blob: a7464d0b3f5cec979110bc46ae33a6757dfadf8d [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SwiftSourceDocInfo.cpp -------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "SwiftASTManager.h"
#include "SwiftLangSupport.h"
#include "SourceKit/Support/UIdent.h"
#include "SourceKit/Support/ImmutableTextBuffer.h"
#include "SourceKit/Support/Logging.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTPrinter.h"
#include "swift/AST/Decl.h"
#include "swift/AST/NameLookup.h"
#include "swift/AST/SourceEntityWalker.h"
#include "swift/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "swift/Frontend/Frontend.h"
#include "swift/Frontend/PrintingDiagnosticConsumer.h"
#include "swift/IDE/CommentConversion.h"
#include "swift/IDE/ModuleInterfacePrinting.h"
#include "swift/IDE/Utils.h"
#include "swift/Markup/XMLUtils.h"
#include "swift/Sema/IDETypeChecking.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclObjC.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Module.h"
#include "clang/Index/USRGeneration.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
using namespace SourceKit;
using namespace swift;
using namespace swift::ide;
namespace {
class AnnotatedDeclarationPrinter : public XMLEscapingPrinter {
AnnotatedDeclarationPrinter(raw_ostream &OS)
:XMLEscapingPrinter(OS) { }
void printTypeRef(Type T, const TypeDecl *TD, Identifier Name) override {
printXML("<Type usr=\"");
SwiftLangSupport::printUSR(TD, OS);
StreamPrinter::printTypeRef(T, TD, Name);
} // end anonymous namespace
static StringRef getTagForDecl(const Decl *D, bool isRef) {
auto UID = SwiftLangSupport::getUIDForDecl(D, isRef);
static const char *prefix = "source.lang.swift.";
return UID.getName().drop_front(strlen(prefix));
static StringRef ExternalParamNameTag = "decl.var.parameter.argument_label";
static StringRef LocalParamNameTag = "";
static StringRef GenericParamNameTag = "";
static StringRef SyntaxKeywordTag = "syntaxtype.keyword";
static StringRef getTagForParameter(PrintStructureKind context) {
switch (context) {
case PrintStructureKind::FunctionParameter:
return "decl.var.parameter";
case PrintStructureKind::FunctionReturnType:
return "decl.function.returntype";
case PrintStructureKind::FunctionType:
return "";
case PrintStructureKind::TupleType:
return "tuple";
case PrintStructureKind::TupleElement:
return "tuple.element";
case PrintStructureKind::GenericParameter:
return "decl.generic_type_param";
case PrintStructureKind::GenericRequirement:
return "decl.generic_type_requirement";
case PrintStructureKind::BuiltinAttribute:
return "syntaxtype.attribute.builtin";
case PrintStructureKind::NumberLiteral:
return "syntaxtype.number";
case PrintStructureKind::StringLiteral:
return "syntaxtype.string";
llvm_unreachable("unexpected parameter kind");
static StringRef getDeclNameTagForDecl(const Decl *D) {
switch (D->getKind()) {
case DeclKind::Param:
// When we're examining the parameter itself, it is the local name that is
// the name of the variable.
return LocalParamNameTag;
case DeclKind::GenericTypeParam:
return ""; // Handled by printName.
case DeclKind::Constructor:
case DeclKind::Destructor:
case DeclKind::Subscript:
// The names 'init'/'deinit'/'subscript' are actually keywords.
return SyntaxKeywordTag;
return "";
namespace {
/// A typesafe union of contexts that the printer can be inside.
/// Currently: Decl, PrintStructureKind
class PrintContext {
// Use the low bit to determine the type; store the enum value shifted left
// to leave the low bit free.
const uintptr_t value;
static constexpr unsigned declTag = 0;
static constexpr unsigned PrintStructureKindTag = 1;
static constexpr unsigned typeTag = 2;
static constexpr unsigned tagMask = 3;
static constexpr unsigned tagShift = 2;
bool hasTag(unsigned tag) const { return (value & tagMask) == tag; }
PrintContext(const Decl *D) : value(uintptr_t(D)) {
static_assert(llvm::PointerLikeTypeTraits<Decl *>::NumLowBitsAvailable >=
"missing spare bit in Decl *");
PrintContext(PrintStructureKind K)
: value((uintptr_t(K) << tagShift) | PrintStructureKindTag) {}
PrintContext(TypeLoc unused) : value(typeTag) {}
/// Get the context as a Decl, or nullptr.
const Decl *getDecl() const {
return hasTag(declTag) ? (const Decl *)value : nullptr;
/// Get the context as a PrintStructureKind, or None.
Optional<PrintStructureKind> getPrintStructureKind() const {
if (!hasTag(PrintStructureKindTag))
return None;
return PrintStructureKind(value >> tagShift);
/// Whether this is a PrintStructureKind context of the given \p kind.
bool is(PrintStructureKind kind) const {
auto storedKind = getPrintStructureKind();
return storedKind && *storedKind == kind;
bool isType() const { return hasTag(typeTag); }
/// An ASTPrinter for annotating declarations with XML tags that describe the
/// key substructure of the declaration for CursorInfo/DocInfo.
/// Prints declarations with decl- and type-specific tags derived from the
/// UIDs used for decl/refs. For example (including newlines purely for ease of
/// reading):
/// \verbatim
/// <>
/// func <>foo</>
/// (
/// <decl.var.parameter>
/// <>x</>:
/// <ref.struct usr="Si">Int</ref.struct>
/// </decl.var.parameter>
/// ) -> <decl.function.returntype>
/// <ref.struct usr="Si">Int</ref.struct></decl.function.returntype>
/// </>
/// \endverbatim
class FullyAnnotatedDeclarationPrinter final : public XMLEscapingPrinter {
FullyAnnotatedDeclarationPrinter(raw_ostream &OS) : XMLEscapingPrinter(OS) {}
// MARK: The ASTPrinter callback interface.
void printDeclPre(const Decl *D, Optional<BracketOptions> Bracket) override {
openTag(getTagForDecl(D, /*isRef=*/false));
void printDeclPost(const Decl *D, Optional<BracketOptions> Bracket) override {
assert(contextStack.back().getDecl() == D && "unmatched printDeclPre");
closeTag(getTagForDecl(D, /*isRef=*/false));
void printDeclLoc(const Decl *D) override {
auto tag = getDeclNameTagForDecl(D);
if (!tag.empty())
void printDeclNameEndLoc(const Decl *D) override {
auto tag = getDeclNameTagForDecl(D);
if (!tag.empty())
void printTypePre(const TypeLoc &TL) override {
auto tag = getTypeTagForCurrentContext();
if (!tag.empty())
void printTypePost(const TypeLoc &TL) override {
auto tag = getTypeTagForCurrentContext();
if (!tag.empty())
void printStructurePre(PrintStructureKind kind, const Decl *D) override {
if (kind == PrintStructureKind::TupleElement ||
kind == PrintStructureKind::TupleType)
auto tag = getTagForParameter(kind);
if (tag.empty())
if (D && kind == PrintStructureKind::GenericParameter) {
assert(isa<ValueDecl>(D) && "unexpected non-value decl for param");
openTagWithUSRForDecl(tag, cast<ValueDecl>(D));
} else {
void printStructurePost(PrintStructureKind kind, const Decl *D) override {
if (kind == PrintStructureKind::TupleElement ||
kind == PrintStructureKind::TupleType) {
auto prev = contextStack.pop_back_val();
assert( && "unmatched printStructurePre");
} else {
assert(contextStack.back().is(kind) && "unmatched printStructurePre");
auto tag = getTagForParameter(kind);
if (!tag.empty())
void printNamePre(PrintNameContext context) override {
auto tag = getTagForPrintNameContext(context);
if (!tag.empty())
void printNamePost(PrintNameContext context) override {
auto tag = getTagForPrintNameContext(context);
if (!tag.empty())
void printTypeRef(Type T, const TypeDecl *TD, Identifier name) override {
auto tag = getTagForDecl(TD, /*isRef=*/true);
openTagWithUSRForDecl(tag, TD);
insideRef = true;
XMLEscapingPrinter::printTypeRef(T, TD, name);
insideRef = false;
// MARK: Convenience functions for printing.
void openTag(StringRef tag) { OS << "<" << tag << ">"; }
void closeTag(StringRef tag) { OS << "</" << tag << ">"; }
void openTagWithUSRForDecl(StringRef tag, const ValueDecl *VD) {
OS << "<" << tag << " usr=\"";
SwiftLangSupport::printUSR(VD, OS);
OS << "\">";
// MARK: Misc.
StringRef getTypeTagForCurrentContext() const {
if (contextStack.empty())
return "";
static StringRef parameterTypeTag = "decl.var.parameter.type";
static StringRef genericParamTypeTag = "decl.generic_type_param.constraint";
auto context = contextStack.back();
if (
return parameterTypeTag;
if (
return genericParamTypeTag;
if (
return "tuple.element.type";
if (context.getPrintStructureKind().hasValue() || context.isType())
return "";
assert(context.getDecl() && "unexpected context kind");
switch (context.getDecl()->getKind()) {
case DeclKind::Param:
return parameterTypeTag;
case DeclKind::GenericTypeParam:
return genericParamTypeTag;
case DeclKind::Var:
return "decl.var.type";
case DeclKind::Subscript:
case DeclKind::Func:
return "";
StringRef getTagForPrintNameContext(PrintNameContext context) {
if (insideRef)
return "";
bool insideParam =
!contextStack.empty() &&
switch (context) {
case PrintNameContext::FunctionParameterExternal:
return ExternalParamNameTag;
case PrintNameContext::FunctionParameterLocal:
return LocalParamNameTag;
case PrintNameContext::TupleElement:
if (insideParam)
return ExternalParamNameTag;
return "tuple.element.argument_label";
case PrintNameContext::Keyword:
return SyntaxKeywordTag;
case PrintNameContext::GenericParameter:
return GenericParamNameTag;
case PrintNameContext::Attribute:
return "";
return "";
/// 'Fix' a tuple or tuple element structure kind to be a function parameter
/// or function type if we are currently inside a function type. This
/// simplifies functions that need to differentiate a tuple from the input
/// part of a function type.
void fixupTuple(PrintStructureKind &kind) {
assert(kind == PrintStructureKind::TupleElement ||
kind == PrintStructureKind::TupleType);
// Skip over 'type's in the context stack.
for (auto I = contextStack.rbegin(), E = contextStack.rend(); I != E; ++I) {
if (I->is(PrintStructureKind::FunctionType)) {
if (kind == PrintStructureKind::TupleElement)
kind = PrintStructureKind::FunctionParameter;
kind = PrintStructureKind::FunctionType;
} else if (!I->isType()) {
/// A stack of contexts being printed, used to determine the context for
/// subsequent ASTPrinter callbacks.
llvm::SmallVector<PrintContext, 3> contextStack;
bool insideRef = false;
} // end anonymous namespace
static Type findBaseTypeForReplacingArchetype(const ValueDecl *VD, const Type Ty) {
if (Ty.isNull())
return Type();
// Find the nominal type decl related to VD.
NominalTypeDecl *NTD = VD->getDeclContext()->
if (!NTD)
return Type();
return Ty->getRValueType()->getRValueInstanceType();
static void printAnnotatedDeclaration(const ValueDecl *VD,
const Type BaseTy,
raw_ostream &OS) {
AnnotatedDeclarationPrinter Printer(OS);
PrintOptions PO = PrintOptions::printQuickHelpDeclaration();
if (BaseTy)
// If it's implicit, try to find an overridden ValueDecl that's not implicit.
// This will ensure we can properly annotate TypeRepr with a usr
// in AnnotatedDeclarationPrinter.
while (VD->isImplicit() && VD->getOverriddenDecl())
VD = VD->getOverriddenDecl();
// Wrap this up in XML, as that's what we'll use for documentation comments.
VD->print(Printer, PO);
void SwiftLangSupport::printFullyAnnotatedDeclaration(const ValueDecl *VD,
Type BaseTy,
raw_ostream &OS) {
FullyAnnotatedDeclarationPrinter Printer(OS);
PrintOptions PO = PrintOptions::printQuickHelpDeclaration();
if (BaseTy)
// If it's implicit, try to find an overridden ValueDecl that's not implicit.
// This will ensure we can properly annotate TypeRepr with a usr
// in AnnotatedDeclarationPrinter.
while (VD->isImplicit() && VD->getOverriddenDecl())
VD = VD->getOverriddenDecl();
VD->print(Printer, PO);
void SwiftLangSupport::
printFullyAnnotatedSynthesizedDeclaration(const swift::ValueDecl *VD,
swift::NominalTypeDecl *Target,
llvm::raw_ostream &OS) {
// FIXME: Mutable global variable - gross!
static llvm::SmallDenseMap<swift::ValueDecl*,
std::unique_ptr<swift::SynthesizedExtensionAnalyzer>> TargetToAnalyzerMap;
FullyAnnotatedDeclarationPrinter Printer(OS);
PrintOptions PO = PrintOptions::printQuickHelpDeclaration();
if (TargetToAnalyzerMap.count(Target) == 0) {
std::unique_ptr<SynthesizedExtensionAnalyzer> Analyzer(
new SynthesizedExtensionAnalyzer(Target, PO));
TargetToAnalyzerMap.insert({Target, std::move(Analyzer)});
VD->print(Printer, PO);
template <typename FnTy>
void walkRelatedDecls(const ValueDecl *VD, const FnTy &Fn) {
llvm::SmallDenseMap<DeclName, unsigned, 16> NamesSeen;
SmallVector<ValueDecl *, 8> RelatedDecls;
// FIXME: Extract useful related declarations, overloaded functions,
// if VD is an initializer, we should extract other initializers etc.
// For now we use UnqualifiedLookup to fetch other declarations with the same
// base name.
auto TypeResolver = VD->getASTContext().getLazyResolver();
UnqualifiedLookup Lookup(VD->getName(), VD->getDeclContext(), TypeResolver);
for (auto result : Lookup.Results) {
ValueDecl *RelatedVD = result.getValueDecl();
if (RelatedVD->getAttrs().isUnavailable(VD->getASTContext()))
if (RelatedVD != VD) {
// Now provide the results along with whether the name is duplicate or not.
for (auto RelatedVD : RelatedDecls) {
Fn(RelatedVD, NamesSeen[RelatedVD->getFullName()] > 1);
// SwiftLangSupport::getCursorInfo
static StringRef getSourceToken(unsigned Offset,
ImmutableTextSnapshotRef Snap) {
auto MemBuf = Snap->getBuffer()->getInternalBuffer();
SourceManager SM;
auto MemBufRef = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(MemBuf->getBuffer(),
auto BufId = SM.addNewSourceBuffer(std::move(MemBufRef));
SourceLoc Loc = SM.getLocForOffset(BufId, Offset);
// Use fake language options; language options only affect validity
// and the exact token produced.
LangOptions FakeLangOpts;
Lexer L(FakeLangOpts, SM, BufId, nullptr, /*InSILMode=*/ false,
return L.getTokenAt(Loc).getText();
static llvm::Optional<unsigned>
mapOffsetToOlderSnapshot(unsigned Offset,
ImmutableTextSnapshotRef NewSnap,
ImmutableTextSnapshotRef OldSnap) {
SmallVector<ReplaceImmutableTextUpdateRef, 16> Updates;
[&](ReplaceImmutableTextUpdateRef Upd)->bool {
return true;
// Walk the updates backwards and "undo" them.
for (auto I = Updates.rbegin(), E = Updates.rend(); I != E; ++I) {
auto Upd = *I;
if (Upd->getByteOffset() <= Offset &&
Offset < Upd->getByteOffset() + Upd->getText().size())
return None; // Offset is part of newly inserted text.
if (Upd->getByteOffset() <= Offset) {
Offset += Upd->getLength(); // "bring back" what was removed.
Offset -= Upd->getText().size(); // "remove" what was added.
return Offset;
static llvm::Optional<unsigned>
mapOffsetToNewerSnapshot(unsigned Offset,
ImmutableTextSnapshotRef OldSnap,
ImmutableTextSnapshotRef NewSnap) {
bool Completed = OldSnap->foreachReplaceUntil(NewSnap,
[&](ReplaceImmutableTextUpdateRef Upd)->bool {
if (Upd->getByteOffset() <= Offset &&
Offset < Upd->getByteOffset() + Upd->getLength())
return false; // Offset is part of removed text.
if (Upd->getByteOffset() <= Offset) {
Offset += Upd->getText().size();
Offset -= Upd->getLength();
return true;
if (Completed)
return Offset;
return None;
/// Tries to remap the location from a previous snapshot to the latest one.
static llvm::Optional<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>>
tryRemappingLocToLatestSnapshot(SwiftLangSupport &Lang,
std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> Range,
StringRef Filename,
ArrayRef<ImmutableTextSnapshotRef> PreviousASTSnaps) {
ImmutableTextSnapshotRef LatestSnap;
if (auto EditorDoc = Lang.getEditorDocuments().findByPath(Filename))
LatestSnap = EditorDoc->getLatestSnapshot();
if (!LatestSnap)
return Range;
for (auto &PrevSnap : PreviousASTSnaps) {
if (PrevSnap->isFromSameBuffer(LatestSnap)) {
if (PrevSnap->getStamp() == LatestSnap->getStamp())
return Range;
auto OptBegin = mapOffsetToNewerSnapshot(Range.first,
PrevSnap, LatestSnap);
if (!OptBegin.hasValue())
return None;
auto OptEnd = mapOffsetToNewerSnapshot(Range.first+Range.second,
PrevSnap, LatestSnap);
if (!OptEnd.hasValue())
return None;
return std::make_pair(*OptBegin, *OptEnd-*OptBegin);
return Range;
/// Returns true for error.
static bool passCursorInfoForModule(ModuleEntity Mod,
SwiftInterfaceGenMap &IFaceGenContexts,
const CompilerInvocation &Invok,
std::function<void(const CursorInfo &)> Receiver) {
std::string Name = Mod.getName();
std::string FullName = Mod.getFullName();
CursorInfo Info;
Info.Kind = SwiftLangSupport::getUIDForModuleRef();
Info.Name = Name;
Info.ModuleName = FullName;
if (auto IFaceGenRef = IFaceGenContexts.find(Info.ModuleName, Invok))
Info.ModuleInterfaceName = IFaceGenRef->getDocumentName();
Info.IsSystem = Mod.isSystemModule();
std::vector<StringRef> Groups;
if (auto MD = Mod.getAsSwiftModule()) {
Info.ModuleGroupArray = ide::collectModuleGroups(const_cast<ModuleDecl*>(MD),
return false;
/// Returns true for failure to resolve.
static bool passCursorInfoForDecl(const ValueDecl *VD,
const Module *MainModule,
const Type Ty,
const Type ContainerTy,
bool IsRef,
Optional<unsigned> OrigBufferID,
SwiftLangSupport &Lang,
const CompilerInvocation &Invok,
ArrayRef<ImmutableTextSnapshotRef> PreviousASTSnaps,
std::function<void(const CursorInfo &)> Receiver) {
if (AvailableAttr::isUnavailable(VD))
return true;
SmallString<64> SS;
auto BaseType = findBaseTypeForReplacingArchetype(VD, Ty);
bool InSynthesizedExtension = false;
if (BaseType) {
if (auto Target = BaseType->getAnyNominal()) {
SynthesizedExtensionAnalyzer Analyzer(Target,
InSynthesizedExtension = Analyzer.isInSynthesizedExtension(VD);
unsigned NameBegin = SS.size();
llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(SS);
SwiftLangSupport::printDisplayName(VD, OS);
unsigned NameEnd = SS.size();
unsigned USRBegin = SS.size();
llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(SS);
SwiftLangSupport::printUSR(VD, OS);
if (InSynthesizedExtension) {
OS << LangSupport::SynthesizedUSRSeparator;
SwiftLangSupport::printUSR(BaseType->getAnyNominal(), OS);
unsigned USREnd = SS.size();
unsigned TypenameBegin = SS.size();
if (VD->hasType()) {
llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(SS);
unsigned TypenameEnd = SS.size();
unsigned MangledTypeStart = SS.size();
llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(SS);
SwiftLangSupport::printDeclTypeUSR(VD, OS);
unsigned MangledTypeEnd = SS.size();
unsigned MangledContainerTypeStart = SS.size();
if (ContainerTy) {
llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(SS);
SwiftLangSupport::printTypeUSR(ContainerTy, OS);
unsigned MangledContainerTypeEnd = SS.size();
unsigned DocCommentBegin = SS.size();
llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(SS);
ide::getDocumentationCommentAsXML(VD, OS);
unsigned DocCommentEnd = SS.size();
if (DocCommentEnd == DocCommentBegin) {
if (auto *Req = ASTPrinter::findConformancesWithDocComment(
const_cast<ValueDecl*>(VD))) {
llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(SS);
ide::getDocumentationCommentAsXML(Req, OS);
DocCommentEnd = SS.size();
unsigned DeclBegin = SS.size();
llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(SS);
printAnnotatedDeclaration(VD, BaseType, OS);
unsigned DeclEnd = SS.size();
unsigned FullDeclBegin = SS.size();
llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(SS);
SwiftLangSupport::printFullyAnnotatedDeclaration(VD, BaseType, OS);
unsigned FullDeclEnd = SS.size();
unsigned GroupBegin = SS.size();
llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(SS);
auto *GroupVD = InSynthesizedExtension ? BaseType->getAnyNominal() : VD;
if (auto OP = GroupVD->getGroupName())
OS << OP.getValue();
unsigned GroupEnd = SS.size();
SmallVector<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>, 4> OverUSROffs;
[&](llvm::PointerUnion<const ValueDecl*, const clang::NamedDecl*> D) {
unsigned OverUSRBegin = SS.size();
llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(SS);
if (auto VD = D.dyn_cast<const ValueDecl*>()) {
if (SwiftLangSupport::printUSR(VD, OS))
} else {
llvm::SmallString<128> Buf;
if (clang::index::generateUSRForDecl(
D.get<const clang::NamedDecl*>(), Buf))
OS << Buf.str();
unsigned OverUSREnd = SS.size();
OverUSROffs.push_back(std::make_pair(OverUSRBegin, OverUSREnd));
SmallVector<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>, 4> RelDeclOffs;
walkRelatedDecls(VD, [&](const ValueDecl *RelatedDecl, bool DuplicateName) {
unsigned RelatedDeclBegin = SS.size();
llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(SS);
OS<<"<RelatedName usr=\"";
SwiftLangSupport::printUSR(RelatedDecl, OS);
if (isa<AbstractFunctionDecl>(RelatedDecl) && DuplicateName) {
// Related decls are generally overloads, so print parameter types to
// differentiate them.
PrintOptions PO;
PO.SkipAttributes = true;
PO.SkipIntroducerKeywords = true;
PO.ArgAndParamPrinting = PrintOptions::ArgAndParamPrintingMode::ArgumentOnly;
XMLEscapingPrinter Printer(OS);
if (BaseType)
RelatedDecl->print(Printer, PO);
} else {
llvm::SmallString<128> Buf;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream OSBuf(Buf);
SwiftLangSupport::printDisplayName(RelatedDecl, OSBuf);
swift::markup::appendWithXMLEscaping(OS, Buf);
unsigned RelatedDeclEnd = SS.size();
RelDeclOffs.push_back(std::make_pair(RelatedDeclBegin, RelatedDeclEnd));
ASTContext &Ctx = VD->getASTContext();
ClangImporter *Importer = static_cast<ClangImporter*>(
std::string ModuleName;
auto ClangNode = VD->getClangNode();
if (ClangNode) {
auto ClangMod = Importer->getClangOwningModule(ClangNode);
ModuleName = ClangMod->getFullModuleName();
} else if (VD->getLoc().isInvalid() && VD->getModuleContext() != MainModule) {
ModuleName = VD->getModuleContext()->getName().str();
StringRef ModuleInterfaceName;
if (auto IFaceGenRef = Lang.getIFaceGenContexts().find(ModuleName, Invok))
ModuleInterfaceName = IFaceGenRef->getDocumentName();
UIdent Kind = SwiftLangSupport::getUIDForDecl(VD, IsRef);
StringRef Name = StringRef(SS.begin()+NameBegin, NameEnd-NameBegin);
StringRef USR = StringRef(SS.begin()+USRBegin, USREnd-USRBegin);
StringRef TypeName = StringRef(SS.begin()+TypenameBegin,
StringRef TypeUsr = StringRef(SS.begin()+MangledTypeStart,
MangledTypeEnd - MangledTypeStart);
StringRef ContainerTypeUsr = StringRef(SS.begin()+MangledContainerTypeStart,
MangledContainerTypeEnd - MangledContainerTypeStart);
StringRef DocComment = StringRef(SS.begin()+DocCommentBegin,
StringRef AnnotatedDecl = StringRef(SS.begin()+DeclBegin,
StringRef FullyAnnotatedDecl =
StringRef(SS.begin() + FullDeclBegin, FullDeclEnd - FullDeclBegin);
StringRef GroupName = StringRef(SS.begin() + GroupBegin, GroupEnd - GroupBegin);
llvm::Optional<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>> DeclarationLoc;
StringRef Filename;
getLocationInfo(VD, DeclarationLoc, Filename);
if (DeclarationLoc.hasValue()) {
DeclarationLoc = tryRemappingLocToLatestSnapshot(Lang,
if (!DeclarationLoc.hasValue())
return true; // failed to remap.
SmallVector<StringRef, 4> OverUSRs;
for (auto Offs : OverUSROffs) {
SmallVector<StringRef, 4> AnnotatedRelatedDecls;
for (auto Offs : RelDeclOffs) {
AnnotatedRelatedDecls.push_back(StringRef(SS.begin() + Offs.first,
Offs.second - Offs.first));
bool IsSystem = VD->getModuleContext()->isSystemModule();
std::string TypeInterface;
CursorInfo Info;
Info.Kind = Kind;
Info.Name = Name;
Info.USR = USR;
Info.TypeName = TypeName;
Info.TypeUSR = TypeUsr;
Info.ContainerTypeUSR = ContainerTypeUsr;
Info.DocComment = DocComment;
Info.AnnotatedDeclaration = AnnotatedDecl;
Info.FullyAnnotatedDeclaration = FullyAnnotatedDecl;
Info.ModuleName = ModuleName;
Info.ModuleInterfaceName = ModuleInterfaceName;
Info.DeclarationLoc = DeclarationLoc;
Info.Filename = Filename;
Info.OverrideUSRs = OverUSRs;
Info.AnnotatedRelatedDeclarations = AnnotatedRelatedDecls;
Info.GroupName = GroupName;
Info.IsSystem = IsSystem;
Info.TypeInterface = StringRef();
return false;
static void resolveCursor(SwiftLangSupport &Lang,
StringRef InputFile, unsigned Offset,
SwiftInvocationRef Invok,
bool TryExistingAST,
std::function<void(const CursorInfo &)> Receiver) {
class CursorInfoConsumer : public SwiftASTConsumer {
std::string InputFile;
unsigned Offset;
SwiftLangSupport &Lang;
SwiftInvocationRef ASTInvok;
const bool TryExistingAST;
std::function<void(const CursorInfo &)> Receiver;
SmallVector<ImmutableTextSnapshotRef, 4> PreviousASTSnaps;
CursorInfoConsumer(StringRef InputFile, unsigned Offset,
SwiftLangSupport &Lang,
SwiftInvocationRef ASTInvok,
bool TryExistingAST,
std::function<void(const CursorInfo &)> Receiver)
: InputFile(InputFile), Offset(Offset),
Receiver(std::move(Receiver)) { }
bool canUseASTWithSnapshots(
ArrayRef<ImmutableTextSnapshotRef> Snapshots) override {
if (!TryExistingAST) {
LOG_INFO_FUNC(High, "will resolve using up-to-date AST");
return false;
// If there is an existing AST and the offset can be mapped back to the
// document snapshot that was used to create it, then use that AST.
// The downside is that we may return stale information, but we get the
// benefit of increased responsiveness, since the request will not be
// blocked waiting on the AST to be fully typechecked.
ImmutableTextSnapshotRef InputSnap;
if (auto EditorDoc = Lang.getEditorDocuments().findByPath(InputFile))
InputSnap = EditorDoc->getLatestSnapshot();
if (!InputSnap)
return false;
auto mappedBackOffset = [&]()->llvm::Optional<unsigned> {
for (auto &Snap : Snapshots) {
if (Snap->isFromSameBuffer(InputSnap)) {
if (Snap->getStamp() == InputSnap->getStamp())
return Offset;
auto OptOffset = mapOffsetToOlderSnapshot(Offset, InputSnap, Snap);
if (!OptOffset.hasValue())
return None;
// Check that the new and old offset still point to the same token.
StringRef NewTok = getSourceToken(Offset, InputSnap);
if (NewTok.empty())
return None;
if (NewTok == getSourceToken(OptOffset.getValue(), Snap))
return OptOffset;
return None;
return None;
auto OldOffsetOpt = mappedBackOffset();
if (OldOffsetOpt.hasValue()) {
Offset = *OldOffsetOpt;
PreviousASTSnaps.append(Snapshots.begin(), Snapshots.end());
LOG_INFO_FUNC(High, "will try existing AST");
return true;
LOG_INFO_FUNC(High, "will resolve using up-to-date AST");
return false;
void handlePrimaryAST(ASTUnitRef AstUnit) override {
auto &CompIns = AstUnit->getCompilerInstance();
Module *MainModule = CompIns.getMainModule();
unsigned BufferID = AstUnit->getPrimarySourceFile().getBufferID().getValue();
SourceLoc Loc =
Lexer::getLocForStartOfToken(CompIns.getSourceMgr(), BufferID, Offset);
if (Loc.isInvalid()) {
trace::TracedOperation TracedOp;
if (trace::enabled()) {
trace::SwiftInvocation SwiftArgs;
ASTInvok->raw(SwiftArgs.Args.Args, SwiftArgs.Args.PrimaryFile);
trace::initTraceFiles(SwiftArgs, CompIns);
TracedOp.start(trace::OperationKind::CursorInfoForSource, SwiftArgs,
{std::make_pair("Offset", std::to_string(Offset))});
SemaLocResolver Resolver(AstUnit->getPrimarySourceFile());
SemaToken SemaTok = Resolver.resolve(Loc);
if (SemaTok.isInvalid()) {
CompilerInvocation CompInvok;
if (SemaTok.Mod) {
passCursorInfoForModule(SemaTok.Mod, Lang.getIFaceGenContexts(),
CompInvok, Receiver);
} else {
ValueDecl *VD = SemaTok.CtorTyRef ? SemaTok.CtorTyRef : SemaTok.ValueD;
bool Failed = passCursorInfoForDecl(VD, MainModule,
SemaTok.IsRef, BufferID, Lang,
CompInvok, PreviousASTSnaps,
if (Failed) {
if (!PreviousASTSnaps.empty()) {
// Attempt again using the up-to-date AST.
resolveCursor(Lang, InputFile, Offset, ASTInvok,
/*TryExistingAST=*/false, Receiver);
} else {
void cancelled() override {
CursorInfo Info;
Info.IsCancelled = true;
void failed(StringRef Error) override {
LOG_WARN_FUNC("cursor info failed: " << Error);
auto Consumer = std::make_shared<CursorInfoConsumer>(
InputFile, Offset, Lang, Invok, TryExistingAST, Receiver);
/// FIXME: When request cancellation is implemented and Xcode adopts it,
/// don't use 'OncePerASTToken'.
static const char OncePerASTToken = 0;
Lang.getASTManager().processASTAsync(Invok, std::move(Consumer), &OncePerASTToken);
void SwiftLangSupport::getCursorInfo(
StringRef InputFile, unsigned Offset,
ArrayRef<const char *> Args,
std::function<void(const CursorInfo &)> Receiver) {
if (auto IFaceGenRef = IFaceGenContexts.get(InputFile)) {
trace::TracedOperation TracedOp;
if (trace::enabled()) {
trace::SwiftInvocation SwiftArgs;
trace::initTraceInfo(SwiftArgs, InputFile, Args);
// Do we need to record any files? If yes -- which ones?
trace::StringPairs OpArgs {
std::make_pair("DocumentName", IFaceGenRef->getDocumentName()),
std::make_pair("ModuleOrHeaderName", IFaceGenRef->getModuleOrHeaderName()),
std::make_pair("Offset", std::to_string(Offset))};
SwiftArgs, OpArgs);
IFaceGenRef->accessASTAsync([this, IFaceGenRef, Offset, Receiver] {
SwiftInterfaceGenContext::ResolvedEntity Entity;
Entity = IFaceGenRef->resolveEntityForOffset(Offset);
if (Entity.isResolved()) {
CompilerInvocation Invok;
if (Entity.Mod) {
passCursorInfoForModule(Entity.Mod, IFaceGenContexts, Invok,
} else {
// FIXME: Should pass the main module for the interface but currently
// it's not necessary.
Entity.Dcl, /*MainModule*/ nullptr, Type(), Type(), Entity.IsRef,
/*OrigBufferID=*/None, *this, Invok, {}, Receiver);
} else {
std::string Error;
SwiftInvocationRef Invok = ASTMgr->getInvocation(Args, InputFile, Error);
if (!Invok) {
// FIXME: Report it as failed request.
LOG_WARN_FUNC("failed to create an ASTInvocation: " << Error);
resolveCursor(*this, InputFile, Offset, Invok, /*TryExistingAST=*/true,
static void
resolveCursorFromUSR(SwiftLangSupport &Lang, StringRef InputFile, StringRef USR,
SwiftInvocationRef Invok, bool TryExistingAST,
std::function<void(const CursorInfo &)> Receiver) {
class CursorInfoConsumer : public SwiftASTConsumer {
std::string InputFile;
StringRef USR;
SwiftLangSupport &Lang;
SwiftInvocationRef ASTInvok;
const bool TryExistingAST;
std::function<void(const CursorInfo &)> Receiver;
SmallVector<ImmutableTextSnapshotRef, 4> PreviousASTSnaps;
CursorInfoConsumer(StringRef InputFile, StringRef USR,
SwiftLangSupport &Lang, SwiftInvocationRef ASTInvok,
bool TryExistingAST,
std::function<void(const CursorInfo &)> Receiver)
: InputFile(InputFile), USR(USR), Lang(Lang),
ASTInvok(std::move(ASTInvok)), TryExistingAST(TryExistingAST),
Receiver(std::move(Receiver)) {}
bool canUseASTWithSnapshots(
ArrayRef<ImmutableTextSnapshotRef> Snapshots) override {
if (!TryExistingAST) {
LOG_INFO_FUNC(High, "will resolve using up-to-date AST");
return false;
if (!Snapshots.empty()) {
PreviousASTSnaps.append(Snapshots.begin(), Snapshots.end());
LOG_INFO_FUNC(High, "will try existing AST");
return true;
LOG_INFO_FUNC(High, "will resolve using up-to-date AST");
return false;
void handlePrimaryAST(ASTUnitRef AstUnit) override {
auto &CompIns = AstUnit->getCompilerInstance();
Module *MainModule = CompIns.getMainModule();
unsigned BufferID =
trace::TracedOperation TracedOp;
if (trace::enabled()) {
trace::SwiftInvocation SwiftArgs;
ASTInvok->raw(SwiftArgs.Args.Args, SwiftArgs.Args.PrimaryFile);
trace::initTraceFiles(SwiftArgs, CompIns);
TracedOp.start(trace::OperationKind::CursorInfoForSource, SwiftArgs,
{std::make_pair("USR", USR)});
if (USR.startswith("c:")) {
LOG_WARN_FUNC("lookup for C/C++/ObjC USRs not implemented");
auto &context = CompIns.getASTContext();
std::string error;
Decl *D = ide::getDeclFromUSR(context, USR, error);
if (!D) {
CompilerInvocation CompInvok;
if (auto *M = dyn_cast<ModuleDecl>(D)) {
passCursorInfoForModule(M, Lang.getIFaceGenContexts(), CompInvok,
} else if (auto *VD = dyn_cast<ValueDecl>(D)) {
auto *DC = VD->getDeclContext();
Type selfTy;
if (DC->isTypeContext())
selfTy = DC->getSelfTypeInContext();
bool Failed =
passCursorInfoForDecl(VD, MainModule, selfTy, Type(),
/*isRef=*/false, BufferID, Lang, CompInvok,
PreviousASTSnaps, Receiver);
if (Failed) {
if (!PreviousASTSnaps.empty()) {
// Attempt again using the up-to-date AST.
resolveCursorFromUSR(Lang, InputFile, USR, ASTInvok,
/*TryExistingAST=*/false, Receiver);
} else {
void cancelled() override {
CursorInfo Info;
Info.IsCancelled = true;
void failed(StringRef Error) override {
LOG_WARN_FUNC("cursor info failed: " << Error);
auto Consumer = std::make_shared<CursorInfoConsumer>(
InputFile, USR, Lang, Invok, TryExistingAST, Receiver);
/// FIXME: When request cancellation is implemented and Xcode adopts it,
/// don't use 'OncePerASTToken'.
static const char OncePerASTToken = 0;
Lang.getASTManager().processASTAsync(Invok, std::move(Consumer),
void SwiftLangSupport::getCursorInfoFromUSR(
StringRef filename, StringRef USR, ArrayRef<const char *> args,
std::function<void(const CursorInfo &)> receiver) {
if (auto IFaceGenRef = IFaceGenContexts.get(filename)) {
LOG_WARN_FUNC("info from usr for generated interface not implemented yet");
std::string error;
SwiftInvocationRef invok = ASTMgr->getInvocation(args, filename, error);
if (!invok) {
// FIXME: Report it as failed request.
LOG_WARN_FUNC("failed to create an ASTInvocation: " << error);
resolveCursorFromUSR(*this, filename, USR, invok, /*TryExistingAST=*/true,
// SwiftLangSupport::findUSRRange
llvm::Optional<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>>
SwiftLangSupport::findUSRRange(StringRef DocumentName, StringRef USR) {
if (auto IFaceGenRef = IFaceGenContexts.get(DocumentName))
return IFaceGenRef->findUSRRange(USR);
// Only works for a module interface document currently.
// FIXME: Report it as failed request.
return None;
// SwiftLangSupport::findRelatedIdentifiersInFile
namespace {
class RelatedIdScanner : public SourceEntityWalker {
ValueDecl *Dcl;
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>> &Ranges;
SourceManager &SourceMgr;
unsigned BufferID = -1;
bool Cancelled = false;
explicit RelatedIdScanner(SourceFile &SrcFile, unsigned BufferID,
ValueDecl *D,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>> &Ranges)
: Dcl(D), Ranges(Ranges),
BufferID(BufferID) {
bool walkToDeclPre(Decl *D, CharSourceRange Range) override {
if (Cancelled)
return false;
if (D == Dcl)
return passId(Range);
return true;
bool visitDeclReference(ValueDecl *D, CharSourceRange Range,
TypeDecl *CtorTyRef, Type T) override {
if (Cancelled)
return false;
if (CtorTyRef)
D = CtorTyRef;
if (D == Dcl)
return passId(Range);
return true;
bool passId(CharSourceRange Range) {
unsigned Offset = SourceMgr.getLocOffsetInBuffer(Range.getStart(),BufferID);
Ranges.push_back({ Offset, Range.getByteLength() });
return !Cancelled;
void SwiftLangSupport::findRelatedIdentifiersInFile(
StringRef InputFile, unsigned Offset,
ArrayRef<const char *> Args,
std::function<void(const RelatedIdentsInfo &)> Receiver) {
std::string Error;
SwiftInvocationRef Invok = ASTMgr->getInvocation(Args, InputFile, Error);
if (!Invok) {
// FIXME: Report it as failed request.
LOG_WARN_FUNC("failed to create an ASTInvocation: " << Error);
class RelatedIdConsumer : public SwiftASTConsumer {
unsigned Offset;
std::function<void(const RelatedIdentsInfo &)> Receiver;
SwiftInvocationRef Invok;
RelatedIdConsumer(unsigned Offset,
std::function<void(const RelatedIdentsInfo &)> Receiver,
SwiftInvocationRef Invok)
: Offset(Offset), Receiver(std::move(Receiver)), Invok(Invok) { }
void handlePrimaryAST(ASTUnitRef AstUnit) override {
auto &CompInst = AstUnit->getCompilerInstance();
auto &SrcFile = AstUnit->getPrimarySourceFile();
trace::TracedOperation TracedOp;
SmallVector<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>, 8> Ranges;
auto Action = [&]() {
if (trace::enabled()) {
trace::SwiftInvocation SwiftArgs;
Invok->raw(SwiftArgs.Args.Args, SwiftArgs.Args.PrimaryFile);
trace::initTraceFiles(SwiftArgs, CompInst);
TracedOp.start(trace::OperationKind::RelatedIdents, SwiftArgs,
{std::make_pair("Offset", std::to_string(Offset))});
unsigned BufferID = SrcFile.getBufferID().getValue();
SourceLoc Loc =
Lexer::getLocForStartOfToken(CompInst.getSourceMgr(), BufferID, Offset);
if (Loc.isInvalid())
SemaLocResolver Resolver(SrcFile);
SemaToken SemaTok = Resolver.resolve(Loc);
if (SemaTok.isInvalid())
if (SemaTok.IsKeywordArgument)
ValueDecl *VD = SemaTok.CtorTyRef ? SemaTok.CtorTyRef : SemaTok.ValueD;
if (!VD)
return; // This was a module reference.
// Only accept pointing to an identifier.
if (!SemaTok.IsRef &&
(isa<ConstructorDecl>(VD) ||
isa<DestructorDecl>(VD) ||
if (VD->getName().isOperator())
RelatedIdScanner Scanner(SrcFile, BufferID, VD, Ranges);
if (DeclContext *LocalDC = VD->getDeclContext()->getLocalContext()) {
} else {
RelatedIdentsInfo Info;
Info.Ranges = Ranges;
void cancelled() override {
RelatedIdentsInfo Info;
Info.IsCancelled = true;
void failed(StringRef Error) override {
LOG_WARN_FUNC("related idents failed: " << Error);
auto Consumer = std::make_shared<RelatedIdConsumer>(Offset, Receiver, Invok);
/// FIXME: When request cancellation is implemented and Xcode adopts it,
/// don't use 'OncePerASTToken'.
static const char OncePerASTToken = 0;
ASTMgr->processASTAsync(Invok, std::move(Consumer), &OncePerASTToken);