blob: 760bb2a66079a5066db0077e6bd380713aef6d2c [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend %S/../Inputs/resilient_struct.swift -enable-resilience -emit-module -emit-module-path %t/resilient_struct.swiftmodule
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend %S/../Inputs/resilient_enum.swift -I %t -enable-resilience -emit-module -emit-module-path %t/resilient_enum.swiftmodule
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend %s -sil-verify-all -enable-sil-ownership -emit-sil -I %t -o - | %FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK --check-prefix=%target-os
import resilient_struct
import resilient_enum
func use_closure(_ c : () -> () ) {
func use_closureGeneric<T>(_ c : () -> T ) {
_ = c()
public class C {
func doIt() {}
func returnInt() -> Int { return 0 }
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @$s22closure_lifetime_fixup10testSimple1cyAA1CC_tF : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed C) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0([[ARG:%.*]] : $C):
// CHECK: [[F:%.*]] = function_ref @$s22closure_lifetime_fixup10testSimple1cyAA1CC_tFyyXEfU_
// CHECK-NEXT: strong_retain [[ARG]] : $C
// CHECK-NEXT: [[PA:%.*]] = partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack] [[F]]([[ARG]]) : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed C) -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: [[CL:%.*]] = mark_dependence [[PA]] : $@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> () on [[ARG]] : $C
// CHECK-NEXT: // function_ref use_closure(_:)
// CHECK-NEXT: [[F2:%.*]] = function_ref @$s22closure_lifetime_fixup04use_A0yyyyXEF : $@convention(thin) (@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> ()) -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: apply [[F2]]([[CL]]) : $@convention(thin) (@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> ()) -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_stack [[PA]] : $@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: strong_release [[ARG]] : $C
// CHECK-NEXT: tuple ()
// CHECK-NEXT: return {{.*}} : $()
public func testSimple(c: C) {
use_closure { c.doIt() }
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @$s22closure_lifetime_fixup11testGeneric1cyAA1CC_tF : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed C) -> () {
// CHECK:bb0([[ARG:%.*]] : $C):
// CHECK: [[F:%.*]] = function_ref @$s22closure_lifetime_fixup11testGeneric1cyAA1CC_tFSiyXEfU_ : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed C) -> Int
// CHECK-NEXT: strong_retain [[ARG]] : $C
// CHECK-NEXT: [[PA:%.*]] = partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack] [[F]]([[ARG]]) : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed C) -> Int
// CHECK-NEXT: [[MD:%.*]] = mark_dependence [[PA]] : $@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> Int on [[ARG]] : $C
// CHECK-NEXT: // function_ref thunk for @callee_guaranteed () -> (@unowned Int)
// CHECK-NEXT: [[F:%.*]] = function_ref @$sSiIgd_SiIegr_TR : $@convention(thin) (@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> Int) -> @out Int
// CHECK-NEXT: [[PA2:%.*]] = partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack] [[F]]([[MD]]) : $@convention(thin) (@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> Int) -> @out Int
// CHECK-NEXT: // function_ref use_closureGeneric<A>(_:)
// CHECK-NEXT: [[F2:%.*]] = function_ref @$s22closure_lifetime_fixup04use_A7GenericyyxyXElF : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> @out τ_0_0) -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: apply [[F2]]<Int>([[PA2]]) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> @out τ_0_0) -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_stack [[PA2]]
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_stack [[PA]]
// CHECK-NEXT: strong_release [[ARG]]
// CHECK-NEXT: tuple ()
// CHECK-NEXT: return {{.*}} : $()
public func testGeneric(c: C) {
use_closureGeneric { return c.returnInt() }
public protocol P {
associatedtype Element
subscript<U>(a: (Element) -> U, b: (U) -> Element) -> U { get set }
// Make sure we keep the closure alive up until after the write back.
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @$s22closure_lifetime_fixup10testModify1pyxz_tAA1PRzSS7ElementRtzlF : $@convention(thin) <T where T : P, T.Element == String> (@inout T) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0
// CHECK: [[PA1:%.*]] = partial_apply [callee_guaranteed]
// CHECK: [[ENUM1:%.*]] = enum $Optional<@callee_guaranteed (@in_guaranteed String) -> @out Int>, #Optional.some!enumelt.1, [[PA1]]
// CHECK: [[CVT1:%.*]] = convert_escape_to_noescape [[PA1]]
// CHECK: [[PA2:%.*]] = partial_apply [callee_guaranteed]
// CHECK: [[ENUM2:%.*]] = enum $Optional<@callee_guaranteed (@in_guaranteed Int) -> @out String>, #Optional.some!enumelt.1, [[PA2]]
// CHECK: [[CVT2:%.*]] = convert_escape_to_noescape [[PA2]]
// CHECK: [[W:%.*]] = witness_method $T, #P.subscript!modify.1
// CHECK: ([[BUFFER:%.*]], [[TOKEN:%.*]]) = begin_apply [[W]]<T, Int>([[CVT1]], [[CVT2]], {{.*}})
// CHECK: end_apply [[TOKEN]]
// CHECK: release_value [[ENUM1]]
// CHECK: release_value [[ENUM2]]
public func testModify<T : P>(p: inout T) where T.Element == String {
p[{Int($0)!}, {String($0)}] += 1
public func dontCrash<In, Out>(test: Bool, body: @escaping ((In) -> Out, In) -> Out ) -> (In) -> Out {
var result: ((In) -> Out)!
result = { (x: In) in
if test {
return body(result, x)
let r = body(result, x)
return r
return result
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @$s22closure_lifetime_fixup28to_stack_of_convert_function1pySvSg_tF
// CHECK: [[PA:%.*]] = partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: [[MD:%.*]] = mark_dependence [[PA]]
// CHECK: [[CVT:%.*]] = convert_function [[MD]]
// CHECK: [[REABSTRACT:%.*]] = function_ref @$sSvSSs5Error_pIgyozo_SvSSsAA_pIegnrzo_TR
// CHECK: [[PA2:%.*]] = partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack] [[REABSTRACT]]([[CVT]])
// CHECK: [[MAP:%.*]] = function_ref @$sSq3mapyqd__Sgqd__xKXEKlF
// CHECK: try_apply [[MAP]]<UnsafeMutableRawPointer, String>({{.*}}, [[PA2]], {{.*}})
public func to_stack_of_convert_function(p: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) {
_ =
public func no_dealloc_stack_before_unreachable(_ message: String, fileName: StaticString = #file, lineNumber: Int = #line) -> Never {
Swift.fatalError(message, file: fileName, line: UInt(lineNumber))
// Make sure closures are allocated on the stack.
func useClosure(_ c: () -> ()) {
func useClosureThrowing(_ c: () throws -> ()) throws {
func useGenericClosure<T, V>(_ c : (T) -> V) {
func useGenericClosureThrowing<T, V>(_ c: (T) throws -> V) throws {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @$s22closure_lifetime_fixup12captureClass1c1dyAA1CC_AFtKF
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: function_ref @$s22closure_lifetime_fixup10useClosureyyyyXEF
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: function_ref @$s22closure_lifetime_fixup18useClosureThrowingyyyyKXEKF
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: function_ref @$sIg_ytytIegnr_TR
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: function_ref @$s22closure_lifetime_fixup17useGenericClosureyyq_xXEr0_lF
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: function_ref @$ss5Error_pIgzo_ytytsAA_pIegnrzo_TR
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: function_ref @$s22closure_lifetime_fixup25useGenericClosureThrowingyyq_xKXEKr0_l
public func captureClass(c: C, d: C) throws {
useClosure {
try useClosureThrowing {
useGenericClosure {
try useGenericClosureThrowing {
public protocol DoIt {
func doIt()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @$s22closure_lifetime_fixup14captureGeneric1c1dyx_q_tKAA4DoItRzAaER_r0_lF
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: function_ref @$s22closure_lifetime_fixup10useClosureyyyyXEF
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: function_ref @$s22closure_lifetime_fixup18useClosureThrowingyyyyKXEKF
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: function_ref @$sIg_ytytIegnr_TR
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: function_ref @$s22closure_lifetime_fixup17useGenericClosureyyq_xXEr0_lF
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: function_ref @$ss5Error_pIgzo_ytytsAA_pIegnrzo_TR
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: function_ref @$s22closure_lifetime_fixup25useGenericClosureThrowingyyq_xKXEKr0_lF
public func captureGeneric<C :DoIt,D: DoIt>(c: C, d: D) throws {
useClosure {
try useClosureThrowing {
useGenericClosure {
try useGenericClosureThrowing {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @$s22closure_lifetime_fixup14captureClosure1c1d1tyq_xXE_q_xXExtKr0_lF
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: function_ref @$s22closure_lifetime_fixup10useClosureyyyyXEF
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: function_ref @$s22closure_lifetime_fixup18useClosureThrowingyyyyKXEKF
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: function_ref @$sIg_ytytIegnr_TR
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: function_ref @$s22closure_lifetime_fixup17useGenericClosureyyq_xXEr0_lF
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: function_ref @$ss5Error_pIgzo_ytytsAA_pIegnrzo_TR
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: function_ref @$s22closure_lifetime_fixup25useGenericClosureThrowingyyq_xKXEKr0_lF
public func captureClosure<T, V>(c : (T) ->V, d: (T) -> V, t: T) throws {
useClosure {
try useClosureThrowing {
useGenericClosure {
try useGenericClosureThrowing {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @$s22closure_lifetime_fixup16captureResilient
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: apply
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: try_apply
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: apply
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: try_apply
public func captureResilient(c: Size) throws {
useClosure {
try useClosureThrowing {
useGenericClosure {
try useGenericClosureThrowing {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @$s22closure_lifetime_fixup10capturePOD1cy16resilient_struct5PointV_tKF
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: apply
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: try_apply
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: apply
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: try_apply
public func capturePOD(c: Point) throws {
useClosure {
try useClosureThrowing {
useGenericClosure {
try useGenericClosureThrowing {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @$s22closure_lifetime_fixup11captureEnum
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: apply
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: try_apply
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: apply
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: try_apply
public func captureEnum(c: FullyFixedLayout, d: CustomColor) throws {
useClosure {
_ = c
_ = d
try useClosureThrowing {
_ = c
_ = d
useGenericClosure {
_ = c
_ = d
try useGenericClosureThrowing {
_ = c
_ = d
public protocol EmptyP {}
public struct AddressOnlyStruct : EmptyP {}
public enum AddressOnlyEnum {
case nought
case mere(EmptyP)
case phantom(AddressOnlyStruct)
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @$s22closure_lifetime_fixup22captureAddressOnlyEnum
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: apply
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: try_apply
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: apply
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: try_apply
public func captureAddressOnlyEnum(c: AddressOnlyEnum, d: AddressOnlyEnum) throws {
useClosure {
_ = c
_ = d
try useClosureThrowing {
_ = c
_ = d
useGenericClosure {
_ = c
_ = d
try useGenericClosureThrowing {
_ = c
_ = d
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @$s22closure_lifetime_fixup15captureProtocol
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: apply
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: try_apply
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: apply
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: try_apply
public func captureProtocol(c: EmptyP, d: EmptyP) throws {
useClosure {
_ = c
_ = d
try useClosureThrowing {
_ = c
_ = d
useGenericClosure { () -> Int in
_ = c
_ = d
return 0
try useGenericClosureThrowing { () -> Int in
_ = c
_ = d
return 0
public protocol Q {
associatedtype Element
func test<U>(_ c: (Element) -> U) throws
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @$s22closure_lifetime_fixup0A18WithAssociatedType1c1eyx_7ElementQztKAA1QRzlF
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: try_apply
public func closureWithAssociatedType<C : Q> (c: C, e: C.Element) throws {
try c.test( { _ in _ = e })
public class F<T> {
func test<V>(_ c: (V) throws -> T) {}
let t : T? = nil
// CHECK-LABEL: s22closure_lifetime_fixup22testClosureMethodParam1fyAA1FCyxG_tKlF
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack]
// CHECK: apply
public func testClosureMethodParam<T>(f: F<T>) throws {
try f.test { return f.t! }