blob: 656c193aa42d010f1e25ae5e0d07bddb09d3b193 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- DerivedConformanceTensorGroup.cpp --------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements explicit derivation of the TensorGroup protocol for
// a nominal type.
#include "CodeSynthesis.h"
#include "TypeChecker.h"
#include "swift/AST/Decl.h"
#include "swift/AST/Expr.h"
#include "swift/AST/GenericSignature.h"
#include "swift/AST/Module.h"
#include "swift/AST/ParameterList.h"
#include "swift/AST/Pattern.h"
#include "swift/AST/ProtocolConformance.h"
#include "swift/AST/Stmt.h"
#include "swift/AST/Types.h"
#include "DerivedConformances.h"
using namespace swift;
bool DerivedConformance::canDeriveTensorGroup(NominalTypeDecl *nominal,
DeclContext *DC) {
// Nominal type must be a struct (zero stored properties is okay).
// Note: we could extend synthesis to support classes.
auto *structDecl = dyn_cast<StructDecl>(nominal);
if (!structDecl)
return false;
// All stored properties must conform to `TensorGroup`.
auto &C = nominal->getASTContext();
auto *tensorGroupProto = C.getProtocol(KnownProtocolKind::TensorGroup);
return llvm::all_of(structDecl->getStoredProperties(), [&](VarDecl *v) {
if (!v->hasInterfaceType())
if (!v->hasInterfaceType())
return false;
auto varType = DC->mapTypeIntoContext(v->getValueInterfaceType());
return (bool)TypeChecker::conformsToProtocol(varType, tensorGroupProto, DC,
// Return the protocol requirement with the specified name.
static ValueDecl *getProtocolRequirement(ProtocolDecl *proto, DeclName name) {
auto lookup = proto->lookupDirect(name);
lookup.erase(std::remove_if(lookup.begin(), lookup.end(),
[](ValueDecl *v) {
return !isa<ProtocolDecl>(
v->getDeclContext()) ||
assert(lookup.size() == 1 && "Ambiguous protocol requirement");
return lookup.front();
/// Derive the body for the '_typeList' getter.
static std::pair<BraceStmt *, bool>
deriveBodyTensorGroup_typeList(AbstractFunctionDecl *funcDecl, void *) {
auto *parentDC = funcDecl->getParent();
auto *nominal = funcDecl->getDeclContext()->getSelfNominalTypeDecl();
auto &C = nominal->getASTContext();
auto *tensorGroupProto = C.getProtocol(KnownProtocolKind::TensorGroup);
auto *typeListReq = getProtocolRequirement(tensorGroupProto, C.Id_typeList);
// Concatenate all member `_typeList` arrays.
Type arrayType = BoundGenericType::get(
C.getArrayDecl(), Type(),
auto *arrayTypeExpr = TypeExpr::createImplicit(arrayType, C);
auto plusOpLookup = C.getArrayDecl()->lookupDirect(C.getIdentifier("+"));
assert(plusOpLookup.size() == 1 && "Ambiguous 'Array.+' operator.");
ValueDecl *plusOpDecl = plusOpLookup.front();
auto plusOpDRE = new (C)
DeclRefExpr(plusOpDecl, DeclNameLoc(), /*Implicit*/ true);
auto plusOpExpr = new (C)
DotSyntaxCallExpr(plusOpDRE, SourceLoc(), arrayTypeExpr);
Expr *typeListExpr = ArrayExpr::create(C, SourceLoc(), {}, {}, SourceLoc());
for (auto member : nominal->getStoredProperties()) {
auto memberType =
auto *memberTypeExpr = TypeExpr::createImplicit(memberType, C);
auto *memberTypeListExpr = new (C)
MemberRefExpr(memberTypeExpr, SourceLoc(), typeListReq,
DeclNameLoc(), /*Implicit*/ true);
// Create expression `lhsArg + rhsArg`.
auto *plusOpArgs =
TupleExpr::create(C, SourceLoc(), {typeListExpr, memberTypeListExpr},
{}, {}, SourceLoc(), /*HasTrailingClosure*/ false,
/*Implicit*/ true);
typeListExpr = new (C) BinaryExpr(plusOpExpr, plusOpArgs,
/*Implicit*/ true);
// Return the resulting data types array.
auto *returnStmt = new (C) ReturnStmt(SourceLoc(), typeListExpr);
auto *body = BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), {returnStmt}, SourceLoc(),
/*Implicit*/ true);
auto *braceStmt = BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), {body}, SourceLoc(),
/*Implicit*/ true);
return std::pair<BraceStmt *, bool>(braceStmt, false);
/// Derive a '_typeList' implementation.
static ValueDecl *deriveTensorGroup_typeList(DerivedConformance &derived) {
auto nominal = derived.Nominal;
auto &TC = derived.TC;
ASTContext &C = TC.Context;
auto parentDC = derived.getConformanceContext();
Type dataTypeArrayType = BoundGenericType::get(
C.getArrayDecl(), Type(),
auto returnType = parentDC->mapTypeIntoContext(dataTypeArrayType);
// Create `_typeList` property declaration.
VarDecl *typeListDecl;
PatternBindingDecl *patDecl;
std::tie(typeListDecl, patDecl) = derived.declareDerivedProperty(
C.Id_typeList, returnType, returnType, /*isStatic*/ true,
/*isFinal*/ false);
// Add `@inlinable` to the `_typeList` declaration.
if (nominal->getEffectiveAccess() > AccessLevel::Internal)
typeListDecl->getAttrs().add(new (C) InlinableAttr(/*implicit*/ true));
// Create `_typeList` getter.
auto *getterDecl = derived.addGetterToReadOnlyDerivedProperty(
typeListDecl, returnType);
getterDecl->setBodySynthesizer(deriveBodyTensorGroup_typeList, nullptr);
derived.addMembersToConformanceContext({typeListDecl, patDecl});
return typeListDecl;
// Synthesize body for `init(_owning:)`.
static std::pair<BraceStmt *, bool>
deriveBodyTensorGroup_init(AbstractFunctionDecl *funcDecl, void *) {
auto *parentDC = funcDecl->getParent();
auto *nominal = parentDC->getSelfNominalTypeDecl();
auto &C = nominal->getASTContext();
// Obtain the address type.
auto cTensorHandleType = C.getOpaquePointerDecl()->getDeclaredType();
auto baseAddressType = BoundGenericType::get(
C.getUnsafePointerDecl(), Type(), {cTensorHandleType});
auto addressType = BoundGenericType::get(
C.getOptionalDecl(), Type(), {baseAddressType});
auto *addressTE = TypeExpr::createImplicit(addressType, C);
// Get references to `self` and parameter declarations.
auto *selfDecl = funcDecl->getImplicitSelfDecl();
auto *selfDRE = new (C)
DeclRefExpr(selfDecl, DeclNameLoc(), /*Implicit*/ true);
auto *paramDecl = funcDecl->getParameters()->get(0);
auto *paramDRE = new (C)
DeclRefExpr(paramDecl, DeclNameLoc(), /*Implicit*/ true);
// Create an `if var` statement for the current address.
VarDecl *currAddressDecl = new (C) VarDecl(
/*IsStatic*/ false, VarDecl::Introducer::Var, /*IsCaptureList*/ false,
SourceLoc(), C.getIdentifier("currentAddress"), funcDecl);
Pattern *currAddressPat = new (C)
NamedPattern(currAddressDecl, /*implicit*/ true);
currAddressPat = new (C)
VarPattern(SourceLoc(), /*isLet*/ false, currAddressPat,
/*implicit*/ true);
currAddressPat = new (C)
OptionalSomePattern(currAddressPat, currAddressPat->getEndLoc(),
/*implicit*/ true);
StmtConditionElement cond[] = {
StmtConditionElement(SourceLoc(), currAddressPat, /*Init*/ paramDRE)};
// Get the necessary protocol requirements.
auto *tensorGroupProto = C.getProtocol(KnownProtocolKind::TensorGroup);
auto *tensorArrayProto = C.getProtocol(
auto initName = DeclName(
C, DeclBaseName::createConstructor(), {C.getIdentifier("_owning")});
auto *initReq = getProtocolRequirement(tensorGroupProto, initName);
auto *tensorHandleCountReq = getProtocolRequirement(
tensorArrayProto, C.Id_tensorHandleCount);
Type intType = C.getIntDecl()->getDeclaredType();
TypeExpr *intTE = TypeExpr::createImplicit(intType, C);
// Iterate through the `TensorGroup`-conforming members and call
// `self.member = MemberType(_owning:)`.
llvm::SmallVector<ASTNode, 2> thenMemberExprs;
llvm::SmallVector<ASTNode, 2> elseMemberExprs;
for (auto member : nominal->getStoredProperties()) {
auto memberType = parentDC->mapTypeIntoContext(
auto *memberTypeExpr = TypeExpr::createImplicit(memberType, C);
auto module = nominal->getModuleContext();
auto confRef = module->lookupConformance(
memberType, tensorGroupProto);
assert(confRef && "Member does not conform to `TensorGroup`");
// Get member type's constructor, e.g. `MemberType.init(_owning:)`.
// Use protocol requirement declaration for the method by default: this
// will be dynamically dispatched.
ValueDecl *memberInitDecl = initReq;
// If conformance reference is concrete, then use concrete witness
// declaration for the constructor.
if (confRef->isConcrete())
memberInitDecl = confRef->getConcrete()->getWitnessDecl(initReq);
assert(memberInitDecl && "Member constructor declaration must exist");
auto memberInitDRE = new (C) DeclRefExpr(
memberInitDecl, DeclNameLoc(), /*implicit*/ true);
// Create reference to member constructor: `MemberType.init(_owning:)`.
auto *memberInitExpr = new (C) ConstructorRefCallExpr(
memberInitDRE, memberTypeExpr);
auto *addressDRE = new (C) DeclRefExpr(
currAddressDecl, DeclNameLoc(), /*implicit*/ true);
auto *loadExpr = new (C) LoadExpr(addressDRE, baseAddressType);
// Initialize the member using its `TensorGroup` constructor.
// Note that, initialization is dependent on the branch of the
// if-statement taken.
auto *thenInitExpr = new (C) InjectIntoOptionalExpr(loadExpr, addressType);
auto *thenInitCallExpr = CallExpr::createImplicit(
C, memberInitExpr, {thenInitExpr}, {C.getIdentifier("_owning")});
// Create a nil expression with type `UnsafePointer<CTensorHandle>?` for the
// `else` branch.
auto *nilDecl = C.getOptionalNoneDecl();
auto *nilDRE = new (C) DeclRefExpr(
nilDecl, DeclNameLoc(), /*implicit*/ true);
auto *elseInitExpr = new (C) DotSyntaxCallExpr(
nilDRE, SourceLoc(), addressTE);
auto *elseInitCallExpr = CallExpr::createImplicit(
C, memberInitExpr, {elseInitExpr}, {C.getIdentifier("_owning")});
// Assign the current member to the result of the initializer call.
auto *memberDRE = new (C) MemberRefExpr(
selfDRE, SourceLoc(), member, DeclNameLoc(), /*Implicit*/ true);
auto *thenAssignMemberExpr = new (C) AssignExpr(
memberDRE, SourceLoc(), thenInitCallExpr, /*Implicit*/ true);
auto *elseAssignMemberExpr = new (C) AssignExpr(
memberDRE, SourceLoc(), elseInitCallExpr, /*Implicit*/ true);
// Advance the current address.
DeclName advancedName(C, C.getIdentifier("advanced"),
auto *advancedMethodExpr =
new (C) UnresolvedDotExpr(addressDRE, SourceLoc(),
advancedName, DeclNameLoc(),
/*Implicit*/ true);
// Obtain `MemberType._tensorHandleCount`.
auto *memberCountMRE = new (C) MemberRefExpr(
memberDRE, SourceLoc(), tensorHandleCountReq, DeclNameLoc(),
/*Implicit*/ true);
// Cast the tensor handle count to Int.
auto intInitName = DeclName(C, DeclBaseName::createConstructor(),
auto *intInitExpr =
new (C) UnresolvedDotExpr(intTE, SourceLoc(), intInitName,
DeclNameLoc(), /*Implicit*/ true);
auto *intInitCallExpr = CallExpr::createImplicit(
C, intInitExpr, {memberCountMRE}, {Identifier()});
// Assign the new address.
auto *assignAddrCallExpr = CallExpr::createImplicit(
C, advancedMethodExpr, {intInitCallExpr}, {C.getIdentifier("by")});
auto *assignAddrExpr = new (C) AssignExpr(addressDRE, SourceLoc(),
/*Implicit*/ true);
auto *thenBody = BraceStmt::create(
C, SourceLoc(), C.AllocateCopy(thenMemberExprs), SourceLoc(),
/*implicit*/ true);
auto *elseBody = BraceStmt::create(
C, SourceLoc(), C.AllocateCopy(elseMemberExprs), SourceLoc(),
/*implicit*/ true);
auto *ifStmt = new (C)
IfStmt(LabeledStmtInfo(), /*IfLoc*/ SourceLoc(),
/*Cond*/ C.AllocateCopy(cond), /*Then*/ thenBody,
/*ElseLoc*/ SourceLoc(), /*Else*/ elseBody, /*implicit*/ true);
auto *braceStmt = BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), {ifStmt}, SourceLoc(),
/*implicit*/ true);
return std::pair<BraceStmt *, bool>(braceStmt, false);
// Synthesize a constructor declaration for a `TensorGroup` method requirement.
static ValueDecl *deriveTensorGroup_constructor(
DerivedConformance &derived, Identifier argumentName,
Identifier parameterName, Type parameterType, Type returnType,
AbstractFunctionDecl::BodySynthesizer bodySynthesizer) {
auto nominal = derived.Nominal;
auto &C = derived.TC.Context;
auto parentDC = derived.getConformanceContext();
auto *param =
new (C) ParamDecl(SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(), argumentName, SourceLoc(),
parameterName, parentDC);
ParameterList *params = ParameterList::create(C, {param});
DeclName name(C, DeclBaseName::createConstructor(), params);
auto *initDecl =
new (C) ConstructorDecl(name, SourceLoc(), /*Failable*/ false,
SourceLoc(), /*Throws*/ false, SourceLoc(),
params, /*GenericParams*/ nullptr, parentDC);
initDecl->setBodySynthesizer(bodySynthesizer.Fn, bodySynthesizer.Context);
initDecl->copyFormalAccessFrom(nominal, /*sourceIsParentContext*/ true);
return initDecl;
// Synthesize the `init(_owning:)` function declaration.
static ValueDecl *deriveTensorGroup_init(DerivedConformance &derived) {
auto &C = derived.TC.Context;
// Obtain the address type.
auto cTensorHandleType = C.getOpaquePointerDecl()->getDeclaredType();
Type baseAddressType = BoundGenericType::get(
C.getUnsafePointerDecl(), Type(), {cTensorHandleType});
Type addressType = BoundGenericType::get(
C.getOptionalDecl(), Type(), {baseAddressType});
Type voidType = C.getVoidDecl()->getDeclaredInterfaceType();
return deriveTensorGroup_constructor(
derived, C.getIdentifier("_owning"),
C.getIdentifier("tensorHandles"), addressType, voidType,
{deriveBodyTensorGroup_init, nullptr});
ValueDecl *DerivedConformance::deriveTensorGroup(ValueDecl *requirement) {
// Diagnose conformances in disallowed contexts.
if (checkAndDiagnoseDisallowedContext(requirement))
return nullptr;
if (requirement->getBaseName() == TC.Context.Id_typeList)
return deriveTensorGroup_typeList(*this);
if (requirement->getBaseName() == DeclBaseName::createConstructor())
return deriveTensorGroup_init(*this);
TC.diagnose(requirement->getLoc(), diag::broken_tensor_group_requirement);
return nullptr;