blob: e40c045bb7f742d800343a3f8c2cb33ed3cace48 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -swift-version 4
class C { }
protocol P {
associatedtype AssocP : C // expected-note{{protocol requires nested type 'AssocP'; do you want to add it?}}
associatedtype AssocA : AnyObject // expected-note{{protocol requires nested type 'AssocA'; do you want to add it?}}
struct X : P { // expected-error{{type 'X' does not conform to protocol 'P'}}
typealias AssocP = Int // expected-note{{possibly intended match 'X.AssocP' (aka 'Int') does not inherit from 'C'}}
typealias AssocA = Int // expected-note{{possibly intended match 'X.AssocA' (aka 'Int') does not conform to 'AnyObject'}}
// SR-5166
protocol FooType {
associatedtype BarType
func foo(bar: BarType)
func foo(action: (BarType) -> Void)
protocol Bar {}
class Foo: FooType {
typealias BarType = Bar
func foo(bar: Bar) {
func foo(action: (Bar) -> Void) {
// rdar://problem/35297911: noescape function types
protocol P1 {
associatedtype A
func f(_: A)
struct X1a : P1 {
func f(_: @escaping (Int) -> Int) { }
struct X1b : P1 {
typealias A = (Int) -> Int
func f(_: @escaping (Int) -> Int) { }
struct X1c : P1 {
typealias A = (Int) -> Int
func f(_: (Int) -> Int) { }
struct X1d : P1 {
func f(_: (Int) -> Int) { }
protocol P2 {
func f(_: (Int) -> Int) // expected-note{{protocol requires function 'f' with type '((Int) -> Int) -> ()'; do you want to add a stub?}}
struct X2a : P2 {
func f(_: (Int) -> Int) { }
struct X2b : P2 { // expected-error{{type 'X2b' does not conform to protocol 'P2'}}
func f(_: @escaping (Int) -> Int) { } // expected-note{{candidate has non-matching type '(@escaping (Int) -> Int) -> ()'}}