blob: fc01b387d65fbdd717dafd0cd4594e986def18f1 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- GenExistential.cpp - Swift IR Generation for Existential Types ---===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements IR generation for existential types in Swift.
#include "GenExistential.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "swift/AST/Decl.h"
#include "swift/AST/ExistentialLayout.h"
#include "swift/AST/ProtocolConformance.h"
#include "swift/AST/Types.h"
#include "swift/IRGen/Linking.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILValue.h"
#include "swift/SIL/TypeLowering.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "BitPatternBuilder.h"
#include "EnumPayload.h"
#include "Explosion.h"
#include "FixedTypeInfo.h"
#include "GenClass.h"
#include "GenHeap.h"
#include "GenMeta.h"
#include "GenOpaque.h"
#include "GenPoly.h"
#include "GenProto.h"
#include "GenType.h"
#include "HeapTypeInfo.h"
#include "IndirectTypeInfo.h"
#include "IRGenDebugInfo.h"
#include "IRGenFunction.h"
#include "IRGenModule.h"
#include "MetadataRequest.h"
#include "NonFixedTypeInfo.h"
#include "Outlining.h"
#include "ProtocolInfo.h"
#include "TypeInfo.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace irgen;
namespace {
/// The layout of an existential buffer. This is intended to be a
/// small, easily-computed type that can be passed around by value.
class OpaqueExistentialLayout {
unsigned NumTables;
// If you add anything to the layout computation, you might need
// to update certain uses; check the external uses of getNumTables().
explicit OpaqueExistentialLayout(unsigned numTables)
: NumTables(numTables) {}
unsigned getNumTables() const { return NumTables; }
Size getSize(IRGenModule &IGM) const {
return getFixedBufferSize(IGM)
+ IGM.getPointerSize() * (getNumTables() + 1);
Alignment getAlignment(IRGenModule &IGM) const {
return getFixedBufferAlignment(IGM);
// friend bool operator==(ExistentialLayout a, ExistentialLayout b) {
// return a.NumTables == b.NumTables;
// }
/// Given the address of an existential object, drill down to the
/// buffer.
Address projectExistentialBuffer(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address addr) const {
return IGF.Builder.CreateStructGEP(addr, 0, Size(0));
/// Given the address of an existential object, drill down to the
/// witness-table field.
Address projectWitnessTable(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address addr,
unsigned which) const {
assert(which < getNumTables());
return IGF.Builder.CreateStructGEP(addr, which + 2,
+ IGF.IGM.getPointerSize() * (which + 1));
/// Given the address of an existential object, load its witness table.
llvm::Value *loadWitnessTable(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address addr,
unsigned which) const {
return IGF.Builder.CreateLoad(projectWitnessTable(IGF, addr, which));
/// Given the address of an existential object, drill down to the
/// metadata field.
Address projectMetadataRef(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address addr) {
return IGF.Builder.CreateStructGEP(addr, 1, getFixedBufferSize(IGF.IGM));
/// Give the offset of the metadata field of an existential object.
Size getMetadataRefOffset(IRGenModule &IGM) {
return getFixedBufferSize(IGM);
/// Given the address of an existential object, load its metadata
/// object.
llvm::Value *loadMetadataRef(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address addr) {
return IGF.Builder.CreateLoad(projectMetadataRef(IGF, addr));
/// A helper class for implementing existential type infos that
/// store an existential value of some sort.
template <class Derived, class Base>
class ExistentialTypeInfoBase : public Base,
private llvm::TrailingObjects<Derived, const ProtocolDecl *> {
friend class llvm::TrailingObjects<Derived, const ProtocolDecl *>;
/// The number of non-trivial protocols for this existential.
unsigned NumStoredProtocols;
const Derived &asDerived() const {
return *static_cast<const Derived*>(this);
Derived &asDerived() {
return *static_cast<Derived*>(this);
template <class... As>
ExistentialTypeInfoBase(ArrayRef<const ProtocolDecl *> protocols,
As &&...args)
: Base(std::forward<As>(args)...),
NumStoredProtocols(protocols.size()) {
std::uninitialized_copy(protocols.begin(), protocols.end(),
this->template getTrailingObjects<const ProtocolDecl *>());
template <class... As>
static const Derived *
create(ArrayRef<const ProtocolDecl *> protocols, As &&...args)
void *buffer = operator new(
llvm::TrailingObjects<Derived, const ProtocolDecl *>::
template totalSizeToAlloc<const ProtocolDecl *>(
return new (buffer) Derived(protocols, std::forward<As>(args)...);
/// Returns the number of protocol witness tables directly carried
/// by values of this type.
unsigned getNumStoredProtocols() const { return NumStoredProtocols; }
/// Returns the protocols that values of this type are known to
/// implement. This can be empty, meaning that values of this
/// type are not know to implement any protocols, although we do
/// still know how to manipulate them.
ArrayRef<const ProtocolDecl *> getStoredProtocols() const {
return {this->template getTrailingObjects<const ProtocolDecl *>(),
/// Given the address of an existential object, find the witness
/// table of a directly-stored witness table.
llvm::Value *loadWitnessTable(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address obj,
unsigned which) const {
return IGF.Builder.CreateLoad(
asDerived().projectWitnessTable(IGF, obj, which));
void emitCopyOfTables(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address dest, Address src) const {
if (NumStoredProtocols == 0) return;
Explosion temp;
asDerived().emitLoadOfTables(IGF, src, temp);
asDerived().emitStoreOfTables(IGF, temp, dest);
void emitLoadOfTables(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address existential,
Explosion &out) const {
for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumStoredProtocols; ++i) {
auto tableAddr = asDerived().projectWitnessTable(IGF, existential, i);
void emitStoreOfTables(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &in,
Address existential) const {
for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumStoredProtocols; ++i) {
auto tableAddr = asDerived().projectWitnessTable(IGF, existential, i);
IGF.Builder.CreateStore(in.claimNext(), tableAddr);
/// A type implementation for address-only reference storage of
/// class existential types.
template <class Impl, class Base>
class AddressOnlyClassExistentialTypeInfoBase :
public ExistentialTypeInfoBase<Impl, IndirectTypeInfo<Impl, Base>> {
using super = ExistentialTypeInfoBase<Impl, IndirectTypeInfo<Impl, Base>>;
using super::asDerived;
using super::emitCopyOfTables;
using super::getNumStoredProtocols;
const ReferenceCounting Refcounting;
template <class... As>
ArrayRef<const ProtocolDecl *> protocols,
ReferenceCounting refcounting,
As &&...args)
: super(protocols, std::forward<As>(args)...),
Refcounting(refcounting) {
Address projectWitnessTable(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address container,
unsigned index) const {
assert(index < getNumStoredProtocols());
return IGF.Builder.CreateStructGEP(container, index + 1,
(index + 1) * IGF.IGM.getPointerSize());
Address projectValue(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address existential) const {
return IGF.Builder.CreateStructGEP(existential, 0, Size(0),
existential.getAddress()->getName() +
void assignWithCopy(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address dest, Address src, SILType T,
bool isOutlined) const override {
if (isOutlined) {
Address destValue = projectValue(IGF, dest);
Address srcValue = projectValue(IGF, src);
asDerived().emitValueAssignWithCopy(IGF, destValue, srcValue);
emitCopyOfTables(IGF, dest, src);
} else {
OutliningMetadataCollector collector(IGF);
collector.emitCallToOutlinedCopy(dest, src, T, *this,
IsNotInitialization, IsNotTake);
void initializeWithCopy(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address dest, Address src,
SILType T, bool isOutlined) const override {
if (isOutlined) {
Address destValue = projectValue(IGF, dest);
Address srcValue = projectValue(IGF, src);
asDerived().emitValueInitializeWithCopy(IGF, destValue, srcValue);
emitCopyOfTables(IGF, dest, src);
} else {
OutliningMetadataCollector collector(IGF);
collector.emitCallToOutlinedCopy(dest, src, T, *this,
IsInitialization, IsNotTake);
void assignWithTake(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address dest, Address src, SILType T,
bool isOutlined) const override {
if (isOutlined) {
Address destValue = projectValue(IGF, dest);
Address srcValue = projectValue(IGF, src);
asDerived().emitValueAssignWithTake(IGF, destValue, srcValue);
emitCopyOfTables(IGF, dest, src);
} else {
OutliningMetadataCollector collector(IGF);
collector.emitCallToOutlinedCopy(dest, src, T, *this,
IsNotInitialization, IsTake);
void initializeWithTake(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address dest, Address src,
SILType T, bool isOutlined) const override {
if (isOutlined) {
Address destValue = projectValue(IGF, dest);
Address srcValue = projectValue(IGF, src);
asDerived().emitValueInitializeWithTake(IGF, destValue, srcValue);
emitCopyOfTables(IGF, dest, src);
} else {
OutliningMetadataCollector collector(IGF);
collector.emitCallToOutlinedCopy(dest, src, T, *this,
IsInitialization, IsTake);
void destroy(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address existential, SILType T,
bool isOutlined) const override {
if (isOutlined) {
Address valueAddr = projectValue(IGF, existential);
asDerived().emitValueDestroy(IGF, valueAddr);
} else {
OutliningMetadataCollector collector(IGF);
collector.emitCallToOutlinedDestroy(existential, T, *this);
/// A helper class for working with existential types that can be
/// exploded into scalars.
/// The subclass must provide:
/// void emitValueRetain(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *value) const;
/// void emitValueRelease(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *value) const;
/// void emitValueFixLifetime(IRGenFunction &IGF,
/// llvm::Value *value) const;
/// const LoadableTypeInfo &
/// getValueTypeInfoForExtraInhabitants(IRGenModule &IGM) const;
/// The value type info is only used to manage extra inhabitants, so it's
/// okay for it to implement different semantics.
template <class Derived, class Base>
class ScalarExistentialTypeInfoBase :
public ExistentialTypeInfoBase<Derived, ScalarTypeInfo<Derived, Base>> {
using super =
ExistentialTypeInfoBase<Derived, ScalarTypeInfo<Derived, Base>>;
template <class... T>
ScalarExistentialTypeInfoBase(T &&...args)
: super(std::forward<T>(args)...) {}
using super::asDerived;
/// The storage type of a class existential is a struct containing
/// a refcounted pointer to the class instance value followed by
/// witness table pointers for each conformed-to protocol. Unlike opaque
/// existentials, a class existential does not need to store type
/// metadata as an additional element, since it can be derived from the
/// class instance.
llvm::StructType *getStorageType() const {
return cast<llvm::StructType>(TypeInfo::getStorageType());
using super::getNumStoredProtocols;
unsigned getExplosionSize() const final {
return 1 + getNumStoredProtocols();
void getSchema(ExplosionSchema &schema) const override {
llvm::StructType *ty = getStorageType();
for (unsigned i = 1, e = getExplosionSize(); i != e; ++i)
void addToAggLowering(IRGenModule &IGM, SwiftAggLowering &lowering,
Size offset) const override {
auto ptrSize = IGM.getPointerSize();
LoadableTypeInfo::addScalarToAggLowering(IGM, lowering,
offset, ptrSize);
llvm::StructType *ty = getStorageType();
for (unsigned i = 1, e = getExplosionSize(); i != e; ++i)
LoadableTypeInfo::addScalarToAggLowering(IGM, lowering,
offset + i * ptrSize, ptrSize);
/// Given the address of a class existential container, returns
/// the address of a witness table pointer.
Address projectWitnessTable(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address address,
unsigned n) const {
assert(n < getNumStoredProtocols() && "witness table index out of bounds");
return IGF.Builder.CreateStructGEP(address, n+1,
IGF.IGM.getPointerSize() * (n+1));
/// Return the type of the instance value.
llvm::Type *getValueType() const {
return getStorageType()->getElementType(0);
/// Given the address of a class existential container, returns
/// the address of its instance pointer.
Address projectValue(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address address) const {
return IGF.Builder.CreateStructGEP(address, 0, Size(0));
llvm::Value *loadValue(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address addr) const {
return IGF.Builder.CreateLoad(asDerived().projectValue(IGF, addr));
/// Given a class existential container, returns a witness table
/// pointer out of the container, and the type metadata pointer for the
/// value.
llvm::Value *
extractWitnessTable(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &container,
unsigned which) const {
assert(which < getNumStoredProtocols() && "witness table index out of bounds");
ArrayRef<llvm::Value *> values = container.claim(getExplosionSize());
return values[which+1];
/// Deconstruct an existential object into witness tables and instance
/// pointer.
std::pair<ArrayRef<llvm::Value*>, llvm::Value*>
getWitnessTablesAndValue(Explosion &container) const {
llvm::Value *instance = container.claimNext();
ArrayRef<llvm::Value*> witnesses = container.claim(getNumStoredProtocols());
return {witnesses, instance};
/// Given an existential object, returns the payload value.
llvm::Value *getValue(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &container) const {
llvm::Value *instance = container.claimNext();
return instance;
void loadAsCopy(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address address,
Explosion &out) const override {
// Load the instance pointer, which is unknown-refcounted.
llvm::Value *instance = asDerived().loadValue(IGF, address);
asDerived().emitValueRetain(IGF, instance, IGF.getDefaultAtomicity());
// Load the witness table pointers.
asDerived().emitLoadOfTables(IGF, address, out);
void loadAsTake(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address address,
Explosion &e) const override {
// Load the instance pointer.
e.add(asDerived().loadValue(IGF, address));
// Load the witness table pointers.
asDerived().emitLoadOfTables(IGF, address, e);
void assign(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &e, Address address,
bool isOutlined) const override {
// Assign the value.
Address instanceAddr = asDerived().projectValue(IGF, address);
llvm::Value *old = IGF.Builder.CreateLoad(instanceAddr);
IGF.Builder.CreateStore(e.claimNext(), instanceAddr);
asDerived().emitValueRelease(IGF, old, IGF.getDefaultAtomicity());
// Store the witness table pointers.
asDerived().emitStoreOfTables(IGF, e, address);
void initialize(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &e, Address address,
bool isOutlined) const override {
// Store the instance pointer.
asDerived().projectValue(IGF, address));
// Store the witness table pointers.
asDerived().emitStoreOfTables(IGF, e, address);
void copy(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &src, Explosion &dest,
Atomicity atomicity)
const override {
// Copy the instance pointer.
llvm::Value *value = src.claimNext();
asDerived().emitValueRetain(IGF, value, atomicity);
// Transfer the witness table pointers.
src.transferInto(dest, getNumStoredProtocols());
void consume(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &src, Atomicity atomicity)
const override {
// Copy the instance pointer.
llvm::Value *value = src.claimNext();
asDerived().emitValueRelease(IGF, value, atomicity);
// Throw out the witness table pointers.
void fixLifetime(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &src) const override {
// Copy the instance pointer.
llvm::Value *value = src.claimNext();
asDerived().emitValueFixLifetime(IGF, value);
// Throw out the witness table pointers.
void destroy(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address addr, SILType T,
bool isOutlined) const override {
// Small type (scalar) do not create outlined function
llvm::Value *value = asDerived().loadValue(IGF, addr);
asDerived().emitValueRelease(IGF, value, IGF.getDefaultAtomicity());
void packIntoEnumPayload(IRGenFunction &IGF,
EnumPayload &payload,
Explosion &src,
unsigned offset) const override {
payload.insertValue(IGF, src.claimNext(), offset);
auto wordSize = IGF.IGM.getPointerSize().getValueInBits();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < getNumStoredProtocols(); ++i) {
offset += wordSize;
payload.insertValue(IGF, src.claimNext(), offset);
void unpackFromEnumPayload(IRGenFunction &IGF,
const EnumPayload &payload,
Explosion &dest,
unsigned offset) const override {
ExplosionSchema schema;
dest.add(payload.extractValue(IGF, schema[0].getScalarType(), offset));
auto wordSize = IGF.IGM.getPointerSize().getValueInBits();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < getNumStoredProtocols(); ++i) {
offset += wordSize;
dest.add(payload.extractValue(IGF, IGF.IGM.WitnessTablePtrTy, offset));
// Extra inhabitants of the various scalar existential containers.
// We use the heap object extra inhabitants over the class pointer value.
// We could get even more extra inhabitants from the witness table
// pointer(s), but it's unlikely we would ever need to.
bool mayHaveExtraInhabitants(IRGenModule &IGM) const override {
return true;
unsigned getFixedExtraInhabitantCount(IRGenModule &IGM) const override {
return asDerived().getValueTypeInfoForExtraInhabitants(IGM)
APInt getFixedExtraInhabitantValue(IRGenModule &IGM,
unsigned bits,
unsigned index) const override {
// Note that we pass down the original bit-width.
return asDerived().getValueTypeInfoForExtraInhabitants(IGM)
.getFixedExtraInhabitantValue(IGM, bits, index);
llvm::Value *getExtraInhabitantIndex(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address src,
SILType T, bool isOutlined)
const override {
// NB: We assume that the witness table slots are zero if an extra
// inhabitant is stored in the container.
src = projectValue(IGF, src);
return asDerived().getValueTypeInfoForExtraInhabitants(IGF.IGM)
.getExtraInhabitantIndex(IGF, src, SILType(), isOutlined);
void storeExtraInhabitant(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *index,
Address dest, SILType T, bool isOutlined)
const override {
Address valueDest = projectValue(IGF, dest);
.storeExtraInhabitant(IGF, index, valueDest, SILType(), isOutlined);
APInt getFixedExtraInhabitantMask(IRGenModule &IGM) const override {
// Ask the value type for its mask.
APInt bits = asDerived().getValueTypeInfoForExtraInhabitants(IGM)
// Zext out to the size of the existential.
auto totalSize = asDerived().getFixedSize().getValueInBits();
auto mask = BitPatternBuilder(IGM.Triple.isLittleEndian());
/// A type implementation for existential types.
#define REF_STORAGE_HELPER(Name, Super) \
private: \
bool shouldStoreExtraInhabitantsInRef(IRGenModule &IGM) const { \
if (IGM.getReferenceStorageExtraInhabitantCount( \
ReferenceOwnership::Name, Refcounting) > 1) \
return true; \
return getNumStoredProtocols() == 0; \
} \
public: \
bool mayHaveExtraInhabitants(IRGenModule &IGM) const override { \
return getFixedExtraInhabitantCount(IGM) > 0; \
} \
unsigned getFixedExtraInhabitantCount(IRGenModule &IGM) const override { \
if (shouldStoreExtraInhabitantsInRef(IGM)) { \
return IGM.getReferenceStorageExtraInhabitantCount( \
ReferenceOwnership::Name, Refcounting) - IsOptional; \
} else { \
return Super::getFixedExtraInhabitantCount(IGM); \
} \
} \
APInt getFixedExtraInhabitantValue(IRGenModule &IGM, \
unsigned bits, \
unsigned index) const override { \
if (shouldStoreExtraInhabitantsInRef(IGM)) { \
return IGM.getReferenceStorageExtraInhabitantValue(bits, \
index + IsOptional, \
ReferenceOwnership::Name, \
Refcounting); \
} else { \
return Super::getFixedExtraInhabitantValue(IGM, bits, index); \
} \
} \
llvm::Value *getExtraInhabitantIndex(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address src, \
SILType T, bool isOutlined) \
const override { \
Address valueSrc = projectValue(IGF, src); \
if (shouldStoreExtraInhabitantsInRef(IGF.IGM)) { \
return IGF.getReferenceStorageExtraInhabitantIndex(valueSrc, \
ReferenceOwnership::Name, Refcounting); \
} else { \
return Super::getExtraInhabitantIndex(IGF, src, T, isOutlined); \
} \
} \
void storeExtraInhabitant(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *index, \
Address dest, SILType T, bool isOutlined) \
const override { \
Address valueDest = projectValue(IGF, dest); \
if (shouldStoreExtraInhabitantsInRef(IGF.IGM)) { \
return IGF.storeReferenceStorageExtraInhabitant(index, valueDest, \
ReferenceOwnership::Name, Refcounting); \
} else { \
return Super::storeExtraInhabitant(IGF, index, dest, T, isOutlined); \
} \
} \
APInt getFixedExtraInhabitantMask(IRGenModule &IGM) const override { \
if (shouldStoreExtraInhabitantsInRef(IGM)) { \
APInt bits = IGM.getReferenceStorageExtraInhabitantMask( \
ReferenceOwnership::Name, \
Refcounting); \
/* Zext out to the size of the existential. */ \
auto mask = BitPatternBuilder(IGM.Triple.isLittleEndian()); \
mask.append(bits); \
mask.padWithClearBitsTo(getFixedSize().getValueInBits()); \
return; \
} else { \
return Super::getFixedExtraInhabitantMask(IGM); \
} \
class AddressOnly##Name##ClassExistentialTypeInfo final : \
public AddressOnlyClassExistentialTypeInfoBase< \
AddressOnly##Name##ClassExistentialTypeInfo, \
FixedTypeInfo> { \
bool IsOptional; \
public: \
AddressOnly##Name##ClassExistentialTypeInfo( \
ArrayRef<const ProtocolDecl *> protocols, \
llvm::Type *ty, \
SpareBitVector &&spareBits, \
Size size, Alignment align, \
ReferenceCounting refcounting, \
bool isOptional) \
: AddressOnlyClassExistentialTypeInfoBase(protocols, refcounting, \
ty, size, std::move(spareBits), \
align, IsNotPOD, \
IsNotBitwiseTakable, \
IsFixedSize), \
IsOptional(isOptional) {} \
void emitValueAssignWithCopy(IRGenFunction &IGF, \
Address dest, Address src) const { \
IGF.emit##Name##CopyAssign(dest, src, Refcounting); \
} \
void emitValueInitializeWithCopy(IRGenFunction &IGF, \
Address dest, Address src) const { \
IGF.emit##Name##CopyInit(dest, src, Refcounting); \
} \
void emitValueAssignWithTake(IRGenFunction &IGF, \
Address dest, Address src) const { \
IGF.emit##Name##TakeAssign(dest, src, Refcounting); \
} \
void emitValueInitializeWithTake(IRGenFunction &IGF, \
Address dest, Address src) const { \
IGF.emit##Name##TakeInit(dest, src, Refcounting); \
} \
void emitValueDestroy(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address addr) const { \
IGF.emit##Name##Destroy(addr, Refcounting); \
} \
StringRef getStructNameSuffix() const { return "." #name "ref"; } \
REF_STORAGE_HELPER(Name, FixedTypeInfo) \
class Loadable##Name##ClassExistentialTypeInfo final \
: public ScalarExistentialTypeInfoBase< \
Loadable##Name##ClassExistentialTypeInfo, \
LoadableTypeInfo> { \
ReferenceCounting Refcounting; \
llvm::Type *ValueType; \
bool IsOptional; \
public: \
Loadable##Name##ClassExistentialTypeInfo( \
ArrayRef<const ProtocolDecl *> storedProtocols, \
llvm::Type *valueTy, llvm::Type *ty, \
const SpareBitVector &spareBits, \
Size size, Alignment align, \
ReferenceCounting refcounting, \
bool isOptional) \
: ScalarExistentialTypeInfoBase(storedProtocols, ty, size, \
spareBits, align, IsNotPOD, IsFixedSize), \
Refcounting(refcounting), ValueType(valueTy), IsOptional(isOptional) { \
assert(refcounting == ReferenceCounting::Native || \
refcounting == ReferenceCounting::Unknown); \
} \
llvm::Type *getValueType() const { \
return ValueType; \
} \
Address projectValue(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address addr) const { \
Address valueAddr = ScalarExistentialTypeInfoBase::projectValue(IGF, addr); \
return IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(valueAddr, ValueType->getPointerTo()); \
} \
void emitValueRetain(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *value, \
Atomicity atomicity) const { \
IGF.emit##Name##Retain(value, Refcounting, atomicity); \
} \
void emitValueRelease(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *value, \
Atomicity atomicity) const { \
IGF.emit##Name##Release(value, Refcounting, atomicity); \
} \
void emitValueFixLifetime(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *value) const { \
IGF.emitFixLifetime(value); \
} \
const LoadableTypeInfo & \
getValueTypeInfoForExtraInhabitants(IRGenModule &IGM) const { \
llvm_unreachable("should have overridden all actual uses of this"); \
} \
REF_STORAGE_HELPER(Name, LoadableTypeInfo) \
/// A type implementation for static reference storage class existential types
/// that do not generate dynamic (i.e. runtime) logic.
#define UNCHECKED_REF_STORAGE(Name, ...) \
class Name##ClassExistentialTypeInfo final \
: public ScalarExistentialTypeInfoBase<Name##ClassExistentialTypeInfo, \
LoadableTypeInfo> { \
public: \
Name##ClassExistentialTypeInfo( \
ArrayRef<const ProtocolDecl *> storedProtocols, \
llvm::Type *ty, \
const SpareBitVector &spareBits, \
Size size, Alignment align, \
bool isOptional) \
: ScalarExistentialTypeInfoBase(storedProtocols, ty, size, \
spareBits, align, IsPOD, IsFixedSize) {} \
const LoadableTypeInfo & \
getValueTypeInfoForExtraInhabitants(IRGenModule &IGM) const { \
if (!IGM.ObjCInterop) \
return IGM.getNativeObjectTypeInfo(); \
else \
return IGM.getUnknownObjectTypeInfo(); \
} \
/* FIXME -- Use REF_STORAGE_HELPER and make */ \
/* getValueTypeInfoForExtraInhabitants call llvm_unreachable() */ \
void emitValueRetain(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *value, \
Atomicity atomicity) const {} \
void emitValueRelease(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *value, \
Atomicity atomicity) const {} \
void emitValueFixLifetime(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *value) const {} \
#include "swift/AST/ReferenceStorage.def"
} // end anonymous namespace
static llvm::Constant *getAssignBoxedOpaqueExistentialBufferFunction(
IRGenModule &IGM, OpaqueExistentialLayout existLayout);
static llvm::Constant *getDestroyBoxedOpaqueExistentialBufferFunction(
IRGenModule &IGM, OpaqueExistentialLayout existLayout);
static llvm::Constant *
getProjectBoxedOpaqueExistentialFunction(IRGenFunction &IGF,
OpenedExistentialAccess accessKind,
OpaqueExistentialLayout existLayout);
namespace {
/// A TypeInfo implementation for existential types, i.e., types like:
/// Printable
/// Printable & Serializable
/// Any
/// with the semantic translation:
/// \exists t : Printable . t
/// t here is an ArchetypeType.
/// This is used for both ProtocolTypes and ProtocolCompositionTypes.
class OpaqueExistentialTypeInfo final :
public ExistentialTypeInfoBase<OpaqueExistentialTypeInfo,
IndirectTypeInfo<OpaqueExistentialTypeInfo, FixedTypeInfo>> {
using super =
IndirectTypeInfo<OpaqueExistentialTypeInfo, FixedTypeInfo>>;
friend super;
OpaqueExistentialTypeInfo(ArrayRef<const ProtocolDecl *> protocols,
llvm::Type *ty, Size size,
SpareBitVector &&spareBits,
Alignment align)
: super(protocols, ty, size,
std::move(spareBits), align,
IsNotPOD, IsBitwiseTakable, IsFixedSize) {}
OpaqueExistentialLayout getLayout() const {
return OpaqueExistentialLayout(getNumStoredProtocols());
Address projectWitnessTable(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address obj,
unsigned index) const {
return getLayout().projectWitnessTable(IGF, obj, index);
void assignWithCopy(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address dest, Address src, SILType T,
bool isOutlined) const override {
// Use copy-on-write existentials?
auto fn = getAssignBoxedOpaqueExistentialBufferFunction(
IGF.IGM, getLayout());
auto *type = IGF.IGM.getExistentialPtrTy(getLayout().getNumTables());
auto *destAddr = IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(dest.getAddress(), type);
auto *srcAddr = IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(src.getAddress(), type);
auto call =
IGF.Builder.CreateCall(fn, {destAddr, srcAddr});
llvm::Value *copyType(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address dest, Address src) const {
auto layout = getLayout();
llvm::Value *metadata = layout.loadMetadataRef(IGF, src);
IGF.Builder.CreateStore(metadata, layout.projectMetadataRef(IGF, dest));
// Load the witness tables and copy them into the new object.
emitCopyOfTables(IGF, dest, src);
return metadata;
void initializeWithCopy(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address dest, Address src,
SILType T, bool isOutlined) const override {
if (isOutlined) {
llvm::Value *metadata = copyType(IGF, dest, src);
auto layout = getLayout();
// Project down to the buffers and ask the witnesses to do a
// copy-initialize.
Address srcBuffer = layout.projectExistentialBuffer(IGF, src);
Address destBuffer = layout.projectExistentialBuffer(IGF, dest);
emitInitializeBufferWithCopyOfBufferCall(IGF, metadata, destBuffer,
} else {
// Create an outlined function to avoid explosion
OutliningMetadataCollector collector(IGF);
collector.emitCallToOutlinedCopy(dest, src, T, *this,
IsInitialization, IsNotTake);
void initializeWithTake(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address dest, Address src,
SILType T, bool isOutlined) const override {
if (isOutlined) {
// memcpy the existential container. This is safe because: either the
// value is stored inline and is therefore by convention bitwise takable
// or the value is stored in a reference counted heap buffer, in which
// case a memcpy of the reference is also correct.
IGF.emitMemCpy(dest, src, getLayout().getSize(IGF.IGM));
} else {
// Create an outlined function to avoid explosion
OutliningMetadataCollector collector(IGF);
collector.emitCallToOutlinedCopy(dest, src, T, *this,
IsInitialization, IsTake);
void destroy(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address buffer, SILType T,
bool isOutlined) const override {
// Use copy-on-write existentials?
auto fn = getDestroyBoxedOpaqueExistentialBufferFunction(
IGF.IGM, getLayout());
auto *addr = IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(
auto call = IGF.Builder.CreateCall(fn, {addr});
// Opaque existentials have extra inhabitants and spare bits in their type
// metadata pointer, matching those of a standalone thick metatype (which
// in turn match those of a heap object).
unsigned getFixedExtraInhabitantCount(IRGenModule &IGM) const override {
return getHeapObjectExtraInhabitantCount(IGM);
APInt getFixedExtraInhabitantValue(IRGenModule &IGM,
unsigned bits,
unsigned index) const override {
auto offset = getLayout().getMetadataRefOffset(IGM).getValueInBits();
return getHeapObjectFixedExtraInhabitantValue(IGM, bits, index, offset);
APInt getFixedExtraInhabitantMask(IRGenModule &IGM) const override {
auto mask = BitPatternBuilder(IGM.Triple.isLittleEndian());
llvm::Value *getExtraInhabitantIndex(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Address src, SILType T,
bool isOutlined) const override {
auto type = getLayout().projectMetadataRef(IGF, src);
return getHeapObjectExtraInhabitantIndex(IGF, type);
void storeExtraInhabitant(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *index,
Address dest, SILType T, bool isOutlined)
const override {
auto type = getLayout().projectMetadataRef(IGF, dest);
return storeHeapObjectExtraInhabitant(IGF, index, type);
/// A type info implementation for class existential types, that is,
/// an existential type known to conform to one or more class protocols.
/// Class existentials can be represented directly as an aggregation
/// of a refcounted pointer plus witness tables instead of using an indirect
/// buffer.
class ClassExistentialTypeInfo final
: public ScalarExistentialTypeInfoBase<ClassExistentialTypeInfo,
ReferenceTypeInfo> {
ReferenceCounting Refcounting;
friend ExistentialTypeInfoBase;
ClassExistentialTypeInfo(ArrayRef<const ProtocolDecl *> protocols,
llvm::Type *ty,
Size size,
SpareBitVector &&spareBits,
Alignment align,
ReferenceCounting refcounting)
: ScalarExistentialTypeInfoBase(protocols, ty, size,
std::move(spareBits), align),
Refcounting(refcounting) {
assert(refcounting == ReferenceCounting::Native ||
refcounting == ReferenceCounting::Unknown ||
refcounting == ReferenceCounting::ObjC);
/// Given an explosion with multiple pointer elements in them, pack them
/// into an enum payload explosion.
/// FIXME: Assumes the explosion is broken into word-sized integer chunks.
/// Should use EnumPayload.
void mergeExplosion(Explosion &In, Explosion &Out, IRGenFunction &IGF)
const {
// We always have at least one entry.
auto *part = In.claimNext();
Out.add(IGF.Builder.CreatePtrToInt(part, IGF.IGM.IntPtrTy));
for (unsigned i = 0; i != getNumStoredProtocols(); ++i) {
part = In.claimNext();
Out.add(IGF.Builder.CreatePtrToInt(part, IGF.IGM.IntPtrTy));
// Given an exploded enum payload consisting of consecutive word-sized
// chunks, cast them to their underlying component types.
// FIXME: Assumes the payload is word-chunked. Should use
void decomposeExplosion(Explosion &InE, Explosion &OutE,
IRGenFunction &IGF) const {
// The first entry is always the weak*.
llvm::Value *weak = InE.claimNext();
if (Refcounting == ReferenceCounting::Native)
// Collect the witness tables.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = getNumStoredProtocols(); i != e; ++i) {
llvm::Value *witness = InE.claimNext();
llvm::PointerType *getPayloadType() const {
auto *ty = getStorageType();
llvm::StructType *structTy = cast<llvm::StructType>(ty);
return cast<llvm::PointerType>(structTy->elements()[0]);
bool isSingleRetainablePointer(ResilienceExpansion expansion,
ReferenceCounting *refcounting) const override{
if (refcounting) *refcounting = Refcounting;
return getNumStoredProtocols() == 0;
const LoadableTypeInfo &
getValueTypeInfoForExtraInhabitants(IRGenModule &IGM) const {
if (Refcounting == ReferenceCounting::Native)
return IGM.getNativeObjectTypeInfo();
return IGM.getUnknownObjectTypeInfo();
void strongRetain(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &e,
Atomicity atomicity) const override {
IGF.emitStrongRetain(e.claimNext(), Refcounting, atomicity);
void strongRelease(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &e,
Atomicity atomicity) const override {
IGF.emitStrongRelease(e.claimNext(), Refcounting, atomicity);
// We can just re-use the reference storage types.
void name##LoadStrong(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address existential, \
Explosion &out, bool isOptional) const override { \
if (isOptional) { \
Explosion temp; \
Address valueAddr = projectValue(IGF, existential); \
llvm::Type *resultType = IGF.IGM.getReferenceType(Refcounting); \
temp.add(IGF.emit##Name##LoadStrong(valueAddr, resultType, Refcounting));\
emitLoadOfTables(IGF, existential, temp); \
mergeExplosion(temp, out, IGF); \
} else { \
Address valueAddr = projectValue(IGF, existential); \
out.add(IGF.emit##Name##LoadStrong(valueAddr, \
getPayloadType(), \
Refcounting)); \
emitLoadOfTables(IGF, existential, out); \
} \
} \
void name##TakeStrong(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address existential, \
Explosion &out, bool isOptional) const override { \
if (isOptional) { \
Explosion temp; \
Address valueAddr = projectValue(IGF, existential); \
llvm::Type *resultType = IGF.IGM.getReferenceType(Refcounting); \
temp.add(IGF.emit##Name##TakeStrong(valueAddr, resultType, Refcounting));\
emitLoadOfTables(IGF, existential, temp); \
mergeExplosion(temp, out, IGF); \
} else { \
Address valueAddr = projectValue(IGF, existential); \
out.add(IGF.emit##Name##TakeStrong(valueAddr, \
getPayloadType(), \
Refcounting)); \
emitLoadOfTables(IGF, existential, out); \
} \
} \
void name##Init(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &in, \
Address existential, bool isOptional) const override { \
llvm::Value *value = nullptr; \
if (isOptional) { \
Explosion temp; \
decomposeExplosion(in, temp, IGF); \
value = temp.claimNext(); \
assert(value->getType() == IGF.IGM.getReferenceType(Refcounting)); \
emitStoreOfTables(IGF, temp, existential); \
} else { \
value = in.claimNext(); \
emitStoreOfTables(IGF, in, existential); \
} \
Address valueAddr = projectValue(IGF, existential); \
IGF.emit##Name##Init(value, valueAddr, Refcounting); \
} \
void name##Assign(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &in, \
Address existential, bool isOptional) const override { \
llvm::Value *value = nullptr; \
if (isOptional) { \
Explosion temp; \
decomposeExplosion(in, temp, IGF); \
value = temp.claimNext(); \
assert(value->getType() == IGF.IGM.getReferenceType(Refcounting)); \
emitStoreOfTables(IGF, temp, existential); \
} else { \
value = in.claimNext(); \
emitStoreOfTables(IGF, in, existential); \
} \
Address valueAddr = projectValue(IGF, existential); \
IGF.emit##Name##Assign(value, valueAddr, Refcounting); \
void name##Retain(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &e, \
Atomicity atomicity) const override { \
IGF.emit##Name##Retain(e.claimNext(), Refcounting, atomicity); \
(void)e.claim(getNumStoredProtocols()); \
} \
void name##Release(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &e, \
Atomicity atomicity) const override { \
IGF.emit##Name##Release(e.claimNext(), Refcounting, atomicity); \
(void)e.claim(getNumStoredProtocols()); \
} \
void strongRetain##Name(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &e, \
Atomicity atomicity) const override { \
IGF.emitStrongRetain##Name(e.claimNext(), Refcounting, atomicity); \
(void)e.claim(getNumStoredProtocols()); \
} \
void strongRetain##Name##Release(IRGenFunction &IGF, \
Explosion &e, \
Atomicity atomicity) const override { \
IGF.emitStrongRetainAnd##Name##Release(e.claimNext(), Refcounting, \
atomicity); \
(void)e.claim(getNumStoredProtocols()); \
const TypeInfo * \
create##Name##StorageType(TypeConverter &TC, \
bool isOptional) const override { \
auto spareBits = BitPatternBuilder(TC.IGM.Triple.isLittleEndian()); \
auto ref = TC.IGM.getReferenceStorageSpareBits( \
ReferenceOwnership::Name, \
Refcounting); \
spareBits.append(ref); \
for (unsigned i = 0, e = getNumStoredProtocols(); i != e; ++i) { \
spareBits.append(TC.IGM.getWitnessTablePtrSpareBits()); \
} \
auto storageTy = buildReferenceStorageType(TC.IGM, \
TC.IGM.Name##ReferencePtrTy->getElementType()); \
return AddressOnly##Name##ClassExistentialTypeInfo::create( \
getStoredProtocols(), \
storageTy, \, \
getFixedSize(), \
getFixedAlignment(), \
Refcounting, \
isOptional); \
const TypeInfo * \
create##Name##StorageType(TypeConverter &TC, \
bool isOptional) const override { \
auto ref = TC.IGM.getReferenceStorageSpareBits( \
ReferenceOwnership::Name, \
Refcounting); \
auto spareBits = BitPatternBuilder(TC.IGM.Triple.isLittleEndian()); \
spareBits.append(ref); \
for (unsigned i = 0, e = getNumStoredProtocols(); i != e; ++i) { \
spareBits.append(TC.IGM.getWitnessTablePtrSpareBits()); \
} \
auto storageTy = buildReferenceStorageType(TC.IGM, \
TC.IGM.Name##ReferencePtrTy->getElementType()); \
if (TC.IGM.isLoadableReferenceAddressOnly(Refcounting)) { \
return AddressOnly##Name##ClassExistentialTypeInfo::create( \
getStoredProtocols(), \
storageTy, \, \
getFixedSize(), \
getFixedAlignment(), \
Refcounting, \
isOptional); \
} else { \
return Loadable##Name##ClassExistentialTypeInfo::create( \
getStoredProtocols(), \
getValueType(), \
storageTy, \, \
getFixedSize(), \
getFixedAlignment(), \
Refcounting, \
isOptional); \
} \
const TypeInfo * \
create##Name##StorageType(TypeConverter &TC, \
bool isOptional) const override { \
assert(Refcounting == ReferenceCounting::Native); \
auto ref = TC.IGM.getReferenceStorageSpareBits( \
ReferenceOwnership::Name, \
ReferenceCounting::Native); \
auto spareBits = BitPatternBuilder(TC.IGM.Triple.isLittleEndian()); \
spareBits.append(ref); \
for (unsigned i = 0, e = getNumStoredProtocols(); i != e; ++i) { \
spareBits.append(TC.IGM.getWitnessTablePtrSpareBits()); \
} \
auto storageTy = buildReferenceStorageType(TC.IGM, \
TC.IGM.Name##ReferencePtrTy->getElementType()); \
return Loadable##Name##ClassExistentialTypeInfo::create( \
getStoredProtocols(), \
getValueType(), \
storageTy, \, \
getFixedSize(), \
getFixedAlignment(), \
ReferenceCounting::Native, \
isOptional); \
#define UNCHECKED_REF_STORAGE(Name, ...) \
const TypeInfo * \
create##Name##StorageType(TypeConverter &TC, \
bool isOptional) const override { \
return Name##ClassExistentialTypeInfo::create(getStoredProtocols(), \
getStorageType(), \
getSpareBits(), \
getFixedSize(), \
getFixedAlignment(), \
isOptional); \
#include "swift/AST/ReferenceStorage.def"
void emitValueRetain(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *value,
Atomicity atomicity) const {
IGF.emitStrongRetain(value, Refcounting, atomicity);
void emitValueRelease(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *value,
Atomicity atomicity) const {
IGF.emitStrongRelease(value, Refcounting, atomicity);
void emitValueFixLifetime(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *value) const {
LoadedRef loadRefcountedPtr(IRGenFunction &IGF, SourceLoc loc,
Address existential) const override {
Address valueAddr = projectValue(IGF, existential);
return LoadedRef(IGF.emitLoadRefcountedPtr(valueAddr, Refcounting), true);
llvm::StructType *buildReferenceStorageType(IRGenModule &IGM,
llvm::Type *refStorageTy) const {
SmallVector<llvm::Type*, 8> fieldTys;
fieldTys.resize(getNumStoredProtocols() + 1, IGM.WitnessTablePtrTy);
auto storageTy = llvm::StructType::get(IGM.getLLVMContext(), fieldTys);
return storageTy;
/// A type implementation for existential metatypes.
class ExistentialMetatypeTypeInfo final
: public ScalarExistentialTypeInfoBase<ExistentialMetatypeTypeInfo,
LoadableTypeInfo> {
const LoadableTypeInfo &MetatypeTI;
friend ExistentialTypeInfoBase;
ExistentialMetatypeTypeInfo(ArrayRef<const ProtocolDecl *> storedProtocols,
llvm::Type *ty, Size size,
SpareBitVector &&spareBits,
Alignment align,
const LoadableTypeInfo &metatypeTI)
: ScalarExistentialTypeInfoBase(storedProtocols, ty, size,
std::move(spareBits), align, IsPOD,
MetatypeTI(metatypeTI) {}
const LoadableTypeInfo &
getValueTypeInfoForExtraInhabitants(IRGenModule &IGM) const {
return MetatypeTI;
void emitValueRetain(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *value,
Atomicity atomicity) const {
// do nothing
void emitValueRelease(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *value,
Atomicity atomicity) const {
// do nothing
void emitValueFixLifetime(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *value) const {
// do nothing
/// Type info for error existentials, currently the only kind of boxed
/// existential.
class ErrorExistentialTypeInfo : public HeapTypeInfo<ErrorExistentialTypeInfo>
const ProtocolDecl *ErrorProto;
ReferenceCounting Refcounting;
ErrorExistentialTypeInfo(llvm::PointerType *storage,
Size size, SpareBitVector spareBits,
Alignment align,
const ProtocolDecl *errorProto,
ReferenceCounting refcounting)
: HeapTypeInfo(storage, size, spareBits, align), ErrorProto(errorProto),
Refcounting(refcounting) {}
ReferenceCounting getReferenceCounting() const {
// Error uses its own RC entry points.
return Refcounting;
ArrayRef<const ProtocolDecl *> getStoredProtocols() const {
return ErrorProto;
} // end anonymous namespace
static const TypeInfo *
createErrorExistentialTypeInfo(IRGenModule &IGM,
const ExistentialLayout &layout) {
// The Error existential has a special boxed representation. It has
// space only for witnesses to the Error protocol.
auto *protocol = layout.getProtocols()[0]->getDecl();
auto refcounting = (!IGM.ObjCInterop
? ReferenceCounting::Native
: ReferenceCounting::Error);
return new ErrorExistentialTypeInfo(IGM.ErrorPtrTy,
llvm::Type *TypeConverter::getExistentialType(unsigned numWitnessTables) {
llvm::StructType *&type = OpaqueExistentialTypes[numWitnessTables];
if (type)
return type;
SmallVector<llvm::Type*, 5> fields;
for (auto i : range(numWitnessTables)) {
(void) i;
llvm::SmallString<40> typeName;
<< "__opaque_existential_type_"
<< numWitnessTables;
type = llvm::StructType::create(IGM.getLLVMContext(), StringRef(typeName));
return type;
llvm::PointerType *IRGenModule::getExistentialPtrTy(unsigned numTables) {
return Types.getExistentialType(numTables)->getPointerTo();
static const TypeInfo *createExistentialTypeInfo(IRGenModule &IGM, CanType T) {
auto layout = T.getExistentialLayout();
SmallVector<llvm::Type*, 5> fields;
SmallVector<const ProtocolDecl *, 4> protosWithWitnessTables;
// Check for special existentials.
if (layout.isErrorExistential()) {
// Error has a special runtime representation.
return createErrorExistentialTypeInfo(IGM, layout);
// Note: Protocol composition types are not nominal, but we name them anyway.
llvm::StructType *type;
if (isa<ProtocolType>(T))
type = IGM.createNominalType(T);
type = IGM.createNominalType(cast<ProtocolCompositionType>(T.getPointer()));
assert(type->isOpaque() && "creating existential type in concrete struct");
// In an opaque metadata, the first two fields are the fixed buffer
// followed by the metadata reference. In a class metadata, the
// first field is the class instance.
// Leave space in the buffer for both, but make sure we set it up later.
// The existential container is class-constrained if any of its protocol
// constraints are.
bool allowsTaggedPointers = true;
for (auto protoTy : layout.getProtocols()) {
auto *protoDecl = protoTy->getDecl();
if (protoDecl->getAttrs().hasAttribute<UnsafeNoObjCTaggedPointerAttr>())
allowsTaggedPointers = false;
// ObjC protocols need no layout or witness table info. All dispatch is done
// through objc_msgSend.
if (!Lowering::TypeConverter::protocolRequiresWitnessTable(protoDecl))
// Each protocol gets a witness table.
// If the existential is class, lower it to a class
// existential representation.
if (layout.requiresClass()) {
// If we're not using the Objective-C runtime, we can use the
// native reference counting entry points.
ReferenceCounting refcounting = T->getReferenceCounting();
llvm::PointerType *reprTy = nullptr;
if (auto superclass = layout.getSuperclass()) {
auto &superTI = IGM.getTypeInfoForUnlowered(superclass);
reprTy = cast<llvm::PointerType>(superTI.getStorageType());
} else if (refcounting == ReferenceCounting::Native) {
reprTy = IGM.RefCountedPtrTy;
} else {
reprTy = IGM.UnknownRefCountedPtrTy;
fields[1] = reprTy;
// Replace the type metadata pointer with the class instance.
auto classFields = llvm::makeArrayRef(fields).slice(1);
Alignment align = IGM.getPointerAlignment();
Size size = classFields.size() * IGM.getPointerSize();
auto spareBits = BitPatternBuilder(IGM.Triple.isLittleEndian());
// The class pointer is an unknown heap object, so it may be a tagged
// pointer, if the platform has those.
if (allowsTaggedPointers &&
refcounting != ReferenceCounting::Native &&
IGM.TargetInfo.hasObjCTaggedPointers()) {
} else {
// If the platform doesn't use ObjC tagged pointers, we can go crazy.
for (unsigned i = 1, e = classFields.size(); i < e; ++i) {
return ClassExistentialTypeInfo::create(protosWithWitnessTables, type,
size,, align,
// Set up the first two fields.
fields[0] = IGM.getFixedBufferTy();
fields[1] = IGM.TypeMetadataPtrTy;
OpaqueExistentialLayout opaque(protosWithWitnessTables.size());
Alignment align = opaque.getAlignment(IGM);
Size size = opaque.getSize(IGM);
// There are spare bits in the metadata pointer and witness table pointers
// consistent with a native object reference.
// TODO: There are spare bits we could theoretically use in the type metadata
// and witness table pointers, but opaque existentials are currently address-
// only, and we can't soundly take advantage of spare bits for in-memory
// representations.
auto spareBits = SpareBitVector::getConstant(size.getValueInBits(), false);
return OpaqueExistentialTypeInfo::create(protosWithWitnessTables, type, size,
const TypeInfo *TypeConverter::convertProtocolType(ProtocolType *T) {
return createExistentialTypeInfo(IGM, CanType(T));
const TypeInfo *
TypeConverter::convertProtocolCompositionType(ProtocolCompositionType *T) {
return createExistentialTypeInfo(IGM, CanType(T));
const TypeInfo *
TypeConverter::convertExistentialMetatypeType(ExistentialMetatypeType *T) {
assert(T->hasRepresentation() &&
"metatype should have been assigned a representation by SIL");
auto instanceT = CanExistentialMetatypeType(T).getInstanceType();
while (isa<ExistentialMetatypeType>(instanceT))
instanceT = cast<ExistentialMetatypeType>(instanceT).getInstanceType();
auto layout = instanceT.getExistentialLayout();
SmallVector<const ProtocolDecl *, 4> protosWithWitnessTables;
SmallVector<llvm::Type*, 4> fields;
assert(T->getRepresentation() != MetatypeRepresentation::Thin &&
"existential metatypes cannot have thin representation");
auto &baseTI = cast<LoadableTypeInfo>(getMetatypeTypeInfo(T->getRepresentation()));
auto spareBits = BitPatternBuilder(IGM.Triple.isLittleEndian());
for (auto protoTy : layout.getProtocols()) {
auto *protoDecl = protoTy->getDecl();
if (!Lowering::TypeConverter::protocolRequiresWitnessTable(protoDecl))
// Each protocol gets a witness table.
llvm::StructType *type = llvm::StructType::get(IGM.getLLVMContext(), fields);
Size size = IGM.getPointerSize() * fields.size();
Alignment align = IGM.getPointerAlignment();
return ExistentialMetatypeTypeInfo::create(protosWithWitnessTables, type,
size,, align,
/// Emit protocol witness table pointers for the given protocol conformances,
/// passing each emitted witness table index into the given function body.
static void forEachProtocolWitnessTable(
IRGenFunction &IGF, CanType srcType, llvm::Value **srcMetadataCache,
CanType destType, ArrayRef<const ProtocolDecl *> protocols,
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> conformances,
llvm::function_ref<void(unsigned, llvm::Value *)> body) {
// Collect the conformances that need witness tables.
auto layout = destType.getExistentialLayout();
auto destProtocols = layout.getProtocols();
SmallVector<ProtocolConformanceRef, 2> witnessConformances;
assert(destProtocols.size() == conformances.size() &&
"mismatched protocol conformances");
for (unsigned i = 0, size = destProtocols.size(); i < size; ++i) {
auto destProtocol = destProtocols[i]->getDecl();
if (Lowering::TypeConverter::protocolRequiresWitnessTable(destProtocol))
assert(protocols.size() == witnessConformances.size() &&
"mismatched protocol conformances");
for (unsigned i = 0, e = protocols.size(); i < e; ++i) {
assert(protocols[i] == witnessConformances[i].getRequirement());
auto table = emitWitnessTableRef(IGF, srcType, srcMetadataCache,
body(i, table);
/// Project the address of the value inside a boxed existential container.
ContainedAddress irgen::emitBoxedExistentialProjection(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Explosion &base,
SILType baseTy,
CanType projectedType) {
// TODO: Non-ErrorType boxed existentials.
ExistentialRepresentation::Boxed, Type()));
// Get the reference to the existential box.
llvm::Value *box = base.claimNext();
// Allocate scratch space to invoke the runtime.
Address scratch = IGF.createAlloca(IGF.IGM.Int8PtrTy,
Address out = IGF.createAlloca(IGF.IGM.OpenedErrorTripleTy,
IGF.Builder.CreateCall(IGF.IGM.getGetErrorValueFn(), {box,
// Load the 'out' values.
auto &projectedTI = IGF.getTypeInfoForLowered(projectedType);
auto projectedPtrAddr = IGF.Builder.CreateStructGEP(out, 0, Size(0));
llvm::Value *projectedPtr = IGF.Builder.CreateLoad(projectedPtrAddr);
projectedPtr = IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(projectedPtr,
auto projected = projectedTI.getAddressForPointer(projectedPtr);
return ContainedAddress(out, projected);
/// Project the address of the value inside a boxed existential container,
/// and open an archetype to its contained type.
Address irgen::emitOpenExistentialBox(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Explosion &base,
SILType baseTy,
CanArchetypeType openedArchetype) {
ContainedAddress box = emitBoxedExistentialProjection(IGF, base, baseTy,
Address out = box.getContainer();
auto metadataAddr = IGF.Builder.CreateStructGEP(out, 1,
auto metadata = IGF.Builder.CreateLoad(metadataAddr);
auto witnessAddr = IGF.Builder.CreateStructGEP(out, 2,
2 * IGF.IGM.getPointerSize());
auto witness = IGF.Builder.CreateLoad(witnessAddr);
IGF.bindArchetype(openedArchetype, metadata, MetadataState::Complete,
return box.getAddress();
/// Allocate a boxed existential container with uninitialized space to hold a
/// value of a given type.
OwnedAddress irgen::emitBoxedExistentialContainerAllocation(IRGenFunction &IGF,
SILType destType,
CanType formalSrcType,
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> conformances) {
// TODO: Non-Error boxed existentials.
ExistentialRepresentation::Boxed, Type()));
auto &destTI = IGF.getTypeInfo(destType).as<ErrorExistentialTypeInfo>();
auto srcMetadata = IGF.emitTypeMetadataRef(formalSrcType);
// Should only be one conformance, for the Error protocol.
assert(conformances.size() == 1 && destTI.getStoredProtocols().size() == 1);
const ProtocolDecl *proto = destTI.getStoredProtocols()[0];
(void) proto;
assert(proto == conformances[0].getRequirement());
auto witness = emitWitnessTableRef(IGF, formalSrcType, &srcMetadata,
// Call the runtime to allocate the box.
// TODO: When there's a store or copy_addr immediately into the box, peephole
// it into the initializer parameter to allocError.
auto result = IGF.Builder.CreateCall(IGF.IGM.getAllocErrorFn(),
{srcMetadata, witness,
llvm::ConstantInt::get(IGF.IGM.Int1Ty, 0)});
// Extract the box and value address from the result.
auto box = IGF.Builder.CreateExtractValue(result, 0);
auto addr = IGF.Builder.CreateExtractValue(result, 1);
auto archetype = OpenedArchetypeType::get(destType.getASTType());
auto &srcTI = IGF.getTypeInfoForUnlowered(AbstractionPattern(archetype),
addr = IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(addr,
return OwnedAddress(srcTI.getAddressForPointer(addr), box);
/// Deallocate a boxed existential container with uninitialized space to hold a
/// value of a given type.
void irgen::emitBoxedExistentialContainerDeallocation(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Explosion &container,
SILType containerType,
CanType valueType) {
// TODO: Non-Error boxed existentials.
ExistentialRepresentation::Boxed, Type()));
auto box = container.claimNext();
auto srcMetadata = IGF.emitTypeMetadataRef(valueType);
IGF.Builder.CreateCall(IGF.IGM.getDeallocErrorFn(), {box, srcMetadata});
/// Emit a class existential container from a class instance value
/// as an explosion.
void irgen::emitClassExistentialContainer(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Explosion &out,
SILType outType,
llvm::Value *instance,
CanType instanceFormalType,
SILType instanceLoweredType,
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> conformances) {
// As a special case, an Error existential can be represented as a
// reference to an already existing NSError or CFError instance.
if (outType.isExistentialType()) {
auto layout = outType.getASTType().getExistentialLayout();
if (layout.isErrorExistential()) {
// Bitcast the incoming class reference to Error.
out.add(IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(instance, IGF.IGM.ErrorPtrTy));
assert(outType.isClassExistentialType() &&
"creating a non-class existential type");
auto &destTI = IGF.getTypeInfo(outType).as<ClassExistentialTypeInfo>();
// Cast the instance pointer to an opaque refcounted pointer.
auto opaqueInstance = IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(instance,
// Emit the witness table pointers.
llvm::Value *instanceMetadata = nullptr;
forEachProtocolWitnessTable(IGF, instanceFormalType, &instanceMetadata,
[&](unsigned i, llvm::Value *ptable) {
/// Emit an existential container initialization operation for a concrete type.
/// Returns the address of the uninitialized fixed-size buffer for the concrete
/// value.
Address irgen::emitOpaqueExistentialContainerInit(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Address dest,
SILType destType,
CanType formalSrcType,
SILType loweredSrcType,
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> conformances) {
assert(!destType.isClassExistentialType() &&
"initializing a class existential container as opaque");
auto &destTI = IGF.getTypeInfo(destType).as<OpaqueExistentialTypeInfo>();
OpaqueExistentialLayout destLayout = destTI.getLayout();
assert(destTI.getStoredProtocols().size() == conformances.size());
// First, write out the metadata.
llvm::Value *metadata = IGF.emitTypeMetadataRef(formalSrcType);
IGF.Builder.CreateStore(metadata, destLayout.projectMetadataRef(IGF, dest));
// Next, write the protocol witness tables.
forEachProtocolWitnessTable(IGF, formalSrcType, &metadata,
destTI.getStoredProtocols(), conformances,
[&](unsigned i, llvm::Value *ptable) {
Address ptableSlot = destLayout.projectWitnessTable(IGF, dest, i);
IGF.Builder.CreateStore(ptable, ptableSlot);
// Finally, evaluate into the buffer.
// Project down to the destination fixed-size buffer.
return destLayout.projectExistentialBuffer(IGF, dest);
/// Emit an existential metatype container from a metatype value
/// as an explosion.
void irgen::emitExistentialMetatypeContainer(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Explosion &out, SILType outType,
llvm::Value *metatype, SILType metatypeType,
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> conformances) {
auto &destTI = IGF.getTypeInfo(outType).as<ExistentialMetatypeTypeInfo>();
auto srcType = metatypeType.castTo<MetatypeType>().getInstanceType();
auto destType = outType.castTo<ExistentialMetatypeType>().getInstanceType();
while (auto destMetatypeType = dyn_cast<ExistentialMetatypeType>(destType)) {
destType = destMetatypeType.getInstanceType();
srcType = cast<AnyMetatypeType>(srcType).getInstanceType();
// Emit the witness table pointers.
llvm::Value *srcMetadata = nullptr;
forEachProtocolWitnessTable(IGF, srcType, &srcMetadata, destType,
[&](unsigned i, llvm::Value *ptable) {
void irgen::emitMetatypeOfOpaqueExistential(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address buffer,
SILType type, Explosion &out) {
auto &baseTI = IGF.getTypeInfo(type).as<OpaqueExistentialTypeInfo>();
// Get the static metadata.
auto existLayout = baseTI.getLayout();
llvm::Value *metadata = existLayout.loadMetadataRef(IGF, buffer);
// Project the buffer and apply the 'typeof' value witness.
llvm::Value *object;
auto *addr = IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(
auto *projectFunc = getProjectBoxedOpaqueExistentialFunction(
IGF, OpenedExistentialAccess::Immutable, existLayout);
auto *addrOfValue =
IGF.Builder.CreateCall(projectFunc, {addr, metadata});
object = addrOfValue;
llvm::Value *dynamicType =
{object, metadata,
llvm::ConstantInt::get(IGF.IGM.Int1Ty, 1)});
// Get the witness tables.
baseTI.emitLoadOfTables(IGF, buffer, out);
void irgen::emitMetatypeOfBoxedExistential(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &value,
SILType type, Explosion &out) {
// TODO: Non-Error boxed existentials.
ExistentialRepresentation::Boxed, Type()));
// Get the reference to the existential box.
llvm::Value *box = value.claimNext();
// Allocate scratch space to invoke the runtime.
Address scratchAddr = IGF.createAlloca(IGF.IGM.Int8PtrTy,
Address outAddr = IGF.createAlloca(IGF.IGM.OpenedErrorTripleTy,
IGF.Builder.CreateCall(IGF.IGM.getGetErrorValueFn(), {box,
auto projectedPtrAddr = IGF.Builder.CreateStructGEP(outAddr, 0, Size(0));
auto projectedPtr = IGF.Builder.CreateLoad(projectedPtrAddr);
auto metadataAddr = IGF.Builder.CreateStructGEP(outAddr, 1,
auto metadata = IGF.Builder.CreateLoad(metadataAddr);
auto dynamicType =
{projectedPtr, metadata,
llvm::ConstantInt::get(IGF.IGM.Int1Ty, 1)});
auto witnessAddr = IGF.Builder.CreateStructGEP(outAddr, 2,
2 * IGF.IGM.getPointerSize());
auto witness = IGF.Builder.CreateLoad(witnessAddr);
void irgen::emitMetatypeOfClassExistential(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &value,
SILType metatypeTy,
SILType existentialTy,
Explosion &out) {
auto &baseTI = IGF.getTypeInfo(existentialTy).as<ClassExistentialTypeInfo>();
// Extract the class instance pointer.
auto tablesAndValue = baseTI.getWitnessTablesAndValue(value);
// Get the type metadata.
llvm::Value *instance = tablesAndValue.second;
auto metaTy = metatypeTy.castTo<ExistentialMetatypeType>();
auto repr = metaTy->getRepresentation();
assert(repr != MetatypeRepresentation::Thin &&
"Class metatypes should not have a thin representation");
assert((IGF.IGM.ObjCInterop || repr != MetatypeRepresentation::ObjC) &&
"Class metatypes should not have ObjC representation without runtime");
auto dynamicType = emitDynamicTypeOfHeapObject(IGF, instance, repr,
/*allow artificial*/ false);
// Get the witness tables.
void irgen::emitMetatypeOfMetatype(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &value,
SILType existentialTy,
Explosion &out) {
auto &baseTI = IGF.getTypeInfo(existentialTy).as<ExistentialMetatypeTypeInfo>();
auto tablesAndValue = baseTI.getWitnessTablesAndValue(value);
llvm::Value *dynamicType = IGF.Builder.CreateCall(
IGF.IGM.getGetMetatypeMetadataFn(), tablesAndValue.second);
/// Extract the instance pointer from a class existential value.
llvm::Value *
irgen::emitClassExistentialProjection(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Explosion &base,
SILType baseTy,
CanArchetypeType openedArchetype) {
auto &baseTI = IGF.getTypeInfo(baseTy).as<ClassExistentialTypeInfo>();
if (!openedArchetype)
return baseTI.getValue(IGF, base);
// Capture the metadata and witness tables from this existential
// into the given archetype.
ArrayRef<llvm::Value*> wtables;
llvm::Value *value;
std::tie(wtables, value) = baseTI.getWitnessTablesAndValue(base);
auto metadata = emitDynamicTypeOfHeapObject(IGF, value,
/*allow artificial*/ false);
IGF.bindArchetype(openedArchetype, metadata, MetadataState::Complete,
return value;
/// Extract the metatype pointer from a class existential value.
llvm::Value *
irgen::emitExistentialMetatypeProjection(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Explosion &base,
SILType baseTy,
CanType openedTy) {
auto &baseTI = IGF.getTypeInfo(baseTy).as<ExistentialMetatypeTypeInfo>();
if (!openedTy)
return baseTI.getValue(IGF, base);
// Capture the metadata and witness tables from this existential
// into the given archetype.
ArrayRef<llvm::Value*> wtables;
llvm::Value *value;
std::tie(wtables, value) = baseTI.getWitnessTablesAndValue(base);
auto existentialType = baseTy.castTo<ExistentialMetatypeType>();
auto targetType = cast<MetatypeType>(openedTy);
// If we're starting with an ObjC representation, convert it to a
// class type and let's go.
llvm::Value *metatype;
if (existentialType->getRepresentation() == MetatypeRepresentation::ObjC) {
metatype = emitObjCMetadataRefForMetadata(IGF, value);
// Otherwise, we have type metadata.
} else {
== MetatypeRepresentation::Thick);
metatype = value;
// The type we need to bind to the archetype is the one that's
// deep in the type.
while (!isa<ArchetypeType>(targetType.getInstanceType())) {
targetType = cast<MetatypeType>(targetType.getInstanceType());
existentialType =
metatype = emitMetatypeInstanceType(IGF, metatype);
auto openedArchetype = cast<ArchetypeType>(targetType.getInstanceType());
IGF.bindArchetype(openedArchetype, metatype, MetadataState::Complete,
return value;
static Address castToOpaquePtr(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address addr) {
return Address(
IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(addr.getAddress(), IGF.IGM.OpaquePtrTy),
static llvm::Constant *getAllocateBoxedOpaqueExistentialBufferFunction(
IRGenModule &IGM, OpaqueExistentialLayout existLayout) {
llvm::Type *argTys[] = {IGM.getExistentialPtrTy(existLayout.getNumTables())};
// __swift_allocate_boxed_opaque_existential__N is the well-known function for
// allocating buffers in existential containers of types with N witness
// tables.
llvm::SmallString<40> fnName;
<< "__swift_allocate_boxed_opaque_existential_"
<< existLayout.getNumTables();
return IGM.getOrCreateHelperFunction(
fnName, IGM.OpaquePtrTy, argTys, [&](IRGenFunction &IGF) {
auto it = IGF.CurFn->arg_begin();
Address existentialContainer(&*(it++), existLayout.getAlignment(IGM));
// Dynamically check whether this type is inline or needs an allocation.
auto *metadata = existLayout.loadMetadataRef(IGF, existentialContainer);
llvm::Value *isInline, *flags;
std::tie(isInline, flags) = emitLoadOfIsInline(IGF, metadata);
llvm::BasicBlock *doneBB = IGF.createBasicBlock("done");
llvm::BasicBlock *allocateBB = IGF.createBasicBlock("allocateBox");
llvm::Value *addressInBox;
Address existentialBuffer =
existLayout.projectExistentialBuffer(IGF, existentialContainer);
llvm::Value *addressInline = IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(
existentialBuffer.getAddress(), IGF.IGM.OpaquePtrTy);
IGF.Builder.CreateCondBr(isInline, doneBB, allocateBB);
// Use the runtime to allocate a box of the appropriate size.
ConditionalDominanceScope allocateCondition(IGF);
llvm::Value *box, *address;
IGF.emitAllocBoxCall(metadata, box, address);
addressInBox =
IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(address, IGF.IGM.OpaquePtrTy);
}, true /*noinline*/);
Address irgen::emitAllocateBoxedOpaqueExistentialBuffer(
IRGenFunction &IGF, SILType existentialType, SILType valueType,
Address existentialContainer, GenericEnvironment *genericEnv,
bool isOutlined) {
// Project to the existential buffer in the existential container.
auto &existentialTI =
OpaqueExistentialLayout existLayout = existentialTI.getLayout();
Address existentialBuffer =
existLayout.projectExistentialBuffer(IGF, existentialContainer);
auto &valueTI = IGF.getTypeInfo(valueType);
auto *valuePointerType = valueTI.getStorageType()->getPointerTo();
// Check if the value is fixed size.
if (auto *fixedTI = dyn_cast<FixedTypeInfo>(&valueTI)) {
// Don't allocate an out-of-line buffer if the fixed buffer size is
// sufficient.
if (fixedTI->getFixedPacking(IGF.IGM) == FixedPacking::OffsetZero) {
return valueTI.getAddressForPointer(IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(
existentialBuffer.getAddress(), valuePointerType));
// Otherwise, allocate a box with enough storage.
Address addr = emitAllocateExistentialBoxInBuffer(
IGF, valueType, existentialBuffer, genericEnv, "",
return addr;
/// Call a function to handle the non-fixed case.
auto *allocateFun = getAllocateBoxedOpaqueExistentialBufferFunction(
IGF.IGM, existLayout);
auto *existentialAddr = IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(
auto *call =
IGF.Builder.CreateCall(allocateFun, {existentialAddr});
auto addressOfValue = IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(call, valuePointerType);
return valueTI.getAddressForPointer(addressOfValue);
static llvm::Constant *getDeallocateBoxedOpaqueExistentialBufferFunction(
IRGenModule &IGM, OpaqueExistentialLayout existLayout) {
llvm::Type *argTys[] = {IGM.getExistentialPtrTy(existLayout.getNumTables())};
// __swift_deallocate_boxed_opaque_existential_N is the well-known function
// for deallocating buffers in existential containers of types with N witness
// tables.
llvm::SmallString<40> fnName;
<< "__swift_deallocate_boxed_opaque_existential_"
<< existLayout.getNumTables();
return IGM.getOrCreateHelperFunction(
fnName, IGM.VoidTy, argTys, [&](IRGenFunction &IGF) {
auto &Builder = IGF.Builder;
auto it = IGF.CurFn->arg_begin();
Address existentialContainer(&*(it++), existLayout.getAlignment(IGM));
// Dynamically check whether this type is inline or needs a
// deallocation.
auto *metadata = existLayout.loadMetadataRef(IGF, existentialContainer);
llvm::Value *isInline, *flags;
std::tie(isInline, flags) = emitLoadOfIsInline(IGF, metadata);
llvm::BasicBlock *doneBB = IGF.createBasicBlock("done");
llvm::BasicBlock *deallocateBB = IGF.createBasicBlock("deallocateBox");
Builder.CreateCondBr(isInline, doneBB, deallocateBB);
// We are done. Return.
// We have an allocated uninitialized box. Deallocate the box.
// No ConditionalDominanceScope because no code is executed that could
// affect the caches.
// Project to the existential buffer address.
auto existentialBuffer =
existLayout.projectExistentialBuffer(IGF, existentialContainer);
auto *boxReferenceAddr =
// Load the reference.
auto *boxReference = Builder.CreateLoad(
boxReferenceAddr, existentialBuffer.getAlignment());
// Size and alignment requirements of the boxed value.
auto *size = emitLoadOfSize(IGF, metadata);
auto *alignmentMask = emitAlignMaskFromFlags(IGF, flags);
// Size = ((sizeof(HeapObject) + align) & ~align) + size
auto *heapHeaderSize = llvm::ConstantInt::get(
IGF.IGM.SizeTy, IGM.RefCountedStructSize.getValue());
auto *Add = Builder.CreateAdd(heapHeaderSize, alignmentMask);
auto *Not = Builder.CreateNot(alignmentMask);
size = Builder.CreateAdd(Builder.CreateAnd(Add, Not), size);
// At least pointer aligned.
// AlignmentMask = alignmentMask | alignof(void*) - 1
llvm::Value *pointerAlignMask = llvm::ConstantInt::get(
IGF.IGM.SizeTy, IGF.IGM.getPointerAlignment().getValue() - 1);
alignmentMask = Builder.CreateOr(alignmentMask, pointerAlignMask);
Builder.CreateBitCast(boxReference, IGF.IGM.Int8PtrTy), size,
// We are done. Return.
}, true /*noinline*/);
void irgen::emitDeallocateBoxedOpaqueExistentialBuffer(
IRGenFunction &IGF, SILType existentialType, Address existentialContainer) {
// Project to the existential buffer in the existential container.
auto &existentialTI =
OpaqueExistentialLayout existLayout = existentialTI.getLayout();
auto *deallocateFun = getDeallocateBoxedOpaqueExistentialBufferFunction(
IGF.IGM, existLayout);
auto *bufferAddr = IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(
auto *call = IGF.Builder.CreateCall(deallocateFun, {bufferAddr});
static llvm::Constant *
getProjectBoxedOpaqueExistentialFunction(IRGenFunction &IGF,
OpenedExistentialAccess accessKind,
OpaqueExistentialLayout existLayout) {
auto &IGM = IGF.IGM;
auto *existentialBufferTy = IGM.getExistentialPtrTy(existLayout.getNumTables());
llvm::Type *argTys[] = {existentialBufferTy, IGM.TypeMetadataPtrTy};
// __swift_project_boxed_opaque_existential_N is the well-known function for
// projecting buffers in existential containers of types with N witness
// tables.
llvm::SmallString<40> fnName;
<< (accessKind == OpenedExistentialAccess::Immutable
? "__swift_project_boxed_opaque_existential_"
: "__swift_mutable_project_boxed_opaque_existential_")
<< existLayout.getNumTables();
return IGM.getOrCreateHelperFunction(
fnName, IGM.OpaquePtrTy, argTys, [&](IRGenFunction &IGF) {
auto &Builder = IGF.Builder;
auto &IGM = IGF.IGM;
auto it = IGF.CurFn->arg_begin();
Address existentialBuffer(&*(it++), existLayout.getAlignment(IGM));
auto *metadata = &*(it++);
// Dynamically check whether this type is inline or needs a
// deallocation.
llvm::Value *isInline, *flags;
std::tie(isInline, flags) = emitLoadOfIsInline(IGF, metadata);
llvm::BasicBlock *doneBB = IGF.createBasicBlock("done");
llvm::BasicBlock *boxedBB = IGF.createBasicBlock("boxed");
llvm::Value *addressInline = Builder.CreateBitCast(
existentialBuffer.getAddress(), IGM.OpaquePtrTy);
Builder.CreateCondBr(isInline, doneBB, boxedBB);
// We are done. Return the pointer to the address of the value.
// We have a boxed representation.
if (accessKind == OpenedExistentialAccess::Immutable) {
// Project to the existential buffer address.
auto *boxReferenceAddr =
// Load the reference.
auto *boxReference = Builder.CreateLoad(
boxReferenceAddr, existentialBuffer.getAlignment());
// Size and alignment requirements of the boxed value.
auto *alignmentMask = emitAlignMaskFromFlags(IGF, flags);
// StartOffset = ((sizeof(HeapObject) + align) & ~align)
auto *heapHeaderSize = llvm::ConstantInt::get(
IGF.IGM.SizeTy, IGM.RefCountedStructSize.getValue());
auto *Add = Builder.CreateAdd(heapHeaderSize, alignmentMask);
auto *Not = Builder.CreateNot(alignmentMask);
auto *startOffset = Builder.CreateAnd(Add, Not);
auto *addressInBox =
IGF.emitByteOffsetGEP(boxReference, startOffset, IGM.OpaqueTy);
// If we are opening this existential for mutating check the reference
// count and copy if the boxed is not uniquely owned by this reference.
assert(accessKind == OpenedExistentialAccess::Mutable);
auto *alignmentMask = emitAlignMaskFromFlags(IGF, flags);
llvm::Value *box, *objectAddr;
metadata, alignmentMask, box, objectAddr);
}, true /*noinline*/);
Address irgen::emitOpaqueBoxedExistentialProjection(
IRGenFunction &IGF, OpenedExistentialAccess accessKind, Address base,
SILType existentialTy, CanArchetypeType openedArchetype) {
if (existentialTy.isClassExistentialType()) {
auto &baseTI =
auto valueAddr = baseTI.projectValue(IGF, base);
auto value = IGF.Builder.CreateLoad(valueAddr);
auto metadata = emitDynamicTypeOfHeapObject(IGF, value,
/*allow artificial*/ false);
// If we are projecting into an opened archetype, capture the
// witness tables.
if (openedArchetype) {
SmallVector<llvm::Value *, 4> wtables;
for (unsigned i = 0, n = baseTI.getNumStoredProtocols(); i != n; ++i) {
auto wtableAddr = baseTI.projectWitnessTable(IGF, base, i);
IGF.bindArchetype(openedArchetype, metadata, MetadataState::Complete,
return valueAddr;
auto &baseTI = IGF.getTypeInfo(existentialTy).as<OpaqueExistentialTypeInfo>();
auto layout = baseTI.getLayout();
llvm::Value *metadata = layout.loadMetadataRef(IGF, base);
// If we are projecting into an opened archetype, capture the
// witness tables.
if (openedArchetype) {
SmallVector<llvm::Value *, 4> wtables;
for (unsigned i = 0, n = layout.getNumTables(); i != n; ++i) {
wtables.push_back(layout.loadWitnessTable(IGF, base, i));
IGF.bindArchetype(openedArchetype, metadata, MetadataState::Complete,
auto *projectFunc =
getProjectBoxedOpaqueExistentialFunction(IGF, accessKind, layout);
auto *bufferAddr = IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(
auto *addrOfValue =
IGF.Builder.CreateCall(projectFunc, {bufferAddr, metadata});
return Address(addrOfValue, Alignment(1));
static void initBufferWithCopyOfReference(IRGenFunction &IGF,
OpaqueExistentialLayout existLayout,
Address destBuffer,
Address srcBuffer) {
auto &IGM = IGF.IGM;
auto &Builder = IGF.Builder;
auto *destReferenceAddr = Builder.CreateBitCast(
destBuffer.getAddress(), IGM.RefCountedPtrTy->getPointerTo());
auto *srcReferenceAddr = Builder.CreateBitCast(
srcBuffer.getAddress(), IGM.RefCountedPtrTy->getPointerTo());
auto *srcReference =
Builder.CreateLoad(srcReferenceAddr, srcBuffer.getAlignment());
IGF.emitNativeStrongRetain(srcReference, IGF.getDefaultAtomicity());
Address(destReferenceAddr, existLayout.getAlignment(IGF.IGM)));
static llvm::Constant *getAssignBoxedOpaqueExistentialBufferFunction(
IRGenModule &IGM, OpaqueExistentialLayout existLayout) {
llvm::Type *argTys[] = {IGM.getExistentialPtrTy(existLayout.getNumTables()),
// __swift_assign_box_in_existentials_N is the well-known function for
// assigning buffers in existential containers of types with N witness
// tables.
llvm::SmallString<40> fnName;
<< "__swift_assign_boxed_opaque_existential_"
<< existLayout.getNumTables();
return IGM.getOrCreateHelperFunction(
fnName, IGM.VoidTy, argTys, [&](IRGenFunction &IGF) {
auto it = IGF.CurFn->arg_begin();
Address dest(&*(it++), getFixedBufferAlignment(IGM));
Address src(&*(it++), getFixedBufferAlignment(IGM));
auto &Builder = IGF.Builder;
// If doing a self-assignment, we're done.
llvm::BasicBlock *doneBB = IGF.createBasicBlock("done");
llvm::BasicBlock *contBB = IGF.createBasicBlock("cont");
llvm::Value *isSelfAssign = Builder.CreateICmpEQ(
dest.getAddress(), src.getAddress(), "isSelfAssign");
Builder.CreateCondBr(isSelfAssign, doneBB, contBB);
// We don't need a ConditionalDominanceScope here because (1) there's no
// code in the other condition and (2) we immediately return.
Address destBuffer = existLayout.projectExistentialBuffer(IGF, dest);
Address srcBuffer = existLayout.projectExistentialBuffer(IGF, src);
// Load the metadata tables.
Address destMetadataSlot = existLayout.projectMetadataRef(IGF, dest);
llvm::Value *destMetadata = Builder.CreateLoad(destMetadataSlot);
llvm::Value *srcMetadata = existLayout.loadMetadataRef(IGF, src);
// Check whether the metadata match.
auto *matchBB = IGF.createBasicBlock("match");
auto *noMatchBB = IGF.createBasicBlock("no-match");
auto *sameMetadata =
Builder.CreateICmpEQ(destMetadata, srcMetadata, "sameMetadata");
Builder.CreateCondBr(sameMetadata, matchBB, noMatchBB);
// Metadata pointers match.
ConditionalDominanceScope matchCondition(IGF);
llvm::Value *isInline, *flags;
auto *metadata = destMetadata;
std::tie(isInline, flags) = emitLoadOfIsInline(IGF, metadata);
auto *matchInlineBB = IGF.createBasicBlock("match-inline");
auto *matchOutlineBB = IGF.createBasicBlock("match-outline");
Builder.CreateCondBr(isInline, matchInlineBB, matchOutlineBB);
// Inline.
ConditionalDominanceScope inlineCondition(IGF);
auto dstAddress = castToOpaquePtr(IGF, destBuffer);
auto srcAddress = castToOpaquePtr(IGF, srcBuffer);
emitAssignWithCopyCall(IGF, metadata, dstAddress, srcAddress);
// Outline.
ConditionalDominanceScope outlineCondition(IGF);
auto *destReferenceAddr = Builder.CreateBitCast(
destBuffer.getAddress(), IGM.RefCountedPtrTy->getPointerTo());
auto *srcReferenceAddr = Builder.CreateBitCast(
srcBuffer.getAddress(), IGM.RefCountedPtrTy->getPointerTo());
// Load the reference.
auto *destReference = Builder.CreateLoad(destReferenceAddr,
auto *srcReference =
Builder.CreateLoad(srcReferenceAddr, srcBuffer.getAlignment());
IGF.emitNativeStrongRetain(srcReference, IGF.getDefaultAtomicity());
Address(destReferenceAddr, existLayout.getAlignment(IGF.IGM)));
// Metadata pointers don't match.
ConditionalDominanceScope noMatchCondition(IGF);
// Store the metadata ref.
IGF.Builder.CreateStore(srcMetadata, destMetadataSlot);
// Store the protocol witness tables.
unsigned numTables = existLayout.getNumTables();
for (unsigned i = 0, e = numTables; i != e; ++i) {
Address destTableSlot =
existLayout.projectWitnessTable(IGF, dest, i);
llvm::Value *srcTable = existLayout.loadWitnessTable(IGF, src, i);
// Overwrite the old witness table.
IGF.Builder.CreateStore(srcTable, destTableSlot);
// Check whether buffers are inline.
llvm::Value *isDestInline, *destFlags;
llvm::Value *isSrcInline, *srcFlags;
std::tie(isDestInline, destFlags) =
emitLoadOfIsInline(IGF, destMetadata);
std::tie(isSrcInline, srcFlags) =
emitLoadOfIsInline(IGF, srcMetadata);
Address tmpBuffer = IGF.createAlloca(IGM.getFixedBufferTy(),
auto *destInlineBB = IGF.createBasicBlock("dest-inline");
auto *destOutlineBB = IGF.createBasicBlock("dest-outline");
// Check whether the destination is inline.
Builder.CreateCondBr(isDestInline, destInlineBB, destOutlineBB);
ConditionalDominanceScope destInlineCondition(IGF);
// Move aside so that we can destroy later.
auto tmpAddress = castToOpaquePtr(IGF, tmpBuffer);
auto destAddress = castToOpaquePtr(IGF, destBuffer);
emitInitializeWithTakeCall(IGF, destMetadata, tmpAddress,
auto *srcInlineBB = IGF.createBasicBlock("dest-inline-src-inline");
auto *srcOutlineBB =
auto *contBB2 = IGF.createBasicBlock("dest-inline-cont");
// Check whether the source is inline.
Builder.CreateCondBr(isSrcInline, srcInlineBB, srcOutlineBB);
// initializeWithCopy(dest, src)
ConditionalDominanceScope domScope(IGF);
auto destAddress = castToOpaquePtr(IGF, destBuffer);
auto srcAddress = castToOpaquePtr(IGF, srcBuffer);
emitInitializeWithCopyCall(IGF, srcMetadata, destAddress,
// dest[0] = src[0]
// swift_retain(src[0])
ConditionalDominanceScope domScope(IGF);
initBufferWithCopyOfReference(IGF, existLayout, destBuffer,
ConditionalDominanceScope domScope(IGF);
// destroy(tmpBuffer)
emitDestroyCall(IGF, destMetadata,
castToOpaquePtr(IGF, tmpBuffer));
ConditionalDominanceScope destOutlineCondition(IGF);
// tmpRef = dest[0]
auto *destReferenceAddr = Builder.CreateBitCast(
destBuffer.getAddress(), IGM.RefCountedPtrTy->getPointerTo());
auto *destReference =
Builder.CreateLoad(destReferenceAddr, srcBuffer.getAlignment());
auto *srcInlineBB = IGF.createBasicBlock("dest-outline-src-inline");
auto *srcOutlineBB =
auto *contBB2 = IGF.createBasicBlock("dest-outline-cont");
// Check whether the source is inline.
Builder.CreateCondBr(isSrcInline, srcInlineBB, srcOutlineBB);
// initializeWithCopy(dest, src)
ConditionalDominanceScope domScope(IGF);
auto destAddress = castToOpaquePtr(IGF, destBuffer);
auto srcAddress = castToOpaquePtr(IGF, srcBuffer);
emitInitializeWithCopyCall(IGF, srcMetadata, destAddress,
// dest[0] = src[0]
// swift_retain(src[0])
ConditionalDominanceScope domScope(IGF);
initBufferWithCopyOfReference(IGF, existLayout, destBuffer,
ConditionalDominanceScope domScope(IGF);
// swift_release(tmpRef)
}, true /*noinline*/);
static llvm::Constant *getDestroyBoxedOpaqueExistentialBufferFunction(
IRGenModule &IGM, OpaqueExistentialLayout existLayout) {
llvm::Type *argTys[] = {IGM.getExistentialPtrTy(existLayout.getNumTables())};
llvm::SmallString<40> fnName;
<< "__swift_destroy_boxed_opaque_existential_"
<< existLayout.getNumTables();
return IGM.getOrCreateHelperFunction(
fnName, IGM.VoidTy, argTys, [&](IRGenFunction &IGF) {
auto &Builder = IGF.Builder;
auto it = IGF.CurFn->arg_begin();
Address existentialContainer(&*(it++), existLayout.getAlignment(IGM));
auto *metadata = existLayout.loadMetadataRef(IGF, existentialContainer);
auto buffer =
existLayout.projectExistentialBuffer(IGF, existentialContainer);
// Is the value stored inline?
llvm::Value *isInline, *flags;
std::tie(isInline, flags) = emitLoadOfIsInline(IGF, metadata);
auto *inlineBB = IGF.createBasicBlock("inline");
auto *outlineBB = IGF.createBasicBlock("outline");
Builder.CreateCondBr(isInline, inlineBB, outlineBB);
ConditionalDominanceScope domScope(IGF);
auto *opaquePtrToBuffer =
Builder.CreateBitCast(buffer.getAddress(), IGM.OpaquePtrTy);
emitDestroyCall(IGF, metadata,
Address(opaquePtrToBuffer, buffer.getAlignment()));
ConditionalDominanceScope domScope(IGF);
// swift_release(buffer[0])
auto *referenceAddr = Builder.CreateBitCast(
buffer.getAddress(), IGM.RefCountedPtrTy->getPointerTo());
auto *reference =
Builder.CreateLoad(referenceAddr, buffer.getAlignment());
IGF.emitNativeStrongRelease(reference, IGF.getDefaultAtomicity());
}, true /*noinline*/);