blob: 822f6a31c772b9114deb59f6a1777ab8e5e8a178 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %target-build-swift-dylib(%t/libresilient_struct.%target-dylib-extension) -Xfrontend -enable-resilience %S/../Inputs/resilient_struct.swift -emit-module -emit-module-path %t/resilient_struct.swiftmodule -module-name resilient_struct
// RUN: %target-codesign %t/libresilient_struct.%target-dylib-extension
// RUN: %target-build-swift %s -lresilient_struct -I %t -L %t -o %t/main -Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker %t
// RUN: %target-run %t/main
// RUN: %target-build-swift-dylib(%t/libresilient_struct.%target-dylib-extension) -Xfrontend -enable-resilience %S/../Inputs/resilient_struct.swift -emit-module -emit-module-path %t/resilient_struct.swiftmodule -module-name resilient_struct -whole-module-optimization
// RUN: %target-codesign %t/libresilient_struct.%target-dylib-extension
// RUN: %target-build-swift %s -lresilient_struct -I %t -L %t -o %t/main -Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker %t
// RUN: %target-run %t/main
// REQUIRES: executable_test
import StdlibUnittest
import resilient_struct
var ResilientStructTestSuite = TestSuite("ResilientStruct")
ResilientStructTestSuite.test("ResilientValue") {
for b in [false, true] {
let r = ResilientBool(b: b)
expectEqual(b, r.b)
for i in [-12, -1, 12] {
let r = ResilientInt(i: i)
expectEqual(i, r.i)
for d in [-1.0, 0.0, -0.0, 1.0] {
let r = ResilientDouble(d: d)
expectEqual(d, r.d)
ResilientStructTestSuite.test("StaticLayout") {
for b1 in [false, true] {
for i in [-12, -1, 12] {
for b2 in [false, true] {
for d in [-1.0, 0.0, -0.0, 1.0] {
let r = ResilientLayoutRuntimeTest(b1: ResilientBool(b: b1),
i: ResilientInt(i: i),
b2: ResilientBool(b: b2),
d: ResilientDouble(d: d))
expectEqual(b1, r.b1.b)
expectEqual(i, r.i.i)
expectEqual(b2, r.b2.b)
expectEqual(d, r.d.d)
// Make sure structs with dynamic layout are instantiated correctly,
// and can conform to protocols.
protocol MyResilientLayoutProtocol {
var b1: ResilientBool { get }
struct MyResilientLayoutRuntimeTest : MyResilientLayoutProtocol {
let b1: ResilientBool
let i: ResilientInt
let b2: ResilientBool
let d: ResilientDouble
init(b1: ResilientBool, i: ResilientInt, b2: ResilientBool, d: ResilientDouble) {
self.b1 = b1
self.i = i
self.b2 = b2
self.d = d
@inline(never) func getMetadata() -> Any.Type {
return MyResilientLayoutRuntimeTest.self
ResilientStructTestSuite.test("DynamicLayoutMetatype") {
do {
var output = ""
let expected = "- main.MyResilientLayoutRuntimeTest #0\n"
dump(getMetadata(), to: &output)
expectEqual(output, expected)
do {
expectEqual(true, getMetadata() == getMetadata())
ResilientStructTestSuite.test("DynamicLayout") {
for b1 in [false, true] {
for i in [-12, -1, 12] {
for b2 in [false, true] {
for d in [-1.0, 0.0, -0.0, 1.0] {
let r = MyResilientLayoutRuntimeTest(b1: ResilientBool(b: b1),
i: ResilientInt(i: i),
b2: ResilientBool(b: b2),
d: ResilientDouble(d: d))
expectEqual(b1, r.b1.b)
expectEqual(i, r.i.i)
expectEqual(b2, r.b2.b)
expectEqual(d, r.d.d)
@inline(never) func getB(_ p: MyResilientLayoutProtocol) -> Bool {
return p.b1.b
ResilientStructTestSuite.test("DynamicLayoutConformance") {
do {
let r = MyResilientLayoutRuntimeTest(b1: ResilientBool(b: true),
i: ResilientInt(i: 0),
b2: ResilientBool(b: false),
d: ResilientDouble(d: 0.0))
expectEqual(getB(r), true)
protocol ProtocolWithAssociatedType {
associatedtype T: MyResilientLayoutProtocol
func getT() -> T
struct StructWithDependentAssociatedType : ProtocolWithAssociatedType {
let r: MyResilientLayoutRuntimeTest
init(r: MyResilientLayoutRuntimeTest) {
self.r = r
func getT() -> MyResilientLayoutRuntimeTest {
return r
@inline(never) func getAssociatedType<T : ProtocolWithAssociatedType>(_ p: T)
-> MyResilientLayoutProtocol.Type {
return T.T.self
ResilientStructTestSuite.test("DynamicLayoutAssociatedType") {
do {
let r = MyResilientLayoutRuntimeTest(b1: ResilientBool(b: true),
i: ResilientInt(i: 0),
b2: ResilientBool(b: false),
d: ResilientDouble(d: 0.0))
let metatype: MyResilientLayoutProtocol.Type =
let associated: MyResilientLayoutProtocol.Type =
getAssociatedType(StructWithDependentAssociatedType(r: r));
expectEqual(true, metatype == associated)
expectEqual(getB(r), true)