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//===--- AliasAnalysis.h - SIL Alias Analysis -------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/Basic/ValueEnumerator.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILInstruction.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/Analysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/SideEffectAnalysis.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
using swift::RetainObserveKind;
namespace {
/// A key used for the AliasAnalysis cache.
/// This struct represents the argument list to the method 'alias'. The two
/// SILValue pointers are mapped to size_t indices because we need an
/// efficient way to invalidate them (the mechanism is described below). The
/// Type arguments are translated to void* because their underlying storage is
/// opaque pointers that never goes away.
struct AliasKeyTy {
// The SILValue pair:
size_t V1, V2;
// The TBAAType pair:
void *T1, *T2;
/// A key used for the MemoryBehavior Analysis cache.
/// The two SILValue pointers are mapped to size_t indices because we need an
/// efficient way to invalidate them (the mechanism is described below). The
/// RetainObserveKind represents the inspection mode for the memory behavior
/// analysis.
struct MemBehaviorKeyTy {
// The SILValue pair:
size_t V1, V2;
RetainObserveKind InspectionMode;
namespace swift {
class SILInstruction;
class ValueBase;
class SideEffectAnalysis;
class EscapeAnalysis;
/// This class is a simple wrapper around an alias analysis cache. This is
/// needed since we do not have an "analysis" infrastructure.
class AliasAnalysis : public SILAnalysis {
/// This enum describes the different kinds of aliasing relations between
/// pointers.
/// NoAlias: There is never dependence between memory referenced by the two
/// pointers. Example: Two pointers pointing to non-overlapping
/// memory ranges.
/// MayAlias: Two pointers might refer to the same memory location.
/// PartialAlias: The two memory locations are known to be overlapping
/// but do not start at the same address.
/// MustAlias: The two memory locations always start at exactly the same
/// location. The pointers are equal.
enum class AliasResult : unsigned {
NoAlias=0, ///< The two values have no dependencies on each
/// other.
MayAlias, ///< The two values cannot be proven to alias or
/// not alias. Anything could happen.
PartialAlias, ///< The two values overlap in a partial manner.
MustAlias, ///< The two values are equal.
SILModule *Mod;
SideEffectAnalysis *SEA;
EscapeAnalysis *EA;
using TBAACacheKey = std::pair<SILType, SILType>;
/// A cache for the computation of TBAA. True means that the types may
/// alias. False means that the types must not alias.
/// We don't need to invalidate this cache because type aliasing relations
/// never change.
llvm::DenseMap<TBAACacheKey, bool> TypesMayAliasCache;
/// AliasAnalysis value cache.
/// The alias() method uses this map to cache queries.
llvm::DenseMap<AliasKeyTy, AliasResult> AliasCache;
using MemoryBehavior = SILInstruction::MemoryBehavior;
/// MemoryBehavior value cache.
/// The computeMemoryBehavior() method uses this map to cache queries.
llvm::DenseMap<MemBehaviorKeyTy, MemoryBehavior> MemoryBehaviorCache;
/// The AliasAnalysis cache can't directly map a pair of ValueBase pointers
/// to alias results because we'd like to be able to remove deleted pointers
/// without having to scan the whole map. So, instead of storing pointers we
/// map pointers to indices and store the indices.
ValueEnumerator<ValueBase*> AliasValueBaseToIndex;
/// Same as AliasValueBaseToIndex, map a pointer to the indices for
/// MemoryBehaviorCache.
/// NOTE: we do not use the same ValueEnumerator for the alias cache,
/// as when either cache is cleared, we can not clear the ValueEnumerator
/// because doing so could give rise to collisions in the other cache.
ValueEnumerator<SILNode*> MemoryBehaviorNodeToIndex;
AliasResult aliasAddressProjection(SILValue V1, SILValue V2,
SILValue O1, SILValue O2);
/// Perform an alias query to see if V1, V2 refer to the same values.
AliasResult aliasInner(SILValue V1, SILValue V2,
SILType TBAAType1 = SILType(),
SILType TBAAType2 = SILType());
/// Returns True if memory of type \p T1 and \p T2 may alias.
bool typesMayAlias(SILType T1, SILType T2);
virtual void handleDeleteNotification(SILNode *node) override {
// The pointer 'node' is going away. We can't scan the whole cache
// and remove all of the occurrences of the pointer. Instead we remove
// the pointer from the cache that translates pointers to indices.
auto value = dyn_cast<ValueBase>(node);
if (!value) return;
virtual bool needsNotifications() override { return true; }
AliasAnalysis(SILModule *M) :
SILAnalysis(AnalysisKind::Alias), Mod(M), SEA(nullptr), EA(nullptr) {}
static bool classof(const SILAnalysis *S) {
return S->getKind() == AnalysisKind::Alias;
virtual void initialize(SILPassManager *PM) override;
/// Perform an alias query to see if V1, V2 refer to the same values.
AliasResult alias(SILValue V1, SILValue V2, SILType TBAAType1 = SILType(),
SILType TBAAType2 = SILType());
/// Convenience method that returns true if V1 and V2 must alias.
bool isMustAlias(SILValue V1, SILValue V2, SILType TBAAType1 = SILType(),
SILType TBAAType2 = SILType()) {
return alias(V1, V2, TBAAType1, TBAAType2) == AliasResult::MustAlias;
/// Convenience method that returns true if V1 and V2 partially alias.
bool isPartialAlias(SILValue V1, SILValue V2, SILType TBAAType1 = SILType(),
SILType TBAAType2 = SILType()) {
return alias(V1, V2, TBAAType1, TBAAType2) == AliasResult::PartialAlias;
/// Convenience method that returns true if V1, V2 cannot alias.
bool isNoAlias(SILValue V1, SILValue V2, SILType TBAAType1 = SILType(),
SILType TBAAType2 = SILType()) {
return alias(V1, V2, TBAAType1, TBAAType2) == AliasResult::NoAlias;
/// Convenience method that returns true if V1, V2 may alias.
bool isMayAlias(SILValue V1, SILValue V2, SILType TBAAType1 = SILType(),
SILType TBAAType2 = SILType()) {
return alias(V1, V2, TBAAType1, TBAAType2) == AliasResult::MayAlias;
/// \returns True if the release of the \p Ptr can access memory accessed by
/// \p User.
bool mayValueReleaseInterfereWithInstruction(SILInstruction *User,
SILValue Ptr);
/// Use the alias analysis to determine the memory behavior of Inst with
/// respect to V.
/// TODO: When ref count behavior is separated from generic memory behavior,
/// the InspectionMode flag will be unnecessary.
MemoryBehavior computeMemoryBehavior(SILInstruction *Inst, SILValue V,
/// Use the alias analysis to determine the memory behavior of Inst with
/// respect to V.
/// TODO: When ref count behavior is separated from generic memory behavior,
/// the InspectionMode flag will be unnecessary.
MemoryBehavior computeMemoryBehaviorInner(SILInstruction *Inst, SILValue V,
/// Returns true if \p Inst may read from memory in a manner that
/// affects V.
bool mayReadFromMemory(SILInstruction *Inst, SILValue V) {
auto B = computeMemoryBehavior(Inst, V, RetainObserveKind::IgnoreRetains);
return B == MemoryBehavior::MayRead ||
B == MemoryBehavior::MayReadWrite ||
B == MemoryBehavior::MayHaveSideEffects;
/// Returns true if \p Inst may write to memory in a manner that
/// affects V.
bool mayWriteToMemory(SILInstruction *Inst, SILValue V) {
auto B = computeMemoryBehavior(Inst, V, RetainObserveKind::IgnoreRetains);
return B == MemoryBehavior::MayWrite ||
B == MemoryBehavior::MayReadWrite ||
B == MemoryBehavior::MayHaveSideEffects;
/// Returns true if \p Inst may read or write to memory in a manner that
/// affects V.
bool mayReadOrWriteMemory(SILInstruction *Inst, SILValue V) {
auto B = computeMemoryBehavior(Inst, V, RetainObserveKind::IgnoreRetains);
return MemoryBehavior::None != B;
/// Returns true if Inst may have side effects in a manner that affects V.
bool mayHaveSideEffects(SILInstruction *Inst, SILValue V) {
auto B = computeMemoryBehavior(Inst, V, RetainObserveKind::ObserveRetains);
return B == MemoryBehavior::MayWrite ||
B == MemoryBehavior::MayReadWrite ||
B == MemoryBehavior::MayHaveSideEffects;
/// Returns true if Inst may have side effects in a manner that affects
/// V. This is independent of whether or not Inst may write to V and is meant
/// to encode notions such as ref count modifications.
bool mayHavePureSideEffects(SILInstruction *Inst, SILValue V) {
auto B = computeMemoryBehavior(Inst, V, RetainObserveKind::ObserveRetains);
return MemoryBehavior::MayHaveSideEffects == B;
/// Returns true if \p Ptr may be released in the function call \p FAS.
bool canApplyDecrementRefCount(FullApplySite FAS, SILValue Ptr);
/// Returns true if \p Ptr may be released by the builtin \p BI.
bool canBuiltinDecrementRefCount(BuiltinInst *BI, SILValue Ptr);
/// Encodes the alias query as a AliasKeyTy.
/// The parameters to this function are identical to the parameters of alias()
/// and this method serializes them into a key for the alias analysis cache.
AliasKeyTy toAliasKey(SILValue V1, SILValue V2, SILType Type1, SILType Type2);
/// Encodes the memory behavior query as a MemBehaviorKeyTy.
MemBehaviorKeyTy toMemoryBehaviorKey(SILInstruction *V1, SILValue V2,
RetainObserveKind K);
virtual void invalidate() override {
virtual void invalidate(SILFunction *,
SILAnalysis::InvalidationKind K) override {
/// Notify the analysis about a newly created function.
virtual void notifyAddFunction(SILFunction *F) override { }
/// Notify the analysis about a function which will be deleted from the
/// module.
virtual void notifyDeleteFunction(SILFunction *F) override { }
virtual void invalidateFunctionTables() override { }
llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
AliasAnalysis::AliasResult R);
/// If this value is an address that obeys strict TBAA, return the address type.
/// Otherwise, return an empty type.
SILType computeTBAAType(SILValue V);
/// Check if \p V points to a let-member.
/// Nobody can write into let members.
bool isLetPointer(SILValue V);
} // end namespace swift
namespace llvm {
template <> struct llvm::DenseMapInfo<AliasKeyTy> {
static inline AliasKeyTy getEmptyKey() {
auto Allone = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
return {0, Allone, nullptr, nullptr};
static inline AliasKeyTy getTombstoneKey() {
auto Allone = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
return {Allone, 0, nullptr, nullptr};
static unsigned getHashValue(const AliasKeyTy Val) {
unsigned H = 0;
H ^= DenseMapInfo<size_t>::getHashValue(Val.V1);
H ^= DenseMapInfo<size_t>::getHashValue(Val.V2);
H ^= DenseMapInfo<void *>::getHashValue(Val.T1);
H ^= DenseMapInfo<void *>::getHashValue(Val.T2);
return H;
static bool isEqual(const AliasKeyTy LHS, const AliasKeyTy RHS) {
return LHS.V1 == RHS.V1 &&
LHS.V2 == RHS.V2 &&
LHS.T1 == RHS.T1 &&
LHS.T2 == RHS.T2;
template <> struct llvm::DenseMapInfo<MemBehaviorKeyTy> {
static inline MemBehaviorKeyTy getEmptyKey() {
auto Allone = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
return {0, Allone, RetainObserveKind::RetainObserveKindEnd};
static inline MemBehaviorKeyTy getTombstoneKey() {
auto Allone = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
return {Allone, 0, RetainObserveKind::RetainObserveKindEnd};
static unsigned getHashValue(const MemBehaviorKeyTy V) {
unsigned H = 0;
H ^= DenseMapInfo<size_t>::getHashValue(V.V1);
H ^= DenseMapInfo<size_t>::getHashValue(V.V2);
H ^= DenseMapInfo<int>::getHashValue(static_cast<int>(V.InspectionMode));
return H;
static bool isEqual(const MemBehaviorKeyTy LHS,
const MemBehaviorKeyTy RHS) {
return LHS.V1 == RHS.V1 &&
LHS.V2 == RHS.V2 &&
LHS.InspectionMode == RHS.InspectionMode;