blob: d4b9ffde1cc0c22e46e188da9c4cb7b39dfc8b98 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -swift-version 4
// SR-1661: Dollar was accidentally allowed as an identifier in Swift 3.
// SE-0144: Reject this behavior in the future.
func dollarVar() {
var $ : Int = 42 // expected-error {{'$' is not an identifier; use backticks to escape it}} {{7-8=`$`}}
$ += 1 // expected-error {{'$' is not an identifier; use backticks to escape it}} {{3-4=`$`}}
print($) // expected-error {{'$' is not an identifier; use backticks to escape it}} {{9-10=`$`}}
func dollarLet() {
let $ = 42 // expected-error {{'$' is not an identifier; use backticks to escape it}} {{7-8=`$`}}
print($) // expected-error {{'$' is not an identifier; use backticks to escape it}} {{9-10=`$`}}
func dollarClass() {
class $ {} // expected-error {{'$' is not an identifier; use backticks to escape it}} {{9-10=`$`}}
func dollarEnum() {
enum $ {} // expected-error {{'$' is not an identifier; use backticks to escape it}} {{8-9=`$`}}
func dollarStruct() {
struct $ {} // expected-error {{'$' is not an identifier; use backticks to escape it}} {{10-11=`$`}}
func dollarFunc() {
func $($ dollarParam: Int) {}
// expected-error@-1 {{'$' is not an identifier; use backticks to escape it}} {{8-9=`$`}}
// expected-error@-2 {{'$' is not an identifier; use backticks to escape it}} {{10-11=`$`}}
$($: 24)
// expected-error@-1 {{'$' is not an identifier; use backticks to escape it}} {{3-4=`$`}}
// expected-error@-2 {{'$' is not an identifier; use backticks to escape it}} {{5-6=`$`}}
func escapedDollarVar() {
var `$` : Int = 42 // no error
`$` += 1
func escapedDollarLet() {
let `$` = 42 // no error
func escapedDollarClass() {
class `$` {} // no error
func escapedDollarEnum() {
enum `$` {} // no error
func escapedDollarStruct() {
struct `$` {} // no error
func escapedDollarFunc() {
func `$`(`$`: Int) {} // no error
`$`(`$`: 25) // no error
func escapedDollarAnd() {
// FIXME: Bad diagnostics.
`$0` = 1 // expected-error {{expected expression}}
`$$` = 2
`$abc` = 3
func $declareWithDollar() { // expected-error{{cannot declare entity named '$declareWithDollar'}}
var $foo = 17 // expected-error{{cannot declare entity named '$foo'}}
// expected-warning@-1 {{initialization of variable '$foo' was never used; consider replacing with assignment to '_' or removing it}}
func $bar() { } // expected-error{{cannot declare entity named '$bar'}}
func wibble(
$a: Int, // expected-error{{cannot declare entity named '$a'}}
$b c: Int) { } // expected-error{{cannot declare entity named '$b'}}