blob: af05f05740978db7e98450658309a15be0f6e88b [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ObjectiveCBridging.swift -----------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import TestsUtils
import Foundation
public func forcedCast<NS, T>(_ ns: NS) -> T {
return ns as! T
public func conditionalCast<NS, T>(_ ns: NS) -> T? {
return ns as? T
// === String === //
func createNSString() -> NSString {
return NSString(cString: "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer", encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
func testObjectiveCBridgeFromNSString() {
let nsString = createNSString()
var s: String?
for _ in 0 ..< 10_000 {
// Call _conditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC.
let n : String? = conditionalCast(nsString)
if n != nil {
s = n!
CheckResults(s != nil && s == "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer", "Expected results did not match")
public func run_ObjectiveCBridgeFromNSString(_ N: Int) {
for _ in 0 ..< N {
func testObjectiveCBridgeFromNSStringForced() {
let nsString = createNSString()
var s: String?
for _ in 0 ..< 10_000 {
// Call _forceBridgeFromObjectiveC
s = forcedCast(nsString)
CheckResults(s != nil && s == "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer", "Expected results did not match")
public func run_ObjectiveCBridgeFromNSStringForced(_ N: Int) {
for _ in 0 ..< N {
func testObjectiveCBridgeToNSString() {
let nativeString = "Native"
var s: NSString?
for _ in 0 ..< 10_000 {
// Call _BridgedToObjectiveC
s = nativeString as NSString
CheckResults(s != nil && s == "Native", "Expected results did not match")
public func run_ObjectiveCBridgeToNSString(_ N: Int) {
for _ in 0 ..< N {
// === Array === //
func createNSArray() -> NSArray {
let nsMutableArray = NSMutableArray()
let nsString = NSString(cString: "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer", encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
return nsMutableArray.copy() as! NSArray
func testObjectiveCBridgeFromNSArrayAnyObject() {
let nsArray = createNSArray()
var nativeString : String?
for _ in 0 ..< 10_000 {
if let nativeArray : [NSString] = conditionalCast(nsArray) {
nativeString = forcedCast(nativeArray[0])
CheckResults(nativeString != nil && nativeString! == "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer", "Expected results did not match")
public func run_ObjectiveCBridgeFromNSArrayAnyObject(_ N: Int) {
for _ in 0 ..< N {
func testObjectiveCBridgeFromNSArrayAnyObjectForced() {
let nsArray = createNSArray()
var nativeString : String?
for _ in 0 ..< 10_000 {
let nativeArray : [NSString] = forcedCast(nsArray)
nativeString = forcedCast(nativeArray[0])
CheckResults(nativeString != nil && nativeString! == "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer", "Expected results did not match")
public func run_ObjectiveCBridgeFromNSArrayAnyObjectForced(_ N: Int) {
for _ in 0 ..< N {
func testObjectiveCBridgeToNSArray() {
let nativeArray = ["abcde", "abcde", "abcde", "abcde", "abcde",
"abcde", "abcde", "abcde", "abcde", "abcde"]
var nsString : Any?
for _ in 0 ..< 10_000 {
let nsArray = nativeArray as NSArray
nsString = nsArray.object(at: 0)
CheckResults(nsString != nil && (nsString! as! NSString).isEqual("abcde"), "Expected results did not match")
public func run_ObjectiveCBridgeToNSArray(_ N: Int) {
for _ in 0 ..< N {
func testObjectiveCBridgeFromNSArrayAnyObjectToString() {
let nsArray = createNSArray()
var nativeString : String?
for _ in 0 ..< 10_000 {
if let nativeArray : [String] = conditionalCast(nsArray) {
nativeString = nativeArray[0]
CheckResults(nativeString != nil && nativeString == "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer", "Expected results did not match")
public func run_ObjectiveCBridgeFromNSArrayAnyObjectToString(_ N: Int) {
for _ in 0 ..< N {
func testObjectiveCBridgeFromNSArrayAnyObjectToStringForced() {
let nsArray = createNSArray()
var nativeString : String?
for _ in 0 ..< 10_000 {
let nativeArray : [String] = forcedCast(nsArray)
nativeString = nativeArray[0]
CheckResults(nativeString != nil && nativeString == "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer", "Expected results did not match")
public func run_ObjectiveCBridgeFromNSArrayAnyObjectToStringForced(_ N: Int) {
for _ in 0 ..< N {
// === Dictionary === //
func createNSDictionary() -> NSDictionary {
let nsMutableDictionary = NSMutableDictionary()
let nsString = NSString(cString: "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer", encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
let nsString2 = NSString(cString: "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer 2", encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
let nsString3 = NSString(cString: "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer 3", encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
let nsString4 = NSString(cString: "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer 4", encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
let nsString5 = NSString(cString: "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer 5", encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
let nsString6 = NSString(cString: "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer 6", encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
let nsString7 = NSString(cString: "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer 7", encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
let nsString8 = NSString(cString: "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer 8", encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
let nsString9 = NSString(cString: "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer 9", encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
let nsString10 = NSString(cString: "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer 10", encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
nsMutableDictionary.setObject(1, forKey: nsString)
nsMutableDictionary.setObject(2, forKey: nsString2)
nsMutableDictionary.setObject(3, forKey: nsString3)
nsMutableDictionary.setObject(4, forKey: nsString4)
nsMutableDictionary.setObject(5, forKey: nsString5)
nsMutableDictionary.setObject(6, forKey: nsString6)
nsMutableDictionary.setObject(7, forKey: nsString7)
nsMutableDictionary.setObject(8, forKey: nsString8)
nsMutableDictionary.setObject(9, forKey: nsString9)
nsMutableDictionary.setObject(10, forKey: nsString10)
return nsMutableDictionary.copy() as! NSDictionary
func testObjectiveCBridgeFromNSDictionaryAnyObject() {
let nsDictionary = createNSDictionary()
let nsString = NSString(cString: "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer", encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
var nativeInt : Int?
for _ in 0 ..< 10_000 {
if let nativeDictionary : [NSString : NSNumber] = conditionalCast(nsDictionary) {
nativeInt = forcedCast(nativeDictionary[nsString])
CheckResults(nativeInt != nil && nativeInt == 1, "Expected results did not match")
public func run_ObjectiveCBridgeFromNSDictionaryAnyObject(_ N: Int) {
for _ in 0 ..< N {
func testObjectiveCBridgeFromNSDictionaryAnyObjectForced() {
let nsDictionary = createNSDictionary()
let nsString = NSString(cString: "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer", encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
var nativeInt : Int?
for _ in 0 ..< 10_000 {
if let nativeDictionary : [NSString : NSNumber] = forcedCast(nsDictionary) {
nativeInt = forcedCast(nativeDictionary[nsString])
CheckResults(nativeInt != nil && nativeInt == 1, "Expected results did not match")
public func run_ObjectiveCBridgeFromNSDictionaryAnyObjectForced(_ N: Int) {
for _ in 0 ..< N {
func testObjectiveCBridgeToNSDictionary() {
let nativeDictionary = ["abcde1": 1, "abcde2": 2, "abcde3": 3, "abcde4": 4,
"abcde5": 5, "abcde6": 6, "abcde7": 7, "abcde8": 8, "abcde9": 9,
"abcde10": 10]
let key = "abcde1" as NSString
var nsNumber : Any?
for _ in 0 ..< 10_000 {
let nsDict = nativeDictionary as NSDictionary
nsNumber = nsDict.object(forKey: key)
CheckResults(nsNumber != nil && (nsNumber as! Int) == 1, "Expected results did not match")
public func run_ObjectiveCBridgeToNSDictionary(_ N: Int) {
for _ in 0 ..< N {
func testObjectiveCBridgeFromNSDictionaryAnyObjectToString() {
let nsDictionary = createNSDictionary()
let nsString = NSString(cString: "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer", encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
let nativeString = nsString as String
var nativeInt : Int?
for _ in 0 ..< 10_000 {
if let nativeDictionary : [String : Int] = conditionalCast(nsDictionary) {
nativeInt = nativeDictionary[nativeString]
CheckResults(nativeInt != nil && nativeInt == 1, "Expected results did not match")
public func run_ObjectiveCBridgeFromNSDictionaryAnyObjectToString(_ N: Int) {
for _ in 0 ..< N {
func testObjectiveCBridgeFromNSDictionaryAnyObjectToStringForced() {
let nsDictionary = createNSDictionary()
let nsString = NSString(cString: "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer", encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
let nativeString = nsString as String
var nativeInt : Int?
for _ in 0 ..< 10_000 {
if let nativeDictionary : [String : Int] = forcedCast(nsDictionary) {
nativeInt = nativeDictionary[nativeString]
CheckResults(nativeInt != nil && nativeInt == 1, "Expected results did not match")
public func run_ObjectiveCBridgeFromNSDictionaryAnyObjectToStringForced(_ N: Int) {
for _ in 0 ..< N {
// === Set === //
func createNSSet() -> NSSet {
let nsMutableSet = NSMutableSet()
let nsString = NSString(cString: "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer", encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
let nsString2 = NSString(cString: "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer 2", encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
let nsString3 = NSString(cString: "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer 3", encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
let nsString4 = NSString(cString: "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer 4", encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
let nsString5 = NSString(cString: "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer 5", encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
let nsString6 = NSString(cString: "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer 6", encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
let nsString7 = NSString(cString: "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer 7", encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
let nsString8 = NSString(cString: "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer 8", encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
let nsString9 = NSString(cString: "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer 9", encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
let nsString10 = NSString(cString: "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer 10", encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
return nsMutableSet.copy() as! NSSet
func testObjectiveCBridgeFromNSSetAnyObject() {
let nsSet = createNSSet()
let nsString = NSString(cString: "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer", encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
var result : Bool?
for _ in 0 ..< 10_000 {
if let nativeSet : Set<NSString> = conditionalCast(nsSet) {
result = nativeSet.contains(nsString)
CheckResults(result != nil && result!, "Expected results did not match")
public func run_ObjectiveCBridgeFromNSSetAnyObject(_ N: Int) {
for _ in 0 ..< N {
func testObjectiveCBridgeFromNSSetAnyObjectForced() {
let nsSet = createNSSet()
let nsString = NSString(cString: "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer", encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
var result : Bool?
for _ in 0 ..< 10_000 {
if let nativeSet : Set<NSString> = forcedCast(nsSet) {
result = nativeSet.contains(nsString)
CheckResults(result != nil && result!, "Expected results did not match")
public func run_ObjectiveCBridgeFromNSSetAnyObjectForced(_ N: Int) {
for _ in 0 ..< N {
func testObjectiveCBridgeToNSSet() {
let nativeSet = Set<String>(["abcde1", "abcde2", "abcde3", "abcde4", "abcde5",
"abcde6", "abcde7", "abcde8", "abcde9", "abcde10"])
let key = "abcde1" as NSString
var nsString : Any?
for _ in 0 ..< 10_000 {
let nsDict = nativeSet as NSSet
nsString = nsDict.member(key)
CheckResults(nsString != nil && (nsString as! String) == "abcde1", "Expected results did not match")
public func run_ObjectiveCBridgeToNSSet(_ N: Int) {
for _ in 0 ..< N {
func testObjectiveCBridgeFromNSSetAnyObjectToString() {
let nsString = NSString(cString: "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer", encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
let nativeString = nsString as String
let nsSet = createNSSet()
var result : Bool?
for _ in 0 ..< 10_000 {
if let nativeSet : Set<String> = conditionalCast(nsSet) {
result = nativeSet.contains(nativeString)
CheckResults(result != nil && result!, "Expected results did not match")
public func run_ObjectiveCBridgeFromNSSetAnyObjectToString(_ N: Int) {
for _ in 0 ..< N {
func testObjectiveCBridgeFromNSSetAnyObjectToStringForced() {
let nsSet = createNSSet()
let nsString = NSString(cString: "NSString that does not fit in tagged pointer", encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
let nativeString = nsString as String
var result : Bool?
for _ in 0 ..< 10_000 {
if let nativeSet : Set<String> = forcedCast(nsSet) {
result = nativeSet.contains(nativeString)
CheckResults(result != nil && result!, "Expected results did not match")
public func run_ObjectiveCBridgeFromNSSetAnyObjectToStringForced(_ N: Int) {
for _ in 0 ..< N {