blob: 76fe87e34b9ca1c15856279b073d564b97e1d828 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk) -disable-objc-attr-requires-foundation-module -typecheck %s -verify
import ObjectiveC
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
@objc class A { }
@objc class B { }
class C1 {
@objc init(a: A, b: B) { }
@objc func method1(_ a: A, b: B) { }
@objc(someMethodWithA:B:) func method2(_ a: A, b: B) { }
@objc class func method3(_ a: A, b: B) { } // expected-note{{found this candidate}}
@objc class func method3(a: A, b: B) { } // expected-note{{found this candidate}}
@objc(ambiguous1:b:) class func ambiguous(a: A, b: A) { } // expected-note{{found this candidate}}
@objc(ambiguous2:b:) class func ambiguous(a: A, b: B) { } // expected-note{{found this candidate}}
@objc func getC1() -> AnyObject { return self }
@objc func testUnqualifiedSelector(_ a: A, b: B) {
_ = #selector(testUnqualifiedSelector(_:b:))
let testUnqualifiedSelector = 1
_ = #selector(testUnqualifiedSelector(_:b:))
_ = testUnqualifiedSelector // suppress unused warning
@objc func testParam(_ testParam: A) { // expected-note{{'testParam' declared here}}
_ = #selector(testParam) // expected-error{{argument of '#selector' cannot refer to parameter 'testParam'}}
@objc func testVariable() {
let testVariable = 1 // expected-note{{'testVariable' declared here}}
_ = #selector(testVariable) // expected-error{{argument of '#selector' cannot refer to variable 'testVariable'}}
@objc protocol P1 {
func method4(_ a: A, b: B)
static func method5(_ a: B, b: B)
extension C1 {
final func method6() { } // expected-note{{add '@objc' to expose this instance method to Objective-C}}{{3-3=@objc }}
func testSelector(_ c1: C1, p1: P1, obj: AnyObject) {
// Instance methods on an instance
let sel1 = #selector(c1.method1)
_ = #selector(c1.method1(_:b:))
_ = #selector(c1.method2)
// Instance methods on a class.
_ = #selector(C1.method1)
_ = #selector(C1.method1(_:b:))
_ = #selector(C1.method2)
// Class methods on a class.
_ = #selector(C1.method3(_:b:))
_ = #selector(C1.method3(a:b:))
// Methods on a protocol.
_ = #selector(P1.method4)
_ = #selector(P1.method4(_:b:))
_ = #selector(P1.method5) // expected-error{{static member 'method5' cannot be used on protocol metatype 'P1.Protocol'}}
_ = #selector(P1.method5(_:b:)) // expected-error{{static member 'method5(_:b:)' cannot be used on protocol metatype 'P1.Protocol'}}
_ = #selector(p1.method4)
_ = #selector(p1.method4(_:b:))
_ = #selector(type(of: p1).method5)
_ = #selector(type(of: p1).method5(_:b:))
// Interesting expressions that refer to methods.
_ = #selector(Swift.AnyObject.method1)
_ = #selector(AnyObject.method1!)
_ = #selector(obj.getC1?().method1)
// Initializers
_ = #selector(C1.init(a:b:))
// Make sure the result has type "ObjectiveC.Selector"
let sel2: Selector
sel2 = sel1
_ = sel2
let dict: [Selector: Int] = [:]
let _: Int? = dict[#selector(c1.method1)]
let _ = [#selector(c1.method1)]
func testAmbiguity() {
_ = #selector(C1.method3) // expected-error{{ambiguous use of 'method3'}}
_ = #selector(C1.ambiguous) // expected-error{{ambiguous use of 'ambiguous(a:b:)'}}
func testUnusedSelector() {
#selector(C1.getC1) // expected-warning{{result of '#selector' is unused}}
func testNonObjC(_ c1: C1) {
_ = #selector(c1.method6) // expected-error{{argument of '#selector' refers to instance method 'method6()' that is not exposed to Objective-C}}
func testParseErrors1() {
_ = #selector foo // expected-error{{expected '(' following '#selector'}}
func testParseErrors2() {
_ = #selector( // expected-error{{expected expression naming a method within '#selector(...)'}}
func testParseErrors3(_ c1: C1) {
_ = #selector( // expected-note{{to match this opening '('}}
c1.method1(_:b:) // expected-error{{expected ')' to complete '#selector' expression}}
func testParseErrors4() {
_ = #selector(C1.subscript) // expected-error{{type 'C1' has no member 'subscript'}}
// SR-1827
let optionalSel: Selector? = nil
switch optionalSel {
case #selector(C1.method1)?:
@objc class SR1827 {
@objc func bar() {}
switch optionalSel {
case #selector(
case #selector(!: // expected-error{{cannot force unwrap value of non-optional type 'Selector'}}
case #selector(
// SR-9391
protocol SomeProtocol {
func someFunction()
func anotherFunction()
extension SomeProtocol {
func someFunction() {
let _ = #selector(anotherFunction) // expected-error {{cannot use 'anotherFunction' as a selector because protocol 'SomeProtocol' is not exposed to Objective-C}} {{none}}
func anotherFunction() {
print("Hello world!")