blob: a3bee670b9fd93e996dde4b05df9174d11dc663a [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk) -typecheck -parse-as-library %s -verify
import ObjectiveC
import Foundation
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
@objc class A : NSObject {
@objc var propB: B = B()
@objc var propString: String = "" // expected-note {{did you mean 'propString'}}
@objc var propArray: [String] = []
@objc var propDict: [String: B] = [:]
@objc var propSet: Set<String> = []
@objc var propNSString: NSString?
@objc var propNSArray: NSArray?
@objc var propNSDict: NSDictionary?
@objc var propNSSet: NSSet?
@objc var propAnyObject: AnyObject?
@objc var ambiguous: String? // expected-note{{'ambiguous' declared here}}
@objc func someMethod() { }
@objc var `repeat`: String?
@objc class B : NSObject {
@objc var propA: A?
@objc var ambiguous: String? // expected-note{{'ambiguous' declared here}}
class C {
var nonObjC: String? // expected-note{{add '@objc' to expose this property to Objective-C}}{{3-3=@objc }}
extension NSArray {
@objc class Foo : NSObject {
@objc var propString: String = ""
extension Array {
typealias Foo = NSArray.Foo
func testKeyPath(a: A, b: B) {
// Property
let _: String = #keyPath(A.propB)
// Chained property
let _: String = #keyPath(A.propB.propA)
// Optional property
let _: String = #keyPath(A.propB.propA.propB)
// String property
let _: String = #keyPath(A.propString)
// Property of String property (which looks on NSString)
let _: String = #keyPath(A.propString.URLsInText)
// String property with a suffix
let _: String = #keyPath(A.propString).description
let _ = #keyPath(A.propString).split(separator: ".")
func keyPathSwitch(keyPath: String?) {
switch keyPath {
case (#keyPath(A.propString))?: break
case #keyPath(A.propString)?: break
default: break
// Array property (make sure we look at the array element).
let _: String = #keyPath(A.propArray)
let _: String = #keyPath(A.propArray.URLsInText)
// Dictionary property (make sure we look at the value type).
let _: String = #keyPath(A.propDict.anyKeyName)
let _: String = #keyPath(A.propDict.anyKeyName.propA)
// Set property (make sure we look at the set element).
let _: String = #keyPath(A.propSet)
let _: String = #keyPath(A.propSet.URLsInText)
// AnyObject property
let _: String = #keyPath(A.propAnyObject.URLsInText)
let _: String = #keyPath(A.propAnyObject.propA)
let _: String = #keyPath(A.propAnyObject.propB)
let _: String = #keyPath(A.propAnyObject.description)
// NSString property
let _: String = #keyPath(A.propNSString.URLsInText)
// NSArray property (AnyObject array element).
let _: String = #keyPath(A.propNSArray)
let _: String = #keyPath(A.propNSArray.URLsInText)
// NSDictionary property (AnyObject value type).
let _: String = #keyPath(A.propNSDict.anyKeyName)
let _: String = #keyPath(A.propNSDict.anyKeyName.propA)
// NSSet property (AnyObject set element).
let _: String = #keyPath(A.propNSSet)
let _: String = #keyPath(A.propNSSet.URLsInText)
// Property with keyword name.
let _: String = #keyPath(A.repeat)
// Nested type of a bridged type (rdar://problem/28061409).
typealias IntArray = [Int]
let _: String = #keyPath(IntArray.Foo.propString)
let dict: [String: Int] = [:]
let _: Int? = dict[#keyPath(A.propB)]
let _ = [#keyPath(A.propB)]
func testAsStaticString() {
let _: StaticString = #keyPath(A.propB)
func testSemanticErrors() {
let _: String = #keyPath(A.blarg) // expected-error{{type 'A' has no member 'blarg'}}
let _: String = #keyPath(blarg) // expected-error{{use of unresolved identifier 'blarg'}}
let _: String = #keyPath(AnyObject.ambiguous) // expected-error{{ambiguous reference to member 'ambiguous'}}
let _: String = #keyPath(C.nonObjC) // expected-error{{argument of '#keyPath' refers to non-'@objc' property 'nonObjC'}}
let _: String = #keyPath(A.propArray.UTF8View) // expected-error{{type 'String' has no member 'UTF8View'}}
let _: String = #keyPath(A.someMethod) // expected-error{{key path cannot refer to instance method 'someMethod()'}}
let _: String = #keyPath(A) // expected-error{{empty key path does not refer to a property}}
let _: String = #keyPath(A.propDict.anyKeyName.unknown) // expected-error{{type 'B' has no member 'unknown'}}
let _: String = #keyPath(A.propNSDict.anyKeyName.unknown) // expected-error{{type 'AnyObject' has no member 'unknown'}}
func testParseErrors() {
let _: String = #keyPath; // expected-error{{expected '(' following '#keyPath'}}
let _: String = #keyPath(123; // expected-error{{expected property or type name within '#keyPath(...)'}}
let _: String = #keyPath(a.123; // expected-error{{expected property or type name within '#keyPath(...)'}} expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'a'}}
let _: String = #keyPath(A(b:c:d:).propSet); // expected-error{{an Objective-C key path cannot reference a declaration with a compound name}} expected-error{{unresolved identifier 'propSet'}}
let _: String = #keyPath(A.propString; // expected-error{{expected ')' to complete '#keyPath' expression}}
// expected-note@-1{{to match this opening '('}}
func testTypoCorrection() {
let _: String = #keyPath(A.proString) // expected-error {{type 'A' has no member 'proString'}}
class SR_10146_1 {
@objc let b = 1
class SR_10146_2: SR_10146_1 {
let a = \AnyObject.b // expected-error {{the root type of a Swift key path cannot be 'AnyObject'}}
class SR_10146_3 {
@objc let abc: Int = 1
func doNotCrash() {
let _: KeyPath<AnyObject, Int> = \.abc // expected-error {{the root type of a Swift key path cannot be 'AnyObject'}}
func doNotCrash_1(_ obj: AnyObject, _ kp: KeyPath<AnyObject, Int>) {
let _ = obj[keyPath: \.abc] // expected-error 2{{the root type of a Swift key path cannot be 'AnyObject'}}
let _ = obj[keyPath: kp] // expected-error {{the root type of a Swift key path cannot be 'AnyObject'}}