blob: 429b255b7d94ab1ac21350c714e635dd59b7dd41 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -typecheck -verify -module-name main %s
func global() -> Int { return 0 }
struct S {
static func staticMethod() -> Int { return 0 }
class C {
static func staticMethod() -> Int { return 0 }
class func classMethod() -> Int { return 0 }
if true {
func local() -> Int { return 0 }
let a: @convention(c) () -> Int = global
let _: @convention(c) () -> Int =
let _: @convention(c) () -> Int = { 0 }
let _: @convention(c) () -> Int = local
// Can't convert a closure value to a C function pointer
let global2 = global
let _: @convention(c) () -> Int = global2 // expected-error{{can only be formed from a reference to a 'func' or a literal closure}}
let globalBlock: @convention(block) () -> Int = global
let _: @convention(c) () -> Int = globalBlock // expected-error{{can only be formed from a reference to a 'func' or a literal closure}}
// Can convert a function pointer to a block or closure, or assign to another
// C function pointer
let _: @convention(c) () -> Int = a
let _: @convention(block) () -> Int = a
let _: () -> Int = a
// Can't convert a C function pointer from a method.
// TODO: Could handle static methods.
let _: @convention(c) () -> Int = S.staticMethod // expected-error{{}}
let _: @convention(c) () -> Int = C.staticMethod // expected-error{{}}
let _: @convention(c) () -> Int = C.classMethod // expected-error{{}}
// <rdar://problem/22181714> Crash when typing "signal"
let iuo_global: (() -> Int)! = global
let _: (@convention(c) () -> Int)! = iuo_global // expected-error{{a C function pointer can only be formed from a reference to a 'func' or a literal closure}}
func handler(_ callback: (@convention(c) () -> Int)!) {}
handler(iuo_global) // expected-error{{a C function pointer can only be formed from a reference to a 'func' or a literal closure}}
func genericFunc<T>(_ t: T) -> T { return t }
let f: @convention(c) (Int) -> Int = genericFunc // expected-error{{cannot be formed from a reference to a generic function}}