blob: 674de29063c085fa71e2518ad9906b7628b07eff [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- DriverUtils.swift ------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import Darwin
struct BenchResults {
var delim: String = ","
var sampleCount: UInt64 = 0
var min: UInt64 = 0
var max: UInt64 = 0
var mean: UInt64 = 0
var sd: UInt64 = 0
var median: UInt64 = 0
init() {}
init(delim: String, sampleCount: UInt64, min: UInt64, max: UInt64, mean: UInt64, sd: UInt64, median: UInt64) {
self.delim = delim
self.sampleCount = sampleCount
self.min = min
self.max = max
self.mean = mean = sd
self.median = median
// Sanity the bounds of our results
precondition(self.min <= self.max, "min should always be <= max")
precondition(self.min <= self.mean, "min should always be <= mean")
precondition(self.min <= self.median, "min should always be <= median")
precondition(self.max >= self.mean, "max should always be >= mean")
precondition(self.max >= self.median, "max should always be >= median")
extension BenchResults : CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
return "\(sampleCount)\(delim)\(min)\(delim)\(max)\(delim)\(mean)\(delim)\(sd)\(delim)\(median)"
struct Test {
let name: String
let index: Int
let f: (Int) -> ()
var run: Bool
init(name: String, n: Int, f: @escaping (Int) -> ()) { = name
self.index = n
self.f = f
run = true
public var precommitTests: [String : (Int) -> ()] = [:]
public var otherTests: [String : (Int) -> ()] = [:]
enum TestAction {
case Run
case ListTests
case Fail(String)
struct TestConfig {
/// The delimiter to use when printing output.
var delim: String = ","
/// The filters applied to our test names.
var filters = [String]()
/// The scalar multiple of the amount of times a test should be run. This
/// enables one to cause tests to run for N iterations longer than they
/// normally would. This is useful when one wishes for a test to run for a
/// longer amount of time to perform performance analysis on the test in
/// instruments.
var iterationScale: Int = 1
/// If we are asked to have a fixed number of iterations, the number of fixed
/// iterations.
var fixedNumIters: UInt = 0
/// The number of samples we should take of each test.
var numSamples: Int = 1
/// Is verbose output enabled?
var verbose: Bool = false
/// Should we only run the "pre-commit" tests?
var onlyPrecommit: Bool = true
/// After we run the tests, should the harness sleep to allow for utilities
/// like leaks that require a PID to run on the test harness.
var afterRunSleep: Int? = nil
/// The list of tests to run.
var tests = [Test]()
mutating func processArguments() -> TestAction {
let validOptions = [
"--iter-scale", "--num-samples", "--num-iters",
"--verbose", "--delim", "--run-all", "--list", "--sleep"
let maybeBenchArgs: Arguments? = parseArgs(validOptions)
if maybeBenchArgs == nil {
return .Fail("Failed to parse arguments")
let benchArgs = maybeBenchArgs!
if let _ = benchArgs.optionalArgsMap["--list"] {
return .ListTests
if let x = benchArgs.optionalArgsMap["--iter-scale"] {
if x.isEmpty { return .Fail("--iter-scale requires a value") }
iterationScale = Int(x)!
if let x = benchArgs.optionalArgsMap["--num-iters"] {
if x.isEmpty { return .Fail("--num-iters requires a value") }
fixedNumIters = numericCast(Int(x)!)
if let x = benchArgs.optionalArgsMap["--num-samples"] {
if x.isEmpty { return .Fail("--num-samples requires a value") }
numSamples = Int(x)!
if let _ = benchArgs.optionalArgsMap["--verbose"] {
verbose = true
if let x = benchArgs.optionalArgsMap["--delim"] {
if x.isEmpty { return .Fail("--delim requires a value") }
delim = x
if let _ = benchArgs.optionalArgsMap["--run-all"] {
onlyPrecommit = false
if let x = benchArgs.optionalArgsMap["--sleep"] {
if x.isEmpty {
return .Fail("--sleep requires a non-empty integer value")
let v: Int? = Int(x)
if v == nil {
return .Fail("--sleep requires a non-empty integer value")
afterRunSleep = v!
filters = benchArgs.positionalArgs
return .Run
mutating func findTestsToRun() {
var i = 1
for benchName in precommitTests.keys.sorted() {
tests.append(Test(name: benchName, n: i, f: precommitTests[benchName]!))
i += 1
for benchName in otherTests.keys.sorted() {
tests.append(Test(name: benchName, n: i, f: otherTests[benchName]!))
i += 1
for i in 0..<tests.count {
if onlyPrecommit && precommitTests[tests[i].name] == nil {
tests[i].run = false
if !filters.isEmpty &&
!filters.contains(String(tests[i].index)) &&
!filters.contains(tests[i].name) {
tests[i].run = false
func internalMeanSD(_ inputs: [UInt64]) -> (UInt64, UInt64) {
// If we are empty, return 0, 0.
if inputs.isEmpty {
return (0, 0)
// If we have one element, return elt, 0.
if inputs.count == 1 {
return (inputs[0], 0)
// Ok, we have 2 elements.
var sum1: UInt64 = 0
var sum2: UInt64 = 0
for i in inputs {
sum1 += i
let mean: UInt64 = sum1 / UInt64(inputs.count)
for i in inputs {
sum2 = sum2 &+ UInt64((Int64(i) &- Int64(mean))&*(Int64(i) &- Int64(mean)))
return (mean, UInt64(sqrt(Double(sum2)/(Double(inputs.count) - 1))))
func internalMedian(_ inputs: [UInt64]) -> UInt64 {
return inputs.sorted()[inputs.count / 2]
func startTrackingObjects(_: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) -> ()
func stopTrackingObjects(_: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) -> Int
class SampleRunner {
var info = mach_timebase_info_data_t(numer: 0, denom: 0)
init() {
func run(_ name: String, fn: (Int) -> Void, num_iters: UInt) -> UInt64 {
// Start the timer.
var str = name
let start_ticks = mach_absolute_time()
// Stop the timer.
let end_ticks = mach_absolute_time()
// Compute the spent time and the scaling factor.
let elapsed_ticks = end_ticks - start_ticks
return elapsed_ticks * UInt64(info.numer) / UInt64(info.denom)
/// Invoke the benchmark entry point and return the run time in milliseconds.
func runBench(_ name: String, _ fn: (Int) -> Void, _ c: TestConfig) -> BenchResults {
var samples = [UInt64](repeating: 0, count: c.numSamples)
if c.verbose {
print("Running \(name) for \(c.numSamples) samples.")
let sampler = SampleRunner()
for s in 0..<c.numSamples {
let time_per_sample: UInt64 = 1_000_000_000 * UInt64(c.iterationScale)
var scale : UInt
var elapsed_time : UInt64 = 0
if c.fixedNumIters == 0 {
elapsed_time =, fn: fn, num_iters: 1)
scale = UInt(time_per_sample / elapsed_time)
} else {
// Compute the scaling factor if a fixed c.fixedNumIters is not specified.
scale = c.fixedNumIters
// Rerun the test with the computed scale factor.
if scale > 1 {
if c.verbose {
print(" Measuring with scale \(scale).")
elapsed_time =, fn: fn, num_iters: scale)
} else {
scale = 1
// save result in microseconds or k-ticks
samples[s] = elapsed_time / UInt64(scale) / 1000
if c.verbose {
print(" Sample \(s),\(samples[s])")
let (mean, sd) = internalMeanSD(samples)
// Return our benchmark results.
return BenchResults(delim: c.delim, sampleCount: UInt64(samples.count),
min: samples.min()!, max: samples.max()!,
mean: mean, sd: sd, median: internalMedian(samples))
func printRunInfo(_ c: TestConfig) {
if c.verbose {
print("--- CONFIG ---")
print("NumSamples: \(c.numSamples)")
print("Verbose: \(c.verbose)")
print("IterScale: \(c.iterationScale)")
if c.fixedNumIters != 0 {
print("FixedIters: \(c.fixedNumIters)")
print("Tests Filter: \(c.filters)")
print("Tests to run: ", terminator: "")
for t in c.tests {
if {
print("\(, ", terminator: "")
print("--- DATA ---")
func runBenchmarks(_ c: TestConfig) {
let units = "us"
var SumBenchResults = BenchResults()
SumBenchResults.sampleCount = 0
for t in c.tests {
if ! {
let BenchIndex = t.index
let BenchName =
let BenchFunc = t.f
let results = runBench(BenchName, BenchFunc, c)
SumBenchResults.min += results.min
SumBenchResults.max += results.max
SumBenchResults.mean += results.mean
SumBenchResults.sampleCount += 1
// Don't accumulate SD and Median, as simple sum isn't valid for them.
// TODO: Compute SD and Median for total results as well.
// +=
// SumBenchResults.median += results.median
public func main() {
var config = TestConfig()
switch (config.processArguments()) {
case let .Fail(msg):
// We do this since we need an autoclosure...
case .ListTests:
print("Enabled Tests:")
for t in config.tests {
print(" \(")
case .Run:
if let x = config.afterRunSleep {