129 as UInt8))
expectEqual((1 << 31 - 1) << 1, UInt32(extendingOrTruncating: -2 as Int8))
expectEqual(3, UInt32(extendingOrTruncating: 3 as Int8))
expectEqual(128, UInt32(extendingOrTruncating: 128 as UInt8))
expectEqual(129, UInt32(extendingOrTruncating: 129 as UInt8))
expectEqual(-2, DWord(extendingOrTruncating: -2 as Int8))
expectEqual(3, DWord(extendingOrTruncating: 3 as Int8))
expectEqual(127, DWord(extendingOrTruncating: 127 as UInt8))
expectEqual(129, DWord(extendingOrTruncating: 129 as UInt8))
(1 << ${word_bits*2-1} - 1) << 1,
UDWord(extendingOrTruncating: -2 as Int8))
expectEqual(3, UDWord(extendingOrTruncating: 3 as Int8))
expectEqual(128, UDWord(extendingOrTruncating: 128 as UInt8))
expectEqual(129, UDWord(extendingOrTruncating: 129 as UInt8))
expectEqual(-2, Int8(extendingOrTruncating: -2 as DWord))
expectEqual(-2, Int8(extendingOrTruncating: -1 << 67 - 2 as DWord))
expectEqual(127, Int8(extendingOrTruncating: 127 as UDWord))
expectEqual(-127, Int8(extendingOrTruncating: 129 as UDWord))
expectEqual(0b1111_1100, UInt8(extendingOrTruncating: -4 as DWord))
expectEqual(0b1111_1100, UInt8(extendingOrTruncating: -1 << 67 - 4 as DWord))
expectEqual(128, UInt8(extendingOrTruncating: 128 + 1024 as UDWord))
expectEqual(129, UInt8(extendingOrTruncating: 129 + 1024 as UDWord))
tests.test("HeterogeneousEquality") {
expectTrue(-1 as DWord != UDWord.max)
expectTrue(DWord.max == UDWord.max / 2)
expectTrue((0 as DWord) == 0 as UDWord)
expectTrue(-1 as Int8 == -1 as DWord)
expectTrue(UInt8.max != -1 as DWord)
expectTrue(UInt8.max == 255 as DWord)
expectTrue((0 as UInt8) == 0 as DWord)
expectTrue(UInt8.max == 255 as UDWord)
expectTrue(UInt8.max != UDWord.max)
expectTrue((0 as UInt8) == (0 as UDWord))
tests.test("HeterogeneousOrdering") {
expectTrue((-1 as DWord) < UDWord.max)
expectTrue(DWord.max <= UDWord.max / 2)
expectTrue(DWord.max >= UDWord.max / 2)
expectTrue((0 as DWord) <= (0 as UDWord))
expectTrue((0 as DWord) >= (0 as UDWord))
expectTrue((-1 as Int8) <= -1 as DWord)
expectTrue((-1 as Int8) >= -1 as DWord)
expectTrue(UInt8.max > -1 as DWord)
expectTrue(UInt8.max <= 255 as DWord)
expectTrue(UInt8.max >= 255 as DWord)
expectTrue((0 as UInt8) <= (0 as DWord))
expectTrue((0 as UInt8) >= (0 as DWord))
expectTrue(UInt8.max <= 255 as UDWord)
expectTrue(UInt8.max >= 255 as UDWord)
expectTrue(UInt8.max < UDWord.max)
expectTrue((0 as UInt8) <= (0 as UDWord))
expectTrue((0 as UInt8) >= (0 as UDWord))
tests.test("SmartBitShift/Homogeneous/Left/Int16") {
let all1s = ~0 as Int16
expectEqual(all1s, all1s << (0 as Int16))
expectEqual(-2, all1s << (1 as Int16))
expectEqual(Int16.min, all1s << (15 as Int16))
expectEqual(0, all1s << (16 as Int16))
expectEqual(-1, all1s << (-1 as Int16))
expectEqual(-1, all1s << (-15 as Int16))
expectEqual(-1, all1s << (-16 as Int16))
tests.test("SmartBitShift/Unconstrained/Left/Int16") {
let all1s = ~0 as Int16
expectEqual(all1s, all1s << 0)
expectEqual(-2, all1s << 1)
expectEqual(Int16.min, all1s << 15)
expectEqual(0, all1s << 16)
expectEqual(-1, all1s << -1)
expectEqual(-1, all1s << -15)
expectEqual(-1, all1s << -16)
tests.test("SmartBitShift/Homogeneous/Left/UInt16") {
let all1s = ~0 as UInt16
expectEqual(all1s, all1s << 0)
expectEqual(0b1111_1111_1111_1110, all1s << 1)
expectEqual(UInt16.max / 2 + 1, all1s << 15)
expectEqual(0, all1s << 16)
tests.test("SmartBitShift/Heterogeneous/Left/Int16") {
let all1s = ~0 as Int16
expectEqual(all1s, all1s << (0 as Int8))
expectEqual(-2, all1s << (1 as Int32))
expectEqual(Int16.min, all1s << (15 as UInt32))
expectEqual(0, all1s << (16 as UInt8))
expectEqual(-1, all1s << (-1 as DWord))
expectEqual(-1, all1s << (-15 as Word))
expectEqual(-1, all1s << (-16 as Int32))
tests.test("SmartBitShift/Heterogeneous/Left/UInt16") {
let all1s = ~0 as UInt16
expectEqual(all1s, all1s << (0 as Int8))
expectEqual(0b1111_1111_1111_1110, all1s << (1 as Int32))
expectEqual(UInt16.max / 2 + 1, all1s << (15 as UInt32))
expectEqual(0, all1s << (16 as UInt8))
expectEqual(UInt16.max / 2, all1s << (-1 as DWord))
expectEqual(1, all1s << (-15 as Word))
expectEqual(0, all1s << (-16 as Int32))
tests.test("SmartBitShift/Unconstrained/Left/UInt16") {
let all1s = ~0 as UInt16
expectEqual(all1s, all1s << 0)
expectEqual(0b1111_1111_1111_1110, all1s << 1)
expectEqual(UInt16.max / 2 + 1, all1s << 15)
expectEqual(0, all1s << 16)
expectEqual(UInt16.max / 2, all1s << -1)
expectEqual(1, all1s << -15)
expectEqual(0, all1s << -16)
tests.test("Basics") {
expectEqual(sizeof(Word.self), sizeof(Swift.Int.self))
expectEqual(sizeof(DWord.self), 2 * sizeof(Swift.Int.self))
typealias I8 = UInt8
let b8: I8 = 0b1_0_11_0_111
expectEqual(b8, 0b1_0_11_0_111)
expectEqual(b8, 183)
expectNotEqual(b8, I8())
expectEqual(I8(), 0)
expectEqual(8, I8.bitWidth)
expectEqual(16, Int16.bitWidth)
expectEqual(32, Int32.bitWidth)
tests.test("uword") {
let x = UDWord(Word.max)
expectEqual(Word.max._lowUWord, x.uword(0))
expectEqual(0, x.uword(1))
let y = DWord(Word.min)
expectEqual(Word.min._lowUWord, y.uword(0))
expectEqual(~0, y.uword(1))
let z = UWord(~Word.min) + 1
expectEqual(Word.min._lowUWord, z.uword(0))
expectEqual(0, z.uword(1))
tests.test("Multiprecision/+/DWord") {
var x = DWord.max - 2
x += (1 as UInt8)
expectEqual(DWord.max - 1, x)
x += (-1 as Int8)
expectEqual(DWord.max - 2, x)
x = DWord.min
x += (1 as UInt8)
expectEqual(DWord.min + 1, x)
x += (-1 as Int8)
expectEqual(DWord.min, x)
x = DWord(UWord.max)
x += (1 as Int8)
expectEqual(DWord(UWord.max) + 1, x)
x += (-1 as Int8)
expectEqual(DWord(UWord.max), x)
x += (1 as UDWord)
expectEqual(DWord(UWord.max) + 1, x)
x = DWord(Word.max)
var overflow: ArithmeticOverflow
overflow = x.addInPlace(Word.min)
expectEqual(.None, overflow)
expectEqual(-1, x)
overflow = x.addInPlace(DWord.min)
expectEqual(.Overflow, overflow)
expectEqual(DWord.max, x)
overflow = x.addInPlace(1 as Word)
expectEqual(.Overflow, overflow)
expectEqual(DWord.min, x)
x = 1
overflow = x.addInPlace(DWord.max)
expectEqual(.Overflow, overflow)
expectEqual(DWord.min, x)
tests.test("Multiprecision/+/UDWord") {
var x = UDWord.max - 2
x += (1 as UInt8)
expectEqual(UDWord.max - 1, x)
x += (-1 as Int8)
expectEqual(UDWord.max - 2, x)
x = UDWord.min
x += (1 as UInt8)
expectEqual(1, x)
x += (-1 as Int8)
expectEqual(UDWord.min, x)
x = UDWord(UWord.max)
x += (1 as Int8)
expectEqual(UDWord(UWord.max) + 1, x)
x += (-1 as Int8)
expectEqual(UDWord(UWord.max), x)
x += (1 as DWord)
expectEqual(UDWord(UWord.max) + 1, x)
x += (-1 as DWord)
expectEqual(UDWord(UWord.max), x)
x = UDWord(Word.max)
var overflow: ArithmeticOverflow
overflow = x.addInPlace(Word.min)
expectEqual(.Overflow, overflow)
expectEqual(UDWord.max, x)
overflow = x.addInPlace(DWord.min)
expectEqual(.None, overflow)
overflow = x.addInPlace(DWord.min)
expectEqual(.Overflow, overflow)
expectEqual(UDWord.max, x)
overflow = x.addInPlace(1 as Int8)
expectEqual(.Overflow, overflow)
expectEqual(0, x)
x = 1
overflow = x.addInPlace(UDWord.max)
expectEqual(.Overflow, overflow)
expectEqual(0, x)
tests.test("Multiprecision/-/DWord") {
var x = DWord.max - 2
x -= (-1 as Int8)
expectEqual(DWord.max - 1, x)
x -= (1 as Int8)
expectEqual(DWord.max - 2, x)
x = DWord.min
x -= (-1 as Int8)
expectEqual(DWord.min + 1, x)
x -= (1 as Int8)
expectEqual(DWord.min, x)
x = DWord(UWord.max)
x -= (-1 as Int8)
expectEqual(DWord(UWord.max) + 1, x)
x -= (1 as Int8)
expectEqual(DWord(UWord.max), x)
x -= (-1 as DWord)
expectEqual(DWord(UWord.max) + 1, x)
x = DWord(Word.max)
var overflow: ArithmeticOverflow
overflow = x.subtractInPlace(UWord(~Word.min) + 1)
expectEqual(.None, overflow)
expectEqual(-1, x)
overflow = x.subtractInPlace(UDWord(~DWord.min) + 1)
expectEqual(.Overflow, overflow)
expectEqual(DWord.max, x)
overflow = x.subtractInPlace(-1 as Word)
expectEqual(.Overflow, overflow)
expectEqual(DWord.min, x)
x = 1
overflow = x.subtractInPlace(DWord.min + 1)
expectEqual(.Overflow, overflow)
expectEqual(DWord.min, x)
tests.test("Multiprecision/-/UDWord") {
var x = UDWord.max - 2
x -= (-1 as Int8)
expectEqual(UDWord.max - 1, x)
x -= (1 as UInt8)
expectEqual(UDWord.max - 2, x)
x = UDWord.min
x -= (-1 as Int8)
expectEqual(1, x)
x -= (1 as Int8)
expectEqual(UDWord.min, x)
x = UDWord(UWord.max)
x -= (-1 as Int8)
expectEqual(UDWord(UWord.max) + 1, x)
x -= (1 as Int8)
expectEqual(UDWord(UWord.max), x)
x -= (-1 as DWord)
expectEqual(UDWord(UWord.max) + 1, x)
x -= (1 as DWord)
expectEqual(UDWord(UWord.max), x)
x = UDWord(Word.max)
var overflow: ArithmeticOverflow
overflow = x.subtractInPlace(UWord(~Word.min) + 1)
expectEqual(.Overflow, overflow)
expectEqual(UDWord.max, x)
overflow = x.subtractInPlace(UDWord(DWord.max) + 1)
expectEqual(.None, overflow)
overflow = x.subtractInPlace(UDWord(DWord.max) + 1)
expectEqual(.Overflow, overflow)
expectEqual(UDWord.max, x)
overflow = x.subtractInPlace(DWord.max)
expectEqual(.None, overflow)
overflow = x.subtractInPlace(DWord.max)
expectEqual(.None, overflow)
expectEqual(1, x)
overflow = x.subtractInPlace(2 as UDWord)
expectEqual(.Overflow, overflow)
expectEqual(UDWord.max, x)
overflow = x.subtractInPlace(-1 as Int8)
expectEqual(.Overflow, overflow)
expectEqual(0, x)
x = 1
overflow = x.subtractInPlace(UDWord.max)
expectEqual(.Overflow, overflow)
expectEqual(2, x)
tests.test("Multiprecision/+/Int16") {
var x = Int16.max - 2
x += (1 as UDWord)
expectEqual(Int16.max - 1, x)
x += (-1 as DWord)
expectEqual(Int16.max - 2, x)
x = Int16.min
x += (1 as UDWord)
expectEqual(Int16.min + 1, x)
x += (-1 as DWord)
expectEqual(Int16.min, x)
tests.test("Multiprecision/Overflow/+/Int16") {
var x = Int16.max - 1
x += 1 as UInt16
x += 1 as UInt16
tests.test("Multiprecision/Underflow/+/Int16") {
var x = Int16.min + 1
x += -1 as Int32
x += -1 as Int32
tests.test("Multiprecision/Overflow/+/UInt16") {
var x = UInt16.max - 1
x += 1 as Int16
x += 1 as Int16
tests.test("Multiprecision/Underflow/+/UInt16") {
var x = UInt16.min + 1
x += -1 as DWord
x += -1 as DWord
tests.test("Multiprecision/Overflow/+/Word") {
var x = Word.max - 1
x += 1 as UWord
x += 1 as UWord
tests.test("Multiprecision/Underflow/+/Word") {
var x = Word.min + 1
x += -1 as Int32
x += -1 as Int32
tests.test("Multiprecision/Overflow/+/UWord") {
var x = UWord.max - 1
x += 1 as Word
x += 1 as Word
tests.test("Multiprecision/Underflow/+/UWord") {
var x = UWord.min + 1
x += -1 as DWord
x += -1 as DWord
tests.test("Multiprecision/Overflow/+/DWord") {
var x = DWord.max - 1
x += 1 as UWord
x += 1 as UWord
tests.test("Multiprecision/Underflow/+/DWord") {
var x = DWord.min + 1
x += -1 as Int32
x += -1 as Int32
tests.test("Multiprecision/Overflow/+/UDWord") {
var x = UDWord.max - 1
x += 1 as Word
x += 1 as Word
tests.test("Multiprecision/Underflow/+/UDWord") {
var x = UDWord.min + 1
x += -1 as DWord
x += -1 as DWord