blob: c73ed3e97c3578facc292d90c77b2b1efceb70d9 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Evaluator.cpp - Request Evaluator Implementation -----------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements the Evaluator class that evaluates and caches
// requests.
#include "swift/AST/Evaluator.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticEngine.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Range.h"
#include "swift/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
using namespace swift;
AnyRequest::HolderBase::~HolderBase() { }
std::string AnyRequest::getAsString() const {
std::string result;
llvm::raw_string_ostream out(result);
simple_display(out, *this);
return result;
AbstractRequestFunction *
Evaluator::getAbstractRequestFunction(uint8_t zoneID, uint8_t requestID) const {
for (const auto &zone : requestFunctionsByZone) {
if (zone.first == zoneID) {
if (requestID < zone.second.size())
return zone.second[requestID];
return nullptr;
return nullptr;
void Evaluator::registerRequestFunctions(
Zone zone,
ArrayRef<AbstractRequestFunction *> functions) {
uint8_t zoneID = static_cast<uint8_t>(zone);
#ifndef NDEBUG
for (const auto &zone : requestFunctionsByZone) {
assert(zone.first != zoneID);
requestFunctionsByZone.push_back({zoneID, functions});
Evaluator::Evaluator(DiagnosticEngine &diags, bool debugDumpCycles)
: diags(diags), debugDumpCycles(debugDumpCycles) { }
void Evaluator::emitRequestEvaluatorGraphViz(llvm::StringRef graphVizPath) {
std::error_code error;
llvm::raw_fd_ostream out(graphVizPath, error, llvm::sys::fs::F_Text);
bool Evaluator::checkDependency(const AnyRequest &request) {
// If there is an active request, record it's dependency on this request.
if (!activeRequests.empty())
// Record this as an active request.
if (activeRequests.insert(request)) {
return false;
// Diagnose cycle.
if (debugDumpCycles) {
llvm::errs() << "===CYCLE DETECTED===\n";
llvm::DenseSet<AnyRequest> visitedAnywhere;
llvm::SmallVector<AnyRequest, 4> visitedAlongPath;
std::string prefixStr;
printDependencies(activeRequests.front(), llvm::errs(), visitedAnywhere,
visitedAlongPath, activeRequests.getArrayRef(),
prefixStr, /*lastChild=*/true);
return true;
void Evaluator::diagnoseCycle(const AnyRequest &request) {
for (const auto &step : llvm::reverse(activeRequests)) {
if (step == request) return;
llvm_unreachable("Diagnosed a cycle but it wasn't represented in the stack");
void Evaluator::printDependencies(
const AnyRequest &request,
llvm::raw_ostream &out,
llvm::DenseSet<AnyRequest> &visitedAnywhere,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<AnyRequest> &visitedAlongPath,
llvm::ArrayRef<AnyRequest> highlightPath,
std::string &prefixStr,
bool lastChild) const {
out << prefixStr << " `--";
// Determine whether this node should be highlighted.
bool isHighlighted = false;
if (std::find(highlightPath.begin(), highlightPath.end(), request)
!= highlightPath.end()) {
isHighlighted = true;
// Print this node.
simple_display(out, request);
// Turn off the highlight.
if (isHighlighted) {
// Print the cached value, if known.
auto cachedValue = cache.find(request);
if (cachedValue != cache.end()) {
out << " -> ";
printEscapedString(cachedValue->second.getAsString(), out);
if (!visitedAnywhere.insert(request).second) {
// We've already seed this node. Check whether it's part of a cycle.
if (std::find(visitedAlongPath.begin(), visitedAlongPath.end(), request)
!= visitedAlongPath.end()) {
// We have a cyclic dependency.
out << " (cyclic dependency)\n";
} else {
// We have seen this node before, but it's not a cycle. Elide its
// children.
out << " (elided)\n";
} else if (dependencies.count(request) == 0) {
// We have not seen this node before, so we don't know its dependencies.
out << " (dependency not evaluated)\n";
// Remove from the visited set.
} else {
// Print children.
out << "\n";
// Setup the prefix to print the children.
prefixStr += ' ';
prefixStr += (lastChild ? ' ' : '|');
prefixStr += " ";
// Note that this request is along the path.
// Print the children.
auto &dependsOn = dependencies.find(request)->second;
for (unsigned i : indices(dependsOn)) {
printDependencies(dependsOn[i], out, visitedAnywhere, visitedAlongPath,
highlightPath, prefixStr, i == dependsOn.size()-1);
// Drop our changes to the prefix.
prefixStr.erase(prefixStr.end() - 4, prefixStr.end());
// Remove from the visited set and path.
assert(visitedAlongPath.back() == request);
void Evaluator::dumpDependencies(const AnyRequest &request) const {
printDependencies(request, llvm::dbgs());
void Evaluator::printDependenciesGraphviz(llvm::raw_ostream &out) const {
// Form a list of all of the requests we know about.
std::vector<AnyRequest> allRequests;
for (const auto &knownRequest : dependencies) {
// Sort the list of requests based on the display strings, so we get
// deterministic output.
auto getDisplayString = [&](const AnyRequest &request) {
std::string result;
llvm::raw_string_ostream out(result);
simple_display(out, request);
return result;
std::sort(allRequests.begin(), allRequests.end(),
[&](const AnyRequest &lhs, const AnyRequest &rhs) {
return getDisplayString(lhs) < getDisplayString(rhs);
// Manage request IDs to use in the resulting output graph.
llvm::DenseMap<AnyRequest, unsigned> requestIDs;
unsigned nextID = 0;
// Prepopulate the known requests.
for (const auto &request : allRequests) {
requestIDs[request] = nextID++;
auto getRequestID = [&](const AnyRequest &request) {
auto known = requestIDs.find(request);
if (known != requestIDs.end()) return known->second;
// We discovered a new request; record it's ID and add it to the list of
// all requests.
requestIDs[request] = nextID;
return nextID++;
auto getNodeName = [&](const AnyRequest &request) {
std::string result;
llvm::raw_string_ostream out(result);
out << "request_" << getRequestID(request);
return result;
// Emit the graph header.
out << "digraph Dependencies {\n";
// Emit the edges.
llvm::DenseMap<AnyRequest, unsigned> inDegree;
for (const auto &source : allRequests) {
auto known = dependencies.find(source);
assert(known != dependencies.end());
for (const auto &target : known->second) {
out << " " << getNodeName(source) << " -> " << getNodeName(target)
<< ";\n";
out << "\n";
static const char *colorNames[] = {
const unsigned numColorNames = sizeof(colorNames) / sizeof(const char *);
llvm::DenseMap<unsigned, unsigned> knownBuffers;
auto getColor = [&](const AnyRequest &request) -> Optional<const char *> {
SourceLoc loc = request.getNearestLoc();
if (loc.isInvalid())
return None;
unsigned bufferID = diags.SourceMgr.findBufferContainingLoc(loc);
auto knownId = knownBuffers.find(bufferID);
if (knownId == knownBuffers.end()) {
knownId = knownBuffers.insert({bufferID, knownBuffers.size()}).first;
return colorNames[knownId->second % numColorNames];
// Emit the nodes.
for (unsigned i : indices(allRequests)) {
const auto &request = allRequests[i];
out << " " << getNodeName(request);
out << " [label=\"";
printEscapedString(request.getAsString(), out);
auto cachedValue = cache.find(request);
if (cachedValue != cache.end()) {
out << " -> ";
printEscapedString(cachedValue->second.getAsString(), out);
out << "\"";
if (auto color = getColor(request)) {
out << ", fillcolor=\"" << *color << "\"";
out << "];\n";
// Emit "fake" nodes for each of the source buffers we encountered, so
// we know which file we're working from.
// FIXME: This approximates a "top level" request for, e.g., type checking
// an entire source file.
std::vector<unsigned> sourceBufferIDs;
for (const auto &element : knownBuffers) {
std::sort(sourceBufferIDs.begin(), sourceBufferIDs.end());
for (unsigned bufferID : sourceBufferIDs) {
out << " buffer_" << bufferID << "[label=\"";
printEscapedString(diags.SourceMgr.getIdentifierForBuffer(bufferID), out);
out << "\"";
out << ", shape=\"box\"";
out << ", fillcolor=\""
<< colorNames[knownBuffers[bufferID] % numColorNames] << "\"";
out << "];\n";
// Emit "false" dependencies from source buffer IDs to any requests that (1)
// have no other incomining edges and (2) can be associated with a source
// buffer.
for (const auto &request : allRequests) {
if (inDegree[request] > 0)
SourceLoc loc = request.getNearestLoc();
if (loc.isInvalid())
unsigned bufferID = diags.SourceMgr.findBufferContainingLoc(loc);
out << " buffer_" << bufferID << " -> " << getNodeName(request) << ";\n";
// Done!
out << "}\n";
void Evaluator::dumpDependenciesGraphviz() const {