blob: 78849f8e232eb65f598cf2395b9d0220c86936e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
protocol P {
associatedtype T = Int
func hasDefault()
func returnsSelf() -> Self
func hasDefaultTakesT(_: T)
func returnsSelfTakesT(_: T) -> Self
extension P {
func hasDefault() {}
func returnsSelf() -> Self {
return self
func hasDefaultTakesT(_: T) {}
func returnsSelfTakesT(_: T) -> Self { // expected-note {{'returnsSelfTakesT' declared here}}
return self
// This fails
class Class : P {} // expected-error {{method 'returnsSelfTakesT' in non-final class 'Class' cannot be implemented in a protocol extension because it returns 'Self' and has associated type requirements}}
// This succeeds, because the class is final
final class FinalClass : P {}
// This succeeds, because we're not using the default implementation
class NonFinalClass : P {
func returnsSelfTakesT(_: T) -> Self {
return self
// Test for default implementation that comes from a constrained extension
// -
// FIXME: Better error message here?
class SillyClass {}
protocol HasDefault {
func foo()
// expected-note@-1 {{protocol requires function 'foo()' with type '() -> ()'; do you want to add a stub?}}
extension HasDefault where Self == SillyClass {
func foo() {}
// expected-note@-1 {{candidate would match if 'SillyClass' conformed to 'HasDefault'}}
extension SillyClass : HasDefault {}
// expected-error@-1 {{type 'SillyClass' does not conform to protocol 'HasDefault'}}
// This is OK, though
class SeriousClass {}
extension HasDefault where Self : SeriousClass {
func foo() {}
// expected-note@-1 {{candidate would match if 'SillyClass' subclassed 'SeriousClass'}}
extension SeriousClass : HasDefault {}
protocol Node {
associatedtype ValueType = Int
func addChild<ChildType>(_ child: ChildType)
where ChildType: Node, ChildType.ValueType == Self.ValueType
extension Node {
func addChild<ChildType>(_ child: ChildType)
where ChildType: Node, ChildType.ValueType == Self.ValueType {}
class IntNode: Node {}
// SR-8902
protocol P8902 {
associatedtype A
func f(_ x: A) -> Self
struct S : P8902 {
func f(_ x: Bool) -> S { fatalError() }
class C8902 : P8902 {
func f(_ x: Bool) -> C8902 { fatalError() } // expected-error {{method 'f' in non-final class 'C8902' must return 'Self' to conform to protocol 'P8902'}}
final class C8902b : P8902 {
func f(_ x: Bool) -> C8902b { fatalError() }
class C8902c : P8902 {
func f(_ x: Bool) -> Self { fatalError() }
protocol P8902complex {
associatedtype A
func f() -> (A, Self?)
final class C8902complex : P8902complex {
func f() -> (Bool, C8902complex?) { fatalError() }